Cook Inlet Oceanographic Citations from AIROCEAN ProCite

Cook Inlet Oceanographic Citations from AIROCEAN ProCite Database –extracted 12/7/09
Abookire, A. 1995. Marine Geology and Sediment Distribution of Cook Inlet, Alaska, with Emphasis on Lower
Cook Inlet. from Cook Inlet Keeper.
Abookire, A. A., and B. L. Norcross. 1997. Juvenile Flatfish Habitat in Kachemak Bay. Abstract in The Cook Inlet
Symposium, p. 1Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
———. Submitted. Depth and Substrate as Determinants of Distribution of Juvenile Flathead Sole (Hippoglossoides
elassodon) and Rock Sole (Pleuronectes bilineatus) in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Netherlands Journal of Sea
Abookire, A. A. Piatt J. F., and B. L. Norcross. 2001. Juvenile Groundfish Habitat in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, during
Late Summer. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 8, no. 1: 45-56.
Abstract: Kachemak Bay/groundfish habitat
Administrative Law Judge. 2002. Proposed Regulation Governing the Taking of Cook Inlet, Alaska, Beluga Whales
by Alaska Natives., USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Seattle, WA.
Agler, B. A., S. J. Kendall, and D. B. Irons. 1998. Abundance and Distribution of Marbled and Kittlitz's Murrelets in
South Central and Southeast Alaska. Condor 100, no. 2: 254-65.
Abstract: We used small boats to survey Marbled, Brachyramphus marmoratus, and Kittlitz's Murrelets, B.
brevirostris (Brachyramphus murrelets) in Lower Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, and Southeast Alaska.
We estimated (+/-95% CI) that there were 58,227 +/- 16,058 (4.2 birds km(-2) murrelets in Lower Cook
Inlet in summer and 11,627 +/- 7,410 (3.1 birds km(-2) murrelets in the eastern half during winter. We
estimated a mean of 113,652 +/- 25,900 (12.7 birds km(-2))murrelets in Prince William Sound in four
summers and a mean of 24,979 +/- 11,710 (2.8 birds km(-2)) murrelets in four winters. An estimated
687,061 +/- 201,162 (19.4 birds km(-2)) murrelets were in Southeast Alaska in summer 1994. The summer
population of all three areas was estimated to be between 655,482 and 1,062,398 murrelets. Winter
abundance for the eastern portion of Lower Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound ranged from 22,646 to
50,164. Brachyramphus murrelets were distributed in low densities throughout each of the three study
areas, although abundance was not uniform; there were areas of high densities within each study area. The
largest densities were found in Southeast Alaska.
Agler B. A., S. J. Kendall, P. E. Seiser, and D. B. Irons. 1994. Population Estimates of Marine Bird and Sea Otter
Populations in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska during June 1993, Draft Report. USDOI, FWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1995. Estimates of Marine Bird and Sea Otter Population Abundance in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, During
Summer 1993 and Winter 1994, USDOI, FWS, Anchorage, AK.
Agler B. A., S. J. Kendall, P. E. Seiser, and D. B. Irons. 1995. Monitoring Seabird Population in Areas of Oil and
Gas Development on the Alaskan Continental Shelf: Estimates of Marine Bird and Sea Otter Population
Abundance in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, During Summer 1993 and Winter 1994. , USDOI, Fish and
Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK.
Alaska Geographic Data Committee. updated website. Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse.
Abstract: In October 1990, the Office of Management and Budget issued a revised Circular A-16,
"Coordination of Surveying, Mapping, and Related Spatial Data Activities." The goals of the Circular are
to develop a national digital geographic information resource, to reduce duplication, to reduce the expense
of developing geographic data, and to increase the benefits of using available data by ensuring coordination
of Federal agency geographic data activities.
The Circular assigns to Federal agencies the responsibilities of leading coordination activities for 10
categories of data. These categories form the data foundation for many applications. Agency
responsibilities include providing government-wide leadership in developing data standards, assisting
information and data exchange, and coordinating data collection.
The Circular also establishes an interagency committee, the Federal Geographic Data Committee, to
promote the coordinated development, use, sharing, and dissemination of geographic data. The committee
also oversees and provides policy guidance for agency efforts to coordinate data categories.
Statewide leadership will be provided by the Alaska Geographic Data Committee for surveying, mapping,
and related spatial data coordination. The member agencies identified below will provide leadership to
coordinate this effort, including the facilitation of exchange of information and transfer of data; and the
coordination of the collection of spatial data to minimize duplication of effort where practical and
The purpose of the Alaska Geographic Data Committee is to provide a forum for:
1) Coordination of spatial data development projects;
2) Development of coordinated methodologies for implementing standards and policies; and
3) Review and response to Federal Geographic Data Committee initiatives.
Alaska Natural Heritage Program. 1998. Status Report on the Kittlitz's Murrelet (Brachyramphus brevirostris) in
Alaska., Unpublished Report as reported from the Heritage web site <>. University of Alaska, Anchorage, The Alaska
Natural Heritage Program, Anchorage, AK.
Alaska Oceans Network. " Alaska Oceans Network." Web page. Available at
Abstract: This web site has links to information of fisheries and fisheries bycatch, current events, marine
stewardship, and other topics.
Alaska Oil and Gas Association. 1990. Comments on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Oil and Gas Extraction
Point Source Category, Coastal and Stripper Subcategories: Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New
Source Performance Standards; Request for Comments., AOGA, Anchorage, AK.
Alaska Report. 1992c. Cook Inlet Basin Offshore. Alaska Report 38, no. (14): 3.
Alaska Resource Library. 1989. Oil Spill Bibiliographies: Prince William Sound; Kenai Peninsula and Cook Inlet.
Exxon Valdez files.
Alaska Sealife Center. " Alaska Sealife Center." Web page. Available at
Abstract: This web site list publications arising from research at the Alaska Sealife Center. In addition
there is a link to databases for Steller sea lion and eiders that can be searched by title or author. Other links
lead to sites for various organizations including USFWS, NMFS, ADF&G, and others.
1997. EPA News Release 97-39 [EPA Cook Inlet Subsistence Foods Study], R. Albright. United States, EPA,
Region 10, Anchorage, AK.
1998. EPA News Release 98-50 [EPA Cook Inlet Subsistence Foods Study], R. Albright. United States, EPA,
Region 10, Anchorage, AK.
Allen, M. 1983. FT061 Trace Elements in Water Column from surface to 1 meter. Arctic Environmental Information
and Data Center.
Allendorf, F. W., and L. W. Seeb. 2000. Concordance of Genetic Divergence Among Sockeye Salmon Populations
at Allozyme, Nuclear DNA, and Mitochondrial Dna Markers. Evolution 54, no. 2: 640-651.
Abstract: We examined genetic variation at 21 polymorphic allozyme loci, 15 nuclear DNA loci, and
mitochondrial DNA in four spawning populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from Cook
Inlet, Alaska, to test for differences in the patterns of divergence among different types of markers. We
were specifically interested in testing the suggestion that natural selection at allozyme loci compromises the
effectiveness of these markers for describing the amount and patterns of gene how among populations. We
found concordance among markers in the amount of genetic variation within and among populations, with
the striking exception of one allozyme locus (sAH), which exhibited more than three times the amount of
among-population differentiation as other loci. A consideration of reports of discordance between
allozymes and other loci indicates that these differences usually result from one or two exceptional loci.
We conclude that it is important to examine many loci when estimating genetic differentiation to infer
historical amounts of gene flow and patterns of genetic exchange among populations. It is less important
whether those loci are allozymes or nuclear DNA markers.
American Petroleum Institute. 1980. Proceedings of a Symposium: Research on Environmental Fate and Effects of
Drilling Fluids and CuttingsWashington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.
Anchorage Times. 1989. Homer Has Waste Woe. Anchorage Times, sec. B, p. B-3.
Anderson, J. W. 1996. Final Report for 1996 on the P450 Reporter Gene System Assay Results for Testing of
Extracts of Sediments and Bivalve Tissue Collected from Cook Inlet, Alaska, RFP# 95-014E68. Cook Inlet
Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
Arend, M., M. Schantz, and B. Koster. 1995. Analysis of Beluga Whale Blubber Samples from Cook Inlet, AK for
PCB Congeners and Chlorinated Pesticides, 839.02-96-008. United States DOC, NIST, Chemical Science
and Technology Laboratory, Analytical Chemistry Division, Gaithersburg, MD.
Arthur D. Little. 1993. Design and Implementation of a Prototype Environmental Sampling Program for Cook Inlet,
Alaska, Reference 1-3779. Prepared for the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
———. 1993. Project Plan for the Cook Inlet Pilot Monitoring Study, Prepared for the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens
Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
Arthur D. Little, and EVS Environmental Consultants. 1999. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of the Shelikof
Strait and Outermost Cook Inlet: Sediment Profile Imaging Report, OCS Study, MMS 99-0003. USDOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Associated Press. 12 December 1996. Study of Inlet Sediment Will Check for Pollution. Anchorage Daily News,
sec. D, p. 4.
———. 14 May 1997. Critics Fear Bias in Pollution Study. Anchorage Daily News, sec. B, p. 2.
———. 18 September 1997. Seeping Fuel Now Blamed on Old Spill. Anchorage Daily News, sec. E, col. 1-2 p. E2.
Associated Presss. 21 September 1998. Scientists Find Little Risk from Cook Inlet Drilling. Kodiak Daily Mirror.
Atlas, R. M., and R. P. Griffiths. 1986. Microbiology . In The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological
Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 221-46. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage,
AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Atlas, R. M., M. I. Venkatesan, I. R. Kaplan, R. A. Feely, R. P. Griffiths, and R. Y. Morita. 1983. Distribution of
Hydrocarbons and Microbial Populations Related to Sedimentation Processes in Lower Cook Inlet and
Norton Sound, Alaska. Arctic 36, no. 3: 251-61.
Atwater, B. F., D. K. Yamaguchi, S. Bondevik, W. A. Barnhardt, L. J. Amidon, B. E. Benson, G. Skjerdal, J. A.
Shulene, and F. Nanayama. 2001. Rapid Resetting of an Estuarine Recorder of the 1964 Alaska
Earthquake. Geological Society of America Bulletin 113, no. 9: 1193-204.
Abstract: Tides and plants have already restored much of a landscape that the 1964 Alaska earthquake
destroyed. At the head of a macrotidal estuary near Anchorage, in the vicinity of Portage, subsidence
during the earthquake changed meadows, thickets, and spruce groves into barren tidal flats. Tidal-flat silt
and sand soon buried the pre-earthquake landscape while filling intertidal space that the subsidence had
made. The flats supported new meadows and thickets by 1973 and new spruce by 1980. Three new
findings confirm that the flats aggraded rapidly and that their vegetation is maturing. (1) Most of the
postearthquake deposits at Portage date from the first decade after the 1964 earthquake. Their thickness of
23 sites in a 0.5 km(2) area was 1.4 +/- 0.2 m in 1973, 1.6 +/- 0.2 m in 1991, and 1.6 +/- 0.3 rn in 1998. (2)
Many of the deposits probably date from the first months after the earthquake. The deposits contain
sedimentary couplets in which coarse silt or very fine sand is capped by fine or medium silt. About 100
such couplets make up the lowest 0.5 m or more of the postearthquake deposits in two outcrops. These
couplets thicken and thin rhythmically, both as groups of 5-20 couplets and as pairs of successive couplets.
Probably, the groups of thick couplets represent the highest tides, the groups of thin couplets represent
some of the lesser high tides, and the pairs record inequality between twice-daily high tides. (3) In the
1980s and 1990s, thickets expanded and spruce multiplied. The vegetation now resembles the fossil
assemblage rooted in the buried landscape from 1964. Had the 1964 Alaska earthquake been repeated a
decade later, the two earthquakes would now be recorded by two superposed, buried landscapes near
Portage. Much more than a decade is probably needed to reset similar recorders at mesotidal estuaries of
the Cascadia subduction zone.
Babcock, M. M., G. V. Irvine, P. M. Harris, J. A. Cusick, and S. D. Rice. 1996. Persistence of Oiling in Mussel
Beds Three and Four Years after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 286-97. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD:
American Fisheries Society.
Bailey, E. P. 1976. Breeding Bird Distribution and Abundance in the Barren Islands, Alaska. Murrelet 57: 2-12.
Bailey, E. P., and N. H. Faust. 1982. Summer Distribution and Abundance of Marine Birds and Mammals of the
Coast of Alaska Peninsula between Amber and Kamishak Bays, Unpublished Report. USDOI, FWS,
Anchorage, AK.
Bailey, K. M. 2000. Shifting Control of Recruitment of Walleye Pollock Theragra Chalcogramma After a Major
Climatic and Ecosystem Change. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 198: 215-24.
Abstract: The critical stage in the life history of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma at which
recruitment is largely determined has shifted in the Gulf of Alaska population. This change follows a
major environmental regime-shift in the late 1970s and subsequent dominance of the ecosystem by longlived predatory flatfishes and cod. An exploratory life table of data on stage-specific abundances was
constructed to analyze decadal-scale changes in population demographics. Prior to the mid-1980s,
recruitment was correlated with larval mortality, which was largely influenced by environmental
conditions. After the mid-1980s, the larval mortality/recruitment relationship eroded, and there was a trend
for greater juvenile mortality coinciding with an increase in the abundance of predatory flatfishes and cod.
Control of recruitment appears to have shifted in recent years from environmental effects on larvae to
biological control of juveniles. Ecosystem change and regime status need to be considered when
evaluating mechanisms underlying fish-population dynamics.
Bailey, K. M., N. A. Bond, and P. J. Stabeno. 1999. Anomalous Transport of Walleye Pollock Larvae Linked to
Ocean and Atmospheric Patterns in May 1996. Fisheries Oceanography 8, no. 4: 264-73.
Abstract: Larvae from a large aggregation of walleye pollock spawning in early spring in Shelikof Strait,
Gulf of Alaska, are normally transported to the south-west in the vigorous Alaska Coastal Current. In the
spring of 1996, anomalous winds resulted in unusually weak transport in the Shelikof Strait sea valley. The
main aggregation of larval pollock in the Shelikof region was surveyed four times in 1996 over a period of
about 40 days, including finer-scale sampling of the leading south-western edge of the larval distribution.
The south-western edge of the larval distribution showed weak transport up the sea valley for a period of
about 10 days, corresponding to the observations of currents, after which many larvae were transported
over the shelf region to the west. These observations are unique in over 15 years of monitoring larval
transport patterns and demonstrate how anomalous weather, and hence current patterns, influence
variability in larval transport.
Bailey, K. M., Richard D. Brodeur, and Anne B. Hollowed. 1996. Cohort Survival Patterns of Walleye Pollock,
Theragra Chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: a Critical Factor Analysis. Fisheries Oceanography 5:
Abstract: A series of age-specific life tables for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the western
Gulf of Alaska was compiled for the 1980-91 year classes. The life tables were utilized to perform an
exploratory key factor analysis to examine the timing of critical periods in the recruitment process,
evidence of density-dependence at different stages and trends in mortality rates. Early larval mortality was
significantly correlated with generational mortality (In recruits/spawning biomass), but patterns in juvenile
mortality also were similar to generational mortality and in some years were clearly dominant in
determining the fate of a cohort. Density-dependent mortality, based on the correlation between mortality
and initial abundance, was indicated only for the late larval to early juvenile stage. Time trends were
marginally significant for juvenile mortality. It is speculated that the observed increase in juvenile mortality
is associated with increasing abundance of arrowtooth flounder. Weaknesses in the data base are discussed;
these along with the short time series involved make our conclusions tentative and subject to further study.
We hypothesize that pollock recruitment levels can be established at any life stage depending on sufficient
supply from prior stages, a type of dynamics which can be termed supply dependent multiple life stage
Bailey, K. M., M. F. Canino, J. M. Napp, S. M. Spring, and A. L. Brown. 1995. Contrasting Years of Prey Levels,
Feeding Conditions and Mortality of Larval Walleye Pollock Theragra-Chalcogramma in the Western Gulf
of Alaska. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 119, no. 1-3: 11-23.
Abstract: Walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, spawn in an area with strong interannual
differences in the oceanic environment. Feeding conditions and mortality of walleye pollock larvae in
Shelikof Strait were compared in 2 consecutive years of markedly contrasting oceanographic conditions. In
1990, winds were relatively calm, and a large eddy was formed in the lower portion of the strait; walleye
pollock larvae were found concentrated in this eddy feature. In 1991, winds were very strong and sea
surface temperatures were anomalously cold. Flow through the Shelikof region was strong in that year, and
larvae were sparse. In 1990, copepod naupliar abundance was high throughout the study area. There were
no geographic differences in feeding intensity of larvae, RNA content or larval growth. In 1991 the major
differences occurred between inshore and offshore stations. Comparing conditions in 1990 and 1991,
naupliar abundance, larval feeding intensity, RNA content and length-at-age were all low in the stormy
conditions of 1991. In 1991 estimated mortality was significantly higher than that measured in 1990,
although part of the loss could have been due to strong advection out of the area. Survival of expatriated
larvae is discussed in Light of very low juvenile abundances in 1991. This study shows the dramatic effect
of environmental conditions on early larval survival rates.
Bailey, K. M., and S. A. Macklin. 1994. Analysis of Patterns in Larval Walleye Pollock Theragra-Chalcogramma
Survival and Wind Mixing Events in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 113,
no. 1-2: 1-12.
Abstract: This study examines the possibility that wind mixing in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, is a
critical factor for larvae of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. The abundances of walleye pollock
larvae hatched on a given day and surviving through the early feeding stage were determined by in situ
sampling and otolith analysis for 1983 and 1985 to 1991. Periods of anomalously low or high larval
survival were determined by comparing observed first-feeding date distributions of survivors sampled in
late May surveys with expected first-feeding date distributions from a model utilizing information on
spawning time and abundance, measured egg mortality, assumed larval mortality, and survey date. The
cube of the wind speed represented daily estimates of mixing for the same years; wind speeds were
determined from gridded sea-level pressure data using a geotriptic wind model. When the resulting daily
distributions of larval abundance and mixing were compared, 2 patterns emerged: (1) strong wind mixing
events during the first-feeding period were associated with periods of lower than expected larval survival,
and (2) periods of higher than expected larval survival were associated with calm with periods often
bracketed by strong mixing. The results indicate that over the 8 yr of observation strong mixing events
during the first-feeding period were detrimental to survival of pollock larvae.
Bailey, K. M., S. Allen Macklin, R. K. Reed, R. D. Brodeur, W. J. Ingraham, J. F. Piatt, M. Shima, R. C. Francis, P.
J. Anderson, T. C. Royer, A. B. Hollowed, D. A. Somerton, and W. S. Wooster. 1995. "ENSO Events in
the Northern Gulf of Alaska, and Effects on Selected Marine Fisheries." California Cooperative Oceanic
Fisheries Investigations Reports, Marine Research Committee, Sacramento, California.
Abstract: The 1991-93 El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event first appeared in the northern Gulf of
Alaska in autumn 1991 with warm sea-surface temperatures. In winter 1992, there were pulses of
increased sea level and anomalous circulation. El Nino conditions persisted at least through summer 1993.
The effects of this ENSO event on major groundfish species and Pacific herring in the northern Gulf of
Alaska were examined and compared with the effects of previous ENSO events. There is little evidence
that the 1991-93 or 1982-83 ENSO events affected landings of walleye pollock, Pacific cod, Pacific
halibut, or arrowtooth flounder. Some changes in distribution of groundfish species were observed in 1993,
but the effect was similar to changes observed in non-ENSO warm years. In general, warm ocean
conditions have a positive effect on recruitment of northern stocks, but ENSO events appear to have an
inconsistent effect on year-class strength within species and among different species. For example, strong
year classes of halibut and arrowtooth flounder sometimes, but not always, coincide with ENSO events;
ENSO events are associated with moderate to weak year classes of cod and pollock. However, post-ENSO
warm years often are associated with strong recruitment of many groundfish species. Major changes have
occurred in the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem since 1977. The influence of the 1976 ENSO event in
precipitating these changes and the role of the frequency or strength of subsequent El Nino events is
presently unknown. Herring and other stocks of small pelagic fishes may be more affected by ENSO
events. In particular, decreased catches, recruitment, and weight-at-age of herring are sometimes
associated with ENSO events. Furthermore, a variety of seabirds which feed mostly on pelagic forage
fishes or the pelagic juvenile stages of groundfish suffered widespread mortalities and breeding failures in
the Gulf of Alaska during the ENSO years of 1983 and 1993. These effects on seabirds were also observed
over a wider geographic range, from California to the western Bering Sea.
Bailey, K. M., Susan J. Picquelle, and S. M. Spring. 1996. Mortality of Larval Walleye Pollock Theragra
Chalcogramma in the Western Gulf of Alaska, 1988-91. Fisheries Oceanography 5: 124-36.
Abstract: Mortality rates of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma were estimated from larval
survey data from 1988 to 1991. Mortality estimates were based on cohort-specific losses between
occupations of survey grids. Interannually, estimates of early feeding stage larval mortality rates ranged
over an order of magnitude, from 0.045-0.43 day(-1), and declined sharply with age. There is some
evidence that mortality rates of early feeding larvae tend to be negatively correlated with temperature and
postively correlated with wind mixing.
Bailey, K. M., P. J. Stabeno, and D. A. Powers. 1997. The Role of Larval Retention and Transport Features in
Mortality and Potential Gene Flow of Walleye Pollock. Journal of Fish Biology 51: 135-54.
Abstract: This paper reviews the physical oceanography in the range of walleye pollock that influences
transport and mortality of eggs and larvae, and summarizes the current status of stock structure studies of
pollock. A synthesis is presented that links the genetic stock structure and the potential for gene how due
to transport. In the eastern North Pacific Ocean, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma consistently
spawn in several locations, with the major deposition of planktonic eggs in Shelikof Strait in the Gulf of
Alaska and in the eastern Bering Sea, near Unimak Pass. In the Gulf of Alaska, eddies are common
features where pollock larvae tend to be concentrated; eddies in the region of Shelikof Strait retain larvae in
the region, where they are protected from transport offshore in the Alaska Coastal Current (ACC). The
ACC is vigorous in Shelikof Strait (20-50 cm s(-1)), but in the downstream region along the Alaska
Peninsula it hows over the continental shelf and is more sluggish (10 cm s(-1)). There is equivocal
information on the condition and mortality of larvae inside and outside eddies; there may be seasonal and
interannual differences in the direct role of eddies on larval mortality. In some years with extremely high
storm activity, resulting in a very energetic ACC, eddies are less prevalent and pollock larvae are swept
offshore into the swift flowing Alaskan Stream (50-100 cm s(-1)). In the Alaskan Stream the nutritional
condition and growth of larvae is poor, leading to high mortality. Satellite-tracked drifter trajectories
indicate that Alaskan Stream water can enter the Bering Sea through deep Aleutian passes, the nearest
(easternmost) being Amutka Pass. Larvae surviving in the Alaskan Stream and carried into the Bering Sea
through Amutka Pass would find themselves in the Aleutian Basin, where feeding conditions are poor and
where larval mortality has been high. Therefore, geographical barriers (such as the Alaska Peninsula and
shallow sills at passes between the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea), retention features, and high mortality
rates of vagrants are likely to impede gene flow due to larval drift between the Gulf of Alaska and eastern
Bering Sea. Recent findings using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mtDNA
variation, further supported by differences in nuclear DNA microsatellite loci, indicate distinct genetic
stocks in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Within the Bering Sea, several geographically separate
pollock spawning grounds result in larvae occupying a variety of basin, slope and shelf habitats. Larvae
can be concentrated in eddies in slope waters, but on the eastern Bering Sea shelf eddies are uncommon and
a persistent mean northwestward flow exists along the 100-m isobath. Thus, the potential for gene flow
through larval drift is much higher. Genetically distinct stocks have not been identified in the eastern
Bering Sea, although there is some evidence for their existence.
Baker, J. A., S. A. Foster, and M. A. Bell. 1995. Armor Morphology and Reproductive Output in Threespine
Stickleback, Gasterosteus-Aculeatus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 44, no. 1-3 : 225-33.
Abstract: The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, is an extensively armored fish inhabiting
both marine and fresh waters across its holarctic distribution. Marine fish nearly always possess a full
complement of bony lateral plates running from just behind the head to the tail, and a robust pelvic girdle
complex. These armor features appear to constrain lateral and ventral abdominal distention, and therefore
clutch volume. Freshwater populations in many areas exhibit variable reduction in lateral plate number,
and in some regions the pelvic girdle is also reduced or lost. Fresh-water populations also vary in the
degree of abdominal distention exhibited by gravid females. We tested whether reduction in armoring
might be correlated with increased clutch volume using five populations from the Cook Inlet area of
Alaska. The hypothesis that populations having reduced pelvic girdle complexes would have greater sizeadjusted clutch volumes was not supported. In fact, our two full-pelvic populations as a group had larger
volumes. Similarly, size-adjusted clutch volumes were not related to pelvic phenotype within either of our
two pelvic-reduced populations, nor to lateral plate morph within a fifth population. Other factors that may
explain the interpopulation differences in clutch volume in threespine stickleback include body shape, food
quantity and quality, intensity of predation, and even behavior. Except for a preliminary analysis of body
shape, these possibilities remain unexplored. The concept of phenotypic integration suggests that these
factors should be analyzed as a suite rather than individually.
Baker, J. A., S. A. Foster, D. C. Heins, M. A. Bell, and R. W. King. 1998. Variation in Female Life-History Traits
Among Alaskan Populations of the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus Aculeatus L. (Pisces :
Gasterosteidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 63, no. 1: 141-59.
Abstract: Life-history characteristics of female threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were
examined in 12 populations, 11 freshwater and one anadromous, within the Cook Inlet region of Alaska.
Because this area has been deglaciated during the last 20 000 years, the freshwater populations are recently
derived, probably independently, from the local marine or anadromous stickleback. Freshwater threespine
stickleback have undergone considerable morphological evolution within this region, apparently in
response to environmental factors including predatory regimes and environmental productivity. Our
freshwater study populations were selected to sample this range of morphological variation in order to
determine whether life-history traits and morphologies have followed similar evolutionary trajectories.
Freshwater populations could be categorized generally into one of three ecomorphotypes: those inhabiting
relatively productive lakes having one or more piscivorous fishes present, and in which the stickleback
exhibit a fully developed pelvic girdle; those inhabiting low-calcium lakes that lack piscivorous fishes, and
in which the pelvic structures are incomplete; those living in streams with piscivorous fishes, in which the
stickleback have fully developed pelvic girdles. The anadromous population constituted a fourth
ecomorphotype that lives in marine waters, and is robustly armored. The freshwater populations showed
considerable variation in all life-history traits assessed, and this variation generally corresponded to our
ecomorphological classifications. Nevertheless; within each ecomorphotype there was sufficient variation
to suggest that morphological and life-history traits may not always respond in the same manner in
response to the same selective regime.
Baker, T. 1996. Letter dated Apr. 10, 1996, to T. Baker, State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of
Commercial Fisheries Management and Development from L. Bennett; subject: request for information
frojm F/S 13 - effects of hydrocarbons on bivalves..
Bakus, G. J., M. Orys, and J. D. Hendrick. 1979. The Marine Biology and Oceanography of the Anchorage Region,
Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. Astarte 12, no. 1: 13-20.
Barr, L. 1970. Diel Vertical Migrations of Pandulus borealis in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Journal of the Fisheries
Research Board Canada 27: 669-76.
Barrett, D. `. Alaska Fish Contaminants, State of AK DEC, Alaska.
Bartsch-Winkler, S. 1985. Physiography, Texture, and Bedforms during June-July 1981 in Turnagin Arm Estuary
and Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, USDOI, Geological Survey..
Bartsch-Winkler, S., and A. T. Ovenshine. 1984. Macrotidal Subarctic Environment of Turnagain and Knik Arms,
Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: Sedimentology of the Intertidal Zone. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 54, no.
4: 1221-38.
Bartsch-Winkler, S., and H. R. Schmoll. 1992. Utility of Radiocarbon-Dated Stratigraphy in Determining Late
Holocene Earthquake Recurrence Intervals, Upper Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. Geological Society of
America Bulletin 104, no. 6: 684-94.
Abstract: During the great 1964 earthquake, parts of coastal southern Alaska subsided tectonically as much
as 2 m, and this led to burial of high-intertidal organic-rich marshes by low-intertidal and tidal silt. In the
tectonically active part of upper Cook Inlet, the presence of stratigraphic sections containing numerous
prehistoric interbedded layers of peat and silt suggests that such stratigraphy resulted when marshes and
forests were similarly inundated and buried by intertidal and tidal sediment as a result of great, prehistoric
earthquakes. This study tests the feasibility of using buried, radiocarbon-dated, late Holocene peat layers
that are exposed in the intertidal zone of upper Cook Inlet to determine earthquake recurrence intervals,
because estimates of the recurrence intervals of past earthquakes are needed for evaluation of the potential
for future earthquakes. In a reconnaissance study of interbedded peat and silt, 65 conventional radiocarbon
dates from peat and other organic material in 25 measured sections in the intertidal zone and one drillhole
were used. Radiocarbon ages from the tops of peat beds cluster weakly but may indicate that regional
subsidence events recurred at irregular intervals between about 200 to 800 radiocarbon yr within the past
3,200 radiocarbon yr. Conversion to calibrated ages does not alter this range substantially but may extend
both ends of the age range. Coeval and correlative stratigraphy and radiocarbon data in the buried peat
layers of upper Cook Inlet strongly suggest sudden, subsidence-induced layering. Because of problems
associated with conventional radiocarbon dating, the complex stratigraphy of the study area, the tectonic
setting, and regional changes in sea level, conclusions from the study do not permit precise identification of
the timing and recurrence of paleoseismic events.
Bechtol, W. R. 1998. A bottom trawl survey for crabs in the Southern, Kamishak, and Barren Islands Districts of the
Cook Inlet Management Area, 20-23 June and 17-20 August 1996. W. R. Bechtol. Regional Information
Report 2A98-04. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries Management
and Development, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
1999. A bottom trawl survey for crabs and groundfish in the Southern, Kamishak, and Barren Islands Districts of
the Cook Inlet Management Area, 8-12 June and 26 June 1 July 1997. W. R. Bechtol. Regional
Information Report 2A00-21. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2000. A bottom trawl survey for crabs and groundfish in the Southern, Kamishak, and Barren Islands Districts of
the Cook Inlet Management Area, 16-30 June and 13-20 August 1998. W. R. Bechtol. Regional
Information Report 2A00-24. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2000. Preliminary evaluation of multiple data sources in an age-structured model for weathervane scallops in
Kamishak Bay, Alaska, W. R. Bechtol. Regional Information Report 2A00-03. Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2001. A bottom trawl survey for crabs and groundfish in the Southern, Kamishak, and Barren Islands Districts of
the Cook Inlet Management Area, 19-23 July and 16-23 August 1999., W. R. Bechtol. Regional
Information Report 2A01-05. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2000. Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Plan
Amendment #60 to the Fishery Management Plan for the groundfish fishery of the Gulf of Alaska to
prohibit non-pelagic trawl gear in Cook Inlet. W. R. Bechtol, J. DiCosimo, and L. K. Brannian. North
Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
Bechtol, W. R., and R. L. Gustafson. 1998. Abundance, recruitment, and mortality of Pacific littleneck clams
Protothaca staminea at Chugachik Island, Alaska. Journal of Shellfish Research 17, no. 4: 1003-8.
Abstract: need abstract
2000. Abundance and biomass of weathervane scallops in Kamishak Bay, Alaska, 1996., W. R. Bechtol, and R. L.
Gustafson. Regional Information Report 2A99-14. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2002. A survey of weathervane scallops in Kamishak Bay, Alaska, 1998 and 1999, W. R. Bechtol, and R. L.
Gustafson. Regional Information Report 2A02-21 . Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2003. A survey of weathervane scallops in Kamishak Bay, Alaska, 2001, W. R. Bechtol, R. L. Gustafson, and J. L.
Cope. Regional Information Report 2A03-31. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
1999. Tanner and king crabs in the Cook Inlet Management Area: stock status and harvest strategies., W. R.
Bechtol, and C. E. Trowbridge. Regional Information Report 2A99-15. Alaska Department of Fish and
Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Homer, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2002. Tanner and king crabs in the Cook Inlet Management Area: stock status and harvest strategies, W. R.
Bechtol, C. E. Trowbridge, and N. Szarzi. Regional Information Report 2A02-07. Alaska Department of
Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries.
Abstract: need abstract
Becker, P. R. 1996. An Update on Analyses of Blubber Tissues Collected from Beluga Whales from Cook Inlet: A
Summary of Results from DFO Canada (Derek Muir) for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), DDT,
Toxaphene, Chlordane, Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and Dieldrin. e-mail report.
2000. Persistent Chlorinated Compounds and Elements in Tissues of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales, Delphinapterus
leucas, Banked by the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project, P. R. Becker. 6/30 draft. NIST.
Becker, P. R., M. M. Krahn, E. A. Mackey, R. Demiralp, M. M. Schantz, M. S. Epstein, M. K. Donais, B. J. Porter,
D. C. G. Muir, and S. A. Wise. 2000. Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's), Chlorinated
Pesticides, and Heavy Metals and Other Elements in Tissues of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, from Cook
Inlet, Alaska. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 81-98.
Becker, P. R., E. A. Mackey, R. Demiralp, R. Suydam, G. Early, B. J. Koster, and S. A. Wise. 1995. Relationship of
Silver to Selenium and Mercury in the Liver Tissue of Two Species of Toothed Whales (odontocetes).
Marine Pollution Bulletin 30: 262-71.
Abstract: Liver specimens archived in the Natoinal Biomonitoring Specimen Bank from beluga whales,
Delphinapterus leucas, and from Alaska and pilot whales, Globicephala melas, from the North Atlantic
wre anlayzed for silver, selenium and total mercury. Silver concentrations in beluga whales were one to
three orders of magnitude hgher than the concentrations in pilot whales and those reported elsewhere fro
other marine mammals. The concentrations of silver in the livers of beluga whales were the same or in
some instances higher than the concentrations of selenium or mercury. Like mercury, silver was positively
correlated with selenium in both pilot and beluga whales. This suggests a possible role for selenium in the
accumulation and stroage of silver in both species of whales, and raises questions about the potential for
silver at such high concentrations to affect radical-scavenging enzyme systems in these marine mammals.
Becker, P. R., and C. A. Manen. 1989. "Natural Oil Seeps in the Alaskan Marine Environment [1988]." USDOC,
NOAA, OCSEAP, Alaska Office, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Becker, P. R., R. S. Pugh, M. M. Schantz, E. A. Mackey, R. Demiralp, M. S. Epstein, M. K. Donais, Porter, B. J., S.
A. Wise, and B. A. Mahoney. 2001. Persistent Chlorinated Compounds and Elements in Tissues of Cook
Inlet Beluga Whales, Delphinapterus leucas, Banked by the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival
Project., OCS Report, MMS 2000-067 and NISTR 6702. USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage,
Beget, J. E., and J. Kienle. 1992. Cyclic Formation of Debris Avalanches at Mount-St-Augustine Volcano. Nature
356, no. 6371: 701-4.
Abstract: Volcanic debris avalanches have been seen at many volcanoes since the 1980 eruption of Mount
St. Helens, but typically only one or two avalanche deposits are identified at each eruptive centre,
suggesting that catastrophic slope failures are rare or even unique events in the lifetime of a volcano 1-4.
Here we present a series of radiocarbon dates from volcanic deposits showing that the summit edifice of
Mount St. Augustine, a 1,220-m-high active volcano on Augustine Island in the Cook Inlet area of southcentral Alaska, has repeatedly collapsed and regenerated, averaging 150-200 years per cycle, during the
past 2,000 years. The unprecedented frequency of summit edifice failure was made possible by sustained
lava effusion rates over 10 times greater than is typical of plate-margin volcanoes.
Beget, J. E., and C. J. Nye. 1994. Postglacial Eruption History of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska. Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 62, no. 1-4: 31-54.
Abstract: Volcaniclastic deposits preserved in valleys on the flanks of Redoubt Volcano comprise a record
of the volcano's postglacial eruption history. The oldest and largest deposit is the Harriet Point debris
avalanche, emplaced more than 10,500 yr B.P. This debris avalanche travelled more than 30 km down the
Redoubt Creek valley to Cook Inlet. About 3600 yr B.P., a massive slope failure of Redoubt Volcano
produced at least two lahars that travelled 30 km down the Crescent River valley (Riehle et al., 1981). A
series of smaller eruptions between ca. 3600-1800 yr B.P. generated additional lahars and floods that
affected the upper Crescent River valley. A pyroclastic fan on the south flank of Redoubt Volcano
probably also formed during this time interval. Sometime between 1000 and 300 yr B.P., hydrothermally
altered debris collapsed from the summit edifice, and produced a large lahar that travelled more than 30 km
down the Drift River valley. At least 5-6 eruptions in the last 250-300 years have produced lahars and
floods large enough to impact the site of the Drift River Terminal on the lower Drift River fan. If the
eruptive pattern of the last several centuries continues, another eruption is likely sometime in the next 25100 years. The Holocene eruptions produced calc-alkaline high-silica andesite and dacite, although
quenched andesite and basaltic inclusions record the presence of more mafic magmas. Chemical
discontinuities indicate that small, chemically discrete batches of magma fed individual eruptions.
Progressive enrichments of highly incompatible trace elements presumably reflect crustal contamination of
Holocene magmas.
Beget, J. E., S. D. Stihler, and D. B. Stone. 1994. A 500-Year-Long Record of Tephra Falls From Redoubt Volcano
and Other Volcanos in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 62,
no. 1-4: 55-67.
Abstract: Volcanic ash layers preserved in glacial-lacustrine sediments at Skilak Lake on the Kenai
Peninsula of southcentral Alaska constitute a record of eruptions at Redoubt Volcano and other Alaskan
volcanoes which affected the upper Cook Inlet area during the last 500 years. High-resolution magnetic
susceptibility profiling delineates similar sequences of tephra layers in several l-m-long lake sediment
cores. Electron microprobe analyses of glass shards from the tephras indicate correlation of some ash
layers with known reference tephras from the source volcanoes, while other ash layers record previously
unknown prehistoric eruptions. Skilak Lake cores contain ash from the historic 1912 Katmai eruption, the
1902 Redoubt eruption, and the 1883 Mount St. Augustine eruption as well as prehistoric ash layers
erupted from Crater Peak at Mt. Spurr ca. 250-350 years ago, from Redoubt Volcano at ca. 300-400 years
ago and again at ca. 350-450 years ago, and a 500-year-old ash from Mount St. Augustine. Still older
tephras from Redoubt Volcano and Crater Peak at Mt. Spurr are found lower in the cores. The cores
indicate that volcanoes in the Cook Inlet area have erupted every 10-35 years during the 20th century, and
ash falls have occurred at Skilak Lake at least once every 50-100 years for the last 500 years, with Redoubt,
Spurr, and Augustine Volcanoes being the most important sources of tephra.
Bell, M. A., and G. Orti. 1994. Pelvic Reduction in Threespine Stickleback From Cook Inlet Lakes - GeographicalDistribution and Intrapopulation Variation. Copeia, no. 2: 314-25.
Abstract: Loss of one or more elements of the pelvic complex occurs at substantial frequencies (greaterthan-or-equal-to 5%) in 55 and at lower frequencies in 42 of 204 populations of Gasterosteus aculeatus
sampled from freshwater sites around Cook Inlet, Alaska. Populations with substantial pelvic reduction are
widely distributed and interspersed among those lacking it. Intrapopulation phenotype frequencies vary
greatly within limited areas but may be similar in distant populations. Intrapopulation phenotype frequency
distributions include bimodal, flat, normal, skewed, and truncated; and their form may vary among adjacent
populations. High intrapopulation frequencies of pelvic reduction apparently have evolved repeatedly
within Cook Inlet, but gene flow is probably important in spreading genetic variation for pelvic reduction
among populations. Divergent populations of Cook Inlet threespine stickleback should be treated as parts
of an endemic radiation, which warrants special consideration for conservation as a unit.
Bennett, A. J. 1996. Physical and Biological Resource Inventory of the Lake Clark National Park-Cook Inlet
Coastline, 1994-1996., Unpublished report. USDOI, National Park Service, Kenai, AK.
Bernatowicz, J. A., P. F. Schempf, and T. D. Bowman. 1996. Bald Eagle Productivity in South-Central Alaska in
1989 and 1990 after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S.
Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 785-97. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American
Fisheries Society.
1998. Presentation to Alaska Department of Fish and Game on EPA Cook Inlet Study on Contamination in Marine
Subsistence FoodsJ. BiglerWashington, DC: United States, EPA.
Bishop, M. A., and N. Warnock. 1998. Migration of Western Sandpipers: Links Between Their Alaskan Stopover
Areas and Breeding Grounds. Wilson Bulletin 110, no. 4: 457-62.
Abstract: Thirty-two radiomarked Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri), tagged in California and
Washington, were relocated at stopover and breeding sites north and west of the Copper River Delta,
Alaska. At Cook Inlet, Alaska, seven of the nine relocated birds were at Redoubt and Kachemak bays.
Only 1 of the 17 birds relocated on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta had been previously detected at Cook
Inlet. Detections of birds in western Alaska provide evidence that the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is the final
breeding destination for many of the birds migrating through San Francisco and other Pacific Coast areas.
The Mulchatna River area, 325 km southeast of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, may support a breeding
population of Western Sandpipers.
Blackburn, J. E., K. Anderson, C. Hamilton, and S. Starr. "Pelagic and Demersal Fish Assessment in the Lower
Cook Inlet Estuary System." United States, DOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Blackburn J. E., and P. J. Anderson. 1997. Pacific Sand Lance Growth, Seasonal Availability, Movements, Catch
Variability, and Food in the Kodiak-Cook Inlet Area of Alaska. Forage fishes in marine ecosystems:
proceedings of the International Symposium on the Role of Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems, editor B.
R. Baxter, 409-26Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Abstract: A small-mesh surface tow net and beach seine were used to sample the nearshore fishes on the
east side of the Kodiak archipelago and in Cook Inlet in 1976 and 1978-1979. Sampling was conducted
from March through November, with lowest catches occurring in March and November and highest catches
May through September. The growth of sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), based on length frequencies,
indicated an August mean size of 87 mm for age-0 and 136 mm for age 1 in the Kodiak area. Very little
growth occurred between August and the following May. The August mean size of age-0 fish was 57 mm
in Cook Inlet (size of age-1 fish was not well documented). In Cook lnlet both growth and catch rates were
lower than in the Kodiak area. During August and September sand lance abundance increased in inshore
areas, and in Cook Inlet, where growth was restricted, changes in size distribution occurred in a pattern that
strongly suggested movement of the age-0 fish into the nearshore waters. Catches stratified by tidal stage
were not significantly different but suggested real differences exist that were not detected. Catch
variability among samples was extremely high, with coefficients of variation typically from 4 to 6. A few
fish in spawning condition were found from August through November. Food habit data from Cook Inlet
showed > 90% by weight of the food was calanoid copepods during summer; more variety of items in the
diet occurred at other times.
Blasko, D. P. 1976. Oil and Gas Seeps in Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Western Gulf of Alaska, Report of
Investigations 8122. US Bureau of Mines.
———. 1976. Oil and Gas Seeps in Alaska, North-Central Gulf of Alaska. Washington, D.C.: USDOI, Bureau of
Blaylock, R. B., L. Margolis, and J.C. Holmes. 2003. The Use of Parasites in Discriminating Stocks of Pacific
Halibut (Hippoglossus Stenolepis) in the Northeast Pacific. 1-9.
Abstract: The use of parasites as indicators of the stock structure of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus
stenolepis) in the northeast Pacific was investigated by using 328 adult (>55 cm fork length) halibut from
15 composite localities ranging from northern California to the northern Bering Sea and 96 juvenile (10-55
cm) halibut from five localities ranging from the northern Queen Charlotte Islands to the Bering Sea.
Counts of eight selected parasite species (the juvenile acanthocephalans Corynosoma strumosum and C.
villosum, the metacestode Nybelinia surmenicola, the digenean metacercaria Otodistomum sp., and the
larval nematodes Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Contracaecum sp., and Spirurid gen. sp.)
that produce infections of long duration, do not multiply in the host, and that have a relatively high
abundance in at least one geographic locality were subjected to discriminant function analysis. Juvenile
Pacific halibut showed no separation and, even though they were not heavily infected with parasites, the
analysis suggested that juveniles could be a mixed stock. Three groups of adults were identified: fish from
California to the southern Queen Charlotte Islands, those from the northern Queen Charlotte Islands to the
central Bering Sea, and those from the central and northern Bering Sea. These groups suggest that the
single stock concept be more thoroughly evaluated.
Blood, D. M. 2002. Low-Temperature Incubation of Walleye Pollock (Theragra Chalcogramma) Eggs From the
Southeast Bering Sea Shelf and Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies
in Oceanography 49, no. 26: 6095-108.
Abstract: To determine the effect of low water temperature on development, walleye pollock (Theragra
chalcogramma) eggs from the Bering Sea were reared at -0.6 degrees C, 0.4 degrees C, 2.0 degrees C, and
3.8 degrees C. One group of eggs was reared at 3.9 degrees C under a diel light cycle (14 h light, 10 h
dark) to observe the effect of light on development and hatching. Development was normal for all
temperatures except -0.6 degrees C; abnormal development of the tail and lack of development of eyes
occurred in some embryos. Time to 50% hatch was 820, 620, and 424 h at 0.4 degrees C, 2.0 degrees C,
and 3.8 degrees C. Eggs incubated in diel light at 3.9 degrees C developed at the same rate as eggs
incubated in constant dark at 3.8 degrees C, but required an additional 72 h to reach 50% hatch. A piecewise regression model was generated to predict egg age for incubation temperatures of -0.6 degrees C to
3.8 degrees C. For temperatures recorded in the southeastern Bering Sea 1995-1998, the model predicted
incubation periods for walleye pollock eggs that varied by 13 days between the warmest and coldest years.
Walleye pollock eggs from Shelikof Strait, Alaska, were incubated at 0.2 degrees C, 1.8 degrees C, and 2.8
degrees C. Development was normal for all temperatures. A piece-wise regression model (as above) was
generated for incubation temperatures 0.2-2.8 degrees C. When the regression models were compared,
Bering Sea eggs (1.4-1.7 mm in diameter), required more time for development prior to hatch than Shelikof
Strait eggs (1.2-1.3 turn in diameter) at 1.8 degrees C and 2.8 degrees C. However, for temperatures 0.22.0 degrees C, Bering Sea walleye pollock began hatching earlier and at a developmentally younger age
than Shelikof Strait walleye pollock.
Blood, D. M., A. C. Matarese, and M. M. Yoklavich. 1994. Embryonic-Development of Walleye Pollock, TheragraChalcogramma, From Shelikof Strait, Gulf-of-Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 92, no. 2: 207-22.
Abstract: Eggs of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, from Shelikof Strait, Alaska, were reared at
three temperatures: 3.8-degrees, 5.7-degrees, and 7.7-degrees-C. Development was divided into 21 stages.
A piecewise regression model with midpoints of each stage describes the relation between time to each
stage of development and temperature. Preserved eggs of each stage are described, illustrated, and
photographed. Midpoint of hatch was 393 hours at 3.8-degrees-C, 303 hours at 5.7-degrees-C, and 234
hours at 7.7-degrees-C. Mean length of larvae at hatch increased linearly with temperature. We compared
rate of development, time to 50% hatch, and morphological development with other studies of walleye
pollock eggs. Rate of development and time to 50% hatch were similar among populations of eastern
North Pacific walleye pollock. Western North Pacific walleye pollock required longer incubation times
than eastern North Pacific walleye pollock. Morphological development of Shelikof Strait eggs differs
from development of western North Pacific walleye pollock eggs: optic vesicles, myomeres, eye lenses,
heart, and otic capsules appear earlier than in Shelikof Strait eggs, and eye pigment appears later. The
differences in development may be exacerbated by the condition of the eggs in which they were examined
(e.g. preserved vs. live). Developmental differences between stocks are discussed with the conclusion that
model components for egg mortality and spawning biomass must be based on specimens collected in the
area of interest.
Blue, J., E. Gerstein, and S. Forsythe. 2001. Ship strike acoustics: an empirical physics based look at acoustical
shadowing and near surface propagation. In 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals:
Abstracts, 27Society for Marine Mammalogy.
Abstract: Whales are vulnerable to collisions when they are near the surface and in shallow water. Here the
underlying physics of near surface sound propagation may play a crucial role in their survival. Since the
ocean's pressure-release surface severely attenuates frequencies which are generated at distances less than a
wavelength from the surface, whales may not detect the low frequency sounds generated by approaching
ships when in shallow water and or near the surface. Though monitoring efforts help protect whales by
diverting ships from the path of a whale, the method is not reliable at night or during periods of poor
visibility. A more complete understanding of whale/ship collisions, could augment management programs
and result in more consistent and robust protection strategies. Ships sufficient in size to mortally injury
whales generate acoustic spectra dominated by very low frequencies. When they are in deep water and
traveling at sufficient depths, whales may easily detect these ships from significant distances, however,
near the ocean's surface the propagation of low frequency sounds are attenuated. The Lloyd mirror effect
predicts that the sound pressure level at the surface approximates zero, because the ocean's surface is a
pressure-release boundary that is free to move in response to pressure in the water. The increase of
pressure away from the ocean's surface is proportional to frequency, with pressure being inversely
proportional to wavelength (the lower the frequency the smaller the acoustic pressure near the surface).
Empirical acoustic measurements support these predictions and another phenomena, acoustical shadowing,
(known to some as bow null effect). The confluence of these acoustic propagation effects have significant
ecological consequences. To mitigate the risks of collision at times of poor visibility when surveillance
programs are ineffective, ships could project directional acoustic signals designed to defeat the Lloyd
mirror effect and acoustic shadowing.
1998. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait and Outermost Cook Inlet. Final Literature
Synthesis., Principal Investigator P. D. Boehm. OCS Study MMS 97-0015. Prepared by Arthur D. Little,
Inc. for USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
1998. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait and Outermost Cook Inlet. Interim Report,
Principal Investigator P. D. Boehm. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Cambridge, MA.
2001a. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait and Outermost Cook Inlet, Principal Investigator P.
D. Boehm. OCS Study MMS 2000-024. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Cambridge, MA.
Boehm, P. D., J. Brown, R. Spies, J. Germano, J. Anderson, J. Stegman, J. Trefry, and R. T. Prentki. 1997. Sediment
Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strati and Outermost Cook Inlet [Abstract]. In Abstract Book
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 18th Annual Meeting, p. 16Penasacola, FL:
SETAC Press.
Boehm, P. D., J. Brown, J. Trefry, and R. Spies. 1999. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait
and Outermost Cook Inlet. In Alaska OCS Region Seventh Information Transfer Meeting Proceedings ,
Preparers MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, pp. 11-12. OCS Study, no. MMS 99-0022. Anchorage,
AK: United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Boersma, P. D. 1986. Ingestion of Petroleum by Seabirds Can Serve as a Monitor of Water Quality. Science 231:
Boersma, P. D., J. K. Parrish, and A. B. Kettle. 1995. Common Murre Abundance, Phenology, and Productivity on
the Barren Islands, Alaska: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Long-Term Environmental Change. In Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters. eds. P. G. Wells, J. N. Butler, and J. S. Hughes, pp.
820-853. 965 pp. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing Materials.
Bograd, S. J., P. J. Stabeno, and J. D. Schumacher. 1994. A Census of Mesoscale Eddies in Shelikof Strait, Alaska,
During 1989. Journal of Geophysical Research 99, no. C9: 18243-54.
Bolger, M., S. H. Henry, and C. D. Carrington. 1996. Hazard and Risk Assessment of Crude Oil Contaminants in
Subsistence Seafood Samples from Prince William Sound. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 837-43. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD:
American Fisheries Society.
Bond, N. A., and P. J. Stabeno. 1998. Analysis of Surface Winds in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, Using Moored Buoy
Observations. Weather and Forecasting 13, no. 3: 547-59.
Abstract: The winds within Shelikof Strait, Alaska, have been examined using hourly observations from a
pair of meteorological buoys moored at the ends of the strait for a 6-month period in 1994. The focus is on
periods of gap winds, when the prominent terrain bordering Shelikof Strait constrains the low-level winds
to accelerate down the local pressure gradient in a direction approximately parallel to the axis of the strait.
Statistics have been amassed on the performance of a simple, Bernoulli-type gap wind model during
periods of downstrait (northeasterly) gap flow. A series of model experiments have been conducted to
elucidate the processes important to gap flow in Shelikof Strait. The model best predicts the observed
alongstrait component of the wind at the exit of the strait (explaining 74% of the variance) when it includes
not just surface friction, but also parameterizations of the Coriolis effect due to the cross-strait wind and of
entrainment. The latter process is studied further using upper-air soundings collected at Kodiak, Alaska,
immediately upstream of the strait. These observations suggest that the entrainment is driven largely by the
vertical wind shear at the top of the gap flow. Gap winds are favored more during downstrait flow than
during upstrait (southwesterly) flow. The lower terrain on the Kodiak island side of the strait may often
represent an insufficient sidewall for upstrait gap flow, as suggested by the detailed observations from a
NOAA P-3 research aircraft flight in May 1996 during upstrait flow. Examination of ECMWF operational
analyses for the period of buoy observations shows that the alongstrait pressure gradient was represented
adequately but the surface winds were handled poorly. The gap wind model presented here could aid
operational forecasting of winds in Shelikof Strait, using coarse-resolution analyses or numerical model
output for its input, and could be adapted for other regions with similar topography.
Bothner, M. H., C. M. Parmenter, and A. B. Brown. 1990. "Plutonium and 210Pb Activities in Two Cores from
Prince William Sound." Bottom Sediments along Oil-Spill Trajectory in Prince William Sound and along
Kenai Penisula, Alaska, eds. P. R. Carlson, and E. Reimnitz. United States DOI, Geological Survey.
Bouma, A. H. 1981. Submarine Topography and Physiography of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, United States, DOI,
Bouma, A. H., and M. A. Hampton. 1976. Preliminary Report of the Surface and Shallow Subsurface Geology of
Lower Cook Inlet and Kodiak Shelf, Alaska, United States, DOI, GS.
Bouma, A. H., M. A. Hampton, T. P. Frost, M. E. Torresan, R. C. Orlando, and J. W. Whitney. 1978. Bottom
Characteristics of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA.
Bouma, A. H., M. A. Hampton, and R. C. Orlando. 1977. Sand Waves and Other Bedforms in Lower Cook Inlet,
Alaska. In Marine Geotechnology., 291-308.
Bouma, A. H., M. A. Hampton, M. L. Rappeport, P. G. Teleki, J. W. Whitney, R. C. Orlando, and M. E. Torresan.
1978. Movement of Sandwaves in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Proceedings 10th Annual Offshore
Technology Conference, p. 79-85.
Bouma, A. H., M. A. Hampton, M. P. Wennekens, and J. A. Dygas. 1977. Large Dunes and Other Bedforms in
Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Proceedings 9th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, p. 79-85.
Bouma, A. H., M. A. Hampton, J. W. Whitney, and W. G. Noonan. 1978. Physiography of Lower Cook Inlet, United
States, DOI, GS.
Bouma, A. H., M. L. Rappeport, and D. A. Cacchione. 1979. Characteristics and Sand Transport in Regions of
Large Sand Waves, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Proceedings 11th Annual Offshore Technology Conference.
Bouma, A. H., Rappeport. M. L., R. C. Orlando, Cacchione. D. A., D. E. Drake, L. E. Garrison, and M. A. Hampton.
1979. Bedform Characteristics and Sand Transport in a Region of Large Sand Waves, Lower Cook Inlet,
Alaska. In: Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference.Houston, TX: OTC.
Bouma, A. H., M. L. Rappeport, R. C. Orlando, and M. A. Hampton. 1980. Identification of Bedforms in Lower
Cook Inlet, Alaska. Sedimentary Geology 26: 157-77.
Boyd, R., R. W. Dalrymple, and B. A. Zaitlin. 1992. Classification of Clastic Coastal Depositional-Environments.
Sedimentary Geology 80, no. 3-4: 139-50.
Abstract: This paper proposes a new classification for clastic coastal environments which includes the full
range of major depositional settings including deltas, strand plains, tidal flats, estuaries and lagoons. This
classification includes both morphologic and evolutionary components and is based on dominant coastal
processes. It has the potential to predict responses in geomorphology, facies and stratigraphy. The
significance of this classification is its evolutionary capability, and its inclusion of all major clastic coastal
depositional environments, making it more comprehensive than previous classifications. We employ a
ternary process classification with two axes. The first (horizontal axis) is defined as the relative power of
wave versus tidal processes. The second (vertical) axis represents relative fluvial power (increasing
upward). A ternary diagram defined by these axes can be used to illustrate the genetic process-response
relationships between major coastal environments. The evolutionary classification combines the concept of
two sediment sources (river and marine) with a relative sea-level parameter to classify embayed as well as
linear and elongate/lobate shorelines. This approach identifies the evolutionary relationships between
coastal sedimentary environments. The new ternary approach to process classification can be applied to
estuaries and lagoons to define wave and tide end-member facies models, each consisting of a tripartite
facies zonation. The evolutionary classification is compatible with sequence stratigraphy because sediment
supply and relative sea level are included, and serves as a starting point for more refined coastal
stratigraphic analyses.
Braddock, J. F. 1995. "Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediment." Annual Report No. 2
Fiscal Year 1995, Coastal Marine Institute University of Alaska. OCS Study MMS 95-0057. University of
Alaska Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 1999. Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediments. In Alaska OCS Region
Seventh Information Transfer Meeting Proceedings, Preparers MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, p.
13. OCS Study, no. MMS 99-0022. Anchorage, AK: United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Braddock, J. F., and Z. D. Richter. 1997. "Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediments."
University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 3 FY1996, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
1998. Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediments, J. F. Braddock, and Z. D. Richter.
Final Report TO 11986. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 1998. "Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediments. Annual Report TO 11986
[Abstract]." Annual Report Fiscal Year 1997, Coastal Marine Institute University of Alaska. OCS Study
MMS 98-0005. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Fairbanks; AK.
Britch, R. P. 1976. "Tidal Currents in Knik Arm Cook Inlet, Alaska. Masters Thesis." University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Institute of Water Resources.
Brodeur, R. D., K. M. Bailey, and S. Kim. 1991. Cannibalism on Eggs by Walleye Pollock TheragraChalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 71, no. 3: 207-18.
Abstract: A strong density-dependent relationship has been observed for the walleye pollock Theragra
chalcogramma population in the Western Gulf of Alaska. It has been suggested that this relationship may
be attributed in part to egg cannibalism by the adult spawning stock. This hypothesis was examined by
collecting stomach samples of walleye pollock from the main spawning area over 5 yr. Eggs were
prevalent in many stomachs, especially in those from the older age classes. The mean number of eggs in
the stomachs was not related to the overall amount of food in the stomach but was linearly related to the
density of eggs in the water column. Total egg consumption was estimated for 3 years (1986, 1988, and
1989) and was found to be only a small (<1) percentage of the total egg production. Even during a year
(1981) of peak adult abundance, the total calculated egg consumption was less than 3% of the total egg
production. A passive filtration model provided estimates similar to those observed in the field. We
conclude that egg cannibalism alone would not account for the high egg mortalities observed.
Brodeur, R. D., and N. Merati. 1993. Predation on Walleye Pollock (Theragra-Chalcogramma) Eggs in the Western
Gulf-of-Alaska - the Roles of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Predators. Marine Biology 117, no. 3: 483-93.
Abstract: Estimates were made of the predation rate upon eggs of walleye pollock (Theragra
chalcogramma) in Shelikof Strait in the western Gulf of Alaska by midwater and near-bottom fish and
invertebrate predators during April 1990. Adult and juvenile walleye pollock were the dominant (similar to
99% of total abundance) planktivores collected in midwater samples. Based on visual inspection of
stomach contents, a high percentage of the sampled fish were found to have consumed pollock eggs. Daily
egg consumption by older age groups of walleye pollock was estimated to be < 1% of the eggs available at
all sampling locations. The only other fishes found to consume pollock eggs were flatfishes collected in
bottom trawls but their abundances and egg consumption were very low. Gammarid and hyperiid
amphipods were important invertebrate predators on eggs in the water column, as determined by
immunoassays using antibodies developed specifically to ascertain the presence of pollock egg-yolk
protein. Decapod shrimp showed a high proportion of positive assays in near-bottom collections.
Invertebrate predators may have consumed up to 4% of the total number of eggs available in the water
column, but < 1% of the total near the bottom on a daily basis. Although we were not able to account for
the entire daily egg mortality estimated for this stock, our method of using a combination of techniques is
promising in terms of future attempts at estimating total predation mortality.
Brodeur, R. D., K. W. Myers, and J. H. Helle. 2003. Research conducted by the United States on the early ocean life
history of Pacific salmon. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin 3: 89-131.
Abstract: Research on juvenile Pacific salmon in coastal U.S. waters began almost 50 years ago in
Southeast Alaska, and has continued somewhat sporadically since then. The National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), through its various laboratories in Alaska and along the West Coast of the United States,
has done much of the research on the early life history of many Pacific salmon stocks in all habitats of U.S.
waters, including their period of residence in coastal and oceanic waters. In addition, several of the leading
universities in this region (University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Alaska) have
contributed greatly to our knowledge of salmon in their early ocean residency. Much of the early research
was done using fine-mesh purse seines, but recently surface fine-mesh trawl nets and gill nets have been
used more widely. A large number of programs are actively sampling in coastal waters at the present time,
and the geographic and temporal coverage is the most complete it has ever been. In this paper, we provide
a brief overview of many of the studies that have been done, synthesize their major findings, and discuss
some of the areas where we believe future efforts should be concentrated.
Brodeur, R. D., S. J. Picquelle, D. M. Blood, and N. Merati. 1996. Walleye Pollock Egg Distribution and Mortality
in the Western Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography 5: 92-111.
Abstract: We examine the distribution and mortality of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs in
the western Gulf of Alaska. Most pollock eggs were found in mid-water, with low proportions in the
neustonic and epibenthic layers during all years of sampling. A silhouette camera towed through a high
egg density region provided new information on small-scale spatial distributions and provided density
estimates at two depth layers similar to those of depth-discrete net sampling. Annual egg production curves
and natural mortalities were estimated for 1987-92 based on the abundance of several cohorts relative to
their production rate. Production during 1989 and 1990 was lower than in the other four years but 1988
was the only year to show markedly different (higher) mortality than the rest. Fertilization rare was
generally very high (>99%) but several collections early in the season contained a substantial fraction of
unfertilized eggs. Invertebrate egg predation was mainly due to euphausiids and was variable among
locations and years. Egg cannibalism by adult pollock on the spawning grounds was inconsequential (<1%
for all years) compared to invertebrate predation.
Brodeur, R. D., and W. C. Rugen. 1994. Diel Vertical-Distribution of Ichthyoplankton in the Northern Gulf of
Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 92, no. 2: 223-35.
Abstract: The diel vertical distribution patterns of several abundant ichthyoplankton taxa were examined
from depth-stratified tows off Kodiak Island in the western Gulf of Alaska during 1986 and 1987. Most
larvae were found in the upper 45 m of the water column throughout the diel period but were concentrated
in higher densities near the surface (0-15 m) in daylight hours and at greater depths at night. Four of the
five dominant taxa examined in detail showed significantly greater weighted mean depths during the night
than during the day. This pattern was the opposite to that previously reported for the numerically dominant
taxa (Theragra chalcogramma) in this area. Since there was no clear relation between the diel vertical
distribution of these taxa and the vertical distribution of water temperature and density or copepod nauplii
prey, we hypothesize that this reverse migration is either a strategy to minimize spatial overlap with
predators that follow a normal diel migration pattern or one to optimize light levels for feeding.
Brooks, P. D., J. L. Oswald, and R. J. Pawlowski . 2002. Emerging survey technologies for Alaska's coastal zone.
Cold regions engineering; cold regions impacts on transportation and infrastructure; proceedings of the
Eleventh international conference, editor Kelly S. Merrill, 605-16Reston, VA: American Society of Civil
Brown, D. W., D. G. Burrows, C. A. Sloan, R. W. Pearce, S. M. Pierce, J. L. Bolton, K. L. Tilbury, K. L. Dana, S.L. Chan, and U. Varanasi. 1996. Survey of Alaskan Subsistence Invertebrate Seafoods Collected in 19891991 to Determine Exposure to Oil Spilled from the Exxon Valdez. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 844-55. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda,
MD: American Fisheries Society.
Brown, E. D. 2002. Ecology of herring and other forage fish as recorded by resource users of Prince William Sound
and the Outer Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 9, no. 2: 75-101.
Abstract: We documented qualitative ecological information about non-harvested fish age classes and
species from resource users and area residents. Our primary objective was to compile local and traditional
ecological knowledge about the distribution, abundance, ecology, and associated changes over time of
Pacific herring Clupea pallasi and other forage fish species in Prince William Sound (PWS) and the Outer
Kenai Peninsula (OK) in Southcentral Alaska. A secondary objective was to provide ecological information
to aid in developing study or management plans concerning herring and other forage fish. Both objectives
were met by developing an oral interview protocol, selecting and interviewing key informants in 5 Alaskan
communities, and developing a geographic database. Researchers tape-recorded and mapped respondents’
observations. Survey questions fell into 6 categories: 1) life history stage and species of the fish observed,
2) fish behavior and school characteristics, 3) presence and behavior of co-occurring predators, 4) seasonal
spatial distributions observed, 5) decadal shifts observed, and 6) observation and method activity. Fortyeight interviews were conducted. The earliest observation was from 1934. Thirty-seven respondents were
commercial fishermen and 17 were pilots. Respondents made most observations of juvenile herring schools
from planes. Other observations came from net catches, visual sightings, and sonar output. Most
observations were made during summer (June through August), probably due to both shallow distribution
of schools and an increase in human activity during this season. In PWS the spring spatial distribution of
herring was significantly different from summer and fall-winter, but the latter 2 were not significantly
different. Spatial distributions of herring in the OK were significantly different from one another in all 3
seasons, and the differences were more highly significant than in PWS. Most observations concerned
juvenile herring, but locations of herring spawning overlap with adult herring, Pacific sand lance
Ammodytes hexapterus, capelin Mallotus villosus, capelin spawning, and eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus
were also documented. Most respondents were able to distinguish herring from other species by their
school shape, school color, behavior, and location within a bay. Some pilots believed sunny days were
better than overcast days for distinguishing herring from forage fish schools because herring schools “flash
silver” and forage fish (mainly sand lance), also called “feed fish” or “bait fish,” look brown or gold. Pilots
said that they did not see schools of salmon fry from the air. Juvenile herring were reported as broadly
distributed, mainly in bays in PWS and the OK, and easily observed in the summer. Juvenile herring were
found at the heads of bays during the winter. They were seen in winter with adult herring in a very limited
number of sites. Decadal shifts were observed with an increase in juvenile herring from the 1970s to the
1980s and a much more restricted distribution in the 1990s. In PWS the 1970s distribution was not
significantly different from the 1980s, but was highly significantly different from the 1990s. The 1980s and
1990s were also highly significantly different from one another. In the OK all 3 decades were significantly
different from one another, and the level of significance was higher than for the PWS pairwise tests.
Decadal shifts in the reported extent of juvenile herring distribution matched decadal trends in catches of
the PWS adult herring population indicating that traditional ecological knowledge is a potentially valuable
source of information for indicators of recruitment and population trends. Juvenile herring overlapped sand
lance distribution to a large degree, and capelin and eulachon to a small degree. Herring spawning locations
prior to the 1970s not previously reported by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game were documented.
Our study preserves knowledge of the historical changes in distribution of Pacific herring in PWS and the
OK that predates scientific data collection.
1995. Cook Inlet Pilot Monitoring Study Final Report Phase II, J. S. Brown, E. A. Hutchinson, P. D. Boehm, and P.
D. Gamble. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Reference 46849. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai,
1993. Ground Brood Counts to Estimate Waterfowl Populations in BLM's Kobuk District, Alaska: 1992 Progress
Report, R. J. Brown, A. E. Morkill, and R. R. Jandt. BLM-Alaska Open File Report 47. Bureau of Land
Management, Alaska State Office, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: Between July 21 and July 28, 1992, the Kobuk District of the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) conducted waterfowl brood surveys in two production areas on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska.
McCarthys Marsh, in the Fish River Flats, was surveyed for the fourth consecutive year. Wetlands along
the upper Kuzitrin River were surveyed for the second consecutive year. A stratified random sampling
technique was used to select survey plots. Thirty 2.6 km2 plots were surveyed, 15 in McCarthys Marsh and
15 in the Kuzitrin River. Estimated production in McCarthys Marsh was 4691 ± 516 young ducks, or 11.72
young/km2. Estimated production in the Kuzitrin River wetlands was 3992 ± 559 young ducks, or 8.44
Bruhn, R. L., W. T. Parry, and M. P. Bunds. 2000. Tectonics, Fluid Migration, and Fluid Pressure in a Deformed
Forearc Basin, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 112, no. 4: 550-563.
1999. 1998 Lower Cook Inlet Annual Finfish Management Report. W. A. Bucher, and L. F. Hammarstrom.
Regional Information Report No. 2A99-25. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial
Fisheriesz, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
Buklis, L. S. 1994. Chum salmon. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Notebook Series.Juneau, Alaska:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Abstract: Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) have the widest distribution of any of the Pacific salmon.
They range south to the Sacramento River in California and the island of Kyushu in the Sea of Japan. In
the north they range east in the Arctic Ocean to the Mackenzie River in Canada and west to the Lena River
in Siberia. Chum salmon are the most abundant commercially harvested salmon species in arctic,
northwestern, and Interior Alaska, but are of relatively less importance in other areas of the state. There
they are known locally as "dog salmon" and are a traditional source of dried fish for winter use.
Bunch, T., Raymond Carl Highsmith, and G. F. Shields. 1998. Genetic Evidence for Dispersal of Larvae of Tanner
Crabs (Chionoecetes Bairdi) by the Alaskan Coastal Current. Molecular Marine Biology and
Biotechnology 7, no. 2: 153-59.
Abstract: We compared 413 nucleotides of the first subunit of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c gene
among 52 Tanner crabs from four locations of coastal waters of southern Alaska. Crabs from the Cook
Inlet area possessed the largest haplotype diversity (0.933) as well as the largest number of haplotypes (11
of 18 observed). Crabs of southeastern Alaska had the lowest haplotype diversity (0.294) and only three
haplotypes. Populations of Tanner crabs in waters of southwestern Alaska are apparently a mixture of both
local and upstream haplotypes. Our data suggest the possibility that larvae of Tanner crabs are transported
from east to west along the southern coast of Alaska by westwardly flowing currents. Possibly, declining
stocks of crabs in western management areas are the result of overharvesting in eastern, upstream
populations. The population in southeastern Alaska is probably genetically isolated with one predominant
Burbank, D. C. 1976. "Suspended Sediment Transport and Deposition in Alaskan Coastal Waters. Masters Thesis."
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Water Resources.
———. 1977. "Circulation Studies in Kachemak Bay and Lower Cook Inlet." eds. L. L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D.
C. Burbank. State of Alaska, ADF&G, Marine/Coastal Habitat Management, Anchorage, AK.
Burden, P. 1990. Economic Impacts of the SS Glacier Bay, OCS Study, MMS 90-0081. USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region., Anchorage, AK.
Burrell, D. C. 1977. "Natural Distribution of Trace Heavy Metals and Environmental Background in ALaskan Shelf
and Estuarine Areas." RU 162. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO..
———. 1978. "Natural Distribution and Environmental Background of Trace Heavy Metals in Alaskan Shelf and
Estuarine Areas." RU 162. USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
———. 1979. "Distribution and Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Alaskan Shelf Environments Subject to Oil
Development." RU 506. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO..
———. 1985. "Distribution and Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Alaskan Shelf Environments Subject to Oil
Development [1979 Final Report]." RU 162. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP, and USDOI, MMS, Anchorage,
Button, D. K., P. J. Kinney, D. M. Schell, and B. R. Robertson. 1970. Biodegradation and Persistence of
Hydrocarbons in Alaska's Cook Inlet, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.
1999. Alaska commercial salmon catches, 1878-1997, M. Byerly, B. Brooks, B. Simonson, H. Savikko, and H. J.
Geiger. Regional Information Report No. 5J99-05. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska.
Abstract: It may seem laughable to claim that a book made up entirely of government statistics is more
popular - or more interesting - than ever before. But the information in this report is more popular and it
has attracted a lot of interest. As El Nino, global warming, declines of sea lions, and many other unusual
phenomena have become big news items, scientist, fishermen, reporters, and the general public are more
curious about oceans and climates. Numbers in this book, particularly the Bristol Bay salmon catch series,
have been used as an index of change in the oceans in a number of important studies in the last few years.
The statistics tell some interesting stories of change in the ocean, but the statistics are trying to tell many
stories - all at the same time. There is the story of the development of the fisheries and processing industry,
beginning in the last century. There are stories of overfishing, and distant and ineffective management
during the days of the fishtraps and there is the story of the development of modern scientific management.
In the 1970s directed high-seas fishing ended, presumably increasing the catch levels recorded in these
statistics. At about the same time important large-scale changes in the ocean raised Pacific salmon
survival, and eventually the catch to the record levels of the mid 1990s. Catch levels reflect changes in
management and the resulting productivity of the stocks, changes in catch reporting, changes in the
efficiency of the fishing fleets, together with large changes in the environment.
Currently, salmon catch statistics are generated from a system of landing records called the Fish Ticket
System. All salmon that are sold must be reported on a fish ticket, which will eventually end up in a large
computer database going back to 1969. Data in this report from 1969 to the 1997 came from this system.
Statistics from years prior to 1969 came from previous versions of this report.
Calkins, D. G. 1979. Marine Mammals of the Lower Cook Inlet and the Potential Impact from the Outer Continental
Shelf Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Transportation., USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, MMS,
Juneau, AK.
———. 1983. Marine Mammals of Lower Cook Inlet and the Potential For Impact From Outer Continental Shelf
Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Transport., USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, MMS, Juneau, AK.
Calkins, D. G. 1986. Marine Mammals. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds.
D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 527-58. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC,
NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Calkins, D. G. 1989. Status of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet. In Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet, and North Aleutian Basin
Information Update Meeting, eds L. E. Jarvela, and L. K. Thorsteinson, pp. 109-12Anchorage, AK:
Calkins, D. G., and J. A. Curatolo. 1979. Marine Mammals of the Lower Cook Inlet and the Potential Impact from
the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Transportation., USDOC, NOAA
and USDOI, MMS, Juneau, AK.
Cameron, W. M., and D. W. Pritchard. 1963. Estuaries. Chapter 15. In The Sea: Ideas and Observations, Volume 2.
ed M. N. Hill, pp. 306-24. New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Canino, M. F. 1994. Effects of Temperature and Food Availability on Growth and RNA/DNA Ratios of Walleye
Pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas ) Eggs and Larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology 175, no. 1: 1-16.
Abstract: Walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) eggs were reared to first feeding stage in the
laboratory at temperatures of 3-degrees, 6-degrees, 9-degrees, and 12-degrees-C. Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content during embryogenesis were compared to temperature and
embryo age. Hatching time, larval size, yolk-sac volume, and RNA content at hatching were inversely
related to incubation temperature. DNA content and RNA/DNA ratios of larvae were similar on the day of
hatching at all experimental temperatures. The energetic reserves available during embryonic and prolarval
development are enhanced by lower incubation temperatures. Prolarvae reared at 12-degrees-C had high
rates of yolk utilization and initial growth, but experienced reduced growth and a decline in DNA content
prior to feeding initiation. The effects of food availability on nucleic acid content and RNA/DNA ratios of
first-feeding walleye pollock were determined. Mean RNA and DNA content and RNA/DNA ratio of fed
larvae were significantly higher than those of unfed larvae after 2 days. Starvation of larvae that had
successfully initiated feeding resulted in a rapid decline of RNA content (and RNA/DNA ratio)
accompanied by a slower decline in DNA.
Canino, M. F., and K. M. Bailey. 1995. Gut Evacuation of Walleye Pollock Larvae in Response to Feeding
Conditions. Journal of Fish Biology 46, no. 3: 389-403.
Abstract: Gut residence times of first-feeding walleye pollock larvae were measured at 6 degrees C in
continuous and discontinuous feeding regimes. Larvae fed tagged copepod prey evacuated their guts more
quickly in continuous feeding as compared to the discontinuous feeding treatment. The mean gut residence
time was estimated to be 5.0 h for larvae feeding continuously. Gut evacuation by larvae fed tagged prey
and then isolated without food (discontinuous treatment) was slower and more variable, with an estimated
gut residence time exceeding 8.0 h. Field and laboratory observations suggest that the larval fish gut may
be modeled as an intermittent plug-flow reactor (PFR) in response to diel feeding patterns. The cyclical
nature of gut dynamics has implications for gut content analyses and the estimation of daily food rations.
Canino, M. F., K. M. Bailey, and L. S. Incze. 1991. Temporal and Geographic Differences in Feeding and
Nutritional Condition of Walleye Pollock Larvae Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of
Alaska. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 79, no. 1-2 : 27-35.
Abstract: Feeding and nutritional condition of first-feeding walleye pollock larvae Theragra chalcogramma
were compared to available prey levels measured during early spring (late April-early May) and mid-spring
(mid-May) 1989. In early spring, feeding intensity, mean RNA/DNA values of larvae, and
microzooplankton abundance were higher within a large patch of larvae compared with areas outside the
patch. In mid-spring, microzooplankton prey abundance, feeding levels and RNA/DNA of larvae in and
out of the previously defined patch were higher, indicating better overall conditions for growth than in early
spring. The results suggest that limiting food densities may occur during spring over spatial and temporal
scales that affect feeding and growth of larval pollock.
Carlson, R. F. 1970. The Nature of Tidal Hydraulics in Cook Inlet. The Northern Engineer 2, no. 4: 4-7.
Carlson, R. F., and C. E. Behlke. A Computer Model of the Tidal Phenomena in Cook Inlet, Alaska, University of
Alaska, Institute of Water Resources, Fairbanks, AK.
Carroll, M. L. 1994. "The ecology of a high-latitude rocky intertidal community: Processes driving population
dynamics in Kachemak Bay, Alaska." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
CephBase. 2004. "CephBase." Web page. Available at
Abstract: CephBase is a dynamic relational database-driven web site. The purpose of CephBase is to
provide taxonomic data, life history, distribution, images, videos, references and scientific contact
information on all living species of cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus) in an easy to
access, user-friendly manner. Searchable by region Alaska.
Cerniglia, C. E., D. T. Gibson, and C. Van Baalen. 1982. [Aromatic Hydrocarbon Oxidation?] Naphthalene
Metabolism by Diatons Isolated from the Kachemak Bay Region of Alaska. Journal of General
Microbiology 128: 987-90.
CH2M Hill. 1985. Amendment of Wastewater Facilities Plan for Anchorage, Alaska, Anchorage Bowl Study Area.
Outfall Improvements, CH2M Hill, Anchorage, AK, Prepared by CH2M Hill in Association with OTT
Water Engineers Inc., December 1985.
Chesler, S. N., B. H. Gump, H. S. Hetz, W. E. May, S. M. Dyszel, and D. P. Enagonio. 1976. Trace Hydrocarbon
Analysis: The National Bureau of Standards Prince William Sound/Northeast Gulf of Alaska Baseline
Study, GPO, Washington, D.C..
Chester, A. J., and J. D. Larrance. 1981. Composition and Vertical Flux of Organic Matter in a Large Alaskan
Estuary. Estuaries 4, no. 1: 42-52.
Christopher, S. J., S. S. Vander Pol, R. S. Pugh , R. D. Day, and P. R. Becker. 2002. Determination of Mercury in
the Eggs of Common Murres (Uria aalge ) for the Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project. J. Anal.
At. Spectrom. 17: 780-785.
Abstract: An analytical method using isotope dilution cold vapor inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ID-CV-ICPMS) was developed for the determination of total mercury in the eggs of
seabirds. Components including error magnification, verification of method accuracy and assignment of
analytical uncertainty are presented in the context of collecting mercury data for single sample aliquots.
Forty-one egg samples collected from common murre (Uria aalge) colonies on Little Diomede and Saint
George Islands in the Bering Sea and East Amatuli and Saint Lazaria Islands in the Gulf of Alaska yielded
mercury mass fraction values ranging from approximately 0.010 mug g(-1) to 0.360 mug g(-1). Relative
expanded uncertainties for the individual determinations ranged from 1.2% to 4.4%. A one-way analysis of
variance including pairwise comparisons across the colonies showed that mercury levels in eggs collected
from the Gulf of Alaska colonies were significantly higher than their counterparts in the Bering Sea.
Mercury data from each colony were normally distributed, suggesting a ubiquitous regional deposition of
mercury and corresponding incorporation into local foodwebs.
CIIMMS Project Database . 1999. "Ecology and Demographics of Pacific Sand Lance in Lower Cook Inlet,
Project No: 99306, Project Year: 1999." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS
Project Database .
Abstract: This project will characterize the basic ecology, distribution, and demographics of sand lance in
lower Cook Inlet. Recent declines of upper trophic level species in the Northern Gulf of Alaska have been
linked to decreasing availability of forage fishes. Sand lance is the most important forage fish in most
nearshore areas of the northern gulf. Despite its importance to commercial fish, seabirds, and marine
mammals, little is known or published on the basic biology of this key prey species.
Cline, J. D., T. Bates, and C. Katz. 1980. Distribution and Abundance of Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons and
Suspended Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook Inlet, Shelkof Strait and Norton Sound, Alaska, RU 153. USDOC,
NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Cline, J. D., R. A. Feely, and A. Young. 1978. "Idenitification of Natural and Anthropogenic Petroleum Sources in
the Alaskan Shelf Areas Utilizing Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons." RU 153. USDOC, NOAA and
USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Cline, J. D., C. Katz, and A. Young. 1979. Distribution and Abundance of Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons
and Suspended Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, RU 153. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM,
Boulder, CO.
Cohen, S. C., and J. T. Freymueller. 1997. Deformation of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical
Research-Solid Earth 102, no. B9: 20479-87.
Abstract: Crustal deformation on the Kenai Peninsula in southern Alaska has been studied using data
obtained from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements in 1993 and 1995 and leveling observations
in 1964, immediately after the Prince William Sound earthquake. This analysis shows that the Kenai
Peninsula has experienced as much as similar to 900 mm uplift during the past 3 decades and that the uplift
forms an similar to 125 km wide elongate dome with its major axis trending southwest to northeast
following the trend of the major tectonic features of the region. The averaged uplift rate between 1964 and
1995 is as high as 30 mm yr(-1), although the current uplift rate may be substantially lower. The GPS
measurements cast further doubt on previously suspect tide gauge data for Nikiski, Alaska, which indicated
rapid postseismic uplift at this site located in northwest Kenai Peninsula adjacent to Cook Inlet.
Examination of the three-dimensional GPS data indicates that the eastern Kenai Peninsula is currently
undergoing significant SSE to NNW contraction in response to North American-Pacific Plate convergence.
The horizontal velocities are consistent with the predictions of an elastic half-space model for the
interseismic deformation. This result, taken in combination with the small changes in uplift between 1993
and 1995, suggests that most of the present deformation is due to steady plate convergence rather than
transient postseismic rebound.
Collier, T. K., M. M. Krahn, C. A. Krone, L. L. Johnston, M. S. Myers, S. L. Chan, and U. Varanasi. 1993. Oil
Exposure and Effects in Subtidal Fish Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings 1993
International Oil Spill Conference, pp. 301-5Washington, DC: United States, DOT, CG; American
Petroleum Institute; and United States, EPA.
Collier, T. K., C. A. Krone, M. M. Krahn, J. E. Stein, S.-L. Chan, and U. Varanasi. 1996. Petroleum Exposure and
Associated Biochemical Effects in Subtidal Fish after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 671-83. AFS
Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. 1999. "CFEC Commercial Fishing Data." Web page, [accessed 2000].
Conover, J. H. 2003; updated quarterly. "Effects of offshore oil and gas development: a current awareness
bibliography." Web page. Available at
Abstract: This bibliography is a quaterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from
a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development.
Contents include topics of biology, chemistry, geochemistry, geology, engineering, physics, environment,
ecosystem management, spills, and socioeconomic, regulation, general.
1997. The State of the Inlet, Cook Inlet Keeper. Cook Inlet Keeper, Homer, Ak.
Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council . 1997. "Basics of P450 Repeater Gene System (RGS) Assay."
Meeting Book January 38, 1997 Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, EMC, EMC Cook Inlet
Regional Citizens Advisory Council. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council , Kenai, AK.
Cooney, R. T. 1986. Zooplankton. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D.
W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 285-303. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC,
NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Cooney, T. R. 1990. A Synopsis of the Oceanography and Biology of Kachemak Bay with Emphasis on Conditions
Influencing the Survival of Hatchery-Released Pink Salmon, Prepared for The Cook Inlet Aquaculture
Association, Kenai, AK.
Cox, D. C., G. Pararas-Carayannis, and J. P. Calebaugh. 1976. "Catalog of Tsunamis in Alaska, Rev. 1976." RU
0352 Report SE-1. USDOC, NOAA, World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder, CO.
Crawford, W. R., J. Y. Cherniawsky, and M. G. G. Foreman. 2000. Multi-Year Meanders and Eddies in the Alaskan
Stream as Observed by Topex/Poseidon Altimeter. Geophysical Research Letters 27, no. 7: 1025-28.
Abstract: The birth, life and decay of long-lived anticyclonic eddies, or meanders, in the Alaskan Stream
are observed from TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) satellite. Their surface height anomalies approach 72 cm,
average diameter is about 160km and they live for 1 to 3 years, propagating along the Stream with mean
speed of 2.5 km d(-1). Of the six observed, the last three were formed after the first T/P observations in
September 1992. Of these, two evolved from eddies near Alaskan Panhandle in winter, drifting across the
northern Gulf of Alaska before entering the Alaskan Stream, while another formed in the Stream west of
Shelikof Strait.
Croff, C., J. Lessman, C. Bigelow, and J. Ruzicka. 1977. Uranium Favorability of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, 76017-S. WGM Inc., Anchorage, AK, Report prepared for Bendix Field Engineering Corporation,
Subcontract Number 76-017-S.
1996. Opposition to OCS development: historical context and economic considerations, S. L. Crookshank.
Discussion Paper #086. American Petroleum Institute, Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Department,
Washington, DC.
Abstract: For almost 40 years, the coastal states controlled the leasing and development of offshore oil and
gas reserves. During this time, offshore drilling had become commonplace off the coasts of California,
Louisiana, and Texas. However, in the 1930's the federal government asserted its ownership of the
offshore lands. The ensuing struggle over the ownership of the offshore lands, the Tidelands Controversy,
lasted until Congress transferred control of the first several miles of offshore lands to the states and
established federal ownership over the remainder.
Federal management of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) proceeded without further conflict until 1969,
when the Santa Barbara oil spill occurred. As a consequence of the spill, coastal states began to demand
more control over the development of the OCS, a movement called the Seaweed Rebellion. In response,
Congress pasted several pieces of legislation providing states with greater opportunity for input and control
over offshore development. Using these laws and other opportunities, coastal states have delayed leasing
and development of offshore areas, prescribed the way oil and gas reserves are developed, and prohibited
or otherwise restricted the establishment of onshore processing facilities necessary for offshore
The Seaweed Rebellion has produced an uneasy situation. Companies face the possibility of permit
conditions, permit delays, and litigation after having invested millions of dollars in a lease. The Minerals
Management Service (MMS), the federal agency charged with managing the OCS, faces the possibility that
its lease sales will be litigated, its budget restricted, and that it will have to buy back leases from lessees
unable to drill. Coastal states and communities face the possibility that Congress may not renew the
moratoria on leasing areas off their coasts.
This paper explores the causes and consequences of the Seaweed Rebellion from an economic perspective.
The paper also examines whether an expanded revenue sharing program could reduce the conflict over
OCS development.
Cuccarese, S. V., J. D. Issaacs, M. D. Kelly, L. R. Leslie, P. R. Meyer, M. A. Savore, and J. A. Wilson. 1987.
Environmental Assessment of Alternative Transfer Facilities, Afognak Island, Alaska, University of Alaska,
AEIDC, Anchorage, AK.
Cunning, A. 1977. "Baseline Study of Beach Drift Composition in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1976." eds. L. L.
Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D. C. Burbank. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Marine/Coastal Habitat
Management, Anchorage, AK.
1999. Estimates of commercial and sport harvest and escapement of coho salmon stocked into Northern Cook Inlet
streams, P. A. Cyr, B. L. Stratton, and J. J. Hasbrouck. Fishery Data Series no. 99-7. Alaska Department of
Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: See Website
Dadswell, M. J., and R. A. Rulifson. 1994. Macrotidal Estuaries - a Region of Collision Between Migratory Marine
Animals and Tidal Power Development. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 51, no. 1-2: 93-113.
Abstract: Macrotidal estuaries of the inner Bay of Fundy are utilized by large numbers of migratory fishes,
particularly dogfish, sturgeon, herring, shad, Atlantic salmon and striped bass as well as by other migratory
marine animals, many of which have large body sizes (squid, Lamnid sharks, seals and whales). Tagging
experiments indicate the fishes originate from stocks derived over the entire North American Atlantic coast
from Florida to Labrador. Population estimates suggest up to 2.0 x 10(6) adult American shad (Alosa
sapidissima) migrate through an individual embayment each year. These migrations are an integral part of
the life history of the respective species and appear to be controlled in part by the near shore movements of
ocean currents. In other regions of the world similar macrotidal estuaries exist (Cook Inlet, Alaska; Severn
Estuary, U.K.) and they, like the Bay of Fundy, are linked in continuum to the local ocean currents. We
propose that marine animals utilize all these regions in a manner similar to the Bay of Fundy estuaries and
properly designed surveys will reveal their presence. Fish passage studies utilizing the Annapolis estuary
low-head, tidal turbine on the Bay of Fundy have shown that turbine related mortality of 20-80% per
passage occurs depending on fish species, fish size and the efficiency of turbine operation. We suggest that
introduction of tidal turbines into open ocean current systems will cause widespread impact on marine
populations resulting in significant declines in abundance.
Dahlheim, M. E., A. York, J. Waite, and C. Goebel-Diaz. 1992. Abundance and Distribution of Harbor Porpoise
(Phocoena phocoena) in Southeast Alaska, Cook Inlet and Bristol Bay, Alaska, Unpublished Report.
NOAA, NMFS, NMML, Seattle, WA.
Dames and Moore. 1975. Meteorological and Oceanographic Conditions Affecting the Behavior and Fate of Oil
Spills in Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska: Final Report, Standard Oil Company, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1976. Oil Spill Trajectory Analysis, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: Final Report, United States DOC, NOAA,
OCSEAP and United States DOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office?, Boulder, CO?.
———. 1978. Drilling Fluid Dispersion and Biological Effects Study for the Lower Cook Inlet C.O.S.T. Well,
Dames and Moore, Anchorage, AK, Prepared For Atlantic Richfield Company.
———. 1983. "A Preliminary Assessment of Composition and Food Webs for Demersal Fish Assemblages in
Several Shallow Subtidal Habitats in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska." United States DOC, NOAA, OCSEAP
and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1984. Environmental Monitoring Study, Homer Small Boat Expansion, Winter 1984, City of Homer,
Homer, AK.
———. 1987. Post Construction Monitoring of the Homer Small Boat Harbor, City of Homer, Homer, AK.
———. 1996. Draft Annotated Bibliography for Cook Inlet Keeper Program, D&M Job No. 32568-001-160. Cook
Inlet Keeper, Homer, AK.
de Laguna, F. 1934. The Archaeology of Cook Inlet. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
———. 1975. The Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2nd Edition. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Historical Society.
DeGange, A. R., and G. A. Sanger. 1986. Marine Birds. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological
Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 479-524. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage,
AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Delaney, K. J. 1994. Chinook salmon. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Notebook Series.Juneau,
Alaska: Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Abstract: The chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is Alaska's state fish and is one of the most
important sport and commercial fish native to the Pacific coast of North America. It is the largest of all
Pacific salmon, with weights of individual fish commonly exceeding 30 pounds. A 126-pound chinook
salmon taken in a fish trap near Petersburg, Alaska in 1949 is the largest on record. The largest sport
caught chinook salmon was a 97-pound fish taken in the Kenai River in 1986.
DeLong, R. L., B. S. Stewart, and R. D. Hill. 1993. Documenting Migrations of Northern Elephant Seals Using Day
Length. Marine Mammal Science 8, no. 2: 155-59.
Dickinson, K. A. 1977. Uranium and Thorium Distributions in Continental Tertiary Rocks of the Cook Inlet Basin
and Some Adjacent Areas, USGS, Herndon, VA.
2003. Mobile fishing gear effects on benthic habitats: a bibliography (second edition), Eds. B. E. Dieter, D. A.
Wion, and R. A. McConnaughey. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-135. United States DOC
NOAA, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA.
Abstract: Viable marine habitats are needed to sustain healthy fish populations, and the disturbance,
degradation or destruction of such habitats is a globally important issue. Scientific research has indicated
that fishing, dredging and other anthropogenic activities may alter physical and biological characteristics of
the benthos. Improved access to scientific research about fishing gear effects on fish habitat will facilitate a
greater understanding of the issue, promote informed discussion amongst scientists, policymakers and
interested stakeholders, and encourage more rapid progress toward management solutions. To this end,
scientists at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) have assembled a bibliographic database of
pertinent literature. It was initially developed in support of field research programs investigating effects of
bottom trawls on eastern Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands benthos. Ultimately, this
literature should aid the NMFS and the eight regional fishery management councils in assessing effects of
fishing on EFH.
The original bibliography is a comprehensive listing of scientific and popular literature on demersal, mobile
fishing gear and its effects in marine ecosystems. In addition to peer reviewed literature, the bibliography
includes state and Federal reports, contract and industry reports, theses and dissertations, conference and
meeting proceedings and popular articles. The primary focus of this bibliography is bottom trawling,
dredging, and raking, and the resulting direct disturbance of marine habitats and the associated biological
communities. To a lesser extent, papers addressing other potential effects, such as bycatch and discards,
are also referenced. Also included are a small number of papers that address seafloor impacts of marine
aggregates dredging and gravel extraction, as it is likely that these types of projects denature the seafloor in
a similar manner to mobile fishing gear. This bibliography does not reference papers that specifically
investigate fishing impacts due to longline fishing, trapping, ghost fishing, use of poisons/chemicals,
dynamite blasting, or impacts due to boat hulls, anchors, or propeller wash.
This update version of the bibliography has, in addition to the original 522 citations, 58 abstracts that were
previously unavailable to the editors as well as 178 new entries. The growing interest in fishing gear
effects amongst scientists, management agencies, the fishing industry, and the general public is reflected in
the steady output of new publications addressing the issue. The ability of these parties to have access to the
most recent literature calls for publication of a revised bibliography.
This bibliography can be found online as an Adobe PDF document on the AFSC web under Tech Memos
as and as a searchable, dynamic database at
Dixon, E. J., Jr., G. D. Sharma, and S. W. Stoker. 1979. Lower Cook Inlet Cultural Resource Study., University of
Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 1986. Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf Cultural Resource Compendium, Technical Report No. 119.
USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region .
Dixon, P. S. Unpublished. "Running Against the Tide: An Oral History of Commercial Fishing in Cook Inlet,
Alaska." Cambridge College.
Abstract: In this Master’s Thesis, Patrick Dixon uses an oral history approach to describe chronologically
over a century fishing and associated community life in the cook Inlet region of Southcentral Alaska. Of
particular note and relevance are detailed descriptions of gillnet fishing and associated techniques, and the
changing regulatory process which has had a reportedly profound effect on the fleet. The author further
addresses the politics of fishing in the region, contending that politics, especially politics associated with
the sport fishing fleets have resulted in a shorter fishing season and a more limited area of fishing for the
drift gillnet fleet. Dixon also examines the growing influence of the oil industry in the region.
Dobrovolny, E., and R. D. Miller. 1950. Descriptive Geology of Anchorage and Vicinity, Alaska., U.S. Geological
Dodge, R., and D. Scheel. 1999. Remains of the Prey - Recognizing the Midden Piles of Octopus Dofleini (Wulker).
Veliger 42, no. 3: 260-266.
Abstract: We described the contents and the field signs of 52 midden piles found outside occupied dens of
Octopus dofleini (Wulker, 1910) in Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet, Alaska. The contents of midden
piles are important data for describing octopus diets; yet the field signs for distinguishing octopus midden
piles from remains left by other processes can be subtle. Remains of four crab species, Telmessus
cheiragonus (Telesius, 1815), Cancer oregonensis (Dana, 1852), Pugettia gracilis Dana, 1851, and
Lophopanopeus bellus (Stimpson, 1860), composed 74% of the prey individuals represented in intertidal
middens in Prince William Sound. However, the same species were not typical of other locations:
Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, 1843) and C. rubida (Hinds, 1845) were the most common species represented
in subtidal middens, while the crab P. gracilis Dana, 1851, and the mussel Mytilus trossulus Gould, 1850,
were among the most common in intertidal middens found in Cook Inlet. Drills were found on the hard
remains of six species of crabs (75% of eight Crustacea species, 27% of 22 total species). Fifty-six percent
of drill marks on crab species were located toward the carapace posterior. Of the crab species sampled in
Prince William Sound that were drilled at all, C. oregonensis was the species most often drilled (36%),
whereas T. cheiragonus was drilled least often (6%). Drills of O. dofleini on crabs were oblong (2-6 x 12.5 mm), and came to a point at one or both ends. Drill marks tapered toward the inside of the shell, and
when the final perforation of the inner surface was made, the drill was no more than a pinpoint. A
previously undescribed mark in prey remains, the bite mark, occurred on the leg of T. cheiragonus. Bites
on weathered prey remains were about 1.2 cm long x 0.5 cm wide, occurring on the inside and outside of
the leg.
Dolan, T. G. 2001. 'Clean Bill of Health' Industry Passes Eco Test in Cook Inlet. AAPG Explorer, no. November:
Domeracki, D. D., L. C. Thebeau, C. D. Getter, J. L. Sadd, and C. H. Ruby. 1981. Sensitivity of Coastal
Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil, Alaska--Shelikof Strait Region, Final Report, RU 59. USDOC,
NOAA, OCSEAP, Boulder, CO, Prepared by Research Planning Institute, Inc.
Doser, D. I., and W. A. Brown. 2001. A Study of Historic Earthquakes of the Prince William Sound, Alaska,
Region. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91, no. 4: 842-57.
Abstract: We have investigated the character of seismicity that occurred in the Prince William Sound/Cook
Inlet region during similar to 40 years prior to the 1964 Great Alaskan earthquake. We have relocated all
events of magnitude > 5.5. Focal mechanisms have been determined from body-waveform modeling and
first-motion analysis for the larger (generally magnitude > 6.3) events. The results suggest a number of
similarities and differences between pre- and post-1964 mainshock seismicity. Similarities include the
persistence of normal faulting at depths of 40 to 60 km within the subducted slab in both the Tazlina
Glacier and Columbia Bay regions north of Prince William Sound and among deeper events within
northern Cook Inlet. Differences include a higher level of shallow seismicity (< 40 km depth) in the Upper
Cook Inlet region and north of Cook Inlet prior to 1964, higher levels of seismicity within the subducting
plate in the south-central and eastern Kenai Peninsula prior to 1964, and a lower level of seismicity in the
offshore Prince William Sound region prior to 1964. Much of the lower plate seismicity for the past 70
years appears to cluster immediately downdip of the 1964 asperity. Two of the events in this study caused
notable damage (Modified Mercalli intensity VII to VIII) in the Anchorage area. The first, in 1933 (M-w
6.9) appears to have occur-red at similar to 9 km depth along a strike-slip fault within northern Cook Inlet.
The second, in 1954 (M-w 6.7) occurred within the subducting plate at similar to 60 km depth beneath the
northern Kenai Peninsula. Analysis of these events, as well as smaller events we have studied, will greatly
improve models of seismic hazard for the Anchorage region.
Doser, D. I., A. M. Veilleux, and M. Velasquez. 1999. Seismicity of the Prince William Sound Region for Over
Thirty Years Following the 1964 Great Alaskan Earthquake. Pure and Applied Geophysics 154, no. 3-4:
Abstract: In this paper we present results of body wave-form modeling of 19 earthquakes (generally mb
greater than or equal to 5.7) occurring from 1964 to 1983 in the vicinity and down-dip of the large asperity
within the Prince William Sound region that ruptured in 1964. These data are supplemented with source
parameters from studies of more recent (post-1980) events. Our results suggest that moderate earthquakes
which occurred in the region between 1964 and 1984 were predominantly located in the vicinity of the
Prince William Sound asperity and could be assigned to two groups. The first group consists of events
occurring above the plate interface within Prince William Sound along reverse faults or low angle thrusts.
The second group occurs at 35 to 60 km depth in the region north of Prince William Sound, and represents
normal to normal-oblique faulting within the subducted Pacific crust or upper mantle. These earthquakes
occur below the northern edge of the 1964 asperity in a region where the subducting plate undergoes a
rapid change in strike and dip. A third group of events occurs in Cook Inlet well down-dip of the 1964
asperity and below the plate interface. These events exhibit a variety of mechanisms and many at depths of
50 to 70 km may be associated with complexities in the shape of the downgoing slab. Most of the Cook
Inlet events occurred after 1984, whereas a few events of similar magnitude have occurred in the vicinity of
the Prince William Sound asperity since 1984.
Doyle, M. J., K. L. Mier, M. S. Busby, and R. D. Brodeur. 2002. Regional Variation in Springtime Ichthyoplankton
Assemblages in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 53, no. 2-4: 247-81.
Abstract: The coastal regions of the northeast Pacific support large, economically valuable fishery
resources and provide nursery areas for many fish species. Over the last few decades, there have been
dramatic shifts in species abundance and composition in this area. In this paper, we examine the springtime
spatial patterns in the ichthyoplankton of three oceanographically different regions, the Southeast Bering
Sea, the Gulf of Alaska and the United States West Coast. The data examined are a subset of a larger
database (comprising data from cruises conducted from 1972 to 1997) that is being used to investigate
spatial, seasonal and interannual patterns in ichthyoplankton of the northeast Pacific in relation to
environmental conditions. Ichthyoplankton were collected during seven cruises using 60-cm bongo nets.
Spatial patterns of ichthyoplankton were examined using both classification and ordination techniques.
Relative Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficients calculated from the log(10) (n+1) of abundance data were
used as input to the numerical classification of species and stations. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling
was also applied to the abundance data to examine geometric patterns in the data. The numerical analyses
of the species abundance data sets for each cruise revealed spatial patterns in the ichthyoplankton that
suggest the occurrence of geographically distinct assemblages of fish larvae in each region. For all three
sampling regions, the assemblage structure is primarily related to bathymetry, and Shelf, Slope, and
DeepWater assemblages are described. This shallow to deep-water gradient in species occurrence and
abundance reflects the habitat preference and spawning location of the adult fish. Another degree of
complexity is superimposed on this primary assemblage structure in each region and seems to be related to
local topography and the prevailing current patterns. The patterns in ichthyoplankton assemblages of the
three regions in the northeast Pacific Ocean described here form the basis for future investigations of
spatial and temporal patterns in the ichthyoplankton of the subarctic Pacific.
Doyle, M. J., William C. Rugen, and R. D. Brodeur. 1995. Neustonic Ichthyoplankton in the Western Gulf of Alaska
During Spring. Fishery Bulletin 93, no. 2: 231-53.
Abstract: Species diversity and abundance of fish eggs in shelf waters of the western Gulf of Alaska were
similar in both surface neuston net tows and subsurface bongo net tows, but a unique group of fish larvae
appear to be associated with the neuston in this region. The dominance of larvae of an osmerid, several
hexagrammids, cottids, bathymasterids, Anoplopoma fimbria, Cryptacanthodes aleutensis, and Ammodytes
hexapterus in this group resembles the neustonic assemblage of fish larvae found in the California Current
region along the United States west coast and most of these taxa are considered obligate members of the
neuston. Several taxa, however, appear to be abundant in the neuston only at night suggesting a facultative
association with the neuston through a diel pattern of vertical migration. The facultative association of
certain species of larvae with the neuston varies with larval size. The distribution patterns observed for
most taxa of fish larvae in the neuston during this study suggest that during spring, spawning and
emergence of larvae into the plankton and subsequently into the neuston take place mainly around Kodiak
Island (except along the seaward side) and along the Alaska Peninsula to the southwest. Analysis of
multispecies spatial patterns using recurrent group analysis and numerical classification did not reveal the
existence of more than one neustonic assemblage of fish larvae in the study area. Apart from perhaps
Pleurogrammus monopterygius larvae, which are known to occur throughout the Gulf of Alaska, and to a
lesser extent A, fimbria and Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus, members of this neustonic assemblage of larvae
are not commonly found in the oceanic zone. The ecological significance of a neustonic existence for
larvae of fish that are primarily demersal spawners in the Gulf of Alaska is considered to be trophic in
nature. Neustonic fish larvae seem to be able to exploit to their advantage the unique feeding conditions
which exist at the sea surface.
2000. Breeding Status and Population Trends of Seabirds in Alaska in 1999, D. E. Dragoo, G. V. Byrd, and D. B.
Irons. AMNWR (Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge); 00/02. United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, Homer, Alaska.
Abstract: Data are being collected annually for selected species of marine birds at breeding colonies on the
far-flung Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and at other areas in Alaska to monitor the
condition of the marine ecosystem and to evaluate the conservation status of species under the trust of the
Fish and Wildlife Service. The strategy for colony monitoring includes estimating timing of nesting events,
rates of reproductive success (e.g., chicks per nest), and population trends of representative species of
various foraging guilds (e.g., off shore diving fishfeeders, offshore surface-feeding fish-feeders, diving
plankton-feeders) at geographically-dispersed breeding sites. This information enables managers to better
understand ecosystem processes and respond appropriately to resource issues. It also provides a basis for
researchers to test hypotheses about ecosystem change. The value of the marine bird monitoring program
is enhanced by having sufficiently long time-series to describe patterns for these long-lived species.
In summer 1999 data were gathered on fulmars, storm-petrels, cormorants, gulls, kittiwakes, murres,
murrelets, auklets, and/or puffins at nine annual monitoring sites on the Alaska Maritime NWR, one annual
monitoring site on the Togiak NWR, and an annual monitoring site on private land (Little Diomede Island).
In addition, data were gathered at seven other locations which are visited intermittently or are currently part
of an intensive research program off refuges (e.g., Exxon Valdez Trustee Council-sponsored research in
Prince William Sound).
In 1999, we recorded only two cases of earlier than normal hatching (red-legged kittiwakes at two sites in
the southeastern Bering Sea). Instead, most species were within normal bounds or were later than average.
Surface plankton feeders (storm-petrels) were later than normal in three of four cases (species x site).
Timing of nesting of diving plankton feeders (anklets) was normal in all cases. Fish feeders (cormorants,
gull, kittiwakes, murres, puffins) were later than normal in five of 13 cases in the southeastern Bering Sea
and in 10 of 13 cases in the northern Gulf of Alaska.
Plankton feeders (storm-petrels and auklets) had average rates of reproductive success in nearly every case
where we monitored them in 1999. For surface fish feeders, gulls had average rates of success in 5 of 6
cases, but the productivity of kittiwakes varied among regions. At Chukchi and Bering Sea locations
kittiwakes generally had average or below average success. In the Gulf of Alaska, success was average in
five of six cases. There were no cases of above average success for kittiwakes at any site we monitored in
1999. Monitored species of diving fish feeders (cormorants, murres, and puffins) had average or below
average rates of productivity at most sites in Alaska in 1999. Above average success was recorded in only
five of 36 cases (species x sites), all in the southwestern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska.
Storm-petrel populations appeared to be increasing where we monitored them in 1999 (southeastern Bering
Sea and Southeast Alaska). Trends for cormorants were either down or level. For other species of fish
feeders (gulls, kittiwakes, murres, puffins), we saw downward trends in nearly half of the cases (species x
site) while the other half was evenly split between level and upward trends. Diving plankton feeders
showed either no trend or increasing numbers at the only colony monitored in 1999 (southwestern Bering
2001. Breeding Status, Population Trends and Diets of Seabirds in Alaska, 2000, D. E. Dragoo, G. V. Byrd, and D.
B. Irons. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Report AMNWR 01/07. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska
Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Homer, Alaska.
Abstract: Data are being collected annually for selected species of marine birds at breeding colonies on the
far-flung Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and at other areas in Alaska to monitor the
condition of the marine ecosystem and to evaluate the conservation status of species under the trust of the
Fish and Wildlife Service. The strategy for colony monitoring includes estimating timing of nesting events,
rates of reproductive success (e.g., chicks per nest), population trends and diet composition of
representative species of various foraging guilds (e.g., off-shore diving fish-feeders, offshore surfacefeeding fish-feeders, diving plankton-feeders) at geographically-dispersed breeding sites. This information
enables managers to better understand ecosystem processes and respond appropriately to resource issues. It
also provides a basis for researchers to test hypotheses about ecosystem change. The value of the marine
bird monitoring program is enhanced by having sufficiently long time-series to describe patterns for these
longlived species.
In summer 2000 data were gathered on storm-petrels, cormorants, gulls, kittiwakes, murres, murrelets,
auklets, and/or puffins at eight annual monitoring sites on the Alaska Maritime NWR and one annual
monitoring site on the Togiak NWR. In addition, data were gathered at seven other locations which are
visited intermittently or are currently part of an intensive research program off refuges (e.g., Exxon Valdez
Trustee Council-sponsored research in Prince William Sound).
In 2000, we recorded only two cases of later than normal hatching (black-legged kittiwakes at Middleton
Island and red-legged kittiwakes at Bogoslof Island). Most species were within normal bounds or were
earlier than average. Surface plankton feeders (storm-petrels) were earlier than normal in three of four
cases (species x site). Timing of nesting of diving plankton feeders (auklets) was normal in all but two
cases. Fish feeders (cormorants, gulls, kittiwakes, murres, puffins) were earlier than normal in nine of 12
cases in the southeastern Bering Sea and in seven of 9 cases in the northern Gulf of Alaska.
Plankton feeders (storm-petrels and auklets) had average rates of reproductive success in every case where
we monitored them in 2000. For surface fish feeders, gulls had average rates of success in three of four
cases, but the productivity of kittiwakes varied among regions. At Chukchi and Bering Sea locations
kittiwakes generally had average or above average success. In the Gulf of Alaska, success was average in
four of five cases. There were no cases of below average success for kittiwakes at any site we monitored in
2000. Monitored species of diving fish feeders (cormorants, murres, and puffins) had average or above
average rates of productivity at most sites in Alaska in 2000. Below average success was recorded in only
two of 33 cases (species x sites), both in the southwestern Bering Sea.
Storm-petrel populations appeared to be increasing where we monitored them in 2000 (southeastern Bering
Sea and Southeast Alaska). Trends for fish feeders (cormorants, gulls, kittiwakes, murres, puffins),
exhibited upward, downward and level trends in nearly equal numbers of cases (species x site) throughout
the study area. Diving plankton feeders (auklets) showed no trend at the only colony monitored in 2000
(southwestern Bering Sea). Seabird diet data from several locations are presented for the first time this
year. These data are from past years but we hope to include more current information regarding food habits
in future reports.
Driskell, W. B. 1977. "Benthic Reconnaissance of Kachemak Bay, Alaska." eds. L. L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D.
C. Burbank. State of Alaska, ADF&G, Marine/Coastal Habitat Management, Anchorage, AK.
Duffy-Anderson, J. T., K. M. Bailey, and L. Ciannelli. 2002. Consequences of a Superabundance of Larval Walleye
Pollock Theragra Chalcogramma in the Gulf of Alaska in 1981. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 243:
Abstract: Abundances of larval walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, in 1981 were far greater
than any recorded estimates before that time or since (some patch estimates exceeded 100000 larvae per 10
m). In spite of this extraordinary input, the ensuing 1981 year class was relatively poor. An examination
of the feeding habits of larvae collected from inside and outside dense larval patches revealed that in 1981,
larval walleye pollock consumed significantly more invertebrate eggs ((x) over bar = 66.7 % of the total
diet) and fewer copepod nauplii ((x) over bar = 13.6 %) inside of larval patches relative to outside ((x) over
bar = 11.4 and 63.2 %, respectively). These observations suggest that density dependent competition inside
patches may have locally depleted the primary food source, copepod nauplii, prompting a diet switch to a
lower quality but more abundant prey resource, invertebrate eggs. Results from a bioenergetics simulation
support this theory, indicating that dense patches of walleye pollock larvae in 1981 were capable of
exhausting naupliiar prey resources in Shelikof Strait in a relatively short period of time (14 to 40 d). Our
observations contrast with other studies that suggest that ichthyoplankton exert little or no influence on
microzooplankton standing stocks. Rather, we present evidence that, in certain unusual circumstances,
particularly dense aggregations of larvae are capable of locally depleting the prey community. Such events
may weaken larval condition and exacerbate natural death rates, which may have contributed to the poor
recruitment success of the 1981 year class.
2000. APEX Project : Alaska Predator Ecosystem Experiment in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska , D.
C. Duffy. 00163-CLO. Paumanok Solutions, Kailua, Hawaii.
Abstract: This project will close out (data analysis, final report writing, and some manuscript preparation)
Project /163, which is using seabirds as probes of the trophic (foraging) environment of Prince William
Sound and comparing their reproductive and foraging biologies, including diet, with similar measurements
from Cook Inlet, an area with apparently a more suitable food environment. These measurements are being
compared with hydroacoustic, aerial, and net sampling of fish to calibrate seabird performance with fish
distribution and abundance. This will allow a determination of the extent to which food limits the recovery
of seabirds from the oil spill. Historical data from a variety of sources is being used to detect shifts in
forage fish abundance and to test hypotheses explaining such shifts.
Duffy, D. C., Haldorson, L., Romano, M., Piatt, J. F., Roby, D. D., and Kitaysky, Alexander. 1998. "APEX: Alaska
Predator Ecosystem Experiment in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska, Project No:98163
." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at
Abstract: This project uses seabirds as probes of the trophic (foraging) environment of Prince William
Sound, comparing their reproductive and foraging biologies, including diet, with similar measurements
from Cook Inlet, an area with apparently a more suitable food environment. These measurements are
compared with hydroacoustic and net samples of fish to calibrate seabird performance with fish distribution
and abundance to determine the extent to which food limits the recovery of seabirds from the spill. Fish are
sampled in order to compare diet, energetics and reproductive parameters of the different forage-fish
species, to determine whether competitive and predatory interactions or different responses to the
environment may favor the abundance of one fish species over another. In FY 98, a new sub-project
(/163S-BAA) to study jellyfish is included. Recent declines in nesting success of some fsh-eating seabirds
in Alaska have attributed to declines in the availability of certain schooling forage fishes (Le., capelin
Mallotus villosus, Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, and Pacific herring Clupea pallasi). These
fshes tend to have a high lipid content compared with other species and, consequently, are assumed to have
high nutritional value as food for young seabirds. We tested the hypotheses that type of forage fsh
consumed and the lipid:protein ratio of the diet constrain the growth and development of piscivorous
seabird nestlings. We raised seabird nestlings of two species (black- legged kittiwake Rima tridactyla,
tufted puffin Fratercula cirrhata) on controlled diets of either capelin, sand lance, or hening (high-lipid
fishes), or juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcograma; low-lipid fish). Seabird nestlings fed capelin,
sand lance, and herring had higher growth rates (body mass and wing length) than nestlings fed equal
biomass rations of pollock. Growth in body mass and wing length of kittiwake nestlings was not affected
by the lipid:protein ratio of the diet when on a high nutritional plane (i.e., high caloric intake), but growth
was significantly affected by dietary lipid:protein ratio when caloric intake was low relative to optimal
levels. Growth in body mass and wing length of tufted puffins was not significantly affected by the
lipidpotein ratio of the diet. Diets with a higher lipid:protein ratio resulted in greater fat reserves in both
seabird species, regardless of nutritional plane. Additionally, diets with a higher lipid:protein ration resulted
in higher apparent metabolizable energy coefficients, meaning utihzation of dietary energy by nestling
seabirds was more efficient on high-lipid diets. The higher growth rates, fat reserves, and energy utilization
efficiencies of nestlings fed high-lipid diets suggest that pre- and post-fledging survival are enhanced when
parent seabirds have access to and provision their young with high-lipid forage fish.
1998. Intertidal Effects of Pollution: Assessment of Top-trophic Level Predators as Bioindicators, L. K. Duffy, R.
T. Bowyer, D. D. Roby, and J. B. Faro. Final Report TO 11987. University of Alaska Coastal Marine
Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Duffy, L. K., A. K. Prichard, P. Seiser, A. Blajeski, R. T. Bowyer, D. McGuire, and D. D. Roby. 1997. Assessment
of Haptoglobin as a Biomarker for the Health of Pigeon Guillemots in Kachemak Bay. Abstract in The
Cook Inlet Symposium, p. 8Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
Easton, S., and M. E. Spencer. 1979. Marine Mammals and Birds in the Shelikof Strait, Data Summary and
Recommendations for the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Lower Cook Inlet Lease Sale #60, Unpublished
Report. University of California, Santa Cruz, CA.
EBASCO Environmental. 1990a. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Produced Water
(Discharge Number 016) September 1988-August 1989, EBASCO Environmental, Bellevue, WA, Prepared
for the Anchorage, Alaska, offices of Amoco Production Company; ARCO Alaska Inc.; Marathon Oil
Company; Phillips Petroleum Company; Shell Western E&P Inc.; Texaco Inc.; Unocal Corporation; and
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, Wash.
EBASCO Environmental. 1990b. Comprehensive Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: April 1987 Janaury 1990, EBASCO Environmental, Bellevue, WA.
Ecological Society of America. regular updates. "Ecology; Ecological Applications; Ecological Monographs;
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America." Web page. Available at
Abstract: Abstracts are available on line for the following journals: Ecology; Ecological Applications;
Ecological Monographs; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Edmundson, J. A., T. M. Willette, J. M. Edmundson, D. C. Schmidt, S. R. Carlson, B. G. Bure, and K. E. Tarbox.
2003. "Sockeye Salmon Overescapement (Kenai River Component)." Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration
Project Final Report, Restoration Project 96258A-1. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage,
Abstract: The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound resulted in many commercial fishery
closures, which led to significantly higher than normal escapements in some sockeye salmon systems. For
the Kenai River (south-central Alaska), the number of sockeye salmon returning to spawn that year was
twice the recommended escapement goal. A weak positive relationship existed between spawner abundance
and the number of sockeye fry rearing in the fall in glacially turbid Skilak and Kenai lakes luring the fall.
The variability of total copepod biomass in the spring (May-June), coupled with abundance of adult
spawners, provided a much higher degree of predictability of fall fry production. In addition, grazing by
juvenile sockeye on cyclopoid copepods in the spring strongly influenced recruitment of the next
generation of juvenile sockeye salmon. The adjacent year interaction of juvenile sockeye salmon competing
for copepods in the spring was consistent with a brood interaction model that best described the spawner
recruit relationship for this stock. In addition, total copepod biomass was also reduced when the depth of
the euphotic zone decreased. In Skilak Lake, euphotic zone depths declined throughout much of the 1990s
from increased glacier melting and its attendant silt loading and inorganic turbidity. Thus, changing
climatic conditions may further modulate the interaction of copepods with recruitment of juvenile sockeye
salmon in this large glacial system.
Endres, P. J., and E. A. Pavia. 1991. Evaluation of Oil Impacted Shoreline in the Kodiak/Alaska Peninsula Regions,
Final Report 1989-1991, State of Alaska, DEC, Anchorage, AK.
Endter-Wada, J. 1992. Social, Economic, and Subsistence Effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill on the Kodiak
Region. In Conference Proceedings, Alaska OCS Region, Fourth Information Transfer Meeting, pp. 28387. OCS Study, MMS 92-0046, Anchorage, AK: USDOI, MMS, AK OCS Region.
Envirosphere Company. 1987. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Workover, Completion
and Well Treatment Fluids Produced Water (Discharge Numbers 017, 018, and 019) 10 April 1987 - 10
September 1987, Envirosphere Company, Bellevue, WA, Prepared for the Anchorage, Alaska, offices of
Amoco Production Company; ARCO Alaska Inc.; Marathon Oil Company; Phillips Petroleum Company;
Shell Western E&P Inc.; Texaco Inc.; Unocal Corporation; and USEPA, Region 10.
———. 1989a. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Deck Drainage (Discharage Number
003) 10 April 1987 - 10 April 1988, Envirosphere Company, Bellevue, WA, Prepared for the Anchorage,
Alaska, offices of Amoco Production Company; ARCO Alaska Inc.; Marathon Oil Company; Phillips
Petroleum Company; Shell Western E&P Inc.; Texaco Inc.; Unocal Corporation; and USEPA, Region 10.
———. 1989b. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Non-Contact Cooling Water and
Desalination Waste (Discharge Numbers 010 and 006) 10 April 1987 - 10 April 1988, Envirosphere
Company, Bellevue, WA, Prepared for the Anchorage, Alaska, offices of Amoco Production Company;
ARCO Alaska Inc.; Marathon Oil Company; Phillips Petroleum Company; Shell Western E&P Inc.;
Texaco Inc.; Unocal Corporation; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, Wash.
———. 1989c. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Excess Cement Slurry and Mud,
Cuttings and Cement at the Sea Floor (Discharge Numbers 013 and 014) 10 April 1987 - 10 April 1988,
Envirosphere Company, Bellevue, WA.
———. 1989d. Summary Report: Cook Inlet Discharge Monitoring Study: Blowout Preventer Fluid, Boiler
Blowdown, Fire Control System Test Water, Uncontaminated Ballast Water, Uncontaiminated Bilge Water,
and Waterflooding Discharges (Discharge Numbers 007, 008, 009, 011, 012, and 015) 10 April 1987 - 10
October 1988, Envirosphere Company, Bellevue, WA.
Erikson, D. 1977. "Distribution, Abundance, Migration, and Breeding Locations of Marine Birds in Lower Cook
Inlet, Alaska,1976." eds. L. L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D. C. Burbank. State of Alaska, ADF&G,
Marine/Coastal Habitat Management, Anchorage, AK.
Erikson, D. E. 1995. Surveys of Murre Coloney Attendance in the Northern Gulf of Alaska Following the Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill. In Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters. eds. P. G. Wells, J. N.
Butler, and J. S. Hughes, pp. 780-819. 965 pp. Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing Materials.
Fadely, B. S. 2002. Update: Incidental Catch of Seabirds and Interactions with the Cook Inlet Salmon Drift and Set
Gillnet Fisheries, 1999-2000., USDOC, NMFS, NMML, AFSC, Seattle, WA.
Fadely, B. S., K. W. Pitcher, J. M. Castellini, and M. A. Castellini. 1997. Comparision of Harbor Sea Body
Condition within Lower Cook Inlet between 1978 and 1996. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p.
10Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
Fall, J. A. 1981. Traditional Resource Use in the Knik Arm Area: Historical and Contemporary Patterns., State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
———. 1983. "Tyonek: Resource Uses in a Small, Non-Road Connected Community of the Kenai Peninsula
Borough." Resource Use and Socioeconomic Systems: Case Studies of Fishing and Hunting in Alaskan
Communities, Comps R. J. Wolfe, and L. J. Ellanna. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Subsistence
Div, Juneau, AK.
———. 1990. The Division of Subsistence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: an overview of its research
program and findings: 1980-1990. Arctic Anthropology 27, no. 2: 68-92.
Abstract: Since 1980, the Division of Subsistence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has
conducted research on contemporary hunting, fishing, and gathering in Alaska Native and other rural
Alaskan communities. This paper describes the division's research program and some of the results of the
division's studies. First, there is an overview of the state and federal legislation which provides a preference
for subsistence uses in resource management and allocation decisions. Next, the division's research
methods are discussed, followed by a summary of some of the recent findings about the role of subsistence
uses in the mixed subsistence-based economies of Alaskan villages. A description of a "baseline" study in
the Central Yup'ik Eskimo village of Manokotak illustrates the kinds of information which the division has
collected for about 151 communities. The paper also illustrates how these data have been applied in
resource management decisions. In conclusion, the paper speculates about the future of the program in
light of court decisions which may eliminate the legal protections which have pertained to subsistence uses
in Alaska since 1978.
———. 1991. Subsistence Uses of Fish and Wildlife in 15 Alutiiq Villages After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Paper
presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association, 12 pp.Anchorage, AK:
Alaska Anthropological Association.
1995. Harbor Seal and Sea Otter Cooperative Subsistence Harvest Assistance, J. A. Fall. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Restoration Project Annual Report (Restoration Projects 94244 and 95244). State of Alaska, DFG, Division
of Subsistence, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: The project's goal was to develop an ongoing exchange of information and consensus building
between subsistence hunters, scientists, and agencies regarding actions to support the recovery of injured
populations of harbor seals and sea otters. Information on harbor seal and sea otter populations and trends
was compiled, presented at workshops, and distributed in a report. Three workshops involving scientists
and subsistence hunters occurred. Participants concurred that harbor seal populations remain depressed,
and that hunters and scientists should work together to restore the populations. Most hunters believed that
sea otter populations have largely recovered from the oil spill. Scientists and hunters can work together on
biosampling programs, inclusion of hunters in scientific studies, and integration of traditional ecological
knowledge into biological studies. Consensus-building was impeded by the lack of a formal organization
representing subsistence users of harbor seals. However, as an outcome of the process initiated by this
project, the subsistence users themselves formed an Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission as a formal comanagement body, which will be directly involved in this continuing project. Additionally, research was
conducted to collect traditional knowledge and data on harbor seal harvest locations. A video entitled
Alaskan Harbor Seals: Science and Subsistence was produced.
Fall, J. A., and L. J. Field. 1996. Subsistence Uses of Fish and Wildlife before and after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp.
819-36. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Fall, J. A., L. J. Field, T. S. Nighswander, N. Peacock, and U Varansi. 1999. "Overview of Lessons Learned from
the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A 10-Year Retrospective." Evaluating and Communicating Subsistence
Seafood Safety in a Cross-Cultural Context, SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
Fall, J. A., D. J. Foster, and R. T. Stanek. 1984. The Use of Fish and Wildlife Resources in Tyonek, Alaska, State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Subsistence, Anchorage, AK.
Fall, J. A., R. Miraglia, C. Simeone, C. Utermohle, and R. Wolfe. 2001. Long-term Consequences of the Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill for Coastal Communities of Southcentral Alaska, OCS Study, MMS 2001-032. USDOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
1995. An investigation of the sociocultural consequences of outer continental shelf development in Alaska, eds. J. A.
Fall, and C. J. Utermohle. OCS Study MMS 95-010 and State of Alaska, DFG, Division of Subsistence
Technical Report No. 160. United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: This report provides selected findings from a three-year study entitled "An Investigation of the
Sociocultural Consequences of Outer Continental Shelf Development in Alaska." The findings are
primarily organized by study community, and the report consists of 24 chapters in six volumes. The project
was conducted by the Division of Subsistence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (the division)
under a cooperative agreement (No. 14-35-0001-30622) with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals
Management Service (MMS). The primary purpose of the research was to investigate the long-term social
and cultural consequences of the development of the resources of Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS),
especially as these affect the subsistence uses of fish and wildlife. Investigation of the consequences of the
Exxon Valdez oil spill of March 1989 was a major focus of the research.
Most data were collected through voluntary face-to-face interviews using two instruments. The first, the
“harvest survey questionnaire," modeled after the division's standard survey instrument, collected data on
household demography, involvement in the cash economy, resource harvests and uses, and assessments of
changes in subsistence harvest and use patterns. The second instrument, the “Social Effects Questionnaire"
was based in part on questionnaires and interview protocols used in prior Social Indicators research funded
by MMS. It addressed changes in social and community organization which could be affected by OCS
Fall, J. A., and C. J. Utermohle. 1999. Subsistence Harvests and Uses in Eight Communities Ten Years After the
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Technical Paper No. 252. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of
Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
Farley, E. V., Jr., and K. Munk. 1997. Incidence of Thermally Marked Pink and Chum Salmon in the Coastal
Waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 4, no. 2: 181-87.
Abstract: A Gulf of Alaska research cruise during July and August 1996 provided ocean recoveries of 698
juvenile pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and 350 chum 0. keta salmon thermally marked during incubation
at Alaskan and Canadian hatcheries. We obtained the recoveries from 2,343 pink and 1,695 chum salmon
examined for thermal marks. The marked salmon migrated westerly; those released from southeastern
Alaska hatcheries were caught as far west as Cape Puget and Cape Hinchinbrook, whereas pink salmon
released from Prince William Sound hatcheries were found as far west as Mitrofania Island. Our results
indicate that a modest research sampling program can collect sufficient numbers of thermally marked
salmon for detailed studies of the growth and development of individual salmon stocks.
Faro, J. B., R. T. Bowyer, and J. W. Testa. 1991. "Assessment of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill on River Otters in
Prince William Sound." Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Natural Resource Damage Assessment, State of Alaska,
Dept. of Fish and Game, Anchorage, AK.
1999. Forage Fish Assessment in Cook Inlet Oil and Gas Development Areas, 1997-1998, R. G. Fechhelm, W. J.
Wilson, W. B. Griffiths, T. B. Stables, and D. A. Marino. OCS Study MMS 99-0039. USDOI, MMS
Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Feder, H. M., and S. C. Jewett. 1987. The Subtidal Benthios. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and
Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 347-96. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095.
Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Federal Register. 2000. Designating the Cook Inlet, Alaska Stock of Beluga Whale as Depleted Under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act. Federal Register 65, no. 105: 34590-34597.
———. 2000. Regulations Governing the Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals: Endangered and Threatened
Fish and Wildlife, Cook Inlet Beluga Whales. Federal Register 65, no. 121: 38 ,778-38,790.
———. 2000. Taking of the Cook Inlet (CI), Alaska, Stock of Beluga Whales by Alaska Natives. Federal Register
65, no. 193: 59164-70.
———. 2001. Regulations Governing the Approach to Humpback Whales in Alaska. Federal Register 66, no. 105:
———. 2002. Taking of the Cook Inlet (CI), Alaska, Stock of Beluga Whales by Alaska Natives, Marine Mammal
Protection Act. Federal Register 88, no. FR: 30646-47.
Feely, R. A., A. J. Chester, A. J. Paulson, and J. D. Larrance. 1982. Relationships between Organically Bound Cu
and Mn in Settling Particulate Matter and Biological Processes in a Subarctic Estuary. Estuaries 5, no. 1:
Feely, R. A., J. D. Cline, and G. J. Massoth. 1978. Transport Mechanisms and Hydrocarbon Adsorption Properties
of Suspended Matter in Lower Cook Inlet, RU 152. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder.
Feely, R. A., J. D. Cline, G. J. Massoth, A. J. Paulson, and M. F. Lamb. 1979b. Composition, Transport, and
Deposition of Suspended Matter in Lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Alaska , RU 152. USDOC,
NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder.
Abstract: The seasonal distributions elemental compositions, and fluxes of suspended particulate matter in
lower Cook Inlet were studied and compared with current patterns and bottom sediment distributions. In
general, the suspended matter distributions appear to follow the pattern of circulation in lower Cook Inlet
and Shelikof Strait. The inflowing clear saline Gulf of Alaska water, which is enriched in biogenic
particles of marine origin, flows northward along the eastern coast until it reaches the region near Cape
Ninilchik where it mixes with the outflowing brackish water. The outlowing turbid water which contains
terrigenous particles derived primarily from the Susitna, Matanuska, and Knik Rivers moves seaward along
the western side of the inlet past Augustine Island and Cape Douglas into Shelikof Strait where it mixes
with the oceanic water and is dispersed. Comparisons of physical characteristics and sedimentation rates of
tsp and sediments from the central basin indicated net sedimentation of fine-grained suspended particles is
minimal. However, net sedimentation is occurring in several embayments along the coast. Chemical
analysis of the tsp reveals that (1) fine grained aluminosilicate minerals comprise 80-95% of the tsp with
biogenic material making up the rest; (2) Kachemak Bay is characterized by trace element enrichments in
the organic phases of the particulate matter; (3) Kalgin Island region is characterized by trace element
enrichments in the FE-Mn oxhydroxide phases; and (4) lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait are linked by
biogeochemical processes involving Mn and organic matter. These studies lead to the speculation that
bioaccumulation of certain trace elements could occure in Kachemak Bay if it were to receive a sudden
maasive insult of these dissolved trace elements.
Feely, R. A., and G. J. Massoth. 1982. Sources, Composition, and Transport of Suspended Particulate Matter in
Lower Cook Inlet and Northwestern Shelikof Strait, NOAA Technical Report ERL 415 - PMEL 34.
Feely, R. A., G. J. Massoth, A. J. Paulson, and M. F. Lamb. 1980. Distribution and Composition of Suspended
Matter in Lower Cook Inlet and Norton Sound, Alaska, RU 152. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM,
Boulder, CO.
Feirstein, J., and W. Hildreth. 2000. Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for the Katmai Volcano Cluster,
Alaska., U.S. Geological Survey.
Ferrero, R. C., S. E. Moore, and R. C. Hobbs. 2000. Development of Beluga Capture and Satellite Tagging Protocol
in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: p 112, 12 p.
Abstract: Presents a study that attempted to capture and place satellite tags on beluga whales in Cook Inlet,
Alaska during the late spring and summer of 1995, 1997 and 1999. Increase in the intensity of subsistence
hunting activity; Deployment of a satellite-linked time and depth recorder on a young male beluga;
Improvement of stanchion system.
Ferrero, R. C., and W. A. Walker. 1999. Age, growth, and reproductive patterns of Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides
dalli) in the central North Pacific Ocean. Marine Mammal Science 15, no. 2: 273-313.
Abstract: Life history parameters were estimated for Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, from biological
specimens collected in the western Aleutian Islands, during 1981–1987. Of 2,033 males and 3,566 females
examined, reproductive data were available for 1,941 males and 1,906 females; ages were determined for
813 males and 1,297 females. Female sexual maturity was based on the presence of one or more corpus on
either ovary; 845 were sexually immature and 1,061 were sexually mature. Two estimates of female
average age at sexual maturity (ASM) were 3.8 and 4.4 yr; average length at sexual maturity (LSM) was
172 cm. Males were considered sexually mature when evidence of spermatogenesis was detected; 1,136
were sexually immature and 805 were sexually mature. Two estimates of male ASM were 4.5 and 5.0 yr;
LSM was 179.7 cm. Physical maturity was assessed for 246 males and 446 females by examining the
degree of fusion in thoracic vertebral epiphyses. For both sexes, the average age at physical maturity was
7.2 yr. Average length at physical maturity was 202.6 cm for males and 192.7 cm for females. Average
lengths of physically mature males ( 0 = 198.1 cm, SE = 0.8566) and females ( 0 = 189.7 cm, SE = 0.4002)
were significantly different( P < 0.0001). Early postnatal growth was rapid in both sexes. A secondary
growth spurt in both mass and length was characteristic for both sexes; the increase in length preceded the
mass increase by 1–2 yr. Average length at birth (LOB) was approximately 100 cm; birth mass averaged
11.3 kg (SE = 0.0772). By the time the umbilicus had healed (<2 mo), the average length and mass had
increased to 114.1 cm and 23.8 kg, respectively. Gestation period based on projections using LOB was 12
mo, but this was considered an overestimate. Calving was modal, centered in early July; an annual
reproductive interval was indicated. Among the sexually mature females, 120 were pregnant, 55 were
pregnant and lactating, 321 were pregnant with colostrum, and 33 were “resting.” By 3 July (95% CI = ± 1
d), 50% of births had occurred, during each of the seven years sampled. The ovulation rate was estimated at
0.914 ovulations per average reproductive year. Enlarged follicles and recent ovulations were observed in
postpartum females in late July.
Field, L. J. 1993. Overview of Subsistence Food Safety Testing Program. In Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium
Abstract Book, eds. and comps B. Spies, L. J. Evans, B. Wright, N. Leonard, and C. Holba, pp. 2045Anchorage, AK: Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council; University of Alaska Sea Grant College
Program; American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter.
Fisher, M. A., R. L. Detterman, and L. B. Magoon. 1987. Tectonics and Petroleum Geology of the Cook-Shelikof
Strait Basin. In Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and
Adjacent Ocean Basins-Beaufort Sea to Baja California. eds D. A. Scholl, A. Grantz, and J. G. Vedder, pp.
213-28. Tulsa, OK: AAPG.
Fisher, M. A., and L. B. Magoon. 1978. Geologic framework of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. AAPG Bulletin 62, no.
3: 373-402.
———. 1982. Geology, Structure and Petroleum Potential of the Lower Cook Inlet-Shelikof Strait Region, U.S.
Geological Survey, Reston, VA.
Flagg, L. B. 1992. Cook Inlet Alaska: A 30 Year History of Commerical Fishing and Oil Industries Operating
Concurrently in an Offshore Subarctic Environment. In Petropiscis II 2nd International Conference on
Fisheries and Offshore Petroleum Exploitation.
Ford, R. G., M. L. Bonnell, D. H. Varoujean, G. W. Page, H. R. Carter, B. E. Sharp, D. Heinemann, and J. L. Casey.
1996. Total Direct Mortality of Seabirds from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 684-711. AFS Symposium, 18.
Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Ford, R. G., M. L. Bonnell, D. H. Varoujean, G. W. Page, B. E. Sharp, D. Heinemann, and J. L. Casey. 1991.
Assessment of Direct Seabird Mortality in Prince William Sound and the Western Gulf of Alaska Resulting
from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Ecological Consulting, Inc., Portland, OR.
2003. Upper Cook Inlet Commercial Fisheries Annual Management Report, 2002, J. Fox, and P. Shields. Regional
Technical Report no. 2A03-14. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Division,
Central Region, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: This report outlines the fish harvest for the salmon, herring, and razor clam fisheries for the 2001
season. The authors calculate harvest by gear type, Inlet sub-region, and harvest levels for each fishery.
The report also provides statistics for personal use fisheries for 2001. Tabulated fishery statistics for the
period 1960 to 2002 are also included. Of note in the tables is the dramatic growth of the drift gillnet fleet
between 1960 and 1970, and the particularly high yield in pounds and dollars during the mid-1980s.
Froese, R. and Pauly, D., eds. 2004. "FishBase." Web page. Available at
Abstract: Welcome to the world of fishes. The purpose of this page is to give you background information
on FishBase, a global information system with all you ever wanted to know about fishes. FishBase is a
relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries
managers, zoologists and many more. FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to
2000. Assessing the Need for the Fisherman’s Contingency Fund, J. William Gadsby, Arnold E. Donahue, and
Martha S. Ditmeyer. National Academy of Public Administration for the Financial Services Division,
National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington,
Abstract: This document examines the question of continuing need for the Fishermen’s Contingency Fund.
The fund was established as Title IV of the OCSLA in 1978, and serves to reimburse fishermen who can
prove gear loss due to underwater obstructions associated with oil and gas industry infrastructure. The
document outlines the history of the fund, describes patterns of claims and claim actions, examines the
issue of fraud, and evaluates its ongoing utility. Most claimants are shrimp trawl captains in Louisiana
where there are thousands of drilling platforms operating in close proximity to the fleet, and often in
relatively shallow water. Possible alternatives for the program are reviewed. These include termination,
privatization, and remanding its operation to states and/or counties.
Gallagher, T. J. 1992. Language, native people, and land management in Alaska. Arctic 45 , no. 2: 145-49.
Abstract: The native people of Alaska rely on access to land for subsistence resources. As a result of a
series of congressional acts, about 88% of Alaska's land is now managed by federal or state agencies. For
native people to retain their subsistence use of resources they must affect agency management decisions.
Effective participation in the decision process requires clear translation between English and native
languages, of which there are 20 in Alaska. Translation to these languages, even those with few speakers, is
important because: elders, the primary decision makers in native communities, are most likely to speak the
native language; language survival relates directly to cultural survival; and land management agencies have
become the latest Western institutions to suppress native language and culture. Translation, however, is
difficult due to substantial differences in English and native language vocabularies, particularly in the area
of land management. Three solutions are proposed: training of translators and support of "two-way"
terminology workshops; development of a unified glossary of agency management terms; and use of
traditional (native) place names and terms by agencies. Agencies are encouraged to provide support to
implement these solutions
Galt, J. 2000. "Trajectory Analysis for Cook Inlet Using Simplified Models." Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography
Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska,
CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Galt, J. A., and D. L. Payton. 1990. Movement of Oil Spilled From the T/V Exxon Valdez. In Sea Otter Symposium:
Proceedings of a Symposium to Evaluate the Response Effort on Behalf of Sea Otters After the T/V Exxon
Valdez Oil Sill into Prince William Sound, eds. K. Bayha, and J. Kormendy, pp. 4-17. Biological Report,
no. 90(12). Washington, DC: USDOI, FWS.
Gatto, L. W. 1976. Baseline Data on the Oceanography of Cook Inlet, Alaska, CRREL Report 76-25. U.S. Army,
Corps of Engineers, CRREL, Hanover, NH, Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
———. 1976. Circulation and Sediment Distribution in Cook Inlet, Alaska. In Assessment of the Marine
Environment. Selected Topics. eds. D. W. Hood, and D. C. Burrell, pp. 205-27. Occasional Publication,
No. 4. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
———. 1982. Ice Distribution and Winter Surface Circulation Patterns, Kachemak Bay, Alaska, CRREL Report
81-22. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Gharrett, Anthony John, A. K. Gray, and V. Brykov. 2001. Phylogeographic Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA
Variation in Alaskan Coho Salmon, Oncorhynchus Kisutch. Fishery Bulletin 99, no. 4: 528-44.
Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) sampled from
northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea drainages formed two monophyletic clades between which
nucleotide divergences averaged 2.95 substitutions per 1000 nucleotides. These data were obtained from
restriction endonuclease digestions of PCR products that included over 97% of the mtDNA genome and
resolved 16 different haplotypes in 258 fish from 13 locations. Comparisons of haplotype compositions of
populations indicated that the Bering Sea drainages and one Kodiak Island population clustered separately
from nine other Gulf of Alaska populations, including one from Asia. Rates of gene flow among
populations estimated from haplotype frequencies (assuming an equilibrium between gene flow and
random drift) were low (about one female per generation between drainages within regions) in relation to
allozyme-based estimates of gene flow for other Pacific salmon species. Much of the haplotype frequency
variation was within-region variation. Haplotypes from both clades occur in many extant populations,
suggesting that gene flow, population movements, or recolonization followed divergence of refugial
isolates. Nested clade analysis of the geographic distribution of mtDNA haplotypes, indicated that coho
salmon demographic history has been influenced by recent isolation by distance and that historic
population fragmentation was preceded by range expansion. These observations are consistent with effects
expected from Pleistocene glacial advances and retreats.
Gilfillan, E. S., T. H. Suchanek, P. D. Boehm, E. J. Harner, D. S. Page, and N. A. Sloan. 1995. Shoreline Impacts in
the Gulf of Alaska Region Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and
Effects in Alaskan Waters. eds. P. G. Wells, J. N. Butler, and J. S. Hughes, pp. 444-81. 965 pp.
Philadelphia, PA: American Society for Testing Materials.
Gill, R. E., Jr., and L. Tibbitts. 1997. Seasonal Shorebird Use of Coastal Cook Inlet. Abstract in The Cook Inlet
Symposium, p. 12Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
———. 1999. Seasonal Shorebird Use of Intertidal Habitats of Cook Inlet, Alaska., OCS Study, MMS 99-0012.
USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Goepfert, B. L. 1969. An Engineering Challenge - Cook Inlet, Alaska. In Offshore Technology Conference, OTC
1048 preprint.
2003. The Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge : economic importance, S. Goldsmith, J. Brian, and A. Hill. University
of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop a regional economic assessment of the Kodiak National
Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska. This assessment will be used to help update the Comprehensive
Conservation Plan for the refuge, as required under section 304 of the Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act (ANILCA).
In this regional economic assessment, we focus primarily on an economic significance analysis; we present
a brief economic impact analysis as well. Both are useful for policy analysis, but each measures a different
dimension of economic activity.
The economic significance of a refuge is a measure of the total number of jobs and the total household
income generated by expenditures associated with the management of each refuge, by expenditures of
refuge visitors, and by expenditures for the harvest and other use of refuge resources. In Alaska these
expenditures directly create jobs for Fish and Wildlife Service employees, for people employed in
businesses serving the recreation industry, and for commercial fishermen. Additional jobs are created by
expenditures of the Fish and Wildlife
Service and by businesses for procuring supplies and services. As these government and private sector
workers spend their incomes, jobs in other sectors of the economy are created through a process known as
the multiplier effect. The total number of jobs created by expenditures for management and use of the
refuge is consequently greater than just the number directly created.
The estimates of job and income creation produced through this analysis are of particular interest to local
businesses and governments. The jobs and household income the refuge generates are usually viewed as
beneficial for the regional economy.
Economic impact analysis considers how many of the jobs and how much of the income generated by the
refuge would not have existed in the Kodiak economy, if the refuge had not existed. Some expenditures
associated with the refuge would have been replaced by other expenditures on Kodiak Island–some hunters
might choose to hunt on other, non-refuge land in Kodiak for example. Other expenditures would nothunters might choose the Alaska Peninsula, or somewhere outside Alaska. Both types of expenditures are
included in significance. Only those expenditures that would not have occurred in Kodiak except for the
existence of the refuge are included in economic impact analysis.
Gray, J. 1988. Scales of Adjustment of Offshore-Directed Winds Along a Mountainous Coast. In Proceedings of the
Fourth Conference on Coastal Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, pp. 12-17Boston, MA: American
Meteorological Society.
Gray, R. L. 1999. "A pH-Gradient Approach to the Acid Volatile Sulfide Technique for Determining Sediment
Quality for Trace Metals." Florida Institute of Technology.
Greisman, P. 1985. Western Gulf of Alaska Tides and Circulation, Dobrocky Seatech, Anchorage, AK..
Gretsch, D. 2001. Kodiak Management Area Herring Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries January 2002.,
Regional Information Report No. 4K01-59. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Commercial
Fisheries, Kodiak, AK.
Griffiths, R. P., B. A. Caldwell, W. A. Broich, and R. Y. Morita. 1981. Long-term Effects of Crude Oil on Uptake
and Respiration of Glucose and Glutamate in Arctic and Subarctic Marine Sediments. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 44, no. 5: 792-801.
———. 1982. The Long-term Effects of Crude Oil on Microbial Processes in Subarctic Marine Sediments: Studies
on Sediments Admended with Organic Nutrients. Marine Pollution Bulletin 13, no. 8: 273-78.
———. 1982. The Long-term Effects of Crude Oil on Microbial Processes in Subarctic Marine Sediments.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 15, no. 2: 183-98.
Griffiths, R. P., T. M. McNamara, S. E. Steven, and R. Y. Morita. 1981. Relative Microbial Activity and
Mineralization Associated with Water Masses in the Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Journal of the
Oceanographical Society of Japan 37: 227-33.
2000. Kachemak Bay littleneck clam assessments, 1996-1997, R. L. Gustafson, and W. R. Bechtol. Regional
Information Report 2A00-25. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2001. Trawl shrimp index surveys in the Southern District of the Cook Inlet Management Area, spring 1995 and
1997, R. L. Gustafson, and W. R. Bechtol. Regional Information Report 2A01-09. Alaska Department of
Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
Haines, J. R., R. M. Atlas, R. P. Griffiths, and R. Y. Morita. 1981. Denitrification and Nitrogen Fixation in Alaskan
Continental Shelf Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 41: 412-21.
2000. Mapping Cook Inlet Rip Tides Using Local Knowledge and Remote Sensing, B. Haley, G. Tomlins, O. Smith,
W. Wilson, and M. Link. OCS Study MMS 2000-025. Prepared by LGL Alaska Reseach Associates for
MMS Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Hall, R. A., E. G. Zook, and G. M. Meaburn. 1978. National Marine Fisheries Service Survey of Trace Elements in
the Fishery Resource, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, WA (USA).
Abstract: Trace element levels have been determined in tissues of 204 species of finfish, Mollusca, and
Crustacea taken from 198 sites around the coastal United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. The survey
was undertaken as part of the Microconstituents Program of the National Marine Fisheries Service, and
covers the occurrence of 15 elements: antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese,
mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, tin, vanadium, and zinc. Total concentrations of each
element were determined without regard to chemical form. The species analyzed represent approximately
93% of the volume of the US commercial and sportfish catch. The analytical data are summarized in
several ways in order to emphasize different aspects of the trace element distributions. Mean levels of each
element are presented in relation to the number of species examined, the US (commercial and sportfish)
catch, and the US catch intended for consumption. More detailed analytical data on all 15 elements are
given for individual species with reference to tissue analyzed, length and weight of fish, and location of
catch. For the most part, experimental results are presented without interpretive comment. Mean levels of
mercury, the only element for which a regulatory action level is in force, were found to exceed 0.5 ppm Hg
in species representing less than 2% of the U.S. catch intended for consumption.
Hameedi, M. J. 1986. Management Needs of Scientific Data. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and
Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 597-617. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095.
Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Hamel, C., M. Herrmann, S. T. Lee, K. R. Criddle, and H. T. Geier. 2002. Linking Sportfishing Trip Attributes,
Participation Decisions, and Regional Economic Impacts in Lower and Central Cook Inlet, Alaska. Annals
of Regional Science 36, no. 2: 247-64.
Abstract: Forecasts of the regional economic impacts of changes in the demand for recreation occasioned
by regulatory changes, changes in the quality of the recreation experience, or changes in average trip costs
require a model that links changes in these trip attributes to individual participation decisions and
population participation rates. The probability that an individual will take a particular recreational trip is
described using a nonlinear random effects probit model based on variable trip attributes and individual
economic and demographic characteristics. These conditional individual probabilities are transformed into
predictions of changes in total recreation demand using a simulation-based sample enumeration method.
The regional impacts associated with ensuing changes in primary and secondary expenditure patterns are
elucidated with a stand-alone recreation-sector module linked to a regionally adjusted zip code-level inputoutput model. Because the participation model allows for non-constant marginal utility, primary and
secondary impacts exhibit nonlinear responses to variations in trip attributes. The modeling approach is
demonstrated in an application to the saltwater sport fisheries for Pacific halibut and salmon in Lower and
Central Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Hamilton, C. I., S. J. Starr, and L. L. Trasky. 1979. Recommendations for Minimizing the Impacts of Hydrocarbon
Development on the Fish, Wildlife, and Aquatic Plant Resources of Lower Cook Inlet, State of Alaska,
Dept. of Fish and Game, Marine and Coastal Habitat Management, Anchorage, AK.
Hampton, M. A. 1982. Synthesis Report: Environmental Geology of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, Open-File Report
82-197. U.S. Geological Survey.
Hampton, M. A. 1982a. Lower Cook Inlet Environmental Geology and Shelikof Strait Environmental Geology, U.S.
Geological Survey , Reston, VA.
Hampton, M. A. 1983. Geotechnical Framework Study of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, United States DOI, GS, Menlo
Park, CA.
———. 1985. Quaternary Sedimentation in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Marine Geology 62: 213-53.
———. 1986. "Geotechnical Framework Study of Shelikof Strait, Alaska." Outer Continental Shelf Environmental
Assessment Program, Final Reports of Principle Investigators, Volume 50. United States DOC, NOAA,
OCSEAP and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1994. Classification Properties of Holocene Sediment in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Marine Georesources and
Geotechnology 12: 237-57.
Hampton, M. A., and A. H. Bouma. 1976. R/V Sea Sounder, June-July 1976; Seismic Profiles of Lower Cook Inlet
and Kodiak Shelf, United State DOI, GS, Meno Park, CA.
———. 1978. Movement of Sand Waves in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Offshore
Technology Conference., pp. 2271-84.
———. 1979. Notes on the Acquistion of High Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles Side-Scanning Sonar Records,
and Sediment Samples from Lower Cook Inlet and Kodiak Shelf, R/V Sea Sounder Cruise S9-78-WG,
August 1978, United States DOI, GS, Menlo Park, CA.
———. 1979. Shallow faulting, bottom instability, and movement of sediment in lower Cook Inlet and Western Gulf
of Alaska., Annual Report 1978-1979 RU 327.
Hampton, M. A., A. H. Bouma, and I. P. Colburn. 1978. Analysis of Micro Textures on Quartz Sand Grains from
Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Geology 6: 105-10.
Hampton, M. A., A. H. Bouma, T. P. Frost, and R I. P. Colburn. 1979. Volcanic Ash in Surficial Sediments of the
Kodiak Shelf--an Indicator of Sediment Dispersal Patterns. Marine Geology 29: 347-56.
Hampton, M. A., P. R. Carlson, H. J. Lee, and R. A. Feely. 1986. Geomorphology, Sediment, and Sedimentary
Processes. In The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S.
T. Zimmerman, pp. 93-143. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and
USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Hampton, M. A., K. H. Johnson, M. E. Torresan, and W. J. Winters. 1981. Description of Seafloor Sediment and
Preliminary Geo-environmental Report, Shelikof Strait, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA.
Hampton, M. A., and W. J. Winters. 1981. Environmental Geology of Shelikof Strait, OCS Sale Area 60, Alaska. In
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Offshore Technology Conference, 19-34Offshore Technology
Handel, C. M., and R. E. Gill. 1992. Breeding distribution of the Black Turnstone. Wilson Bulletin 104: 122-35.
Abstract: Eighty-five percent of the world population of Black Turnstones (Arenaria melanocephala) nest
on the central Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 65% concentrated in a narrow band of salt grass,
graminoid, and dwarf shrub meadows within two km of the coast. An estimated 61,000 to 99,000 birds
(95% CI), with a point estimate of 80,000 birds, breed on the central delta. About 15,000 others nest
elsewhere in Alaska. Abundance varies among habitats and with distance from the coast. On the central
delta, highest breeding densities occur in coastal salt grass meadows (1.11 ± 0.16 birds·ha -1) and lowest
densities occur on dwarf shrub mat tundra (0.04 ± 0.04 birds ha -1). Breeding densities in mixed graminoid
and dwarf shrub meadows decline significantly with distance from the coast, decreasing abruptly from 0.75
± 0.11 birds ha-1 within the first two km to 0.09 ± 0.03 birds·ha -1 farther inland. Although salt grass
meadows constitute only 5% of the coastal lowlands, they support 25% of the population.
Hansen D. J., and J. D. Hubbard. 1999. Distribution of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in winter,
OCS Study MMS 99-0024. USDOI MMS AK OCS Region, Anchorage AK.
2002. A reference guide to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game shellfish literature library and database, D. A.
Hart, and P. G. van Tamelen. Special Publication No. 16. State of Alaska DFG, Division of Commercial
Fisheries, Juneau, AK.
Abstract: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Shellfish Literature Library and Database
(hereafter called the shellfish library or library) has been compiled to catalog research literature collected
by staff of the Chief Fisheries Science Section of the ADF&G, Division of Commercial Fisheries.
Cataloging collected literature in a bibliographic database enables staff to access the literature in a timely
and efficient manner and to share area-specific and diverse holdings around the state. Shellfish fisheries
managers, biometricians, and biologists need quick access to shellfish literature when developing new
fishery management plans, writing technical issue papers, and reviewing manuscripts.
The purpose of this reference guide is to provide users with the essential tools for creating bibliographies
from the shellfish library. Keywords and journals specific to this library are listed in the appendixes. Users
are encouraged to consult the EndNote software user's guide and online help system to learn the more
intricate features EndNote has to offer.
Read-only versions of the software are available at regional ADF&G headquarters. At the time of intial
distribution, the shellfish library included over 4,500 bibliographic references: today (March 2002) the the
library contains over 5,400 references, and additons will continue.
1996. Seasonal Movements and Pelagic Habitat Use of Murres and Puffins Determined by Satellite Telemetry , S.
A. Hatch. Restoration Project 95021, Final Report. National Biological Service, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: Common murres (Uria aalge) were the bird species most heavily impacted by the Exxon Valdez
oil spill. The failure of this species to recover 6 years after the event may be related to a long-term decline
in the availability of suitable forage. Elsewhere in the restoration program, tufted puffins (Fratercula
cirrhata) are being used as samplers of the forage fish community and as indicators of changes that may be
affecting murres and other injured resources. Tests of hypotheses concerning food limitation on murre
population recovery and the application of puffins as fish samplers require information on the foraging
ranges and feeding areas of birds from specific colonies. In July 1995, implantable satellite transmitters
were deployed in 10 common murres and 5 tufted puffins at the Barren Islands, Gulf of Alaska. In a
related study, 20 transmitters were deployed in common and thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) at two
colonies in the Chukchi Sea. Barren Islands murres primarily foraged south to Kodiak Island waters at
distances of 40-100 km from the release site. One tufted puffin stayed within 20 km of the islands before
departing the colony and moving to a relatively small area of open water some 100 km east of Marmot
Island. Murres from Cape Lisburne and Cape Thompson commuted up to 135 km from their colonies
while breeding, then migrated to a common wintering area in the southeastern Bering Sea near the Pribilof
Islands. The main problems encountered during the study were shorter than expected battery life and the
inability of some birds to survive the procedure.
Hatch, S. A., and M. A. Hatch. 1983b. Populations and Habitat Use of Marine Birds in the Semidi Islands, Alaska.
Murrelet 64: 39-46.
Hatch, S. A., P. M. Meyers, D. M. Mulcahy, and D. C. Douglas. 1996. Using implanted satellite transmitters to track
the movements of murres and puffins. Alaska OCS Region: Proceedings of the 1995 Arctic Synthesis
MeetingCosta Mesa CA MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, 159-60Anchorage, Alaska: United States
Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region.
Abstract: To track the movements of breeding Common and Thick-billed murres and Tufted puffins, we
surgically implanted 35-gram satellite transmitters at three field locations in Alaska (Barren Islands, Cape
Lisburne, and Cape Thompson). Implantation disrupted most breeding attempts of murres at the Barren
Islands. Birds stayed out at sea, primarily foraging south to Kodiak Island at distances of 40 to 100 km
from the release site. Murres from capes Lisburne and Thompson foraged north and west into the Chukchi
Sea. Individuals that retained breeding status in those colonies showed typical foraging ranges of 70 to 80
km. Locations of birds that ceased to commute averaged about 170 km from the colonies in the first month
after release. First-month mortality was high for instrumented puffins (80%) and murres (60%) at the
Barren Islands, moderate for murres at Cape Lisburne (50%), and low for murres at Cape Thompson (0%).
The differences in mortality among study areas may reflect variable feeding conditions, although breeding
success of murres was high (ca. 70 to 80%) at all three colonies in 1995.
———. 2000. Seasonal Movements and Pelagic Habitat Use of Murres and Puffins Determined by Satellite
Telemetry. Condor 102, no. 1: 145-54.
Abstract: We tracked the movements of Common Murres (Uria aalge), Thick-billed Murres (U, lomvia),
and Tufted Puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) using surgically implanted satellite transmitters. From 19941996, we tagged 53 birds from two colonies in the Gulf of Alaska (Middleton Island and Barren Islands)
and two colonies in the Chukchi Sea (Cape Thompson and Cape Lisburne). Murres and puffins ranged 100
km or farther from all colonies in summer, but most instrumented birds had abandoned breeding attempts
and their movements likely differed from those of actively breeding birds. However, murres whose
movements in the breeding period suggested they still had chicks to feed foraged repeatedly at distances of
50-80 km from the Chukchi colonies in 1995. We detected no differences in the foraging patterns of males
and females during the breeding season, nor between Thick-billed and Common Murres from mixed
colonies. Upon chick departure from the northern colonies, male murres--some believed to be tending their
flightless young--drifted with prevailing currents toward Siberia, whereas most females hew directly south
toward the Bering Sea. Murres from Cape Thompson and Cape Lisburne shared a common wintering area
in the southeastern Bering Sea in 1995, and birds from Cape Lisburne returned to the same area in the
winter of 1996. We conclude that differences in foraging conditions during summer rather than differential
mortality rates in winter account for contrasting population trends previously documented in those two
Hayes, M. O., P. J. Brown, and J. A. Michel. 1977. "Coastal Morphology and Sedimentation in Lower Cook Inlet,
Alaska." Environmental Studies of Kachemack Bay and Lower Cook Inlet, eds. L. L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg,
and D. C. Burbank. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Marine/Coastal Habitat Management,
Anchorage, AK.
Hayes, M. O., and J. A. Michel. 1982. Shoreline Sedimentation within a Forearc Embayment, Lower Cook Inlet,
Alaska. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 52, no. 1: 251-63.
Heads Up! "News connecting the West Coast fishing community." Web page. Available at
Abstract: The mission of Heads Up! is to strengthen the connection of fishermen, fishing families, industry,
communities, agencies, and other groups through the exchange of timely, important information that will
ultimately support the industry's transition to the future.
Heard, W. R. 1998. Do hatchery salmon affect the North Pacific Ocean ecosystem? North Pacific Anadromous Fish
Commission Bulletin 1: 405-11.
Abstract: Releases of hatchery-reared anadromous salmon into the North Pacific Ocean are currently
estimated between 5 and 6 billion juveniles per year. Wild spawning salmon may produce an additional 4
to 5 times this number of juveniles. With as many as 25 billion juvenile Pacific salmon annually entering
the ocean and currently producing over 1.0 million mt of returning adults, salmon survival and production
in the North Pacific Ocean is currently at historically high levels in spite of depressed runs and endangered
stocks in some regions. Biological changes in size and age at maturity of some stocks have raised
questions on the density effects of high abundance, and on the long-term well being and health of salmon
stocks. Changes in size and age notwithstanding, favorable ocean conditions for survival and growth, even
growth at reduced levels, have produced historic numbers and biomass of salmon suggesting the evidence
for limitations in the carrying capacity for these fishes is inconclusive. Important studies are underway in
several countries to better understand the effects of hatchery-wild stock interactions on the spawning
grounds but little attention has been directed toward this issue in the ocean. New mass marking and
identification technologies for both hatchery and wild fish provide mechanisms for investigating the
interactions of salmon in the open ocean. Given biological concerns about ocean carrying capacity and
socio-economic issues associated with record runs, should NPAFC member countries consider cooperative
quotas to limit production of salmon around the North Pacific Rim? If implemented, each country could
determine what portion of its quota would be derived from wild and hatchery production.
Hedborg, C. E. 1991. Cathodic Protection in Cook Inlet Arctic Waters. Materials Performance 30, no. 2: 24-28.
Abstract: Many articles have been published on the subject of cathodic protection of marine structures.
Relatively few address the problems of corrosion control in arctic conditions. Environmental conditions
that are unique to Cook Inlet, Alaska, and the effect of these environments on cathodic protection systems
are presented.
Hein, J. P., A. H. Bouma, and M. A. Hampton. 1977. Distribution of Clay Minerals in Lower Cook Inlet and Kodiak
Shelf Sediment, Alaska, United States, DOI, GS.
Hein, J. R., A. H. Bouma, M. A. Hampton, and C. R. Ross. 1979. Clay Mineralogy, Fine-grained Sediment
Dispersal, and Inferred Current Patterns, Lower Cook Inlet and Kodiak Shelf, Alaska. Sedimentary
Geology 24: 291-306.
Henrichs, S. M. 2000. "Kinetics and Mechanisms of Slow PAH Desorption from Lower Cook Inlet and Beaufort
Sea Sediments [Abstract]." Annual Report No. 6, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study
MMS 2000-046. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
Henrichs, S. M., and M. Luoma. 1995. "A Study of the Adsorption and Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
by Marine Sediments." Annual Report No. 2 Fiscal Year 1995, Coastal Marine Institute University of
Alaska. OCS Study MMS 95-0057. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Henrichs, S. M., and M. Luoma. 1995. "A Study of the Adsorption and Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
by Marine Sediments." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 2 Fiscal Year
1995, Annual Report TO 11981. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
1997. A Study of the Adsorption and Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Marine Sediments, S. M.
Henrichs, M. Luoma, and S. Smith. Final Report TO 11981. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute
and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Henrichs, S. M., M. Luoma, and S. Smith. 1997. "A Study of the Adsorption and Biodegradation of Aromatic
Hydrocarbons by Marine Sediments." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 3
Fiscal Year 1996, Annual Report TO 11981. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United
States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 1998. "A Study of the Adsorption of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Marine Sediments. Annual Report TO
11981 [Abstract]." Annual Report Fiscal Year 1997, Coastal Marine Institute University of Alaska. OCS
Study MMS 98-0005. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Fairbanks; AK.
Henrichs, S. M., M. Luoma, and S. Smith. 1999. Phenanthrene Adsorption by Jakolof Bay Sediments. In Alaska
OCS Region Seventh Information Transfer Meeting Proceedings, Preparers MBC Applied Environmental
Sciences, p. 12. OCS Study, no. MMS 99-0022. Anchorage, AK: United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Henrichs, S. M., and J. A. Terschak. 2000. "Kinetics and Mechanisms of Slow PAH Desorption from Lower Cook
Inlet and Beaufort Sea Sediments." Annual Report No. 7, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute.
OCS Study MMS 2000-070. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Hermann, A. J., S. Hinckley, B. A. Megrey, and J. M. Napp. 2001. Applied and Theoretical Considerations for
Constructing Spatially Explicit Individual-Based Models of Marine Larval Fish That Include Multiple
Trophic Levels. Ices Journal of Marine Science 58, no. 5: 1030-1041.
Abstract: Individual-based modelling (IBM) techniques offer many advantages for spatially explicit
modelling of marine fish early life history. However, computationally efficient methods are needed for
incorporating spatially explicit circulation and prey dynamics into IBMs. Models of nutrientphytoplankton-zooplankton (NPZ) dynamics have traditionally been formulated in an Eulerian (fixed
spatial grid) framework, as opposed to the pseudo-Lagrangian (individual-following) framework of some
IBMs. We describe our recent linkage of three models for the western Gulf of Alaska: (1) a threedimensional, eddy-resolving, wind- and runoff-driven circulation model, (2) a probabilistic IBM of growth
and mortality for egg and larval stages of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), and (3) an Eulerian,
stage-structured NPZ model which specifies production of larval Pollock prey items. Individual fish in the
IBM are tracked through space using daily velocity fields generated from the hydrodynamic model, along
with self-directed vertical migrations of Pollock appropriate to each life stage. The NPZ dynamics are
driven by the same velocity, temperature. and salinity fields as the pollock IBM, and provide spatially and
temporally varying prey fields to that model. The resulting prey fields yield greater variance of individual
fish attributes (e.g. length), relative to models with spatially uniform prey. Practical issues addressed
include the proper time filtering and storage of circulation model output for subsequent use by biological
models, and use of different spatial grids for physical and biological dynamics. We demonstrate the
feasibility and computational costs of our coupled approach using specific examples from the western Gulf
of Alaska.
Hermann, A. J., S. Hinckley, B. A. Megrey, and P. J. Stabeno. 1996. Interannual Variability of the Early Life
History of Walleye Pollock Near Shelikof Strait as Inferred From a Spatially Explicit, Individual-Based
Model. Fisheries Oceanography 5: 39-57.
Abstract: A coupled biophysical model is used to hindcast the early life history of a population of walleye
pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), to assess possible physical causes of interannual Variability in
recruitment. The modelling approach combines a primitive equation, rigid-lid hydrodynamic model with a
probabilistic, individual-based biological model of growth, development, and mortality. Individuals are
tracked through space using daily velocity fields generated from the hydrodynamic model, along with selfdirected vertical migrations appropriate to each life stage in the biological model. The hydrodynamic
model is driven with wind and runoff time series appropriate to each year. Biological model output
compares favourably with observed spatial distributions for specific years. Lloyd's index of patchiness,
calculated from model output, was similar to values calculated from field data. Five noncontiguous years
were chosen for hindcasts to span a wide range of meteorological conditions (winds, runoff) and
recruitment success. Interannual comparisons suggest that two years of above average recruitment (1978
and 1988), and one year of below average recruitment (1991), experienced flow fields which carried many
individuals into the Alaskan Stream. At the same time, the vigorous flow fields generated in each of these
years carried some individuals onto the shelf area to the south-west of the spawning site. A year with low
runoff and weak winds (1989) exhibited weak circulation, with extended retention of larvae near the
spawning site. A year with high runoff (1987) was notable for the strength and frequency of mesoscale
eddy activity. Eddies appear capable of both enhancing patchiness of early larvae (through retention) and
dissipating patchiness of juveniles (through mesoscale mixing). Larvae retained in an eddy feature exhibit
a narrower range of sizes than the population outside that feature.
Hermann, A. J., W. C. Rugen, P. J. Stabeno, and N. A. Bond. 1996. Physical Transport of Young Pollock Larvae
(Theragra Chalcogramma) Near Shelikof Strait: as Inferred From a Hydrodynamic Model. Fisheries
Oceanography 5: 58-70.
Abstract: An advective model was used to simulate the drift of larval walleye pollock (Theragra
chalcogramma) over a 40-day period (late April through early lune) near Shelikof Strait, Alaska. This
model was used: (i) to assess how much of the observed change in larval positions during that period can
be explained by transport at fixed depth; (ii) to demonstrate that observed change can he related to mean
large-scale meteorological forcing; and (iii) to investigate accumulation of larvae in specific areas near the
coast. Based on availability of larval and circulation data, three years were studied: 1988, 1989 and 1991.
Velocity fields generated from a hydrodynamic model driven by winds and runoff were used to advect
particles seeded in accordance with observed larval distributions in late April of each year. The modelled
larvae were tracked at 40 m depth, corresponding to the mean depth of sampled larvae and the depth of
neutrally buoyant drifters employed in field studies. Specific features observed in late May larval surveys
were reproduced by the model, such as the accumulation of larvae in a shoal area downstream of the strait.
Differences among the modelled years include extensive flushing of larvae to the south-west in 1988 and
1991, vs. limited flushing in 1989. These differences appear related to the mean large-scale atmospheric
pressure patterns for April-May of those years.
Hermann, A. J., and P. J. Stabeno. 1996. An Eddy-Resolving Model of Circulation on the Western Gulf of Alaska
Shelf 1. Model Development and Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research 101, no. C1:
Herrmann, M., S. T. Lee, K. R. Criddle, and C. Hamel. 2001. A Survey of Participants in Lower and Central Cook
Inlet Halibut and Salmon Sport Fisheries. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 8, no. 2: 107-17.
Abstract: Results of a postal survey of participants in the 1997 central and lower Cook Inlet saltwater
halibut and salmon sport fisheries are reported and compared with the results of the 1997 Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) statewide sportfishing harvest survey and the 1998 ADF&G
saltwater charter vessel logbook census. Despite the use of different survey methods and instruments,
responses to related questions correspond closely across all 3 surveys. Nonresident sportfishing accounted
for 44% of the 197.556 anglerdays of effort in the lower and central Cook Inlet halibut and salmon
saltwater sport fisheries during 1997. Effort levels by Kenai Peninsula Borough residents and other
Alaskans were 25% and 31% of the total, respectively. Local residents, other Alaskans, and nonresidents
exhibited differing demographic and economic characteristics and different catch rates, selected different
fishing nodes, and incurred different trip expenditures. Alaskan respondents were younger, lived with
larger families, and had a lower average income than the average nonresident angler. Women comprised
over a third of the Alaskan anglers, but scarcely more than a fifth of the nonresidents. Nonresidents, local
residents, and other Alaskans accounted for 65%, 10%, and 25% of the charter client-days, respectively.
Nonresidents incurred higher average fishing trip-specific costs than residents for similar trips. Likewise,
fishing trip-specific expenditures were higher for charter clients than for private-vessel or shorebased
fishers. Although 88% of the Alaskan respondents identified saltwater fishing as the primary purpose of
their trip to the Kenai Peninsula, 57% of the nonresident respondents indicated their participation was
incidental to their primary trip purpose. After adjusting for spending that would have occurred in the
absence of sportfishing, we estimate that $34.1 million in expenditures can he uniquely attributed to the
1997 central and lower Cook Inlet halibut and salmon sport fisheries. These expenditures include $24.9
million in "new" money, money released into the Kenai Peninsula economy by individuals who reside
outside the borough. These same fisheries contributed $22.3 million and $23.5 million in new money in
1998 and 1999, respectively.
Herrmann, M., S. T. Lee, C. Hamel, K. R. Criddle, H. T. Geier, J. A. Greenberg, and C. E. Lewis. 2000. "An
economic assessment of the marine sport fisheries for halibut, and chinook and coho salmon in lower Cook
Inlet." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 6: Federal Fiscal Year 1999,
submitted by Vera Alexander. OCS Study MMS 2000-046. University of Alaska, Fairbakns, Coastal
Marine Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Abstract: Cook Inlet Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sale 173 includes and abuts productive commercial,
subsistence, and sportfishing grounds. OCS exploration, development and production activities could
affect the productivity of these fisheries, the quality of recreation opportunities, and the demand for
tourism-related services. The marine sport fisheries of lower Cook Inlet are the focus of a large and
growing recreation-based economic sector. Sport fisheries provide non-monetary benefits to participants
and monetary benefits to tourism-related businesses. This study develops a predictive model of
participation rate changes that can be used in conjunction with a regional input-output model to measure
the impact of marine sport fisheries on the Kenai Peninsula economy and to predict how those impacts will
vary as variations in trip characteristics influence participation. In addition to a baseline corresponding to
an average trip in 1997, the final report will describe the results of six simulations that will provide for
increased (or decreased) angler success that could arise from changes in stock abundance or from changes
in bag limits.
Herrmann, M. S., L. Todd, and C. Hamel. 2001. An Economic Assessment of the Sport Fisheries for Halibut and
Chinook and Coho Salmon in Lower and Central Cook Inlet., OCS Study, MMS 2000-061. USDOI, MMS,
Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
2001. Kachemak Bay Experimental and Monitoring Studies: Recruitment, Succession, and Recovery in Seasonally
Disturbed Rocky-Intertidal Habitat, R. C. Highsmith, S. M. Saupe, and A. L. Blanchard. OCS Study MMS
2001-053. University of Alaska, CMI, Fairbanks, AK.
Hill, P. S. 1996. "The Cook Inlet Stock of Beluga Whales: A Case for Co-Management." M.S. Thesis, University of
Hinckley, S., A. J. Hermann, K. L. Mier, and Bernard A. Megrey. 2001. Importance of Spawning Location and
Timing to Successful Transport to Nursery Areas: a Simulation Study of Gulf of Alaska Walleye Pollock.
Ices Journal of Marine Science 58, no. 5: 1042-52.
Abstract: We conducted a model experiment to examine the hypothesis that the spatial and temporal
specificity of spawning of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, evolved to
optimize physical transport to the juvenile nursery area near the Shumagin Islands some 375 km to the
southwest. The alternative hypothesis is that factors other than physical transport alone must also be
important in the choice of spawning location and timing. We used a coupled biophysical model consisting
of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the currents in the region, an individual-based model of the
early life stages of pollock, and a nutrient-phytoplankton zooplankton model that provides a spatially and
temporally dynamic source of food for larval pollock. Results showed that fish spawned to the South of
Kodiak Island, or too early (February) or too late (July), did not reach the Shumagin Island nursery area by
early September. However, the potential region and time of spawning that did allow successful transport to
the nursery area was much broader than the observed spawning region and time. Therefore, factors other
than physical transport alone must be considered in explaining the specificity of the location and timing of
spawning for this stock.
Hobbs, R. C., K. L. Laidre, D. J. Vos, B. A. Mahoney, and M. Eagleton. 2005. Movements and Area Use of
Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in a Subarctic Alaskan Estuary. Arctic 58, no. 4: 331-40.
Hobbs, R. C., D. J. Rugh, and D. P. DeMaster. 2000. Abundance of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cookl Inlet,
Alaska, 1994-2000. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 37-45.
Hom, T., U. Varanasi, J. E. Stein, C. A. Sloan, K. L. Tilbury, and S.-L. Chan. 1996. Assessment of the Exposure of
Subsistence Fish to Aromatic Compounds after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 856-66. AFS Symposium, 18.
Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Hom, W., and et al. 1999. "Measuring the Exposure of Subsistence Fish and Marine Mammal Species to Aromatic
Compounds following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill." Evaluating and Communicating Subsistence Seafood
Safety in a Cross-Cultural Context., SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
Hood, D. W., K. V. Natarajan, D. H. Rosenberg, and D. Wallen. 1968. Summary report on Collier Carbon and
Chemical Corporation studies in Cook Inlet, Alaska., IMS-68-9. Institute of Marine Science, Fairbanks,
Hood, D. W., and S. T. Zimmerman, eds. 1986. The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological
Resources. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region.
Hoose, P. J., and J. W. Whitney. 1980. Map showing selected geologic features on the Outer Continental Shelf of
Shelikof Strait, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey.
Houghton, J. P., D. L. Beyer, and E. D. Thielk. 1980. Effects of Oil Well Drilling Fluids on Several Important
Alaskan Marine Organisms. In Proceedings of a Symposium: Research on Environmental Fate and Effects
of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings, pp. 1017-43Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.
Houghton, J. P., R. P. Britch, R. C. Miller, A. K. Runchal, and C. P. Falsl. 1980. Drilling Fluid Dispersion Studies at
the Lower Cook Inlet C.O.S.T. Well. In Proceedings of a Symposium: Research on Environmental Fate
and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings, pp. 285-308Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.
Houghton, J. P., K. R. Critchlow, D. C. Lees, and R. D. Czlapinski. 1984. Fate and Effects of Drilling Fluids and
Cutting Discharges in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, and on Georges Bank [1981], Final Report Research Unit
602. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK, In.
Houghton, J. P., R. H. Gilmour, D. C. Lees, and S. C. Lindstrom. 1997. Long-term Stability in Lower Cook Inlet
Intertidal Assemblages (You Can Go Back!). Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p.13Anchorage, AK:
Watersheds '97.
Hubbard, J., and D. J. Hansen. 1997. Distribution and Abundance of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales in Winter. Abstract
in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p. 14Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
Huckins, J. N., and J. D. Cranor W. L. Clark R. C. Petty. 2001. "Evaluation of Contaminant Exposure and the
Potential Impacts on Aquatic Habitat Quality in the Anchorage Area of the Cook Inlet Basin." USGS-WRD
Steve Fenzel. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
4200 New Haven Road
Columbia, MO 65201 .
Huntington, H. P. 2000. Traditional Knowledge of the Eecology of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet,
Alaska. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 134-40.
Huntington, H. P., and N. I. Mymrin. 1996. Traditional ecological knowledge of beluga whales: an indigenous
knowledge pilot project in the Chukchi and northern Bering Seas: final report. Inuit Circumpolar
Abstract: This project has not attempted to document the sum of indigenous knowledge about beluga
whales. It has, instead, documented some portion of that which is known about beluga whales, some
portion of that knowledge which can be recorded on paper and understood by a wide audience. ... In
discussing the utility of this knowledge, we must also consider it in the context of how management takes
place. The development of co-management as a model for conservation depends on the active, empowered
involvement of indigenous peoples. This cannot be done without also including the knowledge that they
have of their resources and their areas. Including this perspective can be done by bringing knowledgeable
indigenous representatives to management fora. It can also be supported by documenting indigenous
knowledge, and demonstrating a commitment to taking it seriously. Using indigenous knowledge is a form
of community empowerment, and a means of engaging indigenous peoples in substantive dialogue about
the use, management, and importance of resources. This combination of intrinsic and extrinsic value makes
it evident why indigenous knowledge should be taken into account wherever it is applicable. The
limitations of its documentation and use must be clearly understood, just as the limitations of scientific
research are made explicit. The overlap between scientific and indigenous systems of knowledge, however,
offers great opportunities for partnerships in research, management, and understanding.
Hutcheon, R. J. 1972a. " Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1969-1970 Winter." NOAA
Technical Memorandum AR-6. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
Hutcheon, R. J. 1972b. "Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1970-1971 Winter." NOAA
Technical Memorandum AR-7. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
Hyland, J. L., J. S. Brown, T. C. Sauer, Jr., S. Tate, and H. J. Tsomides. 1995. Cook Inlet Pilot Monitoring Study,
Arthur D. Little, Inc. Reference 43603. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, Alaska.
Incze, L. S., D. W. Siefert, and J. M. Napp. 1997. Mesozooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska: Abundance and
Community Composition. Continental Shelf Research 17, no. 3: 287-305.
Irvine, G. V., D. H. Mann, and J. W. Short. 1999. Multi-year persistence of oil mousse on high energy beaches
distant from the Exxon Valdez spill origin. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38, no. 7: 572-84.
Abstract: Weathering of oil mousse that is traped on the shoreline of the Katmai National Park and Preserve
is due to the intertidal zone being armored by large boulders, which prevent waves from disturbing the
substrate and its included oil. Although, the biological threat posed by the oil stranded is probably slight, it
still possesses the ability to be chemically toxic and could be released through disturbance of the armoring
boulders by unusually high wave events.
Isaji, T., and M. L. Spaulding. 1987. A Numerical Model of the M2 and K1 Tide in the Northwestern Gulf of
Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17, no. 5: 698-704.
Jacob, K. H. 1986. Seismicity, Tectonics, and Geohazards of the Gulf of Alaska Regions. In: The Gulf of Alaska
Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 145-84. 655
p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Jarvela, L. E. 1987. Environmental Issues. In The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources.
eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 575-95. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK:
USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Jarvela, L. E., and L. K. Thorsteinson. 1989. Proceedings of the Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet, and North Aleutain
Basin Information Update Meeting. OCS Study, no. MMS 89-0041. Anchorage, AK.: USDOC, NOAA,
and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Johnson, M. A. 2003. "Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet [Abstract]." Annual Report No. 9, University of
Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2003-003. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine
Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, M. A. 2005. Satellite Drifters/3-Dimensional Cook Inlet Model. Presented at: Cook Inlet Physical
Oceanography WorkshopHomer, AK: Alaska Ocean Observing System; Cook Inlet Regional Citizens
Advisory Council; Kachemak Bay Research Reserve.
Johnson, M. A. 2006. "Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet." Annual Report No.12, University of Alaska Coastal
Marine Institute. None. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 2006. Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet [abstract]. In Marine Science in Alaska Book of Abstracts
2006 Symposium, unpaginatedAnchorage, AK: Marine Science in Alaska 2006 Symposium.
2008. Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet, M. A. Johnson. MMS 2008-061. University of Alaska Fairbanks
Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
2000. Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study MMS
2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, M. A., S. R. Okkonen, and A. Y. Proshutinsky. 2004. "Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet." Annual
Report No.10, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute . OCS Study MMS 2004-002. University of
Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, M. A., S. R. Okkonen, and A. Y. Proshutinsky. 2005. "Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet." Annual
Report No.11, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2005-055. University of
Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, M. A., S. R. Okkonen, and S. Sweet. 2000. "Cook Inlet Tidal Currents and Acoustic Measurements."
Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study
MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, M. A., A. Proshutinsky, and S. Okkonen. 2003. Water and Ice Dynamics of Cook Inlet. Proceedings of the
Ninth Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update Meeting, p. 11Anchorage, AK:
Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Johnson, M. A., A. Proshutinsky, and S. Okkonen. 2005. Water and Ice Dynamics of Cook Inlet. Proceedings of the
Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update Meeting, pp. 15-16Anchorage,
AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Johnson, M. A., A. Proshutinsky, and S. Okkonen. 2006. "Water and Ice Dynamics in Cook Inlet, Alaska." Annual
Report No.13, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute . None. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine
Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Johnson, W. R., C. F. Marshall, and E. M. Lear. 2002. Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Cook Inlet Planning Area, OCS
Lease Sales 191 and 199., OCS Report, MMS 2002-074. USDOI, MMS , Herndon, VA.
Jones, R. D., Jr., and M. R. Petersen. 1979. The Pelagic Birds of Tuxedni Wilderness, Alaska, Annual Report.
Jordan, G. F.Redistribution of sediments in Alaskan Bays and Inlets. Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific Science
Congress of the Pacific Science Association.?
Kaiser, J. K. 1977. Razor Clam (Siliqua patula, Dixon) Distribution and Population Assessment Study, USDOC,
NOAA, USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Kaplan, I. R, and M. I. Venkatesan. 1985. "Characterization of Organic Matter in Sediments from Gulf of Alaska,
Bering Sea, and Beaufort Sea [1981]." RU 480. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and USDOI, MMS, Boulder,
Kaplan, I. R., M. I. Venkatesan, E. Ruth, and D. Meredith. 1980. Characterization of Organic Matter in Sediments
from Cook Inlet and Norton Sound, RU 480. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Katz, C. N., and J. D. Cline. 1981. Processes Affecting the Distribution of Low-Molecular-Weight Aliphatic
Hydrocarbons in Cook Inlet, Alaska, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL-PMEL 26. USDOC, NOAA,
ERL, PMEL, Seattle, WA, NTIS PB82-250663.
Kenai Peninsula Historical Commission, institutional compiler. 2002. Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula: The Road We’ve
Traveled . Hope, Alaska: Kenai Peninsula Historical Association.
Abstract: This history derives from L.H. Allen’s 1946 publication, Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula. The
publication builds on the original text by adding community histories written by contemporary (2002)
authors, some for communities not included in the 1946 volume. These accounts include changes that have
occurred since 1946, and also incorporate insights on the region’s prehistory. In addition to describing the
fishing industry of the Kenai Peninsula, this volume describes the regional influence of the oil and gas
industry. The author describes the area’s oil and gas fields and nearby operations in Cook Inlet, suggesting
that practicality underlay the importance of Kenai as the region’s industrial center, stating that “with a
major airport, plus sea and highway access, Kenai was the logical center for the oil industry in the area” (p.
Kendall, A. W., Jr., and T. Nakatani. 1992. Comparisons of Early-Life-History Characteristics of Walleye Pollock
Theragra-Chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, and Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Fishery
Bulletin 90, no. 1: 129-38.
Abstract: Over the past several years researchers in Japan and the United States have independently been
conducting extensive studies on the early life history of two discrete populations of walleye pollock
Theragra chalcogramma, trying to understand recruitment variation. The population of interest to Japanese
researchers spawns near Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, while the population of interest to American
researchers spawns in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. This paper summarizes and compares characteristics
of spawning and ecology of eggs, larvae, and early juveniles of the species in these two areas. Although
the species has apparently adapted its early-life-history pattern to environmental differences in the two
areas, some underlying similarities exist. The adults mainly spawn at a particular time of year following a
spawning migration to a specific location so that the eggs and larvae can reach specific areas for subsequent
development. In both areas oceanographic conditions are favorable for larval food production (copepod
nauplii) when the walleye pollock larvae are present. Drift of the eggs into the bay, where copepod
production is enhanced, seems important in Funka Bay, and drift of the larvae toward juvenile nursery
grounds on the continental shelf as opposed to being swept offshore, seems important in Shelikof Strait.
Interannual differences in larval drift and food production because of varying oceanographic conditions
may contribute significantly to variations in year-class size.
Kendall, A. W., Jr, Schumacher, J. D., and S. Kim. 1996. Walleye Pollock Recruitment in Shelikof Strait: Applied
Fisheries Oceanography. Fisheries Oceanography 5 , no. Suppl. 1: 4-18.
Kendall, S. J., and B. A. Agler. 1998. Distribution and Abundance of Kittlitz's Murrelets in Southcentral and
Southeastern Alaska. Colon. Waterbirds 21: 53-60.
Kienle, J., Z. Kowalik, and T. S. Murty. 1987. Tsunamis Generated by Eruptions From Mount St. Augustine
Volcano, Alaska. Science 236, no. 4807: 1442-47.
Kim, S. 1986. Oceanography and Meteorology of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during Spawning Season of Walleye
Pollock: Results of Fisheries Oceanography Experiment (FOX), USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, NWAFC,
Seattle, WA.
Kim, S., and A. W. Jr. Kendall. 1989. Distribution and Transport of Larval Walleye Pollock (_Theragra
chalcogramma_) in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, in Relation to Water Movement. Rapp. P.-v. Reun.
Cons. Int. Explor. Mer 191: 127-36.
1998. Coded wire tagging of coho and chinook salmon in the Kenai River and Deep Creek, Alaska, 1996, B. E.
King, and J. A. Breakfield. Fishery data series ; no. 98-9. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division
of Sport Fish, Research and Technical Services, Anchorage: Alaska.
1992. Point Woronzof NPDES 301 (h) Monitoring Program. 1991 Annual Monitoring Report. NPDES Permit
AK002255-1, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, Anchorage,
1993. Point Woronzof NPDES 301 (h) Monitoring Program. 1992 Annual Monitoring Report. NPDES Permit
AK002255-1, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, Anchorage,
1994. Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program
Annual Report, Kinnetic Laboratories. Publication No. 4009D. Prepared for Prince William Sound
Regional Citizens' Advisory Council, Scientific Advisory Committee, Anchorage, AK.
1995. Point Woronzof NPDES 301 (h) Monitoring Program. 1994 Annual Monitoring Report. NPDES Permit
AK002255-1, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, Anchorage,
1996. Cook Inlet Environmental Monitoring Program. Final Report--1995, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for
Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
1996. Point Woronzof NPDES 301 (h) Monitoring Program. 1995 Annual Monitoring Report. NPDES Permit
AK002255-1, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, Anchorage,
1997. Prince William Sound RCAC Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program 1996-1997 Monitoring Report,
Kinnetic Laboratories. Publication No. C\608.96.1\LTEMP. Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional
Citizens' Advisory Council, Anchorage, AK.
1998. Cook Inlet Sediment Toxicity and Hydrocarbon Study - 1997, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Cook Inlet
Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Environmental Monitoring Committee, Kenai, AK.
1998. Kenai River Estuary Sediment and Water Quality Investigation - 1997, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for the
Alaska Council of Trout Unlimited, Kenai, AK.
1998. Point Woronzof NPDES 301 (h) Monitoring Program. 1997 Annual Monitoring Report. NPDES Permit
AK002255-1, Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, Anchorage,
1998. Prince William Sound RCAC Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program 1997-1998 Monitoring Report,
Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council,
Anchorage, AK.
1999. Prince William Sound RCAC Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program 1998-1999 Monitoring Report,
Kinnetic Laboratories. Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council,
Anchorage, AK.
2000. Prince William Sound RCAC Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program 1999-2000 Monitoring Report,
Kinnetic Laboratories. Publication No. 608.00.1. Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional Citizens'
Advisory Council, Anchorage, AK.
2003. Prince William Sound RCAC Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2000-2002 Monitoring Report,
Kinnetic Laboratories. 951.431.03045.AnnualLT2002.pdf. Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional
Citizens' Advisory Council, Anchorage, AK.
Kinnetic Laboratories and Texas A and M University, GERG. 1996. Data Summary 1996 Lake Clark Bivalve
Analyses, Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
———. 1997. Cook Inlet Shelikof Strait Project, Final Report - 1996. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory
Council, Kenai, AK.
Kinney, P. J., D. K. Button, and D. M. Schell. 1969. Kinetics of Dissipation and Biodegradation of Crude Oil in
Alaska's Cook Inlet. In Proceedings of the 1969 Joint Conferences on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills,
pp. 333-40Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.
———. 1970. Kinetics of Dissipation and Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Alaska's Cook Inlet. The Northern
Engineer: 6-7.
Kinney, P. J., D. K. Button, D. M. Schell, R. B. Robertson, M. H. Johnston, A. S. Naidu, S. A. Norrell, A. J. Paul, A.
Scarborough, and D. G. Shaw. 1970. Quantative Assessment of Oil Pollution Problems in Alaska's Cook
Inlet, Report R69-16. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Science.
Kinney, P. J., J. Groves, and D. K. Button. 1970. Cook Inlet Environmental Data. R/V Acona Cruise 065 - May 2128, 1968, Report No. R-70-2. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.
1997. Economic status of the groundfish fisheries off Alaska, 1995, R. K. Kinoshita, A. Grieg, and J. M. Terry.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-72.
Abstract: This report presents data which summarizes various aspects of the economic performance of the
domestic groundfish fishery in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska. Generally, data are
presented for 1991 through 1995. Although limited catch, ex-vessel value, and export value data are also
included for the fishery during the early or mid-1980s. With the exception of the exports, Pacific halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis) is not included in this report because for management purposes halibut is not part
of the groundfish complex.
Compared with the report that was prepared a year ago, there have been major changes in the data that are
presented. The changes include a new source of ex-vessel prices for 1991-95, more extensive bycatch data,
and more detailed data on the size and level of activity of the groundfish fleet.
Kirstein, B. E., J. R. Payne, and R. T. Redding. 1983. Ocean-Ice Oil-Weathering Computer User's Manual, RU 587,
Partial Final Report. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, MMS, Anchorage, AK.
Kirstein, B. E., and R. T. Redding. 1987. Ocean-Ice Oil-Weathering Computer User's Manual, RU 664. USDOC,
NOAA, and USDOI, MMS, Anchorage, AK.
Klein, L. H. 1983. "Provenances, Depositional Rates and Heavy Metal Chemistry of Sediments, Prince William
Sound, Southcentral Alaska." M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Knull, J. R. 1975. Oceanography of Kachemak Bay, Alaska -- a Summary of 1969 Studies, United States DOC,
NOAA, NMFS, Auke Bay, AK.
Knull, J. R., and R. WIlliamson. 1969a. Oceanographic Survey of Kachemak Bay, Alaska, United States DOI, FWS,
Auke Bay, AK.
———. 1969b. Oceanographic Survey of Kachemak Bay, Alaska, United States DOI, FWS, Auke Bay, AK.
Koppen, J. D., and J. H. Crow. 1978. Some Midsummer Diatom Assemblages along the Saline Gradient of a Small
Coastal Stream in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Botanica Marine 21, no. 4: 199-206.
Krahn, M. M., D. G. Burrows, J. E. Stein, P. R. Becker, M. M. Schantz, D. C. G. Muir, T. M. O'Hara, and T.
Rowles. 1999. White whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from three Alaskan stocks: concentrations and
patterns of persistent organochlorine contaminants in blubber. The Journal of Cetacean Research and
Management 1, no. 3: 239-49.
Abstract: White whale (Delphinapterus leucas) blubber samples from three of the five different Alaskan
stocks, Cook Inlet (n=20), Eastern Chukchi Sea (n=19) and Eastern Beaufort Sea (n=2), were analysed for
levels and patterns of chemical contaminants. Blubber from these whales contained Sigma PCBs, Sigma
DDTs, Sigma chlordanes, HCB, dieldrin, mirex, Sigma toxaphene and Sigma HCH, generally in
concentration ranges similar to those found in white whales from the Canadian Arctic but lower than those
in white whales from the highly contaminated St Lawrence River. Males from the Cook Inlet and Eastern
Chukchi Sea stocks had higher mean concentrations of all contaminant groups than females of the same
stock, a result attributable to the transfer of these organochlorine contaminants (OCs) from the mother to
the calf during pregnancy and lactation. Principal component analysis of patterns of contaminants present
in blubber showed that the Cook Inlet stock appeared to have identifiable contaminant patterns that allowed
the stock to be distinguished from the others. Our results also showed that blubber from the three Alaskan
stocks was a source of contaminant exposure for human subsistence consumers, but the health risks from
consumption are currently unknown.
Krahn, M. M., L. K. Moore, and W. D. Jr MacLeod. 1986. "Metabolites of Aromatic Compounds in Fish Bile."
Standard Analytical Procedures of the NOAA National Analytical Facility, 1986: Metabolites of Aromatic
Compounds in Fish Bile, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/NWC-102. NOAA, Seattle, WA.
Abstract: Analytical procedures for estimating the exposure of fish to petroleum-related aromatic
compounds from the environment have been developed over the past 7 years in our laboratories, sposored
by NOAA's Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) with funding from
Minerals Management Service. OCSEAP sponsors research on the fate and effects of petroleum-related
chemicals on marine organisms and uses the results of this research to assess the environmental impact of
gas and oil development on the marine resources of the outer continental shelf. The analytical procedures
we have developed are in their second year of use in the Benthic Surveillance Project of NOAA's National
Status and Trends Program. The NS&T Program was begun in 1984 to document and assess the present
status and future trends of environmental quality along the nation's coasts and in its estuaries. NS&T is
employing a standard set of analytical methods in order to decrease the variability of the measurements.
Thus, our analytical procedures are being documented in this technical memorandum.
Krasnow, L. D., and G. A. Sanger. 1986. Feeding Ecology of Marine Birds in the Nearshore Waters of Kodiak
Abstract: H0178 (partial)
Krasnow, L. D., G. A. Sanger, and D. W. Wiswar. 1979. Nearshore Feeding Ecology of Marine Birds in the Kodiak
Area, RU 341. USDOI, BLM, and USDOC, NOAA, Boulder CO.
Kucklick, J. R., S. S. Vander Pol, P. R. Becker, R. S. Pugh, K. Simac, G. W. York, and D. G. Roseneau. Persistent
Organic Pollutants in Murre Eggs from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska.
Kuletz, K. J. 1996. Marbled Murrelet Abundance and Breeding Activity at Naked Island, Prince William Sound and
Kachemak Bay, Alaska, before and after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez
Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 770-784. AFS Symposium, 18.
Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
LaBelle, R. P., and W. R. Johnson. 1993. Stochastic Oil-Spill Analysis for Cook Inlet/Shelikof Strait. In
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, pp. 573-85Calgary,
Alberta, Canada: Environment Canada.
LaBelle, R. P., A. Nakassis, and K. J. Lanfear. 1983. An Oil Spill Risk Analysis for the Gulf of Alaska/Cook Inlet
Lease Offering (October 1984), United States DOI, GS, Washington, DC.
LaBelle, R. P., W. B. Samuels, and K. J. Lanfear. 1980. An Oil Spill Risk Analysis for the Cook Inlet and Shelikof
Strait (Proposed Sale 60) Outer Continental Shelf Lease Area, United States DOI, GS, Washington, DC.
Lackman, G. M., and J. E. Overland. 1989. Atmospheric Structure and Momentum Balance During a Gap-Wind
Event in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Monthy Weather Review 117: 1817-33.
Laidre, K. L. Shelden K. E. W., D. J. Rugh, and B. A. Mahoney. 2000. Beluga, Delphinapterus leucas, Distribution
and Survey Effort in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 27-36.
2000. Collection of Baseline Water Quality Data on the Lower Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, B. Lambert, and J. Cooper.
Cook Inlet Keeper, Homer, Alaska.
Abstract: The salmon streams of the lower Kenai Peninsula Alaska, support healthy sport and commercial
fisheries, and provide important subsistence resources for native and other groups. Yet, little recent baseline
water quality data exists on these water resources. Lack of funding, extreme climate conditions, and the
remote nature of some areas makes water quality monitoring difficult. Nonetheless, citizens, industry and
resource managers need a comprehensive and ongoing inventory of water quality in order to track changes
and understand impacts. Guided by a Technical Advisory Committee of professionals with diverse
scientific backgrounds, Cook Inlet Keeper began monitoring water quality on Ninilchik River, Deep Creek,
Stariski Creek, and Anchor River on a monthly basis starting in August, 1998. Using EPA- approved or
standard methods, Keeper monitors a total of twelve sites for discharge, temperature, pH, oxidationreduction potential, conductivity, nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus,
apparent color, turbidity, and total suspended solids. The resulting information can be compared with state
water quality standards and federal water quality criteria. Primary data users are expected to be federal
state and local agencies; citizens; industry; and land managers throughout the lower Kenai Peninsula.
1998. Late winter population and distribution of spectacled eiders (Somateria fischeri) in the Bering Sea, 1996-97,
W. W. Larned, and T. Tipaldy. United States FWS, Migratory Bird Management, Waterfowl Management
Branch, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: We conducted aerial surveys in March of 1996 and 1997 to further refine our estimates of what
we suspected was most or all of the world's population of spectacled eiders (Somateria fischeri), wintering
together in the northern Bering Sea. We first flew an adaptive search over the wintering area, using
previous survey data and recent satellite telemetry locations as a guide. Then, using the resulting
reconnaissance data, we designed and flew a systematic grid to obtain visual estimates and oblique aerial
photographs of all flocks of spectacled eiders and other waterbirds. We later combined hand counts from
aerial photos with visual estimates to produce a population estimate. In March 1996 we located a large
concentration of spectacled eiders 120 km northwest of the observed distribution from the March and April,
1995 surveys. Widely dispersed ice and birds precluded a photo census, but we made a lowconfidence
visual estimate of 226,810 spectacled eiders. In March 1997 we located spectacled eiders concentrated in
small openings in nearly continuous sea ice overlapping the south portion of the 1996 observed
distribution. We obtained complete photographic coverage of 18 of 19 flocks observed, which we felt
represented all of the birds in the vicinity. The total estimate from the 18 photographed flocks was 363,030
(95%CI 333,526 to 392,532), and the visual estimate for the unphotographed flock was 900 birds. This
more than doubles the previous world estimate for the species, but lack of historical perspective dictates
caution in interpretation. Periodic repeats of this survey are recommended due to concern for genetically
distinct Alaska breeding populations and as an indicator of the health of the Bering Sea ecosystem.
Larrance, J. D., and A. J. Chester. 1979. "Sources, Composition, and Flux of Organic Detritus in Lower Cook Inlet."
United States DOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and United States DOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office, Boulder, CO.
Larrance, J. D., D. A. Tennant, A. J. Chester, and P. J. Ruffio. 1977. "Phytoplankton and Primary Productivity in the
Northeast Gulf of Alaska and Lower Cook Inlet. Research Unit 425 ." .
1993. National Status and Trends Program: Monitoring Site Descriptions (1984-1990) for the National Mussel
Watch and Benthic Surveillance Projects, G. G. Lauenstein, M. R. Harmon, and B. W. Gottholm. NOAA
Techincal Memorandum NOS ORCA 70. United States, DOC, NOAA.
Abstract: This document is volume of a technical memorandum that provides information on the analytical
methods used for the determination of trace organic compounds in sediments and tissues by laboratories
participating in NOAAUs National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program.
Leatherwood, J. S., A. E. Bowles, E. Krygier, J. D. Hall, and S. Ingell. 1984. Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) of the
Shelikof Strait, Prince William Sound, Alaska and Southeast Alaska: A Review of Available Information,
International Whaling Commission, Cambridge, England.
Leatherwood, J. S., R. R. Reeves, W. F. Perrin, and W. E. Evans. 1982. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises of the
Eastern North Pacific and Adjacent Arctic Waters: Guide to Their Identification, NOAA Technical
Report. USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Juneau, AK.
Lee, S. T., M. S. Herrmann, I. Wedin, K. R. Criddle, C. Hamel, and J. A. Greenberg. 1999. Summary of Angler
Survey: Saltwater Sportfishing off the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant Project 98403 R 1417.
Lee, W. J., and O. P. Smith. 2003. A GIS-based Alaska Sea Ice Atlas. In Proceedings of the Ninth Information
Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update Meeting, p. 14Anchorage, AK: Prepared by MBC
Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
2002. Final Report for CIRCAC Intertidal Reconnaissance Survey in Upper Cook Inlet, D. C. Lees, W. B. Driskell,
J. R. Payne, and M. O. Hayes. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
1977. Reconnaissance of the intertidal and shallow subtidal biotic assemblages in lower Cook Inlet. Final report,
append. A-D, D. C. Lees, and J. P. Houghton. Prepared by Dames and Moore for Dept. of Commerce,
Lees, D. C., and J. P. Houghton. 1980. Effects of Drilling Fluids on Benthic Communities at the Lower Cook Inlet
C.O.S.T. Well. In Proceedings of a Symposium: Research on Environmental Fate and Effects of Drilling
Fluids and Cuttings, pp. 309-50Washington, DC: American Petroleum Institute.
1980. Ecological studies of intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Final report, D. C.
Lees, J. P. Houghton, D. E. Erickson, W. B. Driskell, and D. E. Boettcher. Prepared by Dames and Moore
for Dept. of Commerce, NOAA/OCSEAP.
Lees, D. C., J. P. Houghton, D. E. Erickson, W. B. Driskell, and D. E. Boettcher. 1986. "Ecological Studies of
Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Habitats in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska." OCS Study, MMS 86-0061.
USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
1999. Technical Evaulation of the Environmental Monitoring Program for Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory
Council, D. C. Lees, J. R. Payne, and W. B. Driskell. Prepared by Littoral Ecological and Environmental
Services for Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
Li X., W. G. Pichel, K. S. Friedman, and P. Clemente-Colon. 1998. The Sea Surface Imprint of Island Lee Waves
as Observed by Radarsat Synthetic Aperture Radar. 763-66.
Abstract: As stratified air flows over a mountain or an island, it often sets up large standing atmospheric
gravity waves called atmospheric lee waves. This type of wave can carry aircraft upward or downward,
sometimes causing serious safety problems. There are two types of lee wave patterns: (1) the transverse
wave type where the wave crests are nearly perpendicular to the wind direction; and (2) the diverging wave
type where the wave crests are orientated outwards from the center of the wake. The atmospheric lee
waves are often associated with cloud patterns, which can tie imaged with various visible remote sensors.
Since the atmospheric lee waves modulate the sea surface wind field, and thus modulate the sea surface
roughness, these waves can also be observed over the open ocean in SAR images. In this study, we analyze
the diverging atmospheric lee wave pattern found in two RADARSAT SAR images. The first one is near
Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska taken on June 27, 1997. The second one is near St. Lawrence Island in
the Bering Sea taken on August 4, 1997. There are tyro groups of atmospheric lee waves behind two
islands south of Kodiak Island and four groups of diverging wave patterns imaged by the RADARSAT
SAR on the lee side of the four major mountains of St. Lawrence Island. We consider the island mountains
as point sources that generate atmospheric lee waves.
Link, M., W. J. Wilson, and G. Tomlins. 1999. Mapping Cook Inlet Tide Rips Using Local Knowledge and Remote
Sensing. In Alaska OCS Region Seventh Information Transfer Meeting Proceedings , Preparers MBC
Applied Environmental Sciences, p. 10. OCS Study, no. MMS 99-0022. Anchorage, AK: United States
DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Abstract: Tide rips are strong tidal currents that occur where water masses converge. Cook Inlet drift gillnet
fishermen often focus their effort at tide rips because salmon are known to concentrate there. Tide rips are
also a potential key area for spilled oil to converge and submerge. Because of these features, Cook Inlet
fishing groups have asked the Minerals Management Service (MMS) to consider excluding Cook Inlet tide
rip areas from upcoming oil and gas leases. MMS initiated this study in order to precisely map tide rips in
Cook Inlet, provide statistics on the consistency of rip locations, and develop an information base that
could help lessen conflicts between local fishermen and the offshore oil industry. Local knowledge of tide
rips and their use by fishermen will be gathered through a series of workshops. Tide rip locations will then
be mapped using a two-pronged approach. First, satellite-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery will be
collected using Radarsat I in the summers of 1998 and 1999. These imagery data will be simultaneously
ground truthed with the help of local fishermen and using aerial surveys. Second, once an accurate method
of identifying tide rips using SAR imagery has been developed, historical imagery (1992-97) will be
examined to determine the consistency or variability of rip locations at different tide stages and among and
within years. The results of this work will be entered into an ArcView database, interpreted, summarized,
and presented to expert (scientific publications/meetings) and local stakeholder audiences (workshops and
Liscomb, S. W. 1989. Flow and Hydraulic Characteristics of the Knik-Matanuska River Estuary, Cook Inlet,
Southcentral Alaska, United States DOI, GS, Anchorage, AK.
Littoral Ecological & Environmental Services . 1998. Technical Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring Program
for Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council. In: Monitoring for Oil Industry Impacts to the Cook
Inlet Environment: Past Results and Plans for the Future. A Workshop.Kenai, AK: Cook Inlet Regional
Citizens Advisory Council.
Litzow, M. A., J. F. Piatt, A. K. Prichard, and D. D. Roby. 2002. Response of Pigeon Guillemots to Variable
Abundance of High-Lipid and Low-Lipid Prey. Oecologia 132, no. 2: 286-95.
Abstract: Populations of the pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba) and other piscivores have been in decline
for several decades in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, and a decline in abundance of lipid-rich
schooling fishes is hypothesized as the major cause. We tested this hypothesis by studying the breeding
biology of pigeon guillemots during 1995-1999 while simultaneously measuring prey abundance with
beach seines and bottom trawls. Our study area (Kachemak Bay, Alaska) comprises two oceanographically
distinct areas. Populations of a lipid-rich schooling fish, Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), were
higher in the warmer Inner Bay than in the colder Outer Bay, and sand lance abundance was higher during
warm years. Populations of low-lipid content demersal fishes were similar between areas. Chick survival
to age 15 days was 47% higher in the Inner Bay (high-lipid diet) than in the Outer Bay (low-lipid diet), and
estimated reproductive success (chicks fledged nest(-1)) was 62% higher in the Inner Bay than in the Outer
Bay. Chick provisioning rate (kJ chick(-1) h(-1)) increased with the proportion of sand lance in the diet
(r(2)=0.21), as did growth rate (g day(-1)) of younger (beta) chicks in two-chick broods (r(2)=0.14).
Pigeon guillemots in the Inner Bay switched to demersal prey during years of below-average sand lance
abundance, and these birds reacted to 38-fold interannual changes in sand lance abundance with reductions
in beta chick growth rates, with no decline in beta chick survival. In contrast, the proportion of nests
experiencing brood reduction in the Outer Bay (demersal diet) increased >300% during years of belowaverage demersal abundance, although demersal fish abundance varied only 4-fold among years. Our
results support the hypothesis that recovery of pigeon guillemot populations from the effects of the Exxon
Valdez oil spill is limited by availability of lipid-rich prey.
Liu, H., P. Q. Olsson, K. P. Volz, and H. Yi. 2004. A Climatology of a Mesoscale Model Forecasted Low-Level
Wind Jets Over Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait Alaska [abstract]. In: IMEMS 2004 The Seventh
International Marine Environmental Modeling Seminar, p. 88Washington, DC: SINTEF; TOTAL; United
States, DOI, MMS.
———. 2005. A Climatology of a Mesoscale Model Forecasted Low-Level Wind Jets Over Cook Inlet and Shelikof
Strait, Alaska. Presented at University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Reserach
ReviewUniversity of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute.
———. 2006. A climatology of mesoscale model simulated low-level wind jets over Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait,
Alaska. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70, no. 4: 551-66 .
Abstract: Weather in the North Gulf of Alaska is characterized by a high frequency of deep synoptic-scale
low-pressure systems, especially during the cold season. The strong pressure gradients of these storms
interact with the extremely rugged terrain of the coastal mountains to produce a variety of channeled flows.
These surface wind regimes are not well documented in the scientific community, due to the paucity of
observations. Modeling of these phenomena in regions of complex terrain is of great interest to those
working with hydrodynamic, wave, and pollutant transport models in coastal and shelf areas. Such models,
when coupled with ocean and coastal-ecology counterparts, give a broad view of the role surface winds
play in shaping local coastal marine ecosystem in this region. This paper presents a climatology of
simulated low-level wind jets over the domain of Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait along Alaska's southcentral coast. Daily simulations using the RAMS model were conducted in a 36-h forecast mode for the
cold-season period 10/1/03 to 3/31/04. Systematic analysis of the resulting simulated low-level wind field
makes it possible to characterize these jets and gap flows in spatial and temporal detail. The comparison
between the RAMS winds and the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-derived winds when available verifies
the existence of these wind jets and the capability of the model to simulate these cases. Clearly, the results
of a study in this region depend on the fidelity of the model at these scales (O[5 km]). The SAR
comparisons attempt to help establish this. From the 6 months of simulations over Cook Inlet and Shelikof
Strait, the low-level wind jets are classified into 10 different regimes by location and orientation. These
regimes are categorized into four more general groups: cross-channel westerly, easterly, and up and down
Inlet flows. The nature of a particular regime is largely a function of pressure gradient orientation and local
topography. Jets in the same group have a similar occurrence distribution with time. Some form of jet
occurred in the study region almost daily each month of the period, with December 2003 having the highest
frequency of wind jets.
Liu, H., P. Q. Olsson, K. P. Volz, and H. Yi. 2006. RAMS Simulated and SAR Observed Flow Interaction in the
Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. In American Meteorological Society 2006 Annual Meeting, JP1.11American
Meteorological Society.
Liu, H., P. Q. Olsson, K. P. Volz, and H. Yi. 2006. RAMS Simulated and SAR Observed Flow Interactions in the
Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Presented at University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Research
ReviewUniversity of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute.
Liu, H., Q. P. Olsson, K. Volz, and H. Yi. In prep. The Westerly Gap Wind in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska (I) - High
Resolution Simulation.
———. In prep. The Westerly Gap Wind in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska (I) - Sensitivity to Topography.
Liu, H., Q. P. Olsson, K. Volz, and H. Yi. In prep. Winds the Shelikof Strait: Down-Strait or Cross the Strait?
Loomis, B. 19 June 2007. Pollution Permit Sparks Lawsuit. Anchorage Daily News, p. 2.
Loshbaugh, D. 27 November 1996. Clams not Badly Contaminated. Peninsula Clarion.
———. 1997. Environmentalists Blast Choice of Contractor. Peninsula Clarion, pp. 1, 7.
———. 1997. Researchers to Look Downstream for Signs of Pollution. Peninsula Clarion, pp. 1, 7.
———. 22 April 1998. Pollution Study Planned. Peninsula Clarion.
———. 27 January 2000. Lawsuit Filed Against Inlet Discharges. Peninsula Clarion.
Loshbaugh, S. 21 June 1998. Unocal Plant Still No. 1 on Toxics Listing. Peninsula Clarion.
Loughlin, T. R., B. E. Ballachey, and B. A. Wright. 1996. Overview of Studies to Determine Injury Caused by the
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill to Marine Mammals. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S.
Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 798-808. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American
Fisheries Society.
Loughlin, T. R., R. Nelson, and Jr. 1986. Incidental mortality of northern sea lions in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Marine
Mammal Science 2, no. 1: 14-33.
Abstract: The incidental catch of northern sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the walleye pollock (Theragra
chalcogramma) joint-venture fishery in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, was studied during 1982-1984 to assess the
nature and magnitude of the catch. Data were obtained by placing U.S. observers on foreign processing
vessels. Dead sea lions recovered from trawl nets were counted, sexed and measured; teeth were removed
for age determination by dental laminae; and stomach contents were analyzed. Although the fishery has
continued to expand both in number of boats and estimated total catch (74,136 metric tons {t} in 1982 to
171,539 t in 1984), the estimated incidental catch of northern sea lions has declined (ranging from 958 to
1,436 in 1982, 216 to 324 in 1983 and 237 to 355 in 1984). Of the sea lions processed, 73 percent were
caught between 2000 and 0500 h, probably during net retrieval. Most caught sea lions were females
ranging in age from 1-25 yr with a mean age of 6.43 yr; 79 percent of the females were sexually mature and
probably part of the reproducing population. Males had a mean age of 4.8 yr and only 12 percent were old
enough to obtain and defend territories. Analysis of stomach contents showed that the sea lions consumed
pollock the same size as that taken by the commercial fishery. The impact of the incidental catch on the
Gulf of Alaska sea lion population is unknown.
Lysyj, I. 1982. Chemical Composition of Produced Water at Some Offshore Oil Platforms, EPA-600/2-82-034.
Rockwell International, Newbury Park, CA.
Macklin, S. A. 1979. "Observations of Mesoscale Winds in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska - March 1978." Nearshore
Meteorology, eds M. Reynolds, S. A. Macklin, and B. S. Walter. RU 367. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI,
BLM, Boulder, CO.
———. 1987. Coastal Winds of the Southeast Alaska Peninusla, ERL PMEL-72. USDOC, NOAA, PMEL, Seattle,
WA, NTIS PB87-206173.
———. 1988. Structure of a Mountain-Gap Wind Blowing Over a Coastal Inlet. In Proceedings of the Fourth
Conference on Coastal Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, pp. 6-11Boston, MA: American Meteorological
Macklin, S. A., N. A. Bond, and J. P. Walker. 1990. Structure of a Low-Level Jet over Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Monthly Weather Review 118: 2568-78.
Macklin, S. A., N. I. Jenkins, and A. T. Roach. 1986. Upper-Air Observations in the Vicinity of Shelikof Strait
during the Fishery Oceanography Experiment (FOX), March 1985, ERL PMEL-16. USDOC, NOAA,
PMEL, Seattle, WA, NTIS PB87-206173.
Macklin, S. A., R. W. Lindsey, and R. M. Reynolds. 1980. Observations of Mesoscale Winds in an Orographically
Dominated Estuary--Cook Inlet. In Second Conference of Coastal Meteorology, pp. 176-80Boston, MA:
American Meteorological Society.
Macklin, S. A., J. E. Overland, and J. P. Walker. 1984. Gap Winds in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. In Proceedings of the
Third Conference on Coastal Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, pp. 97-102Boston, MA: American
Meteorological Society.
———. 1984. Low-Level Gap Winds in Shelikof Strait. in Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone,
pp, 97-102Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.
Mahmood, A., C. J. Ehlers, and B. A. Cilweck. 1981. Sand Waves in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. American Society of
Civil Engineers, Journal of the Geotechnical Division 10: 1293-307.
Mahoney, B. A., and K. E. W. Shelden. 2000. Harvest History of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet,
Alaska. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 124-33.
Malins, D. C., S. L. Chan, R. C. Clark, Jr., and U. Varanasi. 1985. The Nature and Biological Effects of Weathered
Petroleum [1983], RU 619. United States, DOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Marine Exchange of Alaska. 2002. Southcentral Alaska Port Information., Marine Exchange of
Alaska, Juneau, AK.
Marine Science in Alaska 2006 Symposium. 2006. Marine Science in Alaska Book of Abstracts 2006
SymposiumAnchorage, AK: Marine Science in Alaska 2006 Symposium.
Massoth, G. J., R. A. Feely, P. Y. Appriou, and S. J. Ludwig. 1979. Anomalous Concentrations of Particulate
Manganese in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: an Indicator of Sediment-Seawater Exchange Processes. EOS (Trans.
Amer. Geophys. Union) 60: 852.
Matthews, J. B., and J. C. H. Mungall. 1972. A Numerical Tidal Model and its Application to Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Journal of Marine Research 30: 27-38.
1995. Analysis of Beluga Whale Blubber Samples from Cook Inlet, AK for PCB Congeners and Chlorinated
Pesticides, W. E. May. 839.02-96-008. United States, DOC, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.
1999. Alaska OCS Region Seventh Information Transfer Meeting Proceedings, Preparers MBC Applied
Environmental Sciences. OCS Study, no. MMS 99-0022. Anchorage, AK: United States DOI, MMS,
Alaska OCS Region.
2001. Alaska OCS Region: Proceedings of the Eigth Information Transfer MeetingMBC Applied Environmental
SciencesAnchorage, AK: United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Abstract: This Information Transfer Meeting (ITM), sponsored by the Alaska OCS Region of the Minerals
Management Service, is the eighth major information meeting since 1978. This ITM was focused on the
lease sale areas of Cook Inlet and the Beaufort Sea. Over thirty speakers presented updates of on-going
MMS funded and other related studies over a broad spectrum of topics, including Physical Oceanography,
studies of Fates and Effects of Contaminants, Interdisciplinary Studies, other Biological studies, Social and
Economic studies, and studies of Protected Species
The ITM was attended by over 100 individuals representing local, state, and federal government agencies,
universities, industry, the private sector, and the general public. This document includes abstracts of
presentations, edited summaries of discussions as well as the agenda and a list of attendees.
2004. Proceedings of a Workshop on Research Sponsorship on the Mapping of Surface Currents from High
Frequency Radar in the Cook Inlet and Beaufort Sea., MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. OCS Study
MMS 2004-045. Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences for United States DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
McGee, D. L. 1977. Salinity study, Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, Report 54. State of Alaska, Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Geological And Geophysical Surveys, College, Alaska.
McGehee, D. D., and L. D. Leslie. 1991. Alaska Wave Data Index, United States, DOD, ACOE, Washington, DC.
Mecklenburg, C. W., T. A. Mecklenburg, and L. K. Thorsteinson. 2002. Fishes of Alaska. Bethesda, MD: American
Fisheries Society.
Abstract: In November 1989, the membership of the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
unanimously approved an initiative to produce an identification guide to Alaska's fishes. A primary
purpose was to bring needed scientific attention to some of Alaska's more poorly known fishes, particularly
some of the marine and arctic species that are important in ecosystems but of little, or no commercial
significance. Past efforts to describe this fauna have been provisional in nature and focused on species
perceived to be of direct value to humans. Prior to this book, there had been no singular, scientifically
reliable documentation for this region. At one point, Dr. Norman J. Wilimovsky, an authority on Alaskan
fishes, advised us that the chapter's representation of taxonomic contribution in its project description was
potentially misleading and that broader objectives to organize inventory-level information about the
Alaskan ichthyofauna in a current classification system would more adequately reflect its research purpose.
This advice, about project clarity, was perhaps the singlemost important guidance we received to produce
an authoritative account of this nation's northernmost ichthyofauna. The resultant book, Fishes of Alaska,
is the seminal treatment of this region's aquatic biodiversity through synthesis and integration of inventory,
descriptive, and taxonomic information. The publication's adherence to accepted standards of regional
faunal monographs-species characteristics, geographic range, scientific nomenclature, identification keys,
and illustrations-and high principles of scientific quality assure reference value over the Pacific Rim well
into the twenty-first century.
Fishery resources hold a special place in Alaskan history. Archaeological records provide evidence of their
prehistoric use by early human inhabitants of Beringia, now believed to be the ancestors of contemporary
Alaska Natives. Today, fish contributions to the "seasonal round" of subsistence lifestyles are much better
known. Alaskan fisheries are storied, holding recreational and commercial values worth billions of dollars
annually. Historically, and beginning in the 1880s, regional salmon fisheries were an economic mainstay of
a fledgling Territory of Alaska. More recently, with Alaska statehood (1959), federal enactment of the
Magnuson Act (1976) and creation of an Exclusive Economic Zone (1983 and other governances, the
management, magnitude, and ecosystem interactions of regional marine fisheries have changed
dramatically. The North Pacific Ocean is a dynamic environment and its living resources respond to, or are
influenced by, environmental change in ways and at scales that are not well understood. Understanding
these processes and mechanisms is a long-term goal of adaptive management schemes, and because species
are the basic units of ecosystems, their proper identification provides a basic, critical connection between
oceanographic science and resource management.
Historically, obtaining institutional support for taxonomic investigations was difficult in Alaska in light of
other research priorities. The Alaska Chapter's decision to sponsor this study was, in retrospect, extremely
ambitious with respect to its objectives, availability of faunal expertise, and cooperative research and
funding requirements. Without ready access to taxonomic data and information, and specialists by the
Internet or other modern conveniences (e.g., interlibrary loan), and the technical and financial assistance of
many, this project would not have been possible. Given this access, the study was visionary with respect to
its timing, recognition of scientific need, and incorporation of novel methods for documenting fish
diversity. Whereas conservation biologists had been advocating for faunal inventories and taxonomic
undertakings since the early 1980s, and less frequently before, biodiversity issues only gained national
prominence during the 1990s. The growing public awareness stemmed, in part, from mounting concerns
about the legal and economic ramifications of the federal Endangered Species Act (1973). In addition,
societal views toward the environment were changing and new ethics, with respect to ecosystem
management and ecosystem services, were developing. Within this milieu of changing norms, the Alaska
Chapter study also had a pragmatic origin. It reflected the combined knowledge and experience of its
membership and their perceived need, as professionals, for reliable and valid species information to
investigate and manage the sustainable fisheries and ecosystems in Alaska.
Unwittingly, by approving the preparation of a book on Alaskan fishes, the Alaska Chapter entered on a
collision course with a national problem known as the taxonomic predicament. This concern addresses the
nation's lack of taxonomic knowledge, infrastructure, and human resources. According to the Alaska
Chapter's original planning, a manuscript by Alaskan biologist Rae Baxter entitled, Annotated Keys to the
Fishes of Alaska, was believed to be nearing completion and the chapter's sponsorship would thus be
limited to manuscript completion, orchestration of reviews, and book publication. Initial funding would be
used for tasks associated with completing the draft including writing and conduct of a small number of
specimen validation studies. A Fish Key Committee was formed to provide supervision and technical
assistance for this work and the ensuing production phases of the book. During 1990, funds were provided
to Mr. Baxter, and a review draft was expected by June 1991.
Megrey, B. A. 1996. On the Relationship of Juvenile Walleye Pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, Abundance to
Adult Recruitment and Linkages with the Environment. Ecology of Juvenile Walleye Pollock, Theragra
chalcogramma, Papers from the workshop "The importance fo Prerecruit Walleye Pollock to the Bering
Sea and North Pacific Ecosystems"Seattle, Washington: Scientific Publications Office, National Marine
Fisheries Service, NOAA.
Abstract: I examined the relationship of trends in juvenile pollock abundance to recruitment time series of
walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. I also explored the relative
importance of various biological and physical factors to abundance of juvenile pollock. Two recent
findings are that there is a relation between survival of first-feeding larval pollock and local wind mixing,
and that year-class strength is usually set by September following the spring spawning. Based on these
findings, the analysis focused on the period from January through August. The primary biological data for
the analysis consisted of an age-2 recruitment time series covering the period 1962-89, and egg, larval, and
juvenile abundance time series dating from 1981 to 1989. A suite of physical data, which overlapped the
biological data, consisted of various time series describing atmospheric and oceanic features of the region.
These included estimates of turbulent wind mixing of the oceanic mixed layer, volume transport, simulated
subsurface drifter trajectories, and sea-surface temperature. Univariate and multivariate statistical
techniques were used to qualitatively and quantitatively determine how the biological and physical
variables relate to juvenile abundance.
Results suggested that age-0 and age-1 abundance estimates are related to freshwater input and an index of
storminess; linear regression models accounted for 95% and 96% of the variation in those dependent
variables, respectively. The influence of these factors was consistently demonstrated over the larval,
juvenile, and adult life stages. From these results several hypotheses were proposed: spring wind mixing
in Shelikof Strait affects larval survival, large-scale atmospheric circulation directly affects the Shelikof
region; baroclinicity may generate features conducive to larval survival; and effects of the physical
environment on predation and behavior may affect juvenile survival. Another important finding is that
significant processes (yet unknown) may be occurring during the summer months.
Megrey, B. A., S. J. Bograd, S. J. Rugen, W. C. Hollowed, A. B. Stabeno, P. J. Macklin, S. Allen, J. E Schumacher,
and Jr. W. J. Ingraham . 1995. An Exploratory Analysis of Associations Between B iotic and Abiotic
Factor and Year-Class Strength of Gulf of Alaska Walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). In: Climate
Change and Northern Fish Populations, ed. R.J. Beamish, 227-43. Canadian Special Publication of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, no. 121. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: National Research Council of Canada.
Abstract: defined region by 55-590N and 152-160oW, seaward from the Ak Peninsula to the shelf bread
(2000m depth). Looked only at early lifestages.Looked at precip, turbulent wind mixing, volume transport,
SST. Exit of Shleikof (55oN,155 W) is area where earliest larval life stae is typically located. Shumagin
Islands (55N,159W) area where late alarval &YOY juvenile lifestages are typically located. Principle
component ananlysis identified 37% of variation in 2 modes. 1st componen probably related to mixing
events since + related to air temp, SST in Sumagin & Shelikof Exist May-Aug and Jan-April; Jan-Feb
precip at Kodiak, freshwater runoff, 7 Spring NEPPI values [NEPPI=sealevel pressure index--dif in
pressure betw North-central Pacifica & Reno Nev] and - related to related to mixing during March, May &
June. Second componet describes some aspect of the larg-scale atmospheric circulation since + related to
NEPPI March -May and May Kodiak precip while - related to Jan & Aug NEPPI and July-Aug Kodiak
precip. This 2nd mode separated conditions that contribute to high & low recruitment. Teased out that
age-0 and age 1 abund and age-2 recruitment estimates related to precip, NEPPI and local wind mixing.
Hypotheses from resutls: spring wind mixing in Shelikof Strait affects larval survival; larg-scale
atmospheric circulation affects processes leading to recruitment; baroclinicty may generate mechanisms
conducive to larval survival; effects of the physical environment on ppredation & behavior may affect
juvenile survival.
Mete, W. 2000. Most of what Kodiak gets, Washington shippers provide. Alaska Journal of Commerce & Pacific
Rim Reporter 24, no. 35, section C: 5.
Meyers, T. R., J. F. Morado, A. K. Sparks, G. H. Bishop, T. Pearson, D. Urban, and D. Jackson. 1996. Distribution
of Bitter Crab Syndrome in Tanner Crabs (Chionoecetes Bairdi, C-Opilio) From the Gulf of Alaska and the
Bering Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 26, no. 3: 221-27.
Abstract: During 1988 to 1991, sampling efforts were conducted to determine prevalences of Bitter Crab
Syndrome (BCS) in Tanner crabs from the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering Sea and the boundary area of the
Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean. Stained hemolymph smears indicated that prevalences of BCS in
Chionoecetes bairdi from the Gulf of Alaska were zero to 7.2% in Prince William Sound, zero in Cook
Inlet and reached 3.6% in the coastal waters of Kodiak Island. From there, prevalences declined
southwesterly to 1.3% and zero along the Alaska Peninsula and the eastern Aleutian Islands. In the Bering
Sea, the trend consisted of fluctuating low prevalences of BCS that increased by northerly latitudes in C,
opilio, reaching the highest levels of 14.6 to 29.1% in Norton Sound and 13,3 to 15.5% in the Chukchi
Sea/Arctic Ocean boundary area. The prevalences in C, bairdi from the eastern/northeastern Bering Sea
were between zero and 2.4%. Prevalences of BCS from Russian waters in the western Bering Sea ranged
from 0.9 and 1.1% in C. bairdi and C. opilio, respectively. Sample stations where equally large numbers of
both Tanner crab species were examined suggested little difference in parasite prevalences.
Michel, J. A., and T. Ballou. 1985. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil; Cook Inlet/Kenai
Peninsula, Alaska, an Atlas of Coastal Resources, USDOC, NOAA, Office of Oceanography and Marine
Services, Seattle, WA.
Michel, J. A., and T. Ballou. 1986. Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil; Cook Inlet/Kenai
Peninsula, Alaska, an Atlas of Coastal Resources, USDOC, NOAA, Office of Oceanography and Marine
Services, Seattle, WA.
Michel, J. A., M. O. Hayes, and P. J. Brown. 1978. Application of an Oill Spill Vulnerability Index to the Shoreline
of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Environmental Geology 2: 107-17.
Miles, A. K., D. G. Calkins, and N. C. Coon. 1992. Toxic Elements and Organochlorines in Harbor Seals (Phoca
vitulina Richardsi), Kodiak, Alaska, USA. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48: 727-32.
Abstract: Marine and estuarine habitats near urban or industrialized regions are vulnerable to contaminated
runoff. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi), which occur throughout much of the northern hemisphere,
are useful mammalian biomonitors because they feed, reproduce, and rest near or on shore and are highlevel trophic consumers. They have often been monitored for contaminants in Europe (Wagemann and
Muir 1984). To date, no studies have been reported on contaminants in harbor seals from industrialized
areas of Alaska. In the vicinity of Anchorage, Alaskas largest urban and industrial city, harbor seals are
sedentary and limited to coastal waters some movements have been documented but there is no evidence of
extensive migrations. Although some harbor seals in the Kodiak Archipelago move up to 100 km along the
shore, strong fidelity to specific haulout sites is more common (Pitcher and Calkins 1979). These seals eat
mainly non-migratory fishes and octopi. Harbor seal numbers have declined substantially from unknown
causes in the southern part of the Kodiak Archipelago. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game
(ADF&G) suggested that the decline is a trend for the entire Kodiak region and other Alaskan waters.
Contaminants have been suggested as a possible reason for the precipitous decline of Steller sea lions
(Eumetopias jubatus) in the region (Braham et al. 1980), and were suspected in the decline of harbor seals.
In this study, harbor seals were sampled from throughout the Kodiak Archipelago to determine
concentrations of certain metals, metalloids, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine
pesticides, and to determine if these concentrations varied by sex or accumulated with age. All seals were
collected within 75 km of Cook Inlet, an estuary next to Anchorage. The targeted elements or compounds
were known to be toxic to a wide spectrum of organisms.
Miller, N. F. 1988. Summary of Geomorphological Processes Pertaining to Survivability of Prehistoric Resource
Sites and Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Alaska/Cook Inlet Sale 114 Area., Unpublished inhouse report. USDOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Moore, S. E., J. M. Waite, L. I. Mazzuca, and R. C. Hobbs. 2000. Mysticete whale abundance and observations on
prey association on the central Bering Sea shelf. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2, no. 3: 227-34.
Abstract: Visual surveys for cetaceans were conducted along transect lines in the central Bering Sea in
association with a groundfish stock assessment survey from 5 July to 5 August 1999. There were 125
sightings of single or groups of mysticete whales during 6,043km of survey effort. Fin whales were most
common (60% of all sightings), with distribution clustered along the outer continental shelf break near the
200m isobath. In addition, there were 27 sightings of minke whales and 17 sightings of humpback whales.
Minke whales were primarily found along the upper slope in water 100-200m deep, while humpbacks
clustered along the eastern Aleutian Islands and near the USA/Russian Convention Line southwest of St.
Lawrence Island. Abundance estimates for fin, humpback and minke whales were: 4,951 (95% CI =
2,833-8,653); 1,175 (95% CI = 197-7,009) and 936 (95% CI = 473-1,852), respectively. These three
species were the only ones for which sufficient on-effort sightings were available to estimate abundance.
Sei whales, a gray whale and a pair of northern right whales were also seen. Although right whales have
been seen in this area before, some behavioural details are provided here because observations of these
whales remain rare.
———. 2000. "Provisional estimates of mysticete whale abundance on the central Bering Sea shelf, 1999." Marine
Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act Implementation Program 1999, Eds. A. L. Lopez,
and D. P. DeMaster. Report to United States DOC, NMFS, Office of Protected Resourcs by National
Marine Mammal Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD.
Abstract: Visual surveys for cetaceans were conducted along transect lines in the central Bering Sea in
association with commercial fisheries research from 5 July through 5 August 1999. A total of 6,043 km of
survey effort was completed, with over 125 sightings of single or groups of mysticete whales. Most
sightings (60%) were of fin whales, with sightings clustered along the outer Bering Sea shelf break,
primarily near the 200m isobath. In addition, there were 27 sightings of minke whales and 17 sightings of
humpback whales. Minke whales were primarily distributed along the upper slope in water 100-200m
deep, while humpbacks clustered along the eastern Aleutian Islands and near the U.S./Russian Convention
Line southwest of St. Lawrence Island. Provisional abundance estimates for fin, humpback and minke
whales were: 4,951 (95% CI = 2,833-8,653); 1,175 (95% CI = 197-7,009) and 936 (95% CI = 473-1,852),
respectively. These three species were the only ones for which sufficient on-effort sightings were available
to estimate abundance. Sei whales, a gray whale, and a pair of northern right whales were also seen.
Although right whales have been seen in this area before, some behavioral details are provided here
because observations of these whales remain quite rare.
Morris, B. F., M. S. Alton, and H. W. Braham. 1983. Living Marine Resources of the Gulf of Alaska, A Resource
Assessment for the Gulf of Alaska/Cook Inlet Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale 88, NOAA Technical
Memorandum NMFS F/AKR-5. USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Seattle, WA, NTIS, Springfield, VA.
Moulton, L. L. 1994. ARCO Alaska Sunfish Project 1993 Northern Cook Inlet Smolt Studies Draft Report., ARCO
Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: Review of Ck Inlet early life stages: Chinook leave fresh & enter marine in 2nd or 3rd yr.
Susitnat leave as age 0 & age 1 (Roth & Stratton,85Susitna Rpt 7) Age 0 were 43-75mm & left mid-Juneto
Late Aug. Age 1 80-89mm & leave late May to mid June. Age 1 smolts also dominate in Kenai R. At
sea, yound chinook feed in shallow nearshore areas along coast. As grow move offshore & into deeper
water; Stay within the coastal area thr marine phase.
Sockey in susitnaa leave age 0 & 1. Age 0 leave
mid-May to late August at 40-53mm. Age 1 from mid-May to mid-June at 71-78mm. Kenai R sockryr
smaller, age1 66-68;age 2 74 & 80 in 1990&91. In turbid Bristol Bay, sockeye abundant late May-late
July. After early august, most shift seaward.
Cook Inlet coho in fw 1-3 yrs; most returning adults 1 or 2
summers in fw. Most Kenai R returns is from age 2 smolts. Migration ot of Slusitna mid-May to Sept.
Coho remain near shorelines. As grow, move deeper & offshore across N Pacific & into Bering Sea. Diet
shifts from planktonic crustaceans, pink & chum fry & other fish juveniles & larvae to larger pelagic prey.
grow 2.2mm/day 1st 6 mo & 1.2-1.5mm/day the 1st year at sea (Sandecock 1991,Pac Salmon life
histories). Pinks in fw a few hrs to a few days. Start feeding oon small inverts, esp calanoid &
harpacticoid copepods in marine. As grow, move away from estuaries, but cstay close to shorelines for
several wks. Pinks from Cook Inlet likely move to Gulf of Ak during late summer & early fall. Chum also
in fw only hrs to days.. In
Susitna leave June-early July; may grow prior to outmigrations. In esutary, chum juveniles form schools &
start feeding. Sy close to shorelines several months before moveing onto high seas. Harpacticoid copepods
dominant food.
Outmigration correlated to Susitna smolt outmigration (Roth+, 85&86). Pink &chum out later in Cook
(begins in late May, peak in June)than in PWS (mid-April to late May). Chinook, sockeye & coho prop
move thru quickly. Pink move out of upper Cook rapidly, espec in June and not feed except last wk of
June. May have reared s of Forelands & returned to west part of Northern Ck inlet . Residence extended
into mid-July & likely continued into at least late July. Chum use northern Cook more than others., widely
distributed throu study area by July & feeding heavily. May also rear s of Forelands & move bak to westn
part of Northern CK inlet. COndition ^ed by mid July & no indicatioon of decliningnumbers. Juveniles
widely but not evenly distributed (see above) and not forming large schools. Salmon oriented to surface &
ate drift insects on surface. Pink & chum in rip lines or remanants of rips & around floating debris; move
deeper for cover when startled. Not sure if seek rips or carried by rips. Greatest & most diverse salmon
catches in rips. Sockeye,pink, chum eat calanoid copepods, fish larvae & other soops. chinook mosre drft
insects; coho ate fish & drift insects. Hi drift insect availability & presence in diet unusual, not found in
other studies; might be cuz of Cook Inlet turbidity. ^ing growth & condition in chum& pink comparable to
PWS; indicates they are rearing here. But later outmigration means pinks in PWS 70mm by June 20 and 36
mm in Cook Inlet wibecuz one or 2 months less growth.
Sampled 6/3-20, 7/7-115, 9/8-10./93. Salinity lowest near Susitna Delta & ^ed to west Surface salinity
inverse to surface Temp. Water clarity ^ed (increased) with temp but not related to saliity. Crustacean
(crangonid shrimps, mysids & amphipods) correlated to tide stage (probably cuz of turbidity) & inverse to
water clarity(may be avoiding tow net). Densities hier in June than July; hiest along the NW shorline &
eastern regions. Lowest along SE shore. ....
3spine stickleback most numerous but only in July. Herring 2nd in abund &consistent thru time. Eulachon
abundan only during initial sampling (6/3-20) but 4th in # overall. Pinks peaked in midJune (& at Susitna
mouth), then decreased thru season. In June pinks <40mm, av35.9-6-36.3. In mid July most >40mm, av
41.5 and largest were in west. No growth in June but .55mm/day in July. Possible just that moving thru
constantly cuz in PWS grow 97mm/day & British Columbia .87 & .97mm/day reported. Chum 2nd in
abundance , dominant during July; low at start, constant thru June & early July, than ^ed in mid july.
clustered near Susitna Delta in Jun, the wide spread in July. Chum only salmoon that increased in avg size
over season grew 1.15mm/day.
Chum 57.7mm by end of July; largest in west. Chinook 3rd most abund
salmon; peaked in mide-June (70-90mm age 1) and mid July (50-70mm age 0, and 75-90 mm age 1). Coho
least abundant salmon but only on caught in Sept. Catch hiest in mid June & midJuly. Coho>95 in June(age
1&2) and 65-85 (age 1) in July. Herring catch hiest in June 188-20 & had decreased by next sample period
July 7. Herring primarily along NW shore & eastern Mid channel.Age 1 present in Jun & July, rowing thru
season; age ) and smaller in Sept. ...;Food avail: Planton dominated by calanoid poepods, fish larvae,
spionid worms & mysids. Calanoid copedods ^ed 4-fold From June to July. (but may have been from 1 larg
sammple in July. Surface inscts ^ed by order of mag from June to July, espec E channel & Trading Bay.
Diets diverse in June and high in aphids (Hemiptera) and Dipteran flies in July. Stomach contents as % of
body wt ^ed thru June, peaked in earlly July, decreased in mid July.
Townet good in Ck Inlet cuz most fish in top 2 meters, prob because of hi turbidity. TSide looking
tansducer ineffectve when winds >5m/sec (10knots), in rip tide noise and woody debreis--which is where
fish concentrated.
Acoustics (Appendix):Tide rips unpredictable & amount of their interference un predictable. 53% of side
looking transducer sets were useable, 70% of downlooking (but donw looking susceptible to Temp/salinity
gradients & suspended sediment. Fish w/ 10mm dif in fork lentgh difficult to distinuish. pins ~35mm in
beginning & 35-40 at end while chums 40mm iat start and 55mm by 2nd wk in july. Highe % of fish
<50mm may be unetected. Also post spawn eulachon during 1st week & herring. Low correlation between
net catch & acoustic detections.Therfore, target strength data vey ambiguous for side looking. Down
looking dorsal view affected more by size of fish ; probablly adifferent species. Net samples sammples
near surface & catch smaller fish. Accoustics see lareger fish near surface & most fish deeper than 2
meters. More fish in surface 2 meters than any other indificual. But significant # at depth and spp
commpositioon is unknown so not know if salmon
Muench, R. D., H. O. Mofjeld, and R. L. Charnell. 1978. Oceanographic Conditions in Lower Cook Inlet: Spring
and Summer 1973. Journal of Geophysical Research 83, no. C10: 5090-5098.
Muench, R. D., J. D. Schumacher, and C. A. Pearson. 1981. Circulation in the Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, United
States, DOC, NOAA, PMEL, Seattle, WA.
Abstract: Current observations obtained during October 1977-1978. 13 Aanadara Current Meters in Lower
Cook Inlet. Satellite tracked drifters, Salinity temperature measurements. Circulation in the lower Cook
Inlet refion has been described and discussed utilizing current ovservations obtainded during October 1977October 1978. The major circulation feature was a mean westerly flow which entered the region via
Kennedy and Stevenson entrances, paralleled the 100 m isobath through the lower Cook Inlet then exited
the system via Shelikof Strait. Summer mean current speed in this flow were 10-15 cm/s; winter speeds
25-30 cm/s. A secondary circulation feature was present as southward flow which occupied the western
protion of the lower Inlet. Summer current speeds here were 15-20 cm/s while winter speed were of the
order 10 cm/s. The westerly flow is driven in summer primarily by a baroclinic field consequent to coastal
freshwater input, while in winter this flow is driven by wind driven coastal convergences and possibly by
an alongshore pressure gradient set up by the alaskan Stream. The southward flow driven by freshwater
input into upper Cook Inlet, therefore is large in summer when this input is greater. Mean flow in the
eastern lower inlet was weak and variable all seasons. Low frequency and tidal flow fluctuations were
superimposed upon the mean flow an in regions of low mean speeds controlled the instantaneous flow.
The low frequency fluctuations were associated with westerly flow through the system, and probably
orignated through meteorological disturbances on the continental shelf outside the Inlet. Tidal currents
were large 70-100 cm/s and primarily semidiurnal in the eastern portion of the lower Inlet. In the western
Inlet, tidal currents were only half this magnitude, and in Shelikof Strait they were small due to the
presence on an antinode near the mooring in northern Shelikof Strait. Tidal currents were aligned with the
local channel bathymetry.
Mueter, F.-J., and B. L. Norcross. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Demersal Fish Community on the
Shelf and Upper Slope Regions of the Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin 100, no. 3: 559-81.
Abstract: We analyzed data from National Marine Fisheries Service bottom trawl surveys carried out
triennially from 1984 to 1996 in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The continental shelf and upper slope (0-500
m) of the GOA support a rich demersal fish fauna dominated by arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias),
walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis), and Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus). Average catch per unit of effort
(CPUE) of all groundfish species combined increased with depth and had a significant peak near the shelf
break at 150-200 m. Species richness and diversity had significant peaks at 200-300 m. The western GOA
was characterized by higher CPUEs and lower species richness and diversity than the eastern GOA.
Highest CPUEs were observed in Shelikof Strait, along the shelf break and upper slope south of Kodiak
Island, and on the banks and in the gullies northeast of Kodiak Island. Significant differences in total
CPUE among surveys suggest a 40% increase in total groundfish biomass between 1984 and 1996. A
multivariate analysis of the CPUE of 72 groundfish taxa revealed strong gradients in species composition
with depth and from east to west, and a weak but significant trend in species composition over time. The
trend over time was associated with increases in the frequency of occurrence and CPUE of at least eight
taxa, including skates (Rajidae), capelin (Mallotus villosus), three flatfish species, and Pacific Ocean perch,
and decreases in frequency of occurrence and CPUE of several sculpin (Myoxocephalus spp.) species.
Results are discussed in terms of spatial and temporal patterns in productivity and in the context of their
ecological and management implications.
Muir, D. C. G., P. Becker, K. Koczanski, R. Stewart, and S. Innes. 1997. Spatial and Temporal Trends of Persistent
Organochlorines in Marine Mammals from the North American Arctic [Extended Abstract]. In: AMAP
International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment
Programme. 121-23.
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to re-examine spacial trends of persistent OCs in
ringed seal and beluga from Canadian waters, which were based on samples from the mid-80s, with new
results from samples collected during the 1990s. In the case of beluga whales, we also wanted to compare
the Alaskan Chukchi Sea populations and the isolated populations in Cook Inlet (AK) with Canadian arctic
animals. The analysis of samples from the 1990s also permitted assessment of temporal trends at selected
locations. The sum PCBs, sum DDT and sum CHL were significantly higher in female ringed seals from
Hudson Bay than in the western and central Canadian archipelago. A distinct west-to-east spatial trend is
apparent in male beluga whales with higher levels in the eastern stocks, especially Hudson Bay. Combined
results of beluga whale blubber samples show no evidence of changes in sum DDT levels over a 23 year
2001. Marine Ice Atlas for Cook Inlet, Alaska, N. D. Mulherin, W. B. Tucker, III, O. P. Smith, and W. J. Lee.
ERDC/CRREL Technical Report 01-10. United States, DOD, COE, CRREL and United States, DOC,
NOAA, Hanover, N. H..
1998. Principles and criteria for sustainable salmon management: a contribution to the development of a salmon
fishery evaluation framework for the State of Alaska, P. R. Mundy. Submitted to the Alaska Dept. of Fish
and Game from Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Abstract: From those in occupations already subject to uncertainties of weather, production and markets, it
is reasonable to expect concern about any document, or process, that may contribute to changes in salmon
fishing regulations. Salmon harvesters are often caught in the dilemma where the need for rigorous
application of science to management is accepted as essential for long-term conservation of the resources,
but where indiscriminate application of the same conservation science is rejected because it threatens loss
of culture and livelihood. In developing the basis for the principals and criteria, care has been taken to
separate public policy from conservation science in order to minimize concerns about potential impacts on
those communities and people who rely on salmon fishing for food, culture, and livelihood.
The principles and criteria are intended to support Alaska's public involvement process by distinguishing
between concepts that are scientifically feasible and desirable, and the public policy process of choosing
whether, and how, to implement those concepts. Alaska has a strong public involvement process for
salmon management, and a high level of understanding and awareness of fisheries matters among political
leaders. It is in the policy arena where salmon harvesters have opportunities to see that conservation
science is equitably applied to the resources on which cultural and economic well being depend.
The principles and criteria are inclusive of all existing Alaskan salmon fisheries. It is possible for any
existing Alaskan salmon fishery to be managed in accord with the principles and criteria of sustainable
salmon fishing. The extent to which the elements of any present Alaskan fishery may adhere to the
principles is expected to vary according to the historical circumstances of the fishery. Nonetheless the
principles and criteria can be implemented for any salmon fishery targeting any group of salmon stocks or
species, although the technical challenges and expense of conforming to the principles will vary by fishery.
Mungall, J. C. H. 1973. Cook Inlet Tidal Stream Atlas, IMS Report R73-6, Sea Grant Report 73-17. University of
Alaska, Institute of Marine Sciences.
Municipality of Anchorage. 2002. Port of Anchorage Background Information.,
Municipality of Anchorage, Port of Anchorage, Anchorage, AK.
Murphy, R. S., R. F. Carlson, D. Nyquist, and R. P. Britch. 1972. Effect of Waste Discharges into a silt-Laden
Estuary, A Case Study of Cook Inlet, Alaska, Publication No. IWR 26. University of Alaska, Institute of
Water Resources, Fairbanks, AK.
Murray, N. K., and F. H. Fay. 1979. The White Whales or Belukhas, Delphinapterus leucas, of Cook Inlet, Alaska,
Draft report for the June 1979 meeting of the Sub-committee on Small Cetaceans of the Scientific
Committee of the International Whaling Commission. IWC, Cambridge, UK.
Musgrave, D. 2005. Surface Circulation Radar Mapping in Alaskan Coastal Waters: Field Study Beaufort Sea and
Cook Inlet. Proceedings of the Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update
Meeting, pp. 27-29Anchorage, AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA
for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Musgrave, D. L. 2004. "CODAR in Alaska [abstract]." University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute Annual
Report No. 10, OCS Study MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska, CMI and United States DOI, MMS,
Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 2004. "Power, Data Transmission, and Site Suitability associated with the Beaufort Sea and Cook Inlet."
Proceedings of a Workshop on Research Sponsorship on the Mapping of Surface Currents from High
Frequency Radar in the Cook Inlet and Beaufort Sea., MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. OCS Study
MMS 2004-045. Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences for United States DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Myers, K. W., R. V. Walker, H. R. Carlson, and J. H. Helle. 2000. Synthesis and review of US research on the
physical and biological factors affecting ocean production of salmon. 1-9.
Abstract: This paper is a synthesis and review of the results of US research in the 1990s on the physical and
biological factors affecting ocean production of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). The review follows
the outline of US research under the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Science Plan, which
addresses issues concerning the ocean production of salmon. The research includes studies on juvenile
salmon in coastal waters, ecology of salmon in the Gulf of Alaska, retrospective analyses of long-term data
series, development and application of stock identification techniques, and international cooperative high
seas salmon research. Our review indicates that climate-induced variation in productivity and fishing are
the two major factors affecting ocean production of salmon, but the underlying mechanisms are not well
known. To understand the processes linking climate, ocean productivity, and salmon production, we need
stock-specific information on salmon distribution, abundance, and migration patterns with respect to
environmental conditions. We recommend continuation of this research, with a strong emphasis on (1) the
development of new technologies and international baselines for salmon stock identification, (2) shipboard
research and monitoring programs to provide a platform for process studies, as well as data on interannual
variation in ocean growth, distribution, and run timing of key stocks, and (3) the development and
dissemination of international databases useful for research on ocean production of salmon.
Mysak, L. A., R. D. Muench, and J. D. Schumacher. 1981. Baroclinic Instability in a Downstream Varying
Channel:Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography 11: 950-969.
Naidu, A. S., and J. J. Kelley. 2004. "Archiving of Shelikof Strait Sediment Samples at the University of Alaska
Muesum [abstract]." Annual Report No.10, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study
MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
———. 2005. "Archiving of Shelikof Strait Sediment Samples at the University of Alaska Muesum." Annual
Report No.11, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2005-055. University of
Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
1976. Physical and Toxicity Bioassay Studies in Cook Inlet, Alaska during Drilling Opeations June-August 1976,
NALCO, and Environmental Sciences. Prepared for Union Oil Company of California, North Brook, IL.
National Toxics Campaign Fund. 1991. Laboratory Data Report for Greenpeace Alaska: Drift River/Trading Bay
Sediment., Senior scientist. F Youngs. National Toxics Campaign Fund, Boston, MA.
Neff, J. M. 1991. Technical Review of Document: Process Waters in Cook Inlet, Kenai, Alaska, Prepared by the
Public Awareness Committee for the Environment, 100 Trading Bay, Suite, #4, Kenai, Alaska, Reference
67519. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
Neff, J. M., and G. S. Douglas. 1994. Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Water and Sediments of Upper Cook Inlet,
Alaska, near a Produced Water Outfall, Battelle Ocean Science Laboratory, Duxbury, MA.
Newton, G. B. 2002. Future Arctic Ocean and Coastal Alaska Research Needs. 53rd Arctic Science Conference,
Connectivity in northern watersFairbanks, AK.
Abstract: There can be no doubt the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea and coastal Alaska are experiencing
extraordinary environmental changes. The impacts of unprecedented warming in Alaska have been
observed, for example, in the thawing of permafrost, the retreat of sea ice, an increase in precipitation, and
changes in the waters of the Bering Sea and surrounding North Pacific. Since the Bering Sea provides
approximately 50% of all fish consumed in the U.S., and Alaska's coasts represent 50% of the U.S. total
coastline, such changes demand a national commitment and focus on Arctic research which, in turn, will
have a direct bearing on the Nation's security and economic well-being.
The Arctic marine and coastal research needs of the Nation are diverse, spanning a spectrum of basic and
applied sciences, as well as Arctic engineering. There is an urgent requirement to develop a comprehensive,
integrated observing system to detect and monitor Arctic environmental change; the Study of Arctic
Environmental Change (SEARCH) is a Pan-Arctic program that will hopefully fill this key role. There are
critical needs to fully map the bathymetry and discern the basic circulation of the Arctic Ocean and
surrounding coastal seas, not only to more fully understand the Arctic marine environment, but to
adequately prepare for emerging, high-latitude jurisdictional issues under the UN Convention on the Law
of the Sea. Future changes in Arctic sea ice will have profound implications for marine transportation,
resource development (including fisheries), national security, environmental protection, and coastal
erosion; each of these areas will require dedicated research, improved analysis, and more effective strategic
planning. Inherent also in these research plans will be requirements to address the infrastructure needs of
Alaska's coastal communities. In addition, permafrost and subsea permafrost are two components of the
cryosphere of critical significance to Alaska, particularly in an era of regional warming. Renewed and
enhanced engineering and basic research programs on both environments are necessary to adequately
address a myriad of infrastructure issues of importance to both coastal and inland Alaska.
These research needs, and many others, are the concern of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission. The
Commission is committed to creating and fostering a national vision for Arctic research for the 21st
century. The Commission is also concerned with providing appropriate prominence to these research
efforts in an international arena so that the U.S. can fulfill its many roles as a leading Arctic nation.
Longterm commitments and evolving partnerships among federal, state, private and public sectors will be
key to creating and carrying out an effective strategy for research on the Arctic Ocean and coastal Alaska.
One recent example is a federal-State of Alaska partnership on creating a joint research and development
plan (given impetus by Alaska Senate Joint Resolution 44).
Nickles, J. R. 1992. Status of polar bear, walrus, and sea otter in the Gulf of Alaska/Lower Cook Inlet-Shelikof
Strait/Bering Sea. Conference Proceedings of the Alaska OCS Region Fourth Information Transfer
Meeting, 81-85Anchorage, AK: Prepared for the United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region by MBC
Applied Environmental Sciences.
Abstract: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is responsible for management of polar bear, Pacific
walrus, and northern sea otter in Alaska, as provided by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
(MMPA). Populations of these species are healthy, and perhaps near historic high levels. Except for the
sea otter, population information exists only for broad geographic areas. Precise estimates of population
sizes and trends are lacking. Much of the ranges of polar bear and walrus are in the Chukchi and Beaufort
seas, outside the area of focus of this paper.
The MMPA includes an exemption which allows Alaska Natives to harvest marine mammals for
subsistence purposes, or for creating and selling handicrafts and clothing. There are no restrictions on the
harvest, providing it is non-wasteful. The FWS monitors the Native harvest with a mandatory marking and
tagging program, and through a walrus harvest monitoring program which will be resumed in 1992 after a
two-year hiatus.
1998. Defining Habitats for Juvenile Groundfishes in Southcentral Alaska with Emphasis on Flatfishes. Volume 1
Final Report, B. L. Norcross, B. A. Holladay, A. A. Abookire, and S. C. Dressel. OCS Study MMS 970046. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
Norcross, B. L., B. A. Holladay, and A. L. Blanchard. 2000. "The relationship of diet to habitat preferences of
juvenile flatfishes in Kachemak Bay, Alaska: Phase I." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute
Annual Report No. 6: Federal Fiscal Year 1999, submitted by Vera Alexander. OCS Study MMS 2000046. University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Abstract: This pilot study examined the diet of 80 juvenile flathead sole collected in Kachemak Bay,
Alaska over a range of seasons, depths, and substrates. Samples were gathered prior to the present project
during a study of seasonal juvenile flatfish habitat which defined the preferred range of depth and substrate
for flathead sole and rock sole, the most abundant flatfishes in Kachemak Bay. Diets were examined based
on season of capture (winter, spring, or summer), depth preference (< 40 m: shallower than preferred; 4080 m: preferred; > 80 m: deeper than preferred), substrate preference (< 50% mud: larger than preferred; >
50% mud: preferred), and fish size. Ten fish with stomach contents (predators) were examined from winter
(regardless of depth or substrate), 10 predators from spring (regardless of depth or substrate), and 60
predators from summer collections (10 within each of 6 substrate/depth combinations). Diets were
described based on the numbers of individuals of each prey taxon consumed, and were separately described
based on
individuals consumed or by biomass, that taxon was considered to be important to the diet based on
numerical or biomass criteria. Where a prey taxon accounted for
individuals and biomass, we were reasonably sure that the prey taxon was substantially important in the
diet of the fish caught in that parameter. Statistical comparisons among the use of a prey taxon on any one
parameter, e.g., use of Polychaeta during winter, spring, and summer, were performed by applying a
logistic model to presence/absence of prey. The significance level was set to α = 0.05.
The 65 prey taxa consumed by juvenile flathead sole in this study were divided into 13 general taxonomic
groups for analysis: Foraminiferida, Polychaeta, Bivalvia, Crustacea (unidentified), Ostracoda, Copepoda,
Euphausiacea, shrimps, crabs, Mysidacea, Cumacea, Isopoda, and Gammaridea. The subphylum Crustacea
provided the greatest variety of prey taxa and the largest count of individual prey consumed.
Flathead sole collected during summer usually had stomach contents (N = 60 predators of 79 fish
examined) indicating they fed more often than fish collected during spring (N = 10 predators of 21 fish
examined) or winter (N = 10 predators of 40 fish examined). No prey taxon accounted for
numbers of individuals and biomass consumed in all seasons. Copepods were important numerically in
each season, but provided very little biomass in any season. Based on both numerical and biomass criteria,
mysids and amphipods were important in the winter diet, polychaetes were important in the spring diet, and
mysids were important in the summer diet. Sample size was not sufficient to determine whether seasonal
diets were significantly different based on prey presence/absence.
Euphausids were important in all depth ranges when using both count and biomass criteria. Additionally,
based on these criteria, gammarid amphipods were important in depths of <40 m; mysids were important in
depths of 40-80 m; and both shrimps and mysids were important in depths of >80 m. Mysids were
=0.15, p=0.926), and shrimps were consumed by more predators
=8.36, p =0.015).
Based on numerical and biomass criteria, "shrimps" was an important taxon in both less preferred (<50%
mud) and preferred (>50% mud) substrates, euphausids were important in <50% mud, and mysids were
important in >50% mud. The logistic model detected no significant difference in number of predators
consuming polychaetes, mysids, gammarid amphipods, euphausids, and shrimps over the two substrates.
The number of predators consuming Copepoda was greater on substrate < 50% mud than on the preferred
substrate ( 2=3.75, p =0.053).
No prey taxon was important to all sizes of flathead sole based on both prey counts and biomass. The taxa
Mvsidae and Copepoda were important to small fish (28-51 mm total length) based on prey counts and
biomass; Mysidae and Gammaridea were important to medium fish (52-77 mm); and Euphausiacea and
shrimps were important to large fish (78=7.32,
p =0.026) were consumed with different frequency among fish of different sizes. The number of small,
medium, and large predators consuming Mysidacea, Gammaridae, and Polychaeta were not significantly
Though this small sample size (N = 80 predators) was insufficient to determine if flathead sole occur in
preferred habitats due to the prey associated with those habitats, this research indicated that certain prey
taxa were consumed within limited ranges of depth and substrate. In particular, shrimps were consumed at
depths > 80 m and by flathead sole
and gammarid amphipods were consumed equally on both substrates and by all sizes of flathead sole.
1996. Recruitment of Juvenile Flatfishes in Alaska: Habitat Preference Near Kodiak Island. Volume I. Final Study
Preport, B. L. Norcross, B. A. Holladay, S. C. Dressel, and M. Frandsen. OCS Study MMS 96-003.
University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
North Pacific Research Board. "" Web page. Available at
Abstract: In the future this site mayhave links to databases and other information relevant to the affectted
Northern Economics. 2001. A Review of Cook Inlet Natural Gas Supply and Demand, Anchorage, AK.
Nysewander, D. R., and C. Dippel. 1991. "Population Surveys of Seabird Nesting Colonies in the Prince William
Sound, the Outside Coast of Kenai Peninsula, Barren Islands and Other Near-by Colonies, with Emphasis
on Changes of Numbers and Reproduction of Murres." Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Natural Resource Damage
Assessment, NRDA Bird Study Number 3, Unpublished Report. USDOI, FWS, Anchorage, AK.
O'Clair, C. E., J. W. Short, and S. D. Rice. 1996. Subtidal Monitoring: Recovery of Sediments in the Northern Gulf
of Alaska, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Project 95285 Final Report. United States, DOC, NOAA,
NMFS, Juneau, AK.
O'Clair, C. E., and S. T. Zimmerman. 1987. Biogeography and Ecology of the Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal
Communities. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood,
and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 305-44. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS,
and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
O'Corry-Crowe, G. M., R. S. Suydam, A. Rosenberg , K. J. Frost, and A. E. Dizon. 1997. Phylogeography,
Population Structure and Dispersal Patterns of the Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas in the Western
Nearctic Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Ecology 6: 955-70.
Oey, L. Y., and T. Ezer. 2005. Development and Testing of an Ocean Model with Wetting and Drying Capability for
Tidal Areas [Cook Inlet]. Proceedings of the Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow
Information Update Meeting, pp. 24-25Anchorage, AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental
Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Oey, L. Y., T. Ezer, C. Hu, and F. E. Muller-Karger. 2007. Baroclinic Tidal Flows and Inundation Processes in
Cook Inlet, Alaska: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations. Ocean Dynamics 57: 205-21.
Oil and Gas Journal. 1996. EPA rule targets gulf, Cook Inlet E&P discharges. Oil AndGas Journal 94, no. 47: 23.
Abstract: Limits on pollution discharges have been issued under the Clear Water Act by the US
Environmental Protection Agency from oil and gas production facilities on the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska's
Cook Inlet. It has been reported that these limits are expected to reduce the current discharges of toxic
pollutants (arsenic, cadmium, lead) by more than 200,000 lb/year, conventioanl pollutants (oil, grease,
solids) by 2.8 million lb/year and nonconventional pollutants by (chlorides, ammonia, aluminum) by 1.5
billion lb/year. EPA has stated the rule will cost industry $16.2 million/year
Okkonen, S. 2003. Measurements of Temperature, Salinity and Circulation in Cook Inlet, Alaska. In Proceedings of
the Ninth Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update Meeting, p. 12Anchorage, AK:
Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
———. 2005. Observations of Hydrography in Central Cook Inlet, Alaska, during Diurnal and Semidurnal Tidal
Cycles and Physical Measurements and Seasonal Boundary Conditions in Cook Inlet. Proceedings of the
Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information Update Meeting, pp.16-17Anchorage,
AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Okkonen, S., S. Pegau, and S. Saupe. 2008. "Seasonality of Boundary Conditions for Cook Inlet, Alaska." Coastal
Marine Institute University of Alaska Annual Report No. 14 , M. Castellini. OCS Study MMS 2008-014.
Department of the Interior, MMS, Alaska OCS Region and Coastal Marine Institute, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.
Okkonen, S. R. 2003. "Measurements of temperature, salinity, and circulation in Cook Inlet, Alaska." University of
Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 9: Federal Fiscal Year 2002, submitted by Vera
Alexander. OCS Study MMS 2003-003. University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Abstract: The goals of this project are to conduct hydrographic surveys and drift card studies of circulation
pathways in Cook Inlet. The results from these studies will improve the understanding of density-driven
circulation in Cook Inlet and provide observational data for validation of existing and proposed numerical
circulation/spill trajectory models. Students and teachers from Kenai Peninsula Borough high school
science classes are participating with the principal investigator in the preparation, field work/data
acquisition, and data analyses for this project. Local and regional coverage of participation by Kenai
Peninsula Borough schools in this project is managed by the public outreach coordinator, Cook Inlet
Regional Citizens Advisory Council (CIRCAC).
2005. Observations of Hydrology and Currents in Central Cook Inlet, Alaska during Diurnal and Semidiurnal Tidal
Cycles, S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study MMS 2004-058. University of Alaska Fairbanks, CMI and United
States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Okkonen, S. R. 2005. "Observations of Hydrology in Central Cook Inlet, Alaska, During Diurnal and Semidiurnal
Tidal Cycles [abstract]." Annual Report No.11, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study
MMS 2005-055. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
Okkonen, S. R., W. S. Pegau, and S. M. Saupe. 2005. "Seasonality of Boundary Conditions for Cook Inlet, Alaska."
Annual Report No.11, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2005-055.
University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Okkonen, S. R., and S. M. Saupe. 2004. "Observations of Hydrology in Central Cook Inlet, Alaska, During Diurnal
and Semidiurnal Tidal Cycles [abstract]." Annual Report No.10, University of Alaska Coastal Marine
Institute. OCS Study MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS,
Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Olsen, J. B., S. E. Merkouris, and J. E. Seeb. 2002. An Examination of Spatial and Temporal Genetic Variation in
Walleye Pollock (Theragra Chalcogramma) Using Allozyme, Mitochondrial DNA, and Microsatellite
Data. Fishery Bulletin 100, no. 4: 752-64.
Abstract: We used allozyme, microsatellite, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data to test for spatial and
interannual genetic diversity in walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from six spawning aggregations
representing three geographic regions: Gulf of Alaska, eastern Bering Sea, and eastern Kamchatka.
Interpopulation genetic diversity was evident primarily from the mtDNA and two allozyme loci (SOD-2*,
MPI*). Permutation tests indicated that FIT values for most allozyme and microsatellite loci were not
significantly greater than zero. The microsatellite results suggested that high locus polymorphism may not
be a reliable indicator of power for detecting population differentiation in walleye pollock. The fact that
mtDNA revealed population structure and most nuclear loci did not suggests that the effective size of most
walleye pollock populations is large (genetic drift is weak) and migration is a relatively strong
homogenizing force. The allozymes and mtDNA provided mostly concordant estimates of patterns of
spatial genetic variation. These data showed significant genetic variation between North American and
Asian populations. In addition, two spawning aggregations in the Gulf of Alaska, in Prince William Sound,
and off Middleton Island, appeared genetically distinct from walleye pollock spawning in the Shelikof
Strait and may merit management as a distinct stock. Finally, we found evidence of interannual genetic
variation in two of three North American spawning aggregations, similar in magnitude to the spatial
variation among North American walleye pollock. We suggest that interannual genetic variation in walleye
pollock may be indicative of one or more of the following factors: highly variable reproductive success,
adult philopatry, source-sink metapopulation structure, and intraannual variation (days) in spawning timing
among genetically distinct but spatially identical spawning aggregates.
Olsson, P. Q. 2002. High-Resolution Numerical Simulations of Terrain-Influenced Weather in Prince William
Sound and Cook Inlet. Connectivity in northern waters : Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska
interrelationships : program and abstracts : 53rd Arctic Science ConferenceFairbanks, Alaska: American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Arctic Division.
Abstract: From the meteorological perspective, the Gulf of Alaska is a region of extremes. The northern
Gulf of Alaska experiences the potent consequences of vigorous marine extratropical cyclones making
landfall in some of the most dramatic and extreme terrain in North America. The high frequency of storms,
on average one every 4 to 5 days during the cold season, creates precipitation extremes of up to 8 meters
per year of liquid equivalent in terrestrial sites with favorable orography. Much of the precipitation on land
remains impounded (at least temporarily) in the region's many glaciers, but eventually returns to the ocean.
While PWS and Cook Inlet are only a small part of the Gulf of Alaska coast, they experience most of the
weather features and phenomena seen in the rest of the Gulf. PWS is a complex embayment composed of
fjords, deeply incised river valleys, and steep mountain ridges. Much of PWS is surrounded by the
Chugach Mountains, that here average about 2000 m in elevation, with peaks extending to near 3000 m.
Three significant gaps in the terrain that can act to funnel and focus regional winds. Each of these gaps has
the potential to permit exchange of air with a considerably different, and often continental, airmass. By
contrast, Cook Inlet, which borders PWS to the west, has a much simpler topographic structure: an
elongated bay terminating in two perpendicular arms.
The work discussed here uses the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to simulate several
cases where terrain appears to play a significant role in determining local weather conditions. To capture
the complex nature of terrain-weather interactions adequately, it is necessary to use a model with high
spatial resolution. In this study, a double nested-grid approach is used, with grid spacings of [UPPER
CASE DELTA]x,y = 64 km, 16 km and 4 km for the parent grid and its 2 nested grids. This allows the
model to simulate both the synoptic-scale weather at the scale of hundreds of kilometers and localized
terrain influences that occur on a scale of just a few km.
Not surprisingly, the grid-spacing was found to be critically important to resolving ageostrophic,
downgradient flows in narrow channeled regions. This results in large part from the fact that at least 4 grid
points in the horizontal are needed to adequately resolve a channel in the terrain. Runs without the 4-km
nested grid typically failed to produce mesoscale, terrain-influenced flow with a significant deviation from
the large-scale circulation. This was more apparent in PWS, with its complex system of fjords and bays,
than in Cook Inlet where the channeling is simpler and of larger scale.
Precipitation is another weather element where orography can play an important role. Precipitation events
were also considered in this study. Simulations of major precipitation events showed less dependence on
model grid spacing than was seen with local circulations. Sensitivity studies suggested that this was due to
the use of the "reflected envelope topography" of RAMS that maintains barrier height at the resolution of
the data set (in this case 30 sec.) rather than smoothing to the scale of the model grid.
From a forecast perspective, these results have several implications. For short-term mesoscale marine
forecasts, the better resolution of localized winds is clearly worth the extra computational expense required
for the 4-km grid. From the perspective of quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF), the higher
resolution of the 4-km grid probably provides less utility. This result has implications for longertime
period quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) in regions (like almost all of Alaska) where observations
are sparse. It suggests that RAMS can be run at a more time-efficient moderate resolution (e.g. -16 km grid
spacing) with relatively little difference in results.
———. 2004. "High-Resolution Numerical Modeling of Near-Surface Weather Conditions over Alaska's Cook Inlet
and Shelikof Strait [abstract]." Annual Report No. 10, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS
Study MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 2005. Cook Inlet Atmospheric Model. Presented at: Cook Inlet Physical Oceanography Workshop Homer,
AK: Alaska Ocean Observing System; Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council; Kachemak Bay
Research Reserve.
———. 2005. "High-Resolution Numerical Modeling of Near-Surface Weather Conditions over Alaska's Cook Inlet
and Shelikof Strait." Annual Report No.11, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study
MMS 2005-055. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks, AK.
———. 2005. High-resolution Numerical Modeling of Near-Surface Weather Conditions over Cook Inlet and
Shelikof Strait. Proceedings of the Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information
Update Meeting, pp. 16-17Anchorage, AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa
Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Olsson., P. Q., and H. Liu. 2005. High-Resolution Modeling of Near-Surface Weather Conditions over Cook Inlet
and Shelikof Strait. Proceedings of the Tenth MMS Information Transfer Meeting and Barrow Information
Update Meeting, pp. 17-18Anchorage, AK: Prepared by MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, Costa
Mesa, CA for MMS Alaska OCS Region.
Orlando, R. C., and E. A. Martin. 1981. Grain Size Data Compilation and Parameters of Sediment Samples, Lower
Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1976 through 1979, United States DOI, GS, Menlo Park.
Oswood, M. W., J. B. Reynolds, J. G. Irons, and A. M. Milner. 2000. Distributions of Freshwater Fishes in
Ecoregions and Hydroregions of Alaska. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19, no. 3:
Abstract: We examined the spatial distributions of Alaskan freshwater fishes using 2 frameworks,
ecoregions and hydroregions (catchments). Ecoregions are defined by climate, terrain, vegetation, and
soils; their utility in explaining distributions of aquatic organisms is based upon terrestrial-aquatic linkages.
Analysis of the probable dispersal of aquatic organisms along past and current hydroregions provides an
alternative and likely complementary path to understanding distributions of aquatic organisms. We use
published distribution records for freshwater fishes of Alaska to construct a matrix of presence/absence
records for each fish species in ecoregions and hydroregions of Alaska. We assessed faunal similarities
among ecoregions and hydroregions using the Jaccard index. Classification analyses (two-way indicator
species analysis [TWINSPAN] and unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages [UPGMA]
cluster analysis) were used to group ecoregions and hydroregions. Similarities of fish faunas were highest
in adjacent hydroregions, with declining similarity between latitudinally disjunct hydroregions; similarities
were lower between hydroregions separated by high-elevation mountain chains than between hydroregions
separated by lower-elevation mountains and lowlands. The Brooks Range Tundra, which is a high-
elevation swath of the mountains separating the Arctic coastal plain from interior Alaska, showed the
greatest dissimilarity in fish fauna from other (even adjacent) ecoregions. Classification analyses of
hydroregions and ecoregions produced geographically similar patterns, tentatively considered
ichthyoregions. From north to south, these ichthyoregions included Arctic and Brooks Range regions, a
region consolidating most of the Yukon catchment of interior Alaska, a western Alaska region, a coastal
southwestern region (Bristol Bay to Cook Inlet and adjacent Alaska Range), and a southern maritime
region including Southeast Alaska. Fishes of the Beringian refuge (local survivors of Pleistocene
glaciation) dominated northern regions, with increasing representation southward by fishes derived from
the Pacific Coast (Cascadia) refuge, suggesting a Pleistocene imprint on distribution of Alaskan fishes.
Thus, we hypothesize that the distribution of Alaskan freshwater fishes is complexly determined by
ecophysiological requirements of fishes along the latitudinal gradient from northern rain forest to Arctic
tundra, by current and past barriers to dispersal, and by the legacy of Pleistocene glaciation.
2004. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for Pacific herring in Lower Cook Inlet, 1995-1999, E. O. Otis.
Regional Information Report No. 2A04-14. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial
Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2004. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for Pacific herring in Lower Cook Inlet, 2000-2003, E. O. Otis, and J.
L. Cope. Regional Information Report No. 2A04-04. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
1999. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for sockeye, chum, and pink salmon in Lower Cook Inlet, 1998, E. O.
Otis, and M. S. Dickson. Regional Information Report No. 2A99-36. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2002. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for sockeye, chum, and pink salmon in Lower Cook Inlet, 1999, E. O.
Otis, and M. S. Dickson. Regional Information Report No. 2A00-15. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2003. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for sockeye, chum, and pink salmon in Lower Cook Inlet, 2000, E. O.
Otis, and M. S. Dickson. Regional Information Report No. 2A03-12. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2003. Abundance, age, sex, and size statistics for sockeye, chum, and pink salmon in Lower Cook Inlet, 2001, E. O.
Otis, and M. S. Dickson. Regional Information Report No. 2A03-13. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
Kamishak Bay Data Synthesis Ver. 1.0. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries,
Homer, Alaska.
Abstract: Extensive GIS database (currently in ArcView 3.2) documenting the locations of herring schools
and herring spawn in the Kamishak Bay area of western Lower Cook Inlet.
Ovenshine, A. T., D. W. Lawson, and S. R. Winkler-Bartsch. 1975. An Earthquake caused transgressive deposit in
Turnagin Arm, Alaska, USA. IXth International Congress of Sedimentology.
Overland, J. E., and T. R. Heister. 1978. "A Synoptic Climatology for Surface Winds along the Southern Coast of
Alaska." OCSEAP Report, Rsearch Unit 140, USDOI, NOAA, PMEL, Seattle, WA..
Overland, J. E., C. H. Pease, R. W. Preisendorfer, and A. L. Comiskey. 1986. Prediction of Vessel Icing. Journal of
Climate and Applied Meteorology 25, no. (12): 1793-806.
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. "" Web page. Available at
Abstract: Authorized by Congress in 1947, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is
one of three interstate commissions dedicated to resolving fishery issues. Representing California, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, the PSMFC does not have regulatory or management authority; rather it
serves as a forum for discussion, works for coastwide consensus to state and federal authorities. PSMFC
addresses issues that fall outside state or regional management council jurisdiction.
The goal is to promote and support policies and actions directed at the conservation, development and
management of fishery resources of mutual concern to member states through a coordinated regional
approach to research, monitoring and utilization.
Pagano, R. 14 June 1997. Judge Orders Pollution Study for Cook Inlet. Anchorage Daily News, sec. D, col. 5-6 p.
Page, D. S., P. D. Boehm, G. S. Douglas, A. E. Bence, W. A. Burns, and P. J. Mankiewicz. 1998. Petroleum sources
in the western Gulf of Alaska Shelikoff Strait area. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36, no. 12: 1004-12.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to define some of the natural petroleum sources present in an area of
Alaska that is also part of the spill zone of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and to compare these sources with
hydrocarbons in sediment samples from the region
Parsons, T. R. 1986. Ecological Relations. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources.
eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 561-70. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK:
USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Patchen, R. C., J. T. Bruce, and M. J. Connelly. 1981. Cook Inlet Circulatory Survey, 1973-1975, United States
Paul, A. J. 1985. Oceanography of Cook Inlet and Its Relation to Dungeness Crab Distribution. In Proceedings of
the Symposium on Dungeness Crab Biology and Management, ed. B. Melteff. Alaska Sea Grant Report, no.
No. 85-3. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Paul, T., W. A. Lehnhausen, and S. E. Quinlan. 1994. Puffins. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Wildlife
Notebook Series.Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Abstract: Puffins, because of their large colorful beaks and comical looks, are probably the most easily
recognized and most popular Alaska seabirds. Puffins have probably been depicted on more tee-shirts,
drinking cups, cards, and souvenir plates, been the subject of more drawings and paintings, and been made
into more stuffed toys than any other Alaska bird except eagles and ravens.
Two species live in Alaskan waters: the Horned Puffin (Fratercula corniculata) and the Tufted Puffin
(Fratercula cirrhata). They belong to the family Alcidae, which includes auks, auklets, murres, murrelets,
and guillemots. Alcids spend most of their lives on the open sea and only visit land to breed in the summer.
In Alaska, puffins breed on coastal islands and headlands from Forrester Island in southeastern Alaska to
Cape Lisburne on the Chukchi Sea Coast. Horned Puffins are more prevalent farther north than Tufted
Payne, J. R., J. R. Clayton, Jr., G. D. McNabb, Jr., B. E. Kirstein, C. L. Clary, R. T. Redding, J. S. Evans, E.
Reimnitz, and E. W. Kempema. 1989. "Oil-Ice-Sediment Interactions During Freezeup and Breakup."
USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, MMS, Anchorage, AK.
Payne, J. R., B. E. Kirstein, R. E. Jordan, G. D. McNabb, Jr., J. L. Lambach, M. Frydrych, W. J. Paplawsky, G. S.
Smith, P. J. Mankiewicz, R. T. Redding, D. M. Baxter, R. E. Spenger, R. F. Shokes, and D. J. Maiero.
1981. Multivariate Analysis of Petroleum Weathering in the Marine Environment - Sub Arctic, RU 597.
Science Applications, La Jolla CA.
Payne, J. R., B. E. Kirstein, G. D. McNabb, Jr., J. L. Lambach, R. Redding, R. E. Jordan, W. Hom, C de Oliveira, G.
S. Smith, D. M. Baxter, and R. Gaegel. 1984. Multivariate Analysis of Petroleum Weathering in the Marine
Environment - Sub Arctic. Vol. I - Technical Results, RU 597. Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan
Continental Shelf, Final Reports of Principal Investigators, Volume 21 (February 1984). USDOC, NOAA,
and USDOI, MMS., Juneau, AK.
Pearce, B., D. Jones, and H. McIIvane. 2000. "An Overview of CIOSM 2.0 - The Cook Inlet Oil Spill Model."
Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study
MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Pentec Environmental. 1996. Long-Term Intertidal Baseline Monitoring for Cook Inlet--Year 1, 1996, Project
Number 82-004. Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, Kenai, AK.
1996. A survey of selected Cook Inlet intertidal habitats, Inc. Pentec Environmental. Final report to Cook Inlet
Regional Citizens Advisory Council. Project number 95-0014E67, Kenai, Alaska.
Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage Inc., and The Mc Dowell Group. 1993. South Central Ports Development
Project, State of Alaska, Dept. Of Commerce and Economic Development, Juneau, AK.
Petroleum News Alaska. 2001. Study Results Only Natural Hydrocarbons Found in Cook Inlet. Petroleum News
Alaska 6, no. 8: B12.
Petrula, M. J., and D. H. Rosenberg. 2002. Small Boat and Aerial Survey of Waterfowl in Kachemak Bay, Alaska
During Winter 2002., State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game,. Waterfowl Program, Div. of Wildlife
Conservation., Anchorage, AK.
2004. A study of the drift gillnet fishery and oil/gas industry interactions and mitigation possibilities in Cook Inlet :
final report, Principal investigators J. S. Petterson, and E. W. Glaziez. OCS Study MMS 2004-38. United
States Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage,
Abstract: This report describes the salmon drift gillnet fishery in Cook Inlet in Southcentral Alaska, and the
nature of its historic and potential future interactions with offshore oil and gas industry activities in the
region. The description and supporting literature review serve as context for identifying and assessing
appropriate means and venues for mitigating problems that might occur should the fishery and offshore
industry eventually interact on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) of Cook Inlet. Such mitigation could
benefit both forms of enterprise.
Oil and gas industry activity on the OCS is administered by the United States Department of the Interior,
Minerals Management Service (MMS). MMS is responsible for administering oil and gas development on
the OCS under stipulations in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). An important provision of
the OCSLA authorizes MMS to conduct and sponsor studies of coastal and marine environments
potentially affected by oil and gas industry activities occurring on the OCS.
This report provides information needed by MMS to pursue balanced management of resources under its
jurisdiction on the Cook Inlet OCS. Project findings are based on a period of intense research conducted
during and soon after the summer 2003 drift gillnet season, and into the spring months of 2004. The
research and report have been completed under MMS Contract 1435-01-03-CT-71847 by Impact
Assessment, Inc. (IAI), a firm specializing in maritime social science research.
During the course of environmental assessment work conducted in association with Lease Sales 191 and
199, MMS determined that drift gillnet fishery participants held a number of concerns about the prospect of
oil and gas industry activities on the Cook Inlet OCS. Among the most salient concerns were the following:
(1) emplacement of drilling platform in fishing grounds could affect drift gillnet operations, (2) oil spills of
blowouts could affect the salmon resource and the fishery, and (3) increased vessel traffic related to
offshore activity could affect the fishery. The research described in this study was largely organized around
investigation of the context surrounding the concerns, and around identification of effective ways to
mitigate the potential problems.
Findings clearly suggest that the navigational challenges of operating drift gillnet fishing vessels on Cook
Inlet are real and can test even the most skilled mariners. Emplacement of a stationary object such as a
drilling platform in the swift currents of the fishing grounds could increase the challenges and present the
possibility for spatial conflict.
But of equal significance, the research has uncovered important information that suggests: (a) navigational
challenges and spatial conflicts may be avoided through strategic planning on the part of the oil and gas
industry and its regulators, and (b) many problems for the drift gillnet fleet potentially associated with
prospective drilling on the OCS can be mitigated.
Finally, the research indicates that while oil and gas industry activity on the OCS could affect fishery
operations in certain ways, the salience of the issue is in reality overshadowed by a host of economic and
other challenges.
Petty Ray Geophysical Company. 1976. High Resolution Geophysical Survey of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska., U.S.
Geological Survey, Conservation Div., Alaska Office Contract, Anchorage, AK.
Pew Oceans Commission. "" Web page.
Abstract: The Pew Oceans Commission is an independent group of American leaders conducting a national
dialogue on the policies needed to restore and protect living marine resources in U.S. waters. After
reviewing the best scientific information available and speaking with people from around the country, the
Commission made its formal recommendations to Congress and the nation in June 2003. The report is
available on line at this web site along with other scientific reports related to marine fisheries management,
marine reserves, ecological effects of fishing, marine pollution, marine aquaculture, and other topics.
PI/Dwights Plus Drilling Wire Alaska. 2004. ConocoPhillips to Pay $485,000 for Cook Inlet Wastewater Violations.
PI/Dwights Plus Drilling Wire Alaska 50, no. 33: 3.
1994. Monitoring Seabird Populations in Areas of Oil and Gas Development on the Alaskan Continental Shelf.
Oceanic, Shelf and Coastal Seabird Assemblages at the Mouth of a Tidally Mixed Estuary (Cook Inlet,
Alaska), J. F. Piatt. United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Piatt, J. F., Project contact. 1998. "Ecology and Demographics of Pacific Sand Lance in Lower Cook Inlet, Project
No: 98306." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS Project Database .
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to characterize the basic ecology, distribution, and demographics of
sand lance in lower Cook Inlet. Recent declines of upper trophic level species in the Northern Gulf of
Alaska have been linked to decreasing availability of forage fishes. Sand lance is the most important forage
fish in most nearshore areas of the northern Gulf. Despite its importance to commercial fish, seabirds, and
marine mammals, little is known or published on the basic biology of this key prey species.
Piatt, J. F., Project Contact. 2000. "00306-CLO Ecology and Demographics of Pacific Sand Lance in Lower Cook
Inlet." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS Project Database .
Abstract: This project will characterize the basic ecology, distribution, and demographics of sand lance in
the Gulf of Alaska. Recent declines of upper trophic level species in the Northern Gulf of Alaska have been
linked to decreasing availability of forage fishes. Sand lance is the most important forage fish in most
nearshore areas of the northern gulf. Despite its importance to commercial fish, seabirds, and marine
mammals, little is known or published on the basic biology of this key prey species. In FY 00, the project
will focus on finishing reports and submitting publications to peer reviewed journals.
2001. Survival of adult murres and kittiwakes in relation to forage fish abundance, J. F. Piatt. Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: Populations of Common Murres and Black-legged Kittiwakes in lower Cook Inlet fluctuate over
time, and changes in population size reflect the sum of three processes: adult mortality, recruitment of
locally-produced offspring, and the immigration/emigration of breeding adults from/to other colonies. In
APEX Project 00163M, we have been measuring population trends and productivity in relation to local
food abundance since 1995, and there are also historical data spanning 25 years. With this project (00338),
we are measuring adult survival by marking birds with color bands and re-sighting them in subsequent
years. We now have estimates of survival for three years of murres and kittiwakes at Gull Island (foodrich, bird populations increasing) and Chisik Island (food-poor, bird populations decreasing). At least 4-5
years of resighting data are needed for statistical evaluation of survival data. However, preliminary results
suggest there are marked differences in survival of murres and kittiwakes between Gull and Chisik islands,
which may be related to costs of breeding in food-rich versus food-poor environments. The rate at which
murre and kittiwake populations are declining at Chisik Island (4-9% per annum) can be attributed mostly
to adult mortality. The rate at which populations have increased at Gull Island (9%) cannot be explained
solely by recruitment of locally produced juveniles (despite high productivity), and must also result from
substantial immigration of adults from elsewhere.
———. 2002. Response of Seabirds to Fluctuations in Forage Fish Density, Oil Spill Restoration Project 00163J
Final Report. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage,
Piatt, J. F. 2004. "Seabirds and forage fish: Ecosystems and marine food webs in Alaska." Web page, [accessed 22
April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS Project Database, .
Abstract: A key to understanding seabird population dynamics is to characterize the biological responses of
seabirds to fluctuations in prey abundance, distribution and quality. This long-term study forms the basis of
the ABSC Seabird Project, and is designed to measure foraging (functional) and population (numerical)
responses of six seabird species to fluctuating forage fish densities at three seabird colonies in lower Cook
Inlet. This SIS project includes a number of sub-projects, each of which deals with particular aspects of
seabird population regulation in relation to food supplies.
Piatt, J. F., and P. Anderson. 1996. Response of Common Murres to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Long-Term
Changes in the Gulf of Alaska Marine Ecosystem. In Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 720-737. AFS Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD:
American Fisheries Society.
Piatt, J. F., and R. G. Ford. 1996. How Many Seabirds Were Killed by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill? In Proceedings of
the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 712-19. AFS
Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Piatt, J. F., and D. Roseneau. 1997. Cook Inlet Seabird and Forage Fish Studies (CISeaFFS). Abstract in The Cook
Inlet Symposium, p. 22Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
Pitcher, K. W. 1989. Harbor Seal Trend Count Surveys in Southern Alaska, 1988, Marine Mammal Commission
Contract MM4465853-1 . Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, DC, NTIS PB90-208828.
Poole, F. W. 1980. Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1977-1978 Winter, NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-27. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1981a. Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1978-1979 Winter, NOAA Technical
Memorandum NWS AR-30. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1981b. Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1979-1980 Winter, NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-32. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
Poole, F. W., and G. L. Hufford. 1982. Meteorological and Oceanographic Factors Affecting Sea Ice in Cook Inlet.
Journal of Geophysical Research 87, no. C3: 2061-70.
Port of Anchorage. 1992. Port of Anchorage Yearly Vessel Arrival Report for 1992 , Municipality of Anchorage,
Anchorage, AK.
Prahl, F. G., and R. Carpenter. 1984. Hydrocarbons in Washington Coastal Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Sciences 18: 703-20.
Prentki, R. T. 1995. The MMS Cook Inlet Water Quality Study [Abstract]. In Alaska Association of Environmental
Professionals Seventh Annual Meeting Proceedings, p. 14Anchorage, AK: Alaska Association of
Environmental Professionals.
1995. The "Alaska Exemption" for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Discharges under National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES), R. T. Prentki. Alaska OCS Region Briefing Paper. USDOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1997. The MMS Study on Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait and Outermost Cook
Inlet: Part 1, Literature Review and Synthesis. Abstract in Alaska Association of Environmental
Professionals Ninth Annual Meeting Proceedings, unpaginatedAnchorage: Alaska Association of
Environmental Professionals.
———. 1997. Sediment Quality in Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait and Outermost Cook Inlet: Year 1 Study
Design and Preliminary Results. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium , p.22Anchorage, AK: Watersheds
———. 1998. Overview of the MMS Sediment Quality Study. Presented at Monitoring for Oil Industry Impacts to
the Cook Inlet Environment: Past Results and Plans for the FutureCook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory
Council, Environmental Monitoring Committee.
Prichard, A. K., D. D. Roby, R. T. Bowyer, and L. K. Duffy. 1997. Pigeon Guillemots as a Sentinel Species: a
Dose-Response Experiment with Weathered Oil in the Field. Chemosphere 35, no. 7: 1531-48.
2001. Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program: July2000-March 2001 Interim Report, Prince William
Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council. Publication No. 951.431.020507.LTEMP interim.pdf.
Prepared for Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council, Anchorage, AK.
Public Awareness Committee for the Environment [PACE]. 1991. Process Waters in Cook Inlet Kenai, Alaska,
PACE, Kenai, AK..
1993. Numerical Modeling of Extreme Tidal Conditions, D. C. Raney. BER Report Number 587-183. Prepared by
Univeristy of Alabama, College of Engineering, Bureau of Research for United States, DOD, Coastal
Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Ms.
Rappeport, M. L. 1981. Current Meter Observations with Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1978-1979, from the R/V Sea
Sounder, United States DOI, GS, Menlo Park, CA.
———. 1981. Studies of Tidally-dominated Shallow Marine Bed Forms: Lower Cook Inlet Trough, Cook Inlet,
———. 1982. An Analysis of Oceanographic and Meteorological Conditions for Central Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska,
United States DOI, GS.
Rappeport, M. L., and D. A. Cacchione. 1981. Sediment dynamics, Drag Partitioning and Tidal Flow Characteristics
within a Field of Large Sand Waves, Lower Cook Trough, Cook Inlet, Alaska. EOS, Transactions,
Americal Geophysical Union. 63, no. 45.
Read, A. J., and P. R. Wade. 2000. Status of marine mammals in the United States. Conservation Biology 14, no. 4:
Abstract: The 1994 amendments to the United States Marine Mammal Protection Act required, for the first
time, an assessment of the status of every marine mammal stock in the United States. We draw conclusions
about the status of marine mammals from assessments of 153 stocks conducted to meet the requirements of
these amendments. We found important regional differences in the status of stocks. Most stocks in the
Atlantic and Pacific experience human-induced mortality (takes), primarily from gill-net fisheries. The
proportion of stocks with takes was lower in the Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii, areas with few gill-net
fisheries. Estimated takes exceeded removal limits for 29% of stocks in the Atlantic, 14% in the Pacific,
8% in Alaska, 7% in the Gulf of Mexico, and 0% in Hawaii. Twenty-eight stocks are listed as threatened
or endangered under the US. Endangered Species Act. Most, but not all, baleen whale stocks are
recovering after cessation of commercial harvests. Many species of pelagic cetaceans, including beaked
and sperm whales, are vulnerable to mortality in pelagic drift-net fisheries. Most pinniped stocks
experience takes, but none of these takes exceeds removal limits, and all pinniped stocks on mainland
coasts of the United States are increasing in abundance. Quantitative data on trends in abundance are
available for few cetacean stocks, emphasizing the difficulty of monitoring trends in these species. These
stock assessments have greatly advanced our understanding of the status of marine mammals in the United
States, but information gaps remain, particularly regarding stock structure and possible mortality in
unmonitored fisheries.
Reeburgh, W. S., and G. W. Kipphut. 1986. Chemical Distributions and Signals in the Gulf of Alaska, Its Coastal
Margins and Estuaries. In The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W.
Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 77-91. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA,
NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Reed, R. K., and S. J. Bograd. 1995. Transport in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: an Update. Continental Shelf Research
15, no. 2/3: 213-18.
Reed, R. K., and J. D. Schumacher. 1986. Physical Oceanography. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and
Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 57-75. OCS Study, 86-0095.
Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
———. 1989. Some Mesoscale Features of Flow in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research 94,
no. C9: 12,603-12,606.
———. 1989. Transport and Physical Properties in Central Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Continental Shelf Research 9,
no. 3: 261-68.
Reed, R. K., J. D. Schumacher, and L. S. Incze. 1986. Water Properties and Circulation in Shelikof Strait, Alaska,
during 1985, ERL PMEL 68. United States, DOC, NOAA, PMEL.
———. 1987. Circulation in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17, no. 9: 1546-54.
Reed, R. K., and P. J. Stabeno. 1993. Observations of Velocity Divergence in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Continental
Shelf Research 13, no. 2/3: 225-32.
Rember, R. D. 1998. "Sediment Deposition in Outermost Cook Inlet and the Shelikof Strait, Alaska." Florida
Institute of Technology.
Rember, R. D., and J. Trefry. 2005. Sediment and Organic Carbon Focusing in the Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Marine
Geology 224: 83-101.
. 2003. Oil in the Sea III Inputs, Fates, and Effects.National Research Council Research BoardWashington, D.C.
Abstract: There is little argument that liquid petroleum (crude oil and the products refined from it) plays a
pervasive role in modern society. As recently as the late 1990s, the average price of a barrel of crude oil
was less than that of a take-out dinner. Yet a fluctuation of 20 or 30 percent in that price can influence
automotive sales, holiday travel decisions, interest rates, stock market trends, and the gross national product
of industrialized nations, whether they are net exporters or importers of crude oil. A quick examination of
world history over the last century would reveal the fundamental impact access to crude oil has had on the
geopolitical landscape. Fortunes are made and lost over it; wars have been fought over it. Yet its sheer
magnitude makes understanding the true extent of the role of petroleum in society difficult to grasp.
Furthermore, widespread use of any substance will inevitably result in intentional and accidental releases to
the environment. The frequency, size, and environmental consequences of such releases play a key role in
determining the extent of steps taken to limit their occurrence or the extent and nature of mitigation efforts
taken to minimize the damage they cause.
Consequently, the United States and other nations engaged in strategic decisionmaking regarding energy
use spend a significant amount of time examining policies affecting the extraction, transportation, and
consumption of petroleum. In addition to the geopolitical aspects of energy policymaking, the economic
growth spurred by inexpensive fuel costs must he balanced against the environmental consequences
associated with widespread use of petroleum. Petroleum poses a range of environmental risks when
released into the environment (whether as catastrophic spills or chronic discharges). In addition to physical
impacts of large spills, the toxicity of many of the individual compounds contained in petroleum is
significant, and even small releases can kill or damage organisms from the cellular- to the population-level.
Compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbons (PAH) are known human carcinogens and occur in
varying proportions in crude oil and refined products. Making informed decisions about ways to minimize
risks to the environment requires an understanding of how releases of petroleum associated with different
components of petroleum extraction, transportation, and consumption vary in size, frequency, and
environmental impact.
In recognition of the need for periodic examinations of the nature and effect of petroleum releases to the
environment, various governments have commissioned a variety of studies of the problem over the last few
decades. Within the United States, federal agencies have turned to the National Research Council on
several instances to look at the issue. One of the most widely quoted studies of this type was completed in
1985 and entitled Oil in the Sea: Inputs, Fates, and Effects. The report that follows was initially requested
by the Minerals Management Service (U.S.) in 1998. Financial support was obtained from the Minerals
Management Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection
Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, the
American Petroleum Institute, and the National Ocean Industries Association. Although originally
envisioned as an update of the 1985 report, this study goes well beyond that effort in terms of proposing a
clear methodology for determining estimates of petroleum inputs to the marine environment. In addition,
the geographic and temporal variability in those inputs and the significance of those inputs in terms of their
effect on the marine environment are more fully explored. Like the 1985 report, this report covers
theoretical aspects of the fate and effect of petroleum in the marine environment. This current effort,
however, benefited tremendously by the existence of more systematic databases and the voluminous field
and laboratory work completed since the early 1980s, work largely stimulated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill
in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Research Planning Institute, Inc., Alaska Department of Fish and Game, United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
"MESA52 - Clam Gulch map." Web page, [accessed 19 August 2004]. Available at
Reynolds, M., S. A. Macklin, and B. S. Walter. 1979. "Nearshore Meteorology." RU 367. USDOC, NOAA, and
USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Reynolds, R. M., S. A. Macklin, B. S. Walter, and Jr. 1979. "Nearshore Meteorology." RU 367. USDOC, NOAA,
and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Rice, S. D., J. W. Short, and J. J. Karinen. 1976. Toxicity of Cook Inlet Crude Oil and No 2 Fuel Oil to Several
Alaskan Marine Fishes and Invertebrates. In Proceedings of Symposium on Sources, Effects and Sinks of
Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment, pp. 394-406Washington, DC: American Institute of Biological
Abstract: We used a 96-hour static bioassay method to determine the TLMs (median tolerance levels) of 27
different invertebrate and vertebrate Alaska marine species exposed to WSFs (water-soluble fractions) of
Cook Inlet crude oil and No. 2 fuel oil. Concentrations of oil in the exposure doses of the WSFs were
determined by infrared spectophotometry. The two different oils were about equally toxic--No. 2 fuel oil
being somewhat more toxic to some of the species. Fish were consistently among the more sensitive
species with 96-hour TLMs from 0.81 to 2.94 ppm. Some invertebrates were as senstitive as fish, while
others were quite resistant. Intertidal invertebrates were consistently among the most resistant species. It
appears that Alaskan marine species may be slightly more sensitive than similar species residing in more
temperate regions. However, the differences in observed sensitivity may be due to the greater toxicity of
oil (becuase of greater persistence of hydrocarbons) rather than to actual increases in the sensitivity of the
Richter, Z. 1996. "Bioavailability of Phenanthrene in Marine Intertidal Sediment. M. S. Thesis." University of
Northern Iowa.
Richter, Z. D., and J. F. Braddock. 1995. Bioavailability of Phenanthrene in Marine Intertidal Sediments [Abstract].
In The 46th Arctic Division Science Conference. Program and Abstracts, p. 219Fairbanks, AK: American
Association for the Advancement of Science Arctic Division.
Richter, Z. D., E. J. Brown, and J. F. Braddock. 1996. Bioavailability of Phenanthrene in Marine Intertidal Sediment
Slurries [Abstract]. In Abstracts of the 96th General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, p.
446American Society of Microbiology.
Roach, A. T., J. D. Schumacher, and P. Stabeno. 1987. Observations of Currents, Surface Winds and Bottom
Pressure in Shelikof Strait, Autumn 1984, ERL PMEL-74. USDOC, NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory, Seattle Washington, NTIS: PB88-121736.
1999. Ecology and demographics of Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus pallas, in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska,
M. D. Robards, and J. F. Piatt. Alaska Biological Science Center, United States Geological Survey,
Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: We report here on changes in proximate composition and somatic energy content for Pacific sand
lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) relative to maturity, season, and location. We collected sand lance from the
nearshore (using beach seines and digging in intertidal substrates) and offshore (using mid-water trawls and
halibut) during the past three years from Kachemak Bay, Chisik Island, and the Barren Islands. Proximate
composition analyses showed that the body condition and energy density of adult sand lance cycle
seasonally. Mean dry-weight energy values peaked in spring and early summer (20.9 kJ/g for males, 21.1
kJ/g for females), and subsequently declined by about 25% during late summer and fall. Declines in energy
density paralleled gonadal development. Adult sand lance spawn in October and subsequently enter the
water column with close to their minimum whole body energy content. The energy content of juvenile
sand lance remains fairly constant until they reach about 80 mm in length, and is higher than adults during
summer. The value of sand lance to predators varies markedly among geographic areas and within seasons.
However, maximum energy value coincides with important feeding periods for marine mammals, birds and
Robards, M. D. and Piatt, J. F. 2000. "Ecology and demographics of Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus
Pallus, in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska ." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS
Robards, M. D., J. F. Piatt, A. B. Kettle, and A. A. Abookire. 1999. Temporal and Geographic Variation in Fish
Communities of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Fisheries Bulletin 97, no. 4: 962-77.
Abstract: Coincident with cyclical fluctuations in seawater temperatures, abundance of several key forage
species, including capelin (Mallotus villosus), Pricklebacke (mostly Lumenella longirostris) and pacific
sandfish (Trichodon trichodon declined preciptously in the late 70's. Meanwhile populations of large
predatory fish, including walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
and several pleuronectids (right-eye flounders) increased dramatically. Chisik Islan nearshor glacial silt &
mud flats interspersed with rocky substrates that are exposed at low tides. Barren Island in transition zone
between dep GOA waters & shallow Cook Inlet estuary. Ak Coasta Current upwelling of cold, nutrient-
rich water plus strong tidal action makes waters turbulent & well mixed. Kachemak Beach seins winter &
summer 71% sand lance. Table1 shows abundant common occssional & rare speecies, Occurrence &
CPUE in 1976 & o5-96 with % change. VERY COMPLETE. Geographic variability: Intense insular
upwelling of nturent rich waters around Barren Is lead to hi productivity & in turn hi fish abundance.
Upwell water enters Kachemake Bay where hi habitat diversity & plankton prey-base provide hab for
abundant, diverse fish community. Chsik Is water increased seiment loads from freshwater glacial runoof;
PP only1/10th of Katchmak Bay. Lower sand lance at Chisik Is from comb of low food & deposition of
glacial silt & mud. Sand lance require clean , sandy nearshore substrates; few around Barren Islands.
Storm-prone Barren Is lower spp diversity that other Ck Inlae (hearshore) habitats. spp may avoid shallow
habi her & favor slightly deeper, less distrubed waters. Kachemak Bay & Chisik Is apprently related to
increasing habitat diversity & reduced salinity.[refer to text of report for sources] Most notable diff betwe
nearshore & offshore shelf envirnoments in lower Cook Inlet was shelf areas dominated by walleye
pollock. Pollock in 88% midwater trawls & only 3% of beach seines. Declines of seabird--murres & blacklegged kittiwakes at Chisik Is may be related to declines of locally abundante forage fish, particularly sand
lance. Possible that historically larger capelin numbers may have inhabitited this region prior to mid-70's
when pelagic seabirds hier.
Robards, M. D., J. F. Piatt, and G. A. Rose. 1999. Maturation, Fecundity, and Intertidal Spawning of Pacific Sand
Lance in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Fish Biology 54, no. 5: 1050-1068.
Abstract: Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, showed no sexual
dimorphism in length-to-weight (gonad-free) ratio or length-at-age relationship. Most matured in their
second year, males earlier in the season than females, but females (31%) attained a higher gonadosomatic
index than males (21%). Sand lance spawned intertidally once each year in late September and October on
fine gravel or sandy beaches soon after the seasonal peak in water temperatures. Sand lance in Cook Inlet
and Prince William Sound displayed similar maturation schedules. Schools were dominated 2 : 1 by males
as they approached the intertidal zone at a site where spawning has taken place for decades. Sand lance
spawned vigorously in dense formations, leaving scoured pits in beach sediments. Fecundity of females
(93-199 mm) was proportional to length, ranging from 1468 to 16 081 ova per female. About half of the
overall spawning school fecundity was derived from age group 1 females (55% of the school by number).
Spawned eggs were 1.02 mm in diameter, demersal, slightly adhesive, and deposited in the intertidal just
below the waterline. Sand lance embryos developed over 67 days through periods of intertidal exposure
and sub-freezing air temperatures.
Robbins, L. A. 1992. The Social and Economic Characteristics of Kenai, Alaska and Some of the Effects of the
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
. In Conference Proceedings, Alaska OCS Region, Fourth Information
Transfer Meeting, pp. 279-82Anchorage, AK: USDOI, MMS, AK OCS Region .
Robertson, D. E., and K. H. Abel. 1979. "Natural Distribution and Environmental Background of Trace Heavy
Metals in Alaskan Shelf and Estuarine Areas." RU 506. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP, and USDOI, BLM,
Boulder, CO..
———. 1990. "Natural Distribution and Environmental Background of Trace Heavy Metals in Alaskan Shelf and
Estuarine Areas [1979]." RU 506. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Boulder, CO..
Rogers, D. E. 1986. Pacific Salmon. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D.
W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 461-76. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC,
NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Rogers, D. E., B. J. Rogers, and R. J. Rosenthal. 1986. The Nearshore Fish. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical
Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 399-415. 655 p. OCS
Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
1994. Fishes, birds and mammals of central Beringia : a taxonomic list in English and Russian, O. Romanenko.
National Park Service, Beringia Heritage International Park Program; National Audubon Society; Moscow
: All Russian Institute of Nature Conservation and Reserves, Washington, D.C..
Abstract: For purposes of this taxonomic list, Central Beringia is defined as lands and waters lying between
64° and 70° north latitude, and 160° and 180° west longitude. Dominant landscapes include the Chukotsk
Peninsula of Russia's Chukotka, Alaska's Seward Peninsula, and offshore islands and islets. Marine waters
include the intervening Bering Strait, northern Bering Sea, and southern Chukchi Sea.
Rosenberg, D. H., D. C. Burrell, K. V. Natarajan, and D. W. Hood. 1967. Oceanography of Cook Inlet with Special
Reference to the Effluent from the Collier Carbon and Chemical Plant, IMS-67-5. University of Alaska,
Institute of Marine Science, College, AK.
Rosenberg, D. H., and D. W. Hood. 1967. Descriptive Oceanography of Cook Inlet [abstract only]. Transactions of
the American Geophysical Union 48: 132.
Rosenberg, D. H., K. V. Natarajan, and D. W. Hood. 1969. Summary report on Collier Carbon and Chemical
Corporation studies in Cook Inlet, Alaska, Part II, November 1968 to September 1969 , IMS-69-13.
Institute of Marine Science, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Roseneau, D. G., and G. V. Byrd. 1998. Using Pacific halibut to sample the availability of forage fishes to seabirds.
Forage fishes in marine ecosystems: proceedings of the International Symposium on the Role of Forage
Fishes in Marine Ecosystems, 231-41Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of
Alaska, Fairbanks.
Abstract: Evaluating the influence of fluctuating prey populations (e.g., forage fishes) is critical to
understanding the recovery of seabirds injured by the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill; however, it is expensive
to conduct hydroacoustic and trawl surveys to assess forage fish stocks over broad regions. As part of the
1995 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council-sponsored Alaska Predator Ecosystem Experiment, we tested
the feasibility of using sport-caught Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) to obtain spatial and temporal
information on capelin (Mallotus villosus) and Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), two forage
fishes important to piscivorous seabirds. We examined 586 halibut stomachs collected from vessels in a
100-150 vessel charter boat fleet fishing throughout Cook Inlet waters during late May-early September.
Catch locations and dates provided information on geographic and seasonal variation in the incidence of
capelin and sand lance in seven eastern inlet subunits between Ninilchik and Shuyak Island. We also
obtained data on prey brought to chicks of black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), common murre (Uria
aalge), and tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) at the Barren Islands to help evaluate the sampling
technique. At the Barren Islands, capelin were the most numerous fish in halibut stomachs, and they were
the most common prey fed to murre and kittiwake chicks by number and weight, respectively. They were
also the largest prey group by weight in puffin chick diets. In the Point Adam area, where samples were
collected during June through early August, we detected seasonal changes in the relative abundance of sand
lance and capelin. Sand lance were most common in June, and capelin increased after early July. Based on
our results, we concluded that this relatively simple cost-effective method can supply useful information on
forage fish stocks in areas where seabird feeding and charter boat fishing activities overlap.
Roseneau, D. G., A. B. Kettle, and G. V. Byrd. 2000. Common Murre Population Monitoring at the Barren Islands,
Alaska., Oil Spill Restoration Project 99144 Final Report . Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council and
USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
1976. Marine plant community study, Kachemak Bay, Alaska, R. J. Rosenthal, and D. C. Lees. Prepared by Dames
and Moore for the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game.
Roubal, G., and R. M. Atlas. 1978. Distribution of Hydrocarbon-Utilizing Microorganisms and Hydrocarbon
Biodegradation Potentials in Alaska Continental Shelf Areas. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 35,
no. 5: 897-905.
Rugh, D. J., B. A. Mahoney, L. K. Litzky, and B. Smith. 2002. Aerial Surveys of Beluga in Cook Inlet, Alaska, June
2002, Unpublished manuscript on NMFS web site . USDOC, National Marine Fisheries Service.
Rugh, D. J., K. E. W. Shelden, and B. A. Mahoney . 2000. Distribution of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook
Inlet, Alaska, during June/July 1993-2000. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 6-21.
Rugh, D. J. Shelden K. E. W., and A. Schulman-Janiger. 2001. Timing of the gray whale southbound migration. J.
Cetacean Res. Manage. 3, no. 1: 31-39.
Abstract: The southbound migration of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales (Eschrichtius
robustus) has been documented by the National Marine Fisheries Service most seasons since 1967 at or
near Granite Canyon, in central California, and by the American Cetacean Society's Los Angeles Chapter
every season since 1985 at Point Vicente, southern California. This has provided a rare opportunity to
examine cetacean migratory timing data over a relatively long time series. In 1998/99, anecdotal reports
indicated a major change had occurred in the timing of the migration, which prompted this study to
compare the observed timing relative to expected dates. Although no observers were at Granite Canyon in
1998/99, data collected from this site indicated that prior to 1980, annual median sighting dates ranged
from 4-13 January (overall median = 8 January; CI=1.3), but since then there has been a one-week (6.8 day;
CI=2.0) delay, with median dates now ranging from 12-18 January (overall median = 15 January; CI=1.7).
This delay in timing is better represented as a shift in dates than as a trend, and it occurred shortly after a
major oceanographic regime shift in the North Pacific Ocean. The shift in whale sighting dates occurred
equally in the onset of the migrations (when the first 10% of the whales passed a site), the median (50%)
and end (when 90% of the whales passed). At Granite Canyon, there were no significant trends in these
dates prior to 1980 or in dates following the shift. In mid-February (median = 15 February, CI=1.9, at
Point Vicente), few gray whales are still going south and some are already migrating north. Most of the
migration (the period between the 10% and 90% sighting dates) occurs across a period of 34 days (CI=2.0),
but the entire southbound migration may take >70 days to pass a location in any given year. It takes a
whale approximately 54 days to migrate from the north central Bering Sea to the lagoons in Baja California
(8,000km), but some whales may travel as far as 10,000km. Based on available observations and
calculations using a travel rate of 147km/day, current median (peak) sighting dates of the southbound
migration should be: 1 December in the north central Bering Sea (here considered the theoretical starting
point for the migration); 12 December at Unimak Pass, Alaska; 18 December for Kodiak Island, Alaska; 5
January for Washington State; 7 January for Oregon; 15 January for central California; 18 January in
southern California; and 24 January at the northern lagoons in Baja California (considered here to be the
terminus of the migration). Although no observations were made at Granite Canyon in 1998/99, sightings
made at Yaquina Head, Oregon (median sighting date = 7 January) and at Point Vicente (median = 20
January) indicate that the timing of that migration was consistent with previous years.
Russell, S. 2000. "Comparing NOAA/CO-OPS Coastal Current Station Data with Drift Buoy Data in Cook Inlet Sea
Ice Conditions." Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R.
Okkonen. OCS Study MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute,
Fairbanks, AK.
S. R. Braund and Associates. 1982. Cook Inlet Subsistence Salmon Fishery, Technical Paper No. 54. State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
Sackinger, W. M., C. T. Feyk, J. Groves, V. Gruol, and O. P. Nordlund. 1988. A Study of the Bond Formed
Between Various Coated Steel Surfaces and Sea Spray Ice. In: Paper presented at the Ninth International
Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions, eds. W. M. Sackinger, and M. O.
Jeffries, 565-70Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute.
Sambrotto, R. N., and C. J. Lorenzen. 1986. Phytoplankton and Primary Productivity. In: The Gulf of Alaska
Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 249-82. 655
p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Sanger, G. A. 1987. Winter Diets of Common Murres and Marbled Murrelets in Kachemak Bay, Alaska . Condor
89: 426-30.
Sanger, G. A., V. F. Hironaka, and A. K. Fukryama. 1978. "The Feeding Ecology and Trophic Relationships of Key
Species of Marine Birds in the Kodiak Island Area." RU 341. USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, BLM,
Boulder, CO.
Sanger, G. A., and R. D. Jones. 1984. Winter Feeding Ecology and Trophic Relationships of Oldsquaws and WhiteWinged Scoters on Kachemak Bay, Alaska. In Marine Birds: Their Feeding Ecology and Commercial
Fisheries Relationships, Proceedings of Pacific Seabird Group Symposuim, eds D. N. Nettleship, G. A.
Sanger, and Springer A.M., pp. 20-28 . CW66-65/1984, Darthmouth, N.S. Canada: Canadian Wildlife
Sanger, G. A., R. D. Jones, and D. Wiswar. 1979. "The Winter Feeding Habitats of Selected Species of Marine
Birds in Kachemak Bay, Alaska." RU 341. OCS Study, MMS 85-0012. USDOI, BLM and USDOC,
NOAA, Boulder CO.
Saupe, S. M., and R. C. Highsmith. 1997. Recruitment and Succession after Disturbances to the Intertidal Zone in
Outer Kachemak Bay. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p. 24Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
1996. Dishonorable Discharge Toxic Pollution of Alaska Waters, J. D. Savitz, C. Campbell, R. Wiles, and C.
Hartmann. Environmental Working Group, Washington, DC.
Schabetsberger, R., R. D. Brodeur, T. Honkalehto , and K. L. Mier. 1999. Sex-Biased Egg Cannibalism in Spawning
Walleye Pollock: the Role of Reproductive Behavior. Environmental Biology of Fishes 54, no. 2: 175-90.
Abstract: We studied inadvertent egg cannibalism in spawning stocks of walleye pollock, Theragra
chalcogramma, in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea between 1986 and 1996. Male pollock had on
average 3 times more eggs in their stomachs than females. For both sexes adult fish of average body length
had more eggs in their stomach than did smaller or larger fish. When maturity of fish was taken into
account, actively spawning males had the highest numbers of eggs in their stomachs. We found weak
evidence for a diel variation; the number of eggs per stomach was high in both sexes during the day and
lower during the night. We suggest two possible explanations for this phenomenon. Sex-biased egg
cannibalism may reflect the differential time spent in layers of high egg densities. Hydroacoustic and trawl
catch data from both areas suggest that males aggregate deeper than females. Spawning takes place in the
deeper layers of the fish aggregation, so males spend more time in high egg densities. Alternatively, males
may be mon active than females and increased gill ventilation and/or drinking rates may be responsible for
the differences in egg cannibalism.
Schaudt, K. J., R. C. Hamilton, and D. Grossman. 1986. Doppler Acoustic Current Measurements in High Currents.
_In_ Oceans '86 Conference Record: Science-Engineering-Adventure. Data Management, Instrumentation
and Economics, 410-415. Oceans '86, IEEE, New York, NY.
Scheel, D. 2002. Characteristics of Habitats Used by Enteroctopus Dofleini in Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet,
Alaska. Marine Ecology-Pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli I 23, no. 3: 185-206.
Abstract: Habitat characteristics associated with the giant Pacific octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini (Wulker
1910), were studied in Prince William Sound and Port Graham, Alaska, from beach walk, SCUBA and
submersible surveys at depths of 0 to 197 m. Octopus counts on beach walk transects were positively
correlated with soft substrates (sand, gravel or broken rubble), the presence of boulders, and dense kelp
cover immediately offshore of the transect; and negatively correlated with depth on SCUBA transects. No
significant habitat correlations were found with counts on submersible transects. On beach walks, octopus
counts were reduced on hard substrates to 38% of the counts on soft substrates. Counts increased five-fold
in the presence of boulders over counts in their absence, and increased fifteen-fold adjacent to dense
(>75%) kelp cover over counts adjacent to sparse (<25%) kelp cover. On SCUBA transects, the average
density at less than 5 m depth was over five times that below 5 m. No trends in octopus size or sex ratio
were detected with depth. Den use was inversely correlated with depth although there was no indication
that den availability declined with depth. Octopuses were found at densities from 0 to 2.5 per 1000 m(2).
These densities were only 1 to 50% of densities of the same species recorded in British Columbia in the late
1970s and early 1980s. Few data are available to test recruitment, mortality, and habitat selection
hypotheses that would account for differences between habitats. However, the presence of the highest
octopus densities in intertidal and very shallow subtidal areas indicates the likely importance of near-shore,
shallow-water habitats, and highlights the vulnerability of octopus populations to changes in these habitats.
Scheel, D., R. Dodge, T. L. S. Vincent, and K. Hough. 2002. "Survey of Octopuses in Intertidal Habitats." Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill Resotation Project Final Report, Final Report
Restoration Project 96009D. Prince William Sound Science Center, Cordova, AK.
Schleuter, R. S., and C. I. Rauw. 1984. Conceptual Oil Disperson Modeling, Lower Cook Inlet-Shelikof Strait, Final
Report Research Unit 602. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Anchorage, AK, In.
Schlueter, R. S., and M. W. Miller. 1980. "Wind Field Transition Matrix Analyis Lower Cook Inlet -- Shelikof
Strait, Alaska." RU 436. USDOC, NOAA, OCSEAP and USDOI, BLM, Juneau, AK.
———. 1981. Wind Field Transition Matrix Analysis Lower Cook Inlet--Shelikof Strait, Alaska [1980] , RU 436.
USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Schlueter, R. S., and C. I. Rauw. 1981. "Evaluation of CODAR Data Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska [1980]." RU 436.
———. 1981. "Oil Spill Trajectory Simulation Lower Cook Inlet -- Shelikof Strait, Alaska [1980]." RU 436.
Schmidt, D. C., K. E. Tarbox, B. E. King, L. K. Brannian, G. B. Kyle, and S. R. Carlson. 1996. Kenai River
Sockeye Salmon: An Assessment of Overescapements as a Cause of the Decline. In Proceedings of the
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Symposium.S. Rice, R. Spies, D. Wolfe, and B. Wright, pp. 628-38. AFS
Symposium, 18. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
Schneider, K. B. 1976. Assessment of the Abundance and Distribution of Sea Otters Along the Kenai Peninsula,
Kamishak Bay and the Kodiak Archipelago., USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Schoch, G. C., and M. N. Dethier. Biophysical Coupling in Marine Ecosystems: Examing Issues of Scaling and
Variability in Intertidal Communities. Ecological Monographs In Review.
———. 1996. Scaling up: the Statistical Linkage between Organismal Abundance and Geomorphology on Rocky
Intertidal Shorelines. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 201: 37-72.
Schofield, E., R. Bowyer, and L. K. Duffy. 1999. Baseline Levels of Hsp 70, a Stress Protein and Biomarker, in
Halibut from the Cook Inlet Region of Alaska. The Science of the Total Environment 226: 85-88.
Schulte, B. 29 August 1992. Anchorage Daily News, sec. C, col. 5 pp. C-1, C-8.
Schulz, R. 1977a. "Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1973-1974 Winter." NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-18. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1977b. "Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1974-1975 Winter." NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-19. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1977c. "Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1972-1973 Winter." NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-20. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1978. "Sea Ice Conditions in the Cook Inlet, Alaska During the 1975-1976 Winter." NOAA Technical
Memorandum AR-20. USDOC, NOAA, NWS, Anchorage, AK.
Schumacher, J. D. 1987. Description of the Physical and Biological Environment: Rapporeur's Report. Fisheries
Research 5: 111-18.
Schumacher, J. D., W. E. Barber, B. Holt, and A. K. Liu. 1991. Satellite Observations of Mesoscale Features in
Lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, ERL 445-PMEL 40. USDOC, NOAA, Pacific Marine
Environmental Laboratory, Seattle Washington.
Schumacher, J. D., and R. K. Reed. 1980. Coastal Flow in the Northwest Gulf of Alaska: The Kenai Current.
Journal of Geophysical Research 85: 6680-6688.
Schumacher, J. D., P. J. Stabeno, and S. J. Bograd. 1993. Characteristics of an Eddy over a Continental Shelf:
Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research 98, no. C5: 8395-404.
Schumacher, J. D., P. J. Stabeno, and A. T. Roach. 1989. Volume Transport in the Alaska Coastal Current.
Continental Shelf Research 9, no. 12: 1071-83.
Science Applications International Corp. 1976. LNG Facility Risk Assessment Studyfor Nikiski, Alaska, SAI-75-613LJ. prepared for Pacific Alaska LNG Company, La Jolla, CA.
———. 1979. Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf: Lower Cook Inlet Interim Synthesis
Report, USDOC, NOAA, ERL, Boulder, CO.
Scofield, E., R. T. Bowyer, and L. K. Duffy. 1999. Baseline Levels of Hsp 70, a Stress Protein and Biomarker, in
Halibut From the Cook Inlet Region of Alaska. Science of the Total Environment 226, no. 1: 85-88.
Abstract: The levels of Hsp 70, a heat shock protein, was quantitatively determined in Pacific halibut,
Hippoglossus stenolepis, from the Cook Inlet region in south central Alaska. A dot blot analysis using a
monoclonal antibody for Hsp 70 was combined with a standard protein analysis to determine Hsp 70 levels
in 26 samples from gills. The average Hsp 70 concentration was 4.6 mu g/mg, with levels ranging from 2.2
to 14.5 mu g/mg total protein. Mercury in gill tissue also was measured and, in the 26 samples, only three
samples had concentrations of mercury ((X) over bar = 0.10 mg/kg, range = 0.09-0.11) above the minimum
detection level.
Seeb, L. W., and P. A. Crane. 1999. Allozymes and Mitochondrial Dna Discriminate Asian and North American
Populations of Chum Salmon in Mixed-Stock Fisheries Along the South Coast of the Alaska Peninsula.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128, no. 1: 88-103.
Abstract: A representative baseline of allozyme allele frequencies of 69 stock groupings covering the entire
range of chum salmon Oncorhynchus kern was evaluated for its ability to estimate stock of origin of Asian
and North American chum salmon in complex mixtures. We estimated the origin of 2,000 chum salmon
harvested incidentally in fisheries for sockeye salmon O. nerka slung the south side of the Alaska Peninsula
in the northern Pacific Ocean in 1993 and 1994 using a maximum likelihood algorithm. Of eight major
regions(Japan, Russia, northwest Alaska summer run, Yukon River fall run, Alaska Peninsula-Kodiak
Island, southeast Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington) reported, northwest Alaska summer-run
populations predominated in the fishery with estimates ranging from 0.52 to 0.72. A mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) marker capable of distinguishing the Japanese component from the rest of the Pacific Rim stocks
was assayed in 400 of the 1994 samples. Estimates from the allozyme and mtDNA data were similar.
Monitoring of the fishery and expansion of the chum salmon baseline are continuing.
Seeb, L. W., and P. A. Crane. 1999. High Genetic Heterogeneity in Chum Salmon in Western Alaska, the Contact
Zone Between Northern and Southern Lineages. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128, no. 1:
Abstract: Genetic relationships among 64 spawning populations of chum salmon Oncorhynchus kern in
western Alaska were studied using allele frequency data from 40 protein-encoding loci. Two major
lineages of chum salmon inhabiting Alaska were detected using clustering and multidimensional scaling
analyses of Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards' chord distances. Populations of the northwest Alaska lineage
occur in the largely unglaciated areas of Alaska north of the Alaska Peninsula (Beringia, the Beringian
Refugium); and the Alaska Peninsula-Gulf of Alaska lineage occurs in the glaciated and unglaciated areas
of the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, and southcentral Alaska. The two lineages come into contact in the
ISO-km area separating Herendeen Bay and Port Heiden on the northern Alaska Peninsula; this area may
represent a major zoogeographic contact zone. Genetic data also suggest the lineages come in contact in
upper Cook Inlet; the population representing the Susitna River drainage, which drains into Cook Inlet and
the Gulf of Alaska, shows affinity to the northwest Alaska lineage. Genetic variability was higher in the
Alaska Peninsula-Gulf of Alaska lineage than in the northwest Alaska lineage. A comparison of allele
frequency data collected in this study with data available for Pacific Rim populations suggests that
populations of the Alaska Peninsula-Gulf of Alaska lineage were derived from Cascadia (the Pacific
Refugium) and belong to a larger southern lineage, which includes populations from southeast Alaska,
British Columbia, and the Pacific Northwest. In contrast, populations from northwest Alaska appear to be
derived from a northern lineage with affinities to Asian populations.
Seeb, L. W., C. Habicht, W. D. Templin, J. W. Fetzner, Jr., R. B. Gates, and J. E. Seeb. 1995. Genetic Diversity of
Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of Cook Inlet, Alaska, and Its Application to Restoration of Injured
Populations of the Kenai River., Restoration Projetcs 93012 and 94255. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and
Game, Div. of Commercial Fisheries Management and Development, Juneau, AK.
Seeb, L. W., C. Habicht, W. D. Templin, K. E. Tarbox, R. Z. Davis, L. K. Brannian, and J. E. Seeb. 2000. Genetic
diversity of sockeye salmon of Cook Inlet, Alaska, and its application to management of populations
affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129, no. 6: 1223-49.
Abstract: Genetic data from sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka were collected from all major systems in
upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, that produce sockeye salmon, including the Kenai River drainage, a major
system that was affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The products of 29 enzymes encoded by 67 proteinencoding loci resolved by allozyme analysis revealed a substantial amount of genetic diversity among
populations distributed both within and among major drainages. The data support a model of population
structure based on the nursery lake. A gene diversity analysis estimated that 0.4% of the total variability
was attributable to the effect of sampling at different sites within nursery lakes, compared with 7.5%
among nursery lakes within regions and 2.9% among regions. This diversity probably arises from isolation
and genetic drift within nursery lakes and the tendency of sockeye salmon to home with great fidelity.
Sockeye salmon from these drainages are commercially harvested in mixed-stock aggregations in upper
Cook Inlet. Mixed-stock analyses using maximum likelihood methods with data from 27 loci were
performed to estimate the proportion of source populations in upper Cook Inlet fisheries. Simulations
indicated that six regional groups (Kenai River, Susitna and Yentna rivers, West Cook Inlet, Kasilof River,
Northeast Cook Inlet, and Knik Arm) could he identified in mixtures at a level of precision and accuracy
useful for fishery management. Samples from fisheries were analyzed both in-season (within 48 h) and
postseason. Samples taken from within the rivers were also analyzed to evaluate the baseline and to
estimate the contributions of individual spawning populations to the larger river systems.
Semtner, A. J.Jr. 1974. An Oceanic General Circulation Model with Bottom Topography, Numerical Simulation of
Weather and Climate, Technical Report No. 5. University of California, Dept. of Meteorology, Los
Angeles, CA.
Senner, S. E., G. C. West, and D. W. Norton. 1981. The Spring Migration of Western Sandpipers and Dunlins in
Southcentral Alaska: Numbers, Timing, and Sex Ratios. Journal of Field Ornithology 52, no. (4) : pp. 27184.
Sharma, G. D., and D. C. Burrell. 1970. Sedimentary Environment and Sediments of Cook Inlet, Alaska. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 54: 647-54.
Sharma, G. D., F. F. Wright, and J. J. Burns. 1973. Sea-ice and Surface Water Circulation, Alaska Continental
Shelf, 2nd Semi-Annual Report for ERTS Project 110-H. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.
Sharma, G. D., F. F. Wright, J. J. Burns, and D. C. Burbank. 1974. Sea Surface Circulation, Sediment Transport,
and Marine Mammal Distribution, Alaska Continental Shelf, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD.
Shaw, D. G. 1979. Hydrocarbons: Natural Distribution and Dynamics on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf, RU
275. USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
———. 1985. "Hydrocarbons: Natural Distribution and Dynamics on the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf [1981]."
RU 275. USDOC, NOAA and USDOI, MMS, Boulder, CO.
———. 1995. "Interaction Between Marine Humic Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook
Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska. Annual Report TO 12309 [Abstract]." Annual Report No. 2 Fiscal Year
1995, Coastal Marine Institute University of Alaska. OCS Study MMS 95-0057. University of Alaska,
Coastal Marine Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Shaw, D. G., and K. Lotspeich. 1977. Hydrocarbons in intertidal environments of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1976,
eds. L. L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D. C. Burbank. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Marine/Coastal
Habitat Management, Anchorage, AK.
Shaw, D. G., and J. A. Terschak. 1997. "Interaction between Marine Humic Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute
Annual Report No. 3 Fiscal Year 1996, Annual Report TO 12039. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine
Institute and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
———. 1998. "Interaction Between Marine Humic Acids and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook
Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska Annual Report TO 12039." Annual Report Fiscal Year 1997, Coastal Marine
Institute University of Alaska. OCS Study MMS 98-0005. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute
and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks; AK.
1998. Interaction Between Marine Humic Acids and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook Inlet and
Port Valdez, Alaska, D. G. Shaw, and J. A. Terschak. OCS Study MMS 98-0033. University of Alaska,
Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks; AK.
Shaw, D. G., and J. A. Terschak. 1999. Interaction between Marine Humic Acid and Polycylic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Lower Cook Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska. In Alaska OCS Region Seventh Information
Transfer Meeting Proceedings, Preparers MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, p. 12. OCS Study, no.
MMS 99-0022. Anchorage, AK: United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Shaw, D. G., and J. N. Wiggs. 1980. Hydrocarbons in the Intertidal Environment of Kachemak Bay Alaska. Marine
Pollution Bulletin 11: 297-300.
Shelden, K. E. W., D. J. Rugh, B. A. Mahoney, and M. E. Dahlheim. 2003. Killer Whale Predation on Belugas in
Cook Inlet, Alaska: Implications for a Depleted Population. Marine Mammal Science 19, no. 3: 529-44.
Abstract: Killer whale predation on belugas in Cook Inlet, Alaska, has become a concern since the decline
of these belugas was documented during the 1990s. Accordingly, killer whale sightings were compiled
from systematic surveys, observer databases, and anecdotal accounts. Killer whales have been relatively
common in lower Cook Inlet (at least 100 sightings from 1975 to 2002), but in the upper Inlet, north of
Kalgin Island, sightings were infrequent (18 in 27 yr), especially prior to the 1990s. Beach cast beluga
carcasses with teeth marks and missing flesh also provided evidence of killer whale predation. Most
observed killer whale/beluga interactions were in the upper Inlet. During 1 1 of 15 observed interactions,
belugas were obviously injured or killed, either through direct attacks or indirectly as a result of stranding.
Assuming at least one beluga mortality occurred during the other four encounters, we can account for 21
belugas killed between 1985 and 2002. This would suggest a minimum estimate of roughly 1/yr and does
not include at least three instances where beluga calves accompanied an adult that was attacked.
2004. An estimate of the migratory timing and abundance of sockeye salmon in upper Cook Inlet, Alaska 2003, P.
Shields, and T. M. Willette. Regional Information Report 2A04-15. Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: A test fishery was conducted during the 2003 Upper Cook Inlet (UCI) commercial salmon
fishery, marking the 25th year this project has been operational. The primary objective of the test fishery is
to estimate the abundance and run-timing of the sockeye salmon Oncorhunchus nerka return, measured
along a transect at the southern boundary of the UCI management area. The test fishery was conducted
from 1 July to 30 July and captured 2,613 sockeye salmon, representing 1,787 CPUE (catch per unit of
effert) points. The mid-point of the 2003 return occurred on 14 July, which is 1 day early relative to the
histroical mean date of 15 July for the mid-point of the sockeye salmon return. The 2003 test fishery
encompassed approximately 96.7% of the total run. During the month of July, two formal estimates of the
size and timing of the 2003 sockeye salmon run were made, both having significant implications to sport
and commercial fisheries management decisions.
Shima, M., A. B. Hollowed, and G. R. Van Blaricom. 2002. Changes over time in the spatial distribution of walleye
pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska, 1984-1996. Fish. Bull. 100: 307-23.
Abstract: Triennial bottom trawl survey data from 1984 to 1996 were used to evaluate changes in the
summer distribution of walleye pollock in the western and central Gulf of Alaska. Differences between
several age groups of pollock were evaluated. Distribution was examined in relation to several physical
characteristics including bottom depth and distance from land. Interspecies associations were also analyzed
with the BrayCurtis clustering technique to better understand community structure. Our results indicated
that although the population numbers decreased, high concentrations of pollock remained in the same areas
during 1984-96. However, there was an increase in the number of stations where low-density pollock
concentrations of all ages were observed. which resulted in a decrease in mean population density of
pollock within the GOA region. Patterns emerging from our data suggested an alternative to MacCall's
"basin hypothesis" which states that as population numbers decrease, there should be a contraction of the
population range to optimal habitats.
During 1984-96 there was a concurrent precipitous decline in Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska. The
results of our study suggest that decreases in the mean density of adult pollock, the main food in the Steller
sea lion diet, combined with slight changes in the distribution of pollock (age-1 pollock in particular) in the
raid-1980s, may have contributed to decreased foraging efficiency in Steller sea lions. Our results support
the prevailing conceptual model for pollock ontogeny, although there is evidence that substantial spawning
may also occur outside of Shelikof Strait.
Shultz, M. 2002. "Black-Legged Kittiwake Biology in Lower Cook Inlet." Respoonse of Seabirds to Fluctuations in
Foreage Fish Density., ed. J. F. Piatt. Oil Spill Restoration Project 00163M Final Report. Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill Trustee Council and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Siefert, D. L., S. I. Lewis, and G. S. Steven. 1988. Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, March to October 1985:
Results of Fishery Oceanography Experiment, NWAFC Processed Report 88-22. USDOC, NOAA, NMFS,
Seattle, WA.
Sienkiewicz, A. M., and K. O'Shea. 1992. Response and management strategies utilized during the Kenai pipeline
crude oil spill, Nikiski, Alaska. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical
Seminar, 239-51Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Environment Canada.
Simons, T. R., and J. D. Pierce. 1978. Colony Status Record for East Amatuli Island., USDOI, Fish and Wildlife
Service, Anchorage, AK.
Slater, L., G. V. Byrd, J. W. Nelson, and J. Ingrum. 1995. "Monitoring Populations and Productivity of Seabirds at
Colonies in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska in 1993 and 1994." Monitoring Seabird Populations in Areas of Oil
and Gas Development on the Alaskan Continental Shelf, OCS Study, MMS 95-0025. USDOI, MMS,
Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Slater, L., J. W. Nelson, and J. Ingrum. 1994. Monitoring Populations and Productivity of Lower Cook Inlet Seabird
Colonies in 1993 and 1994, AMNWR 94/17. USF&W, Alaska Marine National Wildlife Refuge, Homer,
Small, R. J., G. W. Pendleton, and K. W. Pitcher . 2003. Trends in Abundance of Alaska Harbor Seals, 1983-2001.
Marine Mammal Science 19, no. 2: 344-62.
Abstract: We estimated trends in abundance of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardrii) using
overdispersed, multinomial models and counts obtained during aerial surveys conducted during 1983-2001
in the Ketchikan, Sitka, Kodiak, and Bristol Bay areas of Alaska. Harbor seal numbers increased
significantly at 7.4%/yr during 1983-1998 and 5.6%/yr during 1994-1998 in the Ketchikan area, and
6.6%/yr during 1993-2001 in the Kodiak area. Counts were stable (trends not significant) during 19842001 (0.7%/yr) and 1995-2001 (-0.4%/yr) in Sitka, and during 1998-2001 (-1.3%/yr) in Bristol Bay. The
influence of covariates (e.g., survey date, tide height) on trend estimates was significant and varied among
areas and across years, demonstrating the need to include covariates in statistical analyses to accurately
estimate trend. Our increasing trend estimate for Kodiak represents the first documented increase in harbor
seal numbers over a relatively expansive area in the Gulf of Alaska. However, the trend for the Gulf of
Alaska stock is equivocal due to the continued decline in Prince William Sound. Similarly, the trend for
the Southeast Alaska stock is equivocal based on our increasing (Ketchikan) and stable (Sitka) trend
estimates, and a recent decline reported for Glacier Bay. The Bering Sea stock appears stable after a period
of possible decline.
Smith, B. K., and B. A. Mahoney. 1997. Cook Inlet Beluga Whales. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p.
27Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
1989. Edited Sale 114 Conditionals, C. Smith. Memorandum Official File (LAU) 1001-04a (Sale 114). United
States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Smith, E. A., and J. McCarter. 1997. Contested Arctic: indigenous peoples, industrial states, and the circumpolar
environment. Seattle, WA: Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies Center in association with
University of Washington Press.
Abstract: This volume explores some of the major threats to the Arctic environment and indigenous
people's responses to these threats. Case studies discuss the push for oil and gas development in Canada,
Alaska, and Russia; the toxic legacy of the former Soviet Union; land tenure conflicts in Russia; and
wildlife management in Canada and Scandinavia.
Smith, O. P., and W. J. Lee. 2001. Alaska Sea Ice Atlas. In Alaska OCS Region Eighth Information Transfer
Meeting Proceedings, Preparer MBC Applied Environmental SciencesAnchorage: USDOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region.
———. 2003. "Alaska Sea Ice Atlas." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 9: Federal
Fiscal Year 2002. OCS Study MMS 2003-003. University of Alaska Fairbanks and United States DOI,
MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: A GIS-based atlas of sea ice conditions in the territorial waters of Alaska is in the final stages of
preparation. It updates previously printed ice atlases and provides risk analysis infor -mation for engineers
and resource managers. The Alaska Sea Ice Atlas includes a comprehensive collection of georeferenced
digital historical data on Alaska sea ice and other environmental factors that bear directly on ice processes
and conditions. Historical ice reports of the U.S. National Ice Center form the foundation of the database
of ice conditions. This information is supplemented by ice and related climatological data from the U.S.
National Weather Service and other archives. Areas of uniforms ice concentration, stage, and form are
portrayed as polygons and superimposed on a 5-km-square grid. Grid cell statistics over the period of
record for each week of the calendar year include distribution parameters, reported extremes, combined
probabilities of concentration and stage, and related atmospheric variables. Hindcast wind stress
divergence is applied as an analog of ice compression and ridge formation. These statistics allow derivation
of a navigability index for assessing difficulties in navigating ice-covered waters in various classes of
vessels. The preliminary version of the Alaska Sea Ice Atlas is accessible via a customized implementation
of GIS tools at the public website The final version is scheduled for
public access in March 2003.
———. 2004. "Alaska Sea Ice Atlas [abstract]." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report
No.10. OCS Study MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska Fairbanks and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
———. 2005. "Alaska Sea Ice Atlas [abstract]." University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No.
11. OCS Study MMS 2005-055. University of Alaska Fairbanks and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Smith, O. P., J. M. Smith, M. A. Cialone, J. Pope, and T. L. Walton. 1985. Engineering Analysis of Beach Erosion
at Homer Spit, Alaska, CERC-85-13. United States DOD, Coastal Engineering Research Center,
Vicksburg, MS.
Spaulding, M. L., K. Jayko, and T. Isaji. 1988. Ocean Circulation and Oil Spill Trajectory Simulations for Alaskan
Waters: Spill Trajectory Simulations for Cook Inlet -Gulf of Alaska Oil and Gas Lease Sale Number 114,
Applied Science Associates, Inc., Narragansett, R.I..
Speckman, S. G. 2002. "Pelagic Seabird Abundance and Distribution in Lower Cook Inlet." Response of Seabirds to
Fluctuations in Forage Fish Density., ed. J. F. Piatt. Oil Spill Restoration Project 00163M Final Report.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Speckman, S. G., and J. F. Piatt. 2000. Historic and Current Use of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, by Belugas,
Delphinapterus leucas. Marine Fisheries Review 62, no. 3: 22-26.
Spence, H. 26 October 1989. Platforms Add to Air Pollution: But State Dropped Permit Reqirement. Homer News,
pp. pp. 6, 6B, 7B.
Springer, S. W. 1997. Seldovia, Alaska : an historical portrait of life in Zaliv Seldevoe-Herring Bay. Littleton,
Colorado: Blue Willow, Inc.
Abstract: This book describes the history of the small village of Seldovia in the Kachemak Bay region of
Cook Inlet, contrasting life in the once thriving seaport, before the devastating earthquake of 1964, to its
quiet existence today. The book describes the village’s ancient history, its Native Influence, and Russian
Culture. Of particular interest, Springer details the history of the salmon industry and various fishing
methods employed in the region, and local fishing traditions associated with the salmon, herring, halibut,
cod, and crab fisheries.
Stabeno, P. J., and A. J. Hermann. 1996. An Eddy-Resolving Model of Circulation on the Western Gulf of Alaska
Shelf 2. Comparison of Results to Oceanographic Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research 101,
no. C1: 1151-61.
Stabeno, P. J., A. J. Hermann, N. A. Bond, and S. J. Bograd. 1995. Modeling the Impact of Climate Variability on
the Advection of Larval Walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska. In: Climate
Change and Northern Fish Populations, ed. R.J. Beamish, 719-27. Canadian Special Publication of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, no. 121. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: National Research Council of Canada.
Abstract: 1978 was big year for pollock. 1990 was poor year. So compared the effects of climat by a
Shelikof Strait and its associated sea alley are less than 60 km wide & extend 450 km between the Alaska
Peninsula & the Kodiak Island Plateau. The sea valley forms a natural guide for circulation, connecting the
inner shelf to the continental slope. The Alaska Coastal Current (ACC) is a buoyancy-driven current that is
strongly modified by the winds (Schumacher 1990 obscure rept) The high mountains along the Alaska
Peninsula and on Kodiak Island interact with the strong atmospheric pressure gradients to produce
ageostrophic winds, which result in periods of strong convergence (or divergence) at the exit to Shelikof
Strait. The onset of the most common meteroological pattern (high pressure over Alaska and low pressure
southwest of Kodiak Islan can force rapid fuctuations of over 1 x 10to the t6th cu m/sec in the transport of
the ACC, doubling transport over the course of a day. Geotriptic winds calculated from sea0level pressure
were used to represent winds in the region w of Kodiak Island. Survace winds for March-May of 78 & 90
were computed from 6 hr atmospheric surface pressure. Geostrophic winds were rotaated 15 degrees
counter clockwise, speeds reduced by 30% from geostrophic value to estimate. The geotriptic winds in
Shelikof srait proper must be modified because ageostrophic (down gradient) winds are common here. The
terrain-induced wind variation in Shelikof Strait have been observed; the variations are large & persistend
so they can have a significant local impact on the upper ocean. For the modelin they assume surface winds
are channeled & enhanced within the strait. Aircraft ofservations indicate a strong wind shear at the mouth
of the sea valley, where the winds change abruptly from ageostrophic to geotrophic.
Throughout the 19978 wind series, the winds were variable with downstrait winds occurring from mid
Apreil to mid May. In 1990, during the first 45 d, the winds were generally down-strait, while from mid
April through May, the winds were relatively weak.
Hig precip rates along the coast of the ne Pacific Ocean (54 deg N to 150 deg W) produce large freshwater
discharge, which enters shelf waters through many streams and rivers. This line source of buoyancy at the
coast, along with the winds, drives the ACC. March-May mean is 11 x 10 to the 3 cu m/sec. Runoff
during spring 78 slightly greater than normal & during spring 90 was less than normal.
Examine modeled flow at 40 m cuz most larvae found at this depth. Due to higher runoff in 78, lower
salinity. Horizontal density gradien (which is dominated by salinity) was greatest in 78. Currents at 40 m
stronger in 78, > 20 cm/sec at times. Eddies common in both years but more numerous in 78. Two
stationery eddied in 90 neart exit to Shelikof Strait & 200 km further southwest in the sea valley. In 1978,
dipole pairs of eddies translated (moving) down the strati. with flow onto the shallow (< 120m) shelves to
the nw & e of the sea valley. Also stronger return flow at shelf break onto the shelf in 78.
Model seeded w/ neutrally buoyant floats near exit to Shelikof strait where larvae hatch each spring.
strong currents that flow down the sea valley joing the Ak stream appear to produce poo yr-classes;
occurrence of edies is often associated with patches of larvae; strong winds during the 1st days after
hatching appear detrimental to the survaival of larvae. During April & May larval abundance is at its peak
int he sea valley. Schumacher et al, 1993,J of GEophys Research 98:8395-8404) so numerous eddies
hindcasted by the model could have increased larval survival during 1978 would have transported the
larvae to appropriate nursery gounds, thus enhancing heir survival. By contrast the model results suggest
that a greater proportion of larvae in 90 were ultimately transported down the sea valley into the Ak
Stream, where their fate is uncertain. With increases in greenhouse gases, most recent general circulation
models predict a mean surface-T increase, especially at higher latitudes such as the Gulf of Ak. These
models also predict increased winter preip for the gulf & coastal regions along its rim. Changes in local
wind forcing near Shelikof strait are uncertain cuz the winds there are strongly affected by the topography
and are sensitive to small changes in the storm track. this is of particular relevance to the present study.
Nevertheless, some plausible speculations are possible. Warmer temperatrues & increased winter precip
would tend to increase the frewswater discharge into the ACC during the spring, hence increasing its
buoyancy forcing. The limited results from the present study suggest that when the buoyancy forcing is
stronger, such as in 78, there may be a tendency for flows onto the shallow shelves adjacent to the sea
valey, which is believed to be nursery gounds for pollock larvaie. Speculate that enhance salinity gradient
from a wetter climate * as in 78) would generally enhance eddy formation, since more potential energy
would be available in the density field.
Stanek, R. T. 1985. Patterns of Wild Resource Use in English Bay and Port Graham, Alaska, Technical Paper No.
104. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Subsistence, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1994. The Subsistence Use of Beluga Whale in Cook Inlet by Alaska Natives, 1993., Technical Paper No.
232. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Div. of Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
Stanek, R. T., J. Fall, and D. Foster. 1982. Natural Resource Harvests at Port Graham and English Bay, 1982; An
Interim Report, Technical Paper No. 32. State of Alaska, ADF&G, Division of Subsistence, Anchorage,
AK .
State of Alaska, Board of Fisheries. 2001. Cook Inlet Area Groundfish Report to Alaska Board of Fisheries, 2001.
(Cook Inlet Halibut 1995-2001)., State of Alaska, Board of Fisheries, Juneau, AK.
State of Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. "Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission." Web page.
Available at Homepage
Abstract: The State of Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission essentially compiles information
on permit holders and participating vessels for various fisheries in Alaskan waters for management
purposes. These fisheries include salmon, herring, other finfish, crab, and some other “specialty” species.
This information potentially allows the evaluation of the importance of various fisheries for individual
State of Alaska, Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. 2001. Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission Reports
1991-2001, State of Alaska, Juneau, AK.
1989. The Social and Psychological Impacts of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A Summary of the Oiled Mayors' Study,
State of Alaska, DCRA. State of Alaska, DCRA, Anchorage, AK.
State of Alaska, DEC. 1989. Water Quality Standard Regulations 18 AAC 70.
State of Alaska, DEC. 1993. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Final Report, State of Alaska Response, State of Alaska,
DEC, Anchorage, AK.
State of Alaska, DEC. 2001. Oil Spill Database, State of Alaska, DEC, Juneau, AK.
State of Alaska, DEC. 2002a. Database of Cook Inlet Crude and Refined Spills, July 1995 to December 2001.
Juneau, Alaska: State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation.
———. 2002b. Files of Cook Inlet Spills: 1993-2202. Soldotna, AK: State of Alaska, Dept. of Environmental
Conservation, Kenai District Office.
State of Alaska DFG. "State of Alaska DFG." Web page. Available at Homepage ;
Division of Subsistence ; Division of Wildlife Conservation; Division of Commercial Fish;
Norton Sound/Kotzebue Management Area homepage
Http://; Central Region Management Area homepage; Division of Sport Fish; Division of Boards Support
Abstract: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is a rich source for sociocultural and socioeconomic
information for individual Alaskan communities as well as larger units (regions, the state as a whole). Most
of this information relates in some way to the management of biological natural resources fish and game
but documents also incorporate and discuss summary economic, demographic, and other more general
information. Most of the Divisions of ADF&G listed above have one or more series of papers that should
be of interest for any potential development potentially affecting Alaskan communities. Some are labeled
“Technical Reports” while others may be “Research Reports” or “Data Reports” or some other series of
papers. Subsistence uses (defined in terms of Federal law) are important for most rural Alaskan
communities, and the Division of Subsistence has a series of Technical Reports, as well as a summary
Community Profiles Database, that present information on subsistence uses in the context of more general
community information. The Division of Wildlife Conservation provides papers that present information on
population levels and management policies for terrestrial biological resources. This is of primary
importance for potential biological effects, but is also an important primary source for potential effects on
subsistence uses. The Division of Commercial Fish makes available information on population levels,
management policies, and commercial uses of fish resources. For coastal and river communities these are
primary resources, both for subsistence and commercial uses. There are a number of other non-ADF&G
websites that are also important and pertinent for fish. The Division of Sport Fish provides use information
for recreational uses of fish. The Division of Boards Support is useful primarily as a source of management
policy decisions, based on the products of the other divisions of ADF&G and extensive public testimony
and committee work. Much of this public testimony and committee work on specific issues can be
uncovered, with some effort. Links to applicable state regulations are also present on this website.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1993. Biological Effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Alaska's Wildlife 25, no. 1: 1-49.
1996. 1995 Lower Cook Inlet Annual Finfish Management Report, DFG State of Alaska. Regional Information
Report No. 2A96-14. State of Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game; Commercial Fisheries Management and
Development Div., Homer, AK.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Blue mussel habitat areas (line) for MESA - Vol. 2 ." Web page. Available at
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA BMUSSLN coverage depicts known blue mussel habitat areas within
Kachemak Bay. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Kachemak Bay and Fox River
Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated bluelines from area biologists (1997).
Data for the following categories were captured:
Known concentrations - areas where concentrations of blue mussels have been observed.
Data in this coverage exists only for the Kachemak Bay area; data are not continuous along the coast. This
coverage contains only the line data for blue mussel. Polygon data is depicted in the coverage BMUSSEL.
As part of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's participation in the review of oil spill contingency
plans, the Habitat and Restoration Division has identified 68 of the most environmentally sensitive areas
(MESAs) along the Alaska coastline that could be impacted by a marine spill. This information was
originally developed at the request of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to
assist noncrude oil barge operators in determining whether additional protection strategies were to be
included in their oil discharge prevention and contingency plans. Subsequently, the state and federal spill
responders agreed to incorporate this information in the government spill response contingency plans.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Crab - Dungeness habitat areasfor MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22 April
2004]. Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL.2 MESA CRAB coverage depicts known Dungeness crab habitat areas within
Kachemak Bay. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Kachemak Bay and Fox River
Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated bluelines from area biologists (1997).
Data for the following categories were captured: Known rearing concentrations areas - areas where
concentrations of larval and juvenile life stages of Dungeness crab have been observed. Data in this
coverage exists only for the Kachemak Bay area; data are not continuous along the coast.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Eulachon habitat areas for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004].
Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA EULACHON coverage depicts known eulachon habitat areas in six
environmentally sensitive areas along the Southeast coast of Alaska. This data was digitized from mylar
original maps from the Alaska Habitat Management Guides (1986), and updated bluelines from area
biologists (1997). Data for the following categories were captured: Known spawning concentration areas areas where concentrations of spawning eulachon have been observed during more than one year. Data in
this coverage exists only for those 1:250000 quads that contain six specific sensitive areas identified as
MESAs with eulachon data; data are not continuous along the coast. For a complete list of MESA areas
with eulachon data please see the metadata section on data quality.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Groundfish and pacific halibut habitat areas for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed
22 April 2004]. Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA GNDFISH coverage depicts known goundfish and Pacific halibut habitat
areas within Kachemak Bay. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Kachemak Bay
and Fox River Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated bluelines from area
biologists (1997). Data for the following categories were captured: Known rearing concentrations areas areas where concentrations of juveniles of one or more species of groundfish or halibut have been
observed. Data in this coverage exists only for the Kachemak Bay area; data are not continuous along the
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Hardshell/softshell clam habitat areas for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22
April 2004]. Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA HCLAM coverage depicts known hardshell/softshell clam habitat areas
within Kachemak Bay. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Kachemak Bay and Fox
River Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated bluelines from area biologists
(1997). Data for the following categories were captured: Known concentrations - areas where
concentrations of hardshell/softshell clam have been observed. Data in this coverage exists only for the
Kachemak Bay area; data are not continuous along the coast.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Herring for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at
ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse) .
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA HERRING coverage depicts polygon data for known Pacific herring habitat
areas in six environmentally sensitive areas along the Southwestern, Southcentral and Southeast coast of
Alaska. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Alaska Habitat Management Guides
(1985 & 1986), special areas management plans and updated bluelines from area biologists (1997). Data for
the following categories were captured: For Southwest and Southcentral: Known spawning concentration
areas - areas where the presence of spawning Pacific herring or herring roe-on-substrate have been
observed. For Southeast: Known spawning concentration areas - areas where concentrations of spawning
herring have been observed since 1974. Known wintering concentration areas - areas where concentrations
of herring have been observed throughout the winter during more than one year. Herring line data for six
other MESAs are contained in the coverage HERRLN in the EMCON directory which is part of the MESA
data set. Data in this coverage exists only for those
1:250000 quads that contain six specific sensitive areas identified as MESAs with herring polygon data;
data are not continuous along the coast. For a complete list of these six MESA areas please see the
metadata section on data quality.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Razor clam habitat areas for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004].
Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA RCLAM coverage depicts known razor clam habitat areas within the
Kachemak Bay and Tugidak Island areas. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the
Kachemak Bay and Fox River Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated Alaska
Habitat Mangement Guides bluelines from area biologists (1997). Data for the following categories were
captured: Known concentrations - areas where concentrations of razor clams have been observed. Data in
this coverage exists only for the Kachemak Bay and the Tugidak Island areas; data are not continuous along
the coast. For polygon data at Clam Gulch see coverage CLAMSP from the NOAA directory which is part
of the MESA dataset.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1998. "Shrimp habitat areas for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004].
Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA SHRIMP coverage depicts known shrimp habitat areas in two
environmentally sensitive areas along the Southwestern coast of Alaska. This data were digitized from
mylar original maps from the Alaska Habitat Management Guides (1985) and updated bluelines from area
biologists (1997). Data for the following categories were captured: Known egg hatch/rearing concentration
areas - areas where concentrations of eggbearing females and juvenile shrimp have
been observed. Data were digitized at the 1,000,000 scale and contains shrimp data for only those two
specific sensitive areas identified as MESAs; data are not continuous along the coast. For a complete list of
MESA areas with shrimp data in this coverage please see the metadata section on data quality.
State of Alaska, DFG. 1999. "Development of an Ecological Characterization and Site Profile for Kachemak
Bay/Lower Cook Inlet, Project No: 99278, Project Year: 1999." Web page, [accessed 21 April 2004].
Available at CIIMMS Project Database.
Abstract: This project will develop an ecological characterization and site profile to collect, synthesize,
analyze, and document available physical, biological, and human or socioeconomic information on the
Kachemak Bay/Lower Cook Inlet area. The project will result in the development of a database
management system with products produced in electronic format and on paper. Project components include
(1) an ecosystem narrative description; (2) a spatial data component using a Geographic Information
System (GIS); and (3) an annotated bibliography and research summary/tracking system. EVOS funds will
focus on the spatial data component and annotated bibliography. The products will be used to (1) identify
future restoration opportunities, (2) assist in the use and protection of land, (3) plan for a possible long-term
ecological monitoring and research program in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, and (4) assist in agency
management and planning for the Lower Cook Inlet area.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2000. "Finfish - KBEC Database." Web page, [accessed 21 April 2004]. Available at AGDC
(Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: This data layer represents areas of finfish species distribution and known resource use in
Kachemak Bay. The information was obtained from Critical Habitat Area (CHA) maps, and directly from
biologists and local experts. The data are in the form of an ARC/INFO region coverage. Regions were used
because they can "overlap" one another, which allows for the fact that some areas have more than one
species and/or resource use associated with them.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2000. "Marine Invertebrates - KBEC Database." Web page, [accessed 21 April 2004].
Available at AGDC (Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse) .
Abstract: This data layer represents areas of marine invertebrate distribution and known resource use in
Kachemak Bay. The information was obtained from Critical Habitat Area (CHA) maps, and directly from
biologists and local experts. The data are in the form of an ARC/INFO region coverage. Regions were used
because they can "overlap" one another, allowing for the fact that some areas have more than one species
and/or resource use associated with them.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2000. "Commercial and Sport Fisheries - KBEC Database." Web page, [accessed 21 April
2004]. Available at AGDC (Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse) .
Abstract: This data layer represents areas of commercial and/or sport fisheries in Kachemak Bay. The
information was obtained from Critical Habitat Area (CHA) maps, and directly from biologists and local
experts. The data are in the form of an ARC/INFO region coverage. Regions were used because they can
"overlap" one another, which allows for the fact that some areas have more than one species and/or
resource use associated with them.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2000. "Subsistence and Personal Use Harvest Areas - KBEC Database." Web page, [accessed
21 April 2004]. Available at AGDC (Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse) .
Abstract: This data layer represents areas of personal and subsistence harvest within the Kachemak Bay and
Fox River Flats Critical Habitat Areas. The information was obtained from Critical Habitat Area (CHA)
maps, and directly from biologists and local experts. The data are in the form of an ARC/INFO region
coverage. Regions were used because they can "overlap" one another, allowing for the fact that some areas
have more than one species and/or resource use associated with them.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2000. "Herring spawning areas from AHMG." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004].
Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse) .
Abstract: This data represents herring spawning areas digitized from the Alaska Habitat Management
Guides (AHMG). Maps falling in the Cook Inlet basin were included and taken from the AHMG,
Southcentral Region, Volume II, "Distribution and Human Use of Birds and Fish". Definitions and sources
are found in the AHMG Atlas. Map scale is 1:250,000.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2001. "husalmon." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at ASGDC (Alaska State
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: This data represents commercial and personal use salmon fishing areas digitized from the Alaska
Habitat Management Guides (AHMG). Maps falling in the Cook Inlet basin were included and taken from
the AHMG, Southcentral Region, Volume II, "Distribution and Human Use of Birds and Fish". Definitions
and sources are found in the AHMG Atlas. Map scale is 1:250,000.
State of Alaska, DFG. 2001. "hushrimp." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at Online_Linkage:
\\CABARNHILL\D$\f_drive\ciimms\hushrimp .
Abstract: This data represents personal use shrimp and crab harvest areas digitized from the Alaska Habitat
Management Guides (AHMG). Maps falling in the Cook Inlet basin were included and taken from the
AHMG, Southcentral Region, Volume II, "Distribution and Human Use of Birds and Fish". Definitions and
sources are found in the AHMG Atlas. Map scale is 1:250,000.
State of Alaska, DFG. regular updates. "" Web page.
Abstract: This site has links to ADF&G publications such as the Wildlife Notebook Series and the Alaska
Fishery Research Bulletin. There are also links to ADF&G publications on commercial fisheries,
subsistence, and technical wildlife articles that can be searches for individual species and years.
Management and harvest reports are also available
State of Alaska, DFG and Cook Inlet Keeper. "Dungeness Crab." Web page. Available at CIIMMS Local Database.
Abstract: Fisheries, Kelp and Sea Otter shapefiles: Under contract to Cook Inlet Keeper, Dames and Moore
prepared maps of shellfish, groundfish, otter and kelp concentrations areas. These maps were transferred
from AK Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division's Habitat Management Guide Reference Maps
(Southcentral Region, Volume II: Distribution and Human use of Birds and Fish, 1985. Juneau AK.- The
bluelines are available at Rigdeway's in Anchorage (650 W International Airport Road. 907-561-1555;
FAX- 562-6162). The Reference Maps are USGS 1:250,000 quads. The Dames and Moore maps (copies of
1:250,000 Quads with lines drawn in colored marker) were sent to Jason Geck at ESRI (2020 Abbott Road,
Suite 2, Anchorage, AK, 99507-4624; 907-344-6613), who had them digitized into ArcInfo by students,
Kathy Zimmerman (and himself) taking his Intro To GIS course at Alaska Pacific University. The ArcInfo
coverages were converted to shapefiles for use in ArcView.
State of Alaska, DFG and Cook Inlet Keeper. "Halibut/Groundfish (From ADFG Mgt Guide)." Web page, [accessed
21 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS Local Database .
Abstract: Fisheries, Kelp and Sea Otter shapefiles: Under contract to Cook Inlet Keeper, Dames and Moore
prepared maps of shellfish, groundfish, otter and kelp concentrations areas. These maps were transferred
from AK Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division's Habitat Management Guide Reference Maps
(Southcentral Region, Volume II: Distribution and Human use of Birds and Fish, 1985. Juneau AK.- The
bluelines are available at Rigdeway's in Anchorage (650 W International Airport Road. 907-561-1555;
FAX- 562-6162). The Reference Maps are USGS 1:250,000 quads. The Dames and Moore maps (copies of
1:250,000 Quads with lines drawn in colored marker) were sent to Jason Geck at ESRI (2020 Abbott Road,
Suite 2, Anchorage, AK, 99507-4624; 907-344-6613), who had them digitized into ArcInfo by students,
Kathy Zimmerman (and himself) taking his Intro To GIS course at Alaska Pacific University. The ArcInfo
coverages were converted to shapefiles for use in ArcView.
State of Alaska, DFG Board of Fisheries. 2001. Cook Inlet Groundfish. Cook Inlet Halibut 1995-2001, State of
Alaska, Dept. of Fish and Game, Board of Fisheries., Juneau, AK.
1994. Sockeye salmon, DFG Commercial Fisheries Management State of Alaska. Alaska Dept of Fish and Game
Wildlife Notebook Series. State of Alaska DFG, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: The sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), often referred to as "red" or "blueback" salmon,
occurs in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans and associated freshwater systems. This species ranges south
as far as the Klamath River in California and northern Hokkaido in Japan., to as far north as far as Bathurst
Inlet in the Canadian Arctic and the Anadyr River in Siberia. Aboriginal people considered sockeye
salmon to be an important food source and either ate them fresh or dried them for winter use. Today
sockeye salmon support one of the most important commercial fisheries on the Pacific coast of North
America, are increasingly sought after in recreational fisheries, and remain an important mainstay of many
subsistence users.
State of Alaska, DFG: Commercial Fisheries Management and Development Staff. 1994. Sockeye salmon. Juneau,
Alaska: Alaska Dept of Fish and Game.
Abstract: The sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), often referred to as "red" or "blueback" salmon,
occurs in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans and associated freshwater systems. This species ranges south
as far as the Klamath River in California and northern Hokkaido in Japan., to as far north as far as Bathurst
Inlet in the Canadian Arctic and the Anadyr River in Siberia. Aboriginal people considered sockeye
salmon to be an important food source and either ate them fresh or dried them for winter use. Today
sockeye salmon support one of the most important commercial fisheries on the Pacific coast of North
America, are increasingly sought after in recreational fisheries, and remain an important mainstay of many
subsistence users.
State of Alaska, DFG: Division of Commercial Fisheries. 2000. "Commercial fishing seasons in Alaska." Web page,
[accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: Graphical depictions of commercial fishing seasons in Alaska for Southeast, Yakutat, Prince
William Sound/Copper River, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula, Chignik, Kodiak, Bristol Bay/Bering Sea, and
Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim areas.
2000. Subsistence in Alaska: a year 2000 update, DFG Division of Subsistence State of Alaska. State of Alaska,
DFG, Division of Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
Abstract: Subsistence fishing and hunting are important for the economics and cultures of many families
and communities in Alaska. Subsistence exists alongside other important uses of fish and game in Alaska,
including commercial fishing, sport fishing, personal use fishing, and general hunting. This report provides
an update on subsistence in Alaska, including the dual state-federal management system.
State of Alaska, DFG: EMCON. "MESA53b - Kachemak Bay map." Web page, [accessed 18 August 2004].
Available at
State of Alaska, DFG: Habitat and Restoration. "Blue mussel habitat areas (line) for MESA - Vol. 2." Web page,
[accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: The VOL. 2 MESA BMUSSLN coverage depicts known blue mussel habitat areas within
Kachemak Bay. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Kachemak Bay and Fox River
Flats Critical Habitat Areas Management Plans (1993) and updated bluelines from area biologists (1997).
Data for the following categories were captured:
Known concentrations - areas where concentrations of blue mussels have been observed.
Data in this coverage exists only for the Kachemak Bay area; data are not continuous along the coast. This
coverage contains only the line data for blue mussel. Polygon data is depicted in the coverage BMUSSEL.
As part of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's participation in the review of oil spill contingency
plans, the Habitat and Restoration Division has identified 68 of the most environmentally sensitive areas
(MESAs) along the Alaska coastline that could be impacted by a marine spill. This information was
originally developed at the request of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to
assist noncrude oil barge operators in determining whether additional protection strategies were to be
included in their oil discharge prevention and contingency plans. Subsequently, the state and federal spill
responders agreed to incorporate this information in the government spill response contingency plans.
State of Alaska, DFG Habitat and Restoration Division. 1997. "Herring habitat for MESA - Vol. 1 ." Web page,
[accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at ASGDC (Alaska State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: The VOL. 1 MESA HERRING coverage depicts polygon data for known Pacific herring habitat
areas in Walrus Islands. This data was digitized from mylar original maps from the Alaska Habitat
Management Guides (1985) and updated bluelines from
area biologists (1997). Data for the following categories were
captured: Known spawning concentration areas - areas where the presence of spawning Pacific herring or
herring roe-on-substrate have been observed. Data in this coverage exists only for the Walrus Islands area;
data are not continuous along the coast. Herring line data for six MESAs are contained in the coverage
State of Alaska, DFG: Habitat and Restoration Division. "Anadromous Streams - Southcentral Region." Web page,
[accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game's (ADF&G) Anadromous Streams coverage is derived
from the ADF&G's GIS coverage for the Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration
of Anadromous Fishes (referred to as the "Catalog") and the Atlas to the Catalog of Waters Important for
Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes (referred to as the "Atlas"). It is produced for
general visual reference and to aid users in generating various natural resource analyses and products. The
coverage depicts the known anadromous fish bearing streams within Alaska (from the mouth to the known
upper extent of species usage). It incorporates data from a variety of sources including: USGS Digital Line
Graph (DLG) hydrography data; Alaska Department of Natural Resources hydrography layer; ADF&G
coverages for the "Catalog"; and species information from the companion "Atlas". ADF&G updates the
Anadromous Streams coverage regularly. Note that stream numbers, locations, extent of cataloged habitat
or species utilization of a given stream may change from year to year. Data for the coverage is current as of
the 1998 revision of the Atlas to the Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration
of Anadromous Fishes and the Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of
Anadromous Fishes effective February 6, 1999. This particular data layer is for the Southcentral Region of
Anadromous Waters Catalog data are used to specify the water bodies referred to in AS 16.05.870 for the
protection of waters important for the spawning, rearing or migration of anadromous fishes.
1985. Alaska Habitat Management Guide, Southwest Region Map Atlas, State of Alaska, DFG, Habitat Div. State
of Alaska, ADF&G, Juneau, AK.
1978. Resource Report for Cook Inlet Sale 60, State of Alaska, DFG, Marine and Coastal Habitat Management
Project. State of Alaska, ADF&G, Anchorage, AK.
State of Alaska, DFG: United States Fish and Wildlife Service. "Map of Most Environmentally Sensitive Areas
(MESA) 43, Chenic Head to Silver Beach." Web page, [accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: includes herring spawning areas
State of Alaska, DHSS. 1998. "Use of Traditional Foods in a Healthy Diet in Alaska: Risks in Perspective." Section
of Epidemiology
Division of Public Health
State of Alaska, DNR. 2001. "Contingency Planning - Sensitive Areas, Aquatic Farms Map Series ." Web page.
Available at
Abstract: The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), under agreement with the Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), produced a series of aquatic farms maps for the
Contingency Planning (C-plan) Subareas, where they exists. This includes SE Alaska, Prince William
Sound, Cook Inet, and Kodiak Island subareas.
State of Alaska, DNR, Kenai Peninsula Borough. 2000. "Cook Inlet and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska - Environmentally
Sensitive Areas: Spring (April - May)." Web page, [accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: includes mapped locations of herring spawn, razor clam beds and anadromous streams
State of Alaska, DNR, Kenai Peninsula Borough. 2000. "Cook Inlet and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska - Environmentally
Sensitive Areas: Summer (June - August)." Web page, [accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: includes mapped locations of herring spawn, razor clam beds and anadromous streams
State of Alaska, DNR, Kenai Peninsula Borough. 2000. "Cook Inlet and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska - Environmentally
Sensitive Areas: Winter (December - March)." Web page, [accessed 18 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: includes mapped locations of herring spawn, razor clam beds and anadromous streams
1999. Cook Inlet Areawide 1999 Oil and Gas Lease Sale: Final Finding of the Director, Institutional author State of
Alaska, DOG, and DNR. State of Alaska, Division of Oil and Gas, Department of Natural Resources,
Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: This report describes commercial salmon fishing areas in Cook Inlet, and potential conflicts
between fish harvesting and oil and gas industry activities in the Lease Sale area. Central to the issue is the
tightly controlled commercial fishing “corridor” and the need for coordination among various users of the
zone. The report describes activities associated with exploration, development, and production of oil and
gas reserves in the region and potential effects on fisheries harvest areas, and notes that commercial fishers
have expressed concern that the presence of oil and gas industry activities could interfere with fishing
operations and inadvertently alter the distribution of returning fish among harvesting areas and vessels.
Offshore platforms were noted as creating a potential obstacle to drift gillnet fishing, and semi- submersible
drill rigs and anchoring systems were said to have the potential to incur loss of fishing space or impede
access to the water column, especially given the current one-mile buffer around platforms in the Inlet.
Other areas of potential interaction include possible gear loss, and dispersal of herring or salmon by seismic
testing. According to the report, the greatest potential threat to commercial fishing is a large oil spill, with
both gear and catch at risk. The report asserts that an oil spill could pose a threat to juvenile salmon and
future runs if these were present in the surface portions of the water column at the time of a spill.
Perceptions of tainted seafood are also described as a potential topical area of effect.
The report proposes various mitigation measures or regulatory provisions that could serve to minimize
effects on commercial fishing in the region: (1) Restrict lease-related use when it is necessary to prevent
unreasonable conflicts with local subsistence harvests and commercial fishing operations; (2) Offshore
pipelines could be located and constructed to prevent obstructions to marine navigation and fishing
operations; (3) Require lessees to implement oil spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plans; and
(4) Prohibit use of explosives for seismic activities with a velocity of greater than 3,000 feet per second in
marine waters.
State of Alaska, DOT/PF, and United States, DOD, ACOE. 1984. Alaska Coastal Data Collection Program Data
Report Number 3 October 1983--October 1984, United States, DOD, ACOE, Alaska District, Anchorage,
Statscewich, H., and D. L. Musgrave. 2005. "CODAR in Alaska [Abstract]." Annual Report No.11, University of
Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2005-055. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine
Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Stehn, R. A., K. S. Rivera, S. Fitzgerald, and K. D. Wohl. 2001. "Incidental Catch of Seabirds by Longline Fisheries
in Alaska." .
Abstract: The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries is a conservation issue in Alaska. National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) certified observers record seabirds and fish species caught by longline
fisheries for Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and other groundfish in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands
(BSAI) and Gulf-of Alaska (GOA). Total estimated annual mortality of seabirds in the Alaskan longline
groundfish fisheries was 14,000 birds between 1993 and 1997, ranging from 9,400 birds in 1993 to 20,200
birds in 1995. Approximately 83% of the take occurred in the BSAI region. The estimated annual bycatch
rate was 0.090 birds per 1,000 hooks in the BSAI and 0.057 birds per 1,000 hooks in the GOA regions
between 1993 and 1997. Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) represented about 66% of the total
estimated bycatch of all bird species, gulls (Larus hyperboreus, L. glaucescens) contributed 18%, while
Laysan Albatrosses (Phoebastria immutabilis) accounted for 5% and Black-footed Albatrosses (P. nigripes
) were about 4% of the total. During the period from 1993 to 1997, only one Short- tailed Albatross (P.
albatrus) was recorded in the observer sample and the estimated annual take averaged 1 for this species.
NMFS implemented regulations in May 1997 requiring longline groundfish vessels to use seabird
avoidance measures, and in 1998, similar regulations were enacted for the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus
stenolepis) fishery. Continued data collection by NMFS-certified observers and improved data analyses
will allow the effectiveness of these bird avoidance measures to be monitored.
Stephen R. Braund and Associates. 1980. Lower Cook Inlet Petroleum Development Scenarios, Sociocultural
Systems Analysis, Technical Report No. 47. USDOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office, Alaska OCS
Socioeconomic Studies Program, Anchorage, AK, NTIS Access No. A19/PB 80-16655*.
1995. The Alaska seabird colony catalog : annual report, fiscal year 1995, including notes on the Beringian seabird
colony catalog, S. W. Stephensen, and V. M. Mendenhall. United States Fish and Wildlife Service,
Migratory Bird Management, Nongame Migratory Bird Project, Anchorage, Alaska.
Abstract: The Alaska Seabird Colony Catalog stores current and historical data on breeding population size,
species composition, and location data. Data in this Catalog are obtained by counting or estimating
breeding birds of all species at or near each colony. Population data are listed in the Catalog as numbers of
breeding individuals (not as pairs or nest sites). Although some observers count nests, estimates are
converted to individual birds for entry into the database.
The Alaska Seabird Colony Catalog consists of two MS-DOS based computer programs, Atlas*GIS 2.1
and Paradox 4.0. Atlas*GIS is a mapping program produced by Strategic Mapping Inc. (Santa Clara, CA).
Paradox is a relational database management system produced by Borland International (Scotts Valley,
CA). All colony census data are stored in Paradox, which is linked to Atlas*GIS. We have modified both
software programs for the Catalog by adding customized routines. Data reports and detailed maps showing
colony locations can be produced for any seabird species and any area of Alaska. The file structure of the
Catalog is shown in Appendix 1.
Stevens, B. G., I. Vining, S. Byersdorfer, and W. Donaldson. 2000. Ghost fishing by tanner crab (Chionoecetes
bairdi) pots off Kodiak, Alaska: pot density and catch per trap as determined from sidescan sonar and pot
recovery data. Fishery Bulletin 98, no. 2: 389-99.
Abstract: Sidescan sonar was used to locate 189 putative lost crab pots in a 4.5 km2 area of Chiniak Bay,
near Kodiak, Alaska. Subsequent observations of 15 such objects by submersible and ROV verified that
they were indeed crab pots. In 1995 and 1996, 147 pots were recovered from the surveyed and adjacent
nonsurveyed areas by grappling, and their condition and contents were examined. Tanner crabs,
Chionoecetes bairdi, were the most abundant organism, with 227 found in 24 pots (16% frequency of
occurrence); sunflower sea stars (Pycnopodia helianthoides) were the most frequent (42%) occupant and
second most abundant (189 in 62 pots). Octopuses (Octopus dofl eini) were significantly associated with
pots containing Tanner crabs. Occurrence of crabs in pots was primarily a function of background crab
density and differed between the surveyed and nonsurveyed areas. Recently lost pots (< 1yr old) had
significantly more male crabs, significantly larger male crabs, and contained seven times more total crabs
than older pots (those lost two or more years prior to recovery). The proportion of pots with damaged
webbing increased with pot age, but holes in pot webbing did not significantly affect catch per pot.
Stringer, W. J. 1985. Catalog of NOAA Satellite Imagery, RU 663. University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute,
Fairbanks, AK.
Stringer, W. J., K. G. Dean, and J. E. Groves. 1992. Potential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applicatiions for the
Gulf of Alaska/Lower Cook Inlet -- Shelikof Strait/Bering Sea. In Alaska OCS Region Fourth Information
Transfer Meeting Conference Proceedings, preparator MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. OCS Study
MMS, no. 92-0046. Anchorage, AK: USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Sugisaki, H., K. M. Bailey, and R. D. Brodeur. 2001. Development of the Escape Response in Larval Walleye
Pollock (Theragra Chalcogramma). Marine Biology 139, no. 1: 19-24.
Abstract: The development of the escape response of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae
from attacks by macrozooplanktonic and small-fish predators was quantified in laboratory experiments.
Behavior was recorded using video cameras with silhouette illumination from infrared-emitting diodes and
by visual observation. Laboratory-reared larvae of 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 18, 22, 27, 42 days post-hatching,
ranging in size from 4 mm to 10 mm total length, were used in the experiments. Even the youngest larvae
were observed to exhibit a fast startle response. The percentage of successful larval escapes from the
different predators increased as the larvae developed. Euphausiids (Thysanoessa raschii) and amphipods
(Calliopiella pratti) often touched larvae but the larvae were usually able to escape and no successful
captures of larvae over 22 days old were observed. Although successful escape from initial attacks by
threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) increased ontogenctically, sticklebacks were able to
consume most larvae, even of the oldest age group, by repeated attacks. Day-old larvae had the lowest
percent of escapes after encounters with jellyfish (Sarsia sp.), but the percentage of escapes increased
dramatically for 3-day-old larvae. Escape speeds after an attack also increased with age, and tended to be
higher after stickleback attacks and lower after jellyfish attacks. This study revealed that the escape
response of larval pollock to attack by predators improves rapidly with development during the early larval
2002. Letter to Gary E. Carlson of Forest Energy titled Adminstrative Approval No. DIO 22.001 re: Injection of
Storm Water Gathered on the Deck of the Osprey Platform, Redoubt Unit, C. O. Taylor, and D. T.
Seamount. State of Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, Anchorage, AK.
Terschak, J. A., and S. M. Henrichs. 2001. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Slow PAH Desorption from Lower Cook
Inlet and Beaufort Sea Sediments. In Alaska OCS Region Eighth Information Transfer Meeting
Proceedings, Preparer MBC Applied Environmental SciencesAnchorage: USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Terschak, J. A., S. M Henrichs, and D. G. Shaw. 2004. "Kinetics and Mechanisms of Slow PAH Desorption from
Lower Cook Inlet and Beaufort Sea Sediments [abstract]." Annual Report No.10, University of Alaska
Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2004-002. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and
USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
2004. Phenanthrene Adsorption and Desorption by Melanoidins and Marine Sediment Humic Acids, J. A. Terschak,
S. M. Henrichs, and D. G. Shaw. OCS Study MMS 2004-001. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine
Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks; AK.
Terschak, J. A., and D. G. Shaw. 1997. Interaction of Marine Humic Matter with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
in Lower Cook Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium, p. 29Anchorage, AK:
Watersheds '97.
The Society for Marine Mammalogy. regular updates. "Marine Mammal Science." Web page. Available at
Abstract: Marine Mammal Science publishes significant new findings on marine mammals resulting from
original research on their form and function, evolution, systematics, physiology, biochemistry, behavior,
population biology, life history, genetics, ecology and conservation. Abstracts are available on line for
Volumes 14 through 20 (1998-2004).
Theilacker, G. H., and W. Shen. 2001. Evaluating Growth of Larval Walleye Pollock, Theragra Chalcogramma ,
Using Cell Cycle Analysis. Marine Biology 138, no. 5: 897-907.
Abstract: Cell cycle analysis of muscle cell division rates offers a new and efficient technique to analyze
growth of larval fish. Using this approach, growth of larval walleye pollock was estimated by determining
cell proliferation rates, reasoning that growth during early life stages is probably attributed to increases in
cell number rather than to increases in cell size. Characteristic patterns of brain and muscle cell division
rates were produced in larval walleye pollock by manipulating their diet in the laboratory. The fraction of
dividing muscle cells and, to a lesser extent, the fraction of dividing brain cells were direct indicators of
fast and slow growth. A model was produced to estimate average growth rate from the fraction of dividing
muscle cells. We developed a simple method for preparing and storing the muscle tissue that ensures
nucleic acid stability for subsequent analyses and permits sampling in the field. We envision that the cell
cycle methodology will have on-site applications, presenting an opportunity to attain real-time estimates of
larval fish growth at sea. Determining the proportion of first-feeding larvae with a high fraction of dividing
muscle cells may yield a means for predicting the proportion of fast-growing fish, i.e., the potential
Thoemke, K. W. 1986. Designing an Estuarine Monitoring Program: Choosing from the Parameter Smorgasbord.
In: Oceans 86. Volume 3 Monitoring Strategies Symposium, pp. 856-61Washington, DC.: Marine
Technology Society.
Thorsteinson, L. K., T. K. Rowles, G. S. York, B. K. Smith, B. A. Mahoney, P. R. Becker, B. J. Porter, and S. A.
Wise. 1997. The Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project (AMMTAP): An Arctic Environmental
Monitoring Resource. Abstract in The Cook Inlet Symposium , p. 29Anchorage, AK: Watersheds '97.
Thurston, D. K. 1985. Offshore Evidence of Glaciations in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska (abs.). American Association
of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 69, no. 4: 681.
Thurston, D. K., and D. R. Choromanski. 1995. Quaternary Geology of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. In: Proceedings
of the 1994 International Conference on Arctic MarginsMagadan, Russia: Russian Academy of Sciences,
Far East Branch Press.
Thurston, D. K., and J. W. Whitney. 1979. Surficial Geology of Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Abstract. In: 30th Arctic
Science Conference, Event No. 14American Assoc. of Advanced Sciences.
2003. 2002 Annual Mariculture Report, J. Timothy. Regional Information Report No. 5J03-09. Alaska Department
of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Juenau, Alaska.
Abstract: The Aquatic Farm Act (Section 19, Chapter 145, Session Laws of Alaska (SLA) 1988) was
signed into law on June 8, 1988, authorizing the commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
(ADF&G) to issue permits for the construction and operation of aquatic farms and hatcheries. The intent of
the program was to create an industry in the state that would contribute to its economy and strengthen the
competitiveness of Alaska seafood in the world marketplace, broadening the diversity of products and
providing year-round supplies of premium quality seafood. The law allowed aquatic farming of shellfish
and aquatic plants and placed a moratorium on finfish farming. In 1990, Alaska Statute (AS) 16.40.2 10
became law, prohibiting finfish farming in Alaska.
The Alaska Departments of Fish and Game, Natural Resources (DNR) and Environmental Conservation
(DEC) developed regulations to administer the aquatic farm program during 1988 and 1989. In 1997, DNR
made additional regulation changes to meet the requirements of a Supreme Court decision and allow permit
holders and applicants to enter directly into an aquatic farmsite lease. The commissioner of ADF&G
amended regulations in 2001 to address issues raised by proposals to conduct on-bottom farming of
indigenous shellfish species, and again in 2002 in response to a Superior Court decision requiring the
department to determine "significance" in terms of populations of naturally occurring shellfish species.
2003. An estimate of total return of sockeye salmon to Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1976-2002, T. M. Tobias, and T.
M. Willette. Regional Information Report 2A03-11. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial
Fisheries Division, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
Trasky, L. L., L. B. Flagg, and D. C. Burbank. 1977. "Impact of Oil on the Kachemack Bay Environment." eds. L.
L. Trasky, L. B. Flagg, and D. C. Burbank. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Marine/Coastal Habitat
Management., Anchorage, AK.
Trefry, J. H. 2000. The Influence of Basin-Scale Processes on Sediment Metal Contamination. presented at Coasts
at the Millennium. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Coastal Society, pp. 71320Alexandria, VA: The Coastal Society.
2003. Review of commercial fisheries for Dungeness crab, shrimp, and miscellaneous shellfish in Lower Cook Inlet:
Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries., C. E. Trowbridge, and W. R. Bechtol. Regional Information
Report 2A03-09 . Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries.
Abstract: need abstract
2001. Cook Inlet Area groundfish report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries, 2001, C. E. Trowbridge, W. R. Bechtol,
M. A. Lambdin, and W. Dunne. Regional Information Report 2A01-18. Alaska Department of Fish and
Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska.
Abstract: need abstract
2000. Review of commercial, sport, and personal use fisheries for miscellaneous shellfish in Lower Cook Inlet:
Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries, C. E. Trowbridge, N. Szarzi, and W. R. Bechtol. Regional
Information Report 2A00-13. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries ,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: need abstract
2005. Cook Inlet Physical Oceanography Workshop Proceedings, ed. Two CrowCook Inlet Regional Citizens
Advisory Council, Kachemak Bay Research Reserve and The Alaska Ocean Observing System.
Tyler, A. V., B. C. McIntosh, and C. O. Swanton. 2000. "Feeding ecology of maturing sockeye salmon
(Oncorynchus nerka) in nearshore waters of the Kodiak Archipelago." University of Alaska Coastal Marine
Institute Annual Report No. 6: Federal Fiscal Year 1999, Vera Alexander. OCS Study MMS 2000-046.
University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Abstract: As demands for additional commercial fisheries opportunities increase, forage species may be
sought after by industry. We are examining the role of forage species as a part of the food energy
requirements of the sockeye salmon, and looking at the potential impacts that nearshore development in
relation to oil exploration leases may have on the prey species of the salmon-hence the coupling of this
research with the Minerals Management Service. The North Shelikof Strait oil and gas lease area is known
to be both a migration corridor and a foraging area for Kodiak's Pacific salmon.
During 1998, a majority of sockeye salmon sampled from Kodiak migration pathways of sockeye were
shown to be feeding until late July when feeding was reduced, confirming earlier published findings. Both
time and area effects on feeding prevalence and dietary content were found to be significant. We are
continuing our intensive study of feeding prevalence and dietary content of sockeye salmon sampled from
five Kodiak Archipelago locations along migration corridors and migration terminus areas.
Data Report - Acoustic Doppler and Backscatter Data Collected with a Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current
Profiler (BBADCP) for the Upper Cook Inlet Field Data Project during the Period July 12-22, 1992, U.S.
Army Engineer. USDOD, ACOE, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOC, NOAA. 1984. "Herring - CIK." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS
Local Database.
Abstract: Coverage delineates herring spawning concentrations in the Cook Inlet/Outer Kenai Peninsula.
Herring are present between the months of March through August. This coverage was automated as part of
data comprising the environmental summary maps.
United States DOC, NOAA. 1994. Cook Inlet and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Environmentally Sensitive Areas:
Summer (June-August)., USDOC, NOAA, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOC, NOAA. 2003. "Arctic Theme Page." Web page. Available at
Abstract: This Arctic Theme Page website provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and
information for scientists, students, teachers, academia, managers, decision makers and the general public.
Features include links to realtime Arctic data collections, the 2003 SEARCH Implemantation Plan, essays,
maps, etc.
United States DOC, NOAA, institutional author. "NOAA Fisheries -- Essential Fish Habitat, Alaska Region." Web
page, [accessed 19 August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: Essential Fish Habitat ArcIMS Site with Database
The ArcIMS Web site simplifies the process for making informed decisions for Essential Fish Habitat
(EFH) by using both spatial and tabular data over the Internet. EFH means "those waters and substrate
necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity." Shapefiles and tabular datasets
were created by previous authors using combinations of catch and observer data and known science. This
ArcIMS/MapObjects Web site and database pull the spatial and tabular data together for an easy and
powerful tool for the management of EFH. The Web site can be found at
United States DOC, NOAA and Research Planning Institute, Inc. RPI. 1998. "CIK (Cook Inlet/Kenai Peninsula)
Herring Spawning Areas." Web page, [accessed 21 April 2004]. Available at AGDC (Alaska Geospatial
Data Clearinghouse).
Abstract: This coverage delineates herring spawning concentrations for the Cook Inlet Kenai Peninsula
(CIK) region as are present between the months of March through August. This coverage was updated from
1984 maps using resource data from various sources and then published on ESI summary map publication
in 1995. NPS acquired this coverage from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill "Research and Restoration
Information Project" CD(ver.10). Map scale is 1:250,000.
United States DOC, NOAA DOI and State of Alaska, DFG. 1999. " APEX: Alaska Predator Ecosystem Experiment
in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska, Project No:99163.
." Web page, [accessed 22 April 2004]. Available at CIIMMS Project Database.
Abstract: This project uses seabirds as probes of the trophic (foraging) environment of Prince William
Sound and compare their reproductive and foraging biologies, including diet, with similar measurements
from Cook Inlet, an area with apparently a more suitable food environment. These measurements will be
compared with hydroacoustic, aerial, and net sampling of fish to calibrate seabird performance with fish
distribution and abundance. This will allow a determination of the extent to which food limits the recovery
of seabirds from the oil spill. Historical data from a variety of sources will be used to detect shifts in forage
fish abundance and to test hypotheses explaining such shifts.
United States DOC, NOAA National Marine Mammals Laboratory. regular updates.
"" Web page.
Abstract: The Library of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) at NOAA has a unique
collection of marine mammal literature, some of which can be found nowhere else in the world. By
providing you with online links to NOAA's research information, the NMML Library intends to raise
public awareness of National Marine Mammal Laboratory facilities, and its commitment to providing users
with valuable resources. In addition, this page provides links to other Internet sites pertaining to marine
mammals and related topics of interest to researchers and to the general public.
The NMML Library consists of approximately 30,000 reprints and over 14,000 volumes of books, journals,
and theses, mostly on marine mammals, but with increasing references on oceanography, fisheries, and
ecology. The NMML library also contains three major archieves: (1) Northern Fur Seal Archive, (2) The
International Whaling Commission, (and (3) The International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
United States DOC, NOAA NMFS. 1984. Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion: Oil
and Gas Leasing and Exploration in the eastern Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait: Lease Sale
, USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Silver Spring, MD, Environmental Assessment Section, Minerals Management
Service, Alaska OCS Region, 949 E. 36th Ave., Room 308, Anchorage, AK 99508-4363.
———. 1992. Status Report on Cook Inlet Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)., Unpublished Draft Report. USDOC,
NOAA, NMFS, Alaska Region, Anchorage, AK.
———. 1993. Designated Critical Habitat; Steller Sea Lion Final Rule. Federal Register 58, no. 165: 45269.
———. 1993. Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion: Oil and Gas Leasing and
Exploration in the Cook Inlet/Shelikof Strait Planning Area: Lease Sale 149, USDOC, NOAA, NMFS,
Silver Spring, MD.
———. 2000a. Federal Actions Associated with Management and Recovery of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales , Draft
Environmental Impact Statement. National Marine Fisheries Service, Juneau, AK.
———. 2001c. NMFS IFQ Landing Report 1995-2001. Kodiak Halibut, Cook Inlet Groundfish, USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Seattle, WA.
———. 2002a. Environmental Assessment. Co-Management Agreement between the National Marine Fisheries
Service and the Cook Inlet Marine Mammal Council for the Year 2002., USDOC, NOAA, NMFS, Alaska
Region, Juneau, AK.
United States DOC, NOAA NMML. "National Marine Mammals Laboratory." Web page, [accessed 13 August
2004]. Available at http://nmml.afsc.National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Abstract: The Library of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) at National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration has a unique collection of marine mammal literature, some of which can be
found nowhere else in the world. By providing you with online links to National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's research information, the NMML Library intends to raise public awareness of National
Marine Mammal Laboratory facilities, and its commitment to providing users with valuable resources. In
addition, this page provides links to other Internet sites pertaining to marine mammals and related topics of
interest to researchers and to the general public.
The NMML Library consists of approximately 30,000 reprints and over 14,000 volumes of books, journals,
and theses, mostly on marine mammals, but with increasing references on oceanography, fisheries, and
ecology. The NMML library also contains three major archieves: (1) Northern Fur Seal Archive, (2) The
International Whaling Commission, (and (3) The International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
United States DOC, NOAA OCSEAP. 1986. Marine Fisheries: Resources and Environments. In: The Gulf of Alaska
Physical Environment and Biological Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 417-58. 655
p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage, AK: =USDOC, NOAA, NOS; =USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
1993. Deep Draft Navigation Reconnaissance Report, Cook Inlet, Alaska, United States DOD, ACOE. United States
DOD, ACOE, Anchorage, AK.
1996. Deep-Draft Navigation Interim Feasability Report and Environmental Impact Assessment, Cook Inlet, Alaska,
United States DOD, ACOE. United States DOD, ACOE, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOD, ACOE Alaska District. 1985. Homer Spit Beach Erosion: Reconnanissance Report: Volume I,
United States DOD, COE, Alaska District, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office. 1976. Lower Cook Inlet Final Environmental Impact Statement,
Lower Cook Inlet Proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale CI, USDOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office, Anchorage,
———. 1981. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Lower Cook Inlet-Shelikof Strait Proposed Oil and Gas
Lease Sale 60, USDOI, BLM, Alaska OCS Office, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOI, BLM Alaska Resources Library. 1989. Oil Spill Bibliography Kenai Peninsula - Cook Inlet,
United States DOI, BLM, Alaska Resources Library, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOI, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 1970. Documentation of Kodiak Oil Pollution
Incident, USDOI, FWPCA, Anchorage, AK..
United States DOI, FWS. 1995a. Section 7 Consultation for Natural Gas and Oil Lease Sale 149, Cook Inlet - Final
Biological Opinion, USDOI, FWS, Anchorage, AK.
———. 2002b. Marine Mammal Protection Act Stock Assessments : Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris): Southcentral
Alaska Stock., USDOI, Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage,
United States DOI, FWS Alaska Region Office of Subsistence Management.
"" Web page. Available at Homepage; For transcripts of meetings, 1998-2003; Federal Subsistence Board; Regional Federal Subsistence Advisory Councils; Region 2 - Southcentral Alaska; Region 7 Seward Peninsula;
Region 8 - Northwest Arctic Alaska; Region 10 - North Slope Alaska .
Abstract: The United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region, Office of Subsistence Management
is responsible for the management of the use of subsistence resources on federal land (and water) in Alaska.
Management decisions are made by a Federal Subsistence Board composed of a senior representative of
each of the federal land management agencies in the state of Alaska plus one at-large (subsistence user)
representative. The state is divided into ten management regions, for each of which a Regional Federal
Subsistence Advisory Council has been organized. Each meets periodically to discuss proposed
management changes in their region and forwards their advice to the Federal Subsistence Board.
Transcripts of the meetings of these bodies are available at the web addresses given above. Current
proposals under consideration and supporting information and analysis for those proposals can also be
found from the homepage. Current regulations can also be found from the homepage. Fisheries monitoring
efforts are also a major component of this website, reflecting the overall importance of fish as a subsistence
resource in Alaska.
United States DOI, GS Alaska Science Center Biological Science Office. regularly updated.
"" Web page.
Abstract: Use this search page to locate published works by Alaska Science Center researchers. This
database contains citations and abstracts but does not include the full article text. Use the citations provided
to locate the full content of a particular publication. Although we are adding entries regularly, this database
cannot be considered exhaustive, especially for publications early in the Center's history. The database can
be searched by keywords, author and title.
2002. The Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project, GS and NIST United States DOI. United States DOI,
GS and NIST.
United States DOI, MMS Alaska OCS Region. 2003; updated intermittently. "Information Zone website." Web
page. Available at
Abstract: Various information including topics of environmental studies, leasing activities, resource
evaluation, etc.
United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region. 1996. Cook Inlet Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sale 149 Final
Environmental Impact Statement, USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
2003b. Cook Inlet Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sales 191 and 199 Final Environmental Impact Statement ,
United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2003-001. USDOI, MMS, Alaska
OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
United States DOT, Federal Highway Administration. 1984. Knik Arm Crossing: Draft Environmental Impact
Statement and Statement 4(f) Evaluation, United States DOT, Federal Highway Administration.
United States EPA. "United States EPA." Web page. Available at
Abstract: This web site can be searched for various types of information by area, species, topic, etc.
United States EPA. 1975. Permit No. AK-002478-3 (The City of Yakutata), USEPA, Region 10, Seattle, WA.
———. 1986. Permit No. AKG285000 (Cook Inlet/Gulf of Alaska) Final General NPDES Permit, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA.
———. 1990. A Primer of the Office of Water Enforcement and Permits and Its Programs, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits (EN335), Washington, D.C..
———. 1991. Water Quality Criteria Summary, USEPA, Office of Science and Technology, Health and Ecological
Criteria Assessment Branch (WH-5850. Human Risk Assessment Branch (WH-550), Washington, DC.
United States EPA. 1993. Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category Offshore Subcategory Effluent Limitations
Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards. Federal Register, no. (58): 12454-.
———. 1996. Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas
Extraction Point Source Category, United States EPA, Washington, DC.
United States EPA. 1997. Study Plan for Conducting Field Sampling and Chemical Analysis for the Cook Inlet
Contaminant Study, EPA, Office of Science and Technology, Washington, DC.
———. 2001. Human Exposure Evaluation of Chemical Contaminants in Seafoods Collected in the Vicinity of
Tyonek, Seldovia, Port Graham, and Nanwalek in Cook Inlet, Alaska., USEPA, Region 10, Office of
Environmental Assessment, Seattle, WA.
United States EPA. 2002. Permit No. AK0053309 Forest Oil Corporation Osprey Production Platform NPDES
Permit, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA.
———. 2002a. Environmental Asssessment for the New Source NPDES Forest Oil Redoubt Shoal Unit Production
Oil and Gas Development Project., Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation for U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, WA.
United States, EPA National Center for Environmental Research. regular updates. " ."
Web page. Available at .
Abstract: NCER posts progress reports, final documents, and articles from ongoing and completed research
projects by year here. To search these holdings by topic, institution, grant number, investigator, or research
category across groups of years or other parameters, go to our search page. Progress and final reports are
highlighted and linked within the results table displayed from your search. In addition policy documents
which analyze or use the research results will be posted here if and when available. We hope that the
documents, tracking tools, and search functions ultimately linked to this area will provide users with tools
to measure the success of NCER's extramural research activities. Searaches can be conducted by author,
journal, grant number grant title, institution, deyword, project officer, investigator, and other categories.
1997. Study Plan for Conducting Field Sampling and Chemical Analysis for the Cook Inlet Contaminant Study,
Office of Science and Technology United States EPA. none. United States EPA, Office of Science and
Technology, Washington, DC.
1995. Clean Water Act Enforcement Actions Against Oil and Gas Facilities Located in Cook Inlet, Alaska, Region
10 United States EPA. United States EPA Region 10, Seattle, WA.
United States GAO. 1978. Lower Cook Inlet--Another Example of More Data Needed for Appraising Outer
Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Resources: Report to the Congress, United States GAO, Washington, DC.
United States NSF. 2003. "Arctic Sciences Section: Office of Polar Programs." Web page. Available at
Abstract: NSF Arctic Program website with links to the Journal Arctic Research of the United States and
other related topics including other relevant websites.
United States NSF. 2003. "Arctic Research of the United States." Web page. Available at
Abstract: The journal Arctic Research of the United States is for people and organizations interested in
learining about U.S. Government-financed Arctic research activities. It is published semi-annually by the
National Science Foundation on behalf of the Interagency Arctic Reaseach Policy Committee and the
Arctic Research Commission. The journal contains reports on current and planned U.S. Governmentsponsored research in the Arctic as well as reports on meetings and summaries of other current and planned
Arctic research, including that of the State of Alaska, local governments, the private sector, and other
nations. The Spring/Summer 2003 issue can be found on line with other links to general information,
newsletters, journals, new releases, policies and procedures, and others.
United States NSF, Arctic Program Arctic Sciences Section Office of Polar Programs. "National Science
Foundation, Arctic Program: Arctic Sciences Section: Office of Polar Programs." Web page, [accessed 13
August 2004]. Available at
Abstract: NSF Arctic Program website with links to the Journal Arctic Research of the United States and
other related topics including other relevant websites.
University of Alaska Anchorage, Environment and Natural Resources Institute. 1995. Current Water Quality in
Cook Inlet, Alaska, Study, OCS Study MMS 95-0009. University of Alaska, Anchorage, Anchorage, AK.
1998. Annual Report No. 5 Fiscal Year 1998, Coastal Marine Institute University of Alaska. OCS Study MMS 980062. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Fairbanks; AK.
2000. Annual Report No. 7, University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute. OCS Study MMS 2000-070. University
of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Fairbanks, AK.
Van Pelt, T. I., and M. Shultz. 2002. "Common Murre Biology in Lower Cook Inlet." Response of Seabirds to
Fluctuations in Foreage Fish Density., ed. J. F. Piatt. Oil Spill Restoration Project 00163M. Exxon Valdez
Oil Spill Trustee Council and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Vander Pol, S. S., P. R. Becker, J. R. Kucklick, R. S. Pugh, D. G. Roseneau, Kristin Simac, G. W. York, J. R.
Kucklick, S. S. Vander Pol, P. R. Becker, R. S. Pugh, K. Simac, G. W. York, and D. G. Roseneau. 2002.
Trends in Concentrations of Persitent Organic Pollutants in Eggs from Alaskan Murre ColoniesPersistent
Organic Pollutants in Murre Eggs from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Second AMAP International
Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic.
Vastano, A. C., L. S. Incze, and J. D. Schumacher. 1992. Observations and Analysis of Fishery Processes: Larval
Pollock at Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography 1, no. 1: 20-31.
Venkatesan, M. I. 1988. Occurrence and Possible Sources of Perylene in Marine Sediments--A Review. Marine
Chemistry 25: 1-27.
Visser, R. C. 2002. Osprey: a new platform in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Cold regions engineering; cold regions impacts
on transportation and infrastructure; proceedings of the Eleventh international conference, editor Kelly S.
Merrill, 581-91Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Wagner, D. G., and et al. 1969. A Program for the Collection, Storage, and Analysis of Baseline Environmental
Data for Cook Inlet, Alaska, No. IWR-7. University of Alaska, College; Institute of Water Resources.
Waite, J. M. 1998. Northern right whale sighted off Alaksa. Marine Mammal Society Newsletter 6, no. 3: 7.
Abstract: On 14 July 1998, a Northern right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) was sighted in the Gulf of Alaska
during aerial surveys for small cetaceans conducted by the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML).
Flying at an altitude of 500 feet and speed of 100 knots off the southeast side of Kodiak Island, one
observer, Kate Wynne, made an unidentified whale sighting. The transect line was interrupted to circle and
identify the whale. Several feeding humpback whales were observed, including two mother and calf pairs.
While circling around the coordinates N57 08.20 and W 151 51.00, Kate also noticed a whale that looked
very different from a humpback or a fin whale (the other common species in the area). After relocating the
whale and circling, it was positively identified as a northern right whale. We continued to circle to obtain
identification photographs. During several of the passes, the whale was seen with its head out of the water
as it moved forward, presumably skim feeding. Several photographs were obtained that showed the whale's
rostrum out of the water and its mouth open. Photographs also documented the pattern of callosities on its
head that can be used for photo-identification. These photographs will be compared to other right whale
photographs that have been taken in the North Pacific and Bering Sea to look for possible matches.
Historically, the Gulf of Alaska had high concentrations of northern right whales. It was known to 19thcentury whalers as the "Kodiak Ground" and was the principle hunting ground used by right whale hunters
between 1835 and 1852. Few sightings of right whales in the North Pacific have occurred over the last
century, suggesting that their numbers are extremely low. A small number of right whale sightings in the
Gulf of Alaska have been reported to the NMML's Platforms of Opportunity Program over the last few
decades. However, to our knowledge, this is the first photographically documented sighting of a northern
right whale in the old Kodiak hunting grounds.
Waite, J. M., K. Wynne, and D. K. Mellinger. In press. Documented Sighting of a North Pacific Right Whale in the
Gulf of Alaska and Post-Sighting Acoustic Monitoring. Northwest Naturalist.
Wakeham, S. G., and J. W. Farrington. 1980. Hydrocarbons in Contemporary Aquatic Sediments. In Contaminants
and Sediments. ed. R. A. Baker, pp. 3-31. Vol. 1. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Science.
Walker, A. H., and L. J. Field. 1991. Subsistence Fisheries and the Exxon Valdez: Human Health Concerns. In
Proceedings 1991 International Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), pp. 44146Washington, DC: United States, DOT, CG; American Petroleum Institute; and United States, EPA.
Walker, J. A., and M. A. Bell. 2000. Net Evolutionary Trajectories of Body Shape Evolution Within a
Microgeographic Radiation of Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus Aculeatus). Journal of Zoology 252:
Abstract: Following deglaciation of the Cook Inlet region of Alaska approximately 16,000 years ago,
anadromous threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) rapidly colonized emerging lakes and rivers
forming resident, freshwater populations. Although the precise body shape of the ancestral marine
population is unknown, marine sticklebacks sampled from both Pacific and Atlantic sites present
remarkably little body shape variation among populations, which suggests that the morphology of any of
the marine populations could be used to represent the ancestral phenotype. To infer the net evolutionary
trajectories of body shape change in the Cook Inlet radiation, derived body shapes of lacustrine samples
were compared to the presumptive, primitive body shape, represented by the mean shape of two
anadromous samples from Cook Inlet. In general, some derived body shape traits are shared by all
freshwater populations but many traits evolved in opposite directions. The principal axes of shape
variation among freshwater sample means were computed using Principal Components Analysis. The
strong correlation between the direction of the principal component axes and lake habitat variables suggest
that populations evolved toward selection peaks that are biased along the component axes due to biotic and
abiotic features of the lakes.
Wang, S. S. Y., J. Yue, J. Trujillo, and Z. Wei. 1987. Computational Modeling of Sediment Transport in Kachemak
Bay. _In_ Proceedings of the 1987 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, ed R. M. Ragan, 930935New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ward, L. G., T. F. Moslow, M. O. Hayes, and K. Finkelstein. 1980. "Oil Spill Vulnerability, Coastal Morphology,
and Sedimentation of the Outer Kenai Peninsula and Montague Island." RU 59 Final Report. USDOI,
BLM, Alaska OCS Office, Anchorage, AK, Prepared by University of South Carolina, Coastal Research
Waythomas, C. F., J. M. Dorava, T. P. Miller, C. A. Neal, and R. G. McGimsey. 1997. Preliminary Volcano-Hazard
Assessment for Redoubt Volcano, Alaska., USGS Open-File Report 97-857. U.S. Geological Survey.
Waythomas, C. F., and T. P. Miller. 1999. Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Iliamna Volcano, Alaska,
USGS Open-File Report 99-373. U.S. Geological Survey.
Waythomas, C. F., and R. B. Waitt. 1998. Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Augustine Volcano, Alaska,
Open-File Report 98-106. U.S. Geological Survey.
Weber, G. P. 1978. "Surface Winds in Some Alaskan Coastal Passes." Nearshore Meteorology, M. Reynolds. RU
367. USDOC, NOAA, and USDOI, BLM, Boulder, CO.
Weingartner, T. J. 1992. Circulation Studies in Shelikof Strait, Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. In Fourth
Information Transfer Meeting, pp. 41-51Anchorage, AK: United States, DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Welch, L. 2000. Groundfish trawling ban prompts fishermen to ask, 'where's the governor?'. Alaska Journal of
Commerce & Pacific Rim Reporter 24, no. 33: 8, 17.
———. 2000. Survey polls Kodiak residents' understanding of economic impact of restrictions. Alaska Journal of
Commerce & Pacific Rim Reporter 24, no. 42: 6, 11.
———. 2000. Results reveal economic impact of fishing restrictions on Kodiak fleet, processors. Alaska Journal of
Commerce & Pacific Rim Reporter 24, no. 43: 6, 16.
———. 2000. Kodiak Tanner fishery returns with concerns of too many boats, too few crab. Alaska Journal of
Commerce & Pacific Rim Reporter 24, no. 46: 6,12.
Whitehead, H. 1983. An A-Z of Offshore Oil and Gas. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co.
Whitney, J. W. 1994. Past Experience with Spill Response in Cook Inlet. Presented at Oil Spill Response in
Dynamic Broken IceAnchorage, AK.
———. 2000. "What the Actual Movement of Oil in Cook Inlet Tells Us about the Circulation in Cook Inlet."
Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study
MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Whitney, J. W. 2002. List of Cook Inlet Spills NOAA Responded to 1984 to 2001, USDOC, NOAA, Anchorage, AK.
Whitney, J. W., K. D. Holden, and L. Lybeck. 1980. Isopath Map of Quarternary Glacial-Marine Sediments, Outer
Continental Shelf, Shelikof Strait, Alaska, United States, DOI, GS.
Whitney, J. W., P. J. Hoose, L. M. Smith, and L. Lybeck. 1980. Geologic Cross Sections of the Outer Continental
Shelf, Shelikof Strait, Alaska, United States, DOI, GS.
Whitney, J. W., W. G. Noonan, and D. Thurston. 1981. Stability of Large Sand Waves in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Journal of the Alaska Geological Society 1, no. 1: 36-47.
Whitney, J. W., W. G. Noonan, D. Thurston, A. H. Bouma, and M. A. Hampton. 1979. Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska:
Do Those Large Sand Waves Migrate. Proceedings 11th Annual Offshore Technology Conference., p.
Whitney, J. W., and D. K. Thurston. 1980. Geologic Constraints for Petroleum Development of the Lower Cook
Inlet, Alaska., USGS Circular 823-B. U.S. Geological Survey.
2003. Mark-recapture population estimates of coho, pink and chum salmon runs to upper Cook Inlet in 2002 , T. M.
Willette, R. Decino, and N. Gove. Regional Information Report 2A03-20. Alaska Department of Fish and
Game, Anchorage, AK .
Abstract: This project estimated the total population sizes, escapements, and exploitation rates for coho,
pink, and chum salmon returning to Upper Cook Inlet (UCI) in 2002 as a first step toward determining
escapement levels needed to achieve sustained yields for these species. Mark-recapture techniques were
used to estimate the total population sizes for each species returning to UCI as a whole. Salmon were
tagged along a transect running from Anchor Point to the Red River delta on the west side of Cook Inlet
during July and early August. Total population sizes for each species were estimated from recoveries of
passive intergrated transponder (PIT) tags in commercial fishery harvests. Recoveries of radio telemetry
tags were used to estimate the total escapement of coho salmon into all UCI streams for comparison to the
estimate derived from PIT tags. Radio telmemetry tag data were also used to estimate coho salmon
escapements into 33 streams and 5 areas around UCI. Our best PIT tag estimate of the total population size
of coho salmon returning to UCI was 2.52 million (95% CI: 2.16-2.87 million). Given a commercial
harvest of 0.25 million, the total escapement of coho salmon into all UCI streams was 2.27 million (95%
CI: 1.91-2.62 million), and the exploitation rate in the commercial fishery was about 10%. Our radio tag
estimate of the total escapement of coho salmon into all UCI streams was 1.36 million (95% CI: 0.98-1.96
million). Thus, our PIT tagging experiment estimated a population size for coho salmon entering UCI
streams that was higher than the estimate obtained from radio tagging. Although, the 95% confidence
intervals around the two estimates overlapped slightly, the z-test statistic indicated the two estimates were
significantly different. Of the total coho salmon escapement into all UCI streams, 56% (0.76 million)
returned to the Susitna and Little Susitna River drainages, 19% (0.26 million) returned to streams along the
west side of UCI, 17% (0.24 million) returned to streams along Knik Arm, 5% (0.07 million) returned to
streams along Turnagain Arm, and 3% (0.04 million) returned to streams on the Kenai Peninsula.
However, these estimates for Turnagain Arm and Kenai Peninsula streams do not include the entire
escapement, because we stopped tagging before the runs to these areas were complete. Our PIT tag
estimate of the total population size of pink salmon returning to UCI was 21.28 million (95% CI: 1.6040.96 million). However, this estimate was of questionable value due to its very low precision resulting
from problems with tag recovery. Therefore, we estimated a maximum exploitation rate on pink salmon in
the commercial fishery by simply summing escapements that were actually enumerated in 3 streams.
Given a commercial harvest of 0.45 million, the maximum exploitation rate in the commercial fishery was
about 12%. However, the actual exploitation rate must have been much lower, because we did not include
escapements into numerous other streams around UCI. Our PIT tag estimate of the total population size of
chum salmon returning to UCI was 3.88 million (95% CI: 3.30-4.47 million). Given a commercial harvest
of 0.24 million, the total escapement of chum salmon into all UCI streams was 3.64 million (95% CI: 3.064.23 million), and the exploitation rate in the commercial fishery was about 6%. Despite uncertainty in our
salmon population estimates, it is reasonable to conclude that exploitation rates on coho, pink, and chum
salmon in the UCI commercial fishery were substatially below optimal rates in 2002.
Wilson, J. G., and J. E. Overland. 1986. Meteorology. In: The Gulf of Alaska Physical Environment and Biological
Resources. eds. D. W. Hood, and S. T. Zimmerman, pp. 31-54. 655 p. OCS Study, 86-0095. Anchorage,
AK: USDOC, NOAA, NOS, and USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region.
Wilson, M. T. 2000. Effects of Year and Region on the Abundance and Size of Age-0 Walleye Pollock, Theragra
Chalcogramma, in the Western Gulf of Alaska, 1985-1988. Fishery Bulletin 98, no. 4: 823-34.
Abstract: Effects of year and region on young-of-the-year (age-0) walleye pollock abundance and size were
examined by using bottom and midwater trawl collections made during 1985-88. Samples were collected
from shelf and coastal areas in three adjacent regions of the western Gulf of Alaska. The primary focus
was to examine regional differences in recruitment prediction and annual differences in fish distribution.
Fish density was used to indicate abundance, and length was included as a relevant factor in fish
production. Year and region significantly interacted as effects on age-0 density. Recruitment prediction
was best in the Kodiak Island region, upstream of the main spawning area, where fish densities were high
during 1985 and 1988 in relation to 1986 and 1987. On a large scale, fish were evenly distributed every
year, except during 1987 when their density increased strongly from east to west. Age-0 length also varied
with year and region. This was apparent after accounting for daily increases in mean length (0.09 cm/d).
Fish were comparatively small during 1986, intermediate during 1985, and large during 1987 and 1988.
Regional differences in fish length were due to a relative abundance of large-size fish around Kodiak Island
where the average size was about 0.75 cm larger than elsewhere. Thus, a relative abundance of large
individuals in this region was associated with good recruitment prediction. These results are discussed in
terms of their relevance to spatial variation in the production of recruits.
Wilson, W. J., and G. Tomlins. 2000. "Mapping Cook Inlet Rip Tides Using Local Knowledge and Remote
Sensing." Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS
Study MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Winker, K., and D. A. Rocque. 2003. "Seabird Samples as Resources for Marine Environmental Assessment."
University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. 9: Federal Fiscal Year 2002, OCS Study
MMS 2003-003. University of Alaska Fairbanks and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: Archived specimens of seabirds are playing critical roles in many studies contrasting changes in
time and space in genetics, stable isotopes, and contaminants. Seabirds are excellent marine bioindicators,
representing multiple trophic levels but being especially rich at higher levels. Preserving and archiving
multiple sample types from these animals caters to an increasingly broad variety of researchers. By
preserving these samples, we enable present and future analyses for questions ranging from changes in
contaminant levels, to the nature of populations and genetic stocks in affected areas, to other issues related
to outer continental shelf (OCS) activities. Having the samples to address retrospective and geographic
comparative analyses is important for studying the rates and characteristics of natural and anthropogenic
This project addresses an increasing interest in and need for samples of preserved marine bird specimens,
particularly for genetic, contaminant, and stable isotope studies. Critical to these studies is the availability
of material from representative time periods and geographic areas. Requests for samples of various types
have made it clear that demand exceeds supply and that low rates of specimen influx were not meeting this
demand, particularly in the documentation of the present. By supporting a graduate assistantship to process
marine bird specimens, this project is making such sample preservation both active and less geographically
and taxonomically haphazard than in the past. In the first three years of this project, more than 815
seabirds have been prepared and archived as skin, skeleton, and/or tissue samples in the University of
Alaska Museum (UAM). A snowballing effect is occurring, both in the deposition of more specimens and
in the level of interest in this new material. Six researchers (five visiting) used some of this preserved
material, as did two artists, and seven visitors from the National Park Service came through to see the
resource building aspects of the project.
2004. Seabird Samples as Resources for Marine Environmental Assessment, K. Winker, and D. A. Rocque. OCS
Study MMS 2004-035. University of Alaska Fairbanks and United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region,
Anchorage, AK.
Wise, J. L., A. L. Comiskey, and R. Becker. 1981. Storm Surge Climatology and Forcasting in Alaska, RU 000.
Alaska Council on Science and Technology, Anchorage, AK.
2000. Sharing, Distribution, and Exchange of Wild Resources: An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Sources , R. J.
Wolfe, B. L. Davis, S. Georgette, and A. W. Paige. Technical Paper No. 263. Prepared by State of Alaska
DFG, Division of Subsistence for United States DOI, FWS under Agreement No. 701810J236, Juneau, AK,
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence, Juneau, Alaska.
Abstract: In Alaska, subsistence foods are commonly distributed and exchanged. Within all rural
communities, there are customary and traditional systems for distributing and exchanging subsistence
products. Most rural residents make use of subsistence foods during the course of a year because they are
widely shared between producer and consumer. In addition to sharing, some products are distributed
through barter and customary trade. Marine mammal products (oil, meat, and skins) and furs (such as
wolverine, beaver, and marten) are examples of commonly traded items. "Sharing", "barter", and
"customary trade" are subsistence uses identified in state and federal laws. The laws recognize that
customary and traditional distribution and exchange mechanisms are components of subsistence systems in
This report presents an annotated bibliography of recent sources that document the sharing, distribution,
and exchange of wild resources in Alaska. The review was funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
under FWS Agreement No. 701810J236. The project goal was to review all technical papers and other
materials published by the Division of Subsistence, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. All source
materials are available on request from the Division of Subsistence. A description of the Division's research
methodologies is found in "The Division of Subsistence of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: An
Overview of its Research Program and Findings: 1980-1990". by James A. Fall, Arctic Anthropology
27(2):68-92, 1990. A few additional materials on distribution and exchange not published by the Division
are also included in the review.
The annotated bibliography provides short summaries of the content of reports containing information on
sharing, distribution, and exchange in contemporary Alaska communities. The bibliography is presented
here as a printed report, with annotations organized alphabetically by author. The bibliography is also
available in the form of a computer-searchable electronic database In the electronic database format on CD,
annotations can be searched and organized by key words in addition to author. Annotations follow a
similar format, including author, year, title, annotation, keyword, and place. An example of an annotated
source illustrating the format is as follows.
2002. The subsistence harvest of harbor seals and sea lions by Alaska natives in 2001, R. J. Wolfe, J. A. Fall, and R.
T. Stanek. Technical Paper No. 273. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence,
Juneau, Alaska.
Abstract: This report describes the subsistence takes of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Steller sea lions
(Eumetopias jubatus) by Alaska Natives in 2001, including quantity, seasons, geographic distribution, and
age and sex of the harvest. Information is summarized at the state, region, and community levels, and is
compared with annual takes since 1992. The research was conducted by the Division of Subsistence,
Alaska Department of Fish and Game in cooperation with the Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission and
the Aleut Marine Mammal Commission, under contract with the National Marine Fisheries Service of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information derives from systematic interviews with
hunters and users of marine mammals in 1,461 households in 62 coastal communities within the geographic
ranges of the two species. Local researchers conducted most of the household interviews as part of
regional research networks. The project received generous support from leaders of a number of Native
governments and associations.
During 2001, the estimated subsistence take of harbor seals by Alaska Natives was 2,031 seals, with a 95
percent confidence range of between 1,621 to 2,647 seals. Of the take, 11.5 percent (234 seals) were struck
and lost and 88.5 percent (1,797 seals) were harvested. The 2001 take of harbor seals came from the
following stocks: Southeast Alaska stock (1,176 seals), Gulf of Alaska stock (772 seals), and Bering Sea
stock (84 seals). Harbor seals were taken in 53 of 62 surveyed communities. Hunters reported taking
males over females by about 2.4 to 1, and adults (71.6 percent) over juveniles (19.8 percent) or pups (0.2
percent). The 2001 take of harbor seals was the lowest recorded since 1992 -- 2,854 (1992), 2,736 (1993),
2,621 (1994), 2,742 (1995), 2,741 (1996), 2,546 (1997), 2,597 (1998), 2,224 (2000), and 2,031 (2001).
Reasons for declining harbor seal harvests are uncertain, but appear to be associated with decreasing
numbers of seal hunters.
During 2001, the estimated subsistence take of sea lions by Alaska Natives was 198 sea lions, with a 95
percent confidence range of between 162 to 282 sea lions. Of the take, 21.3 percent (42 sea lions) were
struck and lost and 78.7 percent (156 sea lions) were harvested. Sea lions were taken in 19 of 62 surveyed
communities. Hunters reported taking males over females by about 3 to 1, and adults (42.3 percent) and
juveniles (38.7 percent) over pups (1.3 percent). Sea lion takes sharply declined from 1992 to 1995, with
takes leveling off between 1996 to 2001 -- 549 (1992), 487 (1993), 416 (1994), 339 (1995), 186 (1996),
164 (1997), 178 (1998), 164 (2000), and 198 (2001). Declines in sea lion takes are associated with
decreasing numbers of hunters hunting sea lions, which is probably linked to local sea lion scarcities.
1995. The Subsistence Harvest of Black Brant, Emperor Geese, and Eider Ducks in Alaska, R. J. Wolfe, and A. W.
Paige. Technical Paper No. 234. State of Alaska DFG, Division of Subsistence, Juneau, AK.
Abstract: This report describes the contemporary subsistence harvests of black brant (Branta bernicla
nigricans), emperor geese (Chen canagica), and four species of eider ducks in Alaska -- common eider
(Somateria mollissima), king eider (Somateria spectabilis), spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri), and
Steller's eider (Polysticta stelleri). The subsistence harvests of brant, emperor geese, and eider ducks are
presented for 133 rural Alaska communities, including the size, seasons, and geographic distributions of
harvested birds (Figs. 1-3). The geographic area covered includes the coastal and near-coastal areas of
Prince William Sound, South Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak Islands, Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Pribilof
Islands, Alaska Peninsula, Bristol Bay, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Norton Sound, Seward Peninsula, St.
Lawrence Island, Northwest Arctic, and the North Slope, as well as the inland areas of Lake Iliamna and
the Northwest Arctic (Fig. 2).
The report presents information from subsistence studies conducted by the Division of Subsistence of the
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other researchers, in
cooperation with Alaska Native organizations and local governments representing users of migratory birds
in Alaska. The report was produced through a cooperative agreement between the Division of Subsistence
and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The intent of the project was to produce a summary of available
subsistence information on brant, emperor geese, and eider ducks, including a statewide harvest estimate,
for management planning, population modeling, and population recovery programs by the Service. The
documentation of customary and traditional patterns of use of migratory birds in Alaska also was important
in the context of international treaty negotiations between the United States and Canada in 1995 to provide
for legal spring subsistence hunting in rural Alaska areas.
Wong, F. L. 1984. Heavy Minerals in Surficial Sediments From Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Geo-Marine Letters 4,
no. 1: 25-30.
2002. Summary of comments on "Marine protected areas in Alaska: recommendations for a public process", D.
Woodby. Regional Information Report No. 5J02-09. Juneau, AK, Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries.
Abstract: This document summarizes the main points of 27 written responses to a request for comments on
"Marine Protected Areas in Alaska: Recommendations for a Public Process," which was published by the
Alaska Department of Fish and Game in July, 2002. Comments were due by October 2, 2002. The written
responses came from a variety of individuals, agencies, and organizations (Table 1), and together, represent
a broad spectrum of viewpoints. The comments are generally very thoughtful and constructively critical,
and demonstrate a high degree of interest and commitment to responsible marine resource management in
Alaska. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game conveys these comments to the Board of Fisheries with
the expectation that the comments will be valuable to the Board in dealing with marine protected area
2002. Marine Protected Areas in Alaska: recommendations for a public process, D. Woodby, S. Meyer, K. Mabry,
V. O'Connell, C. E. Trowbridge, J. H. Schempf, E. Krygier, and D. Lloyd. Regional Information Report
5J02-08. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Marine Protected Areas Task Force, Division of
Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska.
Abstract: This document provides a set of recommendations for a public process for establishing marine
protected areas (MPAs) in Alaska. These recommendations were developed by a ten-member task force of
Department of Fish and Game personnel (see Foreword) as guidance for development of an MPA policy by
the Alaska Board of Fisheries.
1996. Brower Stops Discharge of Billions of Pounds of Oil and Gas Well Pollutants into Gulf of Mexico, Alaska
Coastal Waterways, R. Woods. EPA Environmental News R-152. United States, EPA, Washington, DC.
World Wildlife Fund. "" Web page.
Abstract: It may be possible to search this web site for information relevant to the affected areas. At this
time (March 2004) the WWF search engine was experiencing technical difficulties.
Wright, F. F. 1975. Surface Circulation of Lower Cook Inlet: A Drift Card Study.
Wright, F. F., and G. D. Sharma. 1973. ERTS Studies of Alaskan Coastal Circulation. In American Society of
Photogrammetry Fall Convention, pp. 872-82American Society of Photogrammetry.
Wright, F. F., G. D. Sharma, and D. C. Burbank. 1973. ERTS-1 Observations of Sea Surface Circulation and
Sediment Transport, Cook Inlet, Alaska. In Proceedings of a Symposium on Significant Results Obtained
From the Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1, pp. 1315-22Washington, DC: NASA.
2001. Seabird tissue archival and monitoring project: protocol for collecting and banking seabird eggs, G. W.
York, B. J. Porter, R. S. Pugh, Roseneau, D. G. , K. Simac, P. R. Becker, L. K. Thorsteinson, and S. A.
Wise. OCS Study MMS 2001-031. United States DOI, MMS, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage, AK.
Abstract: Archiving biological and environmental samples for retrospective analysis is a major component
of systematic environmental monitoring. The long-term storage of carefully selected, representative
samples in an environmental specimen bank is an important complement to the real-time monitoring of the
environment. These archived samples permit:
1. The use of subsequently developed innovative analytical technology that was not available at the time
the samples were archived, for clear state-of-art identification and quantification of analytes of interest,
2. The identification and quantification of analytes that are of subsequent interest but that were not of
interest at the time the samples were archived, and
3. The comparison of present and past analytical techniques and values, providing continued credibility of
past analytical values, and allowing flexibility in environmental monitoring programs.
Zador, S. G., A Harding, J. G. Piatt, L. Ochikubo, and A. A. Nielsen. 1997. Monitoring Populations and
Productivity of Seabirds at Colonies in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1995, USDOI, MMS, Alaska OCS
Region, Anchorage, AK.
Zeiner, K. 2000. "Development of the Cook Inlet Information Management/Monitoring System (CIIMMS)."
Proceedings Cook Inlet Oceanography Workshop, eds. M. A. Johnson, and S. R. Okkonen. OCS Study
MMS 2000-043. Univeristy of Alaska, CMI and Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Fairbanks, AK.
Zwiefelhofer, D. C., and D. Forsell. 1989. Marine Birds and Mammals Wintering in Selected Bays of Kodiak Island,
Alaska, Unpublished Report. USDOI, FWS, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak, AK.