My name is
My teacher’s name is
My teaching assistant’s name is
I am in F2P – Miss C Price
I am in F2T – Mrs K Turay
Starting Reception
All children will start their new Reception class on: Monday
6th September 2010
Week 1. Monday 6th September : Morning only
Tuesday 7th September : Morning only
Wednesday 8th September : Morning only
Thursday 9th September: morning and then lunch
Friday 10th September: morning and then lunch
Week 2. Monday 13th September – children in full time
Tuesday 14th September – children in full time
Wednesday 15th September- children in full time
Thursday 16th September – children in full time
Friday 17th September – children in full time
School Times
School starts at:
School finishes at:
8.55 a.m.
12.10 p.m. - 1.10 p.m.
3.30 p.m.
Please make sure that your child comes to school on time
every day.
Please make sure they are collected promptly
at 3.30 pm each afternoon.
Children line up in the main playground from 8.45 am ready
for school at 8.55 am. Parents and children should access
the school from the gate on Thornbury Road or Canterbury
Road and not through the main gates unless your child is
If it is raining your child may be left in the Hall with the
teacher who is on duty from 8.45 a.m.
You may bring your child into the classroom for the first few
days but after this we like to foster your child’s
independence and expect them to enter the classroom on
their own and hang up their own coats.
We expect your child to attend school every day unless he/she is ill. Please
arrange for Dental check-ups in the holidays or out of school time.
We do not allow time away from school to visit relatives, attend weddings, to go
shopping, have haircuts or to go to the airport.
If your child is ill then please let the teacher know either in person or by
telephone on the first day of illness.
If you wish to take your child away on an extended holiday you must discuss this
with the Headteacher or your child may lose his/her place in the school.
Coming to school every day means your child will make greater progress.
Lunchtime Arrangements
At lunchtime your child can:
a) go home for a meal
b) bring sandwiches to school – no chocolate or crisps or fizzy drinks
c) have a school meal
During the lunchtime break the children are looked after by Lunchtime
Supervisors. It is a good idea to let your child stay at school for their midday meal
so that they can make new friends.
The office staff must be notified of any changes in writing that are to be made
regarding dinners. Children are expected to stay on the same lunchtime
arrangement for at least half a term.
If you pay for a school meal the cost is £1.80 per day, £9.00 per week. The dinner
money must be put in the red box outside the school office on a MONDAY
All money should be put in an envelope marked with the child’s name, class
and amount enclosed in the envelope. We cannot return any money paid for
meals so if your child is ill you will receive a credit for the next week. No change
will be given.
Drink and biscuits
After mid-morning playtime the children have a drink and a biscuit. We would
be grateful for a voluntary contribution of £1.00 per week so that this can be
Tuck Shop
We now operate a Tuck Shop selling flapjacks, apple juice and orange juice. If
you are interested please complete a form from the office. All tuck has to be
Collective Worship
There is an act of worship for all children on three days a week. If you wish your
child to go for Islamic Collective Worship you will need to speak to the class
teacher. (This is better delayed until your child has settled and is able to sit and
concentrate for 20 minutes.) – Usually in January.
Visits out of school
During the year we wish to make a variety of visits out of school, all of which
support work being done in the classroom. For some visits we may ask for a
contribution towards the cost of travel. You will always be informed in advance
with details of any visits. When we plan visits your child’s enjoyment, safety and
welfare always come first.
School Uniform
All children at Canterbury Cross School are expected to wear school uniform.
For girls:
A grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers with a white blouse or shirt
and a royal blue sweatshirt
or: A shalwar kameez in royal blue and royal blue sweatshirt
For boys:
A white shirt with grey trousers and a royal blue sweatshirt
If girls wear headdresses they must be white.
The school sweatshirt should be worn by both girls and boys and they can also
wear the school tie if they wish. Boys and girls can also wear the school tee-shirt
in the summer.
School sweatshirts and bookbags can be purchased from the School Office.
The sweatshirts start at age 3 to 4 years. Trousers skirts etc must be purchased
from local shops or supermarkets.
To avoid accidents both inside and outside in the playground we ask that you
buy black, flat hardwearing shoes for your children. Also, no jewellery may be
worn (except ear studs), this will also help to avoid accidents as well as loss of
any item. If your child does wear jewellery an adult will remove it and return it to
you at the end of the school day.
PE Kit must be worn for every PE lesson. This consists of tee-shirt, shorts and
pumps. We encourage you to buy the school tee-shirt.
What will your child be doing in the Reception Class?
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children in Reception will be encouraged to:
* show self respect and form relationships with peers and adults
* respond appropriately to the needs and feelings of others and to the
cultural and religious events appropriate to the community in which we
Language, Literacy and Communication
Children will be encouraged to:
* converse in differing situations
* convey meaning orally and through role-play
* listen and respond to a wide range of literature
* enjoy books and handle them carefully
* recognise their names and familiar words, and to write their
name with an upper case letter for the first letter of the name, and
lower case letters for the rest, e.g. Sameer, Fatima.
* communicate ideas in writing
* recognise the forty-two Jolly Phonics sounds with songs and actions
* read the forty-five keywords for Reception.
Children will be encouraged to:
* use mathematical language
* recognise and recreate patterns
* engage in number rhymes, songs, stories and counting games
* count, recognise and use numbers to 10 and beyond
* show awareness of addition and subtraction
* use positional language e.g. in, on, under, over, above, beside, in-front,
* use language such as more, less, heavier, lighter, bigger, smaller
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Children will be encouraged to:
* talk about where they live, their environment, their families and
past and present events in their own lives.
* explore and recognise features of living things
* use skills such as cutting, joining, folding and building for a variety
of purposes.
Physical Development
Children will be involved in physical activity, which will increase their control, coordination and awareness of space and other children.
Creative Development
Through art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play children will show an
increasing ability to use their imagination, also to listen and to observe.
How can I help my child at home?
In school there are many opportunities for your child to progress on both an
academic and social level. We do however need the support of parents or an
adult at home to help your child towards their maximum potential.
These are some of the ways in which you can help:
* Share a book that your child brings home from the class library.
* Teach your child how to handle a book correctly and look after it.
* Look at pictures and ask questions.
* Read aloud and ask your child to join in with repeated words and phrases.
* Talk with your child about the contents of the book and ask questions in home
* We will give children a new book bag at the start of the year.
If a book bag is lost or broken you will be expected to buy a new one from the
office at a cost of 0p.
* Help your child to learn the forty-five key words for Reception.
* Join the library.
Please do not teach your child to write in upper case letters. You will be given a
sheet of lower case letters in the style the school uses and how the school would
like your child to write their name.
This can be done by helping your child to count objects around the home. Ask
questions such as ‘How many?’ Help your child to count up to 100 and to write
numbers up to 10. Recognise and order numbers 0 – 10 and to count out
objects up to 10.
Many children will have matching games, jigsaws or videos at home. It is useful
to sit with your child and help them with these activities. Children also need to
develop physically; playing ball games will help your child.
Social Skills:
It would be extremely useful if your child could do some or all of these things
without help:
* take off their coat
* do up buttons and zips
* put shoes and pumps on and tie laces
* go to the toilet
* wash their hands
* eat their dinner with a knife and fork
* dress and undress themselves
* share with other children
* communicate with children and adults in home language and English.
Homework:Nursery Rhyme, share a book, keywords, maths activity
We will try to make sure your child is happy, enjoys school and makes good
progress, and we will do our best to resolve any problems. If you have any
concerns or queries about your child or the school please do not hesitate to
contact your child’s teacher or the Headteacher.
Our school vision statement
Where Bright Futures Begin
Canterbury Cross Primary School Values:-
S afety
H ealth and Happiness
A chievement
R espect
E quality