Overview of Resources in the Super Speech Pack (9-11) Overview This pack includes 7 fully-planned lessons, focusing on speech punctuation and grammar. Pupils learn techniques to improve their creative writing by achieving a balance of dialogue and narrative. They are asked to rewrite parts of a traditional tale with an older audience in mind, and with particular attention to improving dialogue passages. Pupils produce a film trailer and write a sequel to the tale. At sentence level, they look at speech punctuation and grammar and how to lift dull speech with adverbial clauses. Lesson Synopsis Lesson resources Interactives: Lesson 1 – Language and audience Lesson 2 – ‘Coming soon to a screen near you!’ Pupils are introduced to the unit through considering who traditional tales are written for, noticing the way language can be used differently for different age audiences and to give the story quite a different feel. Pupils narrate a film trailer for the Three Little Pigs. They break down the story to give enough to grab the audience, without giving the story away. They write a voice over to tell the story, choosing suspenseful language to “sell” the film as a story for older children. Highlighter - Three Pigs Style Comparison Printables: Three Pigs Style Comparison Speech and Narrative Example Speech and Narrative Blank Three Pigs Scenes Interactives: Film Trailer - Three Little Pigs Printables: Film Trailer Storyboarder - Three Pigs Three Pigs Scenes Interactives: Lesson 3 – Punctuating speech Lesson 4 – Direct and reported speech Lesson 5 – Goodbye to boring speech Lesson 6 – Hello to dazzling dialogue Pupils learn different punctuation conventions of writing speech using, as a basis, one of the events where the pig outwits the wolf. An optional grammar lesson where pupils learn about the different conventions of direct and reported speech. They go on to write a first person report in the role of a main character, using reported speech. Pairs of pupils then take the ‘hot seat’, while the teacher questions them in role. Pupils practise lifting ‘boring’ speech by using better verbs, and adding adverbs and adverbial phrases and clauses (time [when, while], place [over, past] and manner). Pupils build on the previous lesson by continuing to practise lifting ‘boring’ speech by using better verbs, and adding adverbs and adverbial phrases and clauses (time [when, while], place [over, past] and manner). Speech Punctuator - Three Little Pigs Printables: Wolf Outwitted Text Wolf Outwitted Speech Punctuation Wolf Outwitted Speech Punctuation (TEACHER) Wolf Outwitted – The Fair Interactives: Direct and Reported Speech Exercise Printables: Direct and Reported Speech Report - Wolf or Pig Interactives: Highlighter – Three Pigs Dialogue Part 1 Printables: Dialogue Passage Three Pigs Dialogue Interactives: Highlighter – Three Pigs Dialogue Part 2 Printables: Brilliant Dialogue Brilliant Dialogue support Adding to Speech Overview of Resources in the Super Speech Pack (9-11) Lesson 7 – Balancing narrative and dialogue In this lesson, pupils recognise that an over reliance on either speech or narrative creates writing that is difficult to understand or is simply boring. In contrast, a successful balance can help transport the reader into the scene and move the story along. As a writing task, the pupils extend the story into a sequel – a task that could extend into several more creative writing lessons. Interactives: Highlighter - Speech and Narrative Balance Quickwriter – Three Pigs Sequel Printables: Speech and Narrative Balance Story Sequel Starter Bad Speech