Westonzoyland Community Primary School Consistency Framework Non-negotiables Each Classroom / learning environment will have: Easily accessible and clearly labelled resources to promote independent learning (Core resources on every group table e.g. pencil/rulers/calculators/times table grids). A visual timetable. Access to help boxes with resources to support learning. Whole School – Termly curricular targets displayed. A range of high quality displayed work – regularly changed and across a range of subjects. Working walls that reflect children’s learning, as well as giving vocabulary, prompts, models and images. A range of learning support resources for literacy and maths on display or easily available at all times (appropriate to age and ability ranges). A planning file / SEN file / Assessment file available at all times on the teacher’s desk. Clear, uncluttered work surfaces and areas. Individual drawers for children to keep their own equipment. Storage space for LSA’s equipment and resources. Each Core lesson will be: planned according to the agreed school format be part of a clear sequence of lessons that build children’s skills and knowledge. be accessible in advance to your LSAs for them to be clear about the learning intentions and criteria that they are feeding back against started promptly with displayed learning intentions and outcomes. Tell pupils: WHAT they are learning and build success criteria with the children. JE/rms 14 November 2013 P:\office\policies\13-14\non-negotiables-nov13 -2 be no more than 20 minutes ‘on the carpet’ as a general rule (excluding guided writing etc.) where appropriate, have at least 3 suitably differentiated tasks to meet the needs of all the learners and ensure that there is a balance of independent and supported work for all children. include a well planned plenary referring back to the learning intentions and giving the children an opportunity to self or peer assess and evaluate their own learning in a variety of different ways. Each teacher will: Give feedback in line with school Marking Policy and facilitate time for children to respond to marking. Plan where time will be deployed over the week, so that all children have the opportunity to work with them. Work in close cooperation with SENCO and LSAs to facilitate IEPs for learners with identified needs. JE/rms 14 November 2013 P:\office\policies\13-14\non-negotiables-nov13 Westonzoyland Community Primary School Consistency Framework Rationale To ensure a successful school, we need to work effectively as a team. This document runs alongside our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and is intended to help us unify our classroom practice and to promote our understanding and implementation of good classroom practice. If these strategies, techniques and expectations are clear it will ensure that all children are accessing the best teaching and learning. Although there is an expectation that all teachers adopt these strategies, we do not expect all teachers to perform in exactly the same way at the same time. We would expect to see professional judgement exercised relating to the pupils age and abilities and the nature of the subject taught. Teaching and Learning Good teaching involves careful selection of a number of different styles and activities, as well as careful differentiation. We expect lessons to show a variety of appropriate teaching styles and a variety of appropriate activities in order to move the learning forward. We feel that all lessons would benefit from having the following shared features: Lesson plans should follow an agreed school format. All completed weekly literacy and numeracy lesson plans are to be handed in on a weekly basis and stored in the folder on the P:drive and a hard copy to be placed in the Planning Folder in the Staffroom. A curriculum map for foundation subjects and science to be available at the beginning of each half term. All classrooms to have literacy and numeracy lesson plans available in a clearly marked folder for all classroom staff to access and annotate where appropriate. Effective use of resources, including deployment of non-teaching staff (see Appendix 1). All lessons should include Assessment for Learning Learning intentions should be displayed and shared at the beginning of each lesson (see Appendix 2) Success Criteria / Learning outcomes should be displayed and shared during the course of each lesson (see Appendix 2) Teachers should ensure that they take the opportunity to work with all the children over the course of a teaching sequence. Each class should explore a ‘word of the week’. Each Class should undertake a ‘Maths Challenge’ problem-solving activity daily. JE/rms 14 November 2013 P:\office\policies\13-14\non-negotiables-nov13 -2- Use and deployment of non-teaching staff. We believe that the role of LSAs is crucial to raising standards in our classrooms. LSAs need to be empowered to fulfil their potential in the classroom and to contribute to raising standards across the school. In order to do this, the following systems need to be consistently in place across the school: All LSAs to have access to planning or written notes. These notes should include: The objectives/intentions for that day’s lessons. Details and guidance for any group work the LSA may be doing. On going classroom jobs or tasks that need to be done (e.g. laminating, display etc. (this may not be daily – could be a weekly list). The assistants must have access to a shared planning folder to write their observations and / or AFL notes on the relevant planning. These notes should be guided by and be relevant to the learning intention for that lesson. The assistant should have access to a copy of planning for literacy and maths and other subject areas as relevant in advance of the lessons to be taught wherever possible. The assistant should be aware of a pupil’s level of development and needs and assist the teacher in the creation and delivery of IEPs. It is the responsibility of the LSA to ensure that they are clear on what their contribution to pupil outcomes should be. JE/rms 14 November 2013 P:\office\policies\13-14\non-negotiables-nov13