AifL Part 2 - Learning is the Work

Know and understand how to apply the
principles of assessment, recording and
reporting as an integral part of the
teaching process. (2.1.5)
Have knowledge and understand of the GIRFEC
National Practice Model and how to apply this to
support teaching and learning. (Girfec Model)
Communicate the purposes of the learning and
give effective explanations at the appropriate
levels for all learners. (2.1.5)
Systematically develop and use an extensive
range of strategies, approaches and associated
materials for formative and summative
assessment purposes. 3.3.1
Assessment procedures should be appropriate to the
needs of all learners and the requirements of the
curriculum and awarding and accrediting bodies. 2.1.5
Create opportunities to stimulate learner participation
in debate and decision making about issues which are
open-ended, complex, controversial or emotional. 3.3.1
Have extensive knowledge and a secure
understanding of the principles of
assessment. 2.1.5
The use of assessment in reviewing progress in
improving teaching and learning, identifying next
steps and the need to produce clear, informed and
sensitive reports. 2.1.5
5 key Strategies
• Sharing Learning Intentions
• (Clarifying and sharing learning intentions
and criteria for success)
• Questioning
• (Engineering effective classroom
discussion, questions and learning tasks
that elicit evidence of learning)
• Feedback
• Self Assessment
• Peer Assessment
In this session We Are
Learning to…
• understand what learning intentions and success
criteria are;
• be able to identify and frame learning intentions and
success criteria
• use a range of AiFL strategies from the AiFL toolkit
• frame a variety of questions to promote higher order
thinking skills.
Learning Intentions
and Success Criteria
Why Are Learning Intentions and
Success Criteria Important?
• ‘If learners are to take more
responsibility for their own learning,
then they need to know what they are
going to learn, how they will recognise
when they have succeeded and why they
should learn it in the first place.’
(An Intro to AfL, Learning Unlimited, 2004)