Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m LAND AND BUILDINGS Land Land - at cost Land - at valuation(a) Total land Buildings Buildings - at cost Accumulated depreciation Buildings - at valuation(a) Accumulated depreciation Total buildings Total land and buildings PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Specialist m ilitary equipm ent Specialist military equipment - at cost Accumulated depreciation Total specialist m ilitary equipm ent Other plant, equipm ent and infrastructure Other plant, equipment and infrastructure - at cost Accumulated depreciation Other plant, equipment and infrastructure - at valuation(a) Accumulated depreciation 90 8,827 8,917 1 8,647 8,648 338 9,102 9,440 212 8,943 9,155 3,040 (28) 3,012 23,562 (3,074) 20,488 23,500 32,417 2,499 (226) 2,273 24,052 (2,993) 21,059 23,332 31,980 4,442 (677) 3,765 25,379 (3,402) 21,977 25,742 35,182 4,659 (1,107) 3,552 24,915 (3,022) 21,893 25,445 34,600 75,820 (35,532) 40,288 40,288 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 40,328 75,820 (35,532) 40,288 40,288 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 40,328 1,425 (79) 1,346 1,263 (83) 1,180 7,827 (1,613) 6,214 4,982 (1,219) 3,763 14,338 14,266 (3,074) (2,912) 11,264 11,354 Total other plant, equipm ent and infrastructure 12,610 12,534 Total plant, equipm ent and infrastructure 52,898 52,862 (a) Refer Note 1.16 for details regarding the valuation methodologies adopted. The which these assets were revalued are detailed in Note 20, Table D. 100 18,091 19,380 (3,218) (4,484) 14,873 14,896 21,087 18,659 61,375 58,987 reporting periods in Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ASSETS Heritage and cultural assets Heritage and cultural assets - at cost Accumulated depreciation Heritage and cultural assets - at valuation(a) Accumulated depreciation Total heritage and cultural assets INVESTMENT PROPERTY Investm ent property Investment property - at valuation(a) Accumulated depreciation Total investm ent property 6 (1) 5 10,587 (45) 10,542 10,547 55 (53) 2 10,446 (15) 10,431 10,433 6 (1) 5 10,587 (45) 10,542 10,547 55 (53) 2 10,446 (15) 10,431 10,433 195 195 181 181 368 368 377 377 Total land and buildings, plant, equipm ent and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investm ent property 96,057 95,456 107,472 104,397 (b) Refer Note 1.16 for details regarding the valuation methodologies adopted. The reporting periods in which these assets were revalued are detailed in Note 20, Table D. 101 Australian Government Land $m Buildings $m 9,155 9,155 29,574 (4,129) 25,445 38,729 (4,129) 34,600 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 24,362 (5,703) 18,659 99,277 (40,290) 58,987 10,501 (68) 10,433 377 377 148,884 (44,487) 104,397 36 48 1,887 283 72 1,923 283 120 3,032 - 3,420 1,105 113 6,452 1,105 113 71 - 15 - 8,461 1,388 233 295 (69) (17) - 45 (397) (1,492) (151) - 340 (466) (1,492) (168) - (99) (2,689) (315) 7 224 250 (1,964) (537) (2) 224 151 (4,653) (852) 5 72 (50) (4) - 12 5 (3) - 648 (310) (6,195) (1,027) 5 3 50 53 25 (121) (96) 25 8 (10) (11) - (11) (1) (60) (61) - (46) (118) As at 30 June 2013 9,440 25,742 35,182 Gross book value 9,440 29,821 39,261 Accumulated depreciation (4,079) (4,079) Net book value 9,440 25,742 35,182 (a) This table is inclusive of amounts detailed in Tables B, C and D below. 40,288 75,820 (35,532) 40,288 21,087 25,918 (4,831) 21,087 61,375 101,738 (40,363) 61,375 10,547 10,593 (46) 10,547 368 368 368 107,472 151,960 (44,488) 107,472 Item As at 1 July 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value 10 2 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Entity acquisitions Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Depreciation/amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Disposals Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total land and buildings $m Total $m Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties(a) Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties(a) (continued) Australian Government Land $m Buildings $m 9,192 9,192 28,217 (3,768) 24,449 37,409 (3,768) 33,641 72,848 (34,210) 38,638 22,514 (5,323) 17,191 95,362 (39,533) 55,829 10,016 (270) 9,746 655 655 143,442 (43,571) 99,871 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Entity acquisitions 137 - 2,268 - 2,405 - 4,165 - 3,551 16 - 7,716 16 - 55 - 8 - 10,184 16 - Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Depreciation/amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns 36 (76) (17) - 237 (93) (1,365) (85) - 273 (169) (1,365) (102) - (71) (2,546) (457) - (84) 113 (1,676) (406) - (84) 42 (4,222) (863) - 694 (6) (51) (6) - 4 (116) (15) - 887 (249) (5,638) (986) - Other movements (38) 62 24 600 20 620 3 (1) 646 Disposals (79) (28) (107) (1) (66) (67) (2) (158) (334) As at 30 June 2012 9,155 25,445 34,600 Gross book value 9,155 29,574 38,729 Accumulated depreciation (4,129) (4,129) Net book value 9,155 25,445 34,600 (a) This table is inclusive of amounts detailed in Tables B, C and D below. 40,328 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 18,659 24,362 (5,703) 18,659 58,987 99,277 (40,290) 58,987 10,433 10,501 (68) 10,433 377 377 377 104,397 148,884 (44,487) 104,397 Item As at 1 July 2011 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total land and buildings $m Total $m 10 3 Notes to the financial statements General Government Item As at 1 July 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value 104 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Entity acquisitions Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Depreciation/amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m 8,648 8,648 26,551 (3,219) 23,332 35,199 (3,219) 31,980 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 15,529 (2,995) 12,534 90,444 (37,582) 52,862 10,501 (68) 10,433 181 181 136,325 (40,869) 95,456 36 - 1,611 283 - 1,647 283 - 3,032 - 1,411 31 - 4,443 31 - 71 - 15 - 6,176 314 - 299 (56) (1) - 115 (354) (1,407) (113) - 414 (410) (1,407) (114) - (99) (2,689) (315) 7 70 263 (1,486) (40) (2) 70 164 (4,175) (355) 5 72 (50) (4) - (3) - 556 (246) (5,632) (476) 5 Total $m 2 47 49 25 (122) (97) 25 8 (15) (11) (14) (25) (1) (49) (50) - (6) (81) As at 30 June 2013 8,917 23,500 32,417 Gross book value 8,917 26,602 35,519 Accumulated depreciation (3,102) (3,102) Net book value 8,917 23,500 32,417 (a) This table is inclusive of amounts detailed in Tables B, C and D below. 40,288 75,820 (35,532) 40,288 12,610 15,763 (3,153) 12,610 52,898 91,583 (38,685) 52,898 10,547 10,593 (46) 10,547 195 195 195 96,057 137,890 (41,833) 96,057 Disposals Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties(a) (continued) Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties(a) (continued) General Government Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m 8,688 8,688 25,357 (2,909) 22,448 34,045 (2,909) 31,136 72,848 (34,210) 38,638 15,049 (3,132) 11,917 87,897 (37,342) 50,555 10,016 (270) 9,746 472 472 132,430 (40,521) 91,909 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Entity acquisitions 123 - 2,118 - 2,241 - 4,165 - 1,695 16 - 5,860 16 - 55 - 4 - 8,160 16 - Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Depreciation/amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns 31 (63) (17) - 176 (95) (1,276) (85) - 207 (158) (1,276) (102) - (71) (2,546) (457) - 229 114 (1,305) (107) - 229 43 (3,851) (564) - 694 (6) (51) (6) - 4 (128) (13) - 1,134 (249) (5,178) (685) - Other movements (36) 70 34 600 17 617 3 (1) 653 Disposals (78) (24) (102) (1) (42) (43) (2) (157) (304) As at 30 June 2012 8,648 23,332 31,980 Gross book value 8,648 26,551 35,199 Accumulated depreciation (3,219) (3,219) Net book value 8,648 23,332 31,980 (a) This table is inclusive of amounts detailed in Tables B, C and D below. 40,328 74,915 (34,587) 40,328 12,534 15,529 (2,995) 12,534 52,862 90,444 (37,582) 52,862 10,433 10,501 (68) 10,433 181 181 181 95,456 136,325 (40,869) 95,456 Item As at 1 July 2011 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value Total $m 10 5 Notes to the financial statements Australian Government Land $m Buildings $m 89 - 1,116 (87) 1,205 (87) - 1,514 (52) 1,514 (52) - - 2,719 (139) Net book value 89 1,029 1,118 - 1,462 1,462 - - 2,580 As at 30 June 2012 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation 88 - 848 (73) 936 (73) - 179 (21) 179 (21) - - 1,115 (94) Net book value 88 775 863 - 158 158 - - 1,021 Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total $m 89 - 1,089 (84) 1,178 (84) - 201 (20) 201 (20) - - 1,379 (104) Net book value 89 1,005 1,094 - 181 181 - - 1,275 As at 30 June 2012 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation 88 - 848 (73) 936 (73) - 142 (16) 142 (16) - - 1,078 (89) Net book value 88 775 863 - 126 126 - - 989 Item As at 30 June 2013 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total land and buildings $m 106 General Government Item As at 30 June 2013 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Total $m Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) B: Assets held under finance lease Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) C: Assets under construction Australian Government Land $m Buildings $m - 2,229 - 2,229 - 10,758 - 3,177 - 13,935 - 5 - - 16,169 - Net book value - 2,229 2,229 10,758 3,177 13,935 5 - 16,169 As at 30 June 2012 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation 1 - 2,232 - 2,233 - 10,712 - 2,543 - 13,255 - 2 - - 15,490 - Net book value 1 2,232 2,233 10,712 2,543 13,255 2 - 15,490 Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total $m - 2,191 - 2,191 - 10,758 - 1,205 - 11,963 - 5 - - 14,159 - Net book value - 2,191 2,191 10,758 1,205 11,963 5 - 14,159 As at 30 June 2012 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation 1 - 2,184 - 2,185 - 10,712 - 1,170 - 11,882 - 2 - - 14,069 - Net book value 1 2,184 2,185 10,712 1,170 11,882 2 - 14,069 Item As at 30 June 2013 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total land and buildings $m 10 7 General Government Notes to the financial statements Item As at 30 June 2013 Gross value Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m Total $m Australian Government Item Net book value at fair value Assets at valuation - 2009-10 Assets at valuation - 2010-11 Assets at valuation - 2011-12 Assets at valuation - 2012-13 Net book value at fair value Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m 383 104 8,615 9,102 1,381 737 19,859 21,977 1,764 841 28,474 31,079 Land $m Buildings $m Total land and buildings $m 383 84 8,360 8,827 1,381 711 18,396 20,488 1,764 795 26,756 29,315 Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m - 108 688 14,077 14,873 108 688 14,077 14,873 General Government 108 Item Net book value at fair value Assets at valuation - 2009-10 Assets at valuation - 2010-11 Assets at valuation - 2011-12 Assets at valuation - 2012-13 Net book value at fair value Specialist Other plant, Total plant, military equipment and equipment and equipment infrastructure infrastructure $m $m $m - 108 677 10,479 11,264 108 677 10,479 11,264 Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m 2,464 8,078 10,542 Total $m 368 368 1,872 3,993 50,997 56,862 Heritage and cultural Investment assets property $m $m Total $m 2,464 8,078 10,542 195 195 1,872 3,936 45,508 51,317 Notes to the financial statements Note 20: Land and buildings, plant, equipment and infrastructure, heritage and cultural assets and investment properties (continued) D: Assets at valuation — Reporting period in which asset revaluation took place Notes to the financial statements Note 21: Intangibles General Government 2013 2012 $m $m Com puter softw are Computer softw are - at cost Accumulated amortisation Total com puter softw are Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m 7,373 (3,794) 3,579 6,500 (3,079) 3,421 9,681 (5,024) 4,657 8,345 (4,106) 4,239 Other intangibles Other intangibles - at cost Accumulated amortisation Total other intangibles 2,216 (159) 2,057 2,216 (136) 2,080 3,455 (290) 3,165 2,704 (207) 2,497 Total intangibles 5,636 5,501 7,822 6,736 A: Reconciliation of movement in intangibles Australian Government Computer softw are $m Other intangibles $m Total $m 8,345 (4,106) 4,239 2,704 (207) 2,497 11,049 (4,313) 6,736 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Internally generated Entity acquisitions 1,334 6 38 358 1 680 1,692 7 718 Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Disposals (1) 73 (985) (42) (1) (4) (1) (77) (355) 62 - (1) 72 (1,062) (397) 61 (4) 4,657 9,681 (5,024) 3,165 3,455 (290) 7,822 13,136 (5,314) 4,657 3,165 7,822 Item As at 1 July 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value As at 30 June 2013 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value 109 Notes to the financial statements Note 21: Intangibles (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in intangibles (continued) Australian Government Computer softw are $m Other intangibles $m Total $m 7,285 (3,942) 3,343 2,139 (153) 1,986 9,424 (4,095) 5,329 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Internally generated Entity acquisitions 1,697 63 - 635 4 - 2,332 67 - Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Disposals (1) 1 (785) (62) (12) (5) 1 (56) (78) 4 10 (9) (1) 2 (841) (140) 4 (2) (14) 4,239 8,345 (4,106) 2,497 2,704 (207) 6,736 11,049 (4,313) 4,239 2,497 6,736 Computer softw are $m Other intangibles $m Total $m 6,500 (3,079) 3,421 2,216 (136) 2,080 8,716 (3,215) 5,501 886 6 - 282 1 - 1,168 7 -- (1) 73 (774) (28) (1) (3) (1) (22) (344) 61 - (1) 72 (796) (372) 60 (3) 3,579 7,373 (3,794) 2,057 2,216 (159) 5,636 9,589 (3,953) 3,579 2,057 5,636 Item As at 1 July 2011 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value As at 30 June 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value Note 21: Intangibles (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in intangibles (continued) General Government Item As at 1 July 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Internally generated Entity acquisitions Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Disposals As at 30 June 2013 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value 110 Notes to the financial statements Note 21: Intangibles (continued) A: Reconciliation of movement in intangibles (continued) General Government Computer softw are $m Other intangibles $m Total $m 5,888 (3,044) 2,844 1,655 (114) 1,541 7,543 (3,158) 4,385 Additions: Purchase of new or secondhand assets Acquisition by finance lease Internally generated Entity acquisitions 1,226 63 - 631 4 - 1,857 67 - Revaluations: w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Reclassification Amortisation expense Recoverable amount w rite-dow ns Reversal of w rite-dow ns Other movements Disposals (1) 5 (637) (61) (14) (4) 13 (25) (78) 4 (1) (9) (1) 18 (662) (139) 4 (15) (13) 3,421 6,500 (3,079) 2,080 2,216 (136) 5,501 8,716 (3,215) 3,421 2,080 5,501 Item As at 1 July 2011 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value As at 30 June 2012 Gross book value Accumulated depreciation Net book value Note 22: Inventories General Government 2013 2012 $m $m Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m Inventories held for sale Finished goods(a) Raw materials and stores Work in progress Total inventories held for sale 689 69 424 1,182 669 48 377 1,094 750 82 428 1,260 735 65 386 1,186 Inventories not held for sale Consumable stores and inventories held for distribution Total inventories not held for sale 6,744 6,744 6,245 6,245 6,778 6,778 6,274 6,274 Total inventories 7,926 7,339 8,038 7,460 (a) Finished goods includes $353 million valued at net realisable value, (2012: $376 million), the remainder is valued at cost. 111 Notes to the financial statements Note 23: Other non-financial assets General Government Total biological assets Total assets held for sale Other non-financial assets: Prepayments Other Total other non-financial assets Australian Government 2013 $m 33 110 2012 $m 37 90 2013 $m 33 213 2012 $m 37 198 2,463 292 2,898 2,495 230 2,852 2,519 1,705 4,470 2,511 1,046 3,792 Note 24: Assets by function(a) General Government 2013 2012 $m $m 159,311 142,316 73,095 72,145 1,969 1,884 25,316 22,984 5,120 4,708 7,318 6,766 7,967 6,716 11,697 11,441 569 662 354 316 70 70 11,073 10,957 16,627 14,078 35,242 32,497 355,728 327,540 Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m 158,921 141,701 73,413 72,470 2,006 1,914 25,291 22,928 3,240 3,680 6,889 6,429 7,944 6,683 11,664 11,432 569 662 353 316 1,878 2,075 16,658 11,775 103,252 86,678 18,771 21,851 430,849 390,594 General public services Defence Public order and safety Education Health Social security and w elfare Housing and community amenities Recreation and culture Fuel and energy Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining, manufacturing and construction Transport and communication Other economic affairs Other purposes(b) Total assets (a) Refer to Note 45 for description of each function. (b) Cash and deposits that are not allocated to other functions are included in the ‘Other purposes’ function. 112 Notes to the financial statements Note 25: Deposit liabilities General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m 2,235 1,567 Exchange settlement funds Draw ing accounts held w ith the Reserve Bank of Australia State governments Monies held in trust Foreign governments Other Total deposit liabilities 176 6 185 7 484 10 176 2,815 404 215 2 185 542 502 182 192 6,124 3,013 Note 26: Government securities General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m Treasury bonds Treasury notes Treasury indexed bonds Other 251,574 5,483 27,093 1,598 230,063 12,446 25,668 1,593 251,569 5,483 27,093 15 230,063 12,446 25,668 16 Total governm ent securities 285,748 269,770 284,160 268,193 Note 27: Loans General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m Bills of exchange and promissory notes Bonds (non-Treasury) Loans Total loans 3,165 909 4,074 3,260 793 4,053 3,631 3,099 1,101 7,831 3,706 3,273 636 7,615 Loans m aturity schedule Not later than one year Later than one year and not later than tw o years Later than tw o years and not later than five years Later than five years 114 88 248 3,624 125 52 364 3,512 1,061 874 1,578 4,318 938 592 1,663 4,422 Total loans by m aturity 4,074 4,053 7,831 7,615 113