District 9 Green Triangle eNews December 12, 2012 You are receiving this email because you have contacted the 9th District Office about green initiatives. If you would like to be removed from this communication please email Katie Holmes with “REMOVE” in the subject. This is a bi-weekly eNews. Please feel free to copy any of this information for use at your meetings or in your newsletters. Upcoming Junk Pick Up and River Metals Incentives The 9th District Urban Services District (USD) will have junk collection set-out on a select weekend in December or January, depending on your address. You may begin setting out your junk Friday afternoon prior to your junk pick-up week and must have it all out by Monday at 6:00 AM. For your specific junk set-out weekend please visit http://mapit.louisvilleky.gov/ and enter your address OR call the office at 574-1109. For collection guidelines please visit www.louisvilleky.gov/solidwaste. From December 14-21, to correspond with Junk Pick Up dates, River Metals Recycling (RMR) is inviting 9th District Residents to receive higher rates for recycling scrap metal: an additional $10 per ton for ferrous scrap (appliances, sheet metal, cars) and $0.05 per pound extra for nonferrous items (cans, copper, aluminum, stainless steel). To participate, print the coupon attached to this email and bring your scrap metal to River Metals at 2045 River Road between December 14-21. Thanks to River Metals for offering this incentive and for its support of the Green Triangle. Go green with RMR and get your green! Keep metal out of the landfill by taking it to River Metals to be recycled instead of setting it out for Junk Pick Up. Find your Junk Pick Up dates on the Louisville website. Sustainability Presenters On Thursday, December 6th the Louisville Metro Committee on Sustainability hosted an all call for sustainability organizations and businesses. Twenty-two people presented on their organizations and businesses and how they relate to sustainability. It was exciting to hear about the many ways that our community is active in creating a more sustainable future. Presentation topics ranged from local sustainable food options, a senior support organization, organizations that work to green neighborhoods, a sustainable local brewery, green transportation options, and organizations that connect faith and environmental issues. View a list of presenters with a description of each organization and business and their contact information. Learn about the great work going on in our community! View the committee meeting online. Thanks to all presenters for their valuable work! Rain Barrel Winner Throughout the month of November, if you created a new profile and filled out the sustainability survey on the Green Triangle website, updated your survey, or posted on the forum, you were be entered into a drawing to win a rain barrel. Coca-Cola donated this rain barrel to the Green Triangle that comes with a kit to easily install it on a gutter on your home. Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest. The winner of the rain barrel is Alexander Moore. Congratulations and enjoy using your rain barrel this coming spring! Buy a Recycling Cart for a Holiday Gift In 2011 the 9th District unrolled its Expanded Recycling Program, in which residents and businesses were able to purchase a large recycling cart for a one-time fee. This program was highly successful with many businesses and residents increasing their recycling capacity with large carts. In October 2012, the Residential Expanded Recycling Program was opened to Louisville's entire Urban Services District. All residents in the Urban Services District may now increase their recycling capacity to a 95 gallon cart with wheels. For a one-time fee of $50 residents may purchase a 95 gallon black recycling cart with an orange lid. Or, if you have more than one garbage cart you can exchange one for a recycling cart at no cost. To order your cart, download the form from Louisville Metro Solid Waste and send it in with your payment. Solid Waste will then deliver your cart. You may also request a cart by calling Metro Call at 311 or 574-5000. Mayor Fischer is urging residents to purchase the gift that keeps on giving with a recycling cart, and is promoting this idea with the video that you can watch here. Businesses in District 9 in the Urban Services District may still order large recycling carts for $50 per cart. Call 574-1109 for more information. Sustainability Tip – Greening the Holidays The holiday season is upon us. No matter what holiday you celebrate, there are ways to make these occasions more sustainable. For a longer list of ideas, visit the Green Triangle blog. Many holiday traditions include gift giving – let’s first look at ways to think about greening these practices: Buy local: buying from local establishments makes our community more sustainable in multiple ways. A higher percentage of your purchase price stays in the community when you shop at a locally owned establishment. Plus, buying local products often cuts down on fuel needed to transport goods. Learn more from the Louisville Independent Business Association. Find a list of some 9th District local businesses on the Frankfort Avenue Business Association website. If you get a new electronic item for a gift, recycle your old item through Eco-Cell and help raise funds for the Green Triangle’s sustainability efforts. Handheld electronic items, laptops and smaller, are accepted. Find a list of locations in the 9th district where you can drop off your electronic items to be recycled. If you have larger electronic items to recycle, like microwaves, computers, and televisions, take them to the Louisville Waste Reduction Center at 636 Meriwether Avenue. Find acceptable items and hours. If you receive other gifts and feel the need to clean out old items, find charitable organizations that accept used clothes and other household items instead of throwing items away. Family holiday meals: Avoid disposable dishes. If you must use them, try to find recyclable or compostable products. Try to use some local produce. Some of Louisville farmers’ markets are still open in December. See a list here. Compost food scraps (excluding meat and oils) leftover from preparing meals. General: If you decorate with lights for the holiday season, purchase energy efficient versions such as LED bulbs, and limit the amount of time that they are in use. If you have a live Christmas tree, turn it into mulch through Louisville Metro Solid Waste Management Services Tree-Cycling, which is available following the holidays. Check the Solid Waste website for dates, to be announced later in December. Don’t Forget to Make a Green Triangle Profile! LINKS My Green Triangle Green Triangle Facebook Green Triangle Blog 9th District Blog 9th District Website The Green Triangle is a community-led sustainability initiative in the 9th District, working to realize the following vision: Imagine Individuals, Businesses and Government working together to create a 9th District of: Green spaces for people to connect with nature and each other; Green options for transportation; and Green thinking that promotes the conservation of resources and our small neighborhood feel. Contact the Green Triangle: Katie Holmes, Special Projects Coordinator Phone: 502.574-1109 http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCouncil/Members/09/contact_kh.htm Tina Ward-Pugh 9th District Councilwoman http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCouncil/Members/09/default.htm The Green Triangle thanks the following sponsors: 9th District Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh DD Williamson MSD Mellwood Art Center River Metals Recycling eyedia First Capital Bank Heine Brothers' Coffee Louisville Biodiesel Cooperative Louisville Water Company LG&E McDonald's - Lower Brownsboro Thanks as well to the Frankfort Avenue Business Association for serving as our fiscal agent.