By: Vincent Marinello and Alex Ok

Ancient China’s Daily Life
By: Vincent
Marinello and Alex
In aencient china there were
two kinds of houses. Those houses
were palaces and poor houses. The
poor people houses were made out
of mudbrick for walls and thatch for
the roof. The rich people houses
were two floors and made out of
mudbrick and thatch for roof. On
palaces ridge were decorated with
ceramic figures. Emperors live in
palaces. Wood timbers were for the
roof and were made into columns.
The houses always have a yard for
growing crops. Nails and glue were
used to make the structure together.
There were three different kinds of
roofs to do for a house. The Straight
roof, the Multiinclined, and sweeping
roof. Curvature rise at the corners of
the roof. Old wooden structure
doesn’t surrive. A shrine is in the
center of the house. In 1618- 907
stone and brick replaced wood.
By: Alex Ok
In the beginning Ancient
Chinese people lived in cave and
were completely naked. At the
Stone Age the chines made needles
out of animal bones. They sew
levees and animal skin to wear for
winter. They spun coats out of linen.
There are rules for clothing in
Ancient china. Only emperors wear
yellow and gold clothe. Green, Red,
white, and black represent North,
South, East, and West. Cloth tells
what position of society you were in.
Higher-class people wore the finest
silk. Wealthy people wear long robes
with a sash. They wear thick silk in
winter and light silk in summer. They
got there silk from silkworm cocoons.
It takes a lot of silkworm cocoons to
make one piece of silk clothe.
By: Alex Ok
Food and Drink
By: Vincent Marinello &
Suzanne Lee
In ancient China their favorite staple food
was rice. Their food was usually flavored
with spices and herbs. Most of their food
were stewed or steamed. A tasty snack
for the Chinese was peanuts. Peanuts
were also added to dishes. From the
Tang dynasty time’s tea was sipped in
bowls. In ancient China peas were
grounded into flour. In ancient China chili
peppers were added to spicy dishes.
Wealthy people in ancient China diets
were lamp, pork, duck, goose, pigeon,
deer, fruits, and vegetables. Some of
their drinks were water, tea, and wine
made out of fermented rice.