Abridgement - Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand

Patent 595357
Patent 595357
A computing device programmed to carry out steps to conclude the presence or absence of
one or more events in a sample, wherein each event is characterised by one or more traits,
and wherein the presence or absence of the one or more traits in the sample has been
detected is disclosed. The steps comprise:
(a) assigning a unique prime number value to each trait,
(b) representing each event as a product of the prime number values assigned to traits
characteristic of the event,
(c) representing the sample as a product of the prime number values assigned to traits
detected as present in the sample, and
(d) dividing the product representing the sample as defined in (c) by the product representing
an event as defined in (b), whereby:
- if the value obtained by the division equals 1, then the event or material thereof is
potentially present in the sample;
- if the value obtained by the division is an integer greater than 1, then the event or material
thereof is potentially present in the sample;
- if the value obtained by the division is not an integer, then the event or material thereof is
absent from the sample.