BIOL 1103-201 Class Syllabus* Introduction to Biology Spring 2014 MW 9:00-9:50AM BO 209 Instructor Office: BO XXXX Ph.#: e-mail: DATE January TOPIC CHAPTER Introduction, Biology, and the Scientific Method 1 23 Biology, and the Scientific Method 1 25 Cytology 4 30 DNA and RNA 7 February 1 TEST #1 1,4,7 6 Mitosis 8 8 Mitosis/Meiosis 8,9 13 Meiosis 9 15 Mendelian Genetics 10 20 Mendelian Genetics/Population Genetics 10,11 22 Population Genetics 11 27 TEST #2 8-11 29 Natural Selection and Evolution 12 March 5 Natural Selection and Evolution/ Speciation and Evolutionary Change 12,13 7 Speciation and Evolutionary Change 13 12,14 SPRING BREAK Have FUN!!! 19 The Origin of Life 22 21 Taxonomy & Systematics 23 26 TEST #3 12,13,22,23 28 Organisms of Primitive Kingdoms 24 April 2 Primitive Kingdoms/Plantae 24,25 4 Plantae 25 9 Plantae 25 11 Animalia 26 16 Animalia 26 18 TEST #4 24-26 23 General Ecology and Ecosystems 14 25 Community Ecology 15 30 Population Ecology 16 May 2 Behavioral Ecology 17 9 FINAL EXAM 10:30-12:30AM 14-17 *Class syllabus is tentative and subject to change throughout the semester (including test dates). 18 Lecture Text: Concepts in Biology, 10th Edition, by Eldon D. Enger and Frederick C. Ross, 2003. Class Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes. A lot of material is presented in each class period, which makes it easy to fall behind if a class is missed. If you miss a class, it is YOUR responsibility to get class notes and handouts from your classmates or the instructor. Do not schedule doctor’s appointments or work schedules in a way that would conflict with your attendance in class. Lecture Exams and Make-Up Exams: There will be five, equally-weighted major exams (including the final exam) that will each be worth 15% of your overall grade for the class. The final exam will NOT be comprehensive but will cover all of the material since the previous exam. Exams will usually contain various types of testing formats (i.e. multiple choice, matching, true/false, fill in the blank, listing, and short answer). You MUST present a valid university excuse to make up a missed lecture exam. A missed exam should be made up immediately (i.e. before exams are passed back to the class). Make-up exams will most likely be more difficult than the original exam, so don’t miss an exam! Course Grading: The following is a breakdown of your final course grade: LECTURE Test #1 =15% Test #2 =15% Test #3 =15% Test #4 =15% Final Exam=15% total =75% LAB total =25% The grading scale used to determine your letter grade for the course is as follows: A B C D F = = = = = 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% below 60% Aids for Success: You paid a lot of money for your textbook…MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ IT! Most of the material for exams will be derived from the textbook. Read the chapter(s) assigned for each class period. Lectures should correspond to the chapters indicated on your syllabus. Take thorough lecture notes to make sure you get material covered in lecture that is not in the text. An online study resource has been made available to you by the publisher of your textbook, McGraw-Hill, at the “Online Learning Center” of their website at Follow the instructions in the front of your textbook for accessing this website and utilizing the numerous study tools available to you there. Make sure and use the Essential Study Partner interactive study tool at the website. It is excellent for helping you understand material that is covered in class and also in helping you prepare for tests. ***NO PAGERS OR PHONES ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM*** ***Students with disabilities must be registered with Disability Support Services before classroom accommodations can be provided. Writing Proficiency Requirement All students seeking a Bachelor’s degree from Midwestern State University must satisfy a writing proficiency requirement once they’ve earned 60 hours. You may do so by passing either the Writing Proficiency Exam or English 2113. Please keep in mind that, once you’ve earned over 90 hours, you lose the opportunity to take the $25 exam and have no option but to enroll in the threecredit hour course. If you have any questions about the exam, visit the Writing Proficiency Office website at, or call 397-4131.