
PROJECT: Poetry Quilt
TEACHER: Evelyn Loftin
SCHOOL: Central Lafourche High
CONTENT: Language Arts and Visual Arts
GRADE LEVEL: 9 through 12
(may be adjusted to accommodate lower levels
The student will:
write a constructivist poem
create a 4” x 4” poetry tile (which will become part of class poetry quilt) to reflect
elements of art introduced in class: value, value change, warm colors (boys), cool colors
(girls), hatching, crosshatching, and stippling.
Three 45 minute class sessions. Some of the work will be completed in computer lab.
TV or LCD projector
Microsoft PAINT!
Printer with black and color cartridge
Poster board (to assemble tiles)
Laminating machine (optional)
Day 1
The teacher introduces the project with a PowerPoint presentation on art
concepts/techniques (attached). The teacher then reviews definitions of art terms for the
assignment, leads a discussion of terms, and shows examples of each component on the
The teacher models worksheet (attached) expectations on board. Students use the
worksheet to practice art concepts, as the teacher monitors and gives immediate feedback.
Students receive a grade for their completed worksheet.
The teacher then introduces constructivist poetry and provides a template and example of
the poem’s form. The teacher and students create an example together on the board. Each
student then creates an original constructivist poem as the teacher monitors and assists
students with poem construction.
Day 2
The teacher reviews art terms with students and hands out a rubric for Poetry tile
Original constructivist poem
up to 25 pts
Evidence of hatching
up to 10 pts
Evidence of crosshatching
up to 10 pts
Evidence of cool colors (girls)
up to 10 pts
Evidence of warm colors (boys)
up to 10 pts
Evidence of value change
up to 15 pts
Evidence of stippling
up to 10 pts
Tile mirrors content of poem
up to 20 pts
In the computer lab the teacher models the assignment and demonstrates the different tool
functions of Microsoft PAINT!. Using Microsoft PAINT!, each student creates a 4x4 tile.
The teacher monitors student progress, providing immediate feedback with encouraging
The teacher once again briefly reviews art terms and project criteria. Students complete
construction of their poetry tiles in the computer lab.
Students will save tile in a designated folder on the school server to be printed and
assessed by teacher. The final poetry quilt is assembled by the teacher from student tiles,
and then laminated and displayed in the school library.
The teacher monitors student comprehension of terms as students practice art techniques,
giving students continuous verbal feedback and encouragement. The worksheet is graded.
The finished tile is assessed with a rubric (attached). A successful tile will reflect a clear
understanding of constructivist form and art concepts. Students will also be tested on
identifying and defining art concepts on unit test.
The art content introduced include basic terms and techniques that will not only assist
students to complete the assigned product, but also enhance student knowledge of art
terms in the hopes of generating student interest in practicing and perfecting techniques
through personal exploration of artistic expression. Concepts to be taught are value, value
change, hatching, crosshatching, warm colors, cool colors, and stippling. The student will
use the knowledge gained from the presentation of the concepts to create a visual
representation of an original poem that will become a part of a larger project (poetry
Louisiana High School English Language Arts GLEs:
Develop individual writing style that includes a variety of sentence structures
(e.g., parallel or repetitive) and lengths (ELA-2-H5)
23b Develop individual writing style that includes diction selected to create a tone and
set a mood (ELA-2-H5)
Develop individual writing style that includes selected vocabulary and phrasing
that reflect the character and temperament (voice) of the writer (ELA-2-H5)
Use a variety of resources, such as dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries,
technology, and textual features (e.g., definitional footnotes, sidebars) to verify word
spellings (ELA-3-H3)
Use correct spelling conventions when writing and editing (ELA-3-H3)
Select language appropriate to specific purposes and audiences, including
participating in class discussions (ELA-4-H1)
Listen to detailed oral instructions and presentations and carry out complex
procedures, including forming groups (ELA-4-H2
Use word processing and/or technology to draft, revise, and publish various
works, including research reports documented with parenthetical citations and
bibliographies or works cited lists (ELA-5-H4)
Louisiana Visual Arts Content Standards Benchmarks:
art forms
Apply variety of media, techniques, technologies, and processes for visual
Produce a visual representation of ideas derived from the study of various
Produce imaginative works of art generated from individual or group ideas
Produce works of art that describe and connect art with other disciplines
Use the top row to show an increase in value using hatching.
Use the second row to show an increase in value using cross hatching.
Use the top row to show an increase in value using stippling
Color the first three squares in the second row with a warm color and the last two squares
in the second row cool colors.
Name _________________________________Class _________ Date _______________
Poetry Tile Rubric
Original constructivist poem _____ up to 25 pts
Evidence of hatching _____ up to 10 pts
Evidence of crosshatching
_____ up to 10 pts
Evidence of cool colors (girls)
_____ up to 10 pts
Evidence of warm colors (boys)
_____ up to 10 pts
Evidence of value change
_____ up to 15 pts
Evidence of stippling _____ up to 10 pts
Tile mirrors content of poem _____ up to 20 pts
Total _____
Name _____________________ Grade _____
Sample tiles: