To: c.c. All Heads of Departments of Schools and Tertiary Institutions, Principals of Schools and Tertiary Institutions Dear Sir/Madam, Re: “Green Wave” - Sembawang Shipyard’s Environmental Care Project Introduction Sembawang Shipyard, in embarking on “Green Wave,” our environmental care and protection project, aims to involve the community at large, particularly the students, to participate in learning about caring, protecting, maintaining and positively utilizing our environment so that individually and together, we can contribute towards the conservation and improvement of our environment for Singapore’s sustainable development. Through encouraging awareness, appreciation and innovative thinking in the area of environmental care and development, we are hopeful that participants will feel personally responsible and accountable for promoting and sustaining environmental care and protection. In targeting at students, we aspire to persuade and influence young minds to think globally and act locally. It is hoped that this project will set students on a lifelong interest and concern for the environment and motivate them to participate actively in protecting and improving the quality of our environment thus contributing to the development of a better future for theirs and subsequent generations. Objectives The main objective is to inculcate awareness and motivate students to gain a sense of personal and group responsibility for their own environment and in the process, learn how to reason, think critically and act to protect it in a balanced way. The project also hopes to promote innovative thinking among students, encouraging them to develop new ideas, processes and equipment for the betterment of our environment. Thus, the school environmental care project has 3 major objectives : (i) Encourage learning about the environment It aims to inculcate awareness and appreciation of the environment e.g. what are the terms of reference which constitute the environment i.e. local and global environment, past and future environment (ii) Develop skills in investigating the environment: understand that environment has different meaning for different cultural, social, political and economic groups of people 1 (iii) what resources are used to satisfy the needs and wants of the people in their interaction with the environment understand that there are varieties of ways in which resources can be managed to meet different wants and needs and that these ways have varying impact on the environment help students to identify, clarify and analyze alternative views on environmental issues and evaluate possible resolution to them understand the nature of environmental issues and methods of resolving them Acquire a concern and appreciation for the environment Understand how values influence the environment How individual student’s own actions and those of others affect the environment Develop positive values towards the environment Adopt personal responsibility and concern for the conservation of the environment Project product for entry The project product should be in the form of a report, an actual product or equipment, pictures or any other evidences that will support the cause of the project. Judging and assessment criteria Originality and innovation (30%) – This will include the treatment of the subject matter, approach and methodology Relevance (25%) – How relevant and meaningful is the project against the objectives and intent Impact/Sustainability (25%) – The extent to which the project affects the target group and bring about continual improvements. Merit will be given where the process of change and improvement involves the community at large e.g. other students, parents, local community, representation from government to nongovernment agencies. How holistic is the project/s and whether the results / impacts are far-searching and sustainable Project Product (20%) – The materials, evidence, etc used in the project presentation. Short-listed participants especially from the tertiary institutions may be asked to make an oral presentation should the judges require some clarifications on the projects. Prize Awards for competition categories Primary Schools: 1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 Secondary Schools: 1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: $ 6,000 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 2 Junior Colleges, 1st Prize: Centralised Institutes 2nd Prize: & ITEs: 3rd Prize: $ 8,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 Polytechnics and Universities: $10,000 $ 6,000 $ 4,000 1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: The prize money for the Primary, Secondary and Junior Colleges/ITEs should be shared on a 60%-40% basis with the 60% going to the School fund and the 40% to the student/students who are in the project team. Participants : 1. All students of the different school categories 2. Students who had recently graduated in 2002 can also participate so long as they have the endorsement of the school that they had recently graduated from. Proposal Forms: Students or schools intending to participate should submit a Proposal Form which will be available from 2, January 2003 either from the schools or from the website at: Students should submit this form by 28th February 2003 to either their schools or directly to Sembawang Shipyard (see full style address below). Students/schools should describe their proposed project in not more than 100 words. This is to allow the judges to ascertain the expected number of entries and to allocate sufficient time for the judging when the entries are finally submitted. Entry Forms: Participating students or schools have to submit their project by 31st August 2003. Students/Schools should fill in the Entry Forms which are available from schools or from the website at The Entry Forms are to be submitted together with the project product. Proposal forms and entries to be submitted to: School Environmental Care Project Committee Sembawang Shipyard Admiralty Road West Singapore 759956 Arrangements can also be made by the Shipyard to collect all the proposal forms and entries from the schools. Contact e-mails and numbers: All questions and enquiries to be made to our website at: or at e-mail address: 3 Alternatively, you can phone Miss Wang Hui Ping at 67506262 Closing date of entries: 31st August 2003 Announcement of results: Results will be announced by 30th November 2003 through a circular to be given to the participating schools/tertiary institutions. The results will also be posted on our website. The winners may be asked to attend an award ceremony together with their mentors and parents in December 2003. Publicity Posters: Publicity posters will be issued to the schools before term re-opens on January 2003 to publicise the Green Wave Project and to provide participants with some important details. Judges : The decisions of the judges are final and binding. Should all entries for a certain school category not meet the judging and assessment criteria, the Shipyard reserves the right not to make an award to that particular category or to make merit awards instead of the top three prizes Patent rights: Should any project product or idea be commercially patented as a result of the participation in the Green Wave project, all patent rights will belong to Sembawang Shipyard and costs for patent rights will be borne by the Shipyard. The profits from the sale of the commercially manufactured product, if any, will be shared on a 75%-25% basis with the school/students who originated the product benefiting 25% of the profits and the Shipyard 75% of the profits. All cost of marketing and distributing the product will be borne by the Shipyard. Focus Areas of projects: Students and schools are free to propose and develop any suitable projects on the environment. Students are encouraged to use their ideas, knowledge, skills and values in the participation of environmental care projects, which will improve the condition and quality of our environment. Participation may be on individual basis or in groups. The following are some suggestions, which students could consider: Water Management / Conservation 1. Suggest innovative and practical schemes to: 4 Collect storm water, for example, in HDB new town like Ang Mo Kio, Bedok, Tampines and Yishun. Collect storm water from developed areas in Kranji, Pandan and non-industrial parts of western Singapore. 2. More than half of the water and energy Singaporeans use are consumed at home. Can you suggest new processes, equipment, and ways to reduce the usage? Can this be demonstrated effectively? 3. In our treatment processes, water is lost through leakages, cleaning of water pipes, emergencies, filtration processes and water treatment. Suggest a new and more efficient or effective way to treat water? 4. Propose new processes, equipment and ways of conserving water in industries and elaborate on their roles in achieving sustainability development in Singapore. Waste Management 1. Study municipal waste management in Singapore. Propose a new, workable and improved system to manage municipal waste. 2. Study the various waste management programmes/methods adopted by some organisations and suggest how they can be improved. 3. Propose the implementation of a waste management system in an organisation/ industry/school. 4. In your school/institution, evaluate the waste management system. Propose an improved and sustainable system. Support your proposal with tested solutions. Air Management / Pollution Control 1. Propose ways to minimise and manage “Trans-boundary Pollution” (smoke haze from Neighbouring Forest fire) in Singapore. 2. With the growing number of vehicles in Singapore, propose ways to minimise pollutants from the exhaust. 3. Evaluate the tangible, intangible benefits and limitation of implementing proper air quality management. Suggest a feasible air quality management programme. Wild Life/Natural Reserves 1. Suggest and discuss a feasible programme for the re-introduction or population restoration of one of our native mammal/feathered species. You may choose one of the following: Lesser Mouse Deer Banded Leaf Monkey Anteater Oriental Pied Hornbill Smooth Otter Slow Loris Others 5 2. Describe one regional / town park which has become the home and natural habitat for our native feathered friends. Identify one of the bird species found there and discuss how it adapted to urban development. Propose how we can have a sustainable programme of bird species in Singapore. 3. Locate and identify the officially gazetted nature reserves in Singapore. Describe one other nature area that deserves similar legal protection from urban development. Discuss its significances in the preservation of our precious flora and faunas. 4. Identify the remaining coastal mangrove forests in Singapore. Study the factors leading to their rapid depletion over last few decades and suggest schemes to conserve them. 5. Study the population and distribution or our native frogs/toads. Discuss how our rapid urbanization resulted the decline in population of one the locally endangered frog/toad. Propose ways to conserve this specie. 6. Study and discuss how we can save our largest marine mammal, Dugong, from local extinction. We seek your kind support to make this worthwhile project a useful and successful project for the care and protection of our environment. We are also grateful to the Ministry of Education for their pro-activeness and assistance in facilitating this Environmental Care Project. Yours Sincerely, Wong Lee Lin General Manager Sembawang Shipyard Pte Ltd 22nd November 2002 6