New York Genetic Improvement`s Bull Test Program

New York Genetic Improvement’s Bull Test Program
Deadline for nominations: September 15, 2009
Owner's Name_____________________________________________Phone__________________
Farm Name_______________________________________________Phone___________________
City______________________________State____________________Zip Code________________
E-mail_______________________________________Web site_____________________________
1. Number of bulls you want to test _______
Breed (s)_________________________________
2. Please indicate the following: Polled___ Horned___ Scurred___
Purebred___ Fullblood___
3. All bulls must weigh at least 550 pounds upon delivery to the test site.
4. Bulls must be born between January 1, 2009 and April 15, 2009 Bulls born December 15, 2008
thru December 31, 2008 may be nominated with the potential for extra charges for scanning.
5. Please refer to the health requirements included in the consignment packet.
Please read and sign the consignor’s agreement below:
1. Upon acceptance of any of my animals in the New York Bull Test Program, I, as owner,
do hereby accept full and complete responsibility and liability for my animals during all
phases of the program.
2. I have read and agree to abide by the rules, regulations, terms and conditions of the
program now in existence or hereafter adopted by the New York Genetic
Improvement's Bull Test Committee.
3. I understand that the bulls sell under the standard Terms and Conditions
recommended by their respective breed association and it is my responsibility to
guarantee my animals in accordance with those principles.
4. I understand information gathered from the test will be available to the public. I
authorize the accessing of breed performance information from the breed association
if necessary.
Owner's (or duly authorized agent) Signature
A nomination deposit of $50.00 per bull must accompany this form. The nomination fee is nonrefundable unless bull fails to meet eligibility standards. You must provide a copy of the registration
paper and the balance of the testing fee when the calf is delivered to the test station. Make checks
payable to New York Beef Producers Association and mail to:
New York Beef Producers Association
4950 St Hwy 51 West Burlington, NY 13482
Questions? Call Jason TenEyck at 315-246-1359 - or - Jim Brown at 315-549-8318