Strain Rate Models and Predictions: Lessons with ArcGIS Tad Sterling GEO549 Prof. Holt 5/15/07 Lessons with ArcGis: Models and Predictions Tad Sterling Title: Earthquake Predictions Introduction The definition of an earthquake is “sudden trembling of the ground” according to Barron’s Earth Science the Physical Setting 3rd Ed. (Denecke, 2006). In our quest to make predictions on when and where these events will happen next, we have not yet had much success. We can, however, make forecasts as to the location of larger earthquakes. (Ludwin, 2006) The motivation for this lesson is to impart to the student the importance of using models in making predictions on where the land we live upon will move and how such correlations may be used to make simple predictions as to where an earthquake of magnitude 6 or larger may occur. In order to do accomplish this lesson, GPS data sets of surface movement around Southern California provided by William Holt and Glenn Richard of Stony Brook University will be used in the ArcGIS mapping program. This, along with data from the National Earthquake Information Center, will be used to predict where a large earthquake may occur in the future. Grade level: 9 Performance Objective Given previous background information on earthquakes and fault movement, the students will be able to use the ArcGIS mapping program to locate areas that have experienced earthquakes near cities over the past 50 years. They will be able to correlate this data with the movement of faults and points on the crust marked by these cities going back 2,500,000 years. With the combination of both of these data sets, the students will make simple predictions as to where these quakes may occur in the future. The students will be expected to reach mastery level in these exercises. New York State Core Curriculum for Earth Science Standards Standard 1: Key Idea 1: The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process. Standard 6: Key Idea 2: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design. Key Idea 5: Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making predictions about future behavior and conditions. Background The educator should teach this lesson with understandings of the following topics: earthquakes, modeling, and forecasting. The basics here are required. It is also advised that the educator take a basic course in the ArcGIS mapping program though a detailed description of its use as it applies to the lesson that is provided here However, a full course is not required. It is also suggested that the paper, Quantifying Tectonic Rates in Southern California by E. Bell et. al. (2006) be read for better understanding of how these models were derived for use in this modeling program. Additional useful information is provided online at As stated earlier, earthquakes are sudden ground tremors. Earthquakes can be caused by faulting or sudden movements of rock along weak planes called faults. A result of large earthquakes obviously is property damage and potential loss of life for humans and other creatures as well. The Richter scale quantifies the severity of an earthquake. This lab investigates earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 to 7.7 for the years 1950 to the present. According to (2007), mag.6.0 quakes can cause significant damage to older buildings over a small area whereas “7.0 -7.9” is a “major earthquake.” that “can cause serious damage over larger areas.” The aforementioned paper by E. Bell et. al. (2006) discusses modeling for topography and city and fault movements from 3 million years in the past to predicted movements in the future. Modeling is the use of computers or statistical analysis on data in order to produce a visual product that can be used for making decisions or predictions. Here the models were put into ArcGIS format by Glenn Richard of Stony Brook University program. In addition, the National Earthquake Information Center data (added by Tad Sterling) was applied to these models so that simple predictions about where these quakes can occur can be made. Forecasting is simply making predictions as to future behaviors of a system from known past information. In this computer lab, the students will make simple forecasts as to where earthquakes will occur at future times by looking at the movements of specific locations. Questions can be raised as to the directions that the quakes may be moving. See the following section for exercises and further information. Goals Here the goal is to enhance the student’s interest in what it is like to be a scientist. The students will gain basic knowledge of ArcGIS, make observations from graphical data, interpret these observations, and make simple calculations in order to make predictions on one of the world’s largest natural hazards. The lesson should proceed as follows. Before the students arrive at the computer lab, three programs should be opened on the teacher’s computer and made ready for display via projector or smart board. The bottom window should have ArcGIS opened. Above this is a movie from B. Birkes et. al. which demonstrates changes in the topography of Southern California going back 3 million years with visible differences in velocity from one side of the San Andreas fault to the other. Lastly, the open window on top should be set on Google Earth and it should be zoomed directly down on the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. The projected screen should have the following image. Fig. 1- The Capitol Building in Washington D.C. Image from Google Earth, 2007 The above image should be visible on the screen as the students enter the room. They will be asked to sit in pairs at the computers and then be briefly be reminded about how earthquakes occur from faulting. The teacher should then focus the discussion on the purpose of this lesson. At this time, the students should be handed a worksheet that they will need to complete for homework. The students will be reminded about the difficulties (as presented in an early lesson) on making predictions as to when and where earthquakes can occur. They will then be told that the government has selected them as a special team to analyze data gathered by special satellites and put into animated movies about plate motions in Southern California. Their goal is to try to predict where big quakes will occur over the next ~2.5 million years into the future. The students will be briefed on what is expected of them in this mission. First, they will fly to the west coast to observe these animations. While they are there, they are to calculate the rates of motion of the North American plate and the Pacific plate. They will look at cities that are in their modern locations and predict where they are headed. Lastly, they will be asked to assess where trouble spots will occur in the future. After the briefing, in order for the students to get the sense that they are traveling, the teacher should zoom out into space on Google Earth and then down on Southern California. See the following images. Fig. 2- Google Earth zoomed out to space. Google Earth, 2007. On the following page is the image, zoomed back down onto Southern California. Fig.3- Final Google Earth image of Southern California. Google Earth, 2007. Immediately after arriving at this new location, Google Earth should be closed and the Birkes movie should be played. See the following image. Fig. 4- Opening image from Birkes topography movie going back 3million years. The students should be asked at this point to observe two different locations on the movie - one toward the northeast and in the southwest. The teacher should pose the question to the class, “Which side is moving faster?” When this is answered the teacher should raise another question about how one area of land could move more quickly in some locations than others. The answer of course is plate tectonics. The movement of two different plates, the North American and the Pacific plates causes this phenomenon. After this discussion is complete, the students should be asked to open up their ArcGIS files called “Earthquake Prediction”. The teacher can close the movie window, and the ArcGIS file should already be open on the screen. The teacher should now be available to assist anyone who may need help in opening this file. The screen should have the following map made available upon opening the file. Fig.5- First Map Selected represents southern California 2.5 million years ago showing location of faults at that time. Note that faults from this time are yellow. The students will be asked to look at the ArcGIS table of contents on the left side of their screen and then to turn on various layers by clicking on the boxes next to the layer names. These layers include city point locations past and present, fault locations past and present, topography past and present, and the locations of magnitude earthquakes 6.0 or greater since 1950. When the students are comfortable with turning on and off the various layers, they should turn off all of the layers except cities 1 million years ago, topography 1 million years ago, and faults 1 million years ago. Let the students note some differences in the images. See the following image. Fig. 6- Image from 1 million years ago in ArcGIS. Note that faults from that time are blue. Then the students should turn off all of the layers except present cities, present topography, and present faults. After this screen is displayed, the earthquake layer should be turned on. See the following image. Fig. 7- Present day. Note cities are red, earthquakes are magenta, and modern fault locations are red. When the class arrives at this point, the students will be asked to start to gather data in order to answer questions on the provided worksheet. All students should have the following map set on their screens: present topography, faults from every time, cities from every time, and the earthquake layer. See the following map. Fig. 8- Map of present topography, cites, and earthquakes. The faults are from the present (red), 1 million yrs. ago (blue), and 2.5 million yrs. ago (yellow). On the following page is the worksheet the students will use to gather all the data they need and complete the answers for homework. The students should be able to determine a velocity for a city over the 2.5 million yr. time step. Note the directions that specific features have moved from, and finally make predictions as to where earthquakes may occur in the future. See the following page for the handout. Name ____________________ Teacher _________________ period ____ Date ______________ Earthquake Predictions Q1. Which plate is moving faster? Q2. What cities are located near today’s faults? Q3. What cities are near earthquake locations? Q4. Use the measuring tool and fill out the following table. Measure between Distance now Distance 2.5 mill. yrs. ago Camarillo and Bakersfield Camarillo and Arvin Camarillo and Palmdale In general, do these distances increase or decrease as time moves forward? Q5. In general, do the earthquakes occur near or far from the faults? Q6. Calculate average velocity [speed (distance/time) and direction (N, S, E, W, NW, etc.)] of Santa Clarita from 2.5 million yrs to the present. From this answer, how far away and in what direction would you predict the nearby earthquake zone to be 2.5 million yrs. in the future? On the back of this page write a brief paragraph on how accurate you think your prediction may be. Conclusions In closing, this simple lesson is only a small part of what can be done with the data available from the work of E. Bell et. al., the ArcGIS mapping program, and Google Earth. It is meant to get the student’s feet wet and hopefully allow them to see how this program works and how they may be able begin to address complex scientific problems with the powerful tools that scientists use. Some suggestions for future development would be to add the data sets that make the predictions for the changing land up to 3 million years in the future. It would be interesting to see how the student predictions compare with those of the computer models after they have completed them. This lesson is effective without this extension because it may encourage the students to want to work harder at finding the answers to these types of questions because at the present there is no known answer available. References Bell, E., Holt, W., and Richard, G. 2006. Quantifying Tectonic Rates in Southern California, MPI Summer Scholar Report, SUNY at Stony Brook Geoscience Department, Stony Brook, NY. p.1-30 Birkes, B., and Holt, W., 2004, Quantification of tectonic rates using space geodetic and geologic observations, Mineral Physics Institute Summer Scholars Program final report, SUNY at Stony Brook Geoscience Department, Stony Brook, NY. (Movie, 3dneg2) Denecke, E.J., Barron’s Review Course Series Let’s Review: Earth Science The Physical Setting 3rd. Ed. Barron’s Educational Series, Hauppauge New York. 2006. p. 344-345 Earthquake Serverity (accessed 5/14/2007) Google Earth, 2007 used for in text images. (Washington D.C., Earth, and S. California) National Earthquake Information Center Data for Earthquakes from 1950 to present used in ArcGIS Ruth Ludwin, R.2006. Earthquake Prediction. The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network All about earthquakes and geologic hazards of the Pacific Northwest html