DETERMINATION OF E2/SN2 RATIO FOR THE REACTION OF AN ALKYL HALIDE WITH POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE (Revised 10/20/2004) Alkyl halides undergo competitive �-eliminations and nucleophilic substitutions via E2 and SN2 pathways, respectively, when heated with concentrated solutions of strong bases. The relative amounts of elimination versus substitution products (E2/SN2 ratio) depends on a number of factors such as the basicity of the base, the structure of the alkyl group, the reaction temperature, and the reaction solvent. The attack of bases on �-hydrogens is less susceptible to steric effects than is the attack of bases on carbon. An increase in the bulkiness of alkyl groups and/or bases causes a significant decrease in the rates of SN2 reactions, but not in the rates of E2 reactions, which results in an increase in the E2/S N2 ratio. In general, substitutions dominate with primary alkyl halides unless a strong, bulky base like potassium tert-butoxide is used; however, eliminations dominate with tertiary alkyl halides even when pKa = 15.7). RCH2CHR X R ' O R ' OH RCH CHR + RCH2CHR OR ' REACTANT Amount used (g) H2O displaced (ml) 2-Bromobutane (2 pts) 1-Bromobutane (2 pts) bases as weak as cyanide ion (HCN pKa = 9) are used.E2/S Eliminations or substitutions may dominate with REACTANT N2 RATIO secondary alkyl halides, 2-Bromobutane (3 pts) depending upon the basicity of the base. Eliminations dominate when the bases are as basic as hydroxide 1-Bromobutane (3 pts) ion, but substitutions dominate when the bases are less basic than hydroxide ion (H2O In this experiment the effect of the alkyl group on the E2/SN2 ratio for the reaction of 1bromobutane and 2-bromobutane with potassium hydroxide in 95% ethanol will be examined by holding all other variables constant. The percent of E2 reaction for an alkyl halide can be calculated by comparing the experimentally determined volume of butene gas generated with theoretical volume of butene gas that could be generated if 100% elimination occurred. Assuming that all of the alkyl bromide reacts, the difference in the two percentages must be the percent of SN2 reaction. PROCEDURE Working in pairs and referring to the diagram below (Fig. 1), assemble the apparatus for the experiment. Dissolve 8 g of potassium hydroxide in 40 mL of 95% ethanol in the 100 mL round-bottomed flask. Add a magnetic stirring bar, attach a reflux condenser via a Claisen adapter (be sure to lightly grease the bottom joint of the adapter) that has the other opening closed off with a rubber septum. Place a thermowell on top of a magnetic stirring plate under the flask. Do not connect the separatory funnel to the reflux condenser until just before injecting the alkyl bromide. Start the magnetic stirrer and heat the solution to reflux. Maintain a constant rate of reflux throughout the rest of the experiment. Fig. 1: Apparatus for the Dehydrobromination Fill a 250 mL separatory funnel with water, attach a length of rubber tubing to the stopcock end, connect the other opening to the T-tube with another length of rubber tubing using a one-hole rubber stopper, and clamp it in the inverted position. At all times during the reaction, the T-tube will act as an overflow for water displaced from the separatory funnel. Open the stopcock of the funnel and adjust the height of the T-tube until the water in the funnel and the overflow point of the T-tube are at the same level. When these levels are the same, the pressure of the gas in the system should be the same as the atmospheric pressure, and any evolution of gas will result in the displacement of an equal volume of water. Fill a hypodermic syringe with either ~0.7 mL (~0.86 g, ~6 mmol) of 2-bromobutane or ~1.6 mL (~2.0 g, ~14 mmol) of 1-bromobutane and weigh the filled syringe. Introduce the bromobutane into the reaction flask through the rubber septum. Set the syringe aside so that you can reweigh it to determine the exact amount of the bromobutane added. Continue the reaction until no significant change in the volume displaced water occurs over a 5-minute period. To make a final reading of the volume of displaced water, adjust the height of the T-tube until it and the water in the separatory funnel are at the same level. The total volume of displaced water is now equal to the volume of butene gas generated at atmospheric pressure. Obtain the final volume of displaced water from a team that used the other bromobutane, and use both sets of data to calculate the E2/SN2 ratios for both bromobutanes by comparing the experimental final volumes of butene gas with the theoretical final volumes. % Each student needs to ultimately have the data recorded in his/her notebook! % Each group (2 students) will perform experiment with either 1-bromobutane or 2bromobutane as assigned to you by the teaching assistant. % Share data (weight of an alkyl halide used and amount of water displaced) obtained by other group(s) using the alkyl halide that you did not perform experiment with. % Keep the alkyl bromides capped and use a syringe to obtain directly from the container. % The final reaction mixture is KBr and can be discarded in the sink with plenty of running water. Name:_____________________________________ Section:__________ Date:________ POSTLAB EXERCISE Due 1 DETERMINATION OF E2/SN2 RATIO FOR THE REACTION OF AN ALKYL week HALIDE WITH POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE (Revised 10/20/2004) after completio n of the experime ntal pKa = 15.7). A. portion of R ' O R ' OH RCH CHR + the RCH2CHR X RCH2CHR OR ' notebook REACTANT Amount used (g) H2O displaced (ml) (30 pts 2-Bromobutane (2 pts) TOTAL). 1-Bromobutane (2 pts) Please REACTANT E2/SN2 RATIO answer PRODUCT INFORMATION (12 pts) 2-Bromobutane (3 pts) questions 1-Bromobutane (3 pts) on this pKa = 15.7). R ' O R ' OH RCH CHR + RCH2CHR OR ' form. RCH2CHR X REACTANT Amount used (g) H2O displaced (ml) 2-Bromobutane (2 pts) 1-Bromobutane (2 pts) CALCULATIONS using REACTANT(2 pts) Show one sample calculation E2/S N2 either RATIO2-bromonbutane or 1bromobutane. 2-Bromobutane (3 pts) 1-Bromobutane (3 pts) B. SUMMARY QUESTIONS (18 pts) In your summary include a discussion on reasons for the differences between the E2/S N2 ratios for the two alkyl bromides. 1. (4 pts) What is the significance of an E2/SN2 ratio >1? …<1? 2. (4 pts) Explain the differences between the E2/SN2 ratios for the two alkyl bromides. 1 (5 pts) Would the E2/SN2 ratios for 1-bromobutane and 2-bromobutane increase, decrease, or remain unchanged if potassium tert-butoxide (tert-butyl alcohol pKa = 19) were used as the base instead of potassium hydroxide? Explain your answer. 2 (5 pts) Would the E2/SN2 ratios for 1-bromobutane and 2-bromobutane be greater than 1.0 or less than 1.0 if the base used were (a) potassium tert-butoxide (tert-butyl alcohol pKa = 19) or (b) potassium acetate (acetic acid pKa = 4.75)? Explain your answer.