GRADE LEVEL: Intermediate

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GRADE LEVEL: Intermediate
AIMS: The students learn about Edinburgh. They practice reading and listening
comprehension. They learn how to find necessary information.
TIME: 45 min
EQUIPMENT: English Plus Intermediate CD roms, multimedia classroom
Tell the students they are going to talk about Scotland and then play a computer game (The
Adventure) which takes place in Scotland. Students work in pairs to answer the questions.
Scotland is a part of …
The capital of Scotland is …
The typical Scottish instrument is …
Scotsmen traditionally wear …
The most famous Scottish drink is …
The author of Ivanhoe is the famous Scottish novelist Sir …
Another well-known Scottish writer, among whose works are The Strange case of Dr
Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Treasure Island, is …
8. The name of the the famous Scottish romantic poet, who wrote the following, is…
O my Luve’s like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June,
O my Luve’s like the melody
That’s sweetly play’d in tune!
9. The name of the Scottish born-writer, author of the brilliant fictional detective Sherlock
Holmes is …
10. The actor Liam Neeson starred in a film about a legendary Scotsman from the early 18th
century. His name is …
11. The name of another legendary Scotsman, who was believed to be immortal and whose
life inspired an American TV serial, is …
12. The name of the Scottish queen who was executed in London by her cousin Queen
Elizabeth I in 1587 is …
Check the answers together when they have finished.
Invite the students to tell the class anything else they might know about Scotland.
1. Great Britain, the United Kingdom
2. Edinburgh
3. Bagpipes
4. Kilts
5. Whisky
6. Sir Walter Scott
Petra Škofič
7. Robert Louis Stevenson
8. Robert Burns
9. Arthur Conan Doyle
10. Rob Roy
11. James McCleod
12. Mary, Queen of Scots
a. Tell the students to read the description of the game.
The goal of the game is to find the object that is hidden in a room somewhere in the city. The
time you have and the amount of money you can spend are both limited. To begin with, there
is a riddle, which will give you some clues about the hidden object. You will find some
questions in the Question Menu to help you solve the riddle. You can check all the answers in
the guidebooks. When you are sure you know what and where the hidden object is, you can
send your messenger there and win the game. If you send it to the wrong place or choose the
wrong object, you lose.
b. Start the game and tell the students to read/listen to the riddle which appears on the screen.
They discuss its possible meanings.
If you know what I was, I could help you remember a
You will find the building I am in if you find the woman in
the story.
Someone said I’d be in a room with valuables, and that’s
where I am.
c. Divide the students into three groups. Each group opens the game and clicks on the
Question Menu, where they find some questions and people with answers which will help
them solve the riddle. Tell the students that only one of the answers to each question is
correct. Each group works on one question and makes notes about all the answers. When
finished they look in the guidebooks and try to find more information.
Open the Question Menu and find the answers to the first question:
Who is the “romantic”?
Check the answers you get in the guidebooks.
If you have problems, ask your teacher to give you the clues which
will help you
find more information.
Petra Škofič
Open the Question Menu and find the answers to the second question:
Who is the “woman in the story”?
Check the answers you get in the guidebooks.
If you have problems, ask your teacher to give you the clues which
will help you
find more information.
Open the Question Menu and find the answers to the third question:
Which room is full of valuables?
Check the answers you get in the guidebooks.
If you have problems, ask your teacher to give you the clues which
will help you
find more information.
1 Who is the “romantic”?
1. Anne, James McCleod’s
2. Mary Campbell
3. Elizabeth, Dowager,
Countess of Stair
4. One of the ordinary
women, featured in the
People’s Story Museum
3 Which room is the one full of valuables?
1. The Great Hall in the
Linlithgow Palace
2. The Toll Room in the
Canongate Tolbooth
3. The Crown Room in
Edinburgh Castle
4. The Manuscript Room in
the Lady Stair’s House
5. The Scottish Heroes’
Room in the Edinburgh
Wax Museum
Give students the handouts if they have difficulty in finding the solution.
Who is the “woman in the story”?
1. Robert Burns
2. Robert Louis Stevenson
3. James McCleod
£ 40
£ 10
£ 25
£ 20
£ 20
£ 35
£ 10
d. Tell each group to report what they have discovered and to discuss it with the other
groups. The students then decide which solution seems most probable and send their
messenger to that place. If they are wrong, they can try again.
Petra Škofič
The object
The woman in the story
The room full of valuables
The portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson
Elizabeth, Dowager — Countess of Stair
— about whom Sir Walter Scott’s story “My
Aunt Margaret’s Mirror” is written.
The Manuscript Room in Lady Stair’s
House, where a copy of Stevenson’s classic
novel, “Treasure Island”, can be found.
Find out everything you can about Robert Burns.
What’s the name of Robert Burns’s love?
What’s the title of the poem Robert burns wrote about her?
Where can you see this poem?
Where did Robert Burns like to spend his free time?
Find out everything you can about Robert Louis Stevenson.
Where can you find the manuscripts of some of his novels?
Find out about the woman who owned this place.
Who wrote a story about her?
Find out everything you can about James McCleod.
What was the name of his love?
Where can you find the statues of the couple?
Where can you find McCleod’s saber (=sword)?
Find out everything you can about Anne and James McCleod.
Where can you find the statues of the couple?
Where can you find McCleod’s saber (=sword)?
Find out everything you can about Mary Campbell and Robert Burns.
What’s the title of the poem Robert burns wrote about her?
Where can you see this poem?
Where did Robert Burns like to spend his free time?
Find out everything you can about Elizabeth, Dowager, Countess of Stair.
What is in her former house now?
Which manuscripts can you find there?
Who wrote a story about her? What is the title?
Where can you find the People’s Story Museum?
Petra Škofič
Find out everything you can about the Linlithgow Palace.
What can you find in the Great Hall? (Check the guidebook Famous People.)
Find out everything you can about the Canongate Tolbooth.
What is The People’s Story?
Find out everything you can about Edinburgh Castle.
Find out everything you can about the Lady Stair’s House.
Who was lady Stair?
Who wrote a story about her?
Which manuscripts can you find in her house?
Find out everything you can about the Edinburgh Wax Museum.
Whose statues can you find there?
Find out more about these people.
Petra Škofič