Assessment #7: Professional Development1 [start no later than ILAS 301] The purpose of this assessment is to verify that you are taking responsibility for your learning outside of class and are becoming involved in the larger foreign language profession. Starting during your first semester in the program, please fill out the template below (in both hard copy and electronic form), which is used to document your involvement in at least two of the following four areas: Efforts to improve language outside of class (e.g., club activities, conversational partners, study abroad, language house, tutoring, etc.) Attendance at professional development events such as conferences and workshops Advancement of knowledge of profession through readings from Professional Journals; Membership and involvement in professional organizations. In addition to documenting the name and date of each activity on the log, please describe your experiences in each activity and reflect on what you have learned as a result. Use the following chart to keep track of your professional involvement throughout your time in the program: Dates Nature / Name of Experiences or Learning that Activity Responsibilities Resulted from during Activity Activity Efforts to Improve Language Outside of Class (e.g., club activities, conversational partners, language house, tutoring, etc.) Attendance at Professional Development Events (e.g., conferences, workshops; speakers, etc.) Advancement of knowledge of profession through readings from professional journals Membership and involvement in professional organizations What do you plan to do in the future to become an active participant in the foreign language profession? 1 adapted from P a g e | 41 Assessment #7: Evaluation Rubric Unacceptable Acceptable Target Efforts to Improve Language Outside of Class Has done little to nothing to improve language proficiency outside of coursework. Has taken some steps to improve language proficiency outside of coursework. Attendance at Professional Development Events Has not attended any professional development events. Advancement of knowledge of profession through readings from professional journals Membership and involvement in professional organizations Has not read any professional journal articles. Describes learning that has resulted from attending 1-2 professional development events. Has read and discussed with peers at least 2 professional journal articles. Has developed a systematic approach to improving language proficiency outside of coursework. Describes learning that has resulted from attending 3 or more professional development events. Has independently accessed, read and discussed 3 or more professional journal articles. Has attended a regional meeting of the professional organization(s) and describes learning that has resulted from attending. Future Plans for Professional Involvement Has no immediate plans for becoming involved in the profession. Has not joined or become involved in any professional organization. Has joined at least one professional organization and identified ways in which participation in the organization(s) can shape professional growth. Has several ideas for ways to become involved in the profession. Has a clear vision of his/her role as an active participant in the profession. P a g e | 42 Assessment #7: Evaluation Form [to be completed by Teacher Licensure Advisor] Date ______________________________________________________________ Candidate Name ______________________________ Z# ____________________ Evaluator ___________________________________________________________ N/A Unacceptable Efforts to Improve Language Outside of Class Attendance at Professional Development Events Advancement of knowledge of profession through readings from professional journals Membership and involvement in professional organizations Future Plans for Professional Involvement overall evaluation: _________________ Acceptable Target