MIND AND MOVEMENT MODULE Medical Students SHO’s North West CPD SHO Training Scheme Student Handbook www.ManchesterPsychiatry.net CONTENTS Induction Programme ________________________________________________________ 1 General Information _________________________________________________________ 3 Welcome __________________________________________________________________ 3 Skills Acquisition ____________________________________________________________ 3 Skills Validation_____________________________________________________________ 3 Patient Contact _____________________________________________________________ 3 Clerking Validation __________________________________________________________ 4 Knowledge ________________________________________________________________ 4 Attendance ________________________________________________________________ 4 Undergraduate Textbooks ____________________________________________________ 4 Safety ____________________________________________________________________ 4 Clinical Teaching ___________________________________________________________ 5 Record of Patients Clerked __________________________________________________ 6 Skills Acquisition Record ___________________________________________________ 7 Communication and Dress Code for Medical Students ______________________________ 8 Psychiatry Weekly Lectures _________________________________________________ 9 Additional Teaching Sessions ______________________________________________ 10 NORTH STUDENTS _______________________________________________________ 11 General Information ________________________________________________________ 12 SAFIRE UNIT _____________________________________________________________ 14 PBL Groups from September 2006 ____________________________________________ 13 Student Allocations (4th Year) _________________________________________________ 18 On Call Allocation (NMGH-Medical Students) ____________________________________ 13 MRI STUDENTS ___________________________________________________________ 20 General Information ________________________________________________________ 21 SAFIRE UNIT _____________________________________________________________ 23 PBL Groups from September 2006 ____________________________________________ 25 Student Allocations (4th Year) - Team A - Dr Harrison ______________________________ 26 Student Allocations (4th Year) - Team B - Dr Poynton ______________________________ 27 On Call Allocation (Central- Medical Students) ___________________________________ 28 SOUTH STUDENTS ________________________________________________________ 29 General Information ________________________________________________________ 30 SAFIRE UNIT _____________________________________________________________ 32 Student Allocations (4th Year) - Team A _________________________________________ 33 Student Allocations (4th Year) - Team B _________________________________________ 34 On Call Allocation (South - Medical Students) ____________________________________ 35 Contact Details ___________________________________________________________ 36 2 UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY 4TH YEAR PSYCHIATRY ATTACHMENT General Information This handbook is intended to orientate students during their fourth year psychiatry attachment. Welcome Welcome to the psychiatric module of the Mind and Movement semester. You will be attached to us for four weeks, in addition to receiving a series of clinical skills lectures during the first week of the semester. Overall, we aim to teach you the acquisition of clinical skills relevant to psychiatry as well as helping you learn about major psychiatric disorders. As psychiatry is multi-professional and multi-dimensional, we encourage you to think socially, psychologically and biologically about the problems you are going to learn about. Your attachment in psychiatry will offer you the opportunity of working with non-medical team members and to understand how a multidisciplinary team works. You should make every effort to participate in this. Skills Acquisition You need to ensure that you acquire the necessary clinical skills during your attachment. These are: Principles and components of history taking and mental state examination. Examination of cognitive function, examination of psychotic phenomena. Examination of mood and assessment of suicide risk. Ability to take a history of alcohol and substance abuse. Skills Validation There is a self-assessment schedule (attached). In addition, your clinical teachers will review your skills acquisition with you. Patient Contact You are expected to clerk two patients per week and over the four weeks to see one or two patients from the following diagnostic categories: Two people with schizophrenia (preferably one acute, one rehabilitation) Two people with depressive disorder One person with bipolar disorder One person with dysthymia, anxiety disorder or other neurosis One person with dementia One person with alcohol or substance abuse 3 Clerking Validation There is an attached form for the record of patients clerked. This form will be collected at the end of your attachment and forward to the Undergraduate Dean. Knowledge Overall, the content of your new knowledge should be focused around the PBL cases. These are of dementia, affective disorder (including deliberate self-harm), schizophrenia (including other psychoses) and alcohol/substance misuse or aggression. Attendance One of your learning objectives for this attachment is to develop professional responsibility. Your teachers have gone to considerable trouble in organising your attachments. Thus attendance at all clinical sessions is compulsory and you are expected to attend all teaching sessions arranged for you. Failure to attend is both bad manners and poor professional conduct. As the Dean has asked to be informed of poor professional behaviour, attendance registers will be kept. If you cannot attend a session, you should inform the consultant or senior doctor running the session. Undergraduate Textbooks You are required to read background material. The PBL book has a recommended reading list and your clinical teachers will be able to give you additional advice. Safety It is important that you are aware of various aspects related to your own safety. Most patients with psychiatric problems are not violent or dangerous. However, a small number of patients who are acutely psychologically disturbed may be violent or aggressive. If you are seeing a patient on any of the inpatient wards, before you see the patient please check with a member of staff that the patient is safe to be interviewed alone. You should not see any patient by yourself whom the ward staff are concerned may be potentially violent. You may see that patient in the company of other health professionals if this can be arranged. You must not visit a patient in his or her home in the community unless a member of staff accompanies you. You may visit patients at day centers or residential units. When you interview a patient, always place yourself between the patient and the door of the interview room. If at any point you feel uneasy or alarmed 4 during the interview, end the interview immediately and leave. Most potentially violent situations can be defused. If the patient becomes angry, do not contradict the patient or try to argue with him or her. Try to make understanding statements, and if these do not work then suggest that the interview should be stopped. Clinical Teaching The consultants to whom you are attached will arrange teaching for you. Broadly speaking, this will consist of teaching on ward rounds, new patient clinics, follow-up clinics, multidisciplinary team meetings and home visits. In addition, most consultants will arrange at least one tutorial a week with one of their team members. There is one theatre-based event per week, (list attached) which will form the theoretical basis for your PBL case. You only need to attend these lectures whilst you are doing your psychiatry attachment. You are also strongly encouraged to spend some time with members of the multidisciplinary team (for example, community nurses or occupational therapists). 5 CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY – RECORD OF PATIENTS CLERKED Student Name: _______________________________________________ Firm: _______________________________________________________ Patient Initial Date Seen Diagnosis Signature of Clinical Lead 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 people with schizophrenia (1 acute, 1 rehab) 2 people with depression 1 person with bipolar disorder 1 person with dementia 1 person with dysthymia, anxiety disorder or other neurosis or adjustment disorder 1 person with alcohol or substance misuse disorder 6 UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY 4TH YEAR PSYCHIATRY ATTACHMENT RECORD OF SKILLS ACQUISITION Student Name: ______________________________________________ Firm: _____________________________________________________ SKILL SIGNATURE OF CLINICAL LEAD DATE Principles and components of history taking and mental state examination Examination of cognitive function, examination of psychotic phenomena Examination of mood and assessment of suicide risk Ability to take a history of alcohol and substance abuse TO BE SIGNED AND DATED BY THE CLINICAL LEAD WHEN THE STUDENT HAS ACQUIRED EACH SKILL 7 Communication and Dress Code for Medical Students University of Manchester ‘Graduates must be able to communicate clearly, sensitively and effectively with patients and their relatives, and colleagues from a variety of health and social professions. Clear communication will help them carry out their various roles, including clinician, team member, team leader and teacher. ‘Tomorrows Doctors’ GMC 2002 All medical schools, clinical and non-clinical teachers and medical students must respond to the guidance from the GMC set out in ‘Tomorrows Doctors’, which sets the standards for undergraduate medical education in the U.K. It has been shown that non-verbal communication is at least as important as verbal communication, so how a student or doctor appears to patients, relatives or colleagues means as much as what he or she says. It follows from the GMC guidance that students (and doctors) must in professional settings: Dress in a manner that adds to, and does not detract, from effective communication. How he/she appears as a student professional or a doctor is something all students and graduates must consider and respond to. In general, male and female students should be clean and smartly dressed. Thus the following are not permitted as they are deemed to be incompatible with effective, sensitive communication: o o o o Wearing a tee-shirt with slogans Visible body art Large amounts of body and face jewellery Revealing clothing that may be considered unacceptable by patients o Covering most of the face. This is true not only in clinical settings but also throughout the educational elements of the undergraduate programme, which is built around group work with other students and tutors In addition, the convention of some clinical units may require wearing white coats or other approved clothing. Hair should be tied back if it interferes with, or adds risk, to a clinical interaction Students must be able to participate fully in communication and other skills training, discussion and assessment. As well as adhering to the dress code above, it means being able to interact fully with patients, standardised patients, teachers and examiners of any cultural or ethnic background or either gender. 8 PSYCHIATRIC LECTURES (Each Wednesday commencing 1pm for 45 minutes) (Conference Room - New Rawnsley Building) Date 06 September 2006 Lecture Dementia Dr S Boopathy 13 September 2006 Depression & Suicide Dr I Anderson 20 September 2006 Venue All lectures to be delivered in the Conference Room, New Rawnsley Building Schizophrenia TBC 27 September 2006 Substance Abuse & Aggression /Personality Disorder M1 Lecture Theatre TBC 04 October 2006 Dementia Dr S Sundaresh 11 October 2006 Depression & Suicide Dr L Draper 18 October 2006 Schizophrenia Dr S Boopathy 25 October 2006 Substance Abuse & Aggression /Personality Disorder Dr Antonysamy 01 November 2006 All lectures to be delivered in the Conference Room, New Rawnsley Building Dementia Dr J Crosby 08 November 2006 Depression & Suicide Dr L Draper 15 November 2006 Schizophrenia Dr A Fryer 22 November 2006 Substance Abuse & Aggression /Personality Disorder Dr S Kopparthi 9 Additional Teaching Sessions You must ensure you make full use of these extra sessions. Should you experience any difficulties in accessing sessions please contact Samantha on 0161 720 2905 or email sam@manchesterpsychiatry.net. Students can attend any of the sessions regardless of base hospital. Most services can only accept a maximum of 2-4 students per session, so please reserve your slot early. Sign Up Psychosexual Clinic Stimulant Service Affective Disorders ECT (MRI) ECT (North) ECT (South) Video Studio Memory Clinic Rehabilitation: Millbrook Unit Rehabilitation: Douglas House Alcohol Addiction Clinics Contact Dr Webster’s Secretary 0161 276 5354 Sue Lewis 0161 819 2020 Dr Andersons Secretary 0161 275 7427 ECT Suite 0161 276 5421 ECT Suite 0161 720 2009 Dr Lennon’s Secretary 0161 290 6940 Nick Jordan 0161 291 5926 Geraldine 0161 291 6942 Medical Student Notice Board, Laureate House Medical Student Notice Board, Laureate House Dr Daly’s Secretary 0161 611 4166 Community Drug Team Venue St Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road Glentop House, Cheetham Hill MRI ECT Suite, MRI Treatment Suite, Park House ECT Suite, Laureate House ERC Building, Wythenshawe Laureate House 57 Wastdale Road, Newall Green, M23 2RX 54 Barlow Moor Road, Manchester, M20 2TR Brian Hore Unit, Withington Hospital Various local venues 0161 490 2251 Community Detoxification Team Stimulant Clinic Old Age SpR Clinic General Psychiatry SpR Clinic General Psychiatry SpR Clinic 0161 273 4040 Sue Lewis 0161 819 2020 Notice Board, 1st Floor, Laureate House Glentop House, Cheetham Hill Glentop House, Cheetham Hill Laureate House 10 NORTH STUDENTS Locality, Allocation & OnCall Details 11 UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY NORTH MANCHESTER GENERAL HOSPITAL (4th Year) General Information Welcome to the psychiatry part of the Mind and Movement Module. During your attachment in psychiatry, you will be attached to small individual teams so that that you will receive personalised teaching and clinical experiences, which match your curriculum requirements. Details of Attachment You will be attached to one of the following Consultants: Dr Polley (General Psychiatry) Dr Purandare (Old Age Psychiatry) Dr J S Bamrah (Old Age Psychiatry) Dr R Drake (General Psychiatry) Dr S Bahia (General Psychiatry) Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: 720 (4) 2747 720 (4) 2421 720 (4) 2442 720 (4) 2035 720 (4) 2088 This handout identifies the Consultant you will be attached to and also the individual with whom you should contact on your first day in psychiatry. On-call during the Psychiatry Attachment You are expected to do 1 or 2 days on-call. A list of when you’ve been allocated on call duties is attached to this pack. On the day you are on-call, you should make yourself known to the following people: Psychiatric Nurse Liaison Team: Tel: 720 2560 Duty Psychiatrist: Bleep: 4 4281 Duty Bleep-holder: Bleep: 4 4070 You should make yourself known to the doctor on-call for each shift so that they can contact you when there is an assessment to be done. One on-call bleep will be made available. The first person on-call should get the bleep from Sam Abbott in Medical Education at Park House; (c/o SAFIRE). It is your responsibility to ensure that the bleep is passed on to the next person on-call, or left at Medical Education. At the end of the attachment, it is the responsibility of the last medical student on-call to return the bleep to the Medical Education Department. Postgraduate Centre There is a library in the postgraduate centre, which has access to most common journals. There is also a large collection of books. 12 Internet and email facilities are also available in the postgraduate department. Sign Up Sessions You need to observe at least one session of ECT during your attachment. ECT occurs in the ECT Suite in Park House on Tuesdays and Fridays. There is a sign up sheet in the ECT Department and there is one slot available for students on each ECT day (Tuesday’s and Friday’s). Attendance with the Manchester Drug Service is via appointment, please contact Phil Doherty on 273 4040. In addition, please make every effort to access the sign up sessions at the MRI or Wythenshawe which include the affective disorders and psychosexual clinics – a list of which you will find on page 10 of this booklet. Tutorials In addition to the teaching with your firms, you will receive a tutorial from one of the specialist registrars. Dr. Longson will inform you of the time-tabling for this when you start your clinical attachments. North Manchester catchment area: Collyhurst Crumpsall Harpurhey Higher Openshaw Langley Middleton Miles Platting Moston New Moston Newton Heath Openshaw Ancoats Ardwick Beswick Clayton High Blackley Blackley Bradford Cheetham Cheetham Hill City Centre Piccadilly Whilst these localities are our natural catchment area it is always reasonable to check with the Bed Managers and Consultant on call whether a patient comes under our services. Other areas covered include: Prestwich Middleton Whitefield (Part of Bury and Rochdale Health Authority) Department of Psychiatry The Department of Psychiatry in North Manchester General Hospital is part of the Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust. It is based at Park House, a purpose built in patient unit with outpatient facilities 13 General Adult psychiatry patients are admitted to the three acute admission wards, Elm ward (42030), Redwood Ward (42028) and Willow ward (42013). In total, there are fifty five acute admission beds and one mother and baby bed on Redwood ward. These wards accept admission for patients between the age of 16 years and 65 years though occasionally older patients will be cared for temporarily before transfer to elderly services. The Old Age psychiatry service for patients who are older than 65 years there is a purpose built unit with 41 beds, 21 of which are used for enduring mental health problems and continued care for illnesses such as dementia. The General Adult Community Service is provided by the three Community Mental Health Teams, CMHT A. CMHT B, and CMHT C. The Community Mental Health Team provides a 24hr, 7 days a week service. Each Community Mental Health Team works with a defined group of GP’s for whom they provide all the liaison/assessment and treatment services. Each Community Mental Health Team provides two elements of service, Acute Home treatment and support for patients with enduring mental health problems. The purpose of the acute home treatment is to prevent hospital admissions and facilitate earlier discharge. The Community Mental Health Teams have access to a multi-disciplinary input, including psychology, occupational therapy, Art Therapy and Psychotherapy. Each Community Mental Health Team has a lead consultant and one clinical co-ordinator who is the senior nurse and has a responsibility for day to day management of the team. Clinical Psychology is based in a building opposite Park House; Occupational Therapy is based in Park House. The Psychotherapy service is based in Macartney House in Harpurhey. SAFIRE SAFIRE is a unique service for the intensive resolution of psychiatric emergencies. SAFIRE offers patients who present in North, Central or South Manchester up to 48 hours of intensive multidisciplinary assessment, during which time staff aim to identify suitable alternatives to in-patient care. About half the patients are discharged from SAFIRE back to community services. SAFIRE offers assessments to patients with a wide range of diagnoses, ranging from severe psychosis, to adjustment reactions, moderate depression, substance misuse and personality difficulties. Many of the patients have not had previous contact with psychiatric services. You are strongly encouraged to see patients on SAFIRE. There are new patients everyday, and many will not have seen junior doctors before. SAFIRE is open Saturday 0700 to Thursday 1700 every week. This is an opportunity for you to see first hand a unique and award-winning service. There are no equivalents anywhere else in the UK. Apart from giving 14 you the opportunity of seeing up to 15 new patients per week, SAFIRE will also show you the benefits of multidisciplinary team-work. Students are welcomed on SAFIRE, although there are times when it may not be appropriate for students to be present. Remember that every patient there presented as an emergency just a few hours previously. You MUST ask for permission from the Shift-leader before seeing patients on SAFIRE, and on some occasions the staff may invite you to participate on one of their assessments rather than seeing the patient on your own. Old Age Services Any patient over the age of 65 presenting as an emergency at Accident and Emergency or on the wards at North Manchester should be seen by the Duty Doctor and the case discussed with Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry during working hours. Referrals from General Practitioners should be passed directly to Consultants in Old Age Psychiatry’s secretary during working hours. Nonurgent cases from the general wards should be directed to these doctors via their secretary. There are several elements to the elderly services, which are summarised below; normally most referrals are processed via the consultant and secretarial staff. Cedar Ward Provides acute psychiatric assessment for older people over 65 years of age. Presenting factors must be psychiatric in nature. Provision of physical assessment to be provided by physicians. (Routine physical check-up on admission must be performed by admitting SHO) Community link via C.P.N. service. Utilise C.P.A. to develop multi-disciplinary coordinated approach. Work closely with older age care teams regarding discharge planning. The Orchard Unit In-patient specialist continuing respite and day hospital care. Admission criteria as agreed in national continuing health care guidance. Provides a specialist model for the most complex needs in individuals over years. Available to all users in north Manchester, Bury & Rochdale. Specialist respite care (non-social care). Liaison Services for the Elderly Emergency referrals will have to be dealt with by the Duty SHO. Available to any client over 65 in a non-psychiatric bed where a mental health need is identified. Access/Diagnose/Advise/Educate. Single point access 15 Nursing screening Coordinated Liaison Team Preventative approach Reduction of crisis Intervention CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) Assessments of mental state to individuals experiencing acute and chronic mental health problems e.g. elderly people with depression, psychotic states and loss and bereavement. Support to relatives and carers. Administer depot medication. Family therapy. Counseling skills. Can provide some intensive input (short term). EDIT: Elderly Dementia Intervention Team EDIT works alongside: People 65+ Who present with challenging behaviour. Living in Residential Homes, Nursing Homes and their own home. Who have continuing health care needs Any person who meets the above criteria, can open referral providing the person has a diagnosis of dementia from a consultant Reduce the potential for individuals to be admitted to hospital, or long stay social care. CDS (Community Dementia Service) Screening, assessment, treatment and/or onward referral of clients referred to the service. Work with GP’s, specialist psychiatric medical staff, other clinicians and outside agencies to deliver short and long term care packages. Provide early interventions to people with dementia. THIS SERVICE IS UNDERGOING CHANGES TO PROVIDE AN INTENSIVE SUPPORT SERVICE TO ELDERLY PEOPLE WITH SEVERE FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE COMMUNITY 16 PBL Groups from September 2006 PBL Group 1- North Garwi Choy Shehla Nasr Shameela Zulfiqar PBL Tutor: Dr Damien Longson Jamie Barnes 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September 2006, 3.00pm Please report to Medical Gemma Barrow Education Department Donna Loh (Safire Unit), NMGH Nesba Naheed Yei Wei Chua PBL Group 2 - Central Kaltum Adam Mohammed Fatma Amin Jakibai Kimis PBL Tutor: Dr Bob Baldwin Mehreen Jameel 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September 2006, 3.00pm 2nd Floor, Rawnsley Building, MRI Ben Cowie Nikolaos Ioannou Bethany Haves Tara Das PBL Group 3 - Central Amy Gilbert Nicholas Riches Cassandra Sobajo Anne Hardiman Dora Moon PBL Tutor: Dr Andy Proctor 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September, 3.00pm 2nd Floor, Rawnsley Building, MRI Barbara Levy Neil Prasad Amina Jameel 17 North Manchester General Hospital Student Allocations (4th Year) Date Consultant PBL Group Student 1 Shehla Nasr 1 Shameela Zulfiqar 1 Jamie Barnes 1 Gemma Barrow 1 Nesba Naheed 1 Yei Wei Chua 1 Garwi Choy 1 Donna Loh 4 Danielle Doherty 4 Zoë Hutchinson Dr R Polley Dr R Drake 04 September 2006 to 29 September 2006 Dr Bahia Drs Bamrah/Purandare Dr R Polley Tuesday 05/09/06 – Julie Grimoldby (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Tuesday 05/09/06 – Kay Higgins (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Tuesday 05/09/06 – Linda McBride (Secretary) 9.30am Sir Sidney Hamburger Unit, Park House Tuesday 03/10/06 – Sam Marsden (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Tuesday 03/10/06 – Julie Grimoldby (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH 4 Johanne ThorntonChan Ryan Howle Tuesday 03/10/06 – Kay Higgins (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH 4 Anna McGlone 4 Jennifer Kingston 7 Joseph El Sheikha 7 Elizabeth Babatunde Tuesday 03/10/06 – Linda McBride (Secretary) 9.30am Sir Sidney Hamburger Unit, Park House Tuesday 31/10/06 – Sam Marsden (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH 4 4 Dr Bahia Drs Bamrah/Purandare Dr R Polley 7 Dr R Drake 30 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 Tuesday 05/09/06 – Sam Marsden (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Imran Yusuf 4 Dr R Drake 02 October 2006 to 27 October 2006 1st Day Reporting Arrangements Daniela Azopardi 7 7 Simon Barr 7 James Childs Dr Bahia Tuesday 31/10/06 – Julie Grimoldby (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Tuesday 31/10/06 – Kay Higgins (Secretary) 9.30am Park House, NMGH Tuesday 31/10/06 – Linda McBride (Secretary) 9.30am Sir Sidney Hamburger Unit, 7 Namrata Singh Park House Breaking Bad News training is compulsory for all students and they are therefore unavailable between 9.30am and 12.30pm on the 6 September, 18 October and 8 November 2006 7 Sophie Hill Drs Bamrah/Purandare 18 On Call Allocation (NMGH - Medical Students) DAY DATE Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 05 06 07 08 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday 03 04 05 06 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 01 02 03 07 08 09 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 NAME September 2006 Shehla Nasr Shameela Zulfiqar Jamie Barnes Gemma Barrow Nesba Naheed Yei Wei Chua Garwi Choy Donna Loh Shehla Nasr Shameela Zulfiqar Jamie Barnes Gemma Barrow Nesba Naheed Yei Wei Chua Garwi Choy Donna Loh October 2006 Danielle Doherty Zoë Hutchinson Anna McGlone Jennifer Kingston Johanne Thornton-Chan Ryan Howle Imran Yusuf Danielle Doherty Zoë Hutchinson Anna McGlone Jennifer Kingston Johanne Thornton-Chan Ryan Howle Imran Yusuf November 2006 Joseph El Sheikha Elizabeth Babatunde Sophie Hill Namrata Singh Simon Barr James Childs Daniela Azopardi Joseph El Sheikha Elizabeth Babatunde Sophie Hill Namrata Singh Simon Barr James Childs Daniela Azopardi 19 MRI STUDENTS Locality, Allocation & OnCall Details 20 UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY MRI ATTACHMENT (4TH YEAR) General Information Welcome to the psychiatry part of the Mind and Movement Module. During your attachment in psychiatry, you will be attached to small individual teams so that you will receive personalised teaching and clinical experiences which match your curriculum requirements. Allocations Students attending Manchester Royal Infirmary are allocated to one of two groups: team A and team B (appendix A). Medical staff attached to each team are detailed below. The lead SpRs for each team will allocate you to individual consultants. All the students attached to one team will come together for activities such as PBL teaching and tutorials. You will be attached to us for four weeks. TEAM A TEAM B DR JUDY HARRISON DR AMANDA POYNTON Dr Garvey, Dr Jefferson, Dr Soni, Dr Alnuamaani Dr Parillon, Dr Mukherjee, Dr Poynton, Dr Chatoor LEAD SpR Dr Al-Kamil Dr R McConvey Supporting SpRs Dr Khosroshahy TBC Old Age Resource Dr Harry Allen SpR TBC Dr Joy Ratcliffe PBL Tutors Dr Bob Baldwin Dr Andy Proctor LEAD EDUCATOR Supporting Consultant 21 Notice Board There will be a student notice board on the wall just outside reception in the Rawnsley Building. Please check this for any recent information that is not in the handouts as well as the sign-up sheet for ECT, and the clinics. On-Call During the psychiatry attachment, you are expected to do one day on-call. A list of when you have been allocated on-call duties is attached. On the day that you are on-call, you should make yourself known to the following people: Psychiatric Nurse Liaison Team: Tel: 276 5279 Pager No: 07659 183 920 (Team Leader – Louise Douglas) Duty psychiatrist: dial 81 5365 The first person on-call should get the bleep from the hospital switchboard. It is your responsibility to ensure that the bleep is passed on to the next person oncall. At the end of the attachment, it is the responsibility of the last medical student on-call to return the bleep to the switchboard. Additional Resources There is a library on the 2nd floor of the New Rawnsley Building. The library contains many current psychiatric journals as well as a large collection of books. Internet and e-mail facilities are available on the ground floor of the Rawnsley Building, near the back door. The Psychiatric Services Rawnsley Building The Rawnsley Building is the main centre of the Directorate of Psychiatry. All general consultant psychiatrists have offices in the Rawnsley Building and run outpatient clinics from the building. It is also the site of the Home Option Service. This is the 24 hour community based service that treats patients in their own homes as opposed to hospital. Most PBL teaching sessions will take place in the Rawnsley Building. Your particular consultant firm will notify you of details for the sessions. 22 Liaison Nurses Louise Douglas and her team are located in the Accident and Emergency Department. You need to make yourself known to them, particularly when you are on-call. York House York House is the main old age psychiatry unit. It has a day hospital and two inpatient wards. The offices of consultants Dr Baldwin, Dr Radcliffe and Dr Allen are in York House. Edale Unit The Edale Unit is a three-storey inpatient psychiatric unit. It consists of four wards, one of which is a psychiatric intensive care unit. Consultants who have beds on the Edale Unit are Dr Procter, Dr Mukherjee, Dr Garvey, Dr Soni and Dr Chatoor. Carisbrook Centre Carisbrook is a resource centre that provides the community base for old age psychiatry. The unit is situated in Gorton about 1.5 miles from the MRI and the locum in Old Age Psychiatry, is based there along with CPNs and other community staff. Kath Locke Centre The Kath Locke Centre is the base for the West Sector Community Mental Health Team, and the Mental Health Social Services. It is about 1.5 miles from the MRI, in Hulme. High Elms This is the base for the East and Central Sector Community Mental Health Teams. It is located on Upper Park Road; about 5 minutes walk from the Rawnsley Building. Chorlton House This is located in Chorlton opposite the Barbakan Delicatessen. The first floor houses the Chorlton & Whalley Range Team, and Trust HQ is on the top floor. Dr Alnuamaani & Dr Harrison’s team are located on the ground floor. SAFIRE UNIT (Park House, North Manchester General Hospital) SAFIRE is a unique service for the intensive resolution of psychiatric emergencies. SAFIRE offers patients who present in North, Central or South Manchester up to 48 hours of intensive multidisciplinary assessment, during which time staff aim to identify suitable alternatives to in-patient care. About half the patients are discharged from SAFIRE back to community services. 23 SAFIRE offers assessments to patients with a wide range of diagnoses, ranging from severe psychosis, to adjustment reactions, moderate depression, substance misuse and personality difficulties. Many of the patients have not had previous contact with psychiatric services. You are strongly encouraged to see patients on SAFIRE. There are new patients everyday, and many will not have seen junior doctors before. SAFIRE is open Saturday 0700 to Thursday 1700 every week. This is an opportunity for you to see first hand a unique and award-winning service. There are no equivalents anywhere else in the UK. Apart from giving you the opportunity of seeing up to 15 new patients per week, SAFIRE will also show you the benefits of multidisciplinary team-work. Students are welcomed on SAFIRE, although there are times when it may not be appropriate for students to be present. Remember that every patient there presented as an emergency just a few hours previously. You MUST ask for permission from the Shift-leader before seeing patients on SAFIRE, and on some occasions the staff may invite you to participate on one of their assessments rather than seeing the patient on your own. Contact 720 4816 if you would like to arrange a time to visit. 24 PBL Groups from September 2006 PBL Group 1- North Garwi Choy Shehla Nasr Shameela Zulfiqar PBL Tutor: Dr Damien Longson Jamie Barnes 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September 2006, 3.00pm Please report to Medical Gemma Barrow Education Department Donna Loh (Safire Unit), NMGH Nesba Naheed Yei Wei Chua PBL Group 2 - Central Kaltum Adam Mohammed Fatma Amin Jakibai Kimis PBL Tutor: Dr Bob Baldwin Mehreen Jameel 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September 2006, 3.00pm 2nd Floor, Rawnsley Building, MRI Ben Cowie Nikolaos Ioannou Bethany Haves Tara Das PBL Group 3 - Central Amy Gilbert Nicholas Riches Cassandra Sobajo Anne Hardiman Dora Moon PBL Tutor: Dr Andy Proctor 1st PBL Session: Friday 8th September, 3.00pm 2nd Floor, Rawnsley Building, MRI Barbara Levy Neil Prasad Amina Jameel 25 Manchester Mental Health & Social Care NHS Trust - MRI Student Allocations (4th Year) TEAM A – Dr Judy Harrison Date Consultant PBL Student 1st Day Reporting Arrangements Group Kaltum Mohammed 2 Fatma Amin Jakibai Kimis 2 04 September 2006 to 29 September 2006 Mehreen Jameel Ben Cowie 2 SpR to Dr Harrison Tues 5 September 2006 09.00am – Rawnsley Building Nikolaos Ioannou Bethany Haves 2 Tara Das Schicao Sun 5 Sharon Widdowfield Laura Barber 02 October 2006 to 27 October 2006 5 Jane Sams Daniel Cooke 5 SpR to Dr Harrison Tues 03 October 2006 09.00am – Rawnsley Building Cameron Abbott Christopher Chandler 5 Amy Wong Talal Al Quaoud 8 Sarah Al Youha 30 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 Mark Gilhooly 8 Neal Larkman Lisa Crammer SpR to Dr Harrison 31 October 2006 09.00am – Rawnsley Building 8 Mattea Soloman Abdullatif Albusairi 8 Stephenie Tiew Breaking Bad News training is compulsory for all students and they are therefore unavailable between 9.30am and 12.30pm on the 6 September, 18 October and 8 November 2006. 26 Manchester Mental Health & Social Care NHS Trust - MRI Student Allocations (4th Year) TEAM B – Dr Amanda Poynton Date Consultant PBL Student 1st Day Reporting Arrangements Group Amy Gilbert 3 Nicholas Riches Anne Hardiman 3 04 September 2006 to 29 September 2006 Dora Moon Cassandra Sobajo SpR to Dr Poynton Tuesday 05 September 2006 09.30am - Rawnsley Building 3 Barbara Levy Neil Prasad 3 Amina Jameel Nural Akmal Obet 6 Lydia Kamarazuman Julian Rycroft 6 02 October 2006 to 27 October 2006 Olivia Clancy Jonathan Shaw 6 SpR to Dr Poynton Tuesday 03 October2006 09.30am - Rawnsley Building Claire Lamont Rosmawati Ahmad 6 Angela Hayes Ivy Nguyen 9 Janice Chan Anisa Nasir 9 30 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 Thomas Nelson Nasir Saeed SpR to Dr Poynton 31 October 2006 09.30am - Rawnsley Building 9 Caesar Wek Susan Grey 9 Laura Cooper Breaking Bad News training is compulsory for all students and they are therefore unavailable between 9.30am and 12.30pm on the 6 September, 18 October and 8 November 2006. 27 On Call Allocation (Central - Medical Students) DAY DATE Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 05 06 07 08 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday 03 04 05 06 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 01 02 03 07 08 09 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 NAME September 2006 Kaltum Adam Mohammed Fatma Amin Jakibai Kimis Mehreen Jameel Ben Cowie Nikolaos Ioannou Bethany Haves Tara Das Amy Gilbert Nicholas Riches Anne Hardiman Dora Moon Cassandra Sobajo Barbara Levy Neil Prasad Amina Jameel October 2006 Schicao Sun Sharon Widdowfield Laura Barber Jane Sams Daniel Cooke Cameron Abbott Christopher Chandler Amy Wong Nural Akmal Obet Lydia Kamarazuman Julian Rycroft Olivia Clancy Jonathan Shaw Claire Lamont Rosmawati Ahmed Angela Hayes Talal Al Quaoud November 2006 Sarah Al Youha Mark Gilhooly Neal Larkman Lisa Crammer Mattea Soloman Abdullatif Albusairi Stephanie Tiew Ivy Nguyen Janice Chan Anisa Nasir Thomas Nelson Nasir Saeed Caesar Wek Susan Grey Laura Cooper 28 SOUTH STUDENTS Locality, Allocation & OnCall Details 29 UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY WYTHENSHAWE HOSPITAL ATTACHMENT (4TH YEAR) General Information Welcome to the psychiatry part of the Mind and Movement Module. During your attachment in psychiatry, you will be allocated to small teams so that you will have clinical experiences which match your curriculum requirements. Allocations and PBL Sessions Groups of 3-4 students are allocated to one consultant team and 2 groups are allocated to a SpR PBL tutor. Your consultant’s secretary will give you a timetable at the beginning of your attachment and tell you who your PBL tutor is. The groups allocated to Dr Hyde and Dr Wieck will have their PBL sessions in the seminar room in the first floor of the office corridor and the groups allocated to Dr Hopkins and Dr Mbaya will have their PBL session in the conference room on the first floor office corridor in Laureate House. Time Tables When you present to your consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of your attachment you will receive a time table and the time for the introductory session with your consultant on the same day. If the consultant is not available you will have an introduction by the team’s SpR. Notice Board You will find the sign-in sheets for some sessions on the wall between the Tribunal Room and Seminar Room 1. Consultants and SpR’s will also use that space to notify you of any changes in teaching arrangements. Sign-Up Sessions You can find a list of sign up sessions in the front of this handbook. For some of the sessions you need to phone the relevant secretary or organizer and for some you need to sign up on the sheets on the medical student’s notice board. You can also sign into sessions held at MRI or North Manchester- a list of which you will find on page 11 of this booklet. On-Call During the psychiatry attachment, you are expected to do one day on-call. A list of when you have been allocated on-call duties is attached. On the day that you are on-call, you should make yourself known to the following people: Psychiatric Nurse Liaison Team: Tel: 291 6949, Team leaders Khye Johnson and Margaret Doherty, # 6493 or page via switchboard. 30 Duty psychiatrist: # 6525, or bleep via switchboard. Please arrange contact details so that the duty psychiatrist can call you when s/he is seeing a case. The Mental Health Liaison nursing team is based in the room behind inpatient reception. You can accompany these colleagues for assessments in A&E and on the medical and surgical wards. Additional Resources Please use the ERC library for computing and access to journals and books. Please feel free to use all the learning opportunities offered to you in the Department of Psychiatry. Staff will usually be eager to help you but you need to ask! If you encounter any difficulties, or if there is something you wish to discuss, feel free to approach either the consultant on your team, or the Undergraduate Tutor, Dr Angelika Wieck, whose secretary is on 291 6930 or Samantha Abbott, Medical Education Manager on 720 2905. The Psychiatric Services Laureate House Laureate House is the main centre of the Directorate of Psychiatry. All general consultant psychiatrists have offices in Laureate House and run outpatient clinics from the building. It is also the site of all inpatient wards the Clinical Psychology Service and the Mental Health Liaison Team. All PBL sessions and consultant tutorials take place in Laureate House. Inpatient Wards The following wards are in Laureate House: Bronte 1 and 2: Adult Psychiatry Blake: Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit Cavendish: Old Age Psychiatry Andersen: Mother and Baby Unit Liaison Nurses The team is located behind the inpatient reception. They see patients in A&E and on medical and surgical wards. You need to make yourself known to them when you are on-call (see below) Milbrook Unit This is a 12-bedded rehabilitation unit located in Wythenshawe a few minutes from the hospital. The consultant is Dr Julie Jones. 31 Douglas House This unit in Didsbury also provides residential care for 12 psychiatric patients requiring rehabilitation. The consultant is Dr Weerakoon who is working with us temporarily as a locum. Kingslea House This is the base for most of the Community Mental Health Teams working in the sectors north of the river Mersey. They work with the consultants Dr Hyde, Dr Wieck, and Dr Massie (currently temporarily covered by Dr Weerakoon). It is located on Francis Street off Cotton Lane in Withington. Chorlton House This is the Trust head quarter and is located in 70 Manchester Road in Chorlton opposite the Barbakan Delicatessen. The first floor houses the Community Mental Health Teams for the South Sector of South Manchester (teams of Dr Mbaya, Dr Hopkins, Dr Jones and Dr Thomas). SAFIRE UNIT (Park House, North Manchester General Hospital) SAFIRE is a service for the intensive resolution of psychiatric emergencies. SAFIRE offers patients who present in North, Central or South Manchester up to 48 hours of intensive multidisciplinary assessment. You are strongly encouraged to see patients on SAFIRE. There are new patients everyday, and many will not have seen junior doctors before. SAFIRE is open Saturday 0700 to Thursday 1700 every week. This is an opportunity for you to see first hand a unique and award-winning service. There are no equivalents anywhere else in the UK. Apart from giving you the opportunity of seeing up to 15 new patients per week, SAFIRE will also show you the benefits of multidisciplinary team-work. Students are welcomed on SAFIRE, although there are times when it may not be appropriate for students to be present. Remember that every patient there presented as an emergency just a few hours previously. You MUST ask for permission from the Shift-leader before seeing patients on SAFIRE, and on some occasions the staff may invite you to participate on one of their assessments rather than seeing the patient on your own. Contact 720 4816 if you would like to arrange a time to visit. 32 Manchester Mental Health & Social Care NHS Trust - Wythenshawe Student Allocations (4th Year) – Team A Date Consultant PBL Student 1st Day Reporting Arrangements Group Dr Hyde Sarah Kenyon 1 Dr Hyde Jennifer Thornhill Dr Hyde 04 September 2006 to 29 September 2006 Vikrant Gautam 1 Dr Hyde Gareth Jones Yaalini Shanmugabavan Dr Wieck 1 Dr Wieck Adil Salim Dr Wieck All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. Simon Hickman 1 Dr Wieck Sam McMahon Dr Hyde Weyma Forshaw Dr Hyde 3 Dr Hyde 02 October 2006 to 27 October 2006 Lulu Wang Sarah Gillingham 3 Dr Hyde Jamie Adams Dr Wieck Sarah Hart 3 Dr Wieck Rachel Greer Dr Wieck All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. Graham Black 3 Dr Wieck Grainne Dowds Dr Hyde Sandesh Acharya 5 Dr Hyde Bhagteshwar Singh Dr Hyde 30 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 William Evans 5 Dr Hyde Kaivan Khavandi Dr Wieck Joanna Clifford-Brown 5 Dr Wieck Kerry Foster Dr Wieck All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. Siobhane Bond 5 Dr Wieck Richard Cowan 33 Manchester Mental Health & Social Care NHS Trust - Wythenshawe Student Allocations (4th Year) – Team B Date Consultant PBL Student 1st Day Reporting Arrangements Group Dr Hopkins Gurkirat Panesar 2 Dr Hopkins Paul Culatto Dr Hopkins 04 September 2006 to 29 September 2006 Amit Sud 2 Dr Hopkins Mayur Saksena Dr Mbaya Elizabeth Platt 2 Dr Mbaya Amina Rezgui Dr Mbaya All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. Nicholas Truman 2 Dr Mbaya Gareth Simpkins Dr Hopkins Rachel Lee 4 Dr Hopkins Nick Beattie Dr Hopkins 02 October 2006 to 27 October 2006 Karim Adab 4 Dr Hopkins Thomas Gullet Dr Mbaya Lisa Joseph 4 Dr Mbaya Sophie Harris Dr Mbaya All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. Peter Baker 4 30 October 2006 to 24 November 2006 Dr Mbaya David Baker Dr Hopkins Azher Nawaz Dr Hopkins Attique Shafique Dr Hopkins Bonnie Posselt Dr Hopkins Amelia Hendry Dr Mbaya Poonam Chuni Dr Mbaya Raghda Elghazawy Dr Mbaya Rachel Sissons Dr Mbaya Sonya Gill All students to report to their Consultant’s secretary on the first Tuesday of their attachment between 9.00 and 9.30 and obtain a timetable. You will be given a time for your induction with your Consultant or SpR on the same day. Please note that on the first day you will also have your first tutorial in Old Age Psychiatry with Dr Jane Byrne between 12.00 and 1.00 in the School of Psychiatry, ERC, Seminar Room 9 or 10. 34 On Call Allocation (South - Medical Students) DAY DATE September 2006 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 05 06 07 08 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday 03 04 05 06 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 01 02 03 07 08 09 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 NAME Sarah Kenyon Jennifer Thornhill Vikrant Gautam Gareth Jones Yaalini Shanmugabavan & Salim Adil Samuel Thornton Simon Hickman Sam McMahon Ankur Khanna & Rini Chakrabarti Gurkirat Panesar Amit Sud Mayur Saksena Elizabeth Platt & Amina Rezgui Nicholas Truman & Gareth Simpkins Emma Campbell & Sarah Eckhardt Paul Culatto October 2006 Sarah Gillingham Weyma Forshaw Lulu Wang Jamie Adams Sarah Hart & Rachel Greer Graham Black & Grainne Dowds Richard McGuire James Tollit Mellisa Bouchard & Claire Webster Rachel Lee Karim Adab & Thomas Gullet Lisa Joseph & Sophie Harris Nick Beattie Peter Baker & David Baker James Howard Holly Algar & Abigail Whitehouse Sandesh Acharya November 2006 Bhagteshwar Singh William Evans Kaivan Khavandi Joanna Clifford-Brown Kerry Foster Siobhane Bond & Richard Cowan Ayo Olatoye Natalie Hester & Helena Mulkeen Azher Nawaz Bonnie Posselt & Amelia Hendry Poonam Chuni & Raghda Elghzawy Attique Shafique Rachel Sissons & Sonya Gill Sammy Syed Rebecca Unsworth & Helen Spofforth 35 Contact Details Please feel free to use all the learning opportunities offered to you in the Department of Psychiatry. Staff will usually be eager to help you but you need to ask! If you encounter any difficulties, or if there is something you wish to discuss, feel free to approach either the consultant on your team, or the Director for Medical Education, Dr Damien Longson, whose secretary is on 720 4867 or Samantha Abbott, Medical Education Manager on 720 2905. Don’t forget… Should you experience any difficulties during your placement or simply require further information please let us know as soon as possible and don’t forget to visit the medical student part of our website for details of all lectures/revision materials 36