Problem Based Learning Project – Geometry Honors Classes 1. The Problem: Students want to know how the math they study today is related to their futures? (When are we ever going to use this?) 2. The Project: The students will develop web pages displaying the results of intensive research into specific math related careers. 3. The Goals: The students will a. develop and refine research skills, including, but not limited to, internet research. b. develop specific technology skills (internet research, hyperlink, and web page design). c. develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of possible future careers available using math skills they are studying now. 4. The Procedures: Each student will a. conduct independent research to be kept in a folder. The folder will be graded twice for a daily grade, and once at the end of the independent cycle as part of a test grade. b. engage in group work that will combine and expand independent research to develop the web page for related careers. c. take part in a presentation of the product to the class via media cart. 5. The Product: Student groups will produce web pages that will include: a. a description of the career including responsibilities, activities, use of math, etc. b. the qualifications necessary including degrees, training, apprenticeships, etc. c. opportunities in the field for employment, advancement, personal fulfillment. d. advantages and disadvantages of the occupation, such as locale, seasonal, physically demanding. e. biography of someone prominent in the field or a personal or on-line interview with someone in the field. f. examples of the work of someone in the field. Parts a and b will be required for each web site. Students must include either c or d and either e or f. Maximum points will be received for including all parts. A minimum of four hyperlinks to other web sites must be used. Clip art, photos, or other illustrations should be used for color and eye appeal. Time Line for Web Page PBL 1/13/03 – Monday- Introduce project to class. Pass out list of career choices. 1/17/03 – Friday - Student career choices due. 1/21/03 – Tuesday - Individual student research – computer lab. 1/24/03 – Friday - Folder check – daily grade. 1/28/03 - Tuesday - Individual student research – computer lab. 1/30/03 – Thursday - Folder check – daily grade. 2/04/03 - Tuesday - Folders due for final grading. 2/05/03 – Wednesday - Groups assigned/discussion day. 2/13/03 –Thursday - Discussion day for groups. 2/20/03 – Thursday - Dr. Alexander teach class – lab. 2/21/03 – Friday – Lab – experiment with web in word 2/24 – 2/28 Group work – computer lab. 2/28/03 – Friday - Web pages should be finished. 3/4/03 - Tuesday - Class presentations of pages. All deadlines are firm!!! If you miss a deadline, a penalty of 10 % of your grade for that component will be deducted for each day late. After three days, the grade for that part of your project will be zero. In case of school closing, these dates will be pushed forward on the calendar the same number of days school is closed. Career Choices for PBL Project Geophysics Construction Botany Carpentry Cartography Physical therapy Architecture Interior Design Astronomy Physics Art Meteorology Navigation Drafting Aviation Astronaut Surveying Civil engineering Graphic art Aeronautical engineering Machinist Marine biology Statistics Manufacturing Medical research Computer programming Optometrist Optician Medical doctor Nursing Other choices may be made, but must have my approval. Circle two choices and label as first and second choice and turn in to me.