C - Stony Brook University

Keith Joseph Dunton
157B Dana Hall
Marine Sciences Research Center
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, 11794-5000
Phone #: (631) 632-3137
School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
PhD Program in Coastal Oceanography, January 2008 - Current
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
M.S., Marine and Atmospheric Science (Fisheries) May 2005. GPA 3.52
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
B.S., Biology (concentration marine biology), December 2001. GPA 3.11
2008 NYS Wildlife Grant: ($354,017) Frisk, M.G., Jordaan, A., Dunton, K.D. and D.O. Conover. Development of an effective areabased management scenario to reduce bycatch and improve the population status of Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon.
2008: Honorable Mention - Steven Berkeley Conservation Fellowship, American Fisheries Society
Presentations at Scientific Meetings
Sokolowski, M.S., K. Dunton, P.R. Bowser, and M. D. Fast. September 2008. Dichelesthium oblongum (Copepoda:Dichelesthiidae)
infection in wild caught Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser. Ices Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Dunton, K.J., A. Jordaan, M. Frisk, and D. Conover. August 2008. Use of fishery independent surveys to determine abundance,
habitat, distribution and age class structure of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) within the Atlantic Ocean. 138th
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Symposium: “Sustainable sturgeon: guiding the conservation of sturgeon
populations in the face of increasing resource demands and climatic change”. Ottawa, Canada.
Sokolowski, M.S., K. Dunton, P.R. Bowser, and M. D. Fast. March 2008.Preliminary histological and serum chemistry analysis of
the Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, infected with the copepod Dichelesthium oblongum. 33rd Eastern Fish Health Workshop.
Dunton, K, A. Jordaan, M. Frisk, and D.O. Conover. April 2008. Oceanic distribution, abundance, and habitat concentration of subadult Atlantic sturgeon within the New York Bight. 64 th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Dunton, K, A. Jordaan, M. Frisk, and D.O. Conover. September 2007. Oceanic distribution, abundance, and habitat concentration of
sub-adult Atlantic sturgeon within the New York Bight. American Fisheries Society, Symposium: Bridging the Gap: Addressing
Critical Uncertainties in North American Sturgeon Conservation and Recovery. San Francisco, CA.
Jordaan, A., K. Dunton, D.O. Conover, and K.A. McKown. July 2007. Trends in the community structure of young-of-year fishes
determined from a long-term survey in the Hudson River. 31st Larval Fish Conference, Newfoundland, Canada.
Dunton, K. August 2007. Atlantic sturgeon habitat use in NY marine waters. National Parks Service, NY.
Dunton, K. and Conover, D.O. September 2006. Growth of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix under common garden conditions:
comparing the spring and summer spawned cohorts for evidence of countergradient growth variation. American Fisheries Society,
Lake Placid, NY.
Meetings and Workshops:
NY Department of Environmental Conservation Lower Hudson/Long Island Bays and Atlantic Ocean Watershed Team meeting.
Purpose of this meeting was to conduct priority assessments of Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) within the NY
Atlantic Ocean, Lower Hudson River and, Long Island Bays and estuaries.
New York Watershed Biodiversity Summit. Purpose of the conference is to initiate the drafting of a five year action plan for Species
of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) as identified in the State's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. June 12, 2007.
NY DEC Atlantic Ocean Watershed Team 2006-Present
Conduct priority assessments of Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) within the NY Atlantic Ocean, Lower Hudson River
and, Long Island Bays and estuaries.
Technical Publications
Dunton, K., Frisk, M., and Conover, D.O. 2008. Nearshore fish communities of the mid-Hudson River estuary, 1985-2008. Special
Report # 135 to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Dunton, K., Jordaan, A., and Conover, D.O. 2007. Nearshore fish communities of the mid-Hudson River estuary, 1985-2007.
Special Report # 134 to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Dunton, K., Jordaan, A., and Conover, D.O. 2006. Nearshore fish communities of the mid-Hudson River estuary, 1985-2006.
Special Report # 132 to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Dunton, K. and Conover, D.O. 2005 Nearshore fish communities of the mid-Hudson River estuary, 1985-2005. Special Report #
131 to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Submitted Publications
Fast, M. D., M.S. Sokolowski, K.J. Dunton, and P. R. Bowser. Dichelesthium oblongum (Copepoda:Dichelesthiidae) infection in
wild caught Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus . ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Publications in Prep
Dunton, K. J., A. Jordaan, M. Frisk, and D.O. Conover. Marine distribution, abundance, and habitat of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser
oxyrinchus oxyrinchus using fishery independent surveys. Proposed Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Dunton, K. J., A. Jordaan, M. Frisk, and D.O. Conover. Seasonal abundance, movements, and age distribution of Atlantic Sturgeon
within the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Proposed Journal: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Dunton, K.J., D.O. Conover. Growth of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, under common garden conditions: comparing the spring
and summer spawned cohorts for evidence of countergradient variation. Proposed Journal: Transactions of the American Fisheries
Dunton, K.J., Jordaan, A., and Conover, D.O. 2007. Marine distribution, abundance, and size structure of offshore fish communities
of the Mid-Atlantic Bight Special Report # 136 to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook NY
Research Scientist 2005-Current
Co-chief scientist on three projects:
1) Hudson River Striped Bass Survey (in cooperation with the NY Department of Conservation) – monitoring the abundance
and size distribution of striped bass and other commercially viable fish species.
2) Sub-adult Atlantic Sturgeon Survey (in cooperation with the NY Department of Conservation) – investigate marine habitat
use, abundance, and age structure of sub-adult Atlantic Sturgeon along the south shore of Long Island. Also looks at the
abundance and size distribution of all other fish and invertebrate species.
3) Oceanic Trawl Bluefish Survey – To investigate the abundance and size distribution of young of year bluefish and all other
fish and invertebrate species on the Continental Shelf.
 Lead field crews on research vessels.
 Manage and organize field operations of lab including coordinating sampling dates, data collection, and crews for projects.
 Write technical reports and analyze data.
 Create and design research projects.
 Manage databases.
 Designing sampling protocols.
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook NY
Research Assistant 2003-2005
“Growth of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix under common garden conditions: evidence for
genetic growth variation” Advisor: David Conover
 Designed laboratory experiments that looked at growth and consumption rates of spring and summer spawned bluefish.
 Coordinated field collections for young of the year bluefish
Assisted with the Hudson River Striped Bass Survey, for the NY Department of Conservation, monitoring the abundance and
size distribution of striped bass and other commercially viable fish species.
Run the Flax Pond Marine Lab on weekends.
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook NY
Research Assistant – January 2003
“Multi-beam sonar survey and underwater stereo-camera tests off Jones Beach and Rockaway Beach, NY”
 Prepared multi-beam swath files for analysis
 Collected benthic sediments using a modified van Been grab
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook NY
Research Assistant – May 2002-September 2002
“Hard clam mesocosm experiment“ Principle investigators: Bob Cerrato, Darcy Lonsdale
 Collected water samples of nano-, micro-, and mesoplankton on floating mesocosm experiments
 Fractioned phytoplankton samples and measured chlorophyll a using a fluorometer
 Ran copepod dilution (grazing) experiments
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Research Assistant – January 2002-April 2002
“Interactions between harbor seals and finfish aquaculture in Maine”
 Captured and restrained unsedated adult harbor seals
 Assisted in mounting vhf and flipper tags on adult harbor seals
 Monitored seals activity around salmon farms using radio telemetry by planes, boats, and foot.
 Mapped seal haul out areas in relation to salmon farms using aerial surveys
 Observed seals behavior around salmon farms
 Operated vessels around seal haul out areas
Marine Science Research Center, Stony Brook NY
Research Assistant – September 2001-January 2002
“Effects of temperature and body size on metabolic stress in Long Island Sound Lobsters.”
 Designed and built an experimental set up for lobster heat stress experiments
 Performed background literature searches
TDI-Brooks International, College Station TX
Field Technician – November 2003, January 2005 and November 2005
 Collected mussels and oysters for “NOAA Status and Trends monitoring program”
 Operated small vessels in near shore habitats
EEA Inc., Stony Brook New York
Contractor– September 2003 – November 2003
 Sorted and identified insects from beach samples
Cosper Environmental Services, Bohemia NY
Field and Laboratory Technician, June 2001 –September 2002
 Performed chronic and acute biological assays on sewage/effluent water using juvenile fish and invertebrates
 Performed statistical analyses and wrote final reports (report preparation)
 Set up and programmed water sampling equipment in the field.
 Performed water chemistries; pH, salinity, alkalinities, conductivity, nitrates, nitrites, Cl, Fe, etc; Using a Lachet chemical
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation
Connetquot State Park, Bohemia NY
Endangered Species Biologist, April 2001 – June 2001
 Monitored and collected data on various endangered and threatened organisms along coastal habitats.
 Designed and implemented strategies on protecting and determining critical habitat for the wildlife.
 Educated the public on the various endangered and threatened organisms along with the importance of conservation.
Young People’s Cultural Arts Workshop Of Massapequa INC., Massapequa NY
Marine Science Instructor - January 2004
 Designed and taught marine biology programs for fourth through sixth grade.
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
Teaching Assistant General Biology - September 2002 – May 2003
 Taught three, 3 hour undergraduate biology laboratory sections.
 Created and graded exams, quizzes, and laboratory reports.
 Held office hours twice a week and organized extra help sessions.
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
Teaching Assistant General Biology- September 2001 – December 2001
 Graded quizzes, homeworks, and exams for undergraduate marine science course.
 Held office hours weekly and extra help sessions before exams.
 Assisted students in laboratory sections and on research cruises.
Bay Scallop Bowl, Stony Brook University NY
Score Keeper 2003-2008
 Official in the NY region Ocean Sciences Bowl
The Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation, Riverhead NY
Rescue Team 1999-2002
 Rescued stranded seals, cetaceans, and sea turtles in New York waters.
 Performed day to day routine care on sick marine mammals and sea turtles.
 Assisted in post mortems on marine mammals.
 Educated the public on marine mammals most frequent to Long Island along with conservation issues.
Atlantis Marine World, Riverhead NY
Exhibit Interpreter, 2000-2001
 Educated the public on local marine life
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
Treasurer, September 1998-April 2000
 Controlled a $36,000 budget for the men’s ice hockey team
 Negotiated contracts with local vendors for services
Cruise Experience Aboard the R/V Seawolf
Co-Chief Scientist, Marine Sciences Research Center, 2005-2008, Sub-adult Atlantic Sturgeon Survey. 12 cruises for 73 total days at
sea. Bottom trawling .
Co-Chief Scientist, Marine Sciences Research Center, 2005-2007 Oceanic Trawl Bluefish survey. 10 Cruises for 37 total days at sea.
Bottom and methot trawling, CTDS.
Chief Scientist, Marine Sciences Research Center, November 2007. Oceanic Striped Bass Tagging survey. 4 days at sea.
Research assistant, Marine Sciences Research Center, March 2006. Winter Flounder Survey, Bottom trawling. 2 total days at sea.
Research assistant, Marine Sciences Research Center. September 2003. NYSDEC LIS hypoxia cruise. Bottom trawling, water
chemistry, bottom sampling.
Research assistant, Marine Sciences Research Center. December 2002. Surf Clam Cruise - Multi-beam sonar survey and underwater
stereo-camera tests off Jones Beach and Rockaway Beach, NY. 1 cruise for a total of 8 days at sea.
Boat Experience
Co-Chief Scientist, Marine Sciences Research Center. Hudson River Striped Bass Survey. Trailing and operating 21ft. center console
within near-shore habitats for a total of 36 two day trips from 2005-2008. Setting 200’ offset haul seine.
Field Technician, TDI-Brooks International. Trailing and operating 15ft. center console within near-shore habitats for a total of 9
trips. Operated small dredge and bottom grabs.
Research Assistant, University of Maine. Operated a variety of vessels in near-shore environment for a total of 60 trips.
PADI open water certified SCUBA diver
American Heart Association HEARTSAVER AED
Relevant Graduate Coursework
Fisheries Management, Crisis in Resource Management, Biometry (Biostatistics), Introduction to Ecological Modeling, Physiological
Ecology of Marine Organisms, Biological Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Chemical
Oceanography, ArcGIS, Oceanic Problem Solving.