Addendum #2 - Texas Health and Human Services

PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
HHS Procurement and Contracting Services
SOLICITATION:# 537-16-138770
Date: 6/19/2015
PCS Purchaser/Contract Administrator: Vonda White
Phone: 512-406-2540
Date Due: 06/26/2015 & Due Time: 2:00 pm, Central Time
This Addendum is issued to reflect the following information, clarification or change:
Post Vendor questions and HHSC responses to vendor questions
HHSC Response
Vendor Question
1. Does each individual county proposed to be served
by the project need to be listed on Form A?
1. No
2 Is it acceptable to write “statewide” as the answer to
the counties served by the project on Form A?
2. Yes
3. What are the numeric scoring criteria DSHS will use
to evaluate proposals by section or form? RFP Section
IV, C states that Form E, F, G, H and Appendix A will be
3. HHSC does not publish the value of the evaluation criteria
during the RFP process.
4. What is the definition of the TINs?
4. Taxpayer Identification Number (TINS) - An identification
number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the
administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social
Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security
number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs
are issued by the IRS.
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
5. Along with one (1) original proposal and one copy on
electronic media, how many additional copies of the
proposal must be submitted?
5. Please submit 5 additional hard copies of the proposal.
6. How does the currently established advisory
committee interact or have influence on the current
efforts funded by the Texas Department of State Health
Services to provide recovery-based, person-centered
training and technical assistance to the public behavioral
health system in order to increase the delivery of
recovery-based, person-centered services to individuals
served by the system and to support the training,
certification and continuing education of peer providers,
family partners and/or recovery coaches?
6. The Advisory Committee recommends the scope and
direction of Via Hope activities based upon the program goals
and objectives elucidated in the statement of work that are
determined by the States priority needs and programs.
7. What is the current need for certified peer specialists
and certified family partners in the Texas public
behavioral health system?
7. The current need has yet to be fully determined. Local
Mental Health Authorities must have 1 certified family partner
per organization according the DSHS Performance contract.
Current best practices for certified peer support specialists
state that each organization must have at least two peer
providers on site. There are currently 39 LMHAs parent
organizations with many individual clinics. As peers move into
integrated care and into crisis services and new hires are
placed in state hospitals, there is open demand for peer
services. According to the International Association of Peer
Supporters, peer support is the fastest growing portion of the
behavioral health sector.
8. What is the methodology currently being used for
identifying and training the target population in recoverybased programs such as person centered recovery
planning and peer workforce integration?
8. Methodology will be based on past participation and current
9. What was the input and feedback of participating
staff and service recipients of LMHAs, DSHS funded
providers in the NorthSTAR service area, state hospitals
and consumer operated service providers that have
participated in recovery-based trainings? How and
where can any report(s), document(s) and/or information
be accessed?
9. Staff and consumer participation and feedback was central
to the success of the trainings.
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
10. What are the current performance measures and
target levels of performance for each measure for State
Fiscal Year 2015 to conduct recovery-based, personcentered training and technical assistance to the public
behavioral health system and to support the training,
certification and continuing education of peer providers,
family partners and recovery coaches currently funded
by the Texas Department of State Health Services?
10. This information falls under an open records request to
the Department of State Health Services, Mental Health and
Substance Use Division.
Public Information and Open Records:
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to
access government records; and an officer for public
information and the officer's agent may not ask why you want
them. All government information is presumed to be available
to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure
of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly
release requested information that is not confidential by law,
either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or
information for which an exception to disclosure has not been
Texas Department of State Health Services
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information Services
Open Records Request
PO Box 149347
Mail Code 2083
Austin, Texas 78714-9347
Please submit email requests to
11. Is there a plan, strategic plan and/or other document
describing the goals and service delivery for providing
recovery-based, person-centered training and technical
assistance to the public behavioral health system and to
support the training, certification and continuing
education of peer providers, family partners and
recovery coaches? How and where can those plan(s)
and/or document(s) be accessed?
12. What is the current training and technical
assistance (for State Fiscal Year 2015) being provided
to enhance the spread of a recovery-based, person
centered culture and practice?
Please send requests by fax to 512-776-7751 or 512-7767720
11. The MHSA website provides ample policy direction in
regard to the evolution of a recovery-based system.
12. Current Technical Assistance involves the development of
an online Person-Centered Planning tutorial to be placed upon
the state supported centralized infrastructure website.
Learning communities on integrating peer specialists and
recovery leadership are ongoing, TA to consumer operated
service providers continues as does ongoing training, testing
and certification of peers and family partners. Additional
training opportunities for peer specialists and family partners
include trauma-informed care, Intentional peer support, peer
support for veterans and whole health peer training. Quarterly
recovery oriented webinars have occurred throughout the
FY15 year.
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
13. Is there a Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement
(QA/QI) process being used to monitor training and
technical assistance programs internally for
effectiveness that is or has been recognized and/or
approved by and/or submitted to the Texas Department
of State Health Services? How and where can that
process and/or document(s) and/or information
describing the process be accessed?
13. Training evaluations are given at the end of each training
and those are assessed and improvement or changes made if
necessary. Records are kept by the current contractor.
14. Does the Texas Health and Human Services
Commission and/or the Texas Department of State
Health Services have a process to recognize and/or
sanction an organization or organizations or entities to
train and certify peer specialists in Texas? If so, what is
that process?
14. As referenced in the Bidders conference: Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services Guidance SMDL #07-011
and Clarifying Guidance on Peer Support Services Policy,
May 1, 2013 “Peer support providers must complete training
and certification as defined by the State. Training must provide
peer support providers with a basic set of competencies
necessary to perform the peer function.” This guidance gives
the State authority to recognize an organization to provide
training. The State has chosen to authorize a single entity by
virtue of public bid and will do so again through the current
15. Texas Mental Health Resource: Via Hope has been
sanctioned to provide family partner and peer training, testing
and certification.
15. Are there any organization and/or entities
recognized and/or sanctioned to train and certify peer
specialists in Texas? If so, what are the names of the
organization(s) and/or entities?
16. Are there any organization and/or entities
recognized and/or sanctioned to train and certify family
partners in Texas? If so, what are the names of the
organization(s) and/or entities?
16. Texas Mental Health Resource: Via Hope has been
sanctioned to provide family partner and peer training, testing
and certification.
17. Does the Texas Health and Human Services
Commission and/or the Texas Department of State
Health Services have a process to recognize and/or
sanction an organization or organizations or entities to
train and certify recovery coaches in Texas? If so, what
is that process?
17. Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals
worked with MHSA to develop the recovery coach training and
certification. outlines the process for Recovery Coach
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
18. Are there any organization and/or entities
recognized and/or sanctioned to train and certify
recovery coaches in Texas? If so, what are the names
of the organization(s) and/or entities?
18. Communities for Recovery in Austin is one such
19. How many peer specialists were trained under a
Texas Department of State Health Services contract in
State Fiscal Year 2014?
19. Certified Peer Specialist (CPSs):
Certified- 148
Endorsement- 174
20. How many family partners were trained under a
Texas Department of State Health Services contract in
State Fiscal Year 2014?
20. Certified Family Partner (CFPs):
Certified- 26
Endorsement- 19
21. How many Local Mental Health Authorities in Texas
where provided with training and technical assistance
regarding recovery-based, person centered culture
and/or practice in State Fiscal Year 2014?
22. How many individuals at each Local Mental Health
Authority that was provided with training and technical
assistance regarding recovery-based, person centered
culture and/or practice in State Fiscal Year 2014 were
provided with that training in State Fiscal Year 2014?
23. How many State Hospitals in Texas where provided
with training and technical assistance regarding
recovery-based, person centered culture and/or practice
in State Fiscal Year 2014?
24. How many individuals at each State Hospital that
was provided with training and technical assistance
regarding recovery-based, person centered culture
and/or practice in State Fiscal Year 2014 were provided
with that training in State Fiscal Year 2014?
25. . Does the Texas Department of State Health
Services have a narrative document and/or report that
describes the recovery-based, person-centered training
and technical assistance and training, certification and
continuing education of peer providers, family partners
and/or recovery coaches and related recovery related
activities conducted in State Fiscal Year 2014 financed
by DSHS? How and where can that document(s) and/or
information be accessed?
26. Does the Texas Department of State Health
Services have a financial report and/or financial
information that describe the costs related to recoverybased, person-centered training and technical
assistance and training, certification and continuing
education of peer providers, family partners and/or
recovery coaches and related recovery activities
conducted in State Fiscal Year 2014? How and where
can that document(s) and/or information be accessed?
21. Thirteen organizations received training and technical
22. Technical Assistance was given to providers in LMHA
identified units or clinics. Individuals trained where not the unit
of measure.
23. Four hospitals received training and technical assistance.
24. Technical Assistance was given to providers in identified
units or clinics. Individuals trained where not the unit of
25. This information can be found at:
26. This information falls under an open records request to
the Department of State Health Services, Mental Health and
Substance Use Division.
Public Information and Open Records:
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to
access government records; and an officer for public
information and the officer's agent may not ask why you want
them. All government information is presumed to be available
to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure
of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly
release requested information that is not confidential by law,
either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or
information for which an exception to disclosure has not been
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
Texas Department of State Health Services
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information Services
Open Records Request
PO Box 149347
Mail Code 2083
Austin, Texas 78714-9347
Please submit email requests to .
27. Does the Texas Health and Human Services
Commission and/or the Texas Department of State
Health Services have a process to recognize and/or
sanction LMHAs and/or State Hospitals to train and
certify peer specialists, certified family partners, and/or
certified recovery coaches in Texas? If so, what is that
28. How many staff members of LMHA’s and State
Hospitals need training in recovery-based, personcentered culture and practice in the Texas public
behavioral health system?
29. Does a document(s) and/or information exist that
describes how outcomes data on the provision of
recovery-based, person-centered training and technical
assistance and training, certification and continuing
education of peer providers, family partners and/or
recovery coaches and related recovery related activities
in Texas? How and where can that document(s) and/or
information be accessed?
30. What is the description of the role of the Texas
Institute for Excellence in Mental Health at the University
of Texas School of Social Work Research in collecting
data for outcomes and evaluation?
31. If we checked the box saying we have not
exceptions, do we need to include the table that follows,
or can we save that sheet of paper?
32. What is the process for an organization to become
recognized by DSHS as an organization that can
provide certification for Peers and family partners?
Please send requests by fax to 512-776-7751 or 512-7767720
27. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Guidance
SMDL #07-011 and Clarifying Guidance on Peer Support
Services Policy, May 1, 2013 “Peer support providers must
complete training and certification as defined by the State.
Training must provide peer support providers with a basic set
of competencies necessary to perform the peer function.” This
guidance gives the State authority to recognize an
organization to provide these competencies’.
28. Training and Implementation strategy will look at
organizational units not number of individual’s to be trained.
29. This information can be found at:
30. The role of the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental
Health is to work with the organization receiving the award to
provide services to implement and evaluate Department of
State Health Services (DSHS) Mental Health and Substance
Abuse (MHSA) recovery and resilience initiatives and
31. If you do not have any exceptions, it is not necessary to
include the table that follows the exceptions form.
32. The respondent that receives the award will be authorized
to provide peer provider and family partner training, testing
and certifications and continuing education based upon the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Guidance SMDL
#07-011, dated August 15, 2007, to States in regard to peer
support services and based upon the Texas Administrative
Code, Part 1, Department of State Health Services, Chapter
416, Mental Health Community-Based service, Rule 416.3
Definitions, item 6 (E). The emerging national practice is to
include peer providers in crisis and other settings, the Texas
Administrative Cod , Chapter 416, Mental Health and
Community-Based Services provides guidance on minimum
PCS 121
Revised 6-24-14
competencies for mental health rehabilitation services for both
peer providers and certified family partners.
33. Are all services to be directed to community MHMR
Centers, State hospitals and consumers served by
33. All training and technical assistance described in this
offering ultimately supports the recovery of persons served by
the behavioral health system. To that end TA provided will
include providers in community MHMR centers, State
Hospitals, Consumer Operated Service Provider
Organizations, Recovery Care Organizations, certified peer
providers, family partners and eligible recovery coaches.
34. How many community MHMR centers and state
hospitals will be provided with training and technical
assistance annually?
34. The number will be based upon the needs assessment
portion of the response, and the departments ongoing strategy
involving the continued implementation of Texas Recovery
and Resiliency and will negotiated with the department at the
time of award.
35. What number of consumers are expected to be
trained annually?
35. The growth and participation of peers as a provider type
in the behavioral health system is an emerging practice and
data set. As such a discrete number of consumers to be
trained annually has not been determined.
37. Can you say what specific printing services will be
needed? We can handle all digital printing internally but
may need to outsource promotional items and offset
printing. This will determine which method we will use.
37. Some examples of printing services may include printing
of brochures, training materials, and certification certificates.