Abstract Guidelines (Word) - KEYS Conference

International Valorisation Conference
“Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning”
Please, provide an abstract of your Conference input, following the guidelines below.
The abstract will be used as a basis for acceptance of your input for the International conference.
 Title
 Objectives, results, accomplishments, impact of your project / policy / initiative
 Conference topic/s concerned:
– Key competences for communication in the mother tongue and in foreign
– Key competences in maths, sciences and technology
– Developing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
– Social and civic key competences
– Digital key competence
– Intercultural communication, cultural awareness and expression
– Learning to learn
– Developing key competences in different educational environments: early school
age, general education, informal & non-formal education
– Competence based approach to initial teacher education / in-service teacher training
– Policies encouraging competence based education
– Assessment of competence based learning outcomes
– 21st century competences / classrooms
 Type of the input:
workshop (45 min. or 1 hour)
presentation (30 min.)
poster presentation
providing materials for the dissemination corner
 Abstracts should be written in English
 The length should be max: 250 words /about 1800 characters with spaces (incl. names of
co-author/s, affiliations of the author/s, links to LLP projects – if relevant)
Please, use the following link to submit your abstract on-line.
If you have problems access or to use the on-line form, please, fill in the following template and
send it to one of the e-mail addresses below:
Mrs. Zuhal Yılmaz Dogan, e-mail: zuhalyd@gmail.com
Mrs. Pelin Gerceker, e-mail: pelin.gereker@dogakoleji.com
Questions regarding abstract preparation should be forwarded to the same contact persons.
The international project “Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning” is implemented with the financial
support of the EC under LLP, ref. No 539401-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-COMENIUS-CAM
International Valorisation Conference
“Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning”
If you apply for a KEYS project grant, please, observe the following deadlines:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 12th July 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 22th July 2014
Expression of Interest: 20th June 2014
(Free text containing: title of the input / project / practice; ref. No, if available; name of the speaker;
institution; city & country; coordinates for contact: e-mail, phone)
If you are a self-financed participant, please, note the following deadlines:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th July 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 10th August 2014
The authors of the abstracts selected for the International conference will be invited to provide a
longer summary for publication in the KEYS Conference proceedings – an electronic publication
with an ISBN which will be issued after the conference.
Please, indicate the type of your funding:
I’m a self-financed participant (costs covered by a running LLP project, Erasmus+KA1 grant*
or another type of funding)
I would like to apply for KEYS project grant
* Participants with an Erasmus+KA1 grant are not obliged to make a presentation or to deliver any
other type of an input.
If you apply for a KEYS project grant, you will have to deliver a workshop or a presentation of a
project / policy or initiative, addressing the development of the key competences for LLL.
The abstract will be used as a basis for selection of the sponsored speakers who will receive a
KEYS project grant.
Furthermore, the following Criteria for selection of sponsored participants in the International
Valorisation Conference will be considered:
1/ Promoters of project / products/ practices / policies related to competence-based
learning (teaching) will be considered for sponsorship;
2/ Promoters of projects which are already finalized and therefore can’t cover their costs will
be eligible to apply;
3/ The speech / workshop should match (at least) one of the conference topics, mentioned
4/ Partners will try to ensure at least one speaker per conference topic
5/ An overall balance of the topics representation will be sought with the view of avoiding
too many presentations on one and the same conference topic
The international project “Key Methodology to Successful Competence Based Learning” is implemented with the financial
support of the EC under LLP, ref. No 539401-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-COMENIUS-CAM