Regulations Governing the Guidance of Student Clubs at National Taiwan Normal University Chapter 1: Overview Article 1: Mission 1. The Regulations Governing Student Clubs at National Taiwan Normal University is formulated by referencing chapters 9 through 11 of the Rules Governing Student Affairs in National Taiwan Normal University. 2. The mission of these regulations is to encourage students to participate in student clubs, expand their interests, enrich their leisure life, develop their team spirit, cultivate leaders among students and stimulate students’ enthusiasm to serve others. 3. All guidance for student clubs in National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) shall be stipulated based on these regulations unless there are other rules/regulations pertaining to student club guidance. Article 2: Categories of Student Clubs Student clubs are divided into seven different categories according to the activities conducted: 1. Academic Clubs: Clubs focusing on academics research. 2. Cultural and Artistic Clubs: Clubs focusing on artistic creation, performances, artistry and appreciation of art. 3. Recreational Clubs: Clubs focusing on the promotion of legitimate recreational activities and performances as well as the appreciation of such activities. 4. Athletic Clubs: Clubs focusing on developing stamina, improving athletic skills and helping people develop a habit of lifelong exercise. 5. Service Clubs: Clubs focusing on the promotion of volunteer services. 6. Social Clubs: Clubs focusing on the promotion of friendship and bonding between people. 7. General Clubs: Clubs that provide various types of services. Article 3: Guidance Methods Guidance for student clubs shall be conducted in the following ways: 1. Provide guidance to students in organizing various clubs. 2. Provide guidance for student clubs in publishing various publications. 3. Help student clubs organize various activities relevant to the missions of their respective clubs. 4. Select students to participate in various activities within and outside the school Article 4: The Student Club Review Committee In order to review student club related affairs, the Student Club Review Committee were formed with the following members: Dean of Student Affairs, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, Director for the Division of Student Affairs on Gongguan Campus, Director for the Division of Student Affairs on Linkou Campus, Director for the Division of Extracurricular Activities, one teacher representative from each college, student club committee chair and one representative from the Student Association. Dean of Student Affairs shall serve as the chair of the Committee. The regulations governing the establishment of this Committee will be formulated separately. Chapter 2: Establishing and Dissolving Student Clubs Article 5: Rules Regarding the Establishment of Student Clubs 1. In order to organize recurring extracurricular activities, students may submit an application to the Division of Extracurricular Activities at the Office of Student Affairs to establish an intramural student club. 2. Students may submit the application for establishing a student club when at least thirty students have jointly signed the application. 3. Student club applications will not be approved if the club’s mission is inappropriate or if there is an existing club of similar nature. Article 6: Application and Review of New Student Clubs 1. NTNU will accept applications for new student clubs before April 30 th of each year. The Student Club Review Committee is responsible for reviewing each application. The founder of a new club may send a representative to be present at the review session to help explain the details of the application. 2. The reviewing procedures as well as the decision on whether to approve/reject the application shall be completed before May 30th of each year. 3. After the conclusion of the review session, the results will be sent to the Office of Student Affairs for appraisal. Approved student clubs will be given a club seal, after which club activities will be allowed to commence. (1) Newly approved clubs shall immediately start to publicly recruit club members, hold an inaugural convention, pass the club charter, elect the club president and officers, and plan for club events for the year (2) The club should send the documents below to the Division of Extracurricular Activities at the Office of Student Affairs within two weeks of the inaugural convention: i) Club information form ii) Meeting minutes of the inaugural convention iii) Club charter iv) Name(s) of the club advisor(s), club president and officers v) Annual plan 4. If the applicant is dissatisfied with the results of the review, he/she can submit a request for a second review in the written form to the Student Club Review Committee within seven days of the announcement of the results. This request may only be submitted once. Article 7: Dissolving Student Clubs 1. A student club may be dissolved if over two-thirds of its members agree to do so and the application form for dissolution is approved by the Office of Student Affairs. 2. Student clubs that have had no activities for a year may be dissolved after a review by the Student Club Review Committee. Article 8: Change of Student Club Name Student clubs that wish to change their names need to submit applications to the Student Club Review Committee for evaluation and may only change their name after the application receives approval. Chapter 3: The Organization of Student Clubs Article 9: The Organizational Structure of Student Clubs Student clubs may be organized in one of the following two ways: 1. Presidential System: A club president is elected by the club members via popular election. The responsibilities of the president shall be stipulated in the club charter. 2. Board/Supervisory System: A board with an odd number of board members is established. Two members will be appointed by the other members to be the director and chief supervisor. The responsibilities of the director and chief supervisor shall be stipulated in the club charter. Article 10: Club Members Members of student clubs are restricted to NTNU students only, and members will enjoy the rights and carry out the duties of club members as stipulated in the club charter. No club can reject an NTNU student from joining unless the club has a legitimate reason. Article 11: Club Representatives 1. The club representative represents the club. Representatives are determined via the election method stipulated in the club charter or via a customized election method. 2. Students may not be a representative for more than two clubs at the same time. 3. Club representatives shall serve for 1 school year and cannot be reelected. 4. Club representatives shall attend the “Student Club Representative Work Report” meetings as well as other related meetings and activities to discuss issues related to extracurricular activities and communication between the various student clubs. 5. The election of club representative for each student club shall follow their respective club charters, and the election should be completed within the scheduled time. Article 12: The Club Members Assembly 1. The Club Members Assembly is the highest decision-making authority for student clubs. The Assembly is held at least once every semester by the club representative. 2. The items below are issues decided by the Assembly, and written records of proceeding shall be made for future reference: (1) Changes to the club charter (2) The election and impeachment of club representatives. (3) Expelling of club members (4) The plans, budget and accounts of club activities 3. In order to achieve a resolution on an issue, over one half of attending members need to agree, and the number of members in attendance needs to be over one half of the total amount of members. However, for issues like changing the club’s mission, the dissolution of the club, amending the club charter and distributing club assets, over two-thirds of total club members need to attend the Assembly and over two-thirds of attending members need to agree on a resolution for it to pass. Article 13: The Club Charter Any club charter that is in conflict with these regulations is void. The club charter should include the below information: Chapter 1: Overview (1) Club Name (2) Club Mission (3) Club Location (Must be a location within the school). Chapter 2: Club Members (1) Conditions on joining, leaving and being expelled from the club (2) The rights and duties of club members Chapter 3: Organization and Responsibilities (1) Election/Impeachment methods for club representatives and officers (2) The responsibilities, numbers, jurisdiction and methods of elections and removal of club officers Chapter 4: Meetings (1) Rules for convening and achieving resolutions in club meetings Chapter 5: Funds (1) Source of funds (2) Management of funds Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions (1) Amendments to the charter (2) School offices that have approved the charter (3) The year, month and day on which the charter was created Article 14: Each category of clubs should establish a Club Committee and elect a chairperson to head the committee. These chairpersons will represent the clubs within their category, attend all club-related meetings and conferences and be responsible for coordinating and promoting activities between clubs in the same category. Article 15: The Responsibilities of the Club Advisor 1. Every club is required to appoint one person with a specialty to be their club advisor. 2. The directors of each department (graduate program) are the default advisors for the student association in their respective department (graduate program). Directors may recommend another professor from their department (graduate program) to be the advisor if there is a practical need. 3. Qualifications of a club advisor: A club advisor must be below the age of 65 (people with specialties/distinguished achievements or has received national/international awards and who are over 65 can be made special exceptions and can serve as advisors depending on their health), have professional knowledge, expertise or experience that is related to the club’s mission, is enthusiastic about helping others and is respected by the students of the club. They also need to have one of the following qualifications: (1) Be a professor in a college/university (2) Be a teacher in a middle school (3) Have a bachelor-degree level of education or higher (4) Has passed one of the various national-level examinations (5) Has specialties/distinguished achievements or has received national/international awards 4. During their terms, club advisors shall give advice on the operations of the club, and the advice should in accordance with the club’s mission. Chapter 4: Student Club Activities Article 16: Club Representative Camp Club representatives should attend the Club Representative Camp. If for whatever reason a representative cannot attend, he/she should have a club officer attend in his/her place. Article 17: Club Offices and Borrowing of Venues 1. Student clubs may borrow offices, venues for activities, music practice rooms and equipment from the Division of Extracurricular Activities for club activities. Clubs should show care for school property and clean up afterwards. Clubs may not lend the venues or equipment they borrowed from the university to other people/organizations or conduct profiteering activities in these venues. 2. The key to the club office should be given to clubs by the Division of Extracurricular Activities. The lock to the club office may not be changed nor can new locks be added without approval from the Division of Extracurricular Activities. 3. For the sake of public safety, cooking in club offices and other venues for activities is prohibited unless clubs have received permission from the school to do so for a special event. 4. If there is inappropriate use of school property or activities that seriously endanger public safety, the club responsible will be reported to the Student Club Evaluation Committee for appraisal. 5. The procedure for borrowing venues is regulated by the rules in the various school offices that manage the venues. Article 18: Guidance for Club Activities 1. Activities that clubs organize need to be in accordance with the club mission. 2. Clubs in NTNU shall announce their yearly itinerary when the semester begins and submit applications for organizing activities 7-14 days in advance after the application has been approved by the club advisor. If there are any changes in the time, location and content of club activities, it should be reported to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for approval. 3. Students of NTNU are not allowed to participate in or organize events in the name of NTNU or a student organization without permission from the Office of Student Affairs. 4. When organizing activities within the university, students of NTNU shall not violate public order and standards of decency or promote politics/religious behavior. 5. If a student club commits one of the below acts, it shall cease its activities immediately and only resume after the club shows significant improvement and submits a request to the Student Club Evaluation Committee for evaluation: (1) Club activities are in violation of laws (2) The club’s funds are diverted from other sources, have unclear account details, or the club is bankrupt. (3) The club name and activities are not in accordance with the club mission. Article 19: Safety Issues for Club Activities 1. Safety in club activities is regulated by various university regulations and the Guidance Regulations Governing Safety in Off-Campus Activities. 2. If clubs need to rent tour buses for club activities, the contract they sign with the tour bus company need to be in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s regulations on renting buses. All procedures must be completed before club activities start. Article 20: Club Funds 1. The funds for club activities should in principle be raised by the clubs themselves. Clubs may apply for subsidies from the Division of Extracurricular Activities. Clubs should reference the school calendar at the start of each school year, make a budget sheet of their activities for the year and submit the sheet to the Division of Extracurricular Activities. The sheet takes effect after it is ratified by the Division of Extracurricular Activities and cannot be revised without approval from the Division of Extracurricular Activities. 2. If clubs need subsidies from sources outside the school or accept sponsorships from advertisers, they need to obtain permission from the Division of Extracurricular Activities first before they can accept any funding and sponsorships from other people/organizations. 3. Clubs shall designate a person to be responsible for recording entries in the club’s account books and inventory of properties, and these records will be make public to all club members. 4. Clubs should list all current club property, funds, seals, account books, files and papers on club activities, etc. for transfer. 5. The data for the balance of payments of the club should be sent to the club advisor for evaluation during the transfer process of club representatives and made public to all club members. The records should be saved for two years for reference. 6. The club is responsible for all compensation regarding any shortages or destruction of club assets. 7. The collection of club fees may begin only after it meets the regulations of the club charter or the resolution of the Club Member Assembly. Article 21: Publications 1. The contents of student club publications need to be in accordance with the club mission. Publications shall not spread information that encourages the violation of national policies and laws or contain false statements. 2. Student club publications may only be published after registering an ID number with the Division of Extracurricular Activities. 3. Disputes related to publications should be appraised by the Student Club Evaluation Committee. Article 22: Putting Up Posters Posters of student clubs should bear the seal of the club, be posted in designated areas and be in accordance with all regulations in the Regulations Governing Putting Up Student Club Posters and various other rules pertaining to student club posters in various school offices. Article 23: Records of Club Activities After a club event is finished, the club representative shall post the names of all participants onto the internet and assist club members in applying for attendance certificates. Chapter 5: Evaluation of Student Clubs Article 24: Evaluation Goals The goal of student club evaluation is to guide student clubs so that they can develop in a healthy manner, and in turn distinguished clubs can be created and commended. Article 25: Evaluation Subjects All student clubs and department (graduate program) student associations that have received approval to be established should accept being evaluated. Article 26: Method of Evaluation 1. Items for evaluation include the operation of the club, execution of club activities, use of club finding, training and passing on knowledge to club members, etc. 2. Evaluations are divided into general evaluations and end-of-semester evaluations. General evaluations are done during the semester by club advisors. End-of-semester evaluations are done during the month of May in each year by a committee composed of the Dean of Student Affairs, the Director of the Division of Extracurricular Activities, various experts and scholars from within and outside the school, club advisors and ex-club representatives. Article 27: Evaluation Results 1. The Division of Extracurricular Activities will give out rewards to student clubs according to the evaluation results, and these results will also serve as a reference when issuing subsidies and allocating club offices to student clubs. 2. Student clubs with poor evaluation results in the area of club operation will receive extra guidance for one school year. If there is no improvement, the issue will be brought to the Student Club Review Committee for appraisal. Article 28: Management of the Club Seal All club seals are given to clubs by the Division of Extracurricular Activities at the Office of Student Affairs. If the seal is lost, the club is responsible for the cost of carving a new one. Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions Article 29: If there are areas that these regulations do not cover, supplementary implementation directions or notices may be formulated and enforced after receiving approval from the Dean of Student Affairs. Article 30: The Regulations and any amendment to the Regulations shall be promulgated and enacted after passed by the Meeting of Student Affairs and reported to the President for approval.