GOLD MEDAL INITIATIVE Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation PA Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Planning Guide Classroom Bulletin Board: Pathways in Our Community Strand #13.1: Career Awareness and Preparation CEW Standard #13.1.3D: Identify the range of jobs available in the community. CEW Standard #13.1.3E: Describe the work done by school personnel and other individuals in the community. Approximate Time: Three 45-minute periods. Prerequisite Skills Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening* 1.6.5 Speaking and Listening A. Listen to others. D. Contribute to discussions. E. Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations. Mathematics* None Science and Technology* None Career Education and Work* None Performance Standards Performance Standard 1. Develop a Classroom Bulletin Board entitled “Pathways in Our Community” that includes the range of jobs available in the community and describes the work that is done by individuals working in them with 75% accuracy on the rubric. * Academic Standards, Pennsylvania Department of Education V0806 Suggested Evaluation Method Bulletin Board VIP/Cooperation Rubric Strand #13.1: Career Awareness and Preparation CEW Standard #13.1.3D: Identify the range of jobs available in the community. CEW Standard #13.1.3E: Describe the work done by school personnel and other individuals in the community. Page 2 Suggested Projects None Multiple Intelligence Types Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Resources 1. Handout: Career Paths in My Community See attached 2. Handout: Community Jobs Master List See attached 3. Video: Last Year’s Bulletin Board Development Teacher developed 4. Handout: Community VIP’s Bulletin Board Rubric See attached 5. Handout: Classroom Cooperation Rubric See attached Equipment/Materials/Software 1. Yellow pages of a telephone directory Suggested Learning Sequence Strategy Performance Standard 1 Introduction Presentation/ Discussion Activity/ Demonstration V0806 Outline Provide students the Introduction to Career Paths document from Resource #1. Define and talk about what a pathway is. Have students brainstorm a list of jobs available in the school and their community. Provide students with “VIP’s in the Community” and “Career Paths In My Community” documents. Place students in groups of 4 and have them use the “Career Paths In My Community” to identify the pathways for the Community Jobs Master List. Have students take home their “Community Jobs Master List” and have them complete at least 2 of the “VIP’s in the Community” sections. Resources/Equipment Resource #1 Resource #1 Resource #1 Resource #2 Resource #3 Equipment #1 Strand #13.1: Career Awareness and Preparation CEW Standard #13.1.3 D: Identify the range of jobs available in the community. CEW Standard #13.1.3 E: Describe the work done by school personnel and other individuals in the community. When students return to school have them work in groups, sharing their VIP’s so that each student has a completed “VIP’s in the Community” document. Allow students to use Yellow Pages for any pathway for which they have not identified a person. Have students cut apart their VIP’s in the Community sheets and place their correct VIP under the correct Pathway heading on the Pathways Bulletin Board. Assessment Review the classroom Cooperation Rubric and have them role play tasks from the rubric. Show the students a video of a group from last year completing the activity. Related Academic Skills: 1.6.5A,D,E Related SCANS/Soft Skills: Interpersonal A Together, have students complete a classroom Bulletin Board entitled “Pathways in Our Community.” Assess students using the “VIP’s in the Community Rubric” and “Cooperative Behaviors Rubric.” Related Academic Skills: 1.6.5A,D Related SCANS/Soft Skills Resources None Interpersonal A. Participates as Member of a Team Information None Systems None Technology None Basic Skills None Thinking Skills None Personal Qualities None V0806 Resource #4 Resource #5 Page 3 Strand #13.1: Career Awareness and Preparation CEW Standard #13.1.3D: Identify the range of jobs available in the community. CEW Standard #13.1.3E: Describe the work done by school personnel and other individuals in the community. Page 4 Related Worksite/Work Based Activities None Additional Resources 1. Website/Coloring Book: Careers are Everywhere 2. Website : Instructional Game : The Play Real Game 3. Website : Instructional Game : What’s My Job http://www.hud.gove/kids/whatsjob.html 2. Website: CEW Toolkit ______________________________ This planning guide was written by Alice Justice, Middle School Guidance Counselor, Central Columbia Middle School, Bloomsburg, PA. Funding for this lesson planning guide was provided by the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation’s Gold Medal Initiative and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. The lesson planning guide was created under the direction of Outreach for K-12 at Pennsylvania College of Technology. V0806 Resource #1 Resource #1 Resource #1 Resource #1 Resource #2 Community Jobs Master List Pathway School/Community Job List job and describe what the person does DOCTOR – helps people who are sick Business, Management, and Technology BUSINESS Arts and Communication CREATIVE Industrial and Engineering Technology BUILDING AND FIXING Human Services Health Services HELPING HEALTH LIST COMMUNITY JOBS IN THE FIRST COLUMN AND THEN CHECK THE PATHWAY THAT IS RELATED TO THAT COMMUNITY JOB. V0806 X Natural Resources/ Agriculture NATURE Resource #4 Community VIP’S Bulletin Board Rubric Completed Community Jobs Master List Accurately identifies pathway for Jobs Identified Accurately describes work done by Jobs Identified Completed 2 “VIP’s in the Community” Items for Homework Final Product contained correct information about person/job for all 6 Pathways on the “VIP’s in the Community” document “VIP’s in the Community” document was cut apart and each person/job was placed on the classroom “Pathways in Our Community” bulletin board in the correct location 12 points possible V0806 Yes Somewhat 2 pts 1 pt List includes 9-10 List includes 7-8 jobs available in jobs available in the the community/school community/school Accurately Accurately identifies 9-10 identifies 7-8 pathways pathways Accurately Accurately describes work describes work done by 9-10 jobs done by 7-8 jobs identified identified Completed 2 Completed 1 No 0 pts List includes 6 or less jobs available in the community/school Identifies 6 or fewer pathways Accurately describes work done by 6 or less of jobs identified Completed 0 All 6 were complete and accurate 4-5 were complete and accurate 3 or less were complete and accurate All 6 were placed accurately on the bulletin board 4-5 were placed accurately on the bulletin board 3 or less were placed accurately on the bulletin board Resource #5 Classroom Cooperation Rubric I participated in the brainstorming activity. I used positive words during discussions and to resolve conflict. I shared ideas and materials with my group members. I complemented and encouraged my group members. 8 pts possible V0806 Yes 2 pts Contributed 2 or more things. Somewhat 1 pt Contributed 1 thing. No 0 pts. Contributed nothing. I needed 0-1 reminders from my teacher. I needed 2-3 reminders from my teacher. I needed 4 or more reminders from my teacher. I needed 0-1 reminders from my teacher. I needed 2-3 reminders from my teacher. I needed 4 or more reminders from my teacher. I complimented/ encouraged at least 2 times during activity. I complimented/ encouraged 1 time during activity. I did not compliment or encourage my group members during activity.