Outline - Navarro College Shortcuts

Navarro College
Course Outline
Biology 2420.01, .02
Spring 2006
Name of Instructor: Sherry Stewart
Office Number:
DH 209
Email: sherry.stewart@navarrocollege.edu
Office Hours: MW 9-9:30 am; TTh 3:30 pm -5:00 pm; F am, by appointment
Telephone number: 903-875-7634
A copy of the course syllabus can be found on my website
The syllabus lists the required textbook and objectives of the course.
Method of Instruction
Lecture accompanied by overhead transparencies, chalkboard diagrams, or CD-ROM.
Laser disc movies and video tapes will be used to illustrate or introduce new topics.
Class Policies
Attendance/Drop Policy
For you to be successful in this biology class, attendance is a must. Excessive absenteeism is
defined as being equivalent to two weeks of instruction in a sixteen week semester and may result
in failure or being dropped from the course.
Friday, April 21st, noon deadline last day to drop classes.
The Instructor will NOT sign drop slips after April 21st.
Class roll will be taken each class period. Students are expected to be present, on time and remain
until the end of all class meetings and will be held accountable for all material presented in class.
Students who are absent from class due to participation in an officially sanctioned school activity
must present notice of the event to the instructor, preferably two weeks in advance, and request
advance assignments. If the student is passing the course, the request to make up assigned work
will be honored. If missing class will endanger the student’s success, the class instructor will
notify the activity sponsor and a decision regarding the student’s participation in the activity will
be reached by the sponsor and instructor. The decision will reflect the philosophy that students
attend college for educational purposes, thus outside activities have a lower priority.
Each student will start the semester with 10 bonus points for attendance. Each time a student is
absent, tardy, leaves early or their cell phone rings in class, two points are taken off. Other
disruptive behaviors including but not limited to sleeping or eating in class can result in the loss of
points. Repeated offenses can result in written warnings and dismissal from class. After any
combination adding up to 10 points, points are lost from the final total for the semester. The only
exceptions to this are school sanctioned activities. Students with good attendance and behavior
retain the bonus points.
The VA benefit recipient needs to be aware of the fact that the VA may require repayment of all
benefits received since the beginning of a semester for any course in which the student receives a
“W” grade.
Late work
Will NOT be accepted.
Make-up Exams
Make-up exams will be short answer, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and/or essay tests that
must be taken within one week of the missed exam and must be taken during the
instructor’s office hours. The student is responsible for scheduling the make-up exam
with the instructor.
If no scheduled lecture exams are missed and your final comprehensive lecture exam grade
is higher than your lowest lecture exam grade, the final exam grade will replace you lowest
exam grade. The final will not replace a zero on a lecture exam.
Navarro College provides free tutorial service in the basement of the library.
Academic Dishonesty
Any student guilty of dishonesty in academic work is subject to disciplinary action.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
Copying another person’s test paper or any assignment.
Using materials not authorized by the instructor during the exam.
Knowingly using, buying, selling, or stealing part or all of a test
prior to its being administered.
Substituting for another student, or permitting another person to
substitute for oneself, to take a test.
Taking a copy of the exam out of the room.
Grading Criteria
In lecture, there will be five major exams and a comprehensive final exam, each worth 100
points. If your cell phone rings during an exam, you will be asked to turn in your exam
immediately. The completed portion of the exam may be graded or the student may
receive a zero on the exam.
Six quizzes will be given, worth 10 points apiece. Missed quizzes cannot be made up.
The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Quizzes will be announced the class period before
they are given Quizzes will only be given at the announced time - not earlier or later.
Project 1
Drawings of procaryotic cell and cell walls Due 1/26
Text p.88 and p.99
Use unlined paper and color pencils
Project 2
Drawing illustrating aerobic
Due 2/7
respiration as a continuous process.
Use pages 233, 236, 238, 240.
Do not show all intermediate
substrates. Do show beginning and ending
molecules (of each phase), ATP, NAD
NADH, FAD, FADH, CO2, O2, and H2O.
Project 3
Microbe Sheets
Due 3/21
Project 4
Drawings of viral cycles p.169
Use unlined paper, color pencils and
Include all labels
Due 3/28
Project 5
Drawing of antibody p. 459(a)
Concept map of types of antibodies
Text p.461; include characteristics, ability
to activate complement, function
Due 4/18
The lab requirements will be discussed separately.
Test 1, chs.1,2,4
100 points
Test 2, chs. 5,6,7
100 points
Test 3, chs. 8,9
100 points
Test 4, chs. 11,12,13
100 points
Test 5, chs. 14,15,16
100 points
Final Exam
100 points
Lecture Quizzes
50 points
50 points
Labs (reports or quizzes)
150 points
Virtual Lab
25 points
25 points
Lab Tests (2)
100 points
1000 points
Course Requirements
A. The student is expected to obtain a copy of the textbook.
B. The student is expected to attend all lectures and labs. Once a lab is missed it may not be
made up. All electronic devices should be turned off.
C. If a class is missed, it is the responsibility of the student to meet with the instructor, prior to the
next class meeting, to review work missed.
D. The student is expected to consult the instructor if any problem arises concerning the course.
E. Participation in lab and lectures will affect overall grade.
F. The student is expected to bring paper and pencil to each class and scantron form 888 to
take exams.
G. It is advisable for the student to keep a notebook of all notes and assignments.
H. Turn off your cell phone before class and put it away. If it rings in class, two points will
be deducted from your grade. If the cell phone is visible during the class, two points will
be deducted from your grade. Repeated offenses can result in written warnings and
dismissal from class. If your cell phone rings during a test, your test will be taken up
immediately and you will have no opportunity to complete any unfinished portions.
Ch 1
Ch 2
[Ch 3
Ch 4/5
Main Themes of Microbiology
Basic Chemistry
Tools of the Laboratory (lectured in lab)]
Functional Structure of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Test 1 chs. 1,2,4/5
Ch 8
Ch 9
Feb. 2 or 6
Test 2 chs.8,9 Feb. 16 or 20
Elements of Microbial Nutrition, Ecology, Growth
[Ch 11 Physical and Chemical Control of Microbes (lectured in lab)]
Ch 12 Drugs
Ch 13 Microbe-Human Interactions: Infection and Disease
Test 3 chs. 7,12,13
March 7 or 9
Ch.4/5 Profiles of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Ch. 22 Fungi
Ch. 23 Parasites
Ch. 6, 9 (pages 270,273) Viruses
Ch. 24 DNA Viruses
Ch. 25 RNA Viruses
Test 4 chs.4/5, 22,23,6/9,24,25
April 4 or 6
Ch 14 Nature of Host Defenses
Ch 15 Specific Immunity and its Applications
Ch 16 Immunization and Immune Assays
Ch. 17 Disorders in Immunity
Test 5 chs. 14,15,16,17
April 25 or 27
Comprehensive Final Exam
May 4 or 5 10:30-12:30
Lab Course Outline
Biology 2420
Spring 2006
Method of Instruction
Brief lecture accompanied by overhead transparencies, chalkboard diagrams, or laser disc or video
movies. Students will learn how to use a microscope, sterile technique, and how to properly
dispose of hazardous waste and sharp objects. Students will streak cultures, recognize bacterial
characteristics, perform gram stains and lab tests to distinguish between types of bacteria.
Class Policies
Attendance/Drop Policy
Same as Lecture Course Outline
Late work
Will NOT be accepted.
Make-up Quizzes
Make-up quizzes will not be given. Quizzes will only be given at the assigned time-not
earlier or later. Lowest lab quiz grade or written exercise grade (15 points) will be dropped
at the end of the semester.
Academic Dishonesty
Same as Lecture Course Outline
Grading Criteria
Each lab is worth15 points. Grading may be done by handing in an exercise or taking a quiz over
the exercise. The unknown identification is worth 25 points. The Virtual Lab is worth 25 points.
Lab tests (2) are worth 50 points each. An individual must pass both lecture and lab to pass the
Course Requirements
Laboratory Rules
DO NOT bring food or drinks in the lab.
Bring gloves to wear during lab.
When inoculating cultures into any type of medium, remember to always
use aseptic technique. You will be graded on this.
After you examine you inoculated plates, wrap them with tape so they
cannot come open and discard them into the hazardous waste box, NOT
the trash can.
At end of lab, all supplies and equipment will be returned to the
proper places by the student. YOU are responsible for cleaning the
microscope so it is free of oil.
Disinfect the lab table with 10% bleach at the end of each lab
Wash hands before leaving the lab. I don’t want you to take these
little bugs home with you.
Remember: All bacteria are potentially hazardous!!!!!
Failure to follow these simple lab practices listed above will cost
you as an individual or the class as a whole points on the lab grade.
The student is expected to meet all labs as scheduled and complete all assigned
work at the prescribed time.
After demonstration by the instructor and supervised practice, the student is
expected to independently conduct all procedures routinely performed in a
bacteriology lab.
Tentative Lab Schedule
Week of:
Lab 1
Safety Rules; Use of the Microscope; Environmental lab
Chapter 3 from text; lab papers due
Lab 2
Quiz over safety rules, microscopes, ubiquity lab
Lab 3
Examination of Living Organisms
Quiz over chemistry; Video 2
Lab 4
Biochemical Characteristics of Bacteria; Virtual Lab
Lab 5
DNA replication, Protein Synthesis
Quiz over living organisms lab
Lab 6
Antibiotic Sensitivity; begin Chemical Agents
Quiz over DNA, protein synthesis lab; Gram stain
Lab 7
Complete Chemical Agents lab; GLO-GERM; text ch. 11
Lab Test 1
Lab 8
Staining: Simple and Multiple Lab
Quiz over antibiotic sensitivity and chemical agents labs
Lab 9
Cultivation of Bacteria and Use of Special Media
Quiz over staining lab
Lab 10 Eukaryotes
Quiz over streaking and special media lab
Lab 11 Immunity (differential WBC); Quantitative urinalysis
Quiz over eukaryote lab
Lab 12 Immunology-ELISA kit
Quiz over blood and urinalysis
Lab 13 Normal Skin Flora, Respiratory Microorganisms
Quiz over ELISA; Gram stain; catalase, coagulase tests
Lab 14
Lab Test 2