Notes from Friends of the Woodinville Farmers Market

Notes from 21 Acres/Friends of the Woodinville Farmers Market
Advisory Committee Meeting @ Brittany Park
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
1. Welcome – Gretchen Garth
2. Brief review of minutes from last meeting (Beth Award).
- The minutes review sparked a discussion about how/why we decided to NOT proceed with the LEED Certification
process, and what the value of LEED really is. I hope I captured the essence of the conversation.
 Vince said we’re already doing all of the things that LEED requires, and that it would take about $120,000 to
go through with actual certification. So instead of paying the money to be able to SAY we have LEED cert,
we are simply going to create the building using the same principles and document it ourselves.
 Gretchen said that philosophically, LEED is not what we want. It’s not setting the example that we want to
set with our eco-building – that it’s not ELITIST to do what we’re doing (which is showing that
environmentally friendly building can be done without necessarily costing an arm and a leg, etc.).
 Tim suggested that the issues that LEED is trying to help undo are different in a rural area. He said
developers came up with the LEED standards and that we should try to develop a “LEED standard” for rural
 Vince said that people (developers) want guidelines and structure, but we already know what we need for
this building, so LEED doesn’t add to our process necessarily.
3. Committee Reports
Construction/Architecture: (Vince Carlson, Architect)
 Gardener’s shed construction update:
o We’re getting a lot of donated items (lumber, windows, etc.)so it’s been a challenge
o Frost delayed the concrete
o We stopped when we ran out of roofing materials (we need 36 more tongue/groove boards)
o Need donated siding
o We’ve hired a project manager for the shed, Helen Russell
o Patrick Kerry (living roof expert) is experimenting with soil types. He’s ready to go whenever we are. We’ll
plant in spring. He will provide bee-friendly, bird-friendly plants (sedum, herbs, etc.). We can irrigate the
 Vi asked if we have a planting plan/design for the roof
 Mary Anne is in favor of NO MAINTENANCE plants, and shared concern over irrigating on the
 Water Well update:
o The well driller is coming out next week. This water will be for animals and crops.
o We need to dig a trench for electrical power to run the well pump
o Vince is contacting the electric company to get us a box and meter for the well and the sheep shed.
o Vince has set out a 100’ radius around the well.
o We’re in with Public Health Dept for septic. We’re monitoring the water table till March. Once it’s done,
we’ll have grey water drip irrigation.
 Other general items/projects:
o GG: we’re close to composting toilet funding
o Working on basic requirements for Woodinville Farmer’s Market (permit for road, parking, etc.)
o Vince: we need to start thinking about a lot of things, and Helen Russell can help (with bids, etc.)
o Vince: we’re going to displace some of the gardener’s with our irrigation system
o Bill: are we at a point where we can get a timeline in place so we can go for bids?
 Vince: Helen will help with bids. Meeting with her next week.
o GG: would like to talk to the man who pulled Islandwood together
o Hal: we have to have PAVERS for the WFM…
o Vince: contractors will have some ideas. Maybe phase 1 is gravel, since pavers go on top of gravel. We’ll dig
out 2’…
Notes from 21 Acres/Friends of the Woodinville Farmers Market
Advisory Committee Meeting @ Brittany Park
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Tim suggested we go to Craig’s List for windows…
Business Plan Sub-Committee (Hal Johnson, Bill Davidson, Tim Crosby)
o Hal sent out the spreadsheet format via email. EACH COMMITTEE needs to pull together budget
numbers by Thursday, January 19 and send them to TIM.
 Write down WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO (or WANT to do) and HOW MUCH IT WILL
COST for the next 12 months (EXPENSES).
 Lay out your goals/costs by quarters through 2008. Even if you don’t have the numbers, start first
with TASKS. Start with a narrative.
 TIM IS OPEN FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PROCESS – he’s on email all the time so let him
know if you have any questions.
o The WORKING BUDGET MEETING for committee heads is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24
from 10am to 1pm at Hal’s house. Keep an eye out for an email with directions to Hal’s house.
 The following people should plan to attend: Vince (construction), Brenda (mktg & FILM CREW),
Keri (input), Shelley (programming), Mary Anne (native plants), Vi Kono (landscaping), Virginia
(Design), Dale (Catering/Cold Storage??), Chris Clark? (back 18), Steve Dahl (Volunteers)
 Come prepared with what you want and how much it will cost and this will all go into our master
finance plan
o Bill: Without realistic numbers, we can’t raise money. If you’re a revenue producing committee, define and
guestimate income.
o Tim: also add labor hours (paid and volunteer). Whatever you choose to do, document your assumptions
o Vince – brought up refrigeration vs. cooler space…
o Vi – brought up how she uses a GANT CHART when she does projects
o Bill – would like to see Vi’s GANT CHART/TIMELINE.
o Bill – if Vince’s numbers can be on a timeline, that would be very helpful
o Vince – once we have contractors we’ll have numbers…
o Jim Brennan’s numbers have already been submitted.
o Mary Anne suggested doing a CAPITAL and OPERATING budget
o Vi asked, at what point are things going to be happening overall (composting toilet, etc.). What is the
 2nd QTR: market opens mid-April
 4th QTR: break ground in mid-Sept/Oct
 2007: building will be ready to use in mid-April
o Tim thinks if we’re on task then we can have a budget complete by end of February
>>> Sequed into introduction of Dave Muehleisen, WSU Small Farms Program
o Dave offers a course on teaching folks how to farm (techniques, basic business planning, internship
program). Typical students are in their mid-late 40’s. They do minimal outreach for their program and
have plenty of students.
o There are 18 locations around the state.
o Dave also works with Mary Embleton.
o The internship program—giving folks day-to-day practical experience—is hard to get off the ground.
o One idea is INCUBATOR FARMS. They need land and equipment available, or storage available for
o Vi – most farmers can’t do much with 1-2 acres, but if it’s for a class then a small amount might work
out well
o Vince pointed out that most farmers aren’t good business people
o Dave said that WSU has a program called “Cultivating Success” and he would like to partner with
Notes from 21 Acres/Friends of the Woodinville Farmers Market
Advisory Committee Meeting @ Brittany Park
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Dave also said that if we were interested there might be money available from RISK MANAGEMENT
(value-added grants) or SARE (Sustainable Ag Research & Education)
Landscape Design: (Vi Kono)
o Vi reiterated that Jim Brennan would like each of us to fill out the survey – it’s never too late to get
feedback. Please send completed surveys to Beth.
o In February, he’ll work on the development table and 2 alternate concepts. We need to generate ideas.
o GG: the landscape committee is evolving and has been broken down into smaller groups:
 Native Plants: Mary Anne Adams
 Trails Committee: Vi Kono
 Soils Group: TBD
 Permaculture: Dave McDonald
 Farming: Chris Clark, the Zantes
 Orchard (need to add)
o Dave asked if the land will be certified organic. The cost of certification is based on revenues from the land.
(I didn’t hear a firm answer to his question other than we’re working on farming with no pesticides in an
environmentally friendly way…)
Native Plantings (Mary Anne):
o The Hollywood Hill folks offered us space in their newsletter if we can put our info in their format. They are
completely supportive of 21 Acres.
o Mary Anne contacted the Native Plants Society
o WORK PARTY on 1/14 to remove some blackberry roots from 10am-2pm. PLEASE COME IF YOU
 Bring gloves, shovels, rain gear, wear boots.
 We need a tent and refreshments
 Brenda will drop off refreshments – hot coffee and tea
 Hal will bring his pop up tent
 Steve Dahl will bring youth volunteers
 Brenda will send info about this work party to Michael Charlton
 Brenda will take some pictures
 Nick from Landtek is coming with equipment to take the blackberries down. Roots will be hand dug
out. This will be an ongoing process.
 Vince said to pile the blackberries in the parking lot. He needs to get compost bins in the corner
o Mary Anne wants to keep focused on small, concrete jobs (tackle blackberries first).
o COMPOSTING will be an issue and should be it’s own SUBCOMMITTEE.
o Tim will pull together some info that he’s read in the BPI compost plan
o Mary Anne’s vision for the trees/native plants:
 Not too groomed, not opening it up too much
 Educational opportunities can be had from the outside
 Would like to preserve as much as we can so animals are not disturbed
o Shelley asked if work parties are on the calendar… Are we doing the 2nd Saturday of each month??
o Brenda – if not the 2nd Saturday of each month, is every other month doable? We need to check with Steve
Dahl to see if he can get that many volunteers that frequently. Once we determine this Brenda will put dates
in the newsletter, etc.
o Mary Anne would like to use the work parties as an educational opportunity
o Shelley – is hired labor ok?
Notes from 21 Acres/Friends of the Woodinville Farmers Market
Advisory Committee Meeting @ Brittany Park
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Marketing Report (Brenda Vanderloop)
o Brenda sent everyone a volunteer and inkind donation form. Please fill them in ASAP and send them
back to her so she can send out a release about it. The form is very basic so we can keep track easily.
o Brenda has been taking pictures of the shed during its construction.
o Working on the NW Flower & Garden Show, February 8-12. Will send out the schedule so people can sign
up for 3-hour shifts if you have time to join us.
o Brenda and Steve Dahl are putting together a volunteer application. They will have them ready for the work
o 21 Acres web site: getting this pulled together. Working on copy now.
Volunteers (Steve Dahl) – NEXT TIME
Fundraising (Keri Healey) – NEXT TIME
Farm to Cafeteria (Tim Crosby)
 Researching who is actually doing DISTRIBUTION
 Looking into storage for 1-2+ years out. We could host a business so folks can store food at 21
 (from B.C. Canada) might be a competitor to Pioneer Organics (“co-opetition”). They are
housed near the Starbucks building at this time.
 Tim broke through with UPS (re: fleet capacity). Wilcox Farms sends trucks to Idaho at night…
 We’d have to deal with volume to do this. It’s all a work in progress right now.
 Our non-profit / business issues need to be clarified
 Schools: wellness policies cropping up
Food Programming (Shelley McIntyre)
o Food programming meeting is coming up at Shelley’s house on 1/11
o Shelley is interested in seeing how we can best present local, seasonal food
o Looking into Slow Food and Chef’s Collaborative
o Brenda will fwd Shelley an email about “elementary chefs”
Back 18 (Todd Murray) – NEXT TIME
Film Crew – NEXT TIME
o Brenda would like names of people who need to be recognized by 21 Acres. Will put them in our newsletter.
5. MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2006 (10am-12pm) at the
Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Company in Maltby. Details to come.
Adjourn – thanks~!