
Orientation for Second-Year Students
Reading & Writing
Brenda Huang(黃襦慧)
Director of Applied Foreign Languages Department
★Who is Brenda?
★What is “Reading & Writing”?
★What do you need?
Who is Brenda?
Nice to meet you again and
anything else you want to know about Brenda….
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
★Teamwork is everything.
1. 2A/2B=5groups=7-8 persons, each group.
2. It is “1+1>2” when teamwork is there!
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
1. The Coconut Seller
2. Not above the Law
3. 語言教室圖書:1本(請見科網站-科圖書)
4. 圖書館英文圖書:2本
5. 自選:1本
6. 學習單#2、學習單#3
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
1. The Coconut Seller:平常成績X1
2. Not above the Law :平常成績X1
3. 平常成績=
註冊(10%) +
測驗(5次內達80分,30%) +
英文評論100字(50%) +
3人回覆(10%) = 100%
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
1. The Coconut Seller:平常成績X1
2. Not above the Law :平常成績X1
3. 擇一報名,一班優勝3名,佳作2名
4. 群科中心學習單
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
1. 整學期,6次
2. 每次6-7人
3. 必作PPT,10張投影片(不含title page和
thank you page)
4. PPT必包含:作者、摘要、心得、多媒體
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
1. 9月份:採購
2. 整學期:導讀、自讀、小組、分享
3. 10月8日:英文繪本講演技巧研習
4. 英文繪本:10種x10本=100本!
(1) The Very Hungry Caterpillar
(2) There Was an Old Lady
Who Swallowed a Fly
(3) Where’s Spot?
(4) We’re Going on a Bear
(5) Handa’s Surprise
(6) Five Little Monkeys
Sitting in a Tree
(7) Pete the Cat — I Like
My White Shoes
(8) Shark in the Park
(9) Hooray for Fish
(10) Seals on the Bus
What are we going to do with
“Reading & Writing”?
★課本:Inside Reading
1. 10單元
2. 一整年,上下學期,每次期中(末)考2單元
3. 10種領域
4. 10種閱讀技巧
5. Graphic Organizer(圖像式架構圖)
What do you need?
★教科書:Inside Reading
★No pain, no gain.