Contributions My contributions to the project for the requirements portion include meeting with the client and gathering requirements. Lizzie and I met with Tim Owens and tried to come up with as many requirements as possible. Thomas was not able to come with us that day because he had a class the only time Tim could meet. Thomas made all the team meeting reports during that time. I offered to do it, but he said he was fine with doing it. I also contributed to writing the requirements document. I wrote roughly one third of the document or less. I fleshed out the requirements from Tim as much as possible. I did the non-requirements as well. I also made user stories for the document. Everybody from the team was at team meetings and the meetings were productive. Also this group was more responsive with communication than my implementation team. I think this was a good team to work with. My contributions for the implementation portion of this project include making the team meeting reports every week. They also include contacting the client. I was the only member of our group that had any contact with the client. We didn’t actually meet in person, my team mates said they didn’t think we needed to meet with him. It didn’t seem necessary initially but in hindsight I wish we would have met with him. I tried to schedule meeting times to program together but neither Desiree nor Elisabeth ever seemed to be able to meet up. I wrote the majority of the project plan document, because my teammates did not start working on it until the night before it was due. I was panicking that it would not get done so that is why I worked on it so much. I put less effort into the test plan document because I thought they would procrastinate until the last night again (which both of them did). I still ended up writing approximately half of it though. The last group I was in was the testing team. There wasn’t a whole lot of work to do with this team. I tested the biology test bank software trying to do as many tests from the test plan I was able to perform at the time ( since the software was incomplete) that Patrick Mullen had not already done.