Syllabus - Montgomery County Schools

Academy Language Arts Syllabus
Instructor: Tiffany Johnson
Contact Information:
Phone: (859) 321-5861
Classroom Website: www.edmodo.cpm/mrsjohnsonela
Course Description
Welcome to Academy English! I feel privileged to journey with you as you enter into a
more sophisticated study of literature and technical writing. I am also looking forward to
participating in rich discussions and engaging collaborative based learning activities with
you. In this class, I will hold you to high standards of behavior and academic
performance. If you put forth your best effort in these areas, you will be successful.
The curriculum in this course is designed to broaden your literary knowledge, deepen
your thinking about important topics, develop your communication skills, connect your
learning to other classes, and give you multiple opportunities to work with a variety of
people on different tasks through interactive and technological approaches. I hope that
you will approach this class with the same enthusiasm with which it was designed.
• Pen or pencil
• Class readings
• Independent reading book (for literature circles)
• Classroom data notebook:
See model for daily work:
Page 1:
Page 2:
Daily Target:
Bell Ringer:
Exit Slip:
This class notebook will be completed every day for continuous mastery of the reading
targets. I will give each student a 1, 2, or 3 based on their work for that target each day.
A score of 3 will equal mastery, a score of 2 is below mastery. A score of 2 on any daily
target exercise will require that students complete extra work for that target on Friday and
other individual work times.
A Target Mastery Sheet will be given to each student at the start of the unit. Students
will staple the sheet to the first page of their class notebook, and we will keep track of
mastery as we work through the unit. *Students that have not mastered the targets for the
week will spend Friday completing individualized practice work. If students continue to
struggle with a target, the parent will be contacted and extra tutoring may need to be
Class Notebooks will be kept in the child’s folder in class.
Writing target mastery will be tracked using a separate checklist from the reading targets.
As students complete the daily practice, I will check off for mastery on the checklist. The
writing checklist and all writing practice will be kept in the class folder.
Students will send home a synopsis of their progress in class and performance on unit
tests that will need to be signed by a parent and returned.
Rules and Expectations
1. Arrive on time with all of your materials.
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
3. Resect the room and people in it.
4. Work during all work times.
5. Follow directions immediately.
Score a 3, mastery on all work. (If you do not score mastery on 3/5 of your daily targets,
your parents will be contacted to arrange for you to come to tutoring before school on
Tuesday and Thursday.)
I expect you to be in class, seated, and ready to work when the bell rings. Have your
assignment ready to hand in if one is due. Finally, show as much respect toward one
another and toward me as I show for you.
Reading: Keeping up with reading assignments is crucial to your success in this class. If
you have not read the assignment, you cannot thoughtfully participate in class discussion.
If you fall behind in the reading, you will become overwhelmed and set yourself up for
frustration when it comes time to write a paper. Bear in mind that some of the reading
will be difficult, and you may not understand it all the first time. That’s OK; I want the
reading to stretch your thinking. Do the best you can to understand; meanwhile, write
down questions in your notebook that we can address in class. I am always happy to help
anyone who asks for help.
Writing: In the Academy we are taking technical writing to a new level. We are going
to be competing in various Science and creative writing competitions to sharpen and
assess our skills on a national scale. We will have at least one major competition that
will be layered on top of the regular writing and reading curriculum. The major
competitive writing will be a lengthy process with months of in-class research and
editing. Participating in this level of competition will strengthen students understanding
of how to craft, produce, and publish the types of writing that they will be responsible for
producing on the job and at the college level. All students will be given adequate class
time for proper research and production of their writing. We will be using interactive
tools to aid in the editing and production process.
Plagiarism/Cheating: I begin the year with complete trust and faith in each of you.
Please do not abuse that trust by being dishonest. Learning cooperatively is great, and I
encourage you to get together to brainstorm and discuss assignments. When you sit down
to complete an individual assignment, however, let the work be yours alone. Penalties for
plagiarism—another word for cheating—are stiff. If two papers resemble each other too
closely, I will split the points. If a paper is obviously copied, whether from a classmate’s
work or from the Internet, it will receive no credit.
Minor Infractions:
1. Formal warnings of any kind. (direct or indirect) you will need to fill out Focus
2. Phone call will be made to your parents.
3. Further steps will be taken based on the case. (i.e. lunch detention, after school
detention, missed break, etc.)
Major Infractions:
-Immediate Focus Questions and phone call home
-Immediate removal from classroom or physical space of incident
-Removal to the Principal’s office
Absences, Check-ins and Check-outs
Students must be checked in or out of school by a parent, guardian, or authorized adult.
All excused absence notes, check-ins, and check-outs will be handled by the office.
Students are expected to be proactive and see the instructor outside of regular class time
about any missed assignments. Having access to remind 101 and Edmodo should make it
very easy for most students to keep up to date with classroom activities and assignments.
A = 92%-100% Excellent
B = 83%-91% Above Average
C = 74%-82% Average
D = 65%-73% Below Average
F = Below 65% Failure
I = Incomplete See Below
Incomplete work must be completed and the grade recorded within two weeks of the
end of the course. An incomplete grade shall be given when part of the work in a course
is not complete due to extended illness or to other circumstances beyond the control of
the student at the time grades are due.
When determining the final grades, the following will be utilized:
1. Formative = 40%
2. Summative = 40%
3. Final= 20%
Late Assignment Policy
This is the late policy for unexcused absences. Please see the Student Handbook for
reasons for excused absences and late work policy.
Homework and Non-Standardized Assessments: (Projects)
3 days late = - 25%
4 days late= -50%
5 days late= - 75%
After 5 days = Instructor will not accept the assignment for credit. The instructor may
still provide feedback on the assignment if the student needs it to be successful on a later
assignment or assessment.
Students have 5 days to schedule a time with the instructor to make up an assessment.
After this time, students will not be given the opportunity to take the assessment.
Again, this is the late policy for unexcused absences only.
Standardized Assessments: (Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, Short Answer,
On-Demand Writing
Group work Rubric and Expectation Guide Sample:
Follow this rubric for all group work assignments for full credit.
Rewards are based on a badge and mastery system.
To participate in the bi-weekly choice reward you have to:
1. Master all targets for the cycle
2. Complete and improve your score on all written assignments, or
3. Have collected at least 4 badges for the cycle.
Badges are awarded for:
1. Complete weekly notebook pages (entirely)
2. Complete all group work and score a 4 on the group rubric for your
3. Complete all assignments
4. Participation (every day)
5. Help the teacher or another student (every day)
6. Respect Award (You are respectful in every way every day)
7. Go above and beyond (academically or behaviorally)
*Badges will be awarded on Thursday of the week that we have a choice day—there will not be a
choice day on shortened weeks.
*Choice activities will vary, and they will be decided on prior to the beginning of the
cycle. All choice activities will be grounded in interactive and kinesthetic approaches to
language arts topics.