French/English Dictionary Pencils/Pens 3

Grady High School
Teacher: Madame McCoy
Room Number(s): 1B: E215, 4B:C228
Phone Number: (404) 802-3001
Semester: Fall 2015
Tutorial Days: “B day” Mondays
and “A days” by appointment
Textbook: Bien Dit, Book 2
Tutorial Hours: 3:30-4:30
Tutorial Location: Mr. Pope’s room – C227
Course Description:
The level II language course focuses on the continued development of communicative
competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak
the language. It provides language development through exploration of familiar topics (Family
& Friends, Celebrations, Food, School, Daily Routine, Leisure Activities & Hobbies, Nature,
Health, Art/Festivals/Architecture/Film/Music/Travel). Multiple opportunities are provided for
students to use the language through small group activities and projects.
Course Objectives
To obtain an intermediate level and acceptable degree of proficiency in the basic language
skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing French. Each student will gain competence in
comprehending the spoken language within vocabulary and structural range, and also in
speaking and reading with a more than adequate level of pronunciation and intonation.
Prerequisite: None
Course standards can be found at: www.georgia
Course Outline:
Week 1:
Chapter 1a
Week 2:
Chapter 1a
Week 3:
Chapter 1a
Week 4:
Chapter 1a
Week 5:
Chapter 1b
Week 6:
Chapter 1b
Week 7:
Chapter 1b
Week 8:
Chapter 1b
Week 9:
Chapter 2a
Week 10:
Chapter 2a
Week 11:
Chapter 2a
Week 12:
Chapter 2a
Week 13:
Chapter 2b
Week 14:
Chapter 2b
Week 15:
Chapter 2b
Week 16:
Chapter 2b
Week 17:
Week 18:
Final Exams
Evaluation and Grading:
Course Components
Classwork, Homework and Participation
Tests, Quizzes and Projects
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Grading Scale
Not Evaluated
Campus Portal for Parents and Guardians: Visit - to view
class schedules, attendance records and grades. To activate your account, visit the school to
receive your login (activation key).
Required Materials:
French/English Dictionary
Pencil sharpener
3-ring Binder
Notebook Paper
Classroom Expectations:
Come prepared and be on time and begin warm up exercise before the bell rings
Eating and drinking in class is prohibited
Usage of cell phone or other electronic devices is prohibited unless authorized
Demonstrate mature, respectful behavior at all times (profanity, boisterous behavior,
and excessive disruptions will not be tolerated)
Leave surrounding seat area clean and free of debris
Remain seated until dismissed by the teacher
You are responsible for all forms, handouts, and assignments given during class. I
will NOT replace lost printed materials
Students are required to keep all the work that they complete throughout the course
of the year
Plagiarism and copying will not be tolerated (this also includes Internet
Translation Services). You must use your own French.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: It is important that students are responsible and meet established
due dates for assignments. Late is defined as anytime work is submitted after the assignment
has already been collected by the teacher.
MAKE-UP AND MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: Students with an excused absence will be
expected to submit missed work on or before the third class meeting after the absence. Preannounced assignments are due upon return to school.
School-wide Expectations:
MASTERY LEARNING: With mastery learning, a unit of material is taught, and student
understanding is evaluated before students are able to move on to the next unit. Students
who have not shown mastery for a particular unit will receive feedback and support in
reaching mastery. They may be given practice exercises, study guides, group work or
complementary resources to help them improve and achieve mastery. Students who
demonstrate mastery of the content for a particular unit are given enrichment exercises like
special projects, tasks or academic games to further or broaden their knowledge of the
DEFICIENCY REPORTS: Parents and guardians are informed when students are making
unsatisfactory progress in classes. Poor performance will be reported to parents and
guardians as soon as problems are evident. Deficiency reports with plans for remediation
will be provided for all students making unsatisfactory progress, and parent-guardians
conferences must be scheduled. Unsatisfactory grades should never come as a surprise to
parents, guardians, or students. Also, see Board Policy Administrative Regulation IHA-R(1)
under “Students in danger of not meeting academic expectations” for further information.
Teachers will:
Contact parents/guardians early in the semester if academic, attendance, or
behavioral difficulties are apparent.
Notify the counselor, Student Support Team (SST)/Response To Intervention (RTI)
Chair, and/or an Assistant Principal of serious problems that are affecting classroom
Set up parent conferences as necessary.
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: Students wanting to participate in athletic programs governed by
the GHSA and extracurricular activities must meet eligibility requirements to participate.
The Athletic Director (and the Extracurricular Activities sponsors) will collaborate with
teachers to monitor and to identify students in danger of failing courses. A master list of
students participating in extracurricular activities and athletics under the auspices of the
GHSA will be available to all staff.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature