Supplement material for "Coherent and Tunable Terahertz Radiation from Graphene Surface Plasmon Polaritons Excited by an Electron Beam" Appendix I : Graphene with dielectric substrate Figure S1. The schematic diagram of a graphene sheet on a substrate, region I is vacuum and region II is the substrate ( s ). As shown in Fig.S1, a monolayer graphene is on a dielectric substrate, and an electron beam is uniformly moving parallel above the graphene. Here MKS unit system is used. We consider the TM mode wave in graphene, and then by making use of the Maxwell’s equations, the fields in region I and region II can be written as: Ez I A1a e jk1 y e jk z z Ez II A2b e jk2 y e jkz z where k z k1 k0 H xI 0 k1 0 s H x II k2 A1a e jk1 y e jk z z A2b e jk2 y e jk z z (I.1) (I.2) is the propagation constant of graphene surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), 2 k z 2 , k2 s k0 kz 2 and c is velocity of light in vacuum, 0 is the 2 dielectric constant in vacuum, k0 is c , and s is the relative dielectric constant in region II. j t The factor e is neglected. Assuming that monolayer graphene is atomically thin, we consider it as a conductive surface with conductivity g , then the boundary conditions are shown as below: Ez I ey H x I y 0 y 0 Ez II H x II (I.3) y 0 y 0 E g I z y 0 (I.4) Substituting Eq. (I.1) and (I.2) into the above boundary conditions, the dispersion equation of SPPs in monolayer graphene is obtained. 1 1 k02 k z 2 s s k02 k z 2 g 0 0 (I.5) Based on Eq. (I.5), Fig.1 (b) in manuscript is obtained. In the case of k0<<kz, and neglect the second summand in Eq. 1 in the manuscript, the dispersion relation will take a very simple form, whereby the angular frequency is proportional to the square root of the in-plane wave vector. By making use of the Wronskian approach, the incident waves of the parallel moving electron bunch are obtained. Ez y, z , kz q jk y y 1 2 e jkz z e c 0 2 0u0 kc (I.6) k02 k z 2 , kz u0 , u0 is the velocity of the moving electron bunch, q is where kc the charge quantity of the bunch, u0 c , and y0 is the position of the bunch. The description of fields in each region is the same as in the derivation of dispersion equations except that k z vSPPs is replaced by k z u0 , where vSPPs is the phase velocity of SPPs. The boundary conditions can be written as Ez I y 0 Ez i y 0 Ez II y 0 H xI y 0 H xi y 0 H II x y 0 Ez II y 0 (I.7) And then the coefficient of the electric field in region II can be found as A2b jB i where B i 0 kc k2 0 k1k2 0 kc k2 0 s k1kc k1k2 kc kz q 1 2 e jkc y0 . 2 0u0 kc The contour map in Fig.1 (c) in the manuscript is calculated from this equation. Appendix II. Graphene with dielectric micrometer slits array Figure S2. Schematic diagram of a monolayer graphene with micrometer dielectric slits array substrate, the slits array is formed by dielectric medium 1 and medium 2 alternatively, the height of the slits array is d, the widths of medium 1 and medium 2 2 (I.8) are a1 and a2, an electron bunch is uniformly moving above the slits array at a distance y0 . 2.1 Dispersion equation As shown in Fig. S2, the scheme can be divided into three regions. By making use of the Maxwell’s equations, we can get the following homogeneous Helmholtz equation. (In the Cartesian coordinate shown in Fig. S2.) 2 Ez 2 E z 2 E z 2 Ez 0 x 2 y 2 z 2 t 2 (II.1) Solving Eq. (II.1) together with the boundary conditions, the E z component of the fields in region I and III can be obtained. And then all the other field components can be obtained by Maxwell’s equations. The factor e j t is neglected. In the region I ( y 0 ): EzI B1e jk1 y e jk z z,H xI where 0 k1 B1e jk1 y e jk z z (II.2) k1 k02 kz2 , k0 c , k z v p , v p is the phase velocity of SPPs. In the region III ( y d ): EzIII B2e jk3 y e jkz z , H xIII where k3 0 s k3 B2e jk3 y e jk z z (II.3) s k02 kz2 In the region II ( H y 0 ): The dielectric slits array can be treated as a homogeneous dielectric layer with effective relative permittivity eff s (1 r ) 2 r , r a2 / L , using the same method described in above, the fields in region II can be written as: EzII ( B3e jk2 y B 4e jk 2y )e jkz z ,H xII where k2 0 eff k3 B( e3 jk y2 B e4 jk y 2 e )jk z z (II.4) eff k02 k z2 The monolayer graphene is also considered as a conductive surface with conductivity 3 g , using the similar boundary conditions as presented in appendix I, the dispersion relation can be obtained: eff k3 s k2 2 jk d eff k0 k1 0 g k1k2 k0 k2 e eff k3 s k2 eff k0 k1 0 g k1k2 k0 k2 2 (II.5) where 0 is the wave impendence in vacuum. In analog to translational invariance of crystal lattice, the periodicity of the dielectric media results in zone folding of the SPP dispersion, so Fig. 2(b) in manuscript is obtained. 2.2 Power density By making use of Maxwell’s equation, we can get the following nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equation. 2 Ezi 2 Ezi 2 Ezi 1 2 Ezi J 2 2 2 z 2 2 x y z c t t J z q u0 y y z u 0 0 t (II.6) (II.7) Solving the nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equation (II.6), the E zi component of source field induced by electron beam can be obtained. Ezi q 2kc (1 1 2 )e jkc y y0 e jkz z (II.8) k02 k z2 , kz u0 , u0 c , u0 is the velocity of moving electron bunch. where kc To obtain the radiation power density, the fields in each region should be expanded to space harmonic waves. In the region I ( y 0 ): EzI A1n e jk1n y e jk zn z,H xI n where k zn k z n 0 k1n A1n e jk1n y e jk zn z (II.9) A2 n e jk3 n y e jk zn z (II.10) 2 n 2 2 , k1n k0 kzn , k0 c . D In the region III ( y d ): EzIII A2 n e jk3 n y e jkzn z , H xIII n where k3n n 1k02 kzn2 . 4 0 s k3 n The periodic relative permittivity is expandable in a Fourier series of the form: r ( z ) c p exp(i p 2 p ) L (II.11) where the coefficients are: s (1 r ) 2 r cp sin[ p(1 r )] ( s 2 ) p p0 p0 , r a2 / L and its inverse is : 1 2 p p exp(i ) r ( z) p L (II.12) where the coefficients are: 1 1 (1 r ) r 2 p s ( 1 1 ) sin[ p(1 r )] s 2 p p0 p0 The fields in region II can be written as: EzII S zn ( y)e jkzn z , H xII j n 0 U xn ( y)e jk 0 n zn z (II.13) where U x , S z satisfy the eigen equation of dielectric slits array and their space harmonics are then given by U x {bi exp[qi ( y d )] bi exp(qi y )}wi (II.14) i S z {bi exp[qi ( y d )] bi exp(qi y)}vi , (II.15) i where wm ,i and qi are the elements of the eigenvector matrix W and the positive square root 1 of the eigenvalues of the matrix A B , B K z CK z k0 I , C and A are the matrix formed 2 by the permittivity and inverse permittivity components, K z is a diagonal matrix, with the i , i element being equal to k zi , I is the identity matrix. The matrix V 5 1 AWQ , Q is a k0 diagonal matrix with the elements qi . The quantities bi and bi are unknown constants to be determined from boundary conditions. Matching the boundary conditions, the coefficients of fields in all regions can be obtained. The radiation power per unit area can then be obtained by: P A2 1 Re[ 0 1n ] 2 k1n n (II.16) where A1 VXb Vb M 3 , A2 M 11 (Vb VXb ) , b [(WX M 5VX )( M 1W M 2V ) 1 ( M 2VX M 1WX ) ( M 5V W )]1 ( M 4 M 5 M 3 ) b ( M 1W M 2V )1 ( M 2VX M 1WX )b , M 1 , M 2 and M 5 are diagonal matrices with the i , i elements being equal to e jk3i d , jk 0 j s k0 jk3id and 0 j e , M 3 and M 4 are column matrix with zero elements k3 i k1i 0 g except the middle elements being equal to jk 0 q jkc y0 q jkc y0 , ( 0j g) e . e 2kc kc 0 2 kc The contour map in Fig.2 (c) and the spectrum of E z component of radiation field in the manuscript are calculated. 2.3 Radiation characteristic dependence on the height of dielectric slits array The radiation characteristic may be influenced by the height of dielectric slits array. We study the radiation frequency and power density dependence on the height varying from 0.6 to 1.6 m. Due to the high confine of graphene SPPs on graphene-dielectric surface, its dispersion curve is almost unaffected by the substrate below the dielectric slits array when the height is larger than 0.6 um, so the radiation frequency is nearly unchanged. When the height is smaller than 0.6 m, the substrate will affect the dispersion of graphene SPPs. The Fig.S3 shows the dependence of radiation power density on the height of dielectric slits array. The power density increases with the increasing height, reaches to a peak, and then decreases. To ensure the high radiation power density and the independence of radiation frequency on substrate below the dielectric slits array, the height of dielectric slits array is set to be comparable to the length of the period. 6 Figure S3.Radiation power density dependence on the height of dielectric slits array 2.4 The radiation power density dependence on various different parameters Fig.S4 shows the radiation power density dependence on various different parameters. When each of the parameters (chemical potential, ratio of slit width to period, period and relative permittivity) is fixed, the optimization radiation power density is obtained by choosing appropriate beam energy. For example, in Fig.S4 (a), if the chemical potential is 0.15 eV, the max radiation power density is about 100 mW/cm2.. And the radiation power density decreases with the decreasing chemical potential. 7 Figure.S4.Radiation power density dependence on various different parameters (a) Radiation power density vs. chemical potential (b) Radiation power density vs. ratio of slit width to period (c) Radiation power density vs. period (d) Radiation power density vs. relative permittivity, the beam energies (β) are labeled in the brackets. Appendix III: Graphene with PEC micrometer slits array As shown in Fig.S3, a PEC micrometer slits array replaces the dielectric substrate, and it is a two dimensional periodic structure. Figure S5. Schematic diagram of graphene in PEC micrometer slits array Here MKS unit system is used, and we consider the TM mode in graphene. By making use of the Maxwell’s equation, the fields in each region can be written. For region I: Ez I A1n a e jk1n y e jkzn z n H x I 0 A1n a e jk1n y e jkzn z n k1n (III.1) where k z is the propagation constant of graphene SPPs, k zn k z 2 n D , n is the order of c space harmonics, k1n 2 kzn 2 , and c is velocity of light in vacuum, 0 is the j t dielectric constant in vacuum. The factor e is neglected. For region II: Ez II A2 n a e jk2 n y A2 n b e jk2 n y e jk zn z n H x II 0 d A2 n a e jk2 n y 0 d A2 n b e jk2 n y e jk zn z k2 n n k2 n where k2n b c kzn 2 , d is the relative dielectric constant in region II. 2 For region III: 8 (III.2) Ez III a jk0 y b jk0 y A3 e A3 e 0 a a z 2 2 a a z D 2 2 0 A3a e jk0 y A3b e jk0 y 0 0 Hx III (III.3) a a z 2 2 a a z D 2 2 where k0 c and 0 is the permeability in vacuum. For region IV: H x IV 0 s A4 nb e jk4 n y e jkzn z k4 n n Ez IV A4 nb e jk4 n y e jkzn z n where k4n (III.4) s c kzn 2 , s is the relative dielectric constant in region IV. 2 The monolayer graphene is considered as a conductive surface, and then the boundary conditions for region I and II are written as: Ez I y h1 Ez II y h1 ey H x I y h1 H x II y h1 E I z y h1 (III.5) And then matching the fields in each region, the dispersion equation of graphene SPPs in PEC periodic structure can be obtained. Q1 1Q2 1 e jk h Q2 1Q1 1 e jk h 0 2 0 2 (III.6) where a b k0 d M n M n k a a Q1 sin c 2 zn a b D n k2 n M n M n 2 M na Q2 k0 s k a a sin c 2 zn D n k4 n 2 e jk1n h1 0 d k1n 0 k1n k2 n e jk1n h1 0 d k1n 0 k1n k2 n b M n e jk2 n h1 2 0 d k1n e jk2 n h1 2 0 d k1n By making use of the Wronskian approach, the incident waves of the parallel moving electron bunch are obtained. Ez y, z , where kc kz q 1 2 e jkz z e jkc y y0 2 0u0 kc (III.7) k02 k z 2 , kz u0 , u0 is the velocity of the moving electron bunch, q is the charge quantity of the bunch, u0 c , and y0 is the position of the bunch. The description of fields in each region is the same as in the derivation of dispersion equations except 9 that k z vSPPs is replaced by k z u0 , where vSPPs is the phase velocity of SPPs. Matching the fields in each region, the coefficients in region III can be obtained. A3b S2 S1 e jk h Sum34 1 Sum34 1 Sum23 1 e jk h Sum34 1 Sum23 1 0 2 e jk0h2 (III.8) 0 2 A3a A3b e jk0h2 Sum34 1 e jk0h2 Sum34 1 (III.9) where Sum23 n S1 Bi Pa k0 d k a k M 0 a M 0b a k a P a Pb sin c z 0 ,S2 Bi 0 d P Pb sin c z 0 a b k20 2 k20 M 0 M 0 2 e jkc h1 kc k20 0 d kc 0 k20 b e jkc h1 kc k20 0 d kc 0 k20 , P jk20h1 e jk20h1 2 0 d kc e 2 0 d kc M 0a M na Bi k a k a a k0 d M n a M nb a k sin c 2 zn , Sum34 0 s sin c 2 zn a b D k2 n M n M n 2 2 n D k4 n e jk10 h1 k10 k20 0 d k10 0 k20 e jk10 h1 k10 k20 0 d k10 0 k20 b , M 0 e jk20 h1 2 0 d k10 e jk20 h1 2 0 d k10 e jk1n h1 k1n k2 n 0 d k1n 0 k2 n e jk1n h1 k1n k2 n 0 d k1n 0 k2 n b , M n e jk2 n h1 2 0 d k1n e jk2 n h1 2 0 d k1n kz q 1 2 e jkc y0 2 0u0 kc Appendix IV: The mechanism of enhancement Graphene SPPs are considered as surface current density: J zsp g Ez , which is the equivalent source for the enhancement. The total radiation power consists of attribution of J zsp and electron beam without the graphene sheet. As shown in Appendix II, the fields excited by the parallel electron beam in each region are obtained from the boundary conditions as below. ( Ezi EzI ) | y 0 EzII | y 0 H xII | y 0 ( H xi H xI ) | y 0 g ( EzII ) | y 0 EzII | y d EzIII | y d (IV. 1) H xII | y d H xIII | y d And then the equivalent current is found as g ( EzII ) . Then we have the follow boundary conditions for this structure excited by the equivalent current. 10 E | I z y 0 H | II x | E II z II where E z y 0 H xI | y 0 g EzII | y 0 y d H | II x EzII | y 0 y d E III z | (IV. 2) y d H xIII | y d is the filed excited directly be the parallel beam, and the fields with superscript are the fields excited by the equivalent current. The numerical calculation shows that the fields excited by the equivalent current is much larger than the fields excited by the beam without the graphene sheet, which agree well with the results given in Fig.4 in our manuscript. 11