March 14, 2007 Edition
Antelope Valley Chapter Newsletter of the National Contract Management Association
Professional Development through Team Work
Thursday, March 20th, 2008
Dinner Meeting Presenting
R. Stephen Ayers on
"Emerging Trends in Procurement
and What's New in NCMA"
Time: 6:00 - 8.00 p.m.
Place: Sizzler, 853 W Palmdale Blvd,
Palmdale, CA 93551, (661) 273-4411
Mr. Ayers is the National President-Elect of the
National Contract Management Association
(NCMA). He is past President and Director of
NCMA’s San Diego Chapter; past National Vice
President, Southwestern Region; member of the
NCMA Board of Advisors; NCMA National Board of
Direct ors. For more information see Stephen’s bio on page two.
Roberta Ross, 277-2094 or Fax 277-0470
5 South Wolfe Ave, Bldg. 2800
Edwards AFB, CA 93524-1185
In This Issue:
March Meetings 1
Speaker’s Bio 2
Membership News 2 -3
Call for Nominations 4
Education & Certification 5
Job Opportunities 6-7
Websites, Officers & Chairs 8
Mark Your Calendar
April 8, 2008
Board Meeting 11:30-
12:30 Leo Conf Rm
April 17, 2008
Next General Meeting
“Career Development”
April 13-16, 2008
NCMA World Congress
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 20-21, 2008
NCMA Leadership Summit in
Crown Plaza Hotel San Diego
- Mission Beach, CA
Steve Ayers retired in June 2007 from Science Applications International
Corporation (SAIC) after 27 years with the company, most recently as the Senior
Vice President for Contracts and Procurement. In this capacity he was responsible for all Company operations related to Contracts, Pricing, Subcontracting and
Purchasing. Mr. Ayers was functionally responsible for over 500 professional
Contracts and Pricing personnel, and over 300 warranted Subcontract Managers and Buyers. He also served as Secretary of the Audit Committee of SAIC’s Board of Directors. He was the Company’s Chief Ethics Officer from 2002 to 2005.
Prior to assuming these duties, he served in various financial and contract management capacities at SAIC, which he joined in 1980. Prior to his career at
SAIC, he served as a Contracts Manager with Unisys Corporation. Mr. Ayers served as a Naval Officer for five years, first aboard a nuclear submarine and later in the submarine procurement directorate of the Naval Sea Systems Command.
Mr. Ayers the National President-Elect of the National Contract Management
Association (NCMA). He is past President and Director of NCMA’s San Diego
Chapter; past National Vice President, Southwestern Region; member of the
NCMA Board of Advisors; NCMA National Board of Directors; Trustee of the
Contract Management Institute; and an NCMA Fellow. He was also a member of the Board of Visitors at the Defense Acquisition University, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia for seven years.
He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis and received his MBA from The George Washington University. Mr. Ayers remains affiliated with SAIC as a Consulting Employee.
Stacy Howell from Edwards AFB
Helen Elario of GE Aviation, at Edwards
Melinda Keeling of Boeing, at Edwards
Norman Mackie from Edwards AFB
Introducing Two of our newest members . . . . . . . .
Melinda Keeling of Boeing, at Edwards
Melinda shared the following information about herself with us, “I am a Business
Manager for Boeing currently working on the Airborne Laser program at Edwards Air
Force Base. I have been in the Aerospace business arena for 25 years with Boeing
(Heritage Rockwell), but I do not deal directly in the contracting world. I joined NCMA as an additional avenue to grow my contracting knowledge and broaden my general knowledge base. I am looking forward to attending the [World Congress] Conference in
Ohio and hope to pick up a great many "tidbits" of wisdom there, as well as new networking connections. I have lived in Lancaster since 1973, when this was just a small little desert town. I hold a Bachelors degree in Psychology from Chapman
University and am working on my MBA through the University of La Verne. I've been married 25+ years and we enjoy riding motorcycles, fishing and the beach. We have two sons age 19 and 22, and a flock of parrots that keep us entertained.
Norman Mackie from Edwards AFB
As a former military dependent, he has lived all across the US, but spent most of his life growing up in Okinawa, Japan.
Norman’s decision to pursue a career in contracting came after working for various Services/MWR organizations for the past 15 years and felt it was time for a change. The idea of working in contracting came to him while attending a contracting course in Japan and being encouraged to do so by the base supply/procurement personnel that he interacted with. He had no idea what “DAWIA” meant and had limited exposure to the contracting environment. He only knew that not everyone could be in this field and that was something he wanted to be part of, especially Air Force contracting. So when his family moved back to Edwards from Japan, his goal was to get into a contracting position within 2 years. Norman accomplished this goal within a year. “I’m hoping that joining NCMA will help broaden my career development and allow for some mobility.”
He loves to play golf and is a big fan of Japanese classis cars. So if you ever need someone in your four-some, let him know. Or if you ever see him and his car broke down on the side of the road, please help!
This is my 1973 Datsun 240Z
Roberta Ross, Vice President Elect and Membership Chair
Are you interested in running for a leadership position of our chapter or do you know someone who is? Now is the time. Nominations for the all Elect positions for program year 2008-2009 are requested.
The 2008-2009 Officers and new Elect Officers will be installed in June for the
2008-2009 Program Year.
Current 2007-2008 Officers (This could be you next year!)
Program Year 2007-2008
President: Karen Zang, AFFTC
Vice-President: Kim Rabatin, AFFTC
Secretary: Lucy Castel, AFFTC
Treasurer: Cheryl Avon, AFFTC
Elects for Program Year 2008-2009
President Elect: Betty Ellis, AFFTC
Vice-President Elect: Roberta Ross, AFFTC
Secretary: Leonila Marcelino, AFFTC
Treasurer: Cheryl Avon, AFFTC
Nominations are required for all Program Year 2008-2009 Elect positions.
Effective with Program Year 1996-97, Officer Elect positions were installed with the primary elected slate of chapter officers. The addition of the Officer Elect positions was to work with the primary elected slate of officers to gain insight of the officer positions and ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities for the next program year. All Officer Elect positions are voting positions. The Elect officers will assume the corresponding officers position for the following program year.
The duties and of the office positions are listed below.
For questions or to submit nomination please contact Dwight Franke at 661-275-
8990 or by 25 Mar 2008 .
Pricing Basics (Cost Analysis)
Program Code: 13019
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2008
Time: 12:00–1:30pm Eastern, 11:00am–12:30pm Central, 10:00–11:30am Mountain, 9:00–10:30am Pacific
This seminar introduces sellers and buyers to the fundamentals of cost analysis in federal contracting and provides the knowledge to review and evaluate cost elements. Attendees will understand the review and evaluation of the separate cost elements and profit in a proposal and the application of judgment to determine how well the proposed costs represent what the cost of the contract should be, assuming reasonable economy and efficiency.
Online: Please click on the following links to register: 54502.
Read more about how audio seminars work, and about purchasing seminars on DVD...
Register by March 7 and SAVE! Click here to download the registration form.
Mark Your Calendars!
2008 Leadership Summit
June 20–21, 2008
Crowne Plaza Hotel San Diego–Mission Valley
San Diego, CA
Come participate in this annual leadership event and you—NCMA's chapter volunteers
(experienced, new, and potential)—will learn how to build and manage a successful chapter with case studies, best practices, and practical examples.
Becoming a better chapter leader,
Developing overall leadership skills,
Connecting with your peers and learning from each other, and
Training for fundamental chapter and national operations.
Lucy Castel, Chapter Secretary and Certification Chair
Procurement Services Associates : We invite you to take a look at the job openings below, then visit the Job Openings page on our website for even more opportunities.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subcontract Administrator--Direct Hire (Southern California)
Contracts Administrator--Direct Hire (Oakland, California) - $130K
telephone : (925) 460-0397 | fax : (925) 227-1669
| http://procurementservices
Contract Management Jobs
One of the greatest benefits you receive as an NCMA member is free access to our jobs board at
. This is the premier electronic recruitment resource for the industry. Here, employers and recruiters can access the most qualified talent pool with relevant work experience to fulfill staffing needs. Active job seekers can showcase their skills and work experience to prospective employers to find the best job opportunities, while others can take advantage of networking, training, and career development services. Whether you're looking for a new job or ready to take the next step in your career you can take advantage of the networking, training, and career development services we offer. Whatever your career needs may be, we'll help you find the opportunity that's right for you. There are currently 256 positions being advertised worldwide.
FAR VIEW Newsletter:
AV Chapter Officers’ & Committee Chairs
Chapter Officers for Program Year 07-08
President Karen Zang, AFFTC
Vice President
Kim Rabatin, AFFTC
Lucy Castel, AFFTC
Treasurer Cheryl Avon, AFFTC
Elect Officers for Program Year 08-09
Vice President
Betty Ellis, AFFTC
Roberta Ross, AFFTC/PKX
Leonila Marcelino, AFFTC
Treasurer Cheryl Avon, AFFTC
Annual Chapter Report
Annual Education Conference Chair
Karen Zang/Kim Rabatin
Jeff Veselenak/Diane Dolci/Betty Ellis
Willie Martin
Bylaws (Update)
Certification Program
Chapter Awards
Educational Assistance/Scholarship
Fund raising
Membership/Chapter Welcome
Newsletter Editor
Private Organization/Insurance (EAFB)
Programs/Speakers, Monthly Meetings
Small Business Outreach
Webpage Administrator
World Congress
Marvel Lavy/Karen Zang/Jeff Veselenak
Leonila Marcelino
Betty Ellis
Roberta Ross
Lucy Castel
Karen Zang
Cheryl Avon/Diane Dolci/Leonila Marcelino
Kim Rabatin
Roberta Ross
Jennifer Hill
Dwight Franke
Willie Martin
Cheryl Avon
Roberta Ross
Janis Smets
Marvell Lavy/Roberta Ross
Lucy Castel/Thania Guillen
Diane Dolci/Cheryl Avon/Kim Rabatin
National Contract Management (N.C.M.A)
Antelope Valley Chapter No.27
PO Box 6431
Lancaster, CA 93539-6431
Dated Material
Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Hill, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, (661) 572-5486
AV Chapter Website