MIMO Capacity of Radar as a Communications Channel Patrick Bidigare Veridian Ann Arbor R&D Center 3300 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48130 Patrick.Bidigare@veridian.com some way and then retransmitting these back to the radar system. The radar system will receive the RF tag signals along with radar echoes from the clutter and thermal noise. Since we are concerned with the channel capacity of a multiple receiver radar, the details of pulse modification method is somewhat irrelevant, however it is helpful to keep a specific method in mind. The conceptual RF tag model shown in figure 1 uses a digital convolver (a finite impulse response filter) to convolve data onto incident pulses. ABSTRACT An RF tag is a wireless communication device that can embed information into a SAR or GMTI radar collection by receiving radar pulses, modifying these and transmitting them back to the radar. This allows the radar system to be used as a communications channel. This radar/tag channel may be viewed as a spatio-temporal MIMO channel, where the inputs are the pulses transponded by the tag and the outputs are all the pulses received by all the radar receiver channels. The interference in this channel is composed of thermal noise and clutter returns and has a rich covariance structure that has been studied extensively in the STAP community. This presentation explores the dependence of radar/tag channel capacity on the number of spatial receive channels available on the radar system. We derive a formula for the capacity of a multiple receiver radar system and then calculate via simulation these capacities in the specific case of the Veridian DCS radar and the BAE SYSTEMS digital RF tag. Figure 1: Digital RF Tag Device Model The effect of the digital convolver is to create a series of weighted time replicas of the incident radar waveform. On reception, the radar system pulse compresses the signal returns. This also has the effect of compressing the individual pulse replicas produced by the tag device as shown in figure 2. 1. INTRODUCTION RF tags communications is an area of research that lies in the intersection of GMTI STAP and MIMO communications, and an understanding of the results in both areas is necessary. As we will demonstrate in this paper, RF tags can be cast as special case of a MIMO channel to which channel capacity formulas and space-time coding techniques apply. Unlike ordinary MIMO channels, the interference present in the RF tags channel can be highly colored both spatially and temporally and has been studied extensively in the STAP literature. The difficulty of isolating independent transmit and receive channels often leads to tag designs in which a single antenna is multiplexed for both transmit and receive. This paper represents the third in a series on RF tags communications. In [8], an adaptive signal processing algorithm was developed for suppressing interference while preserving tag signals in multiple receiver radar systems. In [7], the Shannon channel capacity for a single receiver radar was derived and the dependence of capacity on PRF, resolution and range were investigated. This paper finishes the story by calculating the capacity for an arbitrary multiple receiver radar. We show for a real radar system the advantage that multiple receivers makes on the capacity of the channel. 2. 2.1 Figure 2: Tag Signal Illustration 2.2 Single Receiver Radar Channel To begin with, we consider a radar system with a single receive channel. For completeness, we will consider to tag signal models: One in which the tag retransmits all received pulses (AP) and the other in which every other pulse (EOP) is transponded. These are illustrated in figure 3. RF TAGS COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL Signal Model An RF tag can embed communications signals in a radar data stream by receiving the incident radar pulses, modifying these in 1 Y HX Z . In much of the MIMO literature, the channel matrices can be arbitrarily sized with arbitrary complex-valued elements. The interference is usually taken to be spatially (and temporally) white with a continuous stream of time samples available from the channel. All Pulse Model A multiple receiver radar channel can be cast as a specific type of MIMO channel. The RF tags MIMO channel is shown in figure 5. We model a single receiver radar as a set of Nbins identical parallel discrete complex Gaussian channels corresponding to the tag signal bearing range bins. Here Nbins might be the number of taps in the tag FIR convolver, or more generally the number of radar range bins available for embedding information. The complex sample Ym , k X m , k Z m , k in the kth range bin of the Pulse #1 Ha ( ) 1 Z11 Ha 2 ( ) X1 Z 21 Ha 3 ( ) Y11 Y21 Z 31 Y31 Pulse #2 Ha 1 ( ) Z12 Ha 2 ( ) X2 Z Ha 3 ( ) 22 Y12 Y22 Z 32 Y32 Pulse #3 Ha 1 ( ) Z13 Ha 2 ( ) X3 Z 23 Ha 3 ( ) Y13 Z 33 Y23 Spatial-Temporal Receivers Figure 3: Single Receiver RF Tag Channels Temporal Transmitters Every Other Pulse Model Y33 mth pulse is the sum of the tag contribution X m, k plus the Figure 5: RF Tags MIMO Channel interference Z m , k from clutter and thermal noise. We model the For RF tags, the transmitters are temporally separated and correspond to the repeated pulses. The receive channels separated both spatially and temporally. The signal received on pulse m , receiver n is denoted Yn , m . interference as independent from range bin to range bin, and denote its pulse-to-pulse autocorrelation by RZ (m1 , m2 ) E Z m2 ,k Z m1,k . 2.3 * The RF tags MIMO channel is always an injective mapping from the temporal input symbols X m to the space-time output Multiple Receiver Radar Channel The single receiver channel model generalizes easily to the case of a multiple receiver radar. In this context, it mathematically takes the form of an injective multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel. A conventional MIMO channel is shown in figure 4. Y1 H 21 Z1 H 31 Y2 H 12 X2 Z2 H 22 Y3 H 32 Spatial Receivers Spatial Transmitters H 11 X1 Z3 Figure 4: Conventional MIMO Channel The channel consists of a number of spatially separated transmitters and receivers with a channel transfer matrix H and an interference source Z . The input-output relation is symbols Yn , m . Unlike the conventional MIMO formulation, the interference contaminating our received signals is highly correlated spatially and temporally in exactly the same way it is in the GMTI STAP problem. Finally, while a conventional MIMO channel is assumed to have a continuous stream of time samples, our RF tags MIMO channel has a finite number of range bins into which it can code information. 3. INJECTIVE MIMO CHANNELS A general expression for the capacity of a MIMO channel was derived in [6]. In the case of an injective MIMO channel (one in which the linear mapping defined by H is injective), a more compact expression for the capacity can be given. Given an injective MIMO channel Y HX Z , the minimum variance unbiased estimator of X given Y is W H R Z1 H 1 H R Z1 Y which is a sufficient statistic [1, ch 2], [3, ch. 5] (receiver) for X . Consequently the cascaded channel X Y W has the same capacity as the original X Y . This channel is equivalent to a bijective MIMO channel with 1 Z U H R H X Y H identity 1 channel matrix and interference H R Z as shown in figure 6. (H*RZ-1H)-1H*RZ-1 W Continuous Time-Frequency Support X Z FREQUENCY W U I(X;Y) = I(X;W) Z Conventional MIMO: 1 Z (H*RZ-1H)-1H*RZ-1 BWRF Figure 6: Injective MIMO Channel Equivalence TIME Formulas for the spectral efficiency of such a channel are well-known. Form an informed transmitter (which knows the interference correlation and can spectrally optimize its transmitted signal), the maximum spectral efficiency is given by N TX ( i ) i C IT log i i 1 RF Tags: Radar Time-Frequency Support FREQUENCY BWRF Radar Pulses Range Gate Receive Window where is chosen to satisfy the energy constraint 1 NTX NTX i TIME E. Figure 7: Time Frequency Support Regions n1 Here N TX is the number of transmit channels, E is the energy per transmission and 1 , , NTX the equivalent 1 Z RU H R H * bijective 1 channel are the eigenvalues of covariance matrix . For an uninformed transmitter, the optimal coding scheme is to transmit a spectrally white signal. The corresponding maximum spectral efficiency is then N E i CUT log i 1 i TX 4. RF TAGS MIMO CHANNEL The formulas for the spectral efficiency of an injective MIMO channel will be used for the RF tags MIMO channel. In order to apply these formulas we first need to interpret spectral efficiency in the case of RF tags. We then formulate the RF tags channel matrix H and energy constraint E . Finally, we determine the space-time interference covariance matrix R Z as a function of the radar parameters. 4.1 Spectral Efficiency In a conventional MIMO channel, an RF band is sampled directly at (or above) the Nyquist rate. Here the full timefrequency support is available for communications. In contrast, the pulsed operation of a radar and front end processing allows only a small fraction of the time frequency support to be utilized for communications. This is illustrated in figure 7. In conventional MIMO, the spectral efficiency is the number of information bits transmitted per Nyquist sample. In the RF tags case, it is the number of information bits sent per range bin per pulse. The channel capacity of a conventional MIMO channel is obtained by multiplying the spectral efficiency times the bandwidth, while for RF tags we multiply by PRF N bins for the all-pulse model or PRF N bins for the every-other pulse 2 model. 4.2 Energy Constraint The total tag energy transmitted per pulse is given by the Friis transmission equation [2, ch. 2] Per Bin Tag Energy Pulse Width Radar Antenna Effective Area Gtag 1 2 4R 4 2 N bins Etag ERPtag Tp Range Bins Used Tag Effective Radiated Power Rx Propagation Loss to Radar For maximum spectral efficiency, this energy is equally divided among all range bins as shown above. 4.3 Channel Matrix In deriving the formula for the channel matrix, we note that signals transmitted on one pulse do not affect those received on other pulses. On a given pulse, each radar receiver hears the same tag signal but with a slightly different one-way delay. If the receive antennas are identical and the radar transmitted pulses have small fractional bandwidth, then it is appropriate to model the signal received by the antennas as identical up to a phase factor [5]. The case of a uniform linear array is depicted in figure 8, with physical phase center displacement vector d . Aft Center patches shown in figure 9. Fore k̂ d M N = # Pulses = # Receivers Figure 8: Steering Vector to RF Tag Figure 9: Antenna Illumination & Clutter Patch Model If k̂ denotes the unit vector toward the RF tag device and is the wavelength, then the spatial steering vector is We model the return from each clutter patch as a complex, zero mean random variable whose variance (energy) is given by the radar range equation [2] 1 a( ) e2i e4i where kˆ d Patch Energy Pulse Width E patch ( ) P T p G Tx ( ) Transmit Power is the spatial frequency: the receiver to receiver phase increment due to the position of the RF tag. 4.4 Antenna Effective Area 2 Rx G ( ) 1 4 4R 2 (10) This variance corresponds to the zero-lag sample of an autocorrelation sequence. For a single stationary clutter patch, the autocorrelation between two pulses and/or receivers is while the channel matrix for the every-other-pulse (EOP) tag H EOP Clutter Reflectivity Propagation Loss to Radar 0 a( ) 0 a( ) I M M a( ) M and is given by 2 0 0 a( ) 0 0 0 a( ) 0 TX Antenna Gain R rg sin( graze ) The channel matrix for a tag that transponds all pulses (AP) is case is MN 1 0 4R 2 Patch Area MN M and given by H AP Propagation Loss to Patch 2R( , δ) R patch ( , δ) E patch ( ) exp 2i (11) where R( , δ) δ kˆ ( ) is the change in range to the clutter patch and δ is the displacement vector between the virtual antenna phase center positions (Fig. 7) Interference The interference in the channel is the sum of the contributions from clutter and thermal noise. We treat the thermal noise as both spatially and spectrally white. The variance of the thermal noise (per range bin per pulse) is given by Boltzmann’s equation Thermal Energy The total clutter correlation between pulses (because the patches are assumed independent) is given by Temperature Ethermal k T Fn Boltzmann’s Constant Receiver Noise Figure Figure 10: Range Change Between Receivers and/or Pulses Determines Correlation Coefficient. Rclutter (δ) R patch ( , δ) . This correlation is shown as a (9) The clutter contribution to a range bin sample is a coherent sum of the returns from a large number of independent clutter function of displacement δ for the Veridian DCS radar in figure 11. Noise Figure Fn 2dB Standoff Ranges R 15 km 45 km Resolutions rg 3cm 3m Tag Pulse Frequencies Repetition Number of Range Bins Nbins 200 Effective Radiated Power ERPtag 0.4W Median Clutter Sectional Density Figure 11: Clutter Correlation vs. VPC Displacement for Veridian DCS Radar. For an aircraft traveling at a velocity V AC , physical antenna PRF 200 Hz 5KHz Cross CCSD 15 dB The antenna structure of the DCS is shown in figure 12. It consists of three receivers whose apertures have a –25dB Taylor weighting applied. The middle phase center is used for transmit while all three channels are independently received. displacement d and pulse repetition interval PRI , the virtual phase center displacement between phase centers n1 and n 2 on pulses m1 m2 and m,n m V AC PRI n respectively is given by d , where m m 2 m1 and 2 -25dB Taylor Weighting n n 2 n1 . The entries of the interference matrix are thus R Z m ,n ,m ,n Rclutter ( m,n ) 1 1 2 2 (m) (n) E thermal 5. CAPACITY SIMULATIONS Radar The channel capacity of a radar system depends on a dozen different radar, tag and clutter parameters. This can unnecessarily obfuscate the interpretation of the radar channel capacity. To simplify things, we will calculate the radar channel capacity for the Veridian DCS radar system operating with a representative RF tag design. We will show the dependence of the capacity on the radar PRF, standoff range and resolution. The channel capacity behavior will exhibit the same basic properties for all radar system and RF tag designs, although the actual capacity numbers will change. Parameter Symbol & Value(s) Transmit Power PTxradar 3.5kW Peak Tx/Rx Gain G radar 29 dBi Azimuth Beamwidth az 5.25 Elevation Beamwidth el 6.25 Wavelength .03m Pulse Width T p 45 .51s Figure 12: DCS Receiver Apertures. 5.1 Single Channel Spectral Efficiencies To appreciate the spectral efficiency for a multiple receiver radar, it is useful to first examine capacities of a single receiver system. Figure 13 shows the dependence of spectral efficiency on radar standoff range. We fix the resolution at .3m and look at the spectral efficiency of the uninformed transmitter, every-other pulse channel for three standoff ranges. Figure 12: Spectral Efficiency vs. PRF In the high PRF, thermal dominated region, spectral efficiency (and hence capacity) decreases with increasing range. This is because the thermal noise level is independent of range while the 2 tag energy is proportional to 1 / R . We see a somewhat surprising result in the low PRF clutter dominated region where spectral efficiency increases with increasing range. This occurs because the dominating clutter energy is proportional to 1 / R 4 . The spectral efficiency is less sensitive to changes in range in the thermal dominated region than in the clutter dominated region of the log-compressive characteristics of channel capacity at higher signal to noise ratios. More properties of the single receiver spectral efficiencies may be found in [7]. 5.2 Multiple Channel Spectral Efficiencies Finally, we compare the spectral efficiency of a single channel radar to that of a multiple channel radar. We consider three cases. The first (green) case is that of a single receive aperture where we transmit and receive on only the center DCS antenna. The second (blue) case is using the center antenna for transmit and all three independently for receive. This is not a fair comparison yet because the three independent apertures will naturally have more receive gain than the single aperture. To account for this, we introduce a third (red) case where all three apertures are beamformed into a single receiver with maximum gain toward the RF tag. These cases are illustrated in figure 13. Three Independent Receive Apertures Single Simple Receive Aperture Capacity = 320Kbps Capacity = 1.6Mbps Capacity = 20Kbps 2 1 One VPC displacement flown b/t pulses Figure 14: Spectral Efficiency of Multiple Receiver DCS / RF tags channel. As a final point, it is interesting make the following contrast. For a conventional MIMO channel with additive white noise, the spectral efficiency depends only on the singular values of the channel matrix [6]. In the case of RF tags, the singular values do not change as more radar receivers are added, however because of the space-time color of the interference, the spectral efficiency of a multiple receiver radar can outperform that of a single receiver radar. 6. REFERENCES [1] T. Cover and J. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory. Three Apertures Beamformed into Single Receiver Figure 13: DCS Aperture Configurations Compared The spectral efficiencies for these three cases are shown as a function of PRF in figure 14. Note that the spectral efficiency of the 3 receiver case in uniformly higher than both the single receiver and the beamformed “long antenna” cases. At very low or very high PRFs, the efficiency of the 3 receiver and long antenna cases are nearly identical. The advantage of a multiple receiver radar exists at intermediate values of the PRF. We notice that the spectral efficiency of the 3 receiver case peaks at PRF200 and PRF 400. These points correspond to the PRFs in which the platform two or one virtual phase center displacements respectively between adjacent pulses. For PRFs at or above the DPCA condition, the spectral efficiency of a multiple phase center radar is near it’s maximum. Wiley, 1991. [2] C. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis & Design (2nd edition) Wiley, 1997. [3] S. Kay, Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing (Volume 1: Estimation Theory) Prentice Hall, 1993. [4] R. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication. Wiley, 1968. [5] J. Ward, Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Airborne Radar. Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report 1015 [6] Bliss et. al. Environmental issues for MIMO capacity. IEEE Trans. on SP, 50(9): 2129-2142, Sept. 2002. [7] P. Bidigare, “The Shannon Channel Capacity of a Radar System”, Conference Record of the Thirty Sixth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Nov 2003. [8] P. Bidigare & M. Nayeri, “RF Tags: Radar as a Communications Channel”, Proceedings of the 2002 10th ASAP Workshop