Paper prepared for Oral Presentation at the Africa GIS 2005 conference (oct 31 – nov 4) in Tshwane, South Africa. Reference number 627 TRANSPORT NETWORK EXTENSIONS FOR ACCESSIBILITY ANALYSIS IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Tom de Jong and Taede Tillema Department of Human Geography and Planning Faculty of Geosciences Utrecht University Utrecht, NL Tel: +31302531393 Abstract In many developed countries high quality digital transport networks are available for GIS based analysis. Partly this is due to the requirements of route planning software for internet and car navigation systems. Properties of these networks consist among others of road quality attributes, directionality and turntables. In contrast in many so-called developing countries hardly any digital networks of sufficient quality exist for even the most basic GIS operations. It is not realistic to assume that on a short term high quality digital networks will become available. In such a case an airline network can be created. However this type of network assumes homogeneous space and does not take any physical obstacles into account. The Willowvale case is used to introduce the concept of (modified) Delauney networks that only creates airline links between physically neighboring locations. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First it is assessed to what extent ‘Airline’ and ‘Delauney’ based networks can be used as simplified cheap alternatives for the expensive digital road maps based on reality. The suitability of these alternative networks is examined in a Dutch case, where a detailed digital road map already exists. Results indicate that origindestination distances computed with Delauney networks, when compared to airline distances, are much more in line with distances derived from the actual network. This leads to the conclusion that especially in heterogeneous areas the Delauney method offers an acceptable way of creating alternative road maps for the sole purpose of estimating the travel distance between locations. The ‘Dar es Salam’ case is used to illustrate that the method can also be applied when the road network needs to serve an urban area instead of linking small villages. The second purpose of the paper goes one step further and aims at getting insight into the sensitivity of accessibility outcomes when a Delauney network is used as a network extension to add more detail at the local level to an already existing digital road map. Results for the ‘Eindhoven’ case indicate that the addition of a more detailed lower scale network does indeed have a substantial influence on accessibility results. INTRODUCTION All over the world service location planning is applied to investigate the need for additional service centres, the optimal relocation of existing service centres or the effects of a reduction of number of service centres. Accessibility is a topic that plays an important part in this type of service location planning and a major requirement for proper accessibility analysis is the measurement of resistance, most commonly in length or travel time, between clients and service centres. A digital transport network is commonly used to estimate travel impedance using shortest path analysis. In many developed countries high quality digital transport networks are available for such GIS based analysis. Properties of these networks consist among others of road quality attributes, directionality and turntables. In contrast in many so-called developing countries hardly any digital networks of sufficient quality for even the most basic GIS operations exist. This lack of suitable networks makes it difficult (if not impossible) to carry out simulation based service location planning studies in a realistic way. However, various GIS-techniques can be applied to create hypothesized road maps. The simplest technique is to use airline distances. In such a situation a road map is created on basis of direct (airline, as the crow flies) links between all origin and destination points within a study area. This method is easy, but there are several disadvantages. It assumes spatial homogeneity thus neither natural nor manmade obstacles are taken into account in the network-building phase, theoretically leading to a strong underestimation of real travel impedances. Also the effect of intervening opportunities is totally ignored; airline links unrealistically bypass all other points on the way. Intervening opportunities are fully taken into account by the second less well-known network building technique based on so-called Delauney-networks. In case of point data the first step is to construct Voronoi polygons (also known as Thiessen or Dirichlet polygons) around the origin and destination points of interest. The second step is to connect topologically adjacent zones via Delauney links, leading to a connected road map for the total study area. However, also in applying this last procedure, natural and man made obstacles are still not taken into account. The purpose of this paper now is twofold. The first purpose is to show how Delauney networks can be modified to take obstacles into account and to assess to what extent airline distance and modified Delauney networks, can be used as a simplified and cheap alternative for expensive real world digital road maps. Finally the analysis will be taken one step further. Suppose, a quite detailed digital road map is available. Does in such a situation the addition of an extra Delauney network, making the total network more detailed, have a substantial impact on service location accessibility? Or are the effects only marginal? Therefore the second purpose of this paper is to get insight into the sensitivity of accessibility outcomes when a Delauney network is used as a more detailed network additive to an already (quite comprehensive) available digital road map. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 focuses on Delauney networks, but more specifically at creating a Delauney network taking obstacles within a study area into account. The Willowvale area in South Africa is taken as a case study to describe the network creation procedure. Section 3 aims at the validation of Delauney as well as airline distance networks against an existing digital road map. This validation is carried out for the Friesland area in the Netherlands, a lake district that contains many natural obstacles. So far the analyses in section 2 and 3 assume that point data for origins and destinations is available. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, section 4 shortly elaborates on the procedure that can be followed if one wants to create a (additional) Delauney network in case clear origin and destination locations are not digitally available. The city of Dar es Salam is taken as an example. Finally, section 5 deals with the second purpose and compares job accessibility outcomes for the Eindhoven study area in the south of the Netherlands, computed with a ‘basic’ digital network and an updated more detailed road map also containing a Delauney net. CREATING MODIFIED DELAUNEY NETWORKS Figure 1 shows the location of all primary schools and villages in the Willowvale area in combination with the available digital transport network, in this particular area consisting of unpaved roads only. Although at first glance the network looks to cover the whole area, a closer inspection learns that the level of detail is not very sophisticated. There may be various causes, for instance the formal network as maintained of government agencies may indeed be very limited or it may have to do with the purpose for which the network was created; a network that is complete for one mode of transport like heavy trucks maybe incomplete for another mode of transport like cycling or walking. In any case many villages and schools in the study area are not directly situated “on” this network. Calculating a network distance in those cases then is heavily affected by the way locations are linked to the network and how “off” road distances are handled. Moreover this network contains some very large loops that also affect network calculations, especially when locations are linked to opposite ends of such a loop. A culmination of all these effects is shown in Figure 2. Situated close to the centre of the study area the airline distance between the village of Cquba and the nearby school at Ziqorana is only some 940 meters. However when locations are snapped or linked somehow to the nearest road, each would find a different road and a resulting network distance (accentuated in figure 2) that is more than 25 times larger than the airline distance. Also the combined distance from the two locations to each nearest road is also almost twice as large as the airline distance between them. Often in these cases it is fair to assume that there will be an informal road or footpath that connects the village and the school. It is highly unlikely that anyone who has an alternative will follow the formal road. So heavy trucks may not have a choice, but people on foot, bicycle or with a four wheel drive certainly do. If we assume for the moment that there will be an informal network that connects neighbouring schools and villages over short distances, than such a network can be easily computed in a three step procedure. The first step is to construct Voronoi polygons (also known as Thiessen or Dirichlet polygons) focussing on all villages and schools involved (see figure 3). Voronoi diagrams basically represent delimitations of the map area between the input points (i.e. villages and schools), based on the proximity of every point in the map area to the input point. This results in convex polygons, named Voronoi polygons. From these polygons it can be easily deducted which villages and school are adjacent and than these adjacent villages and schools can be connected with straight lines. These lines form a so-called Delauney network. This procedure very closely resembles (M.Yuan 2002 p 435) the construction of a TIN or triangulated irregular network (see figure 4). The essence of such a network is that there are no crossing roads, and all neighbouring locations are connected directly. This latter assumption may not quite resemble the real world as in practise there are often all sorts of obstacles that hinder direct passage. These obstacles can be both physical (like steep hills or rivers) and/or man-made like fenced areas such as airfields or military complexes. The Willowvale area is mostly open range farming void of man made obstacles, but the area is famous for the steep slopes around impassable rivers. So we need a third step to modify the Delauney network by taking these rivers into account. There are two ways to do this, one is a post-processing step by simply removing all Delauney connections that cross a river, the second way involves a change in step 1 in which obstacles are already taken into account when creating the Voronoi polygons around neighbouring locations. This second method will be dealt with in detail in the next example, for the moment we simply remove all connections that cross a river (figure 5). At this stage also additional reductions could be realised, for instance based on length, local knowledge or effectiveness, before finally a modified Delauney network is merged with the formal road network (figure 6). If we now assume that on the formal roads travellers can achieve a higher travel speed than on the estimated connections, we can estimate overall travel times that are realistic in the sense that on the longer distance the formal roads will form a substantial part of the shortest path and a must to cross a river, but that very lengthy detours at short distance will be avoided. The resulting network was also used to analyse the effect of a new coast road on market areas (see also Naudé et al., 1999). COMPARING MODIFIED DELAUNEY AND AIRLINE NETWORKS Apart from a plausible look and feel there is no way that results using the modified Delauney network in the Willowvale context can be validated without extensive field research. However in the Netherlands a higher quality digital road network is available. So in order to check the modified Delauney approach travel times on actual roads can be compared with estimated ones. To do so an area was selected in the North of the country that is void of major high ways (so all roads are more or less of the same order) and where there are many obstacles; the area is famous for its many lakes. There are no major towns in the area, but some 70 of villages with the number of inhabitants varying from forty to four thousand. When we apply the similar procedure as used above, a Delauney network is produced that has some flaws (figure 8); direct connections between the villages ‘Koudum’ and ‘Nieuw Buren’ and ‘Heeg’ and ‘Gaastmeer’ are missing and ‘Sandfirden’ is not connected at all. The basic assumption of Delauney network is that centroids of adjacent polygons are connected, post- processing may lead to the situation that a direct connection between two adjacent polygons is partly overlapping an obstacle and hence removed without proper justification as the obstacle does not have to be crossed, but could easily be bypassed. So the thing to do is not to remove Delauney connections afterwards, but to update the polygon map with obstacles before the Delauney links between adjacent polygons are created. Figure 9 shows a merge between obstacles (lakes) and Voronoi polygons centred on villages. Obviously polygons centred on villages on opposite sides of the larger lakes are no longer in any way adjacent because the full common boundary literally falls in the water. Sandfirden is now still adjacent with several other villages and there is a common border between the villages ‘Koudum’ and ‘Nieuw Buren’. But there are some new complications. Several of the original Voronoi polygons have been split into two of more physically separate sections. In such a case only the sections that contain the original village should be taken into account when generating a Delauney network. The other sections (hatched sections in figures 9 and 10) must be ignored as there is no direct access from the central village. For Sandfirden this leads to no direct connections to villages to the west and to the north, although the original Voronoi polygon indicates several neighbours in those directions. Off course the hatched areas should be redistributed among the remaining physically neighbouring villages, but in the South West Friesland example the effect seems to be limited to the ‘Gaastmeer-Heeg’ stretch, where a blocking detached section now prohibits a direct connection. Figure 11: Scattergram Airline vs Network distance Figure 12: Scattergram Delauney vs Network distance 40000,00 Modified_Delauney_Distance Modified_Airline_Distance 40000,00 30000,00 20000,00 10000,00 30000,00 20000,00 10000,00 0,00 0,00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 10000 Network_distance 20000 30000 40000 Network_distance To measure the quality of the new network, shortest paths can be calculated between all possible combinations of villages resulting in 4830 (69*70) estimated distances. This can be done for both the 40,00 Delauney_Distance_in_km Airline_Distance_in_km 40,00 30,00 3.702 20,00 3.827 2.168 2.100 10,00 4.804 829 4.096 3.346 3.215 4.793 4.672 4.165 1.7551.687 4.687 4.105 4.172 4.755 4.671 4.519 280 4.821 0,00 30,00 3.635 4.141 20,00 4.145 4.076 4.766 4.743 3.883 10,00 4.6614.119 3.215 4.809 4.407 4.683 4.755 4.521 1.189 2802.765 0,00 36,00 40,00 34,00 32,00 30,00 28,00 26,00 24,00 22,00 18,00 20,00 16,00 14,00 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 ,00 Figure 13: Boxplot Airline versus Network Distance 2,00 36,00 40,00 34,00 32,00 30,00 28,00 26,00 24,00 22,00 18,00 20,00 16,00 14,00 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 ,00 2,00 Network_Distance_in_km 3.695 Network_Distance_in_km Figure 14: Boxplot Delauney versus Network Distance actual network and the revised Delauney network. Also simple direct airline distances can be calculated for all combinations. The correlation between airlines distances and actual network distances amounts to 0.865, the same comparison for the revised Delauney network results in a much improved correlation of 0.968. On average in this area the airline distance underestimates the actual network distance by a factor of 1.7 whereas the Delauney net is of by 1.2. This latter statistic closely matches the usual statistic (known as the crow flight conversion statistic) for rural areas. The reason for the higher correlation of the modified Delauney network is revealed by the scatter grams (figures 11 & 12) and box plots (figure 13 & 14). Specifically on the middle and longer distances the quality, in terms of reduced variation, is much better. So even without creating perfect Voronoi polygons taking the effect of obstacles fully into account, the revised Delauney method already produces much more reliable distance estimations than simple airline distances. In the next sections we will explore some more uses of revised Delauney networks. CREATING DELAUNEY NETWORKS IN AREAS WITHOUT CLEAR FOCAL POINTS The city of Dar es Salam in Tanzania has been growing considerably over the last decades in a largely uncontrolled fashion and the accessibility of health care provision is a constant concern. In order to study the accessibility of governmental health facilities Amer & de Jong (2002) developed a digital transport network on the basis of aerial photographs and the analogue topographic map. Neither data source was fully up to date and clearly the result was incomplete in most of the informally developed sections of the city. Also in this study it was found that visitors to health facilities mainly make use of only two modes of transport; they walk on the short distance and use public transport on the longer distance. Figure 15 shows the south western part of Kinondoni municipality that is close to the actual city centre. There is a clear contrast between the road networks in the different sections of the town. On the one hand there is the modern looking well connected network in the sections of town where planned development took place and on the other hand there is the more rural looking network in the informal sections where connections are not so good. Network distances calculated based on this section of the network might result in long detours on the short distance. In reality these areas are filled with only small dwellings standing alone without any private gardens or fences, so accessibility for pedestrians is effectively unhindered in virtually all directions. Hence supplementing the existing network with a Delauney net for pedestrians seems a must to make acceptable estimations of travel time. In this case however we don’t have clear villages to connect but rather a continuous urban field only disturbed by a few major rivers that cannot be crossed without a formal bridge. So instead of creating Voronoi polygons around a set of given point locations, we must generate these points ourselves by tessellating the informal area. Figure 16 shows a tessellation of the informal areas in hexagons making sure the area directly bordering on the rivers is not included. A Delauney net can then be created that connects all centroids of adjacent tiles and that net can be merged with the existing network (Figure 17), thereby ensuring the same effects as in the Willowvale application SENSITIVITY OF ACCESSIBILITY FOR LEVEL OF DETAIL IN A DIGITAL ROAD MAP The Eindhoven study area is part of the Dutch province called Noord-Brabant (situated in southern part of the Netherlands close to the Belgian border). The east-west length amounts to approximately 50 kilometres. In the north-south direction the size of the study area is somewhat smaller (approximately 30 kilometres). Two major cities are located within the boundaries of the area. The biggest city is Eindhoven with about 208.000 inhabitants. The other one is Helmond. This city, roughly having 86.000 inhabitants, is substantially smaller. For this study area an already quite detailed digital road network is available (see figure 18), which is used for several modelling purposes (see also Tillema et al., 2005). The total area is divided into 2378 residential zones. For each zone the number of available jobs is known, making it possible to compute the job accessibility per zone. As residential zones and the road network originate from a different source, virtually no zone is directly situated ‘on’ the network. A common practise in such a case is to extend the network with a limited number of (441) feed points. These points are used as points where the traffic can enter (‘feed’) the digital road network. The advantage of the feed link approach is that the network needs no further adjustments, irrespective of the zoning system used. All zones tap to the network via the feed point. This kind of simplification is also decreases the computational complexity, but in effect this will generate identical distances for all zones that tap on the same feed point. Also the distance between all zones that tap on the same feed point is by definition zero. What are the consequences of this simplification? In this section we will try to answer the specific question whether or not the simplification has a substantial impact on job accessibility by car. To take distances between zones and feed points into account a Delauney network has been created following the same procedure as was applied in the Friesland case (section 2). First of all the polygon map was updated with obstacles within the study area, such as lakes, wed lands, impassable highways and an airport. In the second place a Delauney network was generated between the 2378 centre points avoiding all impassable areas. Finally, the Delauney network was merged with the already available digital road map leading to a ‘full’ network. Note: as apart from the zone centre points also all feed points were included in the Delauney network, ensuring automatic connectivity with the original network. Figure 19 shows an enlarged part of the study area (squared part in figure 18) with the addition of the extra network links. Using this new network in stead of the simple network has two implications. First of all, in most cases the impedance between two zones will increase (and thus accessibility will decrease) in the new network case as distances between zones and the feed point to which they belong are no longer equal to zero. Secondly, in some situations the impedance between two zones tapping onto different feed points may be smaller in case of using the new network. This occurs when the distance following the Delauney network is shorter than the corresponding distance via the basic network. However, the exact accessibility effects can be assessed in a better way by conducting a simulation. The effects of the two network types on job accessibility have been assessed by using two types of geographical accessibility measures: the proximity count and the potential measure. Contour and potential measures are quite well known and often used measures in transport geography. A proximity count, counts the number of opportunities which can be reached within a given travel time, distance or cost (fixed cost), or is a measure of the (average or total) time or cost required to access a fixed number of opportunities (fixed opportunities). The potential measures (also called gravity-based measures), estimate the accessibility of zones to all other zones (n) in which smaller and/or more distant opportunities provide diminishing influences (Geurs & Van Wee, 2004). Geographical accessibility measures, such as the proximity count and potential measures consist of a location component and a resistance component. The location component indicates which or which type of activity location(s) is central within the analysis; in this case jobs. The resistance component is different for both measures. The proximity count works with discrete impedance steps; for example reachable jobs within 10, 15 or 30 minutes. The potential measure on the other hand uses a continuous impedance function, in which the strength of the distance decay is determined by a cost sensitivity factor. Figure 20: job accessibility difference (basic – full network) for proximity count 15 minutes Figure 21: job accessibility difference (basic – full network) for proximity count with different impedance steps Figure 20 shows the differences in job accessibility computed with the basic and the full network (i.e. including the Delauney network). The accessibility measure used is the proximity count with an impedance boundary of 15 minutes. Absolute differences are presented on the x-axis and the percentage of all zones (i.e. 2378) having such a difference is indicated on the y-axis. The figure shows that the differences in accessibility are substantial. Virtually for all zones the number of jobs in reach has changed. By using the basic network, roughly 60 percent of the zones have a 0 to 25000 higher job reach within 15 minutes. But higher difference classes are substantial too. On the other hand, only a small percentage of zones have a higher accessibility in case of using the full network (i.e. –25000 to 0 jobs). Furthermore, figure 21 shows the results for different applied impedance steps and indicates that accessibility differences between the two network types first increase by applying a higher impedance step. This can be explained by the Figure 22: job accessibility ratios (full/basic higher number of jobs reachable within a wider time network) for potential measure with decay interval, seemingly resulting in higher absolute parameters 0.5, 1 and 2 accessibility differences. However, for 30 and 45 minutes differences decrease again, because a large share of jobs in the study area can be reached within the time limit, leading to smaller absolute differences. Next to the absolute differences, relative ratios for the contour measure (impedance step 15 minutes) are assessed. These ratios enforce the conclusion that differences in accessibility, due to the level of detail of the network used, are substantial. Accessibility differences occurring from using the potential measure are presented in Figure 22. Ratios are used because absolute values are not quite communicable due to the nature (i.e. quotient of number of jobs and impedance between zones) of potential measures. Results are shown for three different impedance sensitivity factors. A higher factor resembles a larger influence of the resistance between two zones (i.e. higher distance decay). Figure 22 shows that higher parameter values lead to larger job accessibility differences between the applications of the basic or full network. This effect is due to the nature of potential measures. With a higher distance/travel time decay parameter, the influence of the impedance between zones increases. Especially local differences become more important. Because the Delauney links in case of the full network are always used at (least at) the beginning of a trip, the relative influence of the resistance on these links in a trip will increase, leading to higher accessibility differences between both network types. Overall, it can be concluded that adding a Delauney network to an already quite detailed network still has a substantial impact on the impedance and thus on accessibility of zones. Therefore, even with already quite detailed networks, the addition of a Delauney network should be considered. Especially because Delauney networks are easy to generate and, in case of established feed points can be added without changing the original network in any way. CONCLUSION In this paper we have examined a way to enhance existing digital road networks to make travel time estimation more realistic on the one hand and to make sure on the other that the effect of speed differentiation is not lost. The problem was identified in the Willowvale application and a suggestion was made to enhance the existing network with a modified Delauney network thereby reducing the number of unrealistically long detours on relative short distances. Then, in the South West Friesland area that is famous for its many lake a test showed that the Delauney network leads to a better estimation of travel impedance than the airline network; when both airline and Delaney distances were compared to the actual network distance it was clear that the variation in estimation is much smaller in case of Delauney networks. The Dar es Salam case showed that after tessellation a Delauney network can also be applied to an area in stead of to a set of points. Finally, in the Eindhoven application it was shown that a mix of point locations and network feed point can be used to generate a Delauney net that automatically is attached to the existing network. Moreover it was shown that even at this level of detail the use of an additional Delauney net has a substantial effect on the outcome of the accessibility analysis. Therefore it was concluded that Delauney networks are an easily generated enhancement to a digital transport network that should be considered with every application where correct estimation of short distance travel is important. LITERATURE Jong, T. de, S. Amer (2002), Using GIS to analyse the influence of public transport availability on the choice of health service: a case study of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania . In: (X. Godard and I. Fatonzoun. Eds.) Urban mobility for all. ISBN 90 5809 399 9 Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 2002, pp 145-152 Geurs, K. T., B. van Wee (2004). Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport strategies: review and research directions. Journal of Transport Geography 12: 127-140. May Yuan (2002), Geographic Data Structures. In: J.D. Bossler (Ed.), Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, Chapter 26, Taylor &* Francis, London, pp 431-449. 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