Graham Thurgood

Graham Thurgood
January 6, 1946
Vancouver, B.C.
If there is something on this list that you wish but which is not yet available to download, email me and I
will either send a copy or post it for downloading (and tell you it is now available.
Academic Preparation:
U.C. Berkeley, Ph.D. Linguistics, 1976
San Jose State University, M.A. Applied Linguistics, 1972
San Jose State College, B.A. Political Science, 1968
LSA Summer Institute, Stanford, Summer 2007
LSA Summer Institute, UC Santa Barbara, Summer 2001
LSA Summer Institute, U. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Summer 1999
LSA Summer Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, Summer 1997
LSA Summer Institute, Ohio State, Columbus, Summer 1993
LSA Summer Institute, UCSC, Santa Cruz, Summer 1991
LSA Summer Institute, UH, Hawaii, Summer 1979
LSA Summer Institute, SUCO, Oswego, Summer 1976
LSA Summer Institute, Ann Abor, Michigan, Summer 1973
UCSC Summer Linguistics Institute, Summer 1972
UCSC Summer Linguistics Institute, Summer 1971
Associate Professor, CSU Chico, beginning Fall 2001
Assistant Professor, CSU Chico, (1999 to Summer 2001)
Assistant to Full Professor, CSU Fresno, (1975 to Summer 1999)
LSA Summer Institute, UCSB, Summer 2001 (Historical Linguistics)
Visiting Fulbright Professor, Universiti Malaysia, Universiti
Pertanian Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 1992-93
Visiting Fulbright Associate Professor, UPM, 1987-88
Visiting Associate Professor, ESL, U. of Hawaii, 1989-90
T.A., for George Lakoff (Syntax), UCB, Winter 1973.
T.A., for John Lawler (Generative Semantics), LSA Summer Institute,
Ann Arbor, Summer 1973.
T.A., for Robin Lakoff (Introduction to Syntax), UCB, Fall 1974.
T.A., for Mary Haas (Articulatory phonetics), UCB, Fall 1975.
2011. [submitted]. Graham Thurgood [Dù Guànmíng 杜 冠明], with Fengxiang Li [Lǐ
Fèngxiáng 李 凤祥], and Ela Thurgood]. The Cham of Hainan: a study of linguistic restructuring and
change under intense contact, based on the work of Zheng Yiqing and Ouyang Jueya. Under
review at University of California Publications in Linguistics.
Sun Hongkai and Liu Guangkun. 2009. A grammar of Anong: Language Death under Intense
Contact. [edited translation and annotation, with the translation, editing, annotation and expansion
by Graham Thurgood, Fengxiang Li, and Ela Thurgood] In the series: Languages of the Greater
Himalayan Region, ISSN 1568-6183, ISBN 978 90 04 17686 7.
2003. (edited with Randy LaPolla). The Sino-Tibetan Languages. Routledge Language Family
Series. London and New York: Routledge. xxii. 727 pp.
2003. (edited with Randy LaPolla). The Sino-
Tibetan Languages. Routledge Language Family Series. London and New York: Routledge. xxii. 727 pp.
[appeared as a paperback in 2007]
2003. (edited with David Bradley, Randy LaPolla, Boyd Michailovsky). Papers on variation and
change in the Sinophere and the Indosphere in honour of James A. Matisoff. Pacific Linguistics. Research
School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
1999. From Ancient Cham to modern dialects: Two thousand years of language contact and
change. With an appendix of Chamic reconstructions and loanwords. Oceanic Linguistics Special
Publications, no. 28. June 1999, 6 x 9. ISBN: 0-8248-2131-9. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
Robert Blust, a ten-page review in Oceanic Linguistics (2000) 39.2:435-445.
Isidore Dyen in Anthropological Linguistics (Fall 2001) 43.3:390-394.
Edward J. Vajda in Language (2004) 80.2:357-358.
Helge Daniëls in Pragmatics: Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association
(2000) 10.3:358-359.
1991. (with Leela Mohd. Ali). Materials Production and Adaptation: An Integrated Approach.
Singapore: Federal Publications. 119 pages.
1981. Notes on the origins of Burmese creaky tone. Monumenta Serindica Monograph Series No. 9.
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo. 94pp
Linguistics and Southeast Asian oriented:
2010. Hainan Cham, Anong, and Eastern Cham: Three languages, three social contexts, three
patterns of Change. Journal of Language Contact 3:39-65.
2008. The Sino-Tibetan languages: Genetic inheritance, external contact, and change. [in Mandarin]
Minzu Yuwen 2008.2:3-15.
2007. The historical place of Acehnese: the known and the unknown. First International Conference
of Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (24 - 26 February 2007). Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Contributor. I was one
of a group of local and international scholars and other interested parties who established an institute for
international scholarly research on Aceh, to which I contributed significantly to the linguistic overview and
in more minor ways to other components. The conference was the First International Conference of Aceh
and Indian Ocean Studies (24 - 26 February 2007) held in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. ms. [Updated this year;
to be submitted shortly]
2007. Tonogenesis revisted: revising the model and the analysis. [An updating of my Diachronica
tonogenesis paper]. Studies in Tai and Southeast Asian Linguistics, edited by Jimmy G. Harris, Somsonge
Burusphat, and James E. Harris. Bangkok: Ek Phim Thai Co. Pp. 263-291.
2003. (with Fengxiang Li). Contact and attrition in Sun Hongkai’s Anong: Complementary sources
of change. Proceedings of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society XIII, University of Arizona, Tempe,
Arizona. ed. I. Shoichi et al., Canberra, Australia, pp. 279-295. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of
Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University.
2007. (with Fengxiang Li). The Grammaticalization paths of Proto-Chamic *hu “receive''.
Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 39.1:205-214.
2007. (with Fengxiang Li). From Malayic to Sinitic: The Restructuring of Tsat under Intense
Contact. SEALS XII: Papers from the 12th meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (2002),
edited by Ratree Wayland, John Hartman, and Paul Sidwell. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics. Pp. 129-136.
2006. Variation as a reflection of contact: Notes from Southeast Asia. Variation and Reconstruction.
Edited by Thomas D. Cravens. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Pp. 213-220.
2005. (with Elzbieta Thurgood). The tones from Proto-Chamic to Tsat [Hainan Cham]: Insights
from Zheng 1997 and from summer 2004 fieldwork.
Chamic and Beyond. Studies in Mainland
Austronesian Languages, edited by Anthony Grant and Paul Sidwell, pages 247-271. Pacific Linguistics
2005. (with Fengxiang Li). Contact induced variation and syntactic change in the Tsat of Hainan.
Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. February 15-18,
2002. Special Session on Tibeto-Burman and Southeast Asian Linguistics. Edited by Patrick Chew. Pp.
149-164. [BLS 28S:149-164]
2003. (with Fengxiang Li). Contact induced variation and syntactic change in the Tsat of Hainan. In
Language variation: Papers on variation and change in the Sinophere and the Indosphere in honour of
James A. Matisoff. Edited by David Bradley, Randy LaPolla, Boyd Michailovsky, and Graham Thurgood.
Pacific Linguistics. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies., Pp. 185-200.
2003 The causatives in Sun Hongkai's Anong: language death and rapid restructuring. Berkeley
Linguistics Society 29, 2003. Pp. 463-471.
2003. A subgrouping of the Sino-Tibetan Languages: the interaction between language contact,
change, and inheritance. In Graham Thurgood and Randy LaPolla (eds). The Sino-Tibetan Languages.
Routledge Language Family Series. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 1-21.
2003. Crawfurd's 1822 ‘Malay of Champa’. Perspectives in Linguistics: Papers in Honor of P.J.
Mistry. Edited by Festschrift for P. J. Mistry. Laury, Ritva, Gerald McMenamin, Shigeko Okamoto, Vida
Samiian and Karumuri V. Subbarao. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Language Studies. Pp. 353-365.
2005. Phan Rang Cham. In The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. Edited by
Alexander Adelaar and Nikolaus P. Himmelmann. Routledge Language Family Series. London and New
York: Routledge. Pp. 489-512.
2002. A comment on Gedney's proposal for another series of voiced initials in proto-Tai. Studies in
Southeast Asian Languages, edited by Robert Bauer. Pacific Linguistics. Pp. 169-183.
2002. Vietnamese and tonogenesis: Revising the model and the analysis. Diachronica 19.2:333-363.
2000. Voice quality differences and the origin of diphthongs. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley 25:295-303.
2000. Learnability and direction of convergence in Cham: the effects of long-term contact on
linguistic structures. Proceedings of the Western Conference On Linguistics. WECOL 2000. California
State University, Fresno. Pp. 507-527.
1998. The development of the Chamic vowel system: the interaction of inheritance and borrowing.
Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 15: Further Chamic Studies, edited by David Thomas. Pacific
Linguistics Series A-89. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Pp. 61-90.
1997. Restructured register in Haroi: reconstructing its historical origins.Southeast Asian Linguistic
Studies in Honour of Vichin Panupong, edited by Arthur S. Abramson. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University
Press. Pp. 283-295.
1996. Language contact and the directionality of internal'drift': the development of tones and
registers in Chamic.
Language 71.1:1-31.
1996. (with Elzbieta Thurgood]. Aspect, tense, or aktionsart? the particle ja in Kristang (Malacca
Creole Portuguese). Journal of Pidgin and Creole Studies. 11.1.45-70
1995. “Southeast Asian languages--prehistory of” in The Asian American Encyclopedia, vol.5.
New York: Marshall Cavendish. Pp. 1418-1421.
1994. Tai-Kadai and Austronesian: The nature of the historical relationship. Oceanic Linguistics
1994. Radical typological restructuring in Utsat: From disyllabic and atonal to monosyllabic and
tonal. Proceedings of Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu [The Academy of Science, Toruñ] 47:1-1.1993-3112.1993, pp. 48-52.
1993. Phan Rang Cham and Utsat: tonogenetic themes and variants. Tonality in Austronesian
Languages. Edited by Jerry Edmondson and Ken Gregerson. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication No.
24. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press. Pp. 91-106.
1992. From atonal to tonal in Utsat (a Chamic language of Hainan). Proceedings of the Eighteenth
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. February 14-17, 1992. Special Session on the
Typology of Tone Languages. Edited by Laura A. Buszard-Welcher, Jonathan Evans, David Peterson,
Lionel Wee, and William Weigel. Pp. 145-156.
1992. The aberrancy of the Jiamao dialect of Hlai: speculation on its origins and history. Southeast
Asian Linguistics Society I, Edited by Martha Ratliff and Eric Schiller. Tempe: Arizona State University
Southeast Asian Studies Publication Program. Pp. 417-433.
1991. Proto-Hlai (Li): A look at the initials, tones, and finals. Kadai: Discussions in Kadai and SE
Asian Linguistics 3:1-49.
1989. The subgrouping of Jino. Prosodic analysis and Asian linguistics: to honour R. K. Sprigg.
Edited by David Bradley, Eugénie J.A. Henderson, and Martine Mazaudon. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics
1988. Keluarga Bahasa Tanah Besar Asia Tenggara: Pandangan Sepintas Lalu Secara Selektif.
Dewan Bahasa 32.5:338-349. [Tajuk asal artikel ini ialah The Language Families of Mainland Southeast
Asia: a Selective Overview, dan diterjemahkan oleh Puan Asiah Idris, Jabatan Bahasa, Dewan Bahasa dan
Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.]
K.- prefixes in Kam-Sui and Kadai: some notes. Languages and History in East Asia:
Festschrift for Tatsuo Nishida on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday.
Edited by Paul K. Eguchi, Yukio
Fujimoto, Nobuyoshi Fukuhara, Masura Hashimoto, Koichi Miyamoto, Atsuchi Iwamoto, Tatsuo Kondo,
Masaoki Miyamoto, Osamu Sakiyama, Akihiro Sato, David Sell, Norio Shibata, Ken-ichiro Shirai, Mashiro
Shogaito, Shiro Yabu and Kazuhiko Yoshida. Kyoto: Shokado. Pp. 229-235.
1988. Notes on the reconstruction of Kam-Sui. Comparative Kadai: Linguistic studies beyond Tai.
Edited by Jerold A. Edmondson and David B. Solnit. Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University
of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics No. 86:179-218.
1987/88. The language families of mainland Southeast Asia: a selective overview.
Jurnal Persatuan Linguistik Malaysia 3:98-109.
1988. Tones from articulatory sources: some historical data in search of an explanation. Proceedings
of the Western Conference on Linguistics: WECOL'88. Edited by Joseph Emonds, P. J. Mistry, Vida
Samiian, and Linda Thornburg. Volume 1:290-297.
1986. The nature and origins of the Akha evidentials system. In Evidentiality: the linguistic coding
of epistemology. Edited by Wallace Chafe and Johanna Nichols. Ablex. Pp. 214-22.
1986. Lolo-Burmese subordinators from case postpositions: several partial etymologies.
Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference. Edited by Scott
DeLancey and Russell S. Tomlin. University of Oregon. Pp. 449-53.
1986. Zauzou: a new Lolo-Burmese language. LTBA 9.2:90.
1985. Exclusions and inclusions: the membership and subgrouping of Lolo. Proceedings of the First
Annual Meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference. Edited by Scott DeLancey and Russell S. Tomlin.
University of Oregon. Pp. 447-58.
1985. Benedict's work: past and present. In Thurgood et al., 1985, pp. 1-15.
1985. The ‘Rung’ languages: notes on their proto-syntax and subgrouping. Acta Orientalia 46:7999.
1985. Pronouns, verb agreement systems, and the subgrouping of Tibeto-Burman. In Thurgood, et
al., 376-400.
1984. The ‘Rung’ languages: a major new Tibeto-Burman subgroup. Berkeley Linguistics Society
1983. Morphological innovations and subgrouping: some Tibeto-Burman notes.
Linguistics Society 9:257-65.
1983. Invited comment on 'This and that in TB/ST'. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 7.2:99.
1982. A comparative note on the Indian linguistic area. South Asian Review 6.3:23-9.
1982. Subgrouping on the basis of shared phonological innovations: a Lolo-Burmese case study.
Berkeley Linguistics Society 8:251-60.
1982. The Sino-Tibetan copula *wiy. Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 11.1:65-82.
1981. The historical development of the Akha evidentials system. BLS 7:295-302.
1980. Consonants, phonation types, and pitch height. Computational Analyses of African and Asian
Languages 13:207-19.
1978. Thematicization and aspects of the verbal morphology in Burmese: the principles of
organization. Berkeley Linguistics Society 4:254-67.
1977. Burmese historical morphology. Berkeley Linguistics Society 3:685-91.
1977. Lisu and proto-Lolo-Burmese. Acta Orientalia 38:147-207.
1975. An acoustic explanation of a sound change: *-ap to -o, *-at to -e, and *-ak to -ae. Journal of
Phonetics 3.3:161-5. (With Hector Javkin).
1974. Lolo-Burmese rhymes. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 1:98-108.
Second Language Acquisition and ESL Oriented (and other English).
[Note that some of these came out in a newspaper, while others came out, not in journals, but in
books. The most recent came out in an online newsletter, an appropriate venue for a note on how to
teach online.]
2009. Synchronous Transcription Online: Getting it "Write". Online newsletter. Technology and
Learning Program. Spring 2009.
1997. A jigsaw reading activity. “Shark” by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Ela Piatkowska Thurgood.
National Confederation of Thai Teachers News Letter, February 2, 1997. Pp. 5-6.
1996. Using Total Physical Response to teach tenses! National Confederation of Thai Teachers
News Letter. December 1996, pp. 4-5.
1995. Methods or materials and management — Where should our focus be? The English Teacher
1995. Article rods. New Ways in Teaching Grammar. Edited by Martha Pennington. TESOL. Pp.
1995. Introducing the passive with rods. New Ways in Teaching Grammar. Edited by Martha
Pennington. TESOL. Pp. 137-138.
1995. Who is it? [Teaching restrictive versus non-restrictive relative clauses]. New Ways in
Teaching Grammar. Edited by Martha Pennington. TESOL. Pp. 36-37.
1991. (with Leela Mohd. Ali). Adapting teaching materials. Compendium: A Handbook for ELT
Teachers. Volume Three. Produced by the Committee for Planning and Coordination of English Language
Programmes in Schools, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Pp. 58-73.
1990. English tense and aspect in narratives: perfectivity, imperfectivity, and the two time axes.
Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics: WECOL '90 - Volume 3. Pp. 290-302.
1989. The integrated memory and the integrated syllabus. The English Teacher MELTA: Malaysian
English Language Teaching Association. (September) Val. XVIII:1-11.
1989. The past perfect, narrative structure, and Louis L'Amour. University of Hawai'i Working
Papers in ESL 8.2:27-43.
1985. Foreword. Acquiring English: an ESL teacher's guide for the Hmong student.
Angeles: Evaluation, Dissemination, and Assessment Center.
2005. Review of R. Burling, The language of the Modhpur Mandi (Garo). Word (2005) 56.1:147149.
2005. Review of MICHEL DEGRAFF (ed.). 2001 [1999]. Language creation and language
change. Creolization, diachrony, and development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. x, 573pp. The
paperback edition contains a new preface.
Word (2005), 56.2:312-316.
[with Saundra Wright] Review of Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in
Language. By Adele E. Goldberg, Oxford University Press, 2006. vi + 280 pp. To appear in Word.
2005. Review of Randy LaPolla’s A Grammar of Qiang, with annotated texts and glossary, with
Chenglong Huang, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 28.1:107-110.
2004. Review of Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic
perspectives. Jasone Cenoz, Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner, eds. Word 55.3:482-483.
2004. Revew of Bert Remijsen Word-prosodic systems of Raja Ampat languages, Utrecht, The
Netherlands: LOT (Nederlandse Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap [Netherlands Graduate
School of Linguistics], Oceanic Linguistics 42.2:522-524.
2003. Book notice: Languages of the Himalayas: An ethnographic handbook of the greater
Himalayan region with a short introduction to the symbiotic theory of language. By George van Driem.
Leiden: Brill, 2 vols., xx, 1375pp. Diachronica 20.1:225-226.
2003. [with Fengxiang Li]. Review of the series: New found minority languages in China Series.
Edited by Sun Hongkai. Institute of Nationality Studies. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. c. 40
volumes. Language.79.4:843-845.
Review of Ewa Dàbrowksa, Cognitive Semantics and the Polish Dative. Berlin and New
York: Mouton DeGruyter. 1997, xi, 240 pp. In Word 2003.1:47-49.
2001. Review of The acquisition of second language syntax. By Susan M. Braidi. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. viii, 291. Language 77.1:197-98.
2001. Review of Vietnamese classifiers in narrative texts. By Karen Ann Daley. Arlington, Texas:
Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington, 1998. Publication 125. Pp. xii,
209. Language 77.1:198-99.
2001. Review of Historical Linguistics: An introduction. By Lyle Campbell. The MIT Press. Pp. xx,
396. Anthropological Linguistics 103.1:235-236.
2000. Review of Chantyal Dictionary and Texts. By Michael Noonan (with Ram Prasad Bhulanja,
Jag Man Chhantyal, and William Pagliuca). (Trends in Linguistics. Documentation 17). New York: Mouton
de Gruyter. Pp. vii, 615. Language 76.3:940.
2000. Review of Aspects of Zaiwa Prosody: An autosegmental account. By Mark W.
Wannemacher. (Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington Publications in
Linguistics, 129.) Pp. viii, 160. Language 76.3:940-941.
1998. Review of Jørgen Rischel's Minor Mlabri: A hunter-gatherer language of northern Indochina.
Museum Tusculanum Press. Language 74.1:221.
1995. Review of Somsonge Burusphat’s (1991)The Structure of Thai Narrative. Summer Institute of
Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington publications in linguistics #98. Dallas: Summer
Institute of Linguistics & University of Texas at Arlington. Word 46.2:240-242.
1995. Review of William Gedney’s The Tai dialect of Lungming; Glossary, Texts, and Translations.
Edited by Thomas John Hudak. Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asian. Center for South and
Southeast Asian Studies. The University of Michigan. Word 46.2:243-245.
1991. Review of South-East Asian Syntax. Edited by David Bradley. Pacific Linguistics. Series A No. 77. Papers in South-East Asian Linguistics No. 11. The Australian National University. BSOAS
1991. Review of Southeast Asian Linguistics: Essays in honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson. Edited
by J. H. C. S. Davidson. BSOAS 54.1:218-219.
1987. Review of Givon's (ed.) Topic continuity in discourse: a quantitative cross-language study.
Language Learning 36.4:533-34.
1986. A brief comment on Das Gupta's works. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 9.1:91-96.
1986. Review of Rutherford's (ed.) Language universals and second language acquisition.
Language Learning 36.3:391-3.
1983. Review of Schooling and Language Minority Students. Language Learning 33.4:541-9.
1982. Review of Bradley's Proto-Loloish. Language 58.4:951.
1982. Review of Dell's La langue bai: phonologie et lexique. Language 58.3:732.
1981. Review of Matisoff's Variational Semantics in Tibeto-Burman: the 'organic' approach to
linguistic comparison. Indian Linguistics 40.3:116-7.
1981. Review of Bradley's Proto-Loloish. BSOAS 44.3:91-2.
Review of Brumfit and Johnson's (eds.) The Communicative Approach to Language
Teaching. TESOL Quarterly 17.3:327-32.
1981. Review of Brengelman's Understanding Words: Systematic Spelling and Vocabulary
Development. 1981. Research in the Teaching of English 15.3:32-3.
1981. Review of Bander's From Sentence to Paragraph: a writing workbook in English as a Second
Language. CATESOL Newsletter p. 13.