EXPERIMENTS WITH BORON CONTAINING CORIUM L. Vasáros, Gy. Jákli, A. Pintér, Z. Hózer KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Hungary Abstract In order to assay the role of B2O3 in the core degradation processes, experimental information, such as phase diagrams of B2O3 -metal oxide systems, are needed for model calculations. Because in the open literature phase diagrams of interest are insufficient, the KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute had carried out investigations in order to provide experimental phase transition data on the binary systems of Fe2O3, ZrO2 and UO2 with B2O3. The final results of the tests have been implemented into a thermodynamic database. The conclusions of the performed work can support the new series of MASCA project with boron containing corium. In the paper the experimental activities related to these systems and the main results are summarized. Introduction Uranium dioxide, zirconium dioxide and iron oxides are considered as the main corium components during the late phase of a severe reactor accident. Boron trioxide (produced during the accident from boric acid or from boron carbide control rods) can be present in the reactor vessel and due to the large mass of boric acid boron trioxide can create an important part of the corium. Contrary to the metal oxides, boron trioxide has relatively low melting point (~450 oC), density and viscosity. Fused B2O3 readily dissolves many metal oxides giving a number of stochiometric compounds and/or producing different phase relations. Since the concentration of B2O3 in the corium is commensurable with that of the main metal oxides, its presence may significantly influence the fuel degradation, melting and relocation processes. In the framework of the ENTHALPY project (EU 5th Framework Programme, FIKS-CT1999-00001) the KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI) had carried out investigations in order to provide experimental phase transition data on the binary systems of Fe2O3, ZrO2 and UO2 with B2O3 [1-3]. Experimental Materials High purity powdered Fe2O3, ZrO2, UO2 and amorphous granulated B2O3 were used as starting materials. Due to the hygroscopic nature, boron trioxide was grinded to powder and dehydrated under vacuum at 400 oC. Preparation of test mixtures The test samples were prepared by mixing the powdered components immediately before the experiments. In order to eliminate the traces of water and H3BO3, about 10 g of the well-homogenised mixture was fused in an open nickel crucible by slow heating from 450 oC up to 850 oC as long as the bubble formation disappeared. The sample was then quenched by submerging the crucible into cold water and the crashed very hard test material was stored under vacuum. Temperature history measurements Temperature history measurements, including linear heating and cooling cycles with the test mixtures, were carried out in a vertical positioned resistant tube furnace. The temperature regulator allowed a wide range time-pattern control of the temperature. The arrangement of the ceramic pipeline, sample holder, together with the supporting ceramic tubes and the thermocouples are illustrated in Figure 1. The temperatures of the oven and test sample were measured by Pt/10%PtRh thermocouples, whose average signals and their differences were recorded at every 30 s, using a measuring card connected to a personal computer. In order to avoid the oxidation of the molybdenum sample holder during the heating and cooling cycles, protecting gas, composed of 5 vol % of H2 and 95 vol % N2 was continuously flowing trough the ceramic pipe-line. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the installation for temperature history measurement Hydrogen/Nitrogen (5/95 vol%) Thermocouple (1) Silicon septum Quartz cap Ceramic pipe-line Ceramic support tube Resistant oven Mo sample holder Ceramic support tube Quartz cap Hydrogen/Nitrogen (5/95 vol%) Thermocouple (2) The sample holder (Figure 2) was machined from molybdenum bar to produce a capsule, having dimensions of =14 mm and l=80 mm and was positioned in the ceramic pipeline within the nearly constant temperature zone by means of ceramic support tubes. The open end of the capsule is closed with a cap having a thermo well to fix the location of the upper thermocouple, measuring the temperature of the test mixture. The smaller thermo well in the bottom serves for fixing the position of the lower thermocouple, detecting the oven temperature. The free internal volume of the sample holder was be ~8 ml. The distance between the two thermocouples was chosen as ~8 mm. At this position the upper thermocouple is located nearly in the middle of the melted test mixture, producing relatively high detection sensitivity of the phase transition. In each experiments, about 5 g of the test mixture was powdered in a closed stainless steel mortar and loaded into the sample holder. Figure 2. Diagram of the molybdenum sample holder The temperature history measurements were carried out with test mixtures, containing different concentration of the metal oxides. For each composition at least two independent experiments have been made. In order to obtain reliable phase transition temperatures, the test mixtures are subjected to at least two simultaneous heating and cooling cycles. Because the dissolution of the metal oxides in liquid B2O3 is very slow, a rather low linear heating and cooling rate of 20 oC/h was adapted. In the experiments the top heating temperatures were chosen at least 100 oC above the expected liquidus temperature (TLiq). The liquidus temperatures are signalled by a characteristic brake on the temperature difference (T) curves of the cooling cycles. The values of TLiq are obtained from the sample temperature curves, corresponding to the location of the brake on the T curves. Results Fe2O3-B2O3 system In order to eliminate the possible effect of the quartz ampoules, used in the first series of the temperature history measurements reported in [1], and to extend the Fe2O3 concentration range above 10 wt %, additional experiments were carried out using molybdenum sample holder. The mean values of the liquidus temperatures (Tliq.), determined from the second cooling cycles of the temperature history experiments are summarised in Table 1. Reproducibility of the data was estimated as ±10 oC. The phase diagram for the Fe2O3-B2O3 system, shown in Figure 3, is constructed from the temperature history measurement data. The phase relations bellow liquidus temperatures were taken from the work Makram et al [4] and are well in line with our Mössbauer results [1]. In Figure 4 the structure of the binary component mixture is illustrated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) picture. Figure 3. Phase diagram for the F2O3-B2O3 system 1600 1800 1500 Liq. Fe2O3 + Liq. B2O3 1400 1700 1600 1300 1500 1200 1100 1400 Solid Fe2O3 + Liq. B2O3 o T, C 1200 900 Fe2O3 + Fe3BO6 700 Solid Fe3BO6 + Solid FeBO3 Solid Fe2O3 + Solid FeBO3 600 1100 1000 Solid FeBO3 + Liq. B2O3 FeBO3 Fe3BO6 800 Solid Fe3BO6 +Liq. B2O3 900 500 800 Sintered Fe2O3 + B2O3 700 400 Solid Fe2O3 +Solid B2O3 600 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 B2O3, wt % Experimental, Interpolated, Lit. [4] 90 100 T, K 1300 1000 Table 1. Liquidus temperatures measured in the binary systems of Fe2O3-B2O3 Fe2O3, wt % Tliq., o C 5.0 885 7.5 1010 10.0 1065 15.0 1130 18.0 1165 25.0 1225 37.5 1320 Figure 4. SEM image of Fe2O3-B2O3 binary mixture ZrO2-B2O3 system The liquidus temperatures for the ZrO2-B2O3 system were determined by temperature history and as well as from solubility measurements. In the former experiments test mixtures, containing 2.5 and 5.0 wt % ZrO2 were investigated. The results are given in Table 2. Table 2. Liquidus temperatures from temperature history experiments ZrO2, wt % Tliq., o C 2.5 1130 5.0 1300 In the solubility experiments the test mixtures, containing ZrO2 in excess as compared with the saturated solution at a given temperature, were fused in an inductive furnace at constant temperature in closed tungsten sample holder. The original composition of the test mixture for both temperatures was chosen as 20 wt% ZrO2. The liquidus temperature on the phase diagram was determined by measuring the concentration of the components in the quenched solid solution at the heating temperatures of 1800 and 2000 oC. Table 3. Liquidus temperatures from solubility measurements Temperature, o C ZrO2, wt % 1800 6,50,5 2000 13,51,0 UO2-B2O3 system The liquidus temperatures for the UO2-B2O3 system were determined by temperature history measurements. As an example, results of the measurements with 5,0 wt% UO2 is shown in Figure 5. In this experiment the top heating temperatures for the two cycles are chosen to be 1270 and 1295 oC, respectively. Figure 5. Heating and cooling cycles of the test mixture with 5,0 wt % of UO2 1400 100 o Tmax = 1295 C o Tmax = 1270 C 1300 90 80 1200 70 1100 40 800 o o Ts, C 50 900 T, C 60 1000 30 700 20 600 10 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Time, h Figure 6. Variation of temperatures during the second cooling cycle for sample, containing 7.5 wt% UO2 7,5 wt % of UO2 1500 8 T Ts 1400 7 o TLiq=1330 C 1300 6 5 1000 4 900 3 800 700 2 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Time, h 80 81 82 83 84 85 o 1100 T, C o T, C 1200 The liquidus temperatures (TLiq) are determined from the temperature difference (T) curves of the cooling cycles. The values of TLiq are obtained from the sample temperature curves, corresponding to the location of the characteristic brake, recorded on the T curves. Figure 6 shows the variation of Ts and T during the second cooling cycles in the vicinity of the liquidus temperature for the 7.5 wt % test mixture. The size and form of the T signal in the vicinity of the liquidus temperature depends on UO2 concentration and on the temperature gradient in the zone of the thermocouples. The mean values of the liquidus temperatures, measured in the temperature history experiments are summarised in Table 4. The TLiq data were determined from the second cooling cycles. Table 4. Liquidus temperatures measured in the UO2-B2O3 system. UO2, wt % Tliq., o C 2,5 1130 5,0 1275 7,5 1330 10,0 1460 References [1] L. Vasáros,Gy. Jákli, Anna Pintér, Z. Hózer, High temperature investigation of the ironoxidesB2O3 systems, Progress report SAM-ENTHALPY(01)-D 008, January 2001. [2] L. Vasáros, Gy. Jákli, P. Windberg, L. Matus, I. Nagy, A. Pintér, Z. Hózer, Phase transitions in the ZrO2-B2O3 system, Progress report SAM-ENTHALPY(01)-D 009, January 2003. [3] L. Vasáros, Gy. Jákli, Z. Hózer, Phase transitions in the UO2-B2O3 system, Progress report SAMENTHALPY(01)-D 010, January 2003. [4] H. Makram, L. Touron, J. Loriers, Phase relations in the system Fe2O3-B2O3, and its application single crystal growth of Fe2O3, J. Cryst. Growth 13/14 (1972) 585-87