Shipwreck Coast Marketing - Victorian Competition and Efficiency

Victorian Competition & Efficiency Commission Inquiry – December 2010
Shipwreck Coast Tourism trading as Shipwreck Coast Marketing (SCM) is an incorporated
Regional Tourism Association located in Warrnambool and covers the municipalities of
Warrnambool and Corangamite. SCM has been working within the same structure for 21 years
and is a Tourism Victoria Hall of Fame winner . The organization has a skills based board and is
funded by local government and industry with some project support from Tourism Victoria.
Shipwreck Coast Marketing’s core roles are: External Marketing
 Industry Development
 Product Development
The geographic area of the Shipwreck Coast forms part of the Great Ocean Road and Region.
Whilst the region has good visitation it has some immediate issues of product development and
dispersal beyond the 12 Apostles. As a regional body within the Great Ocean Road region our
focus is on increasing yield and also increasing visitation in the late shoulder and off peak
1. The overlaying statement must be that Victoria and the Great Ocean Road is
competing in a global environment and that the region does not have the
infrastructure to meet the demand
2. There is a lack of State Government recognition of the value of economic, social
and community value to the state
3. Question: Does the State have a big vision for tourism?
Some of the impediments to this occurring are as follows:Issues
Great Ocean Road. Lack of product to support the nature based tourism strength to
encourage and detain global experience seekers
Lack of infrastructure on the Great Ocean Road that some new infrastructure could in
itself could become an attraction. Below includes some immediate needs but not
exclusively to this list
 Unique Accommodation of world class standard that is sympathetic to the nature based
 World class Interpretation Centre at Loch Ard Gorge on the Great Ocean Road
 Accommodation to the meet the group demand at Port Campbell (Provides opportunity
to capture group visitation to the 12 Apostles)
 State support to existing infrastructure to ensure it continues to meet consumer
expectations E.g. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village
 Upgrade of rail and air services
Infrastructure inhibited by
 Red tape. The ability to develop private investment on public land
 Ability to form private/public partnerships to develop must needed infrastructure
 Management of state built assets e.g. 12 A’s Kiosk. Parks Victoria currently undertaking
roles that are not their core business
Extension of leases on crown land
 Current position is that owners of leases on crown land and/or managed by a third party
cannot gain extensions within a commercial timeline. This position inhibits upgrades and
potential new developments. Commercial realities must overlay legislative
 Planning limitations and complexities that impede decision making that limits
investor/develop interest
 Rezoning of land for tourism/hospitality catalytic infrastructure to service potential visitors
 Streamlining process to allow local government to identify and promote investment ready
Government Competition
 Government developing and managing businesses in opposition to private enterprise
Lack of Master Planning for projects. e.g. Great Ocean Walk.
 Private investment now potentially threatened by government investment in areas that is
not their core business
 Insufficient planned investment in maintenance of natural assets
Hospitality/Tourism Profitability
 Study/ Analysis required to identify the low profit margins in hospitality/tourism sector
which leads to reluctance by lending authorities to finance projects
V Line
Rail travel is a preferred mode of travel to many visitors, particularly international.
 Great Ocean Road – Lack of connective transport infrastructure to support key markets
for people unlikely to self drive and day tour to 12 A’s is not preferred. Service provided
partly by V Line to Apollo Bay and a private operator contracted to V Line for Western
End. The service currently operators 7 days to Apollo Bay but 3 days from Apollo Bay.
Service needs to be 7 days per week if we are serious about regional dispersal
 V Line booking service does not allow packaging. E.g. Travel, accommodation,
experiences. This means the experience cannot be promoted and purchased by
wholesalers or visitors
 V Line does not pay commission to other booking partners. This position does not meet
industry standards and expectations.
Outcome Potential revenue lost to V Line
 Rolling stock from Geelong to Warrnambool very out of date. Does not appeal to
visitors. Enhancing the visitor experience would build numbers.
Positive outcome. Potential for small regional tour operators to pick up from regional
stations, enjoy the tourism experience, return to Melbourne. This would create
dispersal, create yield and create jobs in the regions. Currently the only option is to selfdrive or a day tour. Day tours leave little yield to the region and do not disperse beyond
the 12 Apostles
 V Line website very clunky
Park Licensing
 Operators gaining licensing or access to National Park product and partners programs
who are not always professional tourism operators e.g. Great Ocean Walk
 Lack of monitoring of visitors/tour operators to National Parks. E.g. 12 Apostles. One
impact is loss of revenue
Shipwreck Coast Marketing – PO Box 1467, Warrnambool VIC 3280
Ph. 03 55617894 F. 03 55617895 E.
State Marketing
 Review of the relationship/partnership with industry
 Review of project funding
 Online development should include input from industry not a top down approach
Shipwreck Coast Marketing – PO Box 1467, Warrnambool VIC 3280
Ph. 03 55617894 F. 03 55617895 E.