
Hamlet Creative Choice Assignment
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~ Be creative!! ~
Group Assignment: In your group (of 2-4 people) choose one of the following projects below to
complete. You will present your project to the class.
1. Create a scrapbook (with explanatory notes) of Hamlet’s life based on the clues given in
the play. Use pictures and items that would be important to Hamlet. The scrapbook
must be at least 15 pages long.
2. Write and illustrate a full children’s book version of Hamlet. You must include pivotal
plot points, all of the main characters, and a cover. You may change names and places.
3. Create a deck of cards for the play. Each of the main characters must have at least one
card. Find a quote for each character that captures the essence of the character and
his/her importance to the play, as well as creating a visual representation for the
character (picture or symbol) and their “stats.” You must have a minimum of 10 cards.
4. Make a video. A scene, an act, one character’s point of view/experiences, or the
trailer/teaser for the play. You must represent meaningful parts of the play. You can do
this through the original text, your own version of the original text, modern language, or
some other creative representation. (check with me first before starting to make sure
you’re on the right track)
5. Condense each act of Hamlet into one-two minutes worth of dialogue and acting. Create
a script for each act and then perform it in front of the class (or make a video).
Individual Assignment: Choose one of the following assignments to complete individually.
1. Which character is most like you? Why? Explain in 1-2 pages. Remember to describe the
character well. Use textual evidence in your analysis that supports your description.
2. Produce a newspaper (front page?) for the play. Use a newspaper layout, pictures,
interviews, “stories” etc. Be creative!
3. Create a 60 second Hamlet script using only quotes from the play. You should aim to
include all of the main events and character in some form.
4. Make a Story Map of the play (see me for the handout.)
5. Generate a comparison or analysis between the play and one of the poems at the back
of your play (poems on pages: 158, 159, 160, 169, 170, 171, 172-173, 174, 175, 176).
This can be done in a visual or written form. You must explain/show the connection
between the play and the poem.
6. OBITUARIES: The floor is littered with corpses at the end of the play – and others have
died early. Create an obituary page in a newspaper and write the obituaries of four of
the dead characters. Try to make it look like an authentic newspaper article. Each
obituary should be at least 80-100 words long. Look at examples in an actual newspaper
of what to include in your obituaries.
** If none of these options appeal to you or your group, come up with
another idea and ask me if it would ‘fit’ with the assignment. **
Your mark will be based on the final product, due ON THE DUE DATE GIVEN, but also on how
effectively you utilize the class time given. If you are working in a group, you will be expected to
participate equally in the completion of the project. People who do NOT complete their share
of the work will be penalized.
An “A” assignment will be completed to a very high level of quality, and clearly display a strong
grasp of the play and its concepts and ideas.
If you are unsure of anything during the process of completing this assignment, talk to me
BEFORE the due date.
DUE: December 13th, 2012