AS SNOW CHANGES TO RAIN: UNDERSTANDING THE VICISSITUDES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING THROUGH THE MELTING LAYER (FROM ABOVE AND BELOW) Kenneth Sassen Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775 Email: 1. INTRODUCTION An unexpected consequence of the transformation of hydrometeors undergoing the phase change in the melting layer is what World War II microwave radar operators called the bright band. Literally, a bright signal band sometimes appeared on the radar set oscilloscope displays of their time during rainfall. It was soon recognized by the new breed of post-war radar meteorologists that this phenomenon was attributable to certain characteristics of melting snowflakes, which briefly enhanced radar returns. Relatively simple models that treated the changes in hydrometeor size, fallspeed (and thus concentration), and ice/water content were able to reproduce the salient features of the radar bright band (Battan 1973; Dennis and Hitchfield 1990; Fabry and Zawadski 1995). Because of the large increase in the dielectric constant (and hence Rayleigh backscattering) between ice and water particles, the influence of the melt water was considered to be a major factor, along with the gradual decrease in particle concentrations as snowflakes changed to faster-falling raindrops. Doppler radar vertical velocity profiles through the melting layer soon confirmed this basic conception. Laboratory and field studies of the composition of the melting layer were also spurred by attempts to better understand bright bands (e.g., Stewart et al. 1984; Mitra et al. 1990; Oraltay and Hallett 2005). At least this was the early view when predominantly centimeterwavelength weather radars were used to probe precipitation. Since the 1950s, however, new research tools have discovered new electromagnetic scattering features associated with the melting region. For example: 2. LIDAR ANALOGS Early lidar studies detected a bright band analog (i.e., a relatively narrow signal spike) under some melting layer conditions that was attributed to strong optical backscattering and overwhelming attenuation in the larger snowflakes- this is simply a particle density effect, not a dielectric one (Sassen 1977a). Like polarization radars, lidars found variations in depolarization in the melting layer due to special nonspherical particle scattering effects (Sassen 1975). Lidars later discovered a pronounced dark band near the bottom of the melting layer (Sassen and Chen 1995), apparently a result of the backscattering behavior of mixed-phase raindrops with ice blocking the central retro-reflected internal ray path (Sassen 1977b). (Wet lidars were something to be avoided, previously!) 3. MILLIMETER-WAVE RADAR DARK AND BRIGHT BANDS The situation at millimeter radar wavelengths is, in comparison to weather radars, chaotic. Measurements of rain at K-band (~10-mm) radar only occasionally show a bright band, while those at W-band (3.2 mm) may never and sometimes even detect a weak dark band at the top of the melting layer (Sassen et al. 2005). Clearly, nonRayleigh scattering effects at these wavelengths are coming into play in a major way because snowflakes (and many raindrops) are too large to behave as Rayleigh scatterers. Theories to explain the still-debated W-band radar dark band can be divided into two distinct groups. The first believes that the well-known Mie theory backscattering oscillations for particles with sizes of about the incident wavelength (due to scattering resonance effects) cause depressions in radar reflectivity from growing snowflakes of just the right size (Lhermitte 2002; Kollias and Albrecht 2005). A related W-band radar dim band was attributed to a combination of this effect with a specified snowflake density-versus-size relationship that strongly limited radar reflectivities in the Mie regime (Heymsfield et al. 2008), although this affect is not directly tied to the melting layer. The other approach to account for the W-band radar dark band involves treating barely-wet snowflakes as concentric water-coated ice spheres, with the backscattering reductions coming from the reverse dielectric effect predicted by Mie theory (Sassen et al. 2005). 4. THE VIEW FROM SPACE With the advent of spaceborne radar observations of precipitation (TRMM, Simpson et al. 1996) and clouds (CloudSat, Stephens et al. 2003), melting layer effects are being examined from the top-down. Although conventional TRMM radar bright bands are commonly observed, surprisingly so are apparent CloudSat W-band radar bright bands, but only in observations from above (Sassen et al. 2007). Analogous to the lidar bright band, this feature has been attributed to increasing microwave backscatter followed by strong extinction, not in the snow above, but the rain below in this case (Matrosov 2007). 5. CONCLUSIONS These findings at several radar/lidar wavelengths have put new constraints on melting layer microphysical and scattering theories, which will be discussed to see if our current understanding of the bright and dark bands are consistent with the microphysics of precipitation (and vice versa), particularly with regard to the evolution of the particle size distribution. We suggest that an additional tool that should be applied to completing our understanding of melting layer microphysics and scattering are scanning polarization lidar measurements (Roy and Bissonnette 2001), which will reveal through backscattering anisotropy further details of the evolution of hydrometeor shape and orientation in the melting region. Acknowledgements. This research is supported by NSF grant ATM-0630506. REFERENCES Battan, L. J., 1973: Radar Observation of the Atmosphere, University of Chicago Press, 324 pp. Dennis, A. S., and W. 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