Brain Pop Atoms


BrainPOP: Atomic Model

Using ____________________ means, scientists have been able to construct different models of the __________________. The atomic model has taken years and years to build and people still tweak it now and again, hopefully making it more accurate.

1802- At the beginning of the 19 th century, Englishman ______________________ built an atomic model called the “______________________________________.”

According to his theory, each type of _____________________ is made of only one type of __________________________. Also each type of atom could be put together into a group called an ______________________- and every atom of a given element was ______________________________. For example, gold atoms make

_____________ and iron atoms make _________________, and so on. Dalton also believed that atoms could not be ________________________, divided into smaller parts, or ______________________________.

1897- About 100 years after Dalton, British scientists ______________________ discovered the _________________________. Thompson stated that negatively charged electrons must be stuck all throughout a positively charged area. Think of it like the atom is cookie dough and the _______________________ are chocolate chips.

The discovery of electrons was a big deal. But it left some bi questions- what were the positive particles holding those electrons in place?

1909- In 1909, a New Zealand born British scientist named ___________________

______________________ and his team set out to answer some of these questions.

After performing in depth experiments using gold foil, Rutherford determined that a gold atom must have some very small ______________________ charged mass. He named this mass the ______________________. He called the positively charged nucleus particles ________________________, and said that the

__________________________ were scattered in ____________________ around the nucleus.

James Chadwick, a student of Rutherford’s, found new particles in the nucleus that weren’t affected by an electric field at all. Chadwick called these uncharged particles


Also in the early 20 th century, scientists discovered that electrons are arranged in energy levels. The lower energy levels are closer to the ___________________ and can hold just a few _________________________. The higher energy levels are farther from the nucleus and can hold more _____________________________.

Electrons are so small and ____________________ that their energy levels are not neat planet-like orbits around the nucleus. Instead, they exist in a region called the electron cloud. The atomic model is constantly evolving as scientists discover more and more about what makes the universe tick.

BrainPop: Atoms

Air, water, pants, leaves, robots, and humans are all made up of ________________!

The Periodic Table of Elements shows and predicts every known ________________ in the universe- oxygen, iron, lead, and so on. These elements are all made of

____________________. Around 2400 years ago, a Greek guy named

______________________________ argued that everything in the world was made up of particles so small that they could not be cut in half. He called these tiny things “_______________” from the Greek work “atomos,” which means


In the 1800s, another guy named ____________________________________ refined the idea with his theory that atoms are the smallest particle of an

_________________ that retains its chemical __________________________.

That means if you break apart an atom of an element like carbon, it’s __________ carbon any more.

Atoms are made up of even tinier __________________________ particles called

__________________, ___________________, and ___________________.

The atom’s center, or _________________, is a cluster of protons and neutrons.

Protons have a ___________________ electrical charge, and neutrons have

______ electrical charge. The atom’s nucleus is held together by the strong force, which keeps the positively charged protons from repelling each other. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of ______________________ moving near the speed of light. The electrons have a _________________________ charge that attracts them to the protons, and they “live” in shells representing different


On the periodic table, atoms are organized by their _______________________, which is really their number of ______________________ or

__________________. You can also find the atomic mass here, as well as the element’s symbol. The difference of a few little protons, electrons, or neutrons can produce such a variety of _____________________ with completely different

________________________. Different types of atoms can bond together to make __________________________. Water is a molecule. It’s two atoms of

___________________, and one atom of __________________, or H


O for short!

You would not believe how small atoms are. It would take nearly 10 million just to cross this dot. And the _________________ of the atom itself is even more ridiculous. If the nucleus was the size of an apple, the _______________________ would be five whole football fields away! That means all matter in the universe is mostly __________________ space!
