Wedding Interview Questionnaire

Wedding Interview Questionnaire
Today’s Date_________________________________
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer these questions as best you can, if the question does not apply to you, just skip it. Use
extra paper to write more on any question you would like to elaborate on. Taking the time to fully complete this
questionnaire allows me to get to know you and to create a ceremony that is a personal expression of who you are as a
Please list your full, legal names as they will appear on your marriage license:
Bride’s Name ___________________________________
Address _________________________________________
Home phone _________________________
Work phone
__________________________ ________________________________________________
phone ___________________________
What you like to be called: __________________________
e-mail _______________________________
Groom’s Name___________________________________
Home phone _________________________
Address _________________________________________
Work phone
__________________________ ________________________________________________
phone ___________________________
What you like to be called: __________________________
e-mail _______________________________
Address of your wedding website (if you have one): _______________________________________________
Wedding Date: _________________________
Location: ___________________________________
Wedding Time: _________________________
Contact Person _______________________________
Rehearsal Date: ________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Rehearsal Time: ________________________
Estimated no. of guests: ________________________
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
Wedding Party:
Maid/Matron of Honor:
Best Man:
Flower Girl(s): ___________________________
Ring Bearer(s): ___________________________
Other Ceremony Participants (readers, etc.):
How did you meet? _________________________________________________________________
Describe your relationship with your partner:
Bride: __________________________________
What qualities do you most appreciate, admire and love about your partner?
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
What made you decide to get married at this time?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
What does the commitment of marriage mean to you?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
What are your greatest strengths as a couple?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
How did your relationship develop into what it is today?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
How does your partner make you feel loved?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
How has your partner made you a better person?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Planning Your Wedding Ceremony
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
How do you envision your ceremony? __________________________________________________
How long do you want your ceremony to last? _________
What tone do you want for your ceremony, check all that apply:
 Intimate
 Ceremonial
 Minimal
 Sacred
 Warm
 Solemn
 Lighthearted
 Other (please describe) _________________________
Do you want a spiritual, religious, humanist or personal ceremony (or combination)?
Which of the following words are you comfortable with – check all that apply:
 God
 Spirit
 Divine
 Lord
 None of these.
 Other: __________________________________________________________________________
Are there any elements of ritual or traditions that you know you want to include?
Are there any rituals or traditions that you know you do not want to include?
What would you like your ceremony to convey to your guests?
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
Do you want your ceremony to include or honor/mention any family members or friends? If so,
Will you write your own vows?
If there are any touching, funny or revealing stories about the two of you that you think might be
helpful to me in getting to know you and making your ceremony uniquely yours please feel free to
write/type them out on the back of one of these sheets or on a separate page.
Your Backgrounds and Families
What are your religious/cultural / ethnic family backgrounds? How were you raised?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: _________________________________
What is your current religious/spiritual choice?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: _________________________________
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
Are you close to your family?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Which of your parents, step-parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other important family
members will be at your wedding? Please include their names & relationship to you.
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Are there any sensitive issues between the two of you with regards to the ceremony?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Are there any sensitive issues involving your families with regards to the ceremony?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Please answer the following questions if either of your have children from this or prior
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Wedding Interview Questionnaire
If there are children from this or prior relationships please list their names and ages:
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Together: _______________________________
Would you like your children to be included in the ceremony, and if so, how do you envision that?
Bride: __________________________________
Groom: __________________________________
Please tell me a little about your children and how they enhance your lives and your relationship:
Bride: __________________________________
Rev. Pamela Bowles  571-338-8551   PO Box 8142, Fredericksburg, VA 22404