University of Arkansas, College of Education
Program Affiliation: Health Science/Emergency Medical Science
Course Number and Title: HLSC 3633 - First Responder
Catalog Description: Prepares persons to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency aid to victims of trauma or medical emergencies prior to and in assistance with care provided by Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics.
Dr. Angela Smith Nix e-mail: ansmith@uark.edu
Office: HPER 308 – Y Phone: 575-5847
Relationship to Knowledge Base: This course has been designed to provide basic emergency care knowledge and skills to the student. The objective of the first person on the scene of an emergency will be to recognize the needs of the victim and deliver quality care to the patient, minimizing discomfort and preventing further complications.
Goals: This course is designed to prepare lay rescuers with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to effectively evaluate and intervene with basic life support modalities in an attempt to stabilize life threatening injuries and illness in persons of all ages wherever they are encountered.
A secondary goal is to motivate the student to actively seek opportunities to use their skills by volunteering as a first responder in their community.
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
A. Respond effectively to emergencies while experiencing the stress of the situation. (SP 1, 2, 5, 6)
B. Identify signs and symptoms of life threatening injury and/or illness in persons of all ages. (SP 1,2,3,5,6)
C. Distinguish between those victims who need urgent care versus those who do not. (SP 1,2,3,5,6)
D Conduct assessment of victims in a rapid and systematic fashion. (SP 1,2,3,4,5,6)
E. Detect occult injury and illness in victims. (SP 1,2,3,4,5,6)
F. Initiate and demonstrate appropriate pre-hospital stabilization of injuries and illness. (SP 1,2,3,4,5,6)
G. Communicate effectively with emergency dispatchers and responding emergency personnel. (SP1,2,5,6)
H. Perform Basic Life Support skills to the Professional Rescuer Level/ Health Care Provider Level of certification through the American Red Cross and American Heart Association, respectively. (SP1,2,5,6)
I. Prevent inappropriate care rendered by good Samaritans and/or bystanders at an emergency scene.
Classroom lecture
Quizzes, In-Class Activities & Assignments, & Homework
Practical Labs
Written Exams
Required Text: American Red Cross. Emergency Response, 3 rd edition, 2001. San Bruno, CA.
Recommended: American Red Cross. Emergency Response Workbook, 3 rd edition, 2001. San Bruno, CA.
The grade for each student will be based on attendance, written exams, quizzes, practical exercises, homework, and in-class activities. Deductions for points will occur for tardiness and or leaving class early, as well as lack of participation or disrespectful behavior.
Written Exams (4 Green Scantrons) 400 pts.
Practical Exams
Homework & Daily Activities
First Aid Kit
350 pts.
200 pts.
50 pts.
1000 pts.
HLSC 3633
Attendance: Those students with NO absences or tardies will receive a 3 percentage point bonus at the end of the course. A tardy is defined as entering the class 5 minutes or more after the session has begun or leaving before the end of class. In fairness to all students, an absence or tardy for any reason (including excused absences) negates the eligibility for these bonus points. Those students with more than 3 absences or tardies will receive a 3 percentage point deduction for each absence or tardy after the 3 rd occurrence.
Students who miss a class are responsible for the material covered and assignments given during the absence. Time does not allow for repetition of lectures, assignments, labs, or practical exams. Students should contact a fellow classmate before the next class meeting to find out what was covered during the absence.
Points available:
Accumulated points will be added up and divided by the available points. Homework will be taken up at the beginning of class. If you have to miss class on a day when homework is due, the homework should be sent with a classmate or via e-mail. Work not turned in the day that it is due will receive 25% deduction for each day that it is late. Due to the nature of this course, practical exams MAY NOT be re-scheduled.
During class you will be assigned to work with various classmates, assist in demonstrations and role play scenarios. Class participation is required and vital to the success of this class. Therefore, points will be given and may be deducted from your grade based on your level of participation (this includes attitude). In-class assignments and activities CAN NOT be made up as they are specifically related to participation on that particular day. Students will be required to have a first aid kit with essential items as discussed in class.
This class involves different aspects of the human body. You will be required to participate in exercises that will require some physical contact. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. You will be removed from the class session or the entire course if you display inappropriate actions, comments, or attitudes. If you have a problem or are uncomfortable with activities, please make an appointment to discuss the situation so that the problem may be resolved.
VIII. Grading Scale:
1000 - 900
899 - 800
799 - 700
699 - 600
599 & below
Students are responsible for monitoring their progress in this class.
Academic Honesty:
The application of the University of Arkansas Academic Honesty Policy, as stated in the
University Catalog/Student Handbook , will be fully adhered to in this course.
Many of the days we will be practicing or testing on scenarios. This will include moving around on the floor so you will need to dress accordingly. On practical exam and lab days wear clothing that can be stained or soiled. Please remove jewelry and wear old shoes.
XI. Inclement Weather:
If the University of Arkansas is open we will be in class.
Ph.D. Ed.D.
1. One who accesses, uses, and/or generates knowledge
2. One who plans, implements, and models best practices
3. One who understands, respects, and values diversity
4. One who is a developing professional and a lifelong learner
5. One who communicates, cooperates, and collaborates with others
6. One who makes decisions based upon professional standards and ethical criteria
7. One who is knowledgeable about teachers and teaching, learners and learning, schools and schooling
Scholar-Practitioners are teachers, administrators, and counselors who value theory and research, comprehend theory and practice as being complementary and mutually reinforcing, and are committed to the enhancement of teaching, learning, and professional practice.