Applet Choices- Students prepare notebook , include sketches of

3rd Quarter Home Experiences Portfolio Project
Checkpoints:Binder will be handed in on the following dates
Parent Letter due by January 14th
30 points complete by February 4th
60 points complete by February 25th
Final Project Due –MARCH 11TH
You are to create a portfolio that has 100 points from the menu below. You may do extra
work to earn up to 10 extra credit points.
All work must complete, organized, and hole punched in a three ring binder. All work
must be written or typed in COMPLETE SENTENCES
There should be a table of contents.
Every piece of the portfolio has to have the amount of time it took you to complete
along with a signature from your parent/guardian.
Home Experiment Portfolio Project:
1. _____-10 points Parent Letter signature by Thursday 1/14/10. This is
2. _____- 5 points – Table of contents and organization of binder.
3. _____- 5 points - Mythbusters video critique ( maximum three) What myth was
being tested, What experiments were performed, and explain the conclusions
that were drawn in a write up. Also record the date and time of the episode
4. _____ - 5 points each - Online Labs and applets( choose from the list provided
only!) Picture of you doing the experiment is required for credit on the
experiments. If you complete an applet you may sketch a picture of the applet or
print the page.
Write ups for both will include the question being tested, the observations from
the experiment, and conclusions made from the results. ( Minimum 7 and
Maximum of 12)
5. _____- 10 points -Scientist Research – only one possible. Scientist must be
approved by teacher first. Typed interview with a minimum of 10 questions
describing: When and where the scientist was from, how they grew up, what
they studied in school, their scientific work, and any interesting facts about the
scientist or the work they did. You must list your resources in a bibliography.
6. _____ - 5 points -Science article- only one possible- find a science article from
the newspaper, scientific journal, magazine, or online article from 2009 until
NOW. Print/cut out entire article. Write up one paragraph summarizing what
the article said in your own words and one paragraph describing what you
learned or things that interested you about the article. ( YOU MAY NOT say I
learned nothing and it was boring!)
7. ______ - 5 points- Research an element – only one possible- Fill out information
sheet on elements, write down all the sources for information in a bibliography.
This sheet may be found on the teacher website
8. _____ - 15 points -Make a video or a powerpoint- only one possible- explaining
how to do a science experiment from the list provided. Be sure to explain the
materials, make a hypothesis, Describe what you observed, and then explain
what happens scientifically. The presentation must be organized and visually
9. _____ - 20 points –Visit one of the following: nature center, natural history
museum , great lakes science center, or COSI. Turn in 5 pictures of you there
interacting with the exhibits.Write up a one page summary of the exhibits you
saw and the things that you learned. ( Only one of these possible)
Applets to choose from
Write ups will include the question being tested, the observations from the experiment,
and conclusions made based on the results. Also a drawn picture or a printed page from
the applet must be submitted for credit.
Projectile Simulation
Simple Inclined Plane
Reflection, refraction, diffraction
Doppler Effect
o Color Mixing
o Lenses
Doppler Effect (2)
Water Tower and Flow Rates (water tower)
Light Bulb
Ohm’s Law
HOME EXPERIMENTS TO CHOOSE FROM: These experiments are similar to
the ones we did first semester: The only difference is when you write up the
experience: There is NO: materials, procedure, and additional research.
1. Creating your own dye
2. Recycling Paper
3. Silly Putty or Slime
4. Steel wool generating heat
5. Homemade pen cap sinker
6. Beat the the earth’s magnetic field
7. Trapped bird in cage
8. Extracting life from a plant
9. Magical expanding soap
1. Exploring Acids and Bases
2. Floating and sinking bowling balls
3. Needle through a balloon
4. Layered Liquids