Teacher`s Guide on Forecasting the Future Webquest

Teacher’s Guide on Forecasting the Future Webquest
Subject Area and Year Level
Mathematics 4
Learning Objectives/Competencies
In this lesson students will:
1. Identify certain relationships in real life which are exponential ( e.g. population
growth overtime, growth of bacteria overtime, etc.)
2. Define the exponential function f(x) = ax and differentiate it from other functions
studied earlier, given a table of ordered pairs, state whether the trend is
exponential or not.
3. Draw the graph of an exponential function f(x) = ax and describe some properties
of the function or its graph
4. State the domain, range, intercepts and trend ( increasing and decreasing) of a
given exponential function based on its graph.
5. Apply knowledge and skills related to exponential functions and equations in
problem solving such as forecasting.
2 weeks
Before starting on the webquest:
1. Make sure that you are thoroughly familiar with all of the components of the
2. Prepare a work plan, in which you indicate the inclusive dates for the various
steps in the webquest process. The time allotment for each step in the webquest
process is indicated in the Process section. But you need to identify the actual
dates for every step. Your schedule should be such that the webquest is
completed in five consecutive weeks, not spread out over a long period. This is to
ensure a focused interest in the project.
3. Arrange schedule in the computer laboratory by writing letter to the laboratory
4. Upon approval and the actual date of use give instruction to laboratory assistants
on what are the things to be installed in the computer, or documents to be loaded
in the computer.
5. Formulate letter to be distributed to parents of your students informing them of
the coming webquest activity where their children will be assigned to a particular
6. Formulate letter to be given to barangay captain of the ten barangays identified
where students will get information. Be sure you already scouted and visited the
ten barangays to be assigned to students.
7. Formulate letter address to the dean for possible use of the school bus in visiting
the ten barangays.
8. Prepare the materials that you will need to distribute to students during the
orientation session, such as copies of the webquest .
During the WebQuest
For every step in the webquest, here are the things that you need to do:
Step 1
Orient your class to the webquest. It is recommended that you give a print copy of
the webquest to each group. You can also do the orientation in the computer center,
where groups can read the electronic or soft copy of the webquest on a computer
assigned to them.
Carefully go over the Task and Evaluation sections of the webquest with your
students. And then go over the Process. Encourage students to ask clarificatory
questions and be ready to provide answers.
Form your students into groups of five members each, using the grouping method
you decided on prior to starting the project. Make sure that there is a mix of abilities
in each group.
Give the groups time to decide on the distribution of roles among them. Make sure
that the assignment of roles is by consensus among the group members. No one
member should decide which roles the other members will play, to ensure that all
members will be motivated to participate in the activity.
Draw lots on the ten barangay where they are going to get information for the
purpose of fair play in assigning the location.
After determining their assigned barangay, you will let them fill up in the blank
spaces of the prepared letter to the parents the necessary information. There is a
reply form at the bottom of the letter, remind students that they really have to return
the reply slip in order to ensure that before starting the activity students have already
a permission from their parents.
Step 2
Schedule a class session at the computer center for your students to go over the
blog site where they can access the detailed task, process and roles; and they can
visit websites listed in the Resources section. This can be on a Saturday (a half-day
per section will do perhaps) so that there will be enough time to read the resources.
Step 3
You and your students will conduct a site visitation on the ten barangays identified.
See to it that barangay captains already received the letter informing him of the site
visit. Be sure to coordinate with the in charge for school bus. This is to ensure that
your students will already be familiar with the place where they are going to get
information, and if possible introduce the person whom they will be interviewing.
Step 4
Remind students to take note of all the information pertinent to the activity. If
possible tell them to meet as a group immediately after the visit to ensure that all
gathered information are still fresh in their minds. For the multimedia designers you
can have a special session with them to guide them on the software if they are not
yet familiar with it.
Step 5
Groups should meet to discuss their drafts for the presentation. You might wish to
facilitate this by setting a special class session during which all groups will meet, with
you present to monitor the group discussions. This meeting can be at the computer
center so that groups can start encoding their presentation and scanning photos.
You and the Center Manager should provide assistance as needed.
Remind students to refer to the scoring checklist in the Evaluation section of the
webquest for guidance on how to prepare their presentation.
Step 6
The encoding of the group presentations will not be completed in a day. Multimedia
designers should be allowed to use the computer center as often as possible (during
their vacant periods) during this final week of preparing the group presentations.
Step 7
Schedule the oral presentation of group outputs at the audio visual room if there is
available, if not then you can have it at the computer laboratory. Each group should be
given about 20 minutes to make the oral presentation. This means that only five groups
can make a presentation in one hour and that you will have to devote several class
sessions to this step. It is recommended that instead of doing the presentations during
regular class sessions, you again pick one Saturday for all of the groups to make their
presentations in the computer center. The Center Manager and Assistant Center
Manager should provide you some assistance.
As each group presents, grade the presentation using the checklist provided in the
Evaluation section of the webquest. You can also let your students evaluate the work of
their classmates by using the same rubric. As a teacher you can give percentage of
their evaluation as part of your grade in their final output.
After the last presentation, collect the presentations, congratulate your students on
having completed the webquest, and make a short synthesis of the lessons learned.
Step 8
In the next class session, distribute copies of the self-assessment and peer evaluation
forms for students to fill in. This is individual work. Each student should therefore have a
copy of the forms. An alternative is to write out each form on a piece of manila paper and
post these in the classroom for students to copy. The students can simply write their
answers to the forms on a piece of paper.
After the webquest (when all group outputs and accomplished student self-assessment
and peer evaluation forms have been submitted):
1. Review your scoring of the group presentations, assign points to the self-assessment
and peer evaluation, and compute each student’s final grade or score for the webquest.
2. Let everyone know his/her score for the project.
3. Save all the outputs and CD write so each group can have a copy of all the
4. Provide the Barangay Captains the result of the project so they will be aware and will
find ways and means to address the issues or concerns they will be facing.