Earthquakes & Volcanoes Web Quest
Date ___________
Search the websites below to find answers to the questions. Mark the numbers in the corresponding locations on your map .
Answer the questions on this sheet. Hand in electronically to the hand-in folder at the end of today’s class.
1. How many potentially active volcanoes are there in Canada? _________
2. Look at the map. In what part of Canada are all of them located?
3. Name the most recent volcano eruption in BC.
_______________________ How many year ago? ______________
4. A volcano erupted 75 km from Quesnel; when did it last erupt?
_________________ year ago. Name it. __________________
Mt. Garibaldi “Canada’s best known volcano”; how many year ago did it last erupt? _________________
The Nisga’a lava beds are the result of a very recent volcano. How long ago did it erupt?__________________________ How many people were killed?_____________________________
According to Nisga’a oral tradition, what events led to the eruption of the volcano?
8. What is the name of the scale that is used to measure the magnitude
(strength) of an earthquake? ______________________
9. What is the smallest size of earthquake that can be felt by people? ____
10. What size causes serious damage? _____
11. What is the largest size of earthquake known to have occurred ? _____
Look at the map and scroll down the list below it.
12. Find the most recent earthquake in Canada. What was its magnitude? ___
Mark it on your map.
13. How many earthquakes have occurred in Canada in the past day?______
14. Find the largest earthquake in Canada in the past month. What was its magnitude? ______ Mark it as on your map.
15. Which province or territory has had the greatest number of earthquakes in the past month? ____________________________ Mark the area with the greatest concentration of earthquakes on your map.
16. Which provinces or territories haven’t had any earthquakes in the past month? ___________________________________________________
17. Three earthquakes with magnitudes over 8.0 have been recorded off the
BC coast. In what years did they occur?
Mark them on your map.
18. The most recent historic earthquake in BC happened in 2012. Where was it? ________________________ What was its magnitude? ________
19. How may earthquakes over magnitude 4 have occurred in the last hour?
______ in the last day?/ ________ in the last week? _______________
20. Find the location of the most recent earthquake of magnitude 4 or greater in the world. Where did it occur? ___________________ When did it occur? (date and time) ___________What was its magnitude? _____
Mark in on your map.
21. How many earthquakes of magnitude 4 or greater have occurred in the world in the last 2 weeks? __________
22. Where was the largest earthquake in the world in the past 24 hours?
______________________What was its magnitude? Mark it on your map.
23. . Around which tectonic plate are most of the earthquakes found?
24. Look up the “Ring of Fire” and mark it on your map. Why is it called the
Ring of Fire? ______________________________________________
25. Find 2 earthquakes since 2000 with magnitudes over 9 on the Richter scale. Where and in what years did they occur?
______________________, _____________________
26. Where was the deadliest earthquake since 2000?
_________________How many lives were lost? _________________ mark it on your map
Questions: ____/35
Map: ___/10
Total ___/45