Literacy Information text: bees Harvest Poem Character Description: Spiderwick Chronicles Dragon topic: Poem, NonChronological report, instructions Diary entry Information text: earthquakes Newspaper reportī TV news report Letter writing: Christmas PE Badminton Rugby Gymnastics Science Maths RE Food chains Place value to thousands Compare and order numbers Addition and subtraction using formal methods where appropriate Multiplication and division facts Multiplication using formal written method where appropriate Fractions – tenths and hundredths ¼, ½, ¾ Conversion between units of measure Perimeter Geometric shapes Angles Time Continuous and discrete data To identify important things in different religions To describe religious beliefs through stories To describe different ways beliefs are expressed To understand religious symbols and artefacts To say how people are affected by their religion To link things that are important to me in the way I think and behave To describe different ways in which religious beliefs are expressed through rituals To describe how some beliefs practices and stories are linked To know the vocabulary of a food chain To create a food chain Human Body To learn purpose of different teeth To learn about the digestive system To investigate tooth decay States of Matter To compare the properties of three states of matter To investigate temperature To use a thermometer To learn about changing states To lern about reversible changes To learn about the Water Cycle To learn about the air around us YEAR 4 French Fruit A traditional tale My journey to school Travelling to other Countries Christmas Geography Theme: Google Earth Volcanoes and Earthquakes Volcanic and earthquake terminology The structure of the earth How and why earthquakes happen Learn the structure of a volcano Use of a Richter scale Earthquake sites Write from a POV of a person living during an earthquake Research earthquake and volcanic eruptions Present a news style report History – none this term Music Listening to and composing sound tracks Listening and appraising: Music inspired by volcanoes and earthquakes; Dance Macabre Composing and performing: music inspired by volcanoes and earthquakes Musical notion Christmas Music Computing e-safety: online rules, Internet: fact and opinion, online profile Exploring: databases researching using the internet Communicating: Photo editing, digital camera use, animation, voice recording Art / DT Healthy eating Harvest cooking Bee Art Art Week: Vincent Van Gogh Harvest Art Clay organs 3D clay Children draw their insides Still Life drawing Observational drawings PSHE Dreams and Goals Dreams mobiles and garden decorations I know how to make a new plan and set new goals even when I have been disappointed I know what it means to be resilient and have a positive attitude Healthy Me Healthy friendships chapter I can recognise when people are putting me under pressure and can explain way to resist this when I want to I can identify feelings of anxiety and fear associated with peer pressure