2500-FM-BWM0160 Rev. 10/2009 Please Type or Print in Ink COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU WASTE MANAGEMENT Act 101, The Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Act QUARTERLY HOST MUNICIPALITY BENEFIT FEE REPORT A. General Information 1. 2. Permit No. January-March April-June July-September October-December Year 3. Facility Name 4. Facility Address 5. Location Township Borough City (Name of Municipality) 6. County 7. Contact Name 8. Contact Title 10. Operator Name 9. Contact Phone No. 11. Operator Address B. Fee Computation All weights must be expressed in tons rounded to the nearest 1/10 ton. 3 Cu. Yd. = 1 Ton, 1 Ton = 2,000 Pounds Line No. Municipal Waste Residual Waste Sewage Sludge Processed Demolition/ Infectious Construction 1 Month 1 2 Month 2 3 Month 3 4 Total Waste 5 Fee Calculation @ $1.00 Ton 6 Preexisting Agreement Credit 7 Net Fee 8 Discount for Timely Payment (1% Discount if paid before the Due Date) 9 Penalty for Late Payment (5% Penalty for each month or part of month late) 10 C. Month Ash Asbestos TOTAL - ($1.00 X TOTAL on Line 4 x % of area) Net Fee Due (Payment MUST be enclosed with report to avoid penalty for late payment.) (0.01 x Line 7) $ (0.05 x Line 7 x Mos.) $ $ Certification This is to certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information in this and any attached documents. I am aware of the Department of Environmental Protection’s requirements for this report. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information. Name of Operator / Contact Signature of Operator / Contact Date (mm/dd/yy) 2560-FM-BWM0160 Instructions Rev. 10/2009 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT Act 101, The Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Act Instructions for the completion of the Act 101, Quarterly Host Municipality Benefit Fee Report. This form must be completed by operators of municipal waste landfill and resource recovery facilities. The operator must file this report with each municipality within which the permitted area of the landfill or facility is located. Please submit the completed form and your fee payment to the Host Municipality and a copy of the completed form to the following address: PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Management P.O. Box 8550 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550 Section A. General Information Line 1. Permit No. - Enter your facility’s DEP permit number. Line 2. Quarter - Check the box for the quarter for which you are reporting and enter the year. Lines 3 and 4. Facility Name and Address - Enter the name and site address of your facility. Lines 5 and 6. City, Borough, Township and County - Enter the name of the municipality, check the box indicating the type of municipality and enter the name of the county in which the active portions of your facility are located. Lines 7, 8 and 9. Contact Name, Title, and Phone No. - Enter the name, title, and phone number of the facility person who is knowledgeable about the contents of this report. This person may or may not be the same person who certifies this report. Lines 10 and 11. Operator Name and Address - Enter the legal name and mailing address of the person, firm, public organization, or other entity which operates the facility described in this report. This may or may not be the name and address of the facility. Section B. Fee Computation (All weights must be expressed in tons, rounded to the nearest tenth of a ton. 3 cubic yards = 1 ton; and 1 ton = 2,000 pounds) Lines 1, 2 and 3. Monthly Totals - Enter the total tons you received for each type of waste specified on the form, for each month of the quarter. Total each line across and enter the totals in the space provided to the right of each line. These totals must equal the total amount of each type of waste received for each month. Line 4. Total Waste - Enter the total tons from left to right for each type of waste received for the quarter. The sum of tons across Line 4 must equal the sum of Lines 1, 2, and 3. Line 5. If your facility is located within one host municipality, multiply the TOTAL tons on Line 4 by the $1.00 (or more) per ton Host Municipality Benefit Fee. If your facility is located within more than one host municipality, you must multiply the TOTAL tons on Line 4 by $1.00 (or more) per ton and multiply that result by the percentage of permitted area of your facility in the host municipality for which you are reporting. Insert fee rate/ton if more than $1.00. Line 6. Preexisting Agreement Credit - Enter the amount paid this quarter to the host municipality pursuant to a preexisting agreement with the host municipality. Any amounts paid by an operator to a host municipality pursuant to a preexisting agreement shall be deducted from the fee. 2560-FM-BWM0160 Instructions Rev. 10/2009 Line 7. Net Fee - For preexisting agreements only, subtract Line 6 from the fee calculation on Line 5 and enter the result on Line 7. If there is no preexisting agreement, enter the result from Line 5 on Line 7. Line 8. Discount for Timely Payment - If your fee payment is timely, that is, postmarked on or before the twentieth day of the month following the quarter for which you are reporting, multiply the dollar amount on Line 7 by 1% (0.01) and enter the result on Line 8. Line 9. Penalty for Late Payment - If your fee payment is not timely as defined in the instructions for Line 8, multiply the dollar amount on Line 7 by 5% (0.05) if the payment is not more than one month late and enter the result on Line 9. If the payment is more than one month late, multiply the dollar amount on Line 7 by 5% (0.05) per month and per fraction of a month for which the payment is late and enter the result on Line 9. This penalty cannot exceed 25%. Late payments of the benefit fee will also be subject to an interest charge calculated by the Host Municipality, who will notify you of the amount of interest due. Line 10. Net Fee Due - If your fee payment is timely, subtract Line 8 from Line 7 and enter the result on Line 10. If your fee payment is late, add Line 9 to Line 7 and enter the result on Line 10. The result on Line 10 is the net fee due. Please make a check or money order for this amount and submit this payment with this report to the Host Municipality. Send a copy of this report to: PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Management P.O. Box 8550 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550 Section C. Certification - An operator / contact must print or type his/her name, and sign and date the form. The copy of the form accompanying the fee payment must bear an original (not stamped or photocopied) signature.