1 Global complexity and the carsystem JOHN URRY Dept of Sociology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA14YL, UK j.urry@lancaster.ac.uk This paper seeks to show that theories complex systems are relevant to deciphering the nature of global relationships. Such analyses are especially relevant to hybrids of social-and physical relations that seem especially significant in the contemporary world. The paper begins with an introductory account of complexity theory as applied to social phenomena. The bulk of the paper then considers one particular hybrid utterly central to ‘globalisation’, the car system and how it is to be theorised via complexity notions. Notions of path dependency are deployed in examining this global car system as a leading example of ‘global complexity’. Automobility taken to be an ‘island of order’ as analysed by Prigogine. Complexity is also I try to show the starting point for examining how this global system that seems so unchangeable, so stable, may through small changes, if they occur in a certain order, tip it into a post car mobility system (via the analysis of tipping points). I thus consider some ways of theorising how exactly the car system will in the course of the twenty first century becomes extinct. COMPLEXITY CAR-SYSTEM GLOBALISATION PATH DEPENDENCY TIPPING POINT ‘Time is not absolutely defined’. Albert Einstein ‘We are observing the birth of a science that is no longer limited to idealized and simplified situations but reflects the complexity of the real world, a science that views us and our creativity as part of the fundamental trend present at all levels of nature’. Ilya Prigogine ‘Elements are elements only for the system that employs them as units and they are such only through this system’. Niklas Luhmann ‘…city life is subtly but profoundly changed, sacrificed to that abstract space where cars circulate like so many atomic particles…. [T]he driver is concerned only with steering himself to his [sic] destination, and in looking about sees only what he needs to see for that purpose; he thus perceives only his route, which has been materialized, mechanized, and technicized, and he sees it from one angle only – that of its functionality: speed, readability, facility’. Henri Lefebvre 1. The growth of the global The 1990s has seen the growth of the internet with a take-up faster than any previous technology, with 1 billion users soon worldwide. The dealings of foreign exchange that occur each day are worth $1.4 trillion, sixty times greater than the amount of world trade. Communications ‘on the move’ are being transformed with new mobile phones now more common in the world than conventional land-line phones. There are 700m international journeys made each year, a figure soon to pass 1 billion. 3 billion people across the world receiving the same total income as the richest 300. Globally branded companies have budgets greater than individual countries. Images of the blue earth from space or the golden arches of McDonalds are ubiquitous across the world upon the billion TV sets. New technologies are producing ‘global times’ with distances between places and peoples dramatically reducing, even ‘de-materialising’. Various commentators have tried to understand these global changes. Giddens has described modern social life as being like a driverless out-of-control ‘juggernaut’ (1990), Bauman describes speeded-up ‘liquid modernity’ (2000), Castells elaborates the growth of an ‘internet galaxy’ (2001), Hardt and Negri suggest that nation-state sovereignty have been replaced by a single system of power, of ‘empire’ (2000), Rifkin 2 analyses the implications of the ‘new physics’ for the study of capitalist property relations (2000: 191-3), while over one hundred authors a year elaborate the ‘globalisation’ of economic, social and political life (see for example, Held, McGrew, Goldblatt, Perraton 1999). These debates transform existing controversies, such as the relative significance of social structure and human agency. Moreover, there is no single and agreed-upon globalisation-thesis; there are five main theories based respectively upon the concepts of structure, flow, ideology, performance, and complexity (see Urry 2003: chap 1). It is the last of these, the notion of global complexity that concerns me here (see Urry 2003). And in coupling together the ‘global’ and ‘complexity’ I am not claiming that complexity solves all the problems of the social sciences. Nor is globalisation only and exhaustively comprehensible through complexity. And most of all I am not suggesting that the ‘social’ implications of complexity are clear cut. But since the systemic features of globalisation are not yet appropriately theorised (see Rosenberg’s critique, 2000), it is worth examining whether the complexity sciences may provides concepts and methods that illuminate globalisation as a series of self-organising systems (see related efforts in Capra 2002, Urry 2003). I thus take up the recommendations of the US-based Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences, chaired by Wallerstein and including non-linear scientist Prigogine (Wallerstein 1996). The Commission advocates breaking down the division between ‘natural’ and ‘social’ science through seeing both characterised by ‘complexity’ (Wallerstein 1996; more generally on the growth of complexity thinking, see Thrift 1999). This involves not ‘conceiving of humanity as mechanical, but rather instead conceiving of nature as active and creative’, to make ‘the laws of nature compatible with the idea of events, of novelty, and of creativity’. The Commission recommends how scientific analysis ‘based on the dynamics of nonequilibria, with its emphasis on multiple futures, bifurcation and choice, historical dependence, and …intrinsic and inherent uncertainty’ should be the model for the social sciences and this would undermine clear-cut divisions between humans and nature, and between social and natural science (Wallerstein 1996: 61, 63). However, this Commission is silent on the study of globalisation although the global level is surely par excellence characterised by complex processes that are simultaneously social and natural (Urry 2003). Indeed most significant phenomena that the so-called social sciences now deal with are hybrids of physical and social relations, with no purified sets of the physical or the social. Such hybrids include health, technologies, the environment, the internet, automobility, extreme weather and so on. These hybrids central in any analysis of global relations are best examined through complexity-analyses of the interdependent ‘inhuman’ or material worlds (see also Capra 2002). 2. Complexity Complexity examines how components of a system through their dynamic interaction ‘spontaneously’ develop collective properties or patterns that are not implicit within, or at least not implicit in the same way, within individual components (see Urry 2003:chap 2 for a fuller account). Complexity investigates emergent properties, certain regularities of behaviour that somehow transcend the ingredients that make them up. Complexity argues against reducing the whole to the parts. And in so doing it transforms scientific understanding of far-from-equilibrium structures, of irreversible times and of nonEuclidean mobile spaces. It emphasises the nature of strong interactions occurring between the parts of systems, with often the absence of a central hierarchical structure that ‘governs’ and produces outcomes. These outcomes are both uncertain and irreversible. The use of complexity should enable us to break with dualistic thinking, which holds that there either are ‘systems’ or there are ‘system failures’ (Malpas and Wickham 1995). Chaos and order are to be seen as always interconnected within systems operating in and through time-space. Time and space are not to be understood as the container of bodies that move along these dimensions (Capra 1996; Casti 1994; Prigogine 1997). Time and space are internal to the processes by which the physical and 3 social worlds themselves operate, helping to constitute their very powers. Such a view leads to the thesis that there is not a single time but multiple times and that such times appear to flow. Hawking summarises how: ‘Space and time are now dynamic qualities: when a body moves, or a force acts, it affects the curvature of space and time - and in turn the structure of space-time affects the way in which bodies move and forces act’ (1988: 33; Adam 1998). More generally, thermodynamics shows that there is an irreversible flow of time. Rather than there being time-symmetry and a reversibility of time as postulated in classical physics, there is a clear distinction between the past and future. An arrow of time results within open systems in the loss of organisation and an increase in randomness or disorder over time (Coveney 2000). But there is not a simple growth of disorder. Prigogine shows how new order arises but it is far from equilibrium. There are what he terms dissipative structures, islands of new order within a sea of disorder, maintaining or even increasing their order at the expense of greater overall entropy. He describes how such localised order ‘floats in disorder’ (cited Capra 1996: 184). It is non-equilibrium situations that are sources of new order. Turbulent flows of water and air, which appear chaotic, are highly organised. Matter continuously flows into the vortex funnel of a whirlpool in a bath. The system is organisationally closed and maintains a stable form although it is far from equilibrium. Moreover, the very phenomena of time and space are historical. The big bang apparently created in that very moment both space and time. There was no pre-existing space and time: ‘any attempt to explain the origin of the physical universe must perforce involve an explanation of how space and time came into existence too’ (Davies 2001: 57). There is therefore no ‘time’ before the big bang, and if/when the universe ends in another singular event time (and space) will also cease. Space and time appear to have been spontaneously created, part of the systemic nature of the universe. They are suddenly switched on, through an unpredictable and yet apparently irreversible quantum change (Hawking 1988; Coveney and Highfield 1990; Casti 1994). Times are both multiple and unpredictable. Prigogine talks of the ‘end of certainty’ as the complexity sciences overcome what he calls the ‘two alienating images of a deterministic world and an arbitrary world of pure chance’ (1997: 189). Complexity thus repudiates the dichotomies of determinism and chance, as well as nature and society, being and becoming, stasis and change. Physical systems do not exhibit and sustain unchanging structural stability. The complexity sciences elaborate how there is order and disorder within all physical and social phenomena including, according to Kauffman, within the nature of evolution itself (1993). Systems are thus seen by complexity as being ‘on the edge of chaos’. Order and chaos are in a kind of balance where the components are neither fully locked into place but yet do not dissolve into anarchy. Chaos is not complete anarchic randomness but there is a ‘orderly disorder’ present within all such dynamic systems (see Hayles 1991, 1999). A further consequence of this flowingness of time is that minor changes in the past produce potentially huge effects in the present. Such small events are not ‘forgotten’. Chaos theory in particular rejects the common-sense notion that only large changes in causes produce large changes in effects (Gleick 1988). Following a deterministic set of rules, unpredictable yet patterned results can be generated, with small causes on occasions producing large effects and vice versa. The classic example is the butterfly effect accidentally discovered by Lorenz in 1961. Minuscule changes at one location can theoretically produce, if modelled by three coupled non-linear equations, very large weather effects to occur very far in time and/or space from the original site of the hypothetical wings flapping (Casti 1994: 96; Maasen and Weingart 2000: 93-4. There is no consistent relationship between cause and effect. Rather relationships between variables can be non-linear with abrupt switches occurring, so the same ‘cause’ can in specific circumstances produce quite different kinds of effect. Capra describes how ‘Nonlinear phenomena dominate much more of the inanimate world than we had thought, and they are an essential aspect of the network pattern of living systems’ (1996: 122; White 1995). 4 Chaos theory is based upon iteration of a relatively simple mathematical algorithm. Complexity by contrast investigates systems capable of adapting and evolving, which are organising over time (see Mitleton-Kelly 2003). The character of such complex social interactions have been likened to walking through a maze whose walls rearrange themselves as each new step is taken (Gleick 1988: 24). And as one walks new sets of steps have to be made in order to adjust to the changing location of the surrounding walls of the maze. Complexity thus investigates the emergent, dynamic and self-organising systemic properties (Prigogine 1997: 35). Such systems are unstable. A particular agent rarely produces a single and confined effect. Interventions or changes will tend to produce an array of possible effects right across the system in question. Prigogine describes these system effects as ‘a world of irregular, chaotic motions’ (1997: 155). Cohen and Stewart describe those ‘regularities of behaviour that somehow seem to transcend their own ingredients’ (1994: 232; Byrne 1998: chap 3; Jervis 1997, on ‘system effects’). It is not that the sum is greater than the size of its parts – but that there are system effects that are somehow different from its parts. Complexity examines how components of a system through their interaction ‘spontaneously’ develop collective properties or patterns. Moreover, if a system passes a particular threshold with minor changes in the controlling variables, switches may occur and the emergent properties turn over. Thus a liquid turns or tips into a gas, relatively warm weather suddenly transforms into an ice age (Byrne 1998: 23; Cohen and Stewart 1994: 21). Nicolis summarises how in a non-linear system: ‘adding two elementary actions to one another can induce dramatic new effects reflecting the onset of cooperativity between the constituent elements. This can give rise to unexpected structures and events whose properties can be quite different from those of the underlying elementary laws’ (1995: 1-2). In particular, the emergence of patterning within any given system stems from coevolution and mutual adaptation. An emergent complex system is the result of a rich interaction of simple elements that ‘only respond to the limited information each is presented with’ (Cilliers 1998: 5). Agents act in terms of the local environment but each agent adapts, or co-evolves, to local circumstances ‘within an environment in which other similar agents are also adapting, so that changes in one agent may have consequences for the environment and thus the success of other agents’ (Gilbert 1995: 148). Each co-evolves, demonstrating a ‘capability to “orientate” to macro-level properties’ so paradoxically bringing into being certain emergent properties (Gilbert 1995: 151). In particular dynamic systems do not move through all possible parts of a potential or phase space but instead occupies a restricted part of it. This stems from the mathematics of attractors (Capra 1996: chap 6). The simplest attractor is a point, as with the unforced swinging of a pendulum with friction. The simple system reaches the single point attractor. Metaphorically it can be said that ‘the fixed point at the centre of the coordinate system “attracts” the trajectory’ (Capra 1996: 130). A more complex example is a domestic central heating/air conditioning system where the attractor consists of a specified range of temperatures. The relationship is not linear but involves negative feedback mechanisms or processes to minimise deviance and re-establish the range of temperatures. It is impossible to predict exactly what the precise temperature will be – only that it will lie within the range that constitutes the attractor. Topologically this attractor is like a doughnut, a system close to equilibrium in which effective negative feedback loops always bring the temperatures back within the range specified within the system. This is a self-regulating and bounded system where negative feedback is crucial. Byrne suggests that this is analogous to Fordism that functioned for much of the twentieth century as an attractor for leading industrial societies (see Byrne 1998: 28). In certain complex systems there are ‘strange attractors’. These are unstable spaces to which the trajectory of dynamical systems is attracted through billions of iterations as agents are co-evolving in complex ways over time. What are important here are positive feedbacks that take the system away from equilibrium (Byrne 1998: 26-9). This dynamic instability can be seen in the butterfly shaped 5 Lorenz attractor (see Capra 1996: 133). Such attractors are immensely sensitive in the effects generated to slight variations in their initial conditions. Thus: ‘very small differences in the value of control parameters at the bifurcation point determine which of two radically different trajectories the system settles into’ (Byrne 1998: 28). And as iteration occurs time and time again, so an unstable and unpredictable pattern develops. It is impossible to predict which point in such space the trajectory of an attractor will pass through even though there are deterministic laws involved. Much recent science has been concerned to characterise the shaping or topology of such strange attractors. (Capra 1996: 132). Central to the patterning of attractors in time and space are the different feedback mechanisms. Early cybernetic research under the auspices of the Macy Conferences in the post-World War II period emphasised the importance of negative feedback loops. These have the effect of restoring the homeostatic functioning of whatever system was under examination. However, in later systems formulations, of complexity or the non-linear, positive feedback loops are much more examined. These are viewed as exacerbating initial stresses in the system, so rendering it unable to absorb shocks and re-establishing the original equilibrium (Hayles 1999). Positive feedback occurs when a change tendency is reinforced rather than dampened down. Positive feedback can be seen in the economic and sociological analyses of increasing returns that occur across a whole industry or activity (Arthur 1994; Waldrop 1994; and see section 3 below). Maturana and Varela developed the notion that systems are autopoietic (Maturana 1981; Mingers 1995). Autopoiesis involves the idea that living systems entail a process of selfmaking or self-producing. There is a network of production processes in which the function of each component is to participate in the production or transformation of other components in the network. In this way the network comes to make itself. It is produced by the components and this in turn produces the components. In a living system the product of its operation is its own organisation, with the development of boundaries specifying the domain of its operations and defining the self-making system (Capra 1996: 98; Hayles 1999: chap 6). Autopoiesis can also be seen in the nature of urban growth. Small local preferences mildly expressed in the concerns of individuals, such as wanting to live with those who are ethnically similar, produces very strongly segregated self-organising neighbourhoods such as those characteristic of large American cities. Krugman argues that residential patterns are unstable in the face of random perturbations: ‘local, short-range interactions can create large-scale [self-organizing] structure’ (1996: 17). In the next section I relate these varied notions to one particular global system, that of automobility (other global systems are examined in Urry 2003). 3. Complexity and the Car One billion cars were manufactured during the last century. There are over 700m cars roaming the world. World car travel is predicted to triple between 1990 and 2050 (Hawkin, Lovins, Lovins 1999). Country after country is developing an ‘automobile culture’ with the most significant at present being China. By 2030 there may be 1 billion cars worldwide (Motavalli 2000: 20-1, 231-2). Strangely the car is rarely discussed in the ‘globalisation literature’ although its domination is more systemic than the cinema, television and the computer normally viewed as global technologies. I show below that automobility is a profoundly significant and interesting example of ‘global complexity’ (see Sheller and Urry 2000, for much below). ‘Automobility’ is a hybrid assemblage, of humans (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) as well as machines, roads, buildings, signs and entire cultures of mobility with which it is intertwined (Thrift 1996: 282-84). What is key is not the ‘car’ as such but the system of these fluid interconnections since: ‘a car is not a car because of its physicality but because systems of provision and categories of things are “materialized” in a stable form’ that then we might say possesses very distinct affordances (Slater 2001: 6). It is necessary to consider what stable form or ‘system’ automobility constitutes as it makes and remakes itself across the globe. 6 Automobility should be viewed through the language of complexity, as a self-organising, non-linear system (autopoeitic automobility!). It spreads world-wide, cars, car-drivers, roads, petroleum supplies and a huge array of novel objects, technologies and signs that cars both presuppose and call into existence. The system generates the preconditions for its own self-expansion. Luhmann defines autopoeisis as: ‘everything that is used as a unit by the system is produced as a unit by the system itself. This applies to elements, processes, boundaries, and other structures and, last but not least, to the unity of the system itself’ (1990: 3; see Mingers 1995). Automobility has, especially through calling into being new times and spaces, produced what is ‘used by a unit as a unit’. This system of automobility stems from the path-dependent pattern laid down in the 1890s. Once economies and societies were ‘locked in’ to the ‘steel-and-petroleum’ car, massive increasing returns resulted for those producing and selling those cars and its associated infrastructure, products and services (see Arthur 1994). And at the same time social life irreversibly locked in to the mode of mobility that automobility both generates and presupposes. This mode of mobility is neither socially necessary nor inevitable but seems impossible to break from. From relatively small causes an irreversible pattern was laid down and this has ensured the preconditions for automobility’s selfexpansion over the past ‘century of the car’. Such increasing returns are connected with how patterns of socio-technical development are ‘path-dependent’ (see Kelly 1998). The notions of path dependence emphasises the importance over time of the ordering of events or processes. Contra linear models the temporal patterning in which events or processes occur influences the way that they eventually turn out (Mahoney 2000: 536). Causation can indeed flow from contingent minor events to hugely powerful general processes that through increasing returns get locked in over lengthy periods of time. ‘History matters’ in the processes of pathdependent developments (North 1990: 100). This path-dependence is typically established for small-scale, local reasons. Thus most famously the QWERTY keyboard of the typewriter was introduced in 1873 in order to slow down typists. However, having established the keyboard layout for such small-scale reasons in the late 19th century, this layout remained even with the huge technological changes in what a ‘keyboard’ is in the late twentieth century (see Arthur 1994; North 1990). And in the 1890s there were three main methods of propelling vehicles: petrol, steam and electric batteries, with the latter two being more ‘efficient’ (Motavalli 2000: chap1; Scharff 1991). Petroleum fuelled cars were established for small-scale, more or less accidental reasons, partly because a petrol fuelled vehicle was one of only 2 to complete a ‘horseless carriage competition’ in Chicago in 1896. The petrol system got established and ‘locked’ in, and the rest is history so to speak. Thus small causes occurring in a certain order at the end of the nineteenth century turned out to have awesome and irreversible consequences for the twentieth century. The ‘path-dependence’ of the petroleum-based car got locked in although it was not technologically preferable. But having got locked in the rest is history, as an astonishing array of other industries, activities and interests came to mobilise around the petroleum-based car. As North writes more generally: ‘Once a development path is set on a particular course, the network externalities, the learning process of organizations, and the historically derived subjective modelling of the issues reinforce the course’ (1990: 99). What is key is that: ‘small chance events become magnified by positive feedback’ and this ‘locks in’ such systems so that increasing returns or positive feedback result over time (Brian Arthur, quoted in Waldrop 1994: 49). Relatively deterministic patterns of inertia reinforce established patterns through processes of positive feedback. This escalates change through a ‘lock-in’ that over time takes the system away from what we might imagine to be the point of ‘equilibrium’ and from what could have been optimal in ‘efficiency’ terms, such as a non-QWERTY keyboard or electric forms of powering cars (Motavalli 2000). The importance of the lock-in means that institutions matter a great deal to how systems develop. Such institutions can produce a long term irreversibility that is ‘both more predictable and more difficult to 7 reverse’ (North 1990: 104). The effects of the petroleum car over a century after its chance establishment show how difficult it is to reverse locked-in institutional processes as billions of agents co-evolve and adapt to that remaking itself across the globe (see Sheller and Urry 2000). In particular automobility has irreversibly set in train new socialities, of family life, community, leisure, the pleasures of movement and so on. The growth in automobility produces new movement and is not the replacement of public transport by the car (see Vigar 2002: 12; Adams 1999). These mobilities result from how the car system is immensely flexible and wholly coercive. Automobility is a source of freedom, the ‘freedom of the road’. Its flexibility enables the car-driver to travel at speed, at any time in any direction along the complex road systems of western societies that link together most houses, workplaces and leisure sites. Cars therefore extend where people can go to and hence what as humans they are literally able to do. Much of what many people now think of as ‘social life’ could not be undertaken without the flexibilities of the car and its availability 24 hours a day. It is possible to leave late by car, to miss connections, to travel in a relatively time-less fashion. People travel when they want to, along routes that they choose, finding new places unexpectedly, stopping for relatively open-ended periods of time, and moving on when they desire. But at the same time this flexibility is necessitated by automobility. The ‘structure of auto space’ (Freund 1993; Kunstler 1994) forces people to orchestrate in complex and heterogeneous ways their mobilities and socialities across very significant distances. The urban environment, built during the latter half of the twentieth century for the convenience of the car, has ‘unbundled’ territorialities of home, work, business, and leisure. Members of families are split up since they will live in distant places necessarily involving complex travel to meet up intermittently. People inhabit congestion, jams, temporal uncertainties and healththreatening city environments, as a consequence of being encapsulated in a privatised, cocooned, moving capsule (see Flink 1988; Whitelegg 1997; Miller 2000). Automobility is thus a system in which everyone is coerced into an intense flexibility. It forces people to juggle tiny fragments of time so as to deal with the temporal and spatial constraints that it itself generates. Automobility develops ‘instantaneous’ time to be managed in highly complex, heterogeneous and uncertain ways; there is an individualistic timetabling of many instants or fragments of time. The car system we might thus see as a Frankenstein-created monster, extending the individual into realms of freedom and flexibility whereby inhabiting the car can be positively viewed, but also constraining car ‘users’ to live their lives in spatially-stretched and time-compressed ways. The car is the ‘iron cage’ of modernity, motorised, moving and privatised. Automobility thus produces desires for flexibility that only the car system can satisfy. But it is a key feature of complexity approaches that nothing is fixed forever. Abbott maintains that there is ‘the possibility for a pattern of actions to occur to put the key in the lock and make a major turning point occur’ (Abbott 2001: 257). Such non-linear outcomes are generated by systems moving across turning or what Gladwell terms tipping points (2000). Tipping points involve three notions: that events and phenomena are contagious, that little causes can have big effects, and that changes can happen not in a gradual linear way but dramatically at a moment when the system switches. Gladwell describes the consumption of fax machines or mobile phones, when at a moment every office needs a fax machine or every mobile person needs a mobile. Wealth derives not from scarcity as in conventional economics but from abundance (Gladwell 2000: 272-3). Thus the issue for the current car system is whether a tipping point may occur when suddenly the whole world turns its back on it. What might complexity say about such a possibility? It should be noted to start with here that I have only considered one form of the car and especially with how the ‘pathdependence’ of the privately owned and mobilised ‘steel-and-petroleum’ car was established and ‘locked’ in. Also we should note that current thinking about what is to be done about global automobility is characterised by linear-thinking: can existing cars can be given a small technical fix to 8 increase fuel consumption or can existing modes of public transport be improved and take some business away from cars and roads. But complexity would suggest that the real challenge is how to move to a different pattern; is there a tipping point analogous to the history of the mobile phone, which fully breaks with the current car-system? Complexity surely shows that such a system could not be disrupted by linear changes but only by a set of interdependent small transformations occurring in a certain order that might move, or tip, the system into a new path (see Sheller and Urry 2000; Gladwell 2000). It is interesting to note that linear models are critiqued on all sides, not only by theorists of non-linear dynamics (Prigogine 1997; Nicolis 1995; Capra 1996, 2001) but also by empirically oriented sociologists (see Abbott’s critique of ‘generalised linear reality’; 2001). According to Abbott ‘path-dependence’ shows that ‘time matters’ (2001). It is a process model in which systems develop irreversibly through a ‘lock-in’ but with only certain small causes being necessary to prompt their initiation, as indeed with the unpredictable origins of the petrol-based car (Mahoney 2000: 535-536). To break with the current car-system (what Adams 1999, terms ‘business as usual’), we need to examine ‘turning points’. Abbott argues that change is the normal order of things and indeed many assessments of contemporary social life emphasise the increasingly accelerating nature of such changes. But there are certain networks of social relations that are amazingly stabilised for long periods of time, what are often called social structures. And one such structure is the car-system that is remarkably stable and unchanging. And this is so although a huge economic, social and technological maelstrom of change surrounds it (Abbott 2001: 256). The car system one might say seems to sail on regardless, well over a century old and increasingly able to ‘drive’ out competitors, such as feet, bikes, buses and trains. It is increasingly out-of-date, unlike almost all important domestic technologies of the twentieth century, being based not on electric power but oil-based combustion. The twentieth century saw homes and garages increasingly full of electric goods – except for the oddly out-dated car. I now note some small technical-economic, policy and social changes that could just be laying down the seeds of a new mobility for the rest of this century. If they develop in the next decade or so, then a turning point will be reached through their systemic temporal interdependencies. If they occur in the ‘right order’, which we will probably only know in retrospect, they will produce a new mobility, the ‘post-car system’ (see Graham and Marvin 2001, for a different view). These small changes include new fuel systems including batteries, hybrid cars powered by diesel and batteries, and hydrogen or methanol fuel cells; new materials for constructing ‘car’ bodies that will be many times lighter; ‘smart-card’ technology to transfer fares, charges, information from car, to home, to bus, to train, to workplace, to web site, to shop-till, to bank; the deprivatisation of the car through extensive car-sharing, car clubs and car-hire schemes; shifts in transport policy away from predict and provide models; and communications that are embedded within and coterminous with forms of transport (see inter alia Hawken, Lovins, Lovins 1999; US Department of Transportation 1999; Motavalli 2000; Thrift 2001; Vigar 2002). This system of the ‘post-car’ would consist of small, light, smart, probably hydrogen-based, deprivatised ‘vehicles’ electronically and physically integrated with many other forms of mobility. In the post-car system there will be a mixed flow of slow-moving semi-public micro-cars, bikes, many hybrid vehicles, pedestrians and mass transport integrated into a mobility of physical and virtual access. Electronic tolls will regulate access and speed. Neighbourhoods will foster ‘access by proximity’ through denser living patterns and integrated land use, and promoting electronic coordination between motorised and nonmotorised transport and between those ‘on the move’ in many different ways (Hawken, Lovins, Lovins 1999: 47; Sheller and Urry 2000). Complexity approaches emphasise three points here about such a shift away from the current car system. First, the pattern of ‘public mobility’, of the dominance of buses, 9 trains, coaches and ships, will not be reestablished. That has been irreversibly lost because of the self-expanding character of the car system that has produced and necessitated individualised mobility based upon instantaneous time, fragmentation and flexibility. Any post-car system will involve the individualised movement that automobility presupposes and brought into being as an irreversible consequence of the century of the car. Second, the days of steel and petroleum automobility are in fact numbered. By 2100 it seems inconceivable that individualised mobility will be based upon the nineteenth century technologies of steel bodied cars and petroleum engines. A tipping or turning point will occur during the twenty first century when the steel and petroleum car system will finally be seen as a dinosaur (a bit like the Soviet empire, early freestanding PCs or immobile phones). When it is so seen then it will be dispatched for good and no-one will comprehend how such a large, wasteful and planet-destroying creature could have ruled the earth. Suddenly the system of automobility will disappear and become like a dinosaur housed in museums and we will wonder what all the fuss was about. Third, this tipping point is unpredictable. It cannot be read off from linear changes in existing firms, industries, practices and economies. Just as the internet and the mobile phone came from ‘nowhere’, so the tipping point towards the ‘post car’ will emerge unpredictably. It will probably arrive from a set of technologies or firms or governments that are currently not a centre of the car industry and culture, as with the Finnish toilet paper maker Nokia and the unexpected origins of the mobile phone. 4. Conclusion I noted above how Prigogine analyses how there are dissipative structures, islands of new order within a sea of disorder, islands that increase their order at the expense of greater overall disorder. Prigogine describes how each of these pockets of order ‘floats in disorder’ (cited Capra 1996: 184). And such localised order involve processes of selfmaking. I have then examined the global car system as a leading example of ‘global complexity’. In particular, automobility is one of those ‘islands of order’ and as a ‘turbulent flow’ it has proceeded to generate greater entropy or disorder across the globe. Complexity is also the starting point for examining how this global system that seems so unchangeable, may through small changes, if they occur in a certain order, tip it into a post car mobility system. And when exactly the car does become a dinosaur fit for museums will determine the long-term viability of many aspects of life on ‘earth’. And I suggest this will have happened by the end of this century. But predicting though when exactly this will happen is impossible although this paper has argued that the categories of complexity are the way to examine how such possibilities may develop and intersect and how a system that seems utterly intractable may just one day turn over and die. References Abbott, A. 2001. Time Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Adam, B. 1998. Timescapes of Modernity. 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