Cours anglais

Séance 6 : the ecological aspect
Introduction : Spiderweb
Find elements relating ecology and roadtrip : (diviser au tableau With car/Car-free)
Hybrid vehicle
Reduce exhaust gas
Green consumerism
Using public transports
Avoid using the air conditioning
Hike (randonnée)
Green cars/environmentally friendly car
Hydrogen vehicles
Electric car
Ecological aim
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Natural gas
Rappel adjectifs
Première étape : Towards green cars in the US
Prendre les éléments du D p.51 afin de travailler les éléments pour l'expression écrite.
 There are 10 sentences which goes in pair, find the 5 pairs. (Pour travailler la compréhension de l'écrit pour trouver
des points communs) 2 MINUTES
 Link the two sentences with relatives or link words.
a. Electric vehicles came into existence in the 19th century.
b. At that time electricity was one of the preferred methods of motor vehicle propulsion. WHEN
a. Credit for building the first electric car usually goes to Robert Anderson.
b. The Scottish inventor built an electric carriage with non-rechargeable electric cells.
a. Today's average Americans drive less than 40 miles per day. AS/SINCE
b. A typical electric vehicle is adequate for the daily driving needs of most US consumers.
a. Ford had up to now mainly relied on the making of pickup trucks and SUVs.
b. Ford now expects to develop its production of electric vehicles.
a. Ford had announced it would make 250,000 hybrids a year.
b. Ford admitted later it could not meet that goal due to high costs.
What is the common point between all those sentences (the words most repeated) ? They talk about electric car, as a
consequence green car or environmentally friendly/eco-friendly car.
Is it a new idea the electric car ? No because in the first sentences it is said that in the 19th century there already were electric
cars because it was the most used method of motor vehicle propulsion.
Pick out the people mentioned in the different sentences. Robert Anderson/Ford.
Pick out the elements which link them to the green cars. The former built an electric carriage and the other one decided to
develop the production of electric vehicles (250,000 hybrid cars a year).
Find elements in the sentences to say if it was a success or not. For the first one it was still the beginning of electric cars so
there has been progress since. For the other one, in a more modern time, it was not a success/a failure since Ford was not able
to make the 250,000 hybrid cars a year he wanted.
Trace écrite : green cars.
We can find electric cars in the US since the 19th century as electricity was a good method for the propulsion. Several people
and firms tried to make of the electric car something popular. Indeed, there was the Scottish Robert Anderson who built an
electric carriage. Then much later the firm Ford decided to adopt an eco-friendly position by deciding to make 250,000 hybrid
cars a year but he failed to do it.
Deuxième phase : Car-free, visit the USA
Scanner le document de la tâche finale du livre
Donner le titre du document et demander : « what sort of information can we find in a document having this title? »
Means of transportation, places to visit, things to do, an eco-friendly way to visit the USA.
What sort of transport do you think we will find? The train, the bus, hiking, bycicle...
Nature of the document : This is a sort of advertisment/brochure to promote car-free trips
Source of the document : This comes from a website the adress of which is at the bottom of the document.
Préparer une carte des USA pour repérage des lieux, au moins une carte à projeter car eux en possèdent une.
Fill in the chart.
First situation
Second situation
Third situation
Fourth situation
Means of
Places to visit
South Dakota
Grand Canyon
New England's
countryside and the sea
Things to do
Cycling along the 109 Hiking
miles of the George S
Mickelson trail.
Things to see
Black hills
The countryside,
vintage steam engines
and restored diesel
The red rocks wonders
of Arches National Park,
the forests of the La Sal
Thriving (the travel)
Breathtaking forests.
Four geological eras
The black hills are still Take a thrilling trip
sacred to the Lakota
Situer les différents endroits sur la carte
Trace écrite :
This document is a brochure to promote trips in the USA without using a car. There are four different ways presented in the
brochure to visit the country, and four different places. The four means of transportation mentionned in the document are
biking, hiking, rafting and the train. It's four transports which enable people to visit four different regions : Utah, New England,
Arizona with the Grand Canyon, and South Dakota. Then, the brochure presents different things to do there, and things you
should see in these areas.
Tâche finale :
What arguments could you use for the final task, in which category?