Why Should I Attend Celebration?????? 1. What’s it like and what will we do? HAC is a fun and very active retreat weekend intended to bring you closer to God. There will be about 70 people there including about 50 high school teens from freshmen to just graduated seniors from high school and some adults to help the teen leaders put on the weekend. About half are boys and half girls. It is held at Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston TX twice a year and is open to all high school youth of whatever denomination and is multi-ethnic. Participants will be put into small groups of teens called families to get to know each other and to do the weekend together. There will be talks by teens and a pastor, projects you and your family will do together, worship activities, and some fun and serious events that will likely bring you close to the other members of your HAC family group and in your relationship with God. After this two day retreat is over many want to return to “staff” following weekends to serve new participants and continue their friendships. We think you will find it a very loving and supportive environment with an opportunity to get real with other high school youth. You will not be required to do or say anything you would be very uncomfortable with although we will likely surprise you with some events and activities and we will ask you to trust us as we do some different things that may cause you to step outside your comfort zone. Just like birthday presents, these surprises are more fun when you don’t know in advance just what they will be. No preparation is required and this is not an academic or “learning” weekend but we will keep you busy for most of the two days. You will not be bored! 2. What if I don’t know anybody going? Most of the participants will know only one or two other participants or staff members before going to a Celebration. But we think you will find that the other teens will love finding out about you and becoming your friends. And by the time the closing ceremony you will have a new group of friends who have experienced this wonderful weekend together with you. 3. Will I feel awkward or uncomfortable? You may feel strange initially since there will be youth there from all over the Houston area from many high schools and churches so you may not know many or even any people there before you go. And you will likely be asked to step outside your comfort zone. But by the end of the two days you will likely know a whole new group of friends who you may well want to stay related to. During the weekend, there will be some surprises and fun events as well as some serious moments where you will be asked to think about your relationship with God but you will not be asked to do anything that will embarrass you. In fact the whole weekend is built around the concept of God’s deep love for each teen and adult there. In fact, many of the events should make you feel served, supported, forgiven and deeply loved. 4. Will I be safe? All the events will be held within the boundaries of Camp Cho-Yeh and under the guidance of about 15 Moms and Dads (our name for the adults there supporting the youth leaders) and these adults room with the youth to provide protection and to avoid “purpling.” All meals are provided by the licensed Why Should I Attend Celebration?????? Cho-Yeh kitchen staff and medical treatment is available at the nearby Livingston hospital in case of emergency. Events are mostly indoors and all cabins/rooms are suitably heated or air-conditioned. 5. What are you trying to convince me to believe or do? We hope you will leave Celebration knowing how much God loves you and how great it is to have an authentic group of teens to share that love with. We also hope you will consider returning at a future Celebration weekend to serve other participants and show them God’s love. Or how about listening to what other teens said about Celebration? "My experiences at Celebration will remain with me for the rest of my life!" "Celebration is life changing. It turned my life around." "I couldn't think of a better place to go to grow close to God and make lots of new friends while you're at it." "My mom made me go, but it turned out to be the best weekend of my whole life." "Everyone there made me feel so important."